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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  February 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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>> news station, this is home. at 11. >> look at the hail now at 11, another fickle weather day here in the bay. this hail coming down earlier in calistoga. lots of places would see bright sunshine. one moment, downpours. the next sometimes both at the same time. and this wild weather pattern is far from over. thanks for being with us tonight on kron. 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus coming off that strong storm that hit us wednesday into thursday. we are now bracing for another one coming this weekend. crowd force chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is here to time that one out laurent's jagr and i think that's going to be a dangerous storm headed our way. and i say that because we have that last storm come in, brought us a lot of heavy rain. all the root systems around the bay
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area entirely saturated and soaked in. well, now we're going to get some heavy rain and some much gustier winds with this next system outside right now, fairly calm. we do have a couple of scattered showers popping up around the bay area. we saw that in the afternoon. scattered showers. even a couple isolated thunderstorms. we're not even done with this last system yet. and yet you can see some white clouds to the south. that's part of the next system that is going to be affecting the bay area. but now a few more showers left over tonight and then even tomorrow morning, a couple of scattered showers from this previous system. but we're waiting for the big event and that is just developing off the coastline. you follow that trail of clouds that takes you all the way to the hawaiian islands. it gives you idea. it's got a subtropical tap, a little atmospheric river event. going to be a really intensifying over the next 24 hours. here's latest forecast model this. why this one gets a little more dangerous as approaches the coastline. that area of low pressure is going to come right along the coastline. heavy rain begins by 8 o'clock tonight intensifying overnight tomorrow night and into sunday morning. expect some gusts,
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maybe 60, maybe 80 miles an hour around the bay area. all right, lawrence, more from you. later along the coast in san mateo county, crews are really urging people to prepare for this storm. kron four's dan thorn is in pacifica where he's been speaking with emergency crews. flooding high winds and power outages are what emergency crews are telling people to be ready for this weekend. >> they're expecting this powerful storm to dumped lots of rain on the already saturated ground. >> it's scenes like this that san mateo county emergency crews say people should be prepared for as another large storm barrels toward the bay area. i think people should be thinking about sheltering in place. >> getting ready for a lot of power outages. cal fire battalion chief bob simmons says crews are up staffing this weekend meeting additional engines and a swift water rescue team will be on standby. >> they're anticipating high winds bringing down trees, huge waves crashing along the
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coast and lots of rain. >> mostly concerning right now is everything is already saturated. that's our biggest concern that the? that allows the trees to approve. in the flood stage and the rivers and the creeks. one community prone to flooding is passcode arrow. >> this is video of water taking overpass. could narrow creek road. emergency officials are asking people to stay off of the roads during the storm. friday, shoppers stopped by local hardware stores to stock up on storm gear. every time it rains, it starts to hapren. we've already refill their umbrellas a couple of times we have full supply rain gear were selling and sandbags. >> and water barriers. and i just had a phone call me for a pump, an electric pump about his basement for people living in higher elevations and forest areas. simmons predicts power outages will be very likely. >> he's suggesting residents go elsewhere for the time being or be prepared to rely on each other. san mateo
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county, emergency crews are confident they can handle what's coming. >> most of the employees here have been to quite a few of these storms and know what to expect and have a handle on. >> cal fire and other emergency officials are expecting to get a storm update from the national weather service on saturday morning. they're going to adjust their response accordingly in pacifica, dan thorn kron, 4 news. >> marin county is opening an emergency shelter this weekend. it's it 30 to 40 kerner boulevard in sandra fell and will be open from 5 tomorrow night until 10, 30 sunday morning. and stay with kron. 4 for continuing storm coverage. you can scan the qr code on your screen to be directed to our website where you'll find the latest on closures. flooding outages, downed trees and more. new at 11 san francisco police say a man was attacked and had his car stolen this morning outside the maritime museum near ghirardelli square. it happened shortly before 06:00am near beach and hide. 2
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people attacked the guy. what's he got out of his car? then they took his car. police haven't found the vehicle. the victim was taken to a hospital for treatment. any one with information here is asked to call san francisco police. the new development now in the ongoing debate over autonomous vehicles to bay area. lawmaker wants to change who gives driverless cars. the green light to get out there for some. and harry spoke to local officials about how the proposal could make people safer. >> state senator dave cortese of san jose wants to give local leaders the power to steer driverless cars to safety over as you're stepping off a sidewalk and see it moving car with driver of that, it's under be for people in. it should he introduced his bill in los angeles on friday. it would create more guardrails by putting decisiols regarding driverless vehicles in the hands of local lawmakers instead of state agencies like the public utilities commission and the dmv. it's an idea that's getting support from officials in the bay area. there needs
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to be local control. san mateo county supervisor david canepa says he's looking to move resolution forward that would support cortez. he's bill. >> he says he's been getting a lot of questions about the avs from his constituents. i've talked fire chiefs. >> throughout san mateo county and they're really, really concerned. meanwhile, san francisco city attorney has filed a lawsuit against the cpu for allowing waymo and cruise to expand their services in the city. we don't think certainly with regards to crews that their vehicles were ready for prime time in october, crews vehicles were pulled from san francisco streets after a number of problems including vehicles blocking traffic. >> traffic cones placed on the hood of the cars, disabling the vehicles and one person being run over by a car after another vehicle hit city attorney david shoes says city leaders want to do what is safest for people who live in their area. state regulatory agency, the california public utilities commission
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>> has not done what we had hoped them to do. they permitted and unfettered unlimited expansion of autonomous vehicles on the streets of san francisco cortes. he's bill will get its first policy committee vote in march. amanda hari kron, 4 news. >> take a look at disturbing incident in oakland. 5 guys walked up to a white suv, basically emptied it at gunpoint. it happened monday station on hagan, berger, road we talked to a texas says the victims are her son and his friends who are in the bay to celebrate her kids. 21st birthday, the group, its top to gas up the rental on the way to oakland's airport. >> my son watches and bracelets and they start pulling those things off from him and it but their hands into i'm sorry, they put their hands into his pocket and they start screaming and yelling at him. another gunman goes to the passenger and does the same. they get into the window and they start reaching into his pants. they took
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everything that these kids happened, took their luggage. they took their so my son cell phone. they took everything on. there are things they took school, not tops their school notes there. they've been asked by sunday the they screamed at my son's take off his clothes and his shoes. >> adding insult to injury, she says when her son went in and asked the gas station clerk for help, the clerk chuckled that said this happens every day in oakland. the family is offering $10,000 now for tips that lead to the arrest. the robbers. vacaville police are asking for the public's help identifying 2 people who they say still more than $1700 worth of shoes from the nike outlet. take a look. police say these 2 women stole the shoes and then got into a nissan altima. and immediately hopped on the freeway. police believe the 2 have ties to the antioch area. anyone with information is asked to contact vacaville police. and these are some of the items police say were stolen from a
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walgreens safeway and cbs in los gatos. police say employees were notified. they notify police when they saw a woman taking the things off the shelves and putting them into her bag and then trying to leave the store. however, police were able to arrest the woman. the toll on the golden gate bridge could soon cause cross. officials say fewer cars on the bridge is the problem here. fewer cars means less tow money collected just last july tolls were raised to $8 and $0.75. transportation board will consider this new price hike in march if approved, the toll increases would take effect july 1st. the new belgium taproom near san francisco's oracle park has closed the abrupt shuttering comes just a few years after it opened. it was the first location for new belgium. the makers of fat tire in the bay area. meanwhile, we're still waiting to hear about the fate of san francisco's anchor brewing company. that announcement
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about that. assets with that company is expected by the end of january. but obviously we're still waiting there. fast food chain raising cane's is expanding in the bay will open at a shopping plaza being built in the san jose near capitol expressway. that real estate development firm overseeing the construction tells us it's set to open in the fall. currently there is only one other raising canes in oakland. keep it here. we'll have more news right after the break.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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resorts are warning travelers
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to be ready for dangerous conditions. the sunday, one of the biggest storms of the season is set to hit the area. north star held a special safety day of sizing precautions. resort managers are sharing safety tips. it's looking at. >> you know, the weather forecast. i'm looking at caltrans road conditions and whether there's chain control or all-wheel-drive four-wheel-drive recommended so that's super important. and then as as far as you know, that the ski area goes, we're going to do all that we can to mitigate hazard and get it ready. >> the storm here this weekend comes a month after a man died in an avalanche in palisades tahoe. the investigation into that is ongoing and new this evening, we've learned capitol corridor has canceled bus connections between sacramento and south lake tahoe for sunday and monday as we turn into large to get a check on the forecast. this is
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obviously a live look at coit hour in the city. but a lot of snow coming to the high country, lawrence. yeah, still levels really come down quite a bit to tonight. going to be dropping down about 3,000 feet. but, you know, you might be able to ski tomorrow but sunday, i don't think it's going to be any fun. >> to be up there, they're probably a close some of those ski resorts as those winds are just going to be too strong as that storm system comes just raging through out there right now. they've had some trouble up in the high country. your chain up above 50 80 up there. the snow tapering off a little bit tonight. but watches have been posted starting on sunday in the evening. continue until 04:00am on tuesday with the possibility of some avalanches in the back country. there. all right. speaking of snow, winter storm warnings are up heavy snow likely with some very strong gusty winds probably over 100 miles an hour across some of the ridge tops a snow level down to 3,000 feet, maybe 5 to 6 feet of snow above 7,000 feet. so that's a lot of snow in a short amount of time with possible white out conditions. very dangerous driving up there in the high country right here. we've got a couple
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storm system, one to the north and now it's going kind of merge with this next one coming on the south. and they're really get ready to come on shore. i think we're looking at showers in the morning that rain becoming more steady by the evening. you'll see it right here on the forecast models we head through the night tonight. still more scattered showers on and off 12, 30 tomorrow in the afternoon. not bad. although the rain begins to pick up late in the day, becoming more steady, then it gets heavy overnight as you've got these bands sweeping up from the south, heavy rainfall across the peninsula, the santa cruz mountains. and boy, it just spreads across the bay area and the winds are going to be with him along with that to some gusts think along the coastline, half moon bay, pacific over not of 50. you have a 60 mile an hour gust there and over the santa cruz mountains, maybe as high as 80 miles an hour. so a lot of rain coming around to the bay area and flash flooding a real possibility along with flood watches going up and rainfall amounts. yeah, maybe 4, maybe 6 inches of rain. i think across the santa cruz mountains, maybe a little less in the north bay. but of flood watch has been posted across the bay area and of course, we've already had issues with all that rain from the last
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storm. and so the ground is saturated. these rivers are rising faster. even this time we've got a problem with winds. yeah, very gusty winds out there as well. high wind warnings along the coastline into the santa cruz mountains. i think that's the most dangerous part of the storm system. probably bring a lot of trees. power outages as we head toward tomorrow night and into sunday. what if you had a wife? was just seen issued a flight to vegas to cover the super bowl for kron and they're supposed to leave it sunday morning about 9 o'clock. yeah, a good time. i'd tell her she should leave because i think tomorrow i think it will be they'll be delays. i mean, it's just going to be so windy. specially sfo. >> if you're headed out from there, that's going to be a problem to wind have strong winds, heavy rain. a recipe for not flying for not flying are getting out for you shore. well, hopefully stay safe. yeah, all around the bay this. this could be a lead to some big ones right? thanks, lawrence. more affordable housing is coming to the south bay city. officials in campbell announced today the project will go up at the
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winchester station area between but in camden avenue, 90 of the units will be dedicated to helping unsheltered families in santa clara county city. leaders say this project comes at a time when the unhoused crisis is greatly affecting the county. >> affordable housing is so desperately needed throughout the bay area. the housing propose that the vta helps the community providing 100% affordable housing and wraparound services. >> in our last point in time, count of the homeless population. we saw increase in homeless families in our community. this can't come fast enough. >> vta plans to release more development details later this month. this is the 4th transit property provided by vta. a citizen coalition in solano county is formally launching its opposition to the proposed new urban center known as california forever. the group called together made the
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announcement days after california forever filed an amended about proposal that must be approved by voters. so a lot of together will hold an event at the joseph nelson community center. that is in sassoon city. it will be sunday at noon. they're going to be sharing details about their opposition, california forever needs 13,000 signatures by the end of july to have their initiative appear on the november ballot. every year. a trick of light. you could call it you. 70's horsetail falls creates a beautiful thing known as a fire fallen this month is your chance to see it. it occurs every year when the sun is setting and the sun just kinda lights up. the waterfall only happens for a couple weeks. every february. however, have to cooperate. you can have a bunch of clouds that has to be sunny. for the magic to happen. and while the event occurs about 5 to 15 minutes before sunset, you want to plan on arriving several hours beforehand to try to get the
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best spot to see the natural wonders popular. so get there early. niners gear is in high demand ahead of the super bowl next weekend. and right now they have a few limited edition apparel items called black excellence collection from shirts and hats. the jackets. they have it all. the niners team store in santa clara today. we talked to the lead artist about where he got his inspiration for the red, black and green colors. >> inspired by black flag that african american flag, maybe the the guardian version. but just like those are the colors that we associate with being black, but also maybe a little bit inspired by jerry rice's alma mater, mississippi valley state as well. and how much writes contributed to the forty-niners. >> all right. to the go there, if you want to support the cause, you can head to the team store, but they say do it soon. they're selling these things fast and they're almost sold out. speaking the niners,
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kate rooney will have a little snippet from brock purdy. also, we're going to get into some hoops. the warriors seemed to have turned a corner. the jet maybe his best game coming to is now like almost a bona fide star. he is so hot. kate rooney has the highlights. there and quite a performance from a usc freshman. that's next. two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists.
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he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> are the warriors may be starting to figure some things out. well, sure, they have
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those 2 heartbreaking home losses to sacramento in la, but then a great win over the sixers. and tonight, chance to start a little streak on the road in memphis, steph. curry in the dobbs looking to kick start their five-game road trip with the right way. curry had a hand in it early. areas using dream on screen to perfection and burying the 3 pointer. then jonathan kuminga grabbed the baton in the 2nd quarter, throwing down 15 points too. on the fast break. jam here. warriors led by 10 at the break. finished with 20 points on the night football staff. dribble drive through the keeper. this circus live here. but really the night belonged to coming an end of gems. keep it just the had his best night protest. curious is coming with that, ali. you happened. jump line tonight. 12 points, 7 boards, 14 a sense that is most by warriors. rookie. so steph, curry chance carry guns coming. another alley-oop pass and dunked. finished with a
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game-high 29 points. houston, so good. the warriors handle. the grizzlies won. 21 to 101. some college hoops, tara vanderveer and number 4, stanford had their hands full with 15th ranked usc and their star juju watkins. the game was tied at the half. but then. all juju, usc outscored stanford by 10 points in the 3rd to plan ahead, watkins with one of her 6, 3 pointers here. the cardinal did make it a three-point game with 309, left. but watkins. connects again with the 3. and they'd pull away. she finished with 51 points down on the farm. no other do. one women's player has done that against a top 10 team in 25 seasons and usc upsets fourth-ranked stanford. 67 well, we've got to talk about the big game, right? the forty-niners spent practice this week installing their game plan and getting as super bowl ready as possible before
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they leave for vegas. >> throughout it all, quarterback brock purdy is remaining cool as a cucumber. forget last year's nfc championship heartbreak into tough postseason games this year. he's guided the niners to 2 tough comeback wins, capped off by bringing the team back from a 17 point deficit in the nfc title game against the lions and earning an elusive super bowl berth. so you better believe the 24 year-old is going to enjoy the ride. purdy said he hasn't really changed his postseason approach other than asking some of his veteran teammates. what to expect. and he feels set to avoid all those week before jitters and get ready for a successful run at the lombardi trophy. >> i mean, i guess a bunch of guys just really throughout the last, you know, couple weeks. and so just as playoffs rolled around the big games, the what changes with their mindsets are almost all the guys i've taken some way, you know, from every single guy. i'm not really a set of specific things that specific people. but
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>> all i can and the leadership and the experience with these guys here like you can tell how much you guys are hungry for because you never know when an opportunity like this comes around us. what trent williams man is play forever and he hasn't had the opportunity go super bowl playing one yet. so like this is huge. you know? but every single guys got perspective. >> all rock is doing his thing. he is doing his thing. the forty-niners are leaving on sunday. their idea was to get everything done. so they just have to kind of find tune next week things get a little crazy winter in vegas. lots of media engagements, lots of distractions, families in town. boy, oh, boy, it's going to be exciting now. so they go sunday. when you go to vegas i go tuesday and omicron for crews all had not a little bit earlier in the week. so we're going to have some really good representation in vegas. jason will be there. jason will be there. our photographer, rudy will be there. justine waltman will be there. heard of you a good we've got a good crew going out. all right. look out
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for each other. will try get into too much going to be hard. thanks for watching, everybody. have a good weekend. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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♪ ♪ >> she's a swinger! bombshell admission from the school shooters mom. >> draw dropping reaction. >> then, did they die from fentanyl poisoning? >> the level of fentanyl is said to be way beyond the legal limit. >> it really does not take much at all to kill someone.


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