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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  February 4, 2024 7:00am-10:00am PST

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jack: thanks for joining me today's adventure. from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hoping you'll come along next time as we go into the wild. [music] >> now on the kron 4 morning news. a dangerous storm now sweeping across the bay area. increasing concerns of flooding and power outages. we have team coverage with everything you need to know. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7.
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>> thanks so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday, february, the 4th. let's get right over to dave spahr for the latest on your weather conditions today. >> good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and heavy rain across at least portions of the bay area. everybody is getting continuous rain that occurred from overnight and more is expected today. now the heavy stuff that looks like it's going to break up a little bit as we approach around noon. however, it will rain all day and really into monday. it looks like as well. here's again, the current snapshot of what's going on. you see a nice package down there in the south bay, santa cruz, mountains of intense heavy rains going on. also up there to mount hamilton, too. but then meanwhile, out to sea with the rotation of this low, that's your future into the south bay. and they've been getting a lot of heavy rain and more is to come. that's why we have current flooding as we speak. meanwhile, here's the beauty shot, if you will, of half moon bay, again, overcast in very stormy, very different from what we saw yesterday. here's the storm. kind of almost isolated, if
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you will, to cut off really from the stream of moisture. it's been getting, but it has quite a bit to which to work with. it will take a long time really work its way out. in other words, going to shake off rain entirely even in the next day or even 2 days will still be in the forecast, although this intense rain is going to be waiting. the next thing we're watching our winds, remember everything we've had on the ground. the saturation, you add the winds to it and winds are going to be a little bit more intense this afternoon. that could be problematic. current snapshot of where we stand. winds are say 10 miles per oakland, 20's, you can see in many pockets, even 32 down the mountain view, mostly from the east. but a little shift coming in from the southeast. again following where that low's going. we of course we have a flood watch. that's everybody. meanwhile, the flood warning occurring out of the santa clara valley. as you can see to the south. this will be with us all day and with heavy rain upstream. not a surprise. we continue on with the wind part of our forecast. there you see until 10 this evening with windy conditions to be found. heavy
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winds for the santa cruz mountains along the coast and some of the higher elevations in the east bay, little dent into south of monterey looks like they could have possibly even hurricane strength type winds, not a hurricane, but its hurricane strength possible again, south of monterey bay. it's outside of our area a kind of monitoring that i haven't see the winds pop yet, but that's still possible. 50's. we're looking at over much of the bay right now, somewhat mild. 55 san jose. meanwhile and a 48 santa rosa, we're not going to see a lot of mercury moving around even all this week for today. it's telling us that might be a little bit of a let up on the winds rather the rain this afternoon except for maybe the south bay. but then again, the issue to watch those winds and that's going to be around all night tonight as put this all together for you coming up in just a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> officials in the south bay are warning of possible flooding this morning. one of the biggest areas of concern is along the guadalupe river. we continue our team coverage with tiffany justice. she's live for us in san jose this morning. we're really looks
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like it's coming down out there, too. funny. >> yes, stephanie, we just arrived into san jose a few moments ago. it is really coming down hard. the rain is coming down really hard and there are strong winds even driving here from the city. i had rip my steering wheel both hands because the winds were so strong driving down. now since we have arrived here in san jose, the rain has been coming down hard as well. we got the guadalupe river right behind us. the sure if you're really able to see it, but it is really following strong and it's quite high. and that is the concern from city officials. there is a flood watch. and as you drive around the small neighborhood, roads and streets, their signs up cautioning people about the possibility of potential of flooding. so just be aware. officials are also concerned with the santa cruz they're going get a lot of rain as well and that rain and that water is going to feed into the guadalupe river.
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>> and that is why officials are really paying attention to rivers at this time. and with this storm in case there is more concern about flooding. we're going to stay here. bring you live coverage here in san jose with this storm that we're we're experiencing right now throughout the morning. stephanie, back to you. all right, stephanie, thank you so much for your live coverage this morning. >> emergency response efforts are in place now across the bay area. kron four's justin campbell reports on the resources available to help people in marin county. have the risk of a potential, a mudslide or maybe a debrief all because of the saturated soils. the national weather service model show the atmospheric river is expected to bring up to >> 2 inches of rainfall in most parts of the bay area and increased risk of flooding and something much worse people experiencing homelessness to have nowhere else to go. the opportunity. get out of that wet weather and stay dry and warm overnight. lane ii hendricks is a communication
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director with marine county. she says emergency shelter is up and running for people needing a place to ride out the storm. the shelter is in san rafael at the marine health and wellness center that sent 30 to 40 kerner just off of belem boulevard and 5.80, drivers are also being advised to stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary as the roads will be saturated with water, especially in low-lying areas. and there's not always going to be a sign warning you about flooding. so be on the lookout. we've seen too many times cars get stranded even what looks like, you know, about a foot foot. half water could be much more day. >> in the north bay, justin campbell kron. >> and happening right now, people are warned to avoid any unnecessary travel if you can, during this wet weather. taking a live look now at the bay bridge. a few cars out there. officials are warning creeks, cresting rivers rising in of possible mudslides and downed trees. so it's best to avoid any travel if you can. this weekend and taking a live
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look now a power outages. this morning pg n e says more than 12,000 customers statewide do not have power right now. and taking a look at the map, the orange spots here show areas with the most severe outages. you can see those mostly concentrated in the north bay area. we will keep you updated on these numbers throughout the morning. is san francisco parks officials shut down parts of golden gate park in response to the storm. stern grove, pine lake and the outdoor gardens are closed today because of the wet and windy conditions. authorities warn residents to watch out for falling trees and flooded areas. the oakland zoo once again plans to close because of the weather. while the wolves did enjoy the smell of the incoming rain, the conditions can be an issue for staff and visitors. the zoo says all reservations will be refund. it. and for the latest on storm conditions, stay with kron. 4 scan the qr code on your screen to be sent to our website. we'll find the latest
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on road closures, flooding and power outages. happening today, san francisco forty-niners leave for las vegas gearing up for super bowl. 58 team buses leave levi's stadium around 3.15, this afternoon and we are expecting some fans to gather in the area to give the team a big sendoff probably with their umbrellas, ready to niners fans around the world are getting ready for the big game. and that includes fans in kansas city. jacob kill stat reports. >> it's 1800 mile drive to the city by the bay. >> but members of the kansas city, 40 niner faithful say their san fran fandom has followed a straight line. i've been a forty-niners fan since january 10, 1982, which birth monday and 88. my dad was in the neighborhood. i grew up with the rise there of the montana area and then obviously young after that, you see a niners fan down the way and we're not in minors country. >> so but it's like i so what you find a group and you can have fun in your group is better than sitting in your
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living room chair by yourself or in your basement to roanoke with a couple buddies. >> you know, all of these people pay for it. when you go to a bar and you watch niners game, it's all you got to chiefs fans pretty much if you're not a game. they're cool. >> if you are game that they >> just ignore even in the grocery store. i'm walking with my hat everyone. sunday. at i specifically want during the chiefs games or will be as busy. that is minding my business as i'm walking out, a manager yells, you know, go chiefs and i'm like, okay, we're not playing you guys defenses better. it's it's great. having christian mccaffrey a right you by famous which is not on the it doesn't matter that, you know, we've got to watch out for kelsey, but, you know, we have prayer warner and drug ring off of that. he's kansas. so they want to to work for for the chiefs were good with that. we do want to 49 us. it's good patriots. not
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>> and if you're one of the fans making the trip to vegas, airport officials do have some travel tips for you at least 4 hours before departure. start planning your trip to the airport. check traffic conditions and rideshare wait times arrive at the airport. at least 2 hours early, be at the gate ready to board one hour before departure. some helpful tips, especially with the wet weather today. and don't forget to tailgate with us ahead of the big game. kron four's justine waltman teams up with chicago's jarrett payton for a whirlwind tour of sin city. get an insider's look at allegiant stadium. sing-along with wayne newton and feast on tailgate tips with a celebrity chef catch big game tailgate coming up next. thursday at 6.30. >> alright, checking the radar again. here course. heavy rain down to the south bay remains that way with flooding. we also have a flood advisory going on in the north bay for another hour. the kind of concerned about this package of rain to play out over the next hour. that's when the advisory period is. but a lot
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more still to come for today, the stormy weather. we'll have details on that kron. 4 morning news continues. [♪♪] there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%. try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. it cleans so well, you can replace multiple cleaning products. try dawn powerwash.
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ordinary is the opposite of beautiful. beauty drops our jaws. dilates our eyes. and beauty is something we can create... right now... at floor & decor.
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>> all right. taking a live look now from our mount tam camera. not much you can see here at this hour, really because again, of the stormy conditions outdoors. but you can just make out those trees getting pushed around by the heavy winds out there. let's check in now with dave. >> look at the lower the camera, doesn't it? just in the woods there? look at that. >> yeah. if there was a little bit more light on the camera lens, you could probably make out the water droplets to from all the rain. that really looks a nasty there. and it is a probably underscoring what
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today is going to be like morning, stephanie. good morning. all the heavy rain we talked about it played out. it's here. >> we're probably in the zenith of of the rain, part of the activity, although whatever damage was done, so to speak to the hydrology of the system is going to take a lot of play out. so you can still hear about rivers and so forth having flooding issues tomorrow into tuesday, even and there is rain that remains in the forecast. but again, the intense stuff it's going to play out of the next couple of hours. looks like the lion share is going to go into the south bay's. you can see a nice collection of heavy rains there. a nice collection of cells out to see here. why the flood advisory has been posted up here in the north a little bit for the next about hour or so because this has to play out on top of all the heavy rain that we had. so just kind of give you animation to get a general idea where it's coming from its broad, a coming up from the southwest and really behind it. that's kind of its kind of cut off from the major jet of moisture down to hawaii here. so it's kind of on its own with the moisture and as but it has plenty. but the next part of the forecast we're really worried about are
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those winds. snow coupled with everything we're talking about sfo looking at delays of 2.45 almost 3 hours given the fact what the forecast is calling for today. i don't see that improving that much today coupled with the delays are already happening, causing a domino effect for all the scheduling today. so definitely check your airline's or fade. but it's coming into town finding out what their situation is with that because, stephen, the weather is not helping here. now, i know if you can make this out, but this i just took out the radar park is a clouds a what the severest prediction center likes to look at. and it we'll see some general thunder showers there. we don't see that very often. and our neck of the woods and hear writer from monterey bay to the south. you can see it's a little darker green there. now that means the potential of a slight risk of maybe some severe weather. that means those thunderstorms that produced those heavier winds. we already have hurricane force wind that's been posted down there south of monterey bay already in place. but
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these folks write a kind of cover the whole country in the local weather forecast office. will we deal with they'd make the amendments and changes and so forth and they monitor this as well. right now, again, we don't have any of obvious warnings going on. expect to see some lightning strikes later on today. once we get some daytime heating, let's go to future cast for morning is going to be quite busy with intense heavy rains. we get to 1 o'clock and you can see how it becomes much more scattered about what those heavier cells and then lighter rain elsewhere with finding some mountain snow is occurring up there around tahoe as well. now the winds kicking into the afternoon they actually going to be building so all day. it's going to be that same kind of situation. spotty showers into tonight. tomorrow morning. looks like they'll be still those spotty should say spotty showers, spotty, heavy embedded rain in there with lighter showers going on elsewhere. that's going to pop up. move on pop-up move on type scenario. but it looks like we do have some collection of some heavier ones lingering all the way till monday morning. now it looks like the sky might open
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up a little bit, but you can see how quickly it fills back up again, particularly on monday and that gives energy to the atmosphere. when you see breaks like that to kind of heat up the ground a little bit, you may get some thunder showers, collection of rain. we get miss the first hit takes us to tonight. almost midnight. everybody has about a quarter of an inch of rain added to what they got in the rain bucket from right now. and then we go all the way out through monday. this kind of what i'm talking about tuesday morning. maybe we'll get to about an inch or so. but some areas are getting a bonanza work. look at that. san jose getting almost 2 inches beyond this point. right now there's hayward at inch and a half winds are coming in from the southeast. they're going to come more from the south as we venture forward. and this is what they're worried about with power outages. could be problems later today. even if we don't get a lot additional rain because of saturated grounds that's out there to monday's. you can see so putting it all together for you. heavy rain, wind. so the the wind part of the forecast this afternoon, pockets of some heavy rain, lower 50's for your temps early week. unsettled showers, breezy,
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cool 40's and 50's for highs and then late in the week thursday, a passing system beyond that, mike, into somewhat of a dry patch, so-called 61, san francisco. 62 for san jose oakland at 61 and only lower 60's. there on the map there. so that's a sinner. we're looking at a step in the big issue now is whatever flooding has already been put into the system. hydrology will take care of it in the next 48 hours. but more important. it's for today. it's those winds and power outages are polls that might get knocked down because of the saturated ground. yeah. some really concerning situations that are brewing out there right now. and you took a look at flight delays to just yeah, they're nasty. it's almost 3 hours at sfo. so have anybody with us want to check. okay. thanks so much, dave. >> well, taking a live look no at the snow in lake tahoe. quite a thick layer out there. the donner lake, a camera showing us that life perspective. and just that one lone car but pass through again, just best to stay indoors, if you can, with all of this severe weather that
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we're experiencing now, palisades tahoe has 15 new inches of snow. we're here's new video from saturday. palisades says they now have nearly 150 inches of snow at the resort, hoping for at least 3 more feet. in national news. a convoy of cars is making its way along the border between the u.s. and mexico. participants are calling it the take our border back convoy with the goal of bringing awareness to the border crisis. law enforcement officials say they are remaining vigilant over concerns outside groups might try to take advantage of the convoys presence. but this group of demonstrators has stressed that they are aiming to make this a peaceful demonstration. and this comes as officials confirm a record january for illegal border crossings. reporting more than 176,000 migrant encounters in january. that's nearly 19,000 more encounters in the same time last year. it's a dip from december's numbers, but still the most ever for the first month of the year,
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florida governor ron desantis is sending at least 1000 national guard members to help texas address this issue. the latest streaming service to crack down on password sharing starting mid-march. total users can only share account loggins with members of their own household. this rule is already in place for new subscribers who signed up after january. 25th, who says it could terminate or limit accounts of users who violate the new rules. we are celebrating black history month as you see there this morning, we look at the crown act which makes hair and style discrimination illegal. valerie pritchett takes a look at where things stand today. >> as a matter of years, amazing strands rooted in history. style is andriod. fulton knows well, it's beautiful coiled. >> currently curly hair from straight here. the crowd here, cornrows afros unlocks just some of the versatility had to have me here late, really street. you know, i mean, the specific style, especially if
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you're thinking about business meetings, may he decided to use a natural protective hairstyle, which is not always embrace and love the big gap for ul unfortunate that someone has an opinion of what is beautiful. what is a beautiful, a costly saying it. it is unfortunately still legal to not give someone a job opportunity, not hired, based off of their hairstyle and that is unconscionable. and this day and age, we know all discrimination is hands of house speaker joanna mcclinton and crown act co-sponsor says the act passed the house and now it's in the senate for consideration. hair discrimination is a part of the legacy of historic racism and discrimination has been a part of our society. where do other states stand? >> green shows where the crown act as law and prohibits discrimination based on hair type texture or style yellow legislation is filed or pre
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filed. red indicates legislation has not been filed on the national front. it all the time. we see it all the people denied the opportunity to go to the prom. >> org united opportunity to work in a industry. louisiana congressman in crown at supporter troy carter, senior says while it passed the previous congress, it did not get far in the senate and will be reintroduced this year. recognizing that more and more people hopefully are beginning to realize that this is not a partisan issue, but it is a very personal issue to millions, especially the black community. people. they don't. don't understand our culture. it becomes a way to shut the door. it becomes a way to keep certain groups certain rooms, boardrooms fulton hopes the crown act will become law. >> across the nation because
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we think about our young growing up. >> thinking that something is wrong with her. here somebody is told that you have bad hair. you have or you're here is but want them to understand how beautiful natural corals are reporting in harrisburg, pennsylvania. i'm valerie pritchett. >> and kron 4 is honoring black history through the end february. make sure to tune into our special airing thursday, february 29th at 06:30pm. tracking the storm. now we're keeping an eye on storm tracker. 4 radar. have storm tracker. 4 radar. have dave spahr live in the weather
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7:25 am
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bay, the san jose fire department assembled and distributed bikes to kids in need. 25 new bikes were given out. as you can see there. this is an annual initiative hosted by the nonprofit lost on their u.s.. >> on saturday, the community gathered in san francisco to celebrate the lunar new year and black history month. celebrations happened at the bayview hunters point ymca and in chinatown. there organizers said they they have enjoyed putting this event together for the past 14 years. >> he really, really, really want to bridges between the black and also the asian community. and we started this. why do we really celebrate? every is a special one is a black history month is also with the new year a lot. i'm also so that we can that we pull lowlife,
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celebrate all cultures, celebrate, understand out differences and also to create on help committee fall. >> mayor london breed and state senator scott wiener were also there. people learned about various community resources and enjoy cultural performances from the ones you saw earlier as lion dancers. pretty cool stuff. all right. taking a live look now at weather. radar says the storm tracker 4 radar showing widespread rain across the bay area. right now we're keeping an eye >> rivers and streams which could potentially also overflow. also hearing about sweets and potential (vo) meet fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. fargo makes banking faster, and easier. (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! (vo) lets you pick up the tab, even if you forget your wallet... (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) fargo puts important information at your fingertips. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no...
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(vo) want to see everything fargo can do? you can, with wells fargo.
7:29 am
ordinary is the opposite of beautiful. beauty drops our jaws. dilates our eyes. and beauty is something we can create... right now... at floor & decor.
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>> all right. we are tracking the wet weather and that severe stormy conditions. those severe stormy conditions brewing outside in the bay area right now and this is storm tracker. 4 radar showing us that widespread rain. check in now with dave spahr for more on what we need to know about all of this. hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and the intense rainfall we talked about playing out overnight in greeting us this morning as well. >> now that's going to be playing out mostly in the south bay as what we see the most intense rain occurring right now, there is a package that's also heading to the north bay, too, which is why they have a flood advisory that will be for about another hour or so. meanwhile, the south bay, they're looking at all day to day of flooding issues because later, heavy rain that's expected as well. and what this means is that little package you see there out to sea that moving towards the east and then for cause a sudden flooding of rivers and streams like that because of already saturation of that red is a warning that we've been
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talking about in the south bay. that's where tiffany is covering what's going on there. and they already have a problem. and that will be till all the way to tonight. but until 10:00am on monday is when that flood risk remains for everybody and there were still be rain. after that point, they may be possibly extending that to see exactly what we get. but really this afternoon for a lot of folks want to put our attention to some of those winds coming our way. they're actually going to pick up a little bit this afternoon. the coverage area's total. everybody is under a wind advisory and then the heavier wind. you can see where that dark or tan color is that gusts. we can get the on 40 miles per hour easily for the entire region and with saturated ground that can drop over utility poles and all this weather is causing delays at sfo. about 2.45. is what they're saying on delay times, maybe up to 3 hours. so if you have anybody coming or going there, they want to check ahead. temperature check for you. mostly in the 40's and 50's on the board. there are the current winds easterly now, but we're going to be shifting more southeast and ultimately from the south throughout the late afternoon
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and into the evening as well. we should say goodbye to the winds as we get to tonight. and this is yet another point. as you can see, the flashing going on. a 2 o'clock. it is possible to see some thunder showers because once the sun has been up for a few hours, giving the best hitting it, can that starts motivating the atmosphere. you start to get a little bit the way some thunder showers. we'll have more on that. a longer range forecast with a check off some of this rain later on in just a bit. stephanie. all right. thank you. >> and officials in the south bay are warning of possible flooding today with the biggest areas of concern is along the guadalupe river was tiffany justice continues. our team coverage for us this morning. she's live for us in san jose right now. and tiffany, i see you've got the umbrella. you got the rain jacket on. how are things looking now? >> yeah, it is extremely rainy here in san jose. the rain is coming down quite hard and not only is rain coming down there. winds to deal with as well as we were driving heroes dealing with the winds. but we
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do know that neighborhoods in this area there warned there are signs all these neighborhoods cautioning people about the possibility of flooding. those who live near the guadalupe river, which is right behind me. so officials city officials are concerned about flooding with this current storm that we are dealing with there saying that in san jose and surrounding areas, we're expecting to see 2 inches of rain within just 24 hours and even more significant rain is expected in the santa cruz mountains which will feed into the river. and that is why officials are watching rivers and streams and the high possibility of flooding. the national weather service is expecting the guadalupe river to reach flood stage is with water levels expected to peak around 10 o'clock this morning. now with this concern of flooding, san jose mayor matt mahan has issued a proclamation of local emergencies so that that they can bring mandatory evacuations of homeless in the area along waterway. we've
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been here all morning long here in san jose dealing with the rain in and the that today would be a good day to stay inside and stay warm. back to you. all right, stephanie, thank you so much for live coverage this morning. and we continue our coverage of the storm now in the north bay and joining us live to give us an update on conditions out there is chief. >> polo and fall with the santa rosa fire department. good morning to you. hey, good morning. so chief, thank you so much for joining it walk us through the issue that's facing your residence at this hour. >> yeah. so the winds start to kick up early this morning with that. we have responded to several reports of trees trees into a as well as just keeping crews both from the fire department as well as our city streets and work crews pretty busy. that's not uncommon for most departments right now across the north radio tropics are and what i
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call see sought supplies and a look at the pg e outage map and see the number of outages increasing that primarily along the coast, but also inland as well. >> walk us through some of the key things that residents in the area should be thinking about as we kind of hunker down given all these wet conditions out there. >> yeah, right now the forecast is definitely been spot we have what we refer promote automated weather stations that are initially put into our community following our wildfires here locally that we're kind of monitor fire conditions, but we use them to monitor this weather and and wet weather like this. with that. we have been seeing the gusts upwards into the low upper 30's right now. a pretty consistently throughout our which is likely leading to a lot of the debris down the roadway and and trees down. in fact, as we're talking right now, our department as well as sonoma county fire district responded to report of a tree down highway 101 with potentially a vehicle involved. so it really
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highlights some of the concerns right now of conditions will likely be not only here in the north day, but a south bay as well as the winds continue to definitely one of those days that you don't. you doubt traveling limit that outdoor activities stay that the pair obviously for the potential of some power outages as well. yes, it's an important reminder for folks to really limit their travel if they given the severity of this weather. >> now, if someone is experiencing say power outage or they see a downed power line or even a downed tree has fallen on their property. what steps should they take? >> so really depends on what you're 16 you're in. you know, for us, just a tree whether down a roadway. we have non-emergency numbers that people can use. that's pretty common for most communities that way doesn't type emergency resources. but if seen that power lines are called, actually call 9-1-1, whether a true even if you're not 100%. sure. it's not a terrible thing to err on the side of caution. but we
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definitely want to see some of those non-critical calls go to the non-emergency numbers that we can get either. again, a public through a city crew involves a if there is some sort of a power outage. you know, the last thing we want to see is is the use of definitely have your ready for your flashlights. and and again, just limit limit those outdoor activities and and be prepared for for potential some widespread power outages. and and lightly long power outages just with the number that you see on the screen right definitely going to be busy in the north day. and so typically when you used to have the power come back on relatively quickly, depending how materialized, a lot of those outages increase in time duration. >> and you know, we've known about this storm for at least the last several days. i'm sure that your team is has been well aware as well. when you walk us through the strategy in terms of staffing, have you increased resources for this weekend given this storm?
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>> not for this here, the north bay, the conditions that we had last prompted us to do some pretty significant up staffing across the county there were couples task force of engines multiples, 3 south water rescue boat teams that were stopped up for this one with the intensity and severity of it looking like it's going to be in the south bay, we haven't put togeteer any a significant decrease in staffing, things could change conditions change. we always have the ability to bring in additional personnel, both from the fire department. public works street the comment. but right now with just the way we operate internally, is that how the you know, right now we're responding to sonoma county fire district. so the county of ponds and our district and vice versa, that's not that's pretty common for north day. so we help one another, especially call volumes. start to increase to ensure that coverage is in place. >> one more time just key safety reminders that people need to be keeping in for
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today. and this weekend in general. >> yeah, just with the winds, especially here in the north just definitely limit that outdoor travel or take time slowdown getting where we need to the rainfall rates and totals really exceeded what we anticipated this morning. we've only had a little bit less than an inch of rain here. that's not to say it's not going to increase as the day goes on, but we're not expecting any widespread flooding at least here locally. definitely a uses ponding on the roadways as well as just a lot of debris. so just encouraging people to please slow down take time. it would mean get ing to where actually need to get any good if you don't need to be out beyond about driving, just stay home until settle down. >> great. and are there emergency alert services that people should be signing up for things that platforms that people should be turning to if they want to get the latest up-to-date information. >> yeah, again, that's could be nothing that's really depend on what jurisdiction you're in. a lot of cities
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counties have a different various alert platforms, whether it's civic ready, whether it's nick soul. but on a larger most agencies will if if there is a true emergency will rely woodford's who is the wireless emergency alert system which breaks in your cell phone. the emergency alert system would break through a broadcast like this are your those are the high-level emergency alert systems. but knowing what options you have for your specific county or city for like here in summit county of still kohler, which is the of a kind of reverse 9-1-1, system. so it's never too late. know, google emergency alerts for your particular city or jurisdiction and see what comes up and make sure that you're signed definitely in the event that any flooding are. neighbors dictates that level of of alerting. >> got it. and while we have
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you here in the remaining time, we have left a you represent santa rosa. obviously other certain. neighborhoods, areas in santa rosa. you know that your team is paying particular attention to when it comes to potential flooding concerns because we want to get the word out to those residents. >> yeah, you know, for the last several years our focus really was on the burnt store as the birds started really well. i know that weather service issued some of their concerns regarding the river burn scar down to the far south of but for up here, you know, that's one of the benefits that we have of of being a like, like, well, like santa rosa. we have storm drain systems are designed to handle what we refer as 10 year storm. so systems like this are arts, our storm trains systems do relatively well. the issues that we have is when people don't manage a lot of the debris on their own clear their own bettors, not clear in their own storm drains and that that debris
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ends up migrating into city infrastructure county infrastructure leads to clogs when it's something like that. you never know what's actually going to end up backing up and lead to and issue area that just doesn't expect to to flood. that being said, yes, yes, we have some of our common areas that do slide when we get some of those high intensity rainfall rates but, you know, typically those areas will will the more of like a nuisance which will then clear within a matter of hours, most cases. but whether it's a flooded roadway that is legitimately flooded or some of those responding. we don't want to see people who are driving through. some of those close air is we want to see them heat into the caution. signs the closed signs definitely turn around. don't drown. is the same. and again, even on some of those nuisance, terry, is what you think is a minor little flooded driving through it may not seem like such a big deal to you, but it ends up doing property damage. somebody is landscaping or pushes water up the driveway into their garage. so just definitely stay out of flood waters and
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and limit that outdoor trout drive into that. >> all right. some very helpful guidance. thank you so much to santa rosa fire chief paul lowenthal for joining us. allies you this morning. we appreciate it. and please stay safe out there. all right. stay with us here at kron. 4 for continuing storm coverage. just scan the qr code right there on your screen to be sent to our website there. you'll find the latest on closures, flooding outages and closures, flooding outages and more. we'll be right back with this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good."
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blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. hi there. do you need any help? yeah. i was just wondering what nosh means? [blowing whistle] natural. organic, specialty, healthy. yay. nosh! everything marked nosh means natural, organic. specialty and healthy. that way, you can eat healthy while sticking to a budget. ummm, no.
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look now at the golden gate bridge this morning at 7.45. this sunday. and it's looking pretty damp out there with
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just a touch of a breeze, at least along the bridge area. let's check in now with day for more. >> hey, good morning, 70. good morning, everybody. and meanwhile, that of the lower levels? that's right. it's a winter wonderland going on the mountains. half dome is checking in here. you get an idea of the fresh coating of snow they have which is continuing as we speak topple as well. of course, it's been that winter storm warning basically talking about levels at 5500 feet to about 7,000. they're talking feet. a couple feet, maybe up to 3. meanwhile, if you get higher than that, it's getting up to about 5 to 6 feet or so. when you get up to about 7,7500 feet and higher elevation. interesting little wrinkle here is that we may get to drop a little bit in terms the levels a bit as we go forward through the day today. here's the forecast. does call for that. we keep those temperatures in the 30's tomorrow in tuesday and wednesday. snow showers remain in the forecast. so machinery of the showers here remains the machinery for the snow
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showers up in the higher elevations. this is what it looks like on the local radar. zipping back to the bay area and the heavy rain we've been monitoring has been in the south bay. you didn't hear about not a whole lot of flooding issues going up in the north bay, though there is a flood advisory has been posted because basically saying for local creeks and streams. and so for just be on the lookout for the next about our, they're worried about this little. so here. so as this plays out for today will probably be okay at least in the north bay in terms of any additional heavy rain going on. but for most thing to look out for is going to be those winds but stick to future cast for checking things out. there's the heavy rains today. you see how quote, breaks up with patches of heavy rain in bed. it at all that you daytime heating and this is where those thunder showers can pop up. so others it may not get a whole lot more. the rain bucket relatively speaking, but you can have some local problems in terms of these local severe thunderstorms popping up. let's take it all the way out to monday morning. relatively most areas, not seeing a lot
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of rain, although there are lines of some heavier thunder showers or showers occurring. so they'll be some pockets of all of a sudden coming down like buckets. and then it goes away again. that will be the story for monday at daytime heating. and again, you can have some showers and some thunder showers because that low is so close to us like that. so this is going to be a scenario. we see the rotation here. it's funny dropping south on tuesday. the winds are out of the east shifting southeasterly induce out. it keeps us in the mild sector. that's why we don't get all that cold air down here yet. and you can see his latest all the way to monday morning. it still, but it's siding, but it's coming in from the southeast. so playing it all out. it's going to early in the week finding dipping to the south and it looks like a little bit of a break tries to develop on wednesday. there's a little bit more on thursday and then clearing out as we head on into next weekend. yes, a passing system, but if the models keep trending like this, it looks like a bit of a drier trend. temps for highs, lower 60's, not much higher than what we are right now. here's a longer range forecast. so think we can take
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rain entirely out of the forecast. temps pretty much into the 50's as you can see, lowe's maintain in the 40's and even some upper 30's going on as well. so do funny, get some colder air in here. but we're still in the mild sector. it looks like it's running out of some of the the juicy tropical moisture is it's kind of cut off in the jet now. so that means we're we're not going to be isn't inundated with their as much rain as we already had. but it's going to the winds are going to watch, ok, so nice to hear that. we're going to be getting a bit of a break in the rain eventually, right? but we will have that spotty stuff going on into next week. so keep that in mind, too. good to know. thanks so much, dave. >> all right. well, new this morning, animal care and control of san francisco. they are reminding pet owners. >> to make sure they get all animals to safety. during the wet weather by law, any dogs left outside must have sturdy shelter with clean and dry bedding to protect themselves. people are encouraged to bring their pets indoors. if you see a dog with no shelter from this awful weather out there, please call the rescues. emergency response services at
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4, 1, 5, 554-9400, very important that we keep our pets safe of the golden state warriors took on the hawks in atlanta last night in an overtime thriller kron four's. kate rooney has the latest. >> the warriors were in atlanta saturday in the second game of a back-to-back on the road looking to build on their 2 straight wins and they would need the fresh legs of their youngsters like jonathan kuminga talk about stuff and the vets and get through an absolute marathon against the hawks and it looks like that would happen. let's go right to the 4th quarter up one less than 6 minutes to go. klay thompson with the steal ahead to coming up for the emphatic jam. >> jk had 16 points before fouling out lace step showed off his stamina. tonight up and draymond handoff finds some room. the stepback 3 does go up 4 with one. 46 left. the hawks came back to tie it up at one. 21 with 18 seconds
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left, stephen top splits. the double team nails the floater in the key. where is going to with 13.8 left step finished with a season-high 16 points. 22 in the 4th. that's just 2 shy of his career. best with 4 seconds left to john terry murray hits the pain in the key to tie and then step missed a shot at the buzzer so they go to overtime, stepped out in ot, but it wasn't enough for years with a little bit gas. the hawks for the first 11 points and it was over. trey young led the hawks with 35 warriors take a hard loss in ot one. 41 one 34. >> the new apple vision pro headset is on shelves in store today. rich demuro takes a look in today's tech smart. >> apple vision pro is the company's first major product. really since the apple watch back in 2015, this is a $3500 headset. that does both virtual and augmented reality.
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>> it's already a debate that. >> it's been 7 months since apple announced its vision pro headset. here's your first look at apple vision pro onboard. you'll find 12 cameras. 5 sensors and 6 microphones. now it's available. apple has been careful in its launch strategy they're calling a spatial computer. it's a headset that does both virtual reality and augmented reality. you control it with a combination of eye tracking and hand gestures. just take a look at the design of the new device. you can see it's got adjustable headband on the back. it has speakers on the sides. plus this futuristic looking display wearing a computer on your face and it feels like that right now, joanna stern is a
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technology columnist at the wall street those that got to demo the headset before launch, she says the image quality is excellent. and the focus on the real world, not just a virtual one is notable. it's intuitive. it's very it feels almost second nature after used this thing for a little bit. i've also warn it twice and the experience is impressive. although apple is pushing the idea of working in the headset, entertainment will be a big, really use movies. look great on the virtual big screen. so you photos and videos in 3 d. >> still absent launch are limited youtube, spotify and netflix fully supporting the headset just yet. sure. apples going to sell a lot of these early adopters right now. but this is not a mainstream product. and so does that make developers not want to start investing it right now. >> early reviews agree. the experience is impressive, but the headset is expensive. it can feel heavy after wearing it for a long time. and the external battery pack only last about 2 hours. the apple
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vision pro is $3500. it's available now. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. and and you are tech smart. and we'll be right back. sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. (vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. you can pick up the tab, even when you forget your wallet. and better. (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo.
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despite the 12 hour flight in time. difference if swift leagues after the concert, she should be able to make it. all right. still ahead on the next hour of the company morning news, we continue to keep an eye on the storm and the severe weather with dave sphar. >> and we also have tiffany justice live on the field, giving us a look at the conditions live outdoors conditions live outdoors before you step outside. this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy.
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on the kron 4 morning news. a dangerous storm now sweeping across the bay area. increasing concerns of flooding and power outages. we
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have live team coverage with everything you need to know. >> from the area's local news statthe kron. 4 morning news >> thanks so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday, february, the 4th. let's get right over to dave spahr for the latest on our weather conditions outside. hey, good morning, 70. good morning, everybody. the stormy weather continues for today. and we're looking for some heavy rain going on in the south bay. that's going to continue into this afternoon. meanwhile, up in the north bay, probably for about the next hour or so. they're still watching out for that flood advisory that's going on from what you see there on the coast along were in there. and meanwhile, that other nice, big, juicy sell off the peninsula that also moving towards the east and that will be hit in the santa cruz mountains. very hard. now, you tend to get that all the time with mountains because you get some upslope ing that occurs and it goes higher in the atmosphere and you get more condensation that
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santa clara valley. but still enough is making it over that it's causing problems this morning as they have some flooding warnings going on there and all day basically sfo will talk about this earlier than looking to 45 minute hour delay almost 3 hours. basically, it's not just the rain. it's also the winds. we did see the sun poke out there a little bit. but the letter for you fill back in again. and all that does is give the atmosphere more energy for thunder showers later today. here's the scenario you can see from the wide view from space. looks like a break-in, the subtropical jet, but it still has plenty of moisture which to play with and with this low so close to us causing problems as it will today. tonight, a little bit even into monday as well. here are the wind's current snapshot. they're out of the east heavily and out of the southeast. wind advisory covers everybody. as we mentioned earlier, let's get to the statements there. got the flood watch that's in place with the warnings down south that we mentioned. that's pretty much all day today. and then the wind
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advisory in high wind warning going on for those higher elevations, but wind gusts well over. 45, we're going to be possible through today. the breakdown noting some scattered thunder showers this afternoon with daytime heating with highs near about 60. have a bit more on your forecast in kind of time. this all out for you in a bit. stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> officials in the south, they're warning of possible flooding this morning. one of the biggest areas of concern is along the guadalupe river. we continue our team coverage with tiffany justice. she's live for us now in san jose this morning. tiffany, you've been out there since 7 o'clock. we know the rain was coming down pretty hard at that time. how are things looking now? >> all right, stephanie, the rain is still coming down pretty heavily. it has not stopped since we've been here all morning long. not only is it raining, there's wind to deal with as well and is quite cold. today would be a good day to stay inside and stay warm. but we have been out here all morning long for you guys. getting a good sense of what you're going to be
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dealing with today. i've had seen some crew members san jose city out here monitoring that the river, which is right behind me, the guadalupe river. they're really keeping an eye on the guadalupe river with the rain and the storm that we're now dealing with now. city officials are saying that in san jose and surrounding areas we are expecting to up to 2 inches of rain today in just within 24 hours. even more significant rain is expected in the santa cruz mountains which will feed into the guadalupe river. and that is why officials are watching rivers and streams and the possibility of flooding. the national weather service is expecting the guadalupe river to reach flood stages with water levels expected to peak around 10 o'clock this morning with the concern of flooding. san jose mayor matt mahan has issued a proclamation of local emergency allowing them to begin mandatory evacuations of waterway. as mentioned more all morning long. the
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neighborhoods in this area, there are signs up cautioning residents and people that there is a possibility of flooding and just to be aware of that. as i've mentioned, i have seen city crews driving past monitoring the guadalupe river behind us. it is running flowing quite quickly. you can hear it going. i will keep an eye on all morning for you guys as well. back to you. all right, stephanie, thank you so much. and emergency response efforts are in place now across the bay area. >> was justin campbell reports on the resources available to help people in marin county have the risk of a potential, a mudslide or maybe a debrief all because of the saturated soils. the national weather service model show the atmospheric river is expected to bring up to >> 2 inches of rainfall in most parts of the bay area and increased risk of flooding and something much worse people experiencing homelessness to have nowhere else to go. the opportunity get out of that
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wet weather and stay dry and warm overnight. lane ii hendricks is a communication director with marine county. she says emergency shelter is up and running for people needing a place to ride out the storm. the shelter is in san rafael at the marine health and wellness center that sent 30 to 40 kerner just off of belem boulevard and 5.80, drivers are also being advised to stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary as the roads will be saturated with water, especially in low-lying areas. and there's not always going to be a sign warning you about flooding. so be on the lookout. we've seen too many times cars get stranded even what looks like, you know, about a foot foot. half water could be much more date. >> in the north bay, justin campbell kron. >> and happening right now, people are warned to avoid any unnecessary travel if you can. during the wet weather. a live look now at the bay bridge. we're seeing some cars traveling in that area right now. but again, it is advised that people try to avoid any
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travel today because of the severity of the weather conditions. now, officials are warning of creeks cresting rivers rising and possible mudslides and downed trees as well. taking a look at power outages this morning pg and e says more than 12,000 customers statewide not have power right now. check out this map which shows a live perspective of those outages. the orange spots show areas suffering from the most severe outages. you can see that most of those are concentrated in the north bay, not too many spots there, but we are seeing some in the north bay as well as some of the south bay as well. we'll keep you updated on the situation throughout the morning. francisco parks officials shut down parts of golden gate park, stern grove pine lake and the outdoor gardens are closed today because of wet and windy conditions out doors. authorities warn residents to watch out for falling trees and flooded areas. the oakland zoo once again also plans to close because of the weather.
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well, the world's did enjoy the smell of the incoming rain. you can see them right there. the conditions can be an issue for staff and visitors as well. so to keep everyone safe, the zoo is likely to closed today and all reservations will be refunded. and for the latest on the conditions brewing outdoors, you can just stay with us here. kron 4 scan the qr code on your screen will be sent to our website where you'll find the latest on road closures. flooding and power outages. and happening today, the san francisco forty-niners lee for las vegas gearing up for super bowl. 58. the team buses leave levi stadium around 3.15, this afternoon. fans are expected to gather to give the team a sendoff. given the wet it's likely that people will have their umbrellas with them this morning and niners fans around the world are getting ready for the game. that includes fans in kansas city. jacob kittle reports. >> it's 1800 mile drive to the city by the bay. >> but members of the kansas city, 40 niner faithful say
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their san fran fandom has followed a straight line. i've been a forty-niners fan since january 10, 1982, which birth 88. my dad was in the neighborhood. i grew up with the rise there, the montana area and then obviously young after that, you see a niners fan down the way and we're not in minors country. >> so but it's like i so what you find a group and you can have fun in your group is better than sitting in your living room chair by yourself or your basement to roanoke with a couple buddies. you know, all of these people thankful. >> when you go to a bar and you watch niners game, it's all you got to chiefs fans pretty much if you're not a game. they're cool. >> if you are game that they >> just ignore. even in the grocery store. i'm walking with my hat everyone. sunday. at i specifically want during the chiefs games or will be as busy. that is minding my business as i'm walking out, a manager yells, you know, go chiefs and i'm like, okay, we're not playing you guys
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even better. if it's great having christian mccaffrey a right you by famous which is not on the it doesn't matter that, you know, we've got to watch out for kelsey, but, you know, we have warner and drug ring off of he's kansas. so they want work for for the chiefs were good with that. we do want to 49 us. it's good patriots. not >> well, if you're one of the fans making the trip to vegas airport officials do have some travel tips for you before you go at least 4 hours before departure. you want to start planning your trip to the airport. check traffic conditions and and what rideshare wait times arrive at the airport. at least 2 hours early, be at the gate ready to board one hour before departure. don't forget to tailgate with us ahead of the big game. kron four's justine waltman teams up chicago's jarrett payton for a whirlwind tour of sin city insider's look at allegiant stadium.
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sing-along with wayne newton and feast on tailgate tips with a celebrity chef catch big game tailgate coming up next. thursday at 6.30, sure to be a good tight. >> and the massive rain that we're talking about from earlier looks like that's breaking up a little bit the sun poke out a little bit at sfo earlier. but embed in the rain, as you can see by the color is a remains and will remain this afternoon. still in spots, a look at forecast. we come back to kron 4 morning we come back to kron 4 morning news. tips. (♪♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks
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8:12 am
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welcome back to kron 4 morning news. good morning, everybody. and here's a live shot of radar. back to that. again, we're notice that little patch that broke open here, a little bit of run sfo. the sun actually peering out a bit. >> but the massive rain still remains in these pockets of heavier rain as well. we see one package about to hit the north bay. this is why the flood advisory was posted. that means hey, guys, watch streams and rivers and places that are prone to flooding may have issues develop in the next hour or so. meanwhile, in the south bay is tipping has been telling us already flooding problems and another cell upstream to happen. and that will play out later on this morning. so the morning hours are going to be treated. probably the heaviest mass rain for everybody, but that will taper off and will be pockets of heavier rain, spotty showers will also fill the day. but we're watching out for some thunder showers which may spark up. here's a look at all the motion computer once the pain, a little bit of snow going on up to the northern mountains a little bit. we know that's happening around tahoe now. some of the snow levels
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actually, we may turn some of the snow at about 5500 feet in terms back to rain a little bit again associated with this massive mild air relatively speaking invading. it's going go to our north and then kind of retro grade back down south ultimately throughout the week. and that's why we'll see some more in the way of some showers later this week. sfo delays almost 3 hours again. the sun was just out about 15 minutes ago. don't let it for you. want to go back to this. the spc as we call it. the severe prediction center's maps that they do for us a little bit. this tan color here means they could be scattered. thunder showers going on today. we don't see that very often our neck of the woods. so it's worth noting that means the central valley, sacramento valley, but also important is a slight risk of some perhaps severe thunder showers that do cover monterey bay and points to the south. now they do already have hurricane force winds that are possibility, not a hurricane hurricane force. on that note, let's talk about our cyclones, right, our back yard here mid latitude. but by
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this afternoon, as i mentioned, it becomes more spotty, but we're dealing with winds at this point. you have daytime heating and that's we get some thunder showers going on overnight. to get to sunday night. it's still some of the heat left of the day. these things start to fall apart a little bit. 08:00am. yeah, you have some spotty showers, but the sun may poke out a bit. add some more daytime heating. and again, you have some showers, perhaps some thunder showers, kind of delay in falling hurricane. sometimes it's no longer hurricane whatever. but it's still that cyclone. keep spinning around. you heat it up in a stretch to flare up during the day. just because there's more energy in the atmosphere. so this low was still in our backyard all the way through tuesday and it will facilitate the spotty showers. sometimes some rain, heavy rain and some time some thunder showers have to keep that in the forecast tuesday morning that are breaks happening. of course, in the skies are winds easterly shifting south easterly and then southern. but this is the issue are watching for today, as we've been told by a lot of utility folks because of the saturated ground, this can
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pose problems. so again, prepare for perhaps power outages. not so much from the rain now, but it will be from those winds. we shake those off, by the way, by your monday morning. and that part of the forecast, at least we can retire of that heavy rain and wind. more importantly this afternoon, lower 50's for those highs. although some spots we're looking at better than that early in the week. unsettled showers, breezy all that stuff. cool with 40's for lows. 50's going on for your highs in late in the week. we might start to get into a break here into the weekend. not money in the bank, though. so still eyes for the sky for thunder showers, hails possibility. even water spout. you can get out to sea. 62 san jose. 61 going on for san francisco in open at 61. so we managed to scrape into some lower 60's along with a lot of 50's here, too. early part of the week, this low is kind of in our backyard. and even though it's like to be a mass of rain anymore, the will be, you know, pockets of some of that heavier rain going on there. maybe a thunder shower popping up again. when you get the apps for more energy just get that with kids and you give them candy, what happens?
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so, you know, it's a new. >> okay. very good. so again, though, good idea for people to stay indoors, avoid any sort travel. this is okay. thanks so much get out. okay. >> all taking a live look now at the snow in lake tahoe. live. look out there. you can see just a couple of vehicles out there. and again, a reminder. >> as david, i just mention to, you know, just best to stay indoors, if you can. and if you must travel outside, please do so carefully and slowly and palisades tahoe has 15 new inches of snow. here's a look at new video from saturday. all sides say they now have nearly 150 inches of snow at the resort. they're hoping for at least 3 more feet. is the latest streaming service to crack down on password sharing starting mid-march, hulu users will only be able to share their account loggins with members of their own household. the rules already in place for new subscribers who got an account after january. 25th who says it could limit or terminate accounts of users who violate the new rules. days into black
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history month and hear him out for. we're honoring the moment all month long. this morning we take a look at the crown act which makes hair and style discrimination illegal. now they pitch it takes a look at where things stand. as natural hair is amazing. strands rooted in history. style is andriod. fulton knows well, it's beautiful coiled. >> currently curly hair from straight here. the crowd here, cornrows afros unlocks just some of the versatility had to have me here late, really street. you know, i mean, the specific style, especially if you're thinking about business meetings, may he decided to use a natural protective hairstyle, which is not always embrace and love the big gap for ul unfortunate that someone has an opinion of what is beautiful. what is a beautiful, a costly saying it. it is unfortunately still legal to not give someone a
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job opportunity, not hired, based off of their hairstyle and that is unconscionable. and this day and age, we know all discrimination is hands of house speaker joanna mcclinton and crown act co-sponsor says the act passed the house and now it's in the senate for consideration. hair discrimination is a part of the legacy of historic racism and discrimination has been a part of our society. where do other states stand? >> green shows where the crown act as law and prohibits discrimination based on hair type texture or style yellow legislation is filed or pre filed. red indicates legislation has not been filed on the national front. it all the time. we see it all the people denied the opportunity to go to the prom. >> org united opportunity to work in a industry. louisiana congressman in crown at supporter troy carter, senior says while it passed the previous congress, it did not
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get far in the senate and will be reintroduced this year. recognizing that more and more people hopefully are beginning to realize that this is not a partisan issue, but it is a very personal issue to millions, especially the black community. people. they don't. don't understand our culture. it becomes a way to shut the door. it becomes a way to keep certain groups certain rooms, boardrooms fulton hopes the crown act will become law. >> across the nation because we think about our young growing up. >> thinking that something is wrong with her. here somebody is told that you have bad hair. you have or you're here is but want them to understand how beautiful natural corals are reporting in harrisburg, pennsylvania. i'm valerie pritchett >> and kron four's honoring black history through the end of february. make sure to tune into our special coming up on
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thursday, february 29th at 06:30pm. and tracking the storm. we're keeping an eye on storm 4 radar. >> we've got dave spahr live in the weather center. keeping c an eye on all of this for us. details straight ahead. in
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national news, a convoy of cars. it's making its way along the border between the u.s. and mexico. participants are calling it the take our border back convoy with the goal of bringing awareness to the border crisis. >> law enforcement officials say they are remaining vigilant over concerns that outside groups might try to take advantage of this convoys presents. but the group has
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stressed that their aims are peaceful. here. and this comes as officials confirm a record january for illegal border crossings reporting more than 176,000 migrant encounters in january. that's nearly 19,000 more encounters and the same time last year. it's a dip from december's numbers. but still the most ever for the first month of the year. florida governor ron desantis is sending at least 1000 national guard members to help texas address the issue. in the south bay, san jose fire department assembled and distributed bikes to kids in need. 25 new bikes were given out. this is an annual initiative hosted by the nonprofit lost on >> on saturday, the community gathered in san francisco to celebrate lunar new year and black history month. the
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celebrations happened at the bayview hunters point ymca and chinatown. organizers say they've enjoyed putting this event together for the past 14 years. >> he really, really, really want to bridges between the black and also the asian community. and we started this. why do we really celebrate? every is a special one is a black history month is also with the new year a lot. i'm also so that we can that we pull lowlife, celebrate cultures, celebrate, understand out differences and also to create a on committee fall. >> mayor london breed and state senator scott wiener. as you can see, they're also attend it. people were able to learn about various community resources and they enjoyed some cultural performances as well. all right, taking a live look now at weather radar, keeping an eye on rivers and streams from overflowing on a potential overflowing streets and freeways as well. potential flooding happening there across the bay area.
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we're going to continue to keep an eye on it and bring you the latest. >> didn't that didn't. [♪♪] there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%. try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. it cleans so well, you can replace multiple cleaning products. try dawn powerwash.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears.
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common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. >> tracking the storm. we are keeping you informed on everything you need to know as this severe weather sweeps across the bay area. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. you are likely waking up to some pretty severe weather and that rain falling outside your window this morning. let's check in now with dave. for more on our weather conditions a day. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and the heavy rain for everybody seems to be breaking down, although.
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>> there's going to be pockets are going continue to see that such as the south bay. we're experiencing some of this occurring up in the north bay as well. that's why the flood advisory being posted there. you see the yellows and the meanwhile down the peninsula. there's another little package to make note of as well. but the heavy rains continue in the south bay, too. so even though to santa cruz mountains usually provides the rain shadow. it wasn't enough to overcome course all of this. now the flood risk is with everybody here outside the advisory i just mentioned is the watch until 10:00am on monday. meanwhile, the flood warning down on the south bay. that's going to be all day as well. and then finally should expire. once we lose the heavy rains later today for much of the bay, the heavy rains will be departing by the time we get to around noon and into the early afternoon. so that's why the wind part of the forecast kicks in and with saturated grounds were concerned about downed power lines and utility poles. this until 10 o'clock this evening. so it could be around all day will be all the south and southeast through much of the
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day. and then the dark or tpn color. that's where the high wind warning is in. that usually by definition is mean property damage. there's a live shot coming in from half moon bay, quite active. as you can see in the course they're getting the reins as well. temperature check in the 50's with some 40's up to the north bay winds. snapshot of where we stand now. they're actually going to build from this point coming in from the east and southeast are going to favor the south by later on this afternoon evening puts us in the mild sector and coupled with all of that, a rittle bit of breaks in the clouds and some daytime heating means possible. scattered thunder showers, too. we'll take a look at longer range forecast coming up in a bit because we have a checking off the rain even tomorrow, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> officials of the south, they are warning of possible flooding today. one of the biggest areas of concern is along the guadalupe river. well, for stephanie justice continues. our team coverage for us this morning. she's live in san jose right now. tiffany, what are conditions looking at looking like at this hour? >> yeah, good morning,
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stephanie. i was really hoping that the rain would lighten up just a bit, but it has not. in fact, i feel like it's coming down slightly stronger. we're also dealing with some strong gusts of wind as well here in san jose. >> we've been out here all morning long and it's really rainy and it's really coming down in this area. officials really concerned about rivers and streams at this point, especially with the santa cruz mountain and the amount of rain that we have been receiving. so they're keeping an eye on rivers like the guadalupe river right behind us. you can see how it's flowing. it's flowing quite fast. and we have noticed that the levels have increased just a bit. now, city officials are saying that san jose and surrounding areas are expected to see up to 2 inches of rain just within 24 hours. even more significant rain is expected in the santa cruz mountains which will feed into the guadalupe river. and that is why officials are watching rivers and the possibility of flooding. the national weather service is expecting the guadalupe river to reach flood stage is with water levels expected to peak.
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>> around 10 o'clock this morning, i do want to mention so this is strongest a win that we have been experiencing here in san jose. making lens get all rainy and wet and this is the conditions that we're dealing with with the concerns of flooding here in san jose mayor matt mahan has issued a proclamation of local emergency. now that is allowing them to remove or evacuating homeless in the area along the waterway. as i have been mentioning all morning long, it is wet. it is rainy. it is windy. it is cool. today would be a nice day to stay inside the neighborhood all around this area. there are signs up on the roadways, cautioning people about the possibility of flooding. stephanie, back to you. all right, stephanie, thank you so much for live coverage. what you get back to your car. >> and we continue our coverage of the storm some perspective from the south bay additional perspective from the south bay.
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>> joining us live now to give us an update on conditions is spokesperson is a spokesperson for santa clara valley water. we have matt keller joining us now. good morning to you. hi, good morning, stephanie. all right. was to start out here. of course, we've been talking about this all morning. santa clara county is under a flood watch through monday morning. to set up some context for our viewers. can you walk us through how valley water is involved with all of this and the counties involved with the county's response to the severe weather. >> sure. yeah. valley water open up our emergency operation center at 4 this morning. and so we work with the county. we were kids the best cities as well to inform them of what's going on in the waterways and to make sure we're communicating, you know, some of the risks that are taking in places like why they river and some of the other hot spots around santa clara county. >> okay. very good. no. san jose's mayor declared a local state of emergency because of flooding can you tell us a bit about what the situation is looking like out there now?
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>> yes, so it looks like some of this storm has been delayed a bit. so that has caused to, you know, we were expecting the flood conditions to start maybe around 5 this morning, but because that the land, the storm, we're not seeing those conditions that hasn't reached into the flood stages, they're quite banks and how know where your reporter was standing out there. so the impacts of this storm could be coming later this morning early afternoon as opposed to what we were expecting early this morning into the late morning hours so that delay has obviously it's good to not be seeing any any flooding and at the flood stage is there for guadalupe right now. and of course, we'll keep an eye on that to see if it's going to so stages later this morning. >> okay, matt, thank you so much for that. now we know that there are is there that was a homeless population living out in that quite a loop, a river area. there may still be a number of individuals out there. could you speak to whether the county was able to get most of those people into shelter or are or if there are still some homeless people out there.
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>> sure, of course we work with the city of san jose to make sure we're communicating the risks along the waterways. and when we have these rising creates these rising rivers, it's really important for them to go out and communicate to the unhoused population and to offer them shelter to get them out of the way of danger. so we've been working with them and i know that they have taken a sum some actions to communicate to them. they go out. they they use different types of of of ways to communicate with that unhoused population. so getting them out of the way of dangerous, the most important thing and i know the mayor reiterated that light last night at that press conference and work or supporting them with information of what's taking place in those waterways. but i know they have shelters open up. i know they're out. they're communicating its and obviously it's important to make sure that we're taking care of all the residents here in santa clara county. okay. >> and what is the public safety message for residents in santa clara county at this time? >> sure. yeah. i mean, when you get a flood warning, i mean, it's obviously that you have to take that seriously.
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so we always ask as we head into storms like this, where there is a risk of flooding that people take steps to to know where their sandbag locations are so that they can have sandbags before the water starts rising at their homes. and we also asked him to sign up for emergency alerts u.s. alert. sec, which is very important for getting emergency information. i at the time that you needed if there's emergency taking place, the county can communicate with you and make sure that you know where the risks are. so those are 2 things that people take while the waters coming down. we also asked people to look up whether or not they live in a flood zone because if you live in a flood zone, you have higher risk of flooding when the storms atmospheric rivers come through. if you take those 3 steps, you can be prepared for what comes your way. >> on it. and i'm matt, how do you all of this wet weather, the rain to affect the local water supply and even the quality of the water. >> sure. well, i mean, we see storms like this, especially back-to-back. you get you get
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more runoff coming off from the mountains and the hills into our waterways. and while that can be troubling, if we're having a flooding situation, it is good news for our water supply because that runoff goes into our reservoir as well. our local reservoirs and increases our local water supplies. so while we obviously are keeping an eye on the flooding situation and and want to make sure everyone is aware of the risks were seeing some benefits from this storm as well in our local reservoirs and see those reservoir levels >> and its residents happen to, you know, they see a downed power line. the power's out. what's what should they be doing next? >> sure, i mean depending on what the situation is. obviously, if it's an emergency, we asked people to call 9-1-1. so if there's an emergency situation that's causing danger for people in the area, call we have crews out in the field that are working on getting debris out of the waterways. so they'll
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be looking for trees and downed trees and working with our partners of those are communicated to us to those those back channels. and we're meeting with them consistently throughout the day. so we're aware of any issues that we're seeing out there in the field. but he obviously is if something's going on, you see rising waters, you see a danger, a public safety hazard. we just ask that you call 9-1-1 report that if there's a danger to, you know, people in the >> all right. matt with santa clara valley water, thank you so much for joining us this morning. and please stay safe. thank you, stephanie. all right, taking a live look now at power. outages at the pga need map this hour. we just got an update from the utility. there are more than 29,000 customers without power right now in the bay area alone, the north and south. they are the most impacted areas they're seeing about 13,000 customers affected. we'll keep you updated on the numbers throughout the morning. take a look at the snow falling over the lake tahoe region all related to
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this wet weather we've been seeing lots more snow is forecasted for the mountain sunday into monday. so if you are thinking of heading out there, officials do recommend you wait until next week. stay with us here across 4 for continuing storm coverage to scan the qr code on your screen to be sent to our website. we'll find the latest on closures, flooding outages and more. the kron 4 is your local election headquarters. several of the top candidates vying to fill the u.s. senate seat held by the late dianne feinstein took part in a forum saturday in los angeles. the focus issues that impact the lgbtq community. democratic congressmembers katie porter, adam schiff and barbara lee. each speaking for about 20 minutes. questions about the work they've done for the community. one major focus was the transgender community and forced outing policies and certain school districts. >> children cannot learn when they are not safe and forced out policies danger kits. that
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is the last thing that school should be doing. and i want to use my bully pulpit in the house and senate to push back against this discrimination in education and elsewhere. so fighting for equality fighting against hate. with the lgbtq+ community are. transgender community is in my dna >> the forum was hosted by quality, california, the nation's largest statewide lgbtq civil rights organization. and a reminder we host a debate on february. 12th between the top 4 candidates. watch it live at 7 o'clock here on kron 4. you can also stream on the kron on app for watch on kron 4 dot com. >> president joe biden wins the democratic primary in south carolina. his first step was towards or rather his first step towards a second nomination. >> voter turnout was lower in comparison to previous years with author marianne williamson and minnesota congressman dean phillips is the president's only
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challengers. biden took aim at former president trump, his likely opponent for the white house come november. >> i'm feeling good about where we are. i really am. you know, are starting to focus and the guy we're running against he not for anything. he's against everything. and i mean, it is to raise awareness campaign i've ever mitigation even worse than in terms of behavior. then the last time in 2020, vice president kamala harris campaigned for biden in south carolina ahead of saturday's primary. >> the vp address the president's efforts to crack down on bigotry and racism. biden is now campaigning for the general election targeting the same black voters that energized his presidential bid. back in 2020. >> and radar quite active. as you can see, a mass of rain with some pockets of some heavier rain still in there. now most the heavy rain will depart as we get into the
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afternoon. we're watching out for the winds and that compose issues as well. look at forecast. we come back (vo) fargo, is the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card. i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. i would never show my teeth. never. i'd never smile.
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and it forces you into this submission of silence because you don't think that anybody is going to take what you have to say seriously. invisalign has changed my life forever.
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>> all right, taking a live look now from our mount tam camera where things are really getting pretty busy out there. you could heavy. those winds are going. that rain is really coming down out there as well. dave, what are your thoughts on this? this exactly what worried about as we go into the afternoon, not so much the additional rain that's going to be added to it. but it's
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going to be those winds. and that's why we have the wind advisory. high wind warning. >> that covers most of the day. meanwhile, covering most of them out of this year, 70, but at the same kind of idea in tahoe, there's there's fresh snow that we have from overnight only adding to it for today. winter storm warning basically covers 5500 feet and above 5500 feet, about 7500 feet. you're talking about maybe they'll pick up to maybe up to 3 feet of snow. you get above 7,000 feet and it really starts to get into for by the of snow. so collecting quite a bit. there might get some melting going on around the 5500 range just a little bit because this low continues to bring up mild air quotation marks because you don't see snow in our local mountains so much either so that you see kind of a telltale sign when you start seeing that happen. that means the snow levels start to come down a bit. we've got 30's on the forecast monday tuesday into wednesday with snow each day hanging around. there you see it on radar back to the bay area. there's the moderate rain showers. we did see some breaks now and we probably will as we get to the latter
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morning into the early afternoon, that's not necessarily a good thing because all that sunshine means that we get any. we'll meet again energy atmosphere to the energy. and that's where sparks off those thunder showers to watch out for future cast for watching the sun today. you see the breakup happening this afternoon. not so much. the intense rain is going to be much more hit and miss going on, although it could be intense when it comes down, it will be kind of hit or miss. overnight. we lose a lot of energy for your early morning commute going on here. we have some leftover showers there. yeah, we had some daytime heating and that can turn into some thunder showers to as late as monday and tuesday to until you see the lowest, starting to change a w more to the south with more showers down south. looks like as late as around tuesday, the winds are going to today's issue. they're mostly out of the east. shift southeasterly and southerly. so we're still in the quote, mild sector temperature wise. winds get up there about gusts of 40 miles per hour. so by monday morning, the wind part of the forecast should be retired and
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we shouldn't have further issues with that. but we're not out of the woods yet. and certainly the winds are what's going to hang on for today and through tonight. here's a longer range forecast. give you a general idea that low just doesn't seem knows what it wants to go dropping south. finally midweek here, guys. then thursday, another dose to make note of 2 independent of that. it's pushing it all through more mountain snow is pected. so it's for much of the week into the weekend. hey, mike, a little bit of a break here. some scattered clouds on sunday. not exactly sure what to do with this yet. we're monitoring it will put that together for you. we get a little closer and the other issue is, as we get into the early following week, everything kind of goes up and around the thinking is that should keep us in the dry sector. if that comes together, the 7 day forecast into the 50's all week long. but we've got to keep a chance of rain and a shower all in there all week long and again, watching out for thunder showers today this afternoon. and even through monday, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> o beer fans rejoice. san
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francisco beer week returns this month running from february 9th to 18th and with dozens of craft beer events planned across the bay area. there is plenty of options to quench your thirst. joining us live now is be failing brand manager for 21st amendment brewery. good morning to you. good morning, stephanie. and thank you for braving the storm to join us here this morning. i want it. >> in the name of beer. ok? yet yeah, love the energy. so, you know, first of all, you guys are actually back after a very challenging few years. how does it feel? well, we're back after a four-year hiatus for the gala. so the gala is going to be hosted february 9th right here in the city on pier. 35 excited. yes. so we have craft breweries from all over the bay from the north bay to the east bay, san francisco, the coast, all the way down to silicon valley. so were having all those craft breweries coming together. >> to really celebrate beer. you know, that's what you're week is all about, right?
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absolutely. and >> it's important to note here that even though we're calling it san francisco bureau with this is something that's throughout the bay area. it's happening at breweries throughout the day throughout the day. and you know, so as your week actually originated. >> 15 years founded by a craft beer beer leaders throughout the sean o'sullivan from 21st amendment as well. but you know, the best part about beer week is celebrating craft beer. and, you know, as we all know of the loss of anchor this it's really important to celebrate craft beer and supporting your local independent craft breweries so important. you brought some product to introduce our this morning. we've sunny first, correct, 21st amendment. this is a yes. are fan favorites. >> not quite in seizing up, but i figured, you know, con for can have a little treat are or high watermelon. we cat. it's a fan favorite and
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then we are actually introducing debuting at the gala. >> on february 9th is our brand new amendment walker. alright, news breaking news right here. talking seth beer week. people. yeah, gorgeous. yes. so i guess if you're week is really a celebration of craft beer around the bay and we have events all over the bay and its really important to go out your local brewery and see what events they are going to be hosted that week because there are. events for every single person out there from family, fun to food events to, you know, music. it's it's great to see. and so how can people learn about which events are happening at which breweries? so i always you know, you probably hear this all the time. follow us on social really? it is about going on instagram going on facebook going to your local
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brewery and you don't give give them a follow. but also you can find every single 300 plus events. i as seth beer week dot org, uk sf beer week dot org. and i imagine ticket prices are also listed on ticket. prices are also listed on there and you want to get your tickets now, especially vip. a vip gets on in their 2 hours early. they have a special astro lounge this year has grown faster. allows they you in on those specialty beers that. and, you know, general admission might not get to meeting. 21st amendment also russian river. you know, there's there's your hands. and then also seller maker so many more. so it's it's really great. it's a celebration of your. we're talking about beer people. i i mean, i know. it's a weekend right and that's that's ok? yeah, it's ok, yes, absolutely. and you know, for the for people who are looking
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at this, they're curious. i mean. >> tell us about the flavor profile. i mean, you know that when they pop on you know. i would lay and you you could give it a try but how or high watermelon is one of those ones that we brew it with real watermelon. and it's not that it's it's it's tight. nice. savory ryans, you know, flavor from watermelon. it's not that hard. artificial and you can really taste the watermelon on there. if you stop by our of brewpub in our tap room during watermelon season will be able to get up high with a watermelon on on the side. and it's great, yeah, we'll see that. they're like, oh, this is the kickoff to summer right and then brand-new amendment longer is a beautiful 4.4 american lager and it drains, you know, it's one of those ones that you want to have a have a couple. let it's a good one for a football season.
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people that say, yeah, waiting. the niners are sure. we've got super bowl show super bowl. 58 top of mind over here. yes. and to just, you know, recap it for us again. just how it feels again. >> to be able to have such an important event come back after such a long time. i mean, so many local businesses were affected me not for for yearlong hiatus. you know, craft breweries are excited right now. and it's a great opportunity to get out their support, local support your local craft craft beer. >> and you know what? you get to try new stuff. a lot of breweries are debuting some some stuff specifically for as seth beer week. so if you want more information, please stop by sf beer week dot work. all right. fantastic. t%ank you so much. the failing brand manager for 21st amendment brewery. thank you for having me. cheers. yes, right. we'll me. cheers. yes, right. we'll be right back.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. the long-lasting scent of gain flings made it smell like dave was in his happy place... ...the massage chair at the mall. but...he wasn't. gain flings with oxi boost and febreze.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion
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and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. >> online sports gambling platform. fanduel is changing its super bowl ad featuring carl weathers. the move follows the actor's death this week. fanduel released this sneak peek of the commercial last month. fanduel says it's changing the ad out of respect to whether his family but played in the nfl before he retired and became an actor. the 76 year-old is best known for his role as apollo creed in the rocky films. still ahead in the next hour, the kron 4 morning news. we continue to track the storm that's sweeping across the bay area. details continuing on our next hour of kron. 4 morning news.
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(vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, when dad brings up the importance of... (dad) building credit. (vo) ... you're ready. (daughter cutting him off) dad. fargo, what's my fico score? (dad) wow. it's a work of art. (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? instantly tell you what you spend on things like food. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher,
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and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. ordinary is the opposite of beautiful. beauty drops our jaws. dilates our eyes. and beauty is something we can create... right now... at floor & decor.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. a dangerous storm now sweeping across the bay area. increasing concerns of flooding and power outages. we have team coverage with everything you need to know. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> thanks so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday, february, the 4th. let's get right over to dave spahr for the latest on our very wet and windy weather.
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>> well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and we're actually seeing a line march right through the bay area as we speak carrying with it, the winds and the heavy rains. but those winds, by the way, will be around even though we won't be getting heavier rains for much of the bay this afternoon. so the wind part of the forecast is going to be with us all day and even into tonight, which is what is also creating concerns for damage here. here's what's going on radar right now. stephanie had referenced earlier. there's that line, as you can see yellow but extends up to the north bay, which, by the way, in napa, sonoma, also parts of marin that flood warning that they have a flood advisory that they have excuse me. that will be until 4.30, now they've extended that for 30 pm in a flood warning. also in the south bay, that's all day as well. here's a live shot coming in from half moon bay. very unsettled. usually we see kind of the mild weather to start the day and so forth. not this go around. of course, very stormy. and we will see those heavy winds continue down the california coast. the central coast, particularly is looking at hurricane force winds as a possibility. why
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we're all so close to the center circulation of this. basically mid-latitude cyclone here which did have support from the jet stream here did have support skews me from the subtropical jet. looks like that's been cut off a little bit, but it certainly has a lot of moisture which still to play with back to the winds. a little snapshot offshore, as you can see. i mean, very strong easterly winds feels weird to say offshore with this going on. but it is from the east. then shifting a little bit from the southeast and will come from the south this afternoon. and for tonight. you can see the the flood watch. that's everybody. the reds indicate the flood warning that's occurring in way up in the north bay to you can see there's also a flood warning, but in the south bay, this is going to be all day today. that's where tiffany station and she's telling us about that. now, the heavy rains also occurring in the santa cruz mountains to get there. and even though the santa cruz mountains usually act as a bit of a rain shadow for the santa clara valley, not showing too much. and this account. there are the winds all day today wind advisory which means winds gusts beyond 45 miles per hour and the
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darker that tan color indicates a high wind warning which by definition means watch out. you're looking at property damage. the breakdown today notes may be some scattered thunder showers, particularly skies open up at state light hours. there were getting some energy from the sun. so sometimes that can spark off thunder showers given the setup that we have little bit more on your forecast. we come back 70. all right, dave, thank you. >> officials in the south, they're warning of possible flooding this morning. one of the biggest areas of concern is along the guadalupe river. we continue our team coverage now with tiffany justice. she's been live for us in san jose for us all this morning. and tiffany, what are conditions looking like now? >> all right, stephanie, we have been here in san jose all morning long and the rain has not stopped. and not only are we dealing with heavy rain here, we're dealing with some strong gusts of winds as well. we've noticed someone with the city who has it was pretty much on standby keeping an eye on the guadalupe river. that's
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right behind it's flowing pretty strong at this point. we have that city some with the city keeping an eye on it right now, as we do know, that city officials are saying that san jose and surrounding areas are expected to see around 2 inches of rain just within 24 hours. even more significant rain is expected in the santa cruz mountains which will feed into the guadalupe river. and that is why officials are keeping an eye on rivers and streams and the possibility of flooding. the national weather service is expecting the guadalupe river to reach flood stage is with water levels expected to peak around 10 o'clock this morning with the concern of flooding said jose mayor matt mahan has issued a proclamation of local emergency allowing them to begin mandatory evacuations of homeless that have been living along this water side. a waterway we do know has well neighborhoods around the guadalupe river. their signs up here in san jose cautioning residents drivers about the possibility of flooding. and
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we do know the city is keeping a good eye on it looking at where the water levels are right now. i want to send it back to you in studio 70. all right, stephanie, thank you so much for your live coverage and new this morning. crews in santa rosa responding to 3 trees that fell on top of a car. you can take a look at that video on your screen right now at damage looking pretty significant. >> this was on highway 101 just north of todd road. it was a man inside of that car. fire crews were able to get them out safely is not clear how seriously he was injured. but he was rushed to the hospital. and take a look at this poll. also, police sharing this image on social media. you can see a downed tree on oregon expressway at bryant street. crews are on scene right now working to clear the area of that debris. emergency response efforts are in place now across the bay area was justin campbell reports on the resources available to help people in marin county. >> have the risk of a
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potential, a mudslide or maybe a debrief all because of the saturated soils, the national weather service model show the atmospheric river is expected to bring up to 2 inches of rainfall in most parts of the bay area and increased risk of flooding and something much worse people experiencing homelessness to have nowhere else to go. the opportunity get out of that wet weather and stay dry and warm overnight. lane ii hendricks is a communication director with marine county. she says emergency shelter is up and running for people needing a place to ride out the storm. the shelter is in san rafael at the marine health and wellness center that sent 30 to 40 kerner just off of belem boulevard and 5.80, drivers are also being advised to stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary as the roads will be saturated with water, especially in low-lying areas. and there's not always going to be a sign warning you about flooding. so be on the lookout. we've seen too many times cars get stranded even what looks like, you know
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about a foot foot have water could be much more day in the north bay. justin campbell kron. 4 news. >> and happening right now, people are warned to avoid any unnecessary travel if you can, during this wet weather. taking a live look now at the bay bridge. you can see on your screen there that camera shaking just a bit because of those heavy winds. officials are warning of creeks, cresting rivers rising and possible mudslides and downed trees because of this wet weather. and taking a look now at power outages. at this hour, we're seeing quite a number across the bay area. the latest update from pg and e there are more than 29,000 customers without power in the bay area alone, the north and south bay of the areas impacted the most. these areas seeing about 13,000 customers affected. we will keep you updated on the numbers throughout the morning. francisco parks officials shut down parts of golden gate park because of the wet weather. stern grove pine lake and the outdoor gardens are closed
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today because of those conditions authorities warn residents to watch out for falling trees and flooded areas. the oakland zoo once again plans to close because of the wet weather and while the wolves, as you can see here, enjoy the smell of the incoming rain. the conditions can be an issue for staff and visitors. they want to keep everyone safe. the zoo says all reservations will be refunded. and for the latest on storm conditions, stay with kron. 4 to scan the qr code on your screen to be sent to our website. you'll find the latest on road closures, flooding and power outages. happening today, the san francisco forty-niners lee for las vegas gearing up for super bowl. 58, the team buses leave levi stadium around 3.15, this afternoon. fans are expected to give the team a send off as they go. but of course, given today's weather, it's likely that people will have their umbrellas out with them as well. well, 9 ers fans around the world are getting ready for the big game. and that includes the fans in kansas
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city. jacob kittle stead reports. >> it's 1800 mile drive to the city by the bay. >> but members of the kansas city, 40 niner faithful say their san fran fandom has followed a straight line. i've been a forty-niners fan since january 10, 1982, which isn't a 88. my dad was in the neighborhood. i grew up with the rise there, the montana area and then obviously young after that, you see a niners fan down the way and we're not in minors country so, but it's like i so what you find a group and you can have fun in your group is better than sitting in your living room chair by yourself or your basement roanoke with a couple buddies. >> you know, all of these people pay for when you go to a bar and you watch niners game, it's all you got to chiefs fans pretty much if you're not a game. they're cool. >> if you are a game that they >> just ignore even in the grocery store. i'm walking with my hat everyone. sunday. at i specifically want during
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the chiefs games or will be as busy. that is minding my business as i'm walking out, a manager yells, you know, go chiefs and i'm like, okay, we're not playing you guys even better. if it's great. having christian bring it you by famous which is not on the it doesn't matter what you know. we've got to watch out for kelsey, but, you know, we have fair warner and drug ring off and t's kansas. so they want to to work for for the chiefs were good with that. we did want to 49 us. it's good patriots. not >> well, if you're one of the fans making the trip to vegas, airport officials have some travel tips for you at least 4 hours before departure. start planning your trip to the airport. check traffic conditions and rideshare wait times arrive at the airport. at least 2 hours early. the at the gate ready to board one hour before departure. and don't forget to tailgate with us ahead of the big game. kron four's june up with chicago's jarrett
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payton for a whirlwind tour of sin city. get an insider's look at allegiant stadium. sing-along with wayne newton and feast on tailgate tips with a celebrity chef catch big game tailgate coming up next. thursday at 6.30, sure to be a good time. >> and we're looking for more rain still to continue today. the heavy stuff is pretty much done, but some thunder showers may pop up in the afternoon. look at the timing of all of this. coming up at the 4 this. coming up at the 4 morning news continue. hi there. do you need any help?
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yeah. i was just wondering what nosh means? [blowing whistle] natural. organic, specialty, healthy. yay. nosh! everything marked nosh means natural, organic. specialty and healthy. that way, you can eat healthy while sticking to a budget. ummm, no. i'll be honest. by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside.
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look at that! swiffer wetjet. this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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the kron? 4 morning news. good morning, everybody. and some of the imagery we can see around the bay right now, uptick in the city were saying a squall line kind of marched through. so. >> we're getting a pop of winds and some intense rain for right now. that's not really how it's going to be, though this afternoon. yeah, it will be some pockets of that going forward to be sure in lot of that in the south bay. but will have winds with cloudy skies going on. but winds continuing and actually intensifying a little bit over very large area. and that's what really the concern is not just a storm is here and then it's gone. 15 minutes later, half hour. it's going to those continuous winds this afternoon and even through tonight. here's live radar going on here for you again, this squall line or backyard. this is why the san francisco, it's a very stormy right now as we speak on to the east bay shoreline as well. and of course, a tiffany has been telling us down the south bay, which you can see more and the way of some cluster of some heavier rain showers. although it looks like some of the heaviest has moved out for now. there's more yet upstream not to leave out the north bay, which they also have that
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flood advisory because of all these elements which will put together here for you. there are breaks in the clouds that do happen. we did see the sun come out a little bit. that's possible. even today. secondly, do much of anything except just add more energy to the atmosphere to help reduce a possible afternoon shower or thundershower. here's a live shot of the storm in us. we see in half moon bay, same kind of deal again, heavy rains in spots happening. give you a general idea what it looks like. almost half the state or more is looking for the potential for some thunder showers. that's what that green tanned caller is from the folks severe prediction center is used to severe storms forecast center, whatever. then this darker green color you can see here. that is a slight chance of some severe wedther that you see going on here. so that doesn't mean just thunder showers. that could be what falls in the definition of severe. it's light in marginal and all of that. but we don't see that very often. so worth noting and it does cover portions of the peninsula to and the santa cruz mountains and a little bit of santa
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clara county. so moving on for a few to stormtracker 4, just to see how this comes together in future cast. there you see hjw it breaks up on the surface. and coming up, at least the heavy rains look like they break out that allows the energy in the atmosphere to start working here a little bit and we might get some afternoon thunder showers and into the evening hours, too. the heavier stuff looks like it favors the east bay far east bay and down to the south through late tonight overnight. now and tomorrow morning. the trend continues. it's just following the low. it's running out a little moisture. however, monday morning, not as much going on. it's kind of calm in the morning hours. you see some breaks happening in the skies there a little bit here. phils back up again, just because you get daytime heating and again, we could see some thunder showers going in the afternoon. then again at night, it settles a little bit here as it runs out of energy and even some breaks happening in the skies winds, though, they're with us all day today from the east to the southeast to the south. popping of the 30's, even into the 40's. they meet the criteria. wind advisory and also in some
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cases, high wind warning which can cause some property damage. we don't shake that off. it doesn't look like until monday morning. so heavy rain in when we have sfo behind their my back there you can see in that's about a 3 hour delay looking for potentially so careful if you know anybody coming or going there. temps in the 60's, unsettled showers and breezy for early into the week. cole with 40's for your lows 50's for highs. meanwhile, late in the week there's a thursday passing system. but beyond that, michael, into a drier patch, there. here's the breakdown for you today. we got 61 ish 62 san jose and watch out for some lightning strikes. that's pretty indicative with highs will be for today. also right now, you can see it does. there's quite busy in terms of thunder shower after rain shower activity winds. but we're going to have winds without necessarily the downpours this afternoon for a lot of folks all right. good idea to stay inside today. all right. thanks. a lot of danger. >> well, taking a live look now at snow and lake tahoe. check this out. all right. and there it is. we're going to
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get up in just a moment here. you can see a bit of pop, a big screen. >> there it is. there are just a few cars, you know, on the roadways there and as dave mentioned, it really is best to stay indoors, if you can. and off the roadways. just given those slick conditions. >> but if you must absolutely travel of this weekend, please do so carefully and safely like you see these cars. i'm doing so on this at this hour. 9.16 fossett's tahoe has 15 new inches of snow. here's new video from saturday. >> sides say they now have nearly 150 inches of snow at the resort. they're hoping. >> for at least 3 more feet. and in national news, a convoy of cars is making its way along the border between the u.s. and mexico. participants are calling it the take our border back convoy with the goal of bringing awareness to the border crisis. law enforcement officials say they are remaining vigilant over concerns outside groups might try to take advantage of the
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convoy. but the demonstrators have stressed that they are trying to just do a peaceful demonstration. this comes as officials confirm a record january for illegal border crossings reporting more than 176,000 migrant encounters in january that nearly 19,000 more encounters in the same time last dip from december's numbers. but still the most ever for the first month of the year. florida governor ron desantis is sending at least 1000 national guard members to help texas address this issue. is the latest streaming service to crack down on password sharing starting in mid-march. hulu users. we'll only be able to share their account loggins with members of their own household. this rule is already in place for new subscribers who got an account after january. 25th who says it could limit or terminate accounts of users who violate the new rules. and kron 4 is honoring black history month all month long. and this morning take a look at the crown act which makes
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hair and style discrimination illegal. now they pitch it takes a look at where things stand today. as a matter years. amazing strands rooted in history. style is andriod. fulton knows well, it's beautiful coiled. >> currently curly hair from straight here. the crowd here, cornrows afros unlocks just some of the versatility had to have me here late, really street. you know, i mean, the specific style, especially if you're thinking about business meetings make he decided to use a natural protective hairstyle, which is not always embrace and love the gap for ul unfortunate that someone has an opinion of what is beautiful. what is a beautiful, a costly saying it. it is unfortunately still legal to not give someone a job opportunity, not hired, based off of their hairstyle and that is unconscionable in this day and age. we know all discrimination is hands of house speaker joanna mcclinton
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and crown act co-sponsor says the act passed the house and now it's in the senate for consideration. hair discrimination is a part of the legacy of historic racism and discrimination has been a part of our society. where do other states stand? >> green shows where the crown act as law and prohibits discrimination based on hair type texture or style yellow legislation is filed or pre filed. red indicates legislation has not been filed on the national front. it all the time. we see it all the people denied the opportunity to go to the prom. >> or united opportunity work in a industry. louisiana congressman in crown at supporter troy carter, senior says while it passed the previous congress, it did not get far in the senate and will be reintroduced this year. recognizing that more and more people hopefully are beginning to realize that this is not a
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partisan issue, but it is a very personal issue to millions, especially the black community. people. they don't don't understand our culture. it becomes a way to shut the door. it becomes a way to keep certain groups certain rooms, boardrooms fulton hopes the crown act will become law. >> across the nation because we think about our young growing up. >> thinking that something is wrong hear somebody is told that you have bad hair, you have or you're here is but want them to understand how beautiful natural corals are reporting in harrisburg, pennsylvania. i'm valerie pritchett >> kron 4 is honoring black history all month long. tune into our special airing thursday, february 29th at 06:30pm. >> and we continue to keep an eye on storm tracker. 4 radar showing lots of rain continuing to fall across parts of the bay area. all
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right. dave sphar live in the weather center with more weather center with more details coming up.
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ordinary is the opposite of beautiful. beauty drops our jaws. dilates our eyes. and beauty is something we can create... right now... at floor & decor. south bay. the san jose fire department assembled and distributed bikes to kids in need. >> 25 new bikes were given out. this is an annual initiative hosted by the nonprofit lost from their u.s.. >> on saturday, the community gathered in san francisco to celebrate lunar new year and black history month. celebrations happened at the bayview hunters point ymca and
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in chinatown. organizers say they have enjoyed putting this together for the past 14 years. >> really, really want to bridges between the black and also the asian community. and we started this. why do we really celebrate? every is a special one is a black history month is also with the new year a lot. i'm also so that we can that we pull lowlife, celebrate all cultures, celebrate, understand out differences and also to create on help committee flaw. >> mayor london breed and state senator scott wiener also were in attendance. as you can see there, people got chance to learn about various community resources and also enjoyed some cultural performances. continuing our coverage of the wet weather taking a live look stormtracker store for tracker radar >> we could see just the widespread rain falling across the bay area right now. >> stay with us for the latest.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. we're keeping an eye on this storm and have the latest on the severe weather as it sweeps across the bay area. welcome back. thank you so much for joining us here. and you are likely waking up to rain this morning falling outside your window. let's get right to dave spahr for the latest on our weather conditions. hey, dave. >> hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. i'm control of his any possibly get san mateo bridge up there because we don't usually see it swinging around the way it is right now. kind of really
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underscores what we're looking at here in terms of right now. this the kind of a squall line right across the san francisco off to oakland in down a little bit into the peninsula. obviously mateo bridge, if we can show that anyway. but it's shaking. and there's also some white caps going on in the bay, something we don't see very often either. if you take a look at the left-hand side, you can see the big waves going on as well. now to underscore this, it's not get the heavy rains will have all day. that part is going to wane, but we're going to have those winds going throughout the afternoon and it's the damage to perhaps a telephone poles and that sort of thing that concerned about, ok, you did see a lot about radar going on. this is what we got right now. as you can see, lightning bolt strikes. yes, that's true. it's popping up already. and that's the same squall line that's delivering it to san francisco. the peninsula and off to oakland as well. now flood watch. that's for everybody. the north bay, that flood advisory that's going to be around doesn't show very well to other form of green. it doesn't show very well in this map, but it's a napa county that surrounds the bay. sonoma
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county and also a little more into it. meanwhile, that red you see there we've been talking about with tiffany down south. that's a warning. a flood warning and that will be around. also the santa cruz mountains about the way that they taken the real heavy brunt of it. of course. and that's going to be around all day today as well. this all watch business. that's until 10:00am on monday. meanwhile, the winds as i keep referencing here, wind advisory covers everybody. and then not, it's a high wind warning high wind warnings by definition means property damage is possible. that would be even without the saturated ground. all right. live shot coming in here for you from half moon bay. there you see kind of the stormy action in place as well. by the way, further south, down to a monterey. they're looking at hurricane force winds as a possibility throughout the day today. i haven't seen numbers like pop real, real high yet, but it's possible. all right. we've got 50's on the board right now. couple 40's you can see up there in the north bay hanging on and for those winds out of the east and the southeast, rare to see this going on with an east wind
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that would normally be an onshore wind. but it's an offshore wind. we're being treated to. and the forecast today noting some of those scattered thunder showers today. and you might even see some raised a son to give the atmosphere some energy. we're take a look at the week ahead. and that 7 day forecast in a bit. stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> officials are warning of possible flooding today in the south bay. one of the biggest areas of concern is along the guadalupe river kron four's tiffany justice continues our team coverage now. she's live for us in san jose this morning. tiffany, we know you've been out there for several hours. how are conditions now? >> yeah, the rain. it is going strong. we've been out here all morning long and it has continued to come down at moments. it lightens up, but it continues to rain. not only are we dealing with rain here in san jose on a lot of that, we're dealing with some pretty gusty winds as well. city officials keeping an eye on rivers, in-store streams along with the guadalupe river. that's right behind us.
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keeping an eye on the river levels. we do know that we have seen city officials along with someone with the san jose water company taking photos and monitoring it. so here's what we know. city officials are saying the san jose and surrounding areas are expecting to see up to 2 inches of rain within just 24 hours. even more significant rain is expected in the santa cruz mountains which will feed into the guadalupe river that you're seeing right behind us is more whiter than it typically now we do know >> that this is why officials are watching and keeping an eye, our rivers and streams for the possibility of flooding. the national weather service is expecting the guadalupe river to reach flood stage is with water levels expected to peak around 10 o'clock this morning with that, the concern of flooding. san jose mayor matt mahan has issued a proclamation of local emergency allowing them to begin. mandatory evacuations of homeless in the area that have been living alongside this waterway. as we have
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mentioned, it quite gusty out here. it's rainy out. here is cold. might be a good day to stay inside. but city officials are keeping an eye on rivers and streams along with the san jose water company. stephanie, back to you. >> all right, tiffany, thank you so much for keeping an eye on conditions out there for us along the guadalupe river. we appreciate it. >> and new this morning, crews in santa rosa responding to 3 trees that fell on top of a car. take a look at your screen right there. pretty dangerous situation. this was on highway 101 north of todd road was a man inside of that car. crews were able to get him out. those fire crews right there. it's not clear how seriously the man was injured, but we he was rushed to the hospital. and take a look at this a while to police sharing this image on social media. this is downed tree on oregon expressway. a bryant street crews are on scene working to clear it. and so we will update you once we know that roadway is clear. >> and justin flooding in san francisco. this is a tweet
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from san francisco department of emergency management. they are asking people to avoid the area of hayes street in buchanan because of flooding right there crews are on the way to this and people are being advised to use alternate routes. in the meantime. and we continue our coverage of the storm and we are keeping an eye on power outages for you this morning. joining us live now to give an update is megan mcfarland with pg any good morning to you. >> good morning. >> all right. so megan, power outages looking in the bay area right now. how bad is it? so this storm came in just as pg pg. e meteorologist expected really high winds. heavy rains. >> right now across the bay area we have about 44,000 customers without power. and that's all due to storm-related 44,000 customers without power right which parts of the bay area are you seeing the most customers affected? the south bay and and passed that area in the central coast. that's where we're seeing the majority of
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our outages. i think in the san jose area we have 22,000 customers without power. but pg e was definitely ready for this storm. we've been preparing for it for a number of days bringing in extra crews extra equipment that's often damaged during storms. we have that ready to go so we can respond efficiently and safely. ok, got you walk us through what that response plan is. i'm sure, but those many thousands of customers in the south bay, for example, they're just eagerly awaiting for their power to come back. yes, of to just different. but in general, the first thing we do once that the area is safe, we send out pg e crews and they assess the situation determine what the damage is and what kind of resources and materials let me into it engaged to make those repairs and it can be different depending on if we have a cold out. there are wire down. and once we make that assessment, then we'll know sort of the estimated time of restoration and we communicate that to customers as soon as possible. we know that our customers want that information. so so
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that's sort of process that we go and what is the best way for people to get a sense for customers to get a sense of? >> you know, has p is pg and aware that there's an outage in my area. have they responded to say a downed tree? what's the best with the customers can get that information? the best way for customers to do that is to go to pg e's website pg e dot com and sign up for outage. alerts this way. if you lose power. >> we can text email or call you with an update on when the last hour when the crews are en route and what the estimated time of restoration also on pga new website is our outage map and that lets you pinpoint the outages in your community or maybe the community of a loved one. and we have all the information on their ok? and are there any public safety reminders for your customers at this time? we know that this storm is really starting to pick up here for people across the bay area. >> yes, a really important one. if you're out and about in your community when the storm clears be aware of downed power line sometime. power lines can come down. we
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have everything. you see a downed power lines stay away from its assume it's energized to call 9-1-1, copy jeanne. and we will come in the area safe. >> audit and meghan, are there any important resources numbers to call, for example, if a customer sees a downed power line. >> yes, absolutely. call but also copy jeanne, 4, 1, 5, 9, 7, 3, 5,000. and we come out make the area safe. all right. any just wrap things up here any other the public safety reminders important warnings that people should be aware of as we kind of hunker down and get through this together. yes, if you haven't you furniture in your backyard, patio furniture saves lives chairs tables. it's great if you could either put that stuff away or secure it when we have high winds like this, sometimes we can see that backyard pressure getting picked up by the way actually flying into our overhead power lines and causing power
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outages are safety challenges. so it's a great time to time that step down. if you haven't already. all right. megan mcfarland with pg need. thank you so much for your insight this morning. all right, take a look at this. snow falling over the lake tahoe region. lots more is forecasted for the mountains sunday into monday. >> so if you're thinking of heading out there, officials do recommend you wait until next week. once the weather has settled down just a bit. the stay with kron 4 for continuing storm coverage to scan the qr code on your screen to be directed right to our website. you'll find the latest on road closures. flooding, power outages and more. the city of las vegas is gearing up for super bowl. 58 between the forty-niners and the chiefs. madison kimbro takes a look. >> we're here at the super bowl experience at mandalay bay out officially opens on wednesday. but the set up is already taking place. let's check it it will be an experience like no other. and as for what the super bowl
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experience at mandalay bay will offer talk to me about what this is beside this is going to be one of our iconic a interactive games is our field goal kick. so we have. >> nfl flag clinics. we have our play 60 zone. we have amazing merchandise. in addition to getting autographs star players, attendees can get up close and personal photos of the 57 super bowl rings and the actual vince lombardi trophy given to the winning team. so what took so long for las vegas to finally host this big game? we waited for mister davis. of course, stadium, right? it has to be open for 2 seasons. before we we awarded super bowl. we want to get out all the kinks. we want to make sure we're delivering a world-class event for all of our fans, whether they're coming to the super bowl experience are, of course, going to the super bowl on game days. and speaking of fans, it will says this year they're expecting a whole new era of nfl supporters might be the most televised pull in sports history because at a certain pop star, anything you have to say about 2 she's open the doors to totally different.
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>> group of fans and we we encourage that. so we we we love our chiefs the love, our believe that we welcome her with open arms she is here on february 11. >> and don't forget to tailgate with us ahead of the big game. kron four's justine waltman will be joined by chicago's jarrett payton for a whirlwind tour of sin city. that an insider's look at allegiant stadium sing-along with wayne newton and feast on tailgate tips from all-star chef michael mina. catch big game tailgate coming up next. thursday at 6.30. >> and we got write marching through san francisco as we speak now getting into the peninsula a little bit, ed and balding up a little bit to the north bay, a touch as well. now the heavy part of the rain, part of the storm, rather is going to wind down in the afternoon for most the next issue winds all day today and through tonight and into next week. looks like we're going to be home out of some rain. still in that forecast.
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forecast coming up in a bit as we reach out to the seven-day. the kron 4 morning news continues.
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>> welcome back. taking a live look now at the golden gate bridge looking pretty wet out there. so if you must travel today, please do so safely on those roadways. let's check in now with day from or what we need to know good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. still pockets of that heavy rain that we with us this morning. you're in this one of those cells right over san francisco. now. >> bleeding out of peninsula to the south and up to the
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north bay to the north. 70, though, and the snows have come from last night. they're going to be all day today through early into the weekend. looks like more to be added to it. and the game plan is pretty much the same that a winter storm warning that's been posted until 5 tomorrow morning. this is for say above 5500 feet is where the snow is going to be shoaf between 5500 feet and save the 7,7500. going to be dealing with the up to 3 feet of snow saying above 7500. well, could be a lot higher than that. maybe 5 feet or so. also snow drifts with this and the winds will reach high at that level. you might get winds that are beyond hurricane strength through today and even a little bit into tomorrow to only thing, too, is that that line the freeze line around 5505,000 feet actually, it may drift a little bit down in terms of melting or go up a little bit. excuse me and start a little bit of melting. so what's coming down? the snow now may be at that level of 5500 feet may believe into a little bit of rain in there, but not too much in the way.
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milton, we're consistent temperatures, 30's, it looks like in you and the tahoe, by the way, monday, tuesday and wednesday, snow will continue throughout this period. they really haven't right now. as you can see, the models are based or i'm sorry, raiders are seeing the elevation of just saying, well, that's no getting back to the bay area. this is the squall line for the pictures that you're seeing extending up to the north bay breaking up in the east bay and down south, although in the south bay still unsettled as we speak back to future cast. there is a nice break that happens in terms of the intensity of the rain. you can see we never shake it off. of course, it's always close at hand, but it's going to be those winds that we're going to watch. then tonight we lose the energy in the atmosphere, but because of the a rotation around this low, it rim right remains. think about that. adding daytime heating that swing gets more thunder showers going on. so that's possible today. that's possible tomorrow with again, daytime heating could even get things like water spouts is a potential as well with something like this in our backyard to hear the winds out of the east shifting southeast and then shifting to south as
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we get late tonight overnight, shaking off some of those winds by tomorrow morning. so tomorrow morning, it's going to be what everything that happened today tonight and little bit last night. all collected, agree to do so. watch out on area roadways. there might be some flooded areas that you should know your your route and to know where problems to develop. just little bit of caution there solo actually goes towards our north, dropping south. later, another system pushes it right through and by thursday might have another dose of some earnest rain until we find it look like a patch that we dry out going into the weekend. another dose of some cloud cover by the time we get to sunday. if this holds together improves it could be a drier picture. what is that? 7 day? look like more of the same. we've got a chance of showers just about each day. your high temperatures stay in the 50's. stephanie. >> the lunar new year is just around the corner and joining us live to introduce us to some of the traditional sounds of the celebration is a young
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chin xao, the music director for melody of china. a san francisco chinese chamber ensemble. good morning to you. good morning. and thank you so much to all of you for joining us so early this morning. i understand you're coming from all parts of the bay area. thank you. all right. so first of all, you know, tell our viewers a little bit about the lunar new year. how is it celebrated well, new year in china just like to hear we set a bird is thanks a given and the ok on the day? yeah. yeah. asian country on like this. so lots of good food. time with family of 4. family getting together, ok, wonderful. and you know, it's the year of the dragon. so what does that mean is a dragon? while tracking is a big you know that. i people says with says that china's like a drag so nato will play the music golden dragon ok? so that's what you're performing yesterday. golden dragon dance. yes, beautiful. you know, music, of course, your
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point such a big part of the celebration. so what instruments have you brought to showcase today? can you introduce us get to that mice? men's is called the young chain. okay. here p people call it a hammered dulcimer. my name's after this easement how special this and the junction chun place a >> how beautiful show. phone place or who? >> little bit. a little bit. >> so beautiful. well, we look forward to your performance. and if people want to learn more about you, what's the best way that they can get into? check our website met at the of time that out ok, lovely, ok? so young, music director for melody of china let you take it away from here. all right. thank you. go to inject invents.
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(smelling) ew. gotta get rid of this. ♪tell me why♪ because it stinks. ♪have you tried downy rinse and refresh♪ it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. sports gambling platform. fanduel is changing its super
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bowl ad featuring carl weathers. the move follows the actor's death this week fanduel released this sneak peek of the commercial last month. pandora says it's changing the ad out of respect to whether his family weathers played in the nfl before he retired and became an actor. the 76 year-old is best known for his role as apollo creed in the rocky films. and taylor swift. those who are fans will make it to las vegas in time for super bowl. 58, the embassy of japan confirming swift will be able to cheer on her. kansas city chiefs boyfriend travis kelsey after performing in tokyo the night before the big game. so she might have a little bit of jet lag but says she'll make it in time. the embassy states despite the 12 hour flight in time. difference if swift leaves right after the concert, she should be able to make it. swifties. you've been >> here's what's going on. san mateo bridge want to show real quick here. just to kind of give you an idea. lot of our cameras are going this. we're in the midst of stormy weather and we're having a squall line
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right here across the bay area. this gets into obviously san mateo county, but in san francisco, prop are also seeing it too. and also some white caps going on. they're in the bay. don't always see that either. sometimes with winds and fairweather, we sometimes will. but this definitely has all the hallmarks of that. quote, stormy feel that's going continue today, even though the rain will be subsiding a little sapo. we have issues there. i just checked and the delays are still holding at 2.45? so roughly 3 hours. that definitely be anybody come and go in or anything like that with a cell phone check ahead, check and see what's going on. meanwhile, tahoe a this is your somebody, but they all got snow. yeah, not not too much of mine tease there. so we know obviously, and that's going to continue today tonight, but really snows in the forecast the next couple of days. meanwhile, winter storm warning that covers all that we've talked about. the levels are 5500 feet to 7500 feet is running there with a couple of feet. you get above 7500 feet now, will we get up about 5 feet? maybe more. also watch out in those higher
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elevations. hopefully nobody's going there because it's nasty travel. but just so, you higher elevations is also wind issues that could be hurricane for strength as maybe a little bit of melting down to 5, 5500 feet temporarily, but not a lot because the forecast keeps the highs only in the 30's here. so we're going to help. it's waiting for you next weekend waiting for you next weekend. there you have it. snow being added to monday, tuesday and wednesday. that will be as heavy but it will still be in there as part of the forecast. that's not bad back to the bay area. this is what it looks like from radar. what we were talking about. i don't see it any more now. but before that was a lightning strike there. so this of the squall line that's overhead here for san francisco in up there iran. this had a history of some thunderstorm activity. expect more once we get the daytime heating future cast for you, see how it breaks up quite nicely. this afternoon the winds will be with us, though. so have that stormy feel. and then from the daytime heating might have some thunder showers pop up, but more particularly tomorrow
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because it will be kind of like all clear monday for a while. and then boom, there it goes with the heating. so that's something to keep in mind. the sun may be be out a little bit in the morning hours to around noon. that only gives the atmosphere more energy in which to play with this low. finally drop south tuesday wednesday, it's taken its good, sweet time here and departing the scene here by thursday our system kind of brushes on by the winds today out of the east-southeast due south. that's why the wind advisory is covering everybody a winter storm or winter. i'm sorry. a high wind warning for the higher elevations. we finally shake that off by monday morning. that's what we're really watching stephanie's because that something could knock down power lines and so forth. even though the rain is starting to wane as we go ahead for the week, there's that low. yeah, it goes north on. come on point. there we go. drop in south gets pushed through thursday. there's another spot we might get some showers afterwards. looks like little break and we might be drying
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out. this may be a benign system next sunday with just some cloud cover. let's hope and more of a break, too. so we'll watch that. we get a little closer. dealing with what's on our doorstep right now. 7 day forecast. we've got to keep it somewhat unsettled 70, but temperatures hold in the 50's through the period that's kind of cool, i guess, for winter and so forth. but we're still not seeing these released low snow levels. that would be kind of nice to kind of park everything up there. if you start to see snow collecting our local mountains that's telling you, snow levels are dropping a bit. so that will i guess, nice to so there's more to be had. and again, watch those winds today is the key issue. and there's downed power lines, don't get near him. okay. we'll get no for hot or not. yeah. call 9-1-1 to stand with us. if sees anything like that. thanks so much, dave. >> and thanks to all of you for joining us here at the pump for weekend news. i'm stephanie lin and from all of us here at kron 4. thank you so much for tuning in and watching us. please stay safe and stay dry with all of this wet weather and we'll see you back here next weekend at back here next weekend at 07:00am take care. now.
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