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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  February 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PST

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>> now, 10 after a wet and windy weekend. communities across the bay area are cleaning up today from toppled trees to flooded streets. crews continue working around the clock to repair the massive damage. plus, the severe weather causing a headache, a bay area. airports as hundreds of flights were delayed or canceled. >> it's cold. it's freezing in the house.
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>> thousands of pg e customers remain without power. tonight is efforts to restore electricity, continue. when fun time from the bay area's local news station. >> you're watching kron. 4 news. >> i have tell you taxed. >> now at 10 a problem that hundreds of thousands of people across the bay area are still dealing with as they spend their second straight night without power. good evening. thanks for joining us for kron. 4 news at 10. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the powerful storm that just hammered the bay area over the weekend is finally on his way out. but there's still a lot of cleanup to be done and more than 94,000 pg and e customers are still without their power here is a look pg and e's outage map. a lot of orange across this map which symbolizes 500 to 5,000 customers without power. red means 5,000 customers are more. we don't see it anymore. there were a
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few of those reds a little earlier tonight in pacifica. and that is where we find kron four's sara stinson. she joins us now live with the latest there. sara. >> vicki, according to the outage map, it looks like things are improving in pacific of but in the areas that are still in the dark will be a little scary, especially in this intersection when you have a lot of people driving home. >> from work during their errands, maybe getting some necessities because of this outage. and they had an intersection like this at skyline and the key boulevards, then they have to go slow and remember to take it like a four-way stop. its been rough for people who live in the khon long. the coast in san mateo county being without power for more than 24 hours. >> hundreds of thousands of people in the bay area are starting the week off in the dark weekend. storm damaged hundreds of power poles and transformers says. >> thus far, the 3rd biggest single-day storm and pg
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history. so it's a really, really significant and large impactful storm about 24 hours into the outage. some pg e customers got the update. they were hoping for. attacks from the utility company saying power's been restored, but others got bad news. and i just got a message is going to be out 11 tomorrow. >> what i would be 3 days. g% yeah. are you frustrated are very frustrated with pg and e because it was supposed to be turned on today by 4 o'clock. >> it's not power was still on at the are shopping center in pacifica. sos packed with people grabbing things they need for isabelle sanders. that was a hot meal topple. it's cold. it's freezing in the house. we can't cook because we have electric stove. we have no furnace. nothing. people flooded coffee shops to use the wi-fi in charge. their phones are trying to figure out how to charge our electric vehicle and how to charge your cell phone. the outage forced
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businesses to close for the day in a strip mall on oceana boulevard pg e crews could be seen working in the area to restore power for making progress. but we understand that there are still. >> lots of customers in the bay area without power. we appreciate their patience as they work to safely restore the patients was wearing thin for customers like harris who says pg nation compensate. >> for any losses caused by the i would love for them to reimburse us for all the lost food that we're getting. i would love for them to reimburse us for the last days of power and for them to fix their lines. >> pg e says they have about 3,000 workers working nonstop to assess the damage and then repair the lines and the power poles and restore the power and pg e says that they have restored the power for more than 1 million customers since yesterday, but work remains to be done as we see the intersection behind me. i'm sara stinson reporting live in
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pacifica back thank you's. thousands of people are also without power in the east bay. a power pole cracked in half last night. >> along ignatius valley road near homestead avenue and walnut creek. it sent wires down onto the road, cutting the electricity. 2 of the powerlines actually snapped cruiser at the scene all day long today making repairs and take a look at this damage in pleasant hill. viewer elizabeth healy shared these pictures she took this morning. this was a long, long fellow drive behind oak park boulevard. she says a tree snapped during last night's storm bringing down power lines and the backside of the building. in redwood city, several trees and power lines are down along highway. 35. >> chp sharing this picture from the scene. the agency says the highway between their goal road and a highway. 84 is expected to be closed in both directions until tomorrow afternoon. trees are also down all over the north bay near
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would sharing of these photos of the damage caused by the weekend storm. the national monument plans to be closed through wednesday and take a look at some of the damage that we found today in sebastopol in sonoma county. trees fell over, blocking several roads around town. basketball's mayor described the winds last night is something out of this world. those powerful winds not only took down trees but also critical infrastructure. >> it's all over 248 that were damaged 115 transformers were damaged. we've grt our book come about over 3,000 peach and employs out working to restore power >> nearly half of the town's population lost their power pg. and e says crews should be able to make repairs faster as we get to a break in the rain. speaking of that, we do have a break, right? we do. yeah. there's still a bit more in the way some shower activity. we're all watching other pop with winds. again, nothing
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like anything we've seen before. we find it kind of retire this in time for a weekend. >> good news will be dry in the weekend. looks like for the most checking things out on radar here. real quick. what are things like other really start to settle down quite a bit right now. we did notice some lightning strikes off the sacramento because there's still some cold air aloft. give you an idea some of the elements that are playing with all of this as we know, we had the subtropical jet in play here. that was one of the first elements gave us all that rain, which they're now getting in southern california. but back yard. it was this mid latitude. was deepening. and in other words, the pressure was dropping and it got really close to us driving those big-time winds tonight for cast in the mid 40's. we're talking about some fog developing. this is radiation type of fog here could be a little isolated shower, but that's bigger deal happening for tomorrow. a look ahead. what will be talking about isolated showers and variable clouds for tonight. they're pretty much dissipating, cool, chilly inland. got some scattered showers, sunday. clouds mixture tomorrow. more on your
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wednesday and will be a pop with winds then getting into a drier pattern. as we finish off the week and hopefully into a dry weekend. we'll put this together for you to thanks. day of the storm also affecting flights across the bay area. here's a live look at sfo where there were 419 delays. >> and 38 cancellations open airport had 87 delays. 7 cancellations. san jose. 77 delays and one cancellation. we have school closures to pass along as well. oak grove in your book high schools with east side union high school district in san jose. >> will be closed tomorrow because of power outages. all other district schools will be open and stay with kron 4 for continuing storm coverage. scan the qr code your screen to be directed to our website there. you will find the latest closures and update on flooding outages, downed trees and more new at 10 tonight, a 73 year-old man has died following a hit and run crash in east oakland.
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>> police say the man was in the crosswalk and international boulevard and 95th avenue when he was hit just before 1 o'clock this afternoon in the car involved took off from the scene. the vehicle only described as light colored anyone who has any information about this case is asked to call oakland police. also new at 10 tonight. firefighters in alameda say they rescued a person who had been stuck on a rock wall for a long period of time. crews say they responded to the area just after 3 this afternoon. the person was taken to the hospital was serious injuries due to extended exposure to the bad weather conditions. authorities have not said how that person got stuck there. the body of a man thought to have been the pilot in last month's deadly plane crash in the ocean near half moon bay has been identified. >> the san mateo county sheriff's office says the body of 27 year-old loki ferrier was found floating near ross's cove in moss beach. that's the same area where the plane went down. 2 other bodies that of
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his fiance. 26 year-old cassidy rape at it. and 27 year-old emma willmer-shiles have already been recovered. there's no word yet on the identity of the 4th and last victim, authorities are still investigating what caused the crash. >> the a's move to las vegas is stirring up a legal fight today. a group representing public schools in nevada filed a lawsuit against some legislation that gives millions of dollars to build the a's. a new stadium in las vegas. the group says senate bill one violates in nevada state constitution and that public funds should not be used for the project. the group seeks to invalidate the up to 380 million dollars in taxpayer money that is currently earmarked to help build that stadium. the group says instead of planning a world-class stadium, the state needs to implement a world-class education system for nevada children. the group says nevada ranks 48th in the country in per pupil funding with the largest class sizes in the u.s.. >> the year of the dragon
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begins this saturday and his celebrations kick off in san francisco city. officials are warning about scams surrounding the holiday supervisor. aaron peskin spoke in the city's chinatown today calling the rain and auspicious way to welcome the year of the dragon peskin announced more policing and a bigger commitment to safety for this year's festivities. he's also reminding everybody to be hyper aware of scammers in the days leading up to the parade. >> ball and we sadly know about new financial nine's, blessing scams, of paper tree. and it is very important that we continue use this as a forum to let everybody know that when they see something, just say something. >> up asking noting today that he was born in the year of the dragon. so is actress awkwafina and she will be the grand marshal of this year's parade on february. 24th. >> still ahead tonight on kron
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4 news at 10. what we're learning about the person was killed by a falling tree in santa cruz county. >> we heard a crack and we heard it start to fall. >> storm cleanup continues tonight. a look the work that crews are tackling in san francisco. >> it really is the neighborhood coming and saying, please be more thoughtful. >> and why some south bay residents are pushing to block the new costco from settin
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. to stay off of san francisco's mission street, at least until august. the city extended the vending moratorium on mission.
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>> by another 6 months, citing improved conditions in that area. the city first issued 90 day moratorium in november because of a spike unauthorized vending and illegal activities on mission street, which they say lead to more. police calls since the ban went into place. authorities say there's been a 30% drop in assaults and robberies. a 23% drop in 3, 1, 1, request for street cleaning. recent poll says 76% of business owners say the moratorium on mission street should continue. mayor london breed says the city is doing all it can to help vendors affected by the ban. >> these vendors who we've been talking to, they have gotten financial resources. they've gotten other spaces. they've gotten free permits. so it's it's it's a lot of communication and we're actually paying a nonprofit organization to work with them to ensure that we're addressing some of the challenges that they face. >> officials say an additional 180 days would build on the positive momentum around
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public safety and improved street conditions. >> a woman is dead following a car crash in san jose. that crash happened just before 6 yesterday evening in the areas. piedmont and sierra roads. investigators say a car heading north on piedmont road veered off the road and hit a light pole and a tree. the driver abandoned the car ran off but his female passenger died at the hospital she has not been publicly identified yet. police also have not said if they found the driver. take a look at these items by campbell police officers say a woman stole the bank cards mail and postal service keys. they say she also had a trunk load of various supplies that she bought it to staples with a stolen credit card. the man is dead tonight after being shot inside an east oakland business. >> the shooting happened saturday morning on international boulevard near the oakland public libraries. elmhurst branch. the victim has not yet been identified
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and there's no word on under arrest tonight. we now know a 45 year-old man died yesterday when a tree toppled onto his home in boulder creek and santa cruz mountains. investigators identified him as robert brainerd. the 3rd santa cruz county sheriff's department says the tree crashed into his home. >> one story home on bear creek road. that's off highway 9. >> another person was also inside the house but was able to get out. >> check out this dramatic rescue in la the la fire department issuing a helicopter to pull that man from a raging river. >> the man had apparently jumped into the watel rescue his dog. crews also found the dog safe downriver. rivers in the area are overflowing following recent rain storm residents are being advised to keep their distance from canals and rivers over the next couple of days.
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>> all right, vicki ken, good evening, everybody. so we were talking earlier about about the showers still not done with us, but we do have some good news to report. however, on some of the statements that we had from before in the central valley. let's go ahead of the map right now in the central a walk over here and show you the map. that's all do it. and the central valley, they've taken a break. now they're out of that watch area. and now this warning area up to sonoma county. this is only until about 11 o'clock for tonight that we had this earlier wake-up planner. this we expect sunny clouds, mixture, temperatures out around 50, the bit of fog and you'll see some peeks of sun to start things off. but then variable cloudy in cool. and there is that hit or miss shower activity expected. and then by 3 o'clock variable clouds, again, an isolated shower have to say thunder shower. and they're just because of instability. elements here. we've already seen some decoupling with that. the temperature and the dew point numbers. in other
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words, the areas getting drier, both approaching the ground and aloft here sorts the settling down with the atmosphere as we go into tonight. let's get the future cast for here going into tonight. it's still kind of variable clouds kind of scenario. but again, you'll see some peeks of sun going forward and probably to start off the day, not too bad. you'll see decent sun and then that isolated little chance of a shower. but it's not really working with much at this point. we're kind of taking an intermission and you enjoy it in earnest, at throughout the afternoon tomorrow. but it's wednesday morning. here's another hit. there you go. nothing like we've been through over the weekend, but good coverage. but quick. it doesn't last for long. we're going to get a whole lot out of it. it's really the winds. we want to watch more carefully. this is what i'm talking about. we do see an uptick in the winds a little bit tomorrow on shore to get into kind of breezy conditions, but a real pop happens here by wednesday. this appears to be below the threshold right now, the wind advisory, but they may change this an issue, a statement because of that because this is getting really close to the
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wind now in a bit. we'll check into that 10 day forecast for you and check out your 4 zone as well. vicki and ken. all right, dave will not hit as hard as many areas. san francisco still took a wallop from the storm with thousands of people losing power. >> and nearly 300 trees and branches coming down crawford and hermann tells us today the mayor visited public works crews that were cleaning it all up. >> thank you. thank you so much. >> san francisco mayor london breed was out monday, surveying the damage and subsequent cleanup caused by this latest wind and rainstorm here in the lords. terrorists. a 25 foot tall black acacia tree came down. a lot of what we're experiencing. we were >> pretty much prepared for. and we're grateful for all the amazing work that so many people in our workforce have done to really try to protect neighborhoods all over san francisco. >> city officials say this is just one of nearly 300 trees and branches impacted by the
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weekend storm. we heard a crack and we heard >> start to fall. so we knew it was going to fall given all the things that are going on on the ground that we could see and the heaviness of the of the branches. >> the tree came to rest against jeanne mcnutt ins building. she says she's been reaching out to the city for years to do something about it. what kind of response if you've got will come along when we can? >> you know, and that's usually. not very often city officials say they are making progress with their year round tree inspection program. >> where trees are pruned or in some cases removed, if determined to be hazardous. we're going to keep doing. it will keep inspecting trees will do our best to try to mitigate. but when you have these kinds of really extreme. >> wind events, you know, it's it is not unexpected that we will have some trees come down. >> city officials say of the hundreds of trees or branches that came down over the weekend. only about 2 dozen of them blocked roads or wires and we're considered a top priority. while crews made
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quick work of the street, might take a couple of weeks to get the entire cleanup from this storm finished in san francisco. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> coming up on kron, 4 news at 10 king charles now facing a cancer diagnosis. what that now means for his royal responsibilities. plus, layoffs hit social media company snapped. we'll tell you how many employees are affected in an update today on yet another antitrust lawsuit against google as the mountain view-based company response from 4 news at 10 returns in a from 4 news at 10 returns in a moment. ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save?
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i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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>> new at 10, the parent company of snapchat is slashing jobs. snap says it's going to cut 10% of its global workforce. the cut covers more than 500 jobs based on the company's latest annual filing, which says it had a workforce of 5300 full-time employees. staff most recently cut jobs in august of 2022. laying off about 20% of its workforce. >> another antitrust lawsuit against google is set to go before a jury this fall. this one has to do how google handles digital advertising. the coalition of states, including california, say google's monopoly stifles competition. google says changes the lawsuit asks for would slow innovation and raise add fees. the trial is set to get underway on september 9th and is separate from a civil lawsuit that set to go to trial in u.s. federal court next year. despite a slowdown in inflation, car insurance rates continue to
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skyrocket. >> bankrate dot com's annual true cost of auto insurance report finds the average cost for car insurance is now over. $2500 a year. that's a 26% hike from 2023. the one item that added the car insurance premiums that was adding teenager to your policy. that cost drivers on average more than $2800 per year. >> coming up on kron, 4 news at 10, a look at the history of the forty-niners franchise from it. humble beginnings at he's our stadium to today. >> plus, the california state senate has a new leader. we're going introduce you to the new senate president pro tem mike mcguire and explain why his new role is significant. two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives.
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adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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>> now at 10, 30 a fight is brewing against a costco in the south bay. people living in the west partisan, as they say, they don't want a costco store opening up in their neighborhood kron four's justin campbell and see what set to be the future site for that wholesale stores. see why some residents say they don't want it. >> moscow wants to build a store here at westgate shopping center on prospect road in west san jose. currently much of the buildings or damage and boarded up if approved by the city. the new costco store would take up nearly 170,000 square feet and bring 250 to 300 jobs. problem is it's an inappropriately sized. >> endeavor for this site. >> marc pollack, or is the leader of save west valley? a petition on change dot org, which is nearly 3500
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signatures opposing costco's plan. he says he and his neighbors are concerned about increased traffic in an area which many people want. there is also a high school nearby bringing up safety issues for kids. according to the environmental impact review, the new costco would create 11,000 car trips per day. hollander says that doesn't mask the city's vision 0 plan, which works to reduce traffic collisions and deaths. >> it really is the neighborhood coming and saying, please be more thoughtful, put projects in that. we're going to use that we care about that important with your own plans. san jose urban village concept. when you have mixed live work, you have transit friendliness. you have the ability for someone to bike or walk and do their shopping. residents have until february. 28 to submit public comment. >> after that, the planning commission and city council will get a final say on the matter in san jose, justin campbell kron. 4 news.
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>> francisco bookstore is closing its doors permanently books in valley posted on its website that its physical store will be closing on february 29th with its online store following suit on march. 15th has -een in business for 10 years. as for why they're closing their online statement says the decision was a personal one for all 5 co owners. after almost 26 years in business, asia sf is closing its stores march 31st. the san francisco nightclub is known for serving dinner with the side of drag shows on the corner of howard and 9th streets in the city. a neighborhood the last 10 or show falls in the same day is international transgender day of visibility. today's announcement cape, no reason for the closure. reminder that highway 9 is still closed near saratoga. here's video from the last storm. but roads are closed because of a similar mudslide. >> no word on when highway 9 there will reopen. and the 4
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zone forecast as we get a live look at the bay bridge right now drier than it was this morning and still a lot of traffic for this time on a monday. let's turn things over to kron. 4 meteorologist dave spahr. yeah. kind of taking a break from the rain. it's a spotting up a little bit on our radar, but we're going in the right direction here. a kind of drying out not permanently now because >> there's yet another system to play that's of definitely before we get into the weekend now for tahoe, if you're heading in that direction before you get there, they're adding to a little bit of snow. temps holding nice in the lower 30's are not getting much the way of melting. and there is some avalanche concerns. but the winter storm warning and such that's going to expire by tomorrow morning. so they'll be able to recovery. they're going to get a little added snow to this system towards the end of this week middle portion thereof. here's the satellite and radar couple spaccia still appear again yet some daytime heating you can come scrounge little bit more from that. but this is what we're talking about for tomorrow. a couple of pennies. okay. and then when the other system moves through
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that i mentioned in total. okay. couple nichols, maybe some of the ghetto about a die. not a lot. obviously the bigger issue is probably going to the winds to watch out for this. going to be nice clip that starts to pick up a bit for good 6 hours or so. watching this on the big map here. that's everything that passes this week. it's not completely clear through the weekend is going to be interruption of cloud cover. you can't rule out a stray shower, but at least we're going to see much morrison that we've seen for a while. and then into early next week. looks like it looks good until monday. new system to watch out for as well. they seem to be falling apart before they get theirs. that might be a sign of some things to come at least in the short term period. 4 zone forecast for you tomorrow. it's 50's all over the board from the coast, the base. right. 56 for burlingame. 57 foster city, palo alto it. 56 to the south bay upper 50's east bay shoreline. also in the mid 50's as well as tri valley. one of the big differences will be the morning lows will be some more separation there in the morning hours as the inland spots will be a little
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cooler tomorrow morning. 55 allay 56 fairfield. 56 for napa in santa rosa coming in at 58 now, the 10 day forecast. we do have some traffic order to get through here, as we mentioned, will be some showers with this wednesday and thursday. thursday's the better chance here for that chance winds to look out for a look at those temps there in the lower 60's variable clouds. how will phrase that we get a little closer will be able to side how we do want to design that forecast an earnest. but you get a general idea here. it's a definitely a more of a drying trend going forward. we could use little period of dry. yes, we need some thanks. thank it was an historic day at the state capitol today were democrat mike mcguire of the north bay was officially sworn in as the senate's new president pro tem 8 on well as reports on what mcguire says he hopes to achieve in this new role. >> while to some of this could seem like inside baseball. but keep in mind, the senate president pro tempore is one of the most powerful positions here at the state capitol. and now mike mcguire says he's ready to get to work.
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>> the duties which i'm about to interview for lake tahoe. >> would that carrying his young son, connor? mike mcguire officially becoming california's 49th senate president pro tempore and influential role. that in essence is the leader of the california state senate. it was an emotional moment for this 4th generation, california that he spoke in front of the entire legislature and high-profile guests, including governor gavin newsom and former governor jerry brown mcguire saying he never imagined he would make it to this day. we didn't come from a family with money as a kid from a broken home and rhule. california raised by divorce work tomorrow. >> give everything she had to put. food on our table. >> and a roof overhead and mcguire credits the very state of california for helping him to get to where he is today, a democrat. he served in the legislature since 2014 representing a largely ruled district spending all the way to the california oregon border. now, as he takes over
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the senate, president pro 10 role from san diego, democrat toni atkins following her 6 year tenure. mcguire says he's looking ahead in the state. he believes is doing well on many fronts. california is america's economic engine. our state game 3.2 million jobs since 2020. >> we are investing more in our kids public schools a never before. and it's about time. but we've got big challenges. one of the biggest challenge is he says needs urgent action. homelessness. >> we know that this crisis is appalling and it's unacceptable. other issues on his list. we're going to policy package this year policy package this year focused on retail theft in the fentanyl crisis. are you ready to go? california looking over all that? a protective multi-billion dollar deficit when budgets get tough at home, families have to buckle down and live within their means here at the state. we know that we're going to have to buckle up because we know that tough decisions lie ahead by tough projections. mcguire
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says he's optimistic, never going to stop fighting to make the promise of the golden state possible for every californian of the golden state. and that's get out there and get the job done for california. let's do this. thank you so much. and as for a gop responsible senate republican minority leader brian jones said he mcguire have a long history of working together across the aisle. >> in a statement, jones said he's confident that you'll continue to do so moving forward reporting from the state capitol eytan wallace kron. 4 news developing news out of london tonight. king charles who took the throne about a year ago was diagnosed with cancer. >> buckingham palace says that he's going to step back from all public engagements, at least for now. the 75 year-old recently got treatment for an enlarged prostate. but the palace says the cancer is not related to that, although they did find it during the surgery, charles will still handle things like paper work in state business and he will not hand over his
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constitutional roles as head of state. he is breaking away from tradition with announcing his cancer diagnosis. that's because royals throughout history, mostly kept such health new secret from the public. >> the british public didn't like anymore. so charles realize that and made it, you know, he's always much more of a advocate of talking about things and being but one with the people that say. >> if the king's gets much worse. so that would mean that the regency act would take effect. and that means the prince william would carry out most royal functions since he's next in the line of succession. the bay area scoring big with this one world cup competition headed to levi stadium in 2026. the stadium will host 6 matches. fifa says levis will host 5 group stage matches and one round of 32. the world cup is expected to attract more than 6 million fans to the games.
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forty-niners have been a perennial playoff team least so far this decade making the nfc championship in 4 of the past 5 seasons. that's pretty good. but they haven't always been one of the league's top teams. kron four's. rob nesbitt has a look at 78 years of red and gold history and the team's more humble beginnings. the players with the san francisco forty-niners are celebrities in their own right. but that hasn't always been the case. >> i went to kees ares pub in san francisco near where the team used to play to get a look at what it was like when the players use to mingle with their fans. nearly 60,000 the keys on stadium, black and white pictures show the start of the san francisco forty-niners. the team played a key is our stadium from 1946. to 1970, and you'll find that history. hang on. the walls of the keys are pub for 80,000 >> no cushion. several autographed pictures. hang on the walls and owner searle hackett takes pride in every autograph number. 85 is my
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favorite. this is a modest a hackett bought the pub the year after the forty-niners won their first super bowl in 1982, they may have indoor decades of defeat to get there, but they were the first major sports team in san francisco. the sport that people really like the people love the forty-niners. i think that attachment to time that he and first that won in their earlier years. it was not uncommon for an nfl player to walk into keys are pub after a game. frank gallagher here. but all the fans, all the kids, dave newhouse wrote for the oakland tribune from 1964, to 2011, it has written several books on the forty-niners. he explained might also find them behind the counter of a business during the early years. >> solar were so low. the players had to work jobs in the offseason. they taught school they liquor store, not like the celebrity players of today who are in las vegas preparing for what could be the biggest game of their career. >> and with the fan base that's been 78 years in the
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making. most of these guys on the water never won a super but they have storied histories a storied past the never never stopped trying. let me tell you that. and i believe that put everything out on the field. finally down field. the keys are pub is gearing up for super bowl sunday and they will be starting bright and early doors open at the pub at 07:00am to welcome fans for game day reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> and don't forget tailgate with us ahead of the super bowl kron four's justine waltman will be joined by chicago's jarrett payton for a whirlwind tour of vegas. get an insider's look at allegiant stadium saying along with mister las vegas, wayne newton and feast on sunday, tailgate tips from all-star chef michael mina. catch big game. tailgate is coming up thursday night at 6.30. and that wraps up kron. 4 news at 10. stay for kron. 4 news at 11. a lot to talk yet. erin is here talk about. well, we got wires, action you well, honestly, as niners niners and more and
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then later, we'll get to the right all focus is on the forty-niners in super bowl week. >> is upon us and well, the site for media day all took place today. our jason dumas says there and got a chance to see all the sights and sounds of the join us to talk about it and then the warriors and they are >> hoping to bounce against a heartbreaking loss that they took on saturday against the hawks. well, they were in brooklyn tonight at barclays and well, they put on a better showing wish to say we'll talk about that and more tonight in sports night by.
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>> it's late in the 4th quarter. are you prepared to disappoint taylor swift? >> well, it's simple as that. the answer is yes, brock purdy is not worried about adding the swifties to his fan base. thanks for joining us for sports night live. i'm your host erin wilson. now the super bowl, of course, is less than a week away. we are in the deep end of the pool when it comes to preparing for the super bowl in las vegas. and we say that today was media day. that said our jason dumas is in las vegas where media day took place. you know, jason party was not worried about the swifties doesn't really seeing that rattled about taylor swift being there. >> playing in front of her. but then on top of that. there was some talk about the conditions of the field when it came to the players you've been talking to and what


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