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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  February 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PST

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>> when >> fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> now at 10 debate night in the bay area, 4 leading candidates in the u.s. senate race faced off in kron 4 studios in san francisco. adam schiff, california deserves another senator who knows how to take on those big fights are really i know what it takes. 2 make life better for
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everyone in california. katie ford are all fight for californians, not special interest and steve garvey. california deserves uni butting heads on key issues affecting millions of people living in the bay area and across california. and thanks for joining us for kron. 4 news at 10. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. yeah. the for candidates are all running to fill the seat. >> that was long held by the late senator dianne feinstein. today's debate, it was their second one ahead of the state's primary election. and it got heated. at moments sparks not fire, but some sparks flew our grant lotus here in the studio with some highlights. grant. they took place live. >> just a couple hours ago right here in the crowd for studio. something impressive to note here the hour long debate was largely pretty today. the crisis at the
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border opening monday night's senate debate in san francisco. >> candidates asked whether or not president biden should take executive action to close the border. i think the president is taking executive actions, but there are limits to what the president can do without congress providing the authority. while democratic candidates stressed the importance of congress's role, president biden should continue using the legal authority. he has to address this issue while we elect leaders who will shake up congress. >> republican steve garvey pointed his finger directly at biden on day one. the president open the floodgates. in creating a crisis in the united states. he should be the one to step up. in closed the border. we will not have border security until we have comprehensive immigration reform. there's still some policies in place which donald trump had put into place when he was president. those need to go on the topic of minimum wage. barbara lee claimed the
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wage needs to be $50 an hour for people to live properly in the golden state. >> just do the math just to the mayor. of course, we have minimum wages that we need to raise to a living wage. you talk about 20 $25, fine. but i have got to be focused on california needs. >> garvey said no change is needed and wages where it is and should be. if you look at california center, fast food franchises right now, increasing the minimum wage to $20 and what's going to happen? that's going to increase costs for hardworking californians to go to to go to a franchise garvey. also going on the record about his stance on former president trump. have you spoken to him and would you accept his endorsement? 15 seconds. >> i haven't spoken to. would you accept his endorsement? these are personal choices that prompted some tense moments with adam schiff, the greatest threat that we trump.
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>> mister schiff, your time is and on the don't why it is. you said voting rights were the most fundamental thing. there this is mister ship fixated on one person and one person only. so you say they they were well mannered compared to some of the presidential debates that we have witnessed of late, cordial, cordial. >> as cordial so that nobody, you know, raised their voices that exchange. there was probably the most combative moment. so we've seen in the polls in terms of ranking in popularity, there's shift. >> porter garvey and then. really last, how would you rank the performances tonight? i want to put you on the spot. foreman says sure. well, you are, it's you know, shift seemed to be in control. i think porter is strong in debate. you know, she can make the argument and sell it. >> even if she doesn't have a
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white board, but really with her $50 an hour, you know, that was a a compelling moment, especially when you put it next to garvey. you things were fine the way we are and you couldn't have to varying opinions on the topic. really? no surprises from what they've been saying in the past. it kind just stuck to the script. yeah. so after the debate, though, you know, most of the candidates, they stuck answer some questions from reporters. i was there when they were discussing abortion. >> trump's indictments and the safety of oakland. let's give it a listen. >> i'm really running to shake up the senate. i think we need to be very, very clear with california that if the republicans win the house, the senate and the presidency, there will be a nationwide abortion this is not something that's coming. it's something that's already happening around the country. about half of americans don't have the freedom to make their own decision about if and when to start a family. so we need someone who's going to be a fierce fire on this issue. but i am astonished to find that
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someone who has been impeached twice 4 times and 91 felony counts who incited an insurrection against our country. that that he could be the nominee of one of america's great parties. how was that possible? weiss dialects, congresswoman lee, when oakland is >> kind of on the part of public safety is important for everyone in oakland, everyone throughout the state in the country and we have to understand we're pulling together all of the resources. and i think that's of of major development. so, you know, publicly that to steve garvey wasn't here already got. so the reporters and i didn't have a chance to pepper him with questions. >> we all right. we've see what he says next time. if we catch up to him, if you missed tonight's debate, you can get to a recap on our website kron 4 dot com scan the qr code there on your screen. >> that will take you to a page where you can find debate
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highlights who won the debate and viral moments. now the big story tonight out of the east bay, the oakland jewish alliance is calling on the state's attorney general to investigate oakland city council for civil rights violations. the group says the violations happened during the meeting held back in november when the council passed a cease-fire resolution directed at the israel-hamas war. our kron for sara stinson joins us now live in the studio after talking to a bay area lawyer who's helping jewish alliance sept. >> has spoke with a lawyer and a longtime oakland resident marco. and he helps send this 13, 12, 13 page letter to the state's attorney general explains how his and other jewish residents, civil rights were violated on november. 27th when city council allowed people to make anti semitic comments. >> i've never been as scared as i was. that night. >> mark owen still shaken by the words, spoken at the oakland city council meeting held back on november. 27th. the council listened to 6
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hours of public comment regarding a resolution calling for a cease-fire in gaza, which the council ended up passing. cohen says people taking to the podium and shouting from the crowd used anti-semitic phrases while many members of the jewish community were in attendance. but among the expressions, i said was white. hitler heil hitler. >> and f and zionist pigs it jews go home. many people had left at a fear for their safety. cohen says pro-israel speakers had their title 6 civil rights violated when the city council did not intervene. it was their failure. >> piece island to sit on their hands during this anti-semitic. 6 hour marathon. i want them to recognize. the anti-semitism they allowed and i want them to renounce cohen, along with the oakland jewish alliance sent a 12 page letter
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to attorney general rob bonta. >> and to the oakland city administrator demanding this be investigated. and when the city council afforded greater rights. >> 2, the anti-israel people at the expense of the jewish pro-israel people that is a violation of. civil rights under state and federal law. as i read it. >> cohen has asked ag bonta's office to confirm if it will be conducting this investigation. within 7 days we reached out to his office but did not hear back in time for this report. we also didn't hear back from the oakland city administrator's office or any city council members. but we did hear back from the organization air resource and organ is organizing center or iraq. they were one of the organizations called out in the letter as being an openly hostile group at the meeting and take a look. a spokesperson with a rock has responded to the letter saying in part among other completely
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untrue statements made in mister cohen's letter, the accusation that anyone in that room said anything remotely close to, player. he's not only demonstrated lee false but also deeply offensive to us as an an avowedly anti fascist anti-racist organization. you can find that full statement the entire 12 page letter on our website kron 4 dot com. i'm sara stinson reporting back to thank you, sarah. >> water shooting out of the ground along san francisco's market street. it's a geyser this evening right next to the civic center, bart station video from the citizen app shows a car that crashed into a fire hydrant which sent that water shooting into the sky and flooding part of market street because of that flooding. bart temporarily closed down the 7th street exit at the civic center station. >> well, it is been feeling a little like spring around the bay area lately. it looks like tomorrow is going to be another nice day, although a little cool to start the check out your wake-up weather forecast for tomorrow morning.
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expecting a couple of patches of fog early tomorrow morning as you get up and so temperatures going to be cool but not cold 40's around the bay area at about 8 o'clock or so. still some patchy fog lingering, especially the north bay, maybe parts of the east bay and county by 10 o'clock. we start to clear things out. partly cloudy skies. temperatures warming up almost 60 degrees. we have a look at your 10 10 forecast coming up in a bit. alright, lawrence, san francisco da brooke jenkins honoring a bet sporting a chiefs jersey. she >> shared this photo today after losing a friendly wager with kansas city's district they bet on their home team their home cities winning the super bowl and just whoever lost would have to where the opposing team's jersey jenkins posting this photo of her wearing mahomes jersey on dec saying i am a woman of my word. think she's smiling thinking about the forty-niners next time they go up against the chiefs. all right. still ahead, tragic to a trip to the super bowl after
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a family on a helicopter crashes. >> as they made their way to nevada. >> what investigators say caused that crash. plus. that car fire in san francisco's chinatown now has federal officials warning about prison time. >> take a look at how the largest vietnamese community in the bay area is celebrating
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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and oakland police officers on paid leave after he reportedly crashed into a chp cruiser. >> on driving under the
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influence, ending a chp officer to the hospital. investigators say the crash happened saturday morning on eastbound. i-80 near manual campos parkway in fairfield. they say the oakland police officer was off duty at the time and was driving a tesla. they say 2 chp officers were at the scene. one of them had to be taken to the hospital with minor injuries. the oakland police department has not released the officer's name. investigators in san mateo are trying to figure out what led to the death of 2 children and 2 adults. >> after all, 4 were found dead inside a home. police say they made the tragic discovery this morning during a welfare check. so far they've only described the victims as 2 boys and a man and woman. >> one of the some of places your mind goes was it play? was it something that happened inside the home is just as a parent. it's hard not wonder. this is a very tragic and horrible. seeing a rise. i'm is not something that happens every day it's
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>> tragic for the family, the community and all the officers. >> police have closed down the neighborhood as the investigation continues tonight. >> and hayward and amtrak train a hit and killed a person on the tracks. it happened in hayward this afternoon a little after 2. amtrak says the person was trespassing on the track. so when they were hit by the train that was heading to san jose, investigators say no one on the train was hurt. tonight, federal prosecutors are warning acts like this one seen over the weekend in san francisco's chinatown. >> could send vandals to federal prison. waymo says the car that was set on fire hit just dropped off a passenger and nobody was in the vehicle. multiple witnesses telling kron 4 that the waymo car was disrupting the lunar new year celebrations after the navigation technology. >> became confused by the
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festivities and the fireworks on first. and herman talked to one of those witnesses. >> those celebrating chinese new year got more than fireworks lighting up the night sky saturday around 9 after dropping off a passenger. a driverless waymo vehicle heading down jackson street was surrounded by a group of people near grant street in san francisco's chinatown. this is completely out of expectations that done from a 0 to 100. >> so quickly, in a matter of minutes, from the bond that the car was broken to the time on fire. >> honey, route cool. saw the vehicle set on fire and what led up to it once the fireworks ended. >> some of the people in the eventually bent on that car. they started jumping with they started writing defeat. message and then some of crack great they've been goes down scheme boards and other things. and once isn't he, the
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window was broken. they put a gigantic fire book and lit it up. and it didn't matter of minutes. the focus of the big burning in front san francisco. police are investigating the incident and now the u.s. attorney's office for the northern district of california has weighed in on social media suggesting. >> committing such an act is a violation of interstate commerce laws and could send those responsible to prison for 5 to 40 years, depending on the circumstances waymo believes this is just a one-off and not some organized protest of autonomous vehicles. witnesses agree this was not i like some of that negative that i heard. >> this is literally just people collating the sake of bears. trying to get its hear from some of the people in the same crowd in san francisco. dan kerman kron. 4 news new at 10 tonight, san mateo county board of supervisors is set to consider passing a resolution tomorrow. >> to support local government
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control of autonomous vehicle, such as waymo and cruise. earlier this month, state senator dave court as san jose introduced a bill that would do just that. right now those companies are being regulated by state utility officials and the dmv. this comes as san francisco city attorney's filed a lawsuit against against a utility officials for allowing waymo and cruise to expand their services in the city. >> time now for the 4 zone forecast as we get a live look right now at the san mateo bridge. traffic still moving along. yeah, nice and dry out there. lawrence is going to stay that way for a while. yeah, hopefully we're going to be another dry day tomorrow. but then after that, everything begins to change. and i think as we look toward this next weekend, what we really get back to some wintry weather. but for now, it has been a nice dry break around the bay area tonight continues that streak in looks like tonight not going to be cold as it was. last night. we had a couple of patches of frost showing up around the bay area this morning. but tomorrow, the little cloud cover up above that. just going to be enough to hold up the temperatures. a few degrees
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out there right now. a couple high clouds cruising across the skies. but a nice evening. temperatures cooled off 46 degrees in little more. just 53 now in san francisco. 45 degrees in santa rosa. overall, the state drying out as well. you can see doppler radar scanning the skies and things are staying dry out there with the exception of a couple passing clouds. but the pacific remains very, very active. in fact, we've got some storms that are forming out in the middle of the pacific here. you can see this one right here. this one is going to affect your valentine's day. that coming into the afternoon on valentine's day. so if you have plans, you're headed out for the evening. make sure they're indoors as you're likely to see some rain. not tomorrow, though. and overnight tonight, the clouds going to continue to thicken up just a little bit likely going to see a couple of patches of fog showing up in the valley. so watch out for that. that could be some of that dense ground fog tomorrow morning. parts of the north bay and the east bay. otherwise the temperatures cooling off in the 40's overnight by day tomorrow, though, looks like we'll have a nice day. it should be a dry one. high pressure building in, but not for long. we'll take a look at your 10. 10
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forecast coming up a few minutes. all right, lawrence, the city of san jose is celebrating the lunar new year. the city has the largest vietnamese community in the u.s. and conference. justin campbell shows us how that city is recognizing their special community. the vietnamese flag flying at san jose city hall. that's also blowing in red and yellow monday night. >> this is how the city hall will look like all week in honor of the lunar new year. also called that ted. >> in the vietnamese community, lunar new meant very specific to us and meant to freedom of choice and met about custom. it meant to be together with family and celebrate san jose as the largest vietnamese population outside of vietnam for councilmember bn one who immigrated to the u.s. from vietnam as a child. this lunar new year is extra special first year in the history of san jose. >> we were able to allow 8
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hours so their employees can take 3 days off. the south bay city now recognizes lunar new year as a city holiday. >> city employees got a day off on friday, the eve of lunar new year wild won says that's all a great start. he says they're still a lot more to be done for the vietnamese community in san jose. >> we continue to suffer in politically and representation and i think is important in that. we recognize. the vietnamese community how large it is in this city porting in san jose. justin campbell kron. 4 news. >> still ahead tonight, the last goodbye to warriors, assistant coach day on malevich in his homeland. plus on an e-bike why you may soon be required to have a license to drive one in the group of people that one lawmaker wants to ban from using them and the warning to hopeless romantic scammers targeting people on
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valentine's day and where in the bay area. the fbi says most people fall for these scams. growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing,
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lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. looking for the person who stabbed a man to death in the parking lot of pleasant hill park. >> investigators say the victim was a janitor who works at the park. they say he was found by his wife who went looking for him after he didn't come home. police have not released any suspect. details in fremont. police say 4 teens who are in this stolen suv of been arrested. 2 of them are accused of robbing the keys of a postal worker
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near niles community park before taking off in the suv. police say a summer robbery happened the day before, but they did not clarify if the same group is suspected in that case. >> valentine's day is on wednesday and although love may be in the air. so we'll online scammers trying to take advantage of hopeless romantics. according to the fbi last year, bay area victims lost more than 27 million dollars to online scams. they say the scams can come in many forms including a fake, significant other or someone asking you to invest. be careful to not release any private financial information to people. you've only met online. >> these people are very good at it. fortunately, they've got a lot of practice. they keep notes. they keep detailed notes all of their interactions with potential victims and they can come across as perhaps one of the most adoring, a tentative for magic partners. >> the fbi says the victims were found in every bay area
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county, but santa clara had the most followed by alameda and contra costa county. >> and i reminded him how much i love i think it's it's hard really say anything beyond there is, you know, i love them. just kind of saying that over and work. >> a bay area fathers words to his children as he gets ready to go to the middle east, how he says he's ready to help the wounded people in gaza. >> and you can do all this. and meet the young forty-niners fan whose wish came true by going to biggest came true by going to biggest football game. the supe
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading.
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katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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>> now at 10, 30, a south bay doctor is on his way to the middle east on a medical mission to gaza. this comes after the israeli military reports it rescued 2 hostages from gaza and during the rescue operation, at least 67 palestinians were killed. most of them in airstrikes are cropper. zaila said the money and talk with a doctor before his flight on his harrowing decision to help. >> it's monday morning in muhammad's bay is at sfo. checking in for a flight to egypt. his wife 9 and 2 children are there to send him off on a medical mission. they had long talks about the perilous journey to help palestinians in gaza, the south bay emergency room doctor who has family in the war-torn region said he couldn't hold back from helping the best way. he knows how it's imperative for anyone. >> and everyone with a heart that awake at this point to find out how they can help the population there. that's suffering. and one of the ways
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i can help is the the the privilege i've been given, which is to be an emergency physician. >> so bay has been to other countries is a medical volunteer over the years. most recently, he included his 13 eear-old son, a flawed on a mission to all salvador. he's been planning this trip to gaza for 2 months. survey says he will be escorted into gaza through the rafah border by convoys with the world health organization and united nations. his family has mixed emotions sense of a shared this message to his voice. >> that they're both strong, beautiful individuals, have so much to get to the world around us >> it. >> and i reminded them how much time. i think it's it's hard really say anything >pbeyond there is, you know, i love them. just kind of saying not >> so based wife says she was scared for his safety because hospitals are being bombed. but as proud and grateful that he can go to help in this way on the ground. so they plans
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to come home in 5 weeks reporting for kron. 4 news i'm ella sogomonian. >> developing now out of new york city. one person is killed and 5 others hurt in a subway station shooting happened this afternoon about 4.30, a time when stations throughout that city are filled with children coming home from school and many workers are beginning their evening commute. officials say it started as a fight on the train and then continued on to the platform. the person who was killed described as a man in his 30's, the wounded included a 14 year-old girl, a 15 year-old boy and 3 adults. police say that some of the victims were believed to have been involved in the dispute and others were just bystanders waiting for the train. a helicopter crashed in the mojave desert claims the lives of 6 people. investigators say the helicopter took off from palm springs and was headed to boulder city, nevada when it caught up to some bad weather. the helicopter went down and then caught fire near the
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small community of nipton, a wealthy nigerian banker and his family were on board report out of nigeria say the family was headed to vegas. the super ball. golden state warriors assistant coach day on. milosevic was buried today in his native serbia head coach steve kerr, assistant coaches, chris dimarco in ron adams. >> and general manager mike dunn, levy were all there to pay their respects. the warriors were in salt lake city last month when malloy of its had a heart attack at a team dinner. he died the next day. william helped the warriors win the 2022 nba championship. it's also a mentor to many serbian players in the nba. william inches survived by his wife and their 2 children. in san francisco. police say that they've made 23 drug-related arrests during to nighttime operations around you and plaza. >> it's the latest phase of the city's efforts to combat the drug crisis in the mid-market area. since the joint task force began operations in may of last
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year, more than 2300 people have been arrested for selling or using drugs or having outstanding warrants. police say is 3 100 pounds of drugs. most of it fentanyl. >> you're all now sits near people's park in berkeley. it reads, quote, there are many hearts buried at people's park over the weekend. a group of advocates opposing the development, the people's park gathered to paint the park is currently walled-off by cargo containers following several protests there. none of the 4 zone forecast as we step outside to be a live look at coit tower. looks like they're still showing little red and gold the afterglow super bowl. still showing the teen spirit their current force. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow. >> joining in studio with a look at what's going on outside. yeah, you know, really nice weather throughout the weekend. lot of sunshine, almost a little springfield to and even today, a very nice day out there after a cold start.
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>> to the morning. but, boy, we're really going to get back to some wintry weather. we've got another day before that's going to happen. so let's enjoy it. i think overnight tonight we'll see a couple high clouds continue to drift overhead because that probably to keep the temperatures up. just a couple degrees. nice look outside tonight out of the golden gate bridge. quiet night out there, dry to today. temperatures right at the average in san francisco at 60 degrees. 59 in oakland for a high. 64 nice day in san jose. slightly above normal. 61 in lemore. 61 conquered and 61 degrees in santa rosa. well, we are going to see a few more of those clouds moving in tonight. it will be lot little bit on the cool side tomorrow. it is going to be a mixture of some sunshine and some clouds will be another mild afternoon around the bay area. but showers likely to move in midweek. and that means for your valentine's day. then it looks like we get back some real stormy and windy and wet weather as we head toward the weekend. temperatures out the door right now. you got 46 degrees. cooling off and half moon bay still hazy in the san francisco. 53 is 47 in berkeley. 46 in napa. 45 now and snowmen. 46 in petaluma.
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so cool. temperatures out there. but not going to be a whole lot colder overnight tonight remains dry at this time as we scan your skies, bt up the coastline, there's a little weak disturbance out there. i think most of that is going to roll to the north of the bay area. the one we're watching for to bring us some rain on wednesday. guy right here is just beginning to put itself together that likely to bring some showers in the bay area. not a big storm, but maybe we get a quarter of an inch, maybe a half an inch or more in some north locations. but overall tomorrow, you're just going to see some passing clouds. here's your long range forecast models on watch what happens here as we get into wednesday. there you go. your valentine's day. if you've got a plan to take your loved one out there on valentine's evening. watch out. likely going to see some raindrops for that too. behind that a little bit of a break. and then here we go. we've got a significant storm possibly moving in as we head in toward friday night and saturday that again will be a win-win. the storm maybe not as windy as the previous one, but still very, very wet. fact, right behind that hot on its heels.
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we've got that center of the area of low pressure that always concerns me with that area getting so close to those of low pressure, we can really get the winds going as we head in towards sunday and monday and that storm just wants to stick around slowly rolling along the coastline. that happens. probably get some instability. maybe some thunderstorms embedded in that storm to do so that's wants to stick around to about the middle of next week. and so we can start to add up some pretty impressive rainfall totals. not so much of the first storm. that's going to be more typical storm rolling through. you can see a half an inch or so maybe get some higher amounts or the santa cruz mountains. but then we start to get into that next storm system. that's where the numbers start to really change color. then you start to talk 4 to 6 inches of rain across some of the mountain peaks in the possibility of some minor flooding again around the bay area. so something to watch out for time. bear temperatures in the 40's for overnight lows. i think by day tomorrow should be a nice day around the bay area. some partly cloudy skies. and here's your 10 to 10 this where we get back to it again in february, right in the heart of the wet season. and it's going to look like that to some showers as we head into wednesday. more showers
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possibly late on friday. rain getting heavy times on saturday on sunday monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, you get it. i mean, here we are right in the middle of winter. and so we've had a little break. but now that is coming to an end. so you get prepared. we have enjoyed it. yeah. batten down the hatches as they say. here comes right. thanks. lauren california lawmaker wants to ban children under 12 from riding electric bikes. the southern california lawmaker introducing a bill. >> that would prohibit anyone under the age of 12 from writing any class of e-bike and anyone over the age of 12 without a driver's license would need to take an e-bike safety training course. and then pass an online test and they would also need a state issued id. >> data from chp shows a steady increase in electric bike crashes each year since 2016, bikes and go nearly 30 miles an hour and owning operating when it is a big responsibility. the children and their parents must understand. >> the bill still has a long way to go before it lands on
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the governor's desk for a potential signature. >> tens of thousands of fans packed allegiant stadium for the super bowl this weekend, including some children who made the trip to las vegas. thanks to the make-a-wish foundation kron four's rob nesbitt talked with one young and niner fan who went to the game. >> sunday super bowl was exciting from start to finish. one person who got to witness the game from the stands is 14 was in las vegas the week leading up to their matchup against the chiefs. his mom. so lay hearst explained how the trip was sponsored by make-a-wish. >> in 2022, we found out he they discovered he has stayed late. it cardiomyopathy type of hearst went to 8th grade with the device to regulate his heart and it seemed to work until last september. >> he went into heart failure again and suffered a stroke that affected his left side while in the hospital. he got
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a visit from some of his favorite nfl players to property. bosa and for everyone. but how cool is it? they came to visit. >> and now he's recovered from his heart transplant. and now he gets to go cheer on them. hearst was joined at the super bowl by 19 other kids who are also sent by make-a-wish. >> touring allegiant stadium attending fanned events and meeting players from both teams. the game that went into overtime did not end the way hearst would have liked. >> but the 14 year-old knows all too well. how important it is not to take a single moment for granted. thankful to the volunteers that make a wish for making his super bowl dreams come true. i think it's facing. >> it's amazing. you can do all the stuff in san francisco. rob nesbitt kron. 4 continues right after gut-wrenching loss in the super bowl, niners fans kind of coming to terms with the fact all we'll just have to r a shot at the championship.
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could be a long year. had sfo fans return to the bay area today. a weekend that started with such high hopes. >> ended with crushed spirits and crushed souls as the faithful watch. the kansas city chiefs win the super bowl. >> was a grueling experience. and as soon as i saw that it was going to come down to us having to stop mahomes my heart kind of dropped and that's where it was left drained. >> done. let's go. go home at that up. >> we feel your pain. despite the outcome almost everyone said they are already looking forward to next season. the nfl regular season starts in september and the niners are already picked to return to the super bowl and meet the chiefs. probably their workers doing too badly so can kind of move our the tension there. that wraps up kron for news at 10. stay tuned for kron. 4 news at 11. the first sports night live. yeah, hartford's grant lotus here with a look
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at what's coming >> vicki can. yeah. the sports team is traveling back from vegas. so >> you're stuck with me. after the break. the heartbreak in vegas. we will recap niners overtime loss to the chiefs, including more on kyle shanahan's controversial decision to take the ball to start overtime. also the warriors. are utah for a game against the jazz playoff implications here. no. steve kerr on the bench. kron. 4 news at 10. we'll be right back.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> i assumed you just want the ball kuz you score tension and win. but i guess that's not the case. so i don't really i don't totally know the strategy there. bit of controversy surrounding the forty-niners heartbreaking super bowl loss to the chiefs last night. >> in las vegas, some grant lotus. thanks for joining us tonight on sports night live kyle shanahan opting to take the ball first in overtime. it just didn't work out for the niners sin based on that, quote, you heard there from kyle use check. some people are questioning just how familiar the team was with the new overtime playoff rules. this was the first nfl game with the new rules in effect both teams


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