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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  February 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> news station. this 11. >> hoping to accomplish. but this letter is to stop the normalization of the hate. oakland jewish alliance is calling on the state attorney general to investigate oakland's city council. >> for rights violations over what happened during a meeting 3 months ago. good evening. thanks for being with us tonight on kron. 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus and i'm vicki liviakis. the group says the violations. >> happened during a meeting held back in november when the council passed a cease-fire
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resolution directed at the israel-hamas war. our crime for sara stinson joins us now live in studio with some of the details. sarah. >> spoke with lawyer and longtime oakland resident marco and who helped spend send rather this 12 page letter to the attorney general and explains how his and other jewish residents, civil rights were violated on november 27th when city council allowed people to make anti-semitic comments. >> i've never been as scared as i was. that night. >> mark owen still shaken by the words, spoken at the oakland city council meeting held back on november. 27th. the council listened to 6 hours of public comment regarding a resolution calling for a cease-fire in gaza, which the council ended up passing. cohen says people taking to the podium and shouting from the crowd used anti-semitic phrases while many members of the jewish community were in attendance. but among the expressions, i said was white. hitler heil
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hitler. >> and f and zionist pigs. many people had left at a fear for their safety. cohen says pro-israel speakers had their title 6 civil rights violated when the city council did not intervene. it was their failure. >> piece island to sit on their hands during this anti-semitic. 6 hour marathon. i want them to recognize the anti-semitism they allowed. cohen along with the oakland jewish alliance, sent a 12 page letter to attorney general rob bonta. >> and to the oakland city administrator demanding this be investigated. >> and when the city council afforded greater rights 2, the anti-israel people at the expense of the jewish pro-israel people that is a violation of. civil rights, the organization, arab
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resource and organizing center or a rock has been called out in the letter as being an openly hostile group at the meeting. >> a spokesperson with a rock saying in part, quote, among - other completely untrue statements made in mister cohen's letter, the accusation that anyone in that room said anything remotely close to hail hitler is not only demonstrated lee falls but also deeply offensive to us as an avowedly anti fascist anti-racist organization. >> cohen has ag bonta's office to confirm if it will be conducting investigation within the next 7 days. we reach out to his office. we did not hear back in time for this report. we also did hear back from the oakland city administrator's office and city council members. i'm sara stinson reporting back to you. >> thank you, sarah. for leading candidates in the u.s. senate race faced off right here in the crowd for studio earlier tonight. adam schiff, katie porter. really and steve garvey are all running too.
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try to fill the senate seat that was long held by the late senator dianne feinstein. and tonight's debate was their second one ahead of the state's primary election. >> the crisis at the border opening monday night's senate debate in san francisco. candidates asked whether or not president biden should take executive action to close the border. i think the president is taking executive actions, but there are limits to what the president can do without congress providing the authority. while democratic candidates stressed the importance of congress's role, president biden should continue using the legal authority. he has to address this issue while we elect leaders who will shake up congress. republican steve garvey pointed his finger directly at biden on day one. the president open the floodgates. >> in creating a crisis in the united states. he should be the one to step up. in closed the border. we will not have border security until we have comprehensive immigration reform. there's still some
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policies in place which donald trump had put into place when he was president. those need to go on the topic of minimum wage. barbara lee claimed the wage needs to be $50 an hour for people to live properly in the golden state. >> just do the just to the mayor. of course, we have national minimum wage that we need to raise to a living wage. you talk about 20 $25 fine. but i have got to be focused on what california needs. >> garvey said no changes need know wages where it is and should be. if you look at what california sun to fast food franchises right now, increasing the minimum wage to $20 and what's going to happen? that's going to increase costs for hardworking californians to go to to go to a franchise garvey. also going on the record about his stance on former president trump. have you spoken to him and would you accept his endorsement? 15 seconds. >> i haven't spoken to. would you accept his endorsement?
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these are personal choices that prompted some tense moments with adam schiff, the greatest threat that we not on the trump and on the don't why it is. you said voting rights were the most fundamental thing. there this is mister ship fixated on one person and one person only. >> but what if you miss this evening's debate, you can get a recap on our website. kron 4 dot com. just scan the qr code there on the screen will take you to a page where you can. >> find some debate. highlights more them who some people think won the debate as well as viral moments. laurent's. >> we are looking at a change in the weather pattern coming our way. and we've got one more nice day ahead for us. a few clouds moving in overhead right now. but otherwise, a quiet night. we've had a nice little springfield to over the last few days. some temperatures even bumping up in the mid 60's around parts of the bay area. now there's some haze that has been building up in the atmosphere.
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so, yeah, you've got some of that yellow showing up on your screen there. that is some hazy conditions in the parts of the santa clara valley and parts of the east bay to tomorrow. probably going to see similar conditions. it's going to be a dry day, but still a hazy sunshine as we head toward the afternoon. but things are about to get active again right now. looking across california, couple high clouds out there. you see one disturbance off the coastline that's going to weaken. but it is going to be some more clouds to our skies for tomorrow. but is that big white mass out there in the middle of the pacific? that is your next storm system likely to roll in and could bring some showers as we head in toward valentine's day. so overnight tonight we are going to see some patchy fog out there. developing and some of the interior valleys. temperatures not going to be cold. it is going to be cool, though. numbers dropping off in the 40's. all right. investigators are trying to figure out what happened after they found 2 young children and 2 adults dead in the home. san mateo police made the tragic discovery this morning during a welfare check. so far
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they've only describe the people dead. his 2 boys, a man and a woman, both police and the neighbors say they were shocked to hear the news. yeah, it makes you wonder so places your mind goes, was it? >> foul play? was it something that happened inside the home is just as a parent. it's hard not wonder. >> this is a very tragic horrible seeing right side is not something that happens every day and it's tragic for the family, the community and all the officers. >> police have not said anything about how these people may have died. if foul play is a consideration here, they have closed down the neighborhood close down streets as the investigation continues tonight. >> in san francisco police officers may 23 arrests during to nighttime operations around un plaza. the 2 recent operations. they're part of the latest phase of the city's efforts to combat the drug crisis in the mid market area since its launch last year. police say that over 2000
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people have been arrested for possession with the intent to sell public drug use and outstanding warrants charges. sfpd also seized almost 300 pounds of narcotics. almost half of that being fentanyl. wild scene along san francisco's market street tonight. right outside the 7th street exit at civic center, bart station, a video you can see there from the citizen app. it shows a car that it crashed into a fire hydrant which then sent water just spewing into the sky and flooding market street because of the flooding. bart temporarily closed the 7th street exit civic center station sfmta also had to reroute some of it. muni lines. a section of l camino reale in los here is back open. >> tonight, that's good news for folks who haven't been able to use that the roadway between san antonio road in sherwood avenue have been shut down due to a fire that destroyed a commercial building here that was on
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christmas day. by the way, the bike lane and sidewalk do remain close. >> valentine's day is wednesday. and although love may be on your mind online, scammers use the holiday to take advantage of people. according to the fbi last year, bay area victims lost more than 20 7 million dollars to online scams of scams can come in many forms, including a fake, significant other or someone asking you to invest. so be careful to not release any of your private financial information to people. you've only met online. these people very good at it. fortunately, they've got a lot of practice. >> they keep notes. they keep detailed notes all of their interactions with potential victims and they can come across as perhaps one of the most adoring, a tentative for magic partners. >> the fbi says it victims were found in every bay area county, but santa clara had the most followed by alameda and contra costa county. still to come on kron, 4 news at 11
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heartbroken niners fans flying home today with the weekend was like for them. >> plus, despite the disappointment at the super bowl, some hope for a bay area boy who had his wish granted. but first, a south bay doctor is flying to gaza to help save lives, how h
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>> some developing news in the middle east. the israeli military released video showing the dramatic rescue of 2 hostages from gaza. israeli forces stormed the heavily guarded apartment in a densely packed town in the gaza strip
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and rescued the hostages while under fire. at least 67 palestinians were killed in the operation. most of them in airstrikes. israel's offensive has reportedly killed more than 28,000. >> palestinians displaced over 80% of the population and set off a massive humanitarian crisis. children and young teens make up nearly half of those killed. this comes as a south bay emergency room doctor is now on his way to gaza on a medical mission. kron four's the money and reports on his harrowing decision to help. >> it's monday morning in muhammad's day is at sfo. checking in for a flight to egypt. his wife 9 and 2 children are there to send him off on a medical mission. they had long talks about the perilous journey to help palestinians in gaza, the south bay emergency room doctor who has family in the war-torn region said he couldn't hold back rom helping the best way. he knows how it's imperative for anyone. >> and everyone with a heart that awake at this point to
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find out how they can help the population there. that's suffering. and one of the ways i can help is the privilege i've been given, which is to be an emergency physician. >> so bay has been to other countries is a medical volunteer over the years. most recently, he included his 13 year-old son, a flawed on a mission to all salvador. he's been planning this trip to gaza for 2 months. survey says he will be escorted into gaza through the rafah border by convoys with the world health organization and united nations. his family has mixed emotions sense of a shared this message to his voice. >> that they're both strong, beautiful individuals, have so much to get to the world around us >> it. >> and i reminded them how much time. i think it's it's hard really say anything beyond there is, you know, i love them. just kind of saying that over in the west. >> so based wife says she was scared for his safety because hospitals are being bombed.
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but as proud and grateful that he can go to help in this way on the ground. so they plans to come home in 5 weeks reporting for kron. 4 news i'm ella sogomonian. >> are 4 zone forecast as we get a live look from our mount tam cam overlooking. >> san francisco, quiet night. >> quiet night looking some changes to the weather pattern. lawrence is here since so nice and sunny. kind of warm, not for long. oh, sure. her. so nice little break. >> in the stormy weather pattern. but here we sit in the middle of winter and we're going to get right back to some fierce winter weather not too long. so out the door tonight, kind of a quiet night out there. it is hazy as we spoke of. but we're going to some changes coming our way. i think as early as valentine's day. so if you've got plans on valentine's day, be prepared for a little rain. could be moving in tomorrow. going to be a mixture of sunshine and clouds, mild temperatures and then a stormy week end with another round of some heavy rain. and i think some gusty
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winds, maybe not as gusty intense as the previous storm, but still strong enough up there right now. scan your skies. quiet night out there. a couple high clouds up above. we got a weak disturbance off the coastline, but it's this one right here that i think is going to your valentine's day as that's going to come rolling on. in fact, you see right here tomorrow we're going to see a mix of sunshine, some clouds that we're looking at. really beautiful sunset for tomorrow night. then on valentine's day, you've got some plans to go out in the evening. well, there you go. we've got some rain headed in, especially in the afternoon on valentine's day. so be prepared for that behind that. that kind of sets the stage for what looks like a pretty on a system coming in at least the beginning as we head in toward late friday and saturday, more gusty winds, heavy rainfall moving into and the one behind it. you see that swirl in the atmosphere. this where we can get real strong winds developing as we head in towards sunday afternoon and evening. and then that low just kind of spins around, wants to stick with us right through monday and into tuesday. and here we go. we're going to see a series of rainy days coming our way. so got to be prepared for that. looks like things are going to stay very unsettled wet as we head
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toward the latter part of the month to rainfall looking like they could be a pretty good soaker, not for the first system. just more typical a quarter, maybe half an inch of rain in some spots. but then we get to that next storm system. there you go. you see all the colors coming in. all of a sudden we start talking about buckets of rain, maybe 4 to 6 inches of rain across some of our mountain tops temperatures tomorrow. i'm going to be fairly mild, put on some 50's and some 60's. it will be a dry day after that. everything begins to change the chance of rain moving in by wednesday afternoon. the once things get going late on friday into saturday. here we go again, going to be talking about winds coming, you know, strong winds and gusts of wind bringing trees down, power outages on well, maybe more flooding, not the dreaded bomb not quite yet, although we'll have to wait and yeah, it will be wet and yeah. >> thanks, lawrence. okay. all right. after that disappointing loss in the super bowl, niners fans are coming to terms with the fact that they'll have to wait. >> another year for a shot at a championship today. that's f o tired. niners fans return to
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the bay the weekend. it started with such high did. with crushed spirits is faithful. watch the chiefs come from behind to win the super bowl. >> it was a grueling experience. and as soon as i saw that it was going to come down to us having to stop mahomes my heart kind of dropped that's where was left drained. >> don, let's go. go home. wrapped up. >> you never want to see mahomes with the ball at the end of the game. not every football fan at the airport. was sad though, this morning. >> all right. time to get you sent for there's there's amazing. couldn't couldn't write a better script as they would say, right? >> despite the most everyone we spoke with say they're looking forward to next season, going try again. >> well, lucky unfaithful, 40 niner got to go to the game. thanks to make-a-wish foundation. his name is adam hirst. he's 14 years old. and
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in 2022, doctors diagnosed him with the type of heart failure. they were able to regulate it until last september when he caught cold. you. but in the heart failure and suffered a stroke that affected his left side. but while he was the hospital, he was visited by some of his favorite 9 years. >> but how cool is that? they came to visit and now he's recovered from his heart transplant. and now he gets to go cheer on them. that's pretty cool. >> this past week at him was joined by 19 other kids for events leading up to the game. they toured allegiant stadium. they attended some fan of benson, met players from both teams. adam says he's sad about the niners losing but is thankful to make a wish for making his super bowl dreams come true. >> coming up next in sports, we'll check in with the niners. also. >> the steve kerr not with the team as there. salt lake city
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sports next. two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years,
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including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> all right. kron 4 sports. the warriors utah tonight taking on the jazz. the jazz are right behind them in the standings. so key game here, steve kerr not with the team. he was in serbia with some other members of the warriors organization attending the funeral of dan malloy vicha coach becky, of course, tragically passed away in utah not long ago. kenny atkinson is the acting head coach tonight dubs scott off to a
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fast start with out there. head coach jonathan kominga. look at the spin move so twitchy jumps up and over to jazz. defenders. jk really playing good ball. all right. to end the 2nd quarter, dream act gets the rebound and nobody really these as well. do a steph curry impression pull up from half-court game? where is led by 8 at the half. and that was before their best shooters really heated up clay thompson with 3 of his. 26 tonight. >> much needed strong performance from him. how about number 30's? curry? open enough of the moses moody screen pops that inhabit from a little further. yeah. he can extend it out. had 25. and for good measure, not going to guard me. splash. can't get mid age 4 years. get a big win
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and they did rather easily rest of the starters with one 29 107, their 5th straight and puts a little more space between them and the jazz in the standings. here's clay down. he's ever evolving role. >> that's not claim. that's patrick mahomes. i guess we're not going hear from clay. you know, obviously super bowl loss still crushing more than 24 hours. you know, the controversy surrounding of decision kyle shanahan had to make in overtime. he opted to take the ball first. that's getting a lot of discussion today. this is the first game with the nfl's new playoff overtime rules and chad has called didn't work out for the niners on the other sideline
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chiefs players said after the game, dating back to training camp. their head coach have been going over the new overtime rules for the playoffs, talking about what they would do in the situation. niners players didn't exactly singing the same tune, leaving some to wonder if the niners were as prepared as the chiefs. here's fullback kyle use check. >> you know what? i didn't even realize that the the playoff rules were different and over time. so i've i assume you just want the ball because use court session and when, but i guess that's not the case. so i don't really i don't totally know the strategy there. now. we have talked about it now. >> there's going to be a lot consternation. lot of, you know. you go over the same thing over and over and over again. and i you know, they're going to come to different conclusions that >> the place is going to be kicking themselves sure for
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months and the fans and stuff. but it happen then we're out of time. thanks for being with 11 tonight. everybody. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo.
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now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: what a night! sealed with a kiss! smile! you are on the jumbotron! the mad


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