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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  February 13, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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>> now on the kron 4 morning news, the oakland jewish alliance and what the state attorney general to investigate the oakland city council, the civil rights violations. they say they endured during a meeting. and county board of supervisors is set to consider legislation that aims to put the control over autonomous vehicles in the hands of local government.
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leading candidates in california's u.s. senate race met in a heated debate with the second time ahead of the state's primary election. will talk more about that coming up. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning far. >> well, good tuesday morning to thank you for waking with bright and early. the kron 4 morning news days, february 13th, i'm reyna harvey. want to start this one with a check of weather with john shrable because remember that dry day here and there that's all going to switch gears at some point tomorrow morning. yet. today is going to be the last ever consistently dry days of this forecast. tomorrow, we'll start to see some shower activity and that is on valentine's day. as you remember tomorrow. >> little bit later on in the day. as for today, though, things are pretty crystal clear. this is your view outside of the golden gate bridge. fog out there this morning. we did have some yesterday. we do have a little
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bit of fog hugging the north bay this morning. but aside from that, visibility is looking good right now, 101 as well as out towards the try valley and out towards antioch in the delta couple of spots of fog in that direction. temperatures in the 30's to 40's this morning. san francisco are only spot actually holding on to the low 50's dublin livermore at 39 degrees fully. how and napa each at 43 to kick things off later on today. we are going to be looking at daytime highs back up into the upper 50's to low 60's. little bit of a cloudier afternoon today. ahead of the return of rainfall later on in this forecast, i'll be talking all the details of when to expect our rainiest of conditions. still ahead for the roads right now. things out there are doing just fine. it is early. so that is to be expected. bay bridge. 8 minutes for your crossing right now. san mateo bridge at 13 minutes to get you over that span. as for the richmond center fell 7 minut s and not talking as much fog as yesterday golden gate bridge.
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it's going to take to 19 minutes to get from nevado to the toll plaza back over to rain. thank you for that update on. >> well, in the east bay, the oakland jewish alliance called on the state attorney general to investigate oakland city council for civil rights violations over what happened during a meeting back in november. the group says the violations happened when the council passed a cease-fire resolution all directed at the israel-hamas war. well, 4 sarah stinson has that story for us. >> i've never been as scared as i was. that night. >> mark owen still shaken by the words, spoken at the oakland city council meeting held back on november. 27th. the council listened to 6 hours of public comment regarding a resolution calling for a cease-fire in gaza, which the council ended up passing. cohen says people taking to the podium and shouting from the crowd used anti-semitic phrases while many members of the jewish community were in attendance. but among the expressions, i said was white. hitler heil
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hitler. >> a and then it f and zionist pigs. many people had left at a fear for their safety. cohen says pro-israel speakers had their title 6 civil rights violated when the city council did not intervene. it was their failure. >> piece island to sit on their hands during this anti-semitic. 6 hour marathon. i one thing to recognize the anti-semitism they allowed. cohen along with the oakland jewish alliance, sent a 12 page letter to attorney general rob bonta. >> and to the oakland city administrator demanding this be investigated. >> and when the city council afforded greater rights 2, the anti-israel people at the expense of the jewish pro-israel people that is a violation of. civil rights, the organization, arab resource and organizing center
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or a rock has been called out in the letter as being an openly hostile group at the meeting. >> a spokesperson with a rock has responded to the letter saying in part, quote, among other completely untrue statements made in mister cohen's letter, the accusation that anyone in that room said anything remotely close to hile hitler is not only demonstrably false but also deeply offensive to us as avowedly anti fascist anti-racist organization. cohen has asked ag bonta's office to confirm if it will be conducting an investigation within 7 days we reached out to his office but did not hear back in time for this report. we also didn't hear back from the oakland city administrator's office or any city council members. i'm sara stinson reporting kron. 4 news. >> we opened fire department responded to a vehicle fire in the city late last night on west bound 5.80, right between the 35th avenue on-ramp and the food bill off-ramp.
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they'll and fire departments x. the carr fire game pretty big amounts of smoke. we're going to keep you updated as more information comes out on that. no police officers now on paid leave after he reportedly crashed into a california highway patrol cruiser while driving under the influence, sending a chp officer to the hospital. crash happened saturday morning on eastbound 80 right near manual campus parkway. that's in fairfield. investigators say the officer, the oakland police officer, it was off duty at the time. they say the officer crashed into that chp cruiser. 2 chp officers were at the scene at the time. one was inside of the cruiser and the other was outside the one who was inside of the car suffered some major injuries and had to be taken to a hospital. some minor injuries and had to be taken to the hospital. now the oakland police department has not released the officer's name. happening now, search is underway for missing 101
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year-old man in santa rosa. santa rosa. police shared a picture of william got there. please get a good look at him. 5 of 6. he's at risk because of his age and his health condition. they say he drove away from his residence on monday between noon and 04:00pm and a white 2018 subaru legacy. this is the license plate that police have provided us would get a good look. 8 cw r 708. police say it's possible that got there might be driving in the area of goat rock beach in jenner north of bodega bay. kron. 4 is your local election headquarters. 4 leading candidates in the u.s. senate faced off right here in the cross for studio adam schiff, katie porter, barbara lee and steve garvey are all running to fill that senate seat. it was long held by late senator dianne feinstein. the debate was their second one ahead of the state's primary election.
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well, grant lotus gives us a recap of what happened. >> the crisis at the border opening monday night's senate debate in san francisco. candidates asked whether or not president biden should take executive action to close the border. i think the president is taking executive actions, but there are limits to what the president can do without congress providing the authority. while democratic candidates stressed the importance of congress's role, president biden should continue using the legal authority. he has to address this issue while we elect leaders who will shake up congress. republican steve garvey pointed his finger directly at biden on day one. the president open the floodgates. >> and created a crisis in the united states. he should be the one to step up. in closed the border. we will not have border security until we have comprehensive immigration reform. there's still some policies in place which donald trump had put into place when he was president. those need
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to go on the topic of minimum wage. barber lee claimed the wage needs to be $50 an hour for people to live properly in the golden state. >> just do the math just to the mayor. of course, we have minimum wages that we need to raise to a living wage. you talk about 20 $25, fine. but i have got to be focused on what california needs. >> garvey said no changes need wage is where it is and should be. if you look at california sun to fast food franchises right now, increasing the minimum wage to $20 and what's going to happen? that's going to increase costs for hardworking californians to go to to go to a franchise garvey. also going on the record about his stance on former president trump. have you spoken to him and would you accept his endorsement? you have 15 seconds. >> i haven't spoken to. would you accept his endorsement? these are personal choices that prompted some tense moments with adam schiff, the
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greatest threat that we on the trump and on the traffic why it is. you said voting rights were the most fundamental thing. there this is mister ship fixated on one person and one person only. >> well, as grant lotus reporting, if you missed the debate, you can get a recap on our website. kron 4 dot com scan the qr code on your screen. it's going to take you to a page where you can find debate highlights who actually won the debate and some of the viral moments from that. on monday, immigrant rights groups rallied right in front of a new immigration court open in a predominantly spanish-speaking conquer neighborhood. these are photos from that rally. the new court is going to hear cases from multiple counties. immigrant rights groups say local government did not let the community know the quote was going to be opening and they say the court open and that specific conquered neighborhood, it's going to instill fear in the community. congressman mark, this honor
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says he's disappointed the court open with limited community engagement. he appreciates the need of the office of immigration review to conduct its business. the justice department is hiring. 21 immigration judges for the condor court, but asylum seekers are going to need to find their own representation. happening today, the san mateo county board of supervisors set to consider passing a resolution to support local government control of autonomous vehicles, such as waymo and cruise. earlier this month state. senator dave cortese, san jose introducing a bill that would do just that. right now, those companies are being regulated by state utility officials and the dmv. this comes as san francisco city attorneys filed a lawsuit against state utility officials for allowing waymo and cruise to expand their services within the city. a wild scene along san francisco's market street last night, right outside of the
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7th street exit. this is at civic center, bart station. we have video from the citizens app showing a car that crashed into a fire hydrant. then it's it water just feeling and to the sky and flooding market street because of the flooding bar temporarily close the 7th street exit civic center station that they also had to reroute some of them union lives because the water. still ahead of the problem morning news, 4 people were found dead in a whole is and the tale. >> now investigators are trying their best to figure out what happened to them will be right back. don't go be right back. don't go anywhere.
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you to know today. a car backing out of a driveway hit and killed a woman san jose on saturday. we said this is the city's a fatal collision. a traffic death 2024. 2 men were arrested in connection to a series of robberies. bakeries in san jose. police say they happen in december january 7, it would go inside of the business, brandish a gun and take the money or the cash register. the fbi says victims in the fbi's san francisco division and territory. plus more than 27 million dollars last year. as of scammers targeting people with romance scams avoid them. they say people should not send money, traitor. best people that you've only met online. and a team from the bay area was able to go to the super bowl to watch the niners. all thanks to make-a-wish. patty hearst first met his favorite forty-niners recovering from a heart transplant and then was
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able to see them play in the big game in person alongside 19 other children. on the south of the city of san jose is celebrating the lunar new year. >> city has the largest vietnamese community in the united states. homer's justin campbell explains how the city is recognizing this special community. >> the vietnamese flag flying at san jose city hall. that's also blowing in red and yellow monday night. this is how the city hall will look like all week in honor of the lunar new year. also called that ted. >> in the vietnamese community, lunar new meant very specific to us and meant to freedom of choice. the met about custom it meant to be together with family and celebrate san jose as the largest vietnamese population outside of vietnam for councilmember bn one who immigrated to the u.s. from vietnam as a child. this lunar new year is extra special
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first year in the history of san jose. >> we were able to allow 8 hours so that employees can take 3 days off. the south bay city now recognizes lunar new year as a city holiday. >> city employees got a day off on friday, the eve of lunar new year wild won says that's all a great start. he says they're still a lot more to be done for the vietnamese community in san jose. >> we continue to suffer in politically and representation. i think he's employed in that. we recognize. the vietnamese community how large it is this city importing in san jose. justin campbell kron. 4 news. >> all right. as we step into a new building, a new year and a new day. >> we're also staying on top of the forecast on because i know you're talking about rain. bahrain might rain on people's plans for valentine's day as well. so for the year, the dragon has been nothing
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but sun from saturday all the way through yesterday. >> it was looking absolutely gorgeous out there, but we do see a little bit of a switch up from this point forward and it does involve some rainfall making its return. your view outside right now, quite sour things out there. certainly nice and dry this morning. nothing getting in your way for your tuesday morning commute. as of right now, we do have a little bit of reflectivity going on on radar currently. that's a little bit of low cloud cover. not a lot to know up until you get to mendocino county with a few light. sprinkles up that way. right now, high pressure ridge is still technically sitting in place, although its grip on the bay area is starting to weaken a little bit as we work our way into tomorrow. you're going to see exactly what that means for so today, predominantly a dry day with partly cloudy skies for your tuesday. here you go. tomorrow morning before you even get up in the morning. already seeing a few light sprinkles for the north bay. and as we make our way on into the afternoon tomorrow, we'll start to see rainfall picking up for the
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rest of us. here's 11:00am marine county, sonoma county seeing some light showers rushing through by early afternoon. rainfall spreading into the city. and after that as we make our way into the rest of the bay. so it is definitely going to be a rainy finish to your valentine's day tomorrow. anticipate rainfall totals generally staying below one inch for most of the bay area, some coastal areas and mountain sides will exceed an inch of rainfall as we do work our way through tomorrow night into thursday morning. as for today, though, no rainfall just yet. we're just looking at daytime highs in the upper 50's to low 60's. sounds pretty familiar. we were right there yesterday, too. foster city down through mountain view each at 61 while south bay temperatures. also right back to the low 60's today will be much the same in to the east bay hayward over to the tribe valley, right at 60 degrees. oakland over to danville, right at 60 as well. and today will be seeing those same 60's up in the north bay. tomorrow starts dry for your
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valentine's day. but breen, the umbrella as you and your. i partnered loved one. get out there on wednesday night. maybe go out to dinner. something that's what i want to we're looking at thursday and friday with some morning showers and then evening showers returning on friday saturday looks to be the rainiest of the forecast most consistently throughout the day with showers continuing into sunday and monday roadways this morning are nice and dry ahead of this forecast that gets a little unsettled today is everything that we've seen the past few days. the dry conditions. we're going to see a little bit of cloud cover, but not as foggy as yesterday morning. so that's definitely good news for routes like the golden gate bridge as well as the rest. sandra fell bridge right now. i'm john, thank you for that. >> and the east bay amtrak train hit and kills a person on the tracks in hayward yesterday afternoon, a little after 2. amtrak says the person was trespassing on the tracks when they were hit by the train. those heading to san jose investigators say no one on the train was hurt. and
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freemont. police arrested 4 teens who they say were in the stolen suv. 2 of them are accused of robbing a postal worker and their keys. this happened near the now's community park before taking off in an suv. this happened last wednesday in the area. 3rd street police say a similar robbery happened the day before, but they did not clarify if this was the same group that suspected in that case. well, less than a day away from nasa's latest mission for the first time private company's spacecraft could land on the lunar surface news nation. xavier walton has that story. >> the race to the moon is getting more crowded as countries like japan, china and russia, irvine to land softly on the lunar surface. steely eyed musselman's bottom u.s. president, ceo of intuitive machines says his team is ready to make history with its moon mission being the first commercial space company to land on the lunar surface. we're leading off.
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>> our return to the moon with commercial companies find payloads for nasa for scientific and engineering discovery. before nasa brings its hardware ever taken aback by just the thought of like. >> hey, this is going to be honest. this is going to be intuitive machines. we're going to be first. i stop and think about that all the liftoff of the falcon 9, 2, nova cylinders going to hitch a ride on a spacex falcon 9 rocket traveling to the lunar south pole. it's one of several commercial companies delivering payloads for nasa. we're contributing as the precursor mission to the u.s. artemis program put humans. >> sustainably on the move. and that's the goal. not only getting humans back on the moon, but staying there. retired nasa astronaut jose hernandez believes this is a giant step in making that happen. i think it's great. >> commercial into these are coming into the >> into the space exploration arena, basically enhancing our capabilities because let's face it, the they're able to do things quicker.
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>> well, that was xavier walton reporting. the launch is set for wednesday at 01:00am eastern time, which is tonight at 10 local time. coming up on the kron morning news waymo car fire in san francisco's chinatown. >> as federaleofficials warning people about prison time witness tells us what happened. leading up to the fire will
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lawyers got off to a fast start while taking on the utah jazz quickly the lead in the 1st quarter and they held aloft who have time. turned up the heat in the 2nd half. continuing to add to their
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lead as the jazz trailed behind. that's one it one. 29 107. they're going to play the clippers tomorrow. chase center tipoff is at 7. over to our niners now, some controversy surrounding cows shanahan's choice. >> to take the ball first in overtime during the super bowl. it was the first game with the nfl's a new playoff overtime rules. shanahan's call did not work out for san francisco on the other sideline cheese players said after the game dating back to the training camp. their head coach, andy reid over the new rules and what they would do in this situation. niners players, they're not exactly sing the same tune, leaving some fans wondered the team was prepared as the chiefs. and here's what fullback kyle use check had to say about the new rules. >> you know what? i didn't even realize that the the playoff rules were different and over time. so i've i assume you just want the ball kuz use court session when, but i guess that's not the case. so i don't really i don't totally know the
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strategy now we haven't talked about >> san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins honored abetz 48 cheese jersey. she said this picture after losing a friendly wager with kansas city's district attorney. so they bet on their home cities winning the super bowl and whoever lost. we'll have to wear the opposing team's jersey jenkins posted the photo of her wearing mahomes jersey annex saying i am a woman of my word. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. san mateo county considering a resolution. >> aims to put the control of driverless cars in the hands of local governments are going play why in a live report. one bay area team had wish credit that was able see the niners play the big game person. play the big game person. you can't leave without cuddles.
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but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet.
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and welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. we are embracing the dry conditions because it won't be dry for much longer morning, john. yes, it is happy to be waking up this morning with a dry commute out there. we are seeing highway 24 winding its way through the east bay hills, not accompanied by any slick spots nor a lot of fog this morning. a good news >> compared to yesterday when we had so much of that fog. we are going to see a little bit of it trying to form out to the interior east bay. that's the delta tried valley as well as a few spots along 101. so don't be surprised if you see it, but definitely not near as widespread as yesterday. current temperatures range anywhere from the upper 30's in spots like livermore in fairfield to the low 50's out towards san francisco right now. santa rosa, you're at 41
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degrees later today. daytime highs, upper 50's to low 60's today importantly stays dry tomorrow for valentine's day. not so much anymore. i'm going to talk it. everything you've got to know for your valentine's day and the rainy weekend after it. still ahead for your roads this morning, what we have out there is pretty nice and clear conditions. nothing getting your way on the bay bridge nor at the san mateo bridge this morning. things along the richmond center fell and along the golden gate are a lot less foggy than yesterday. so that just makes for a slightly easier commute. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters and therefore leading candidates in the u.s. senate race. they faced off right here in the craw for studio adam schiff, katie porter, barbara lee and steve garvey are all running to fill that senate seat that was long held by the late senator dianne feinstein. the debate was their second one ahead of the state's primary election. capitol
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correspondent eytan wallace gives us a recap of what happened. >> well, the debate focused on the issues facing california, but it also included its fair share of fireworks. this is sparks flying at the inside california politics. u.s. senate debate in san francisco to 4 leading candidates in the race. democratic congressmembers adam schiff, katie porter and barbara and republican steve garvey facing off in the hour-long televised debate that touched on several topics. perhaps none more heated in the topic of former president donald j. trump steve garvey says he voted for the former president twice but garvey argues he's been unfairly labeled as an ardent trump supporter. i hope this puts too. >> 2 the constant badgering. and the use of the former president's name as attack against me. the greatest threat that we on trump. donald trump engaged insurrection and in my view should not be on the ballot. donald trump is a threat to our national security.
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>> he's he's a threat to our democracy, moderated by inside california politics co-host nikki laurenzo on frank buckley to debate touched on several issues including homelessness and housing. should people who are experiencing homelessness be allowed to live? >> intense or rv's or on beaches or in parks while they wait for a permanent solution. you have 15 seconds. i don't think i think it's a mister garvey. >> you can say the minimum wage is fine where it is. but you want to know why people living on the street. it's because we're paying them poverty wages. this is a problem of making sure that california's biggest challenges, including the cost of housing become washington's biggest challenge. and that's what my 10 point plan doesn't really harnesses the power of the federal government to unleash that capital that we need to build more houses. we also need and the diction protection policy. and i'm working on that. also to get that passed into law on the crisis at the u.s. mexico border. >> i think that we need to invest in creating a lawful,
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orderly, humane immigration system and decade after decade, politicians in washington haven't done that. we will not have border security until we have comprehensive immigration reform. we didn't have a policy of the border that is consistent with our values as a nation. >> i also think we need order at the border. when the president open the floodgates. and created a crisis in the united states. he should be the one to step up. in closed the border. steve garvey did not speak to journalists following the debate, but he did a code. this message throughout the night. these are 3 career politicians. >> who failed the people, his opponents back to different. many of experiences that californians have. i've lived. but i also know how to turn those challenges into policies and funding priorities and make life better for everyone. i don't see washington doing enough to solve our problems, bringing down the cost of childcare, making housing affordable for our workforce, addressing climate change. and so i'm really running to shake up the senate to make sure
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that it's working for californians not for big corporations. we need to do or in the senate. that knows how to get things done. >> a i've long track record of doing that. i'm gonna deliver for california and i would love to have their support. >> so what happens next? what the candidates tell me. they plan a campaign up and down the state in the final weeks ahead of primary election day. march 5th reporting in san francisco, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> developing news investigators are trying to figure out what happened after finding 2 children and 2 adults dead inside of a home. san mateo police made that tragic discovery yesterday morning during a welfare check. so far they've only describe the people dead has 2 boys and a man and a woman, both police and a neighbor say they were shot to hear the news. >> it makes you wonder so places your mind goes, was it play? was it something that happened inside the home is just as a parent. it's hard not wonder. >> this is a very tragic and
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horrible. senior isi is not something that happens every day it's tragic for the family, the community and all the officers. >> well, police closed down the neighborhood as that investigation continues. >> federal prosecutors warning similar acts like this one seen over the weekend. temperatures china town could send vandals to federal prison labels as the car that was set on fire just dropped off a passenger on one bill and no one was inside the car. multiple witnesses told kron 4 that waymo car was disrupting the lunar new year. celebrations after that navigation technology became confused by festivities and fireworks. crawford in kerman talked to one of the witnesses there. >> those celebrating chinese new year got more than fireworks lighting up the night sky saturday around 9 after dropping off a
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passenger. a driverless waymo vehicle heading down jackson street was surrounded by a group of people near grant street in san francisco's chinatown. this completely out of expectations that done from a 0 to 100. >> so quickly, in a matter of minutes, from the bond that the car was broken to the time it on fire. >> honey, route cool. saw the vehicle set on fire and what led up to it once the fireworks ended. >> some of the people in the eventually bent on that car. they started jumping with they started writing defeat. message and then some of great. they've goes down scheme boards and other things. and once isn't he, the window was broken. they put a gigantic fire look and let it out. it matter of minutes. the focus of the big burning in front san francisco. police are investigating the incident
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and now the u.s. attorney's office for the northern district of california. >> has weighed in on social media suggesting committing such an act is a violation of interstate commerce laws and could send those responsible to prison for 5 to 40 years, depending on the circumstances waymo believes this is just a one-off and that some organized protest of autonomous vehicles. witnesses agree this was not i like some of that that i heard. >> this is literally just people collating the sake of theirs. trying to get its hear from some of the people in the same crowd in san francisco. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> after a very disappointing loss in the super bowl. 49 of fans are coming to terms with the fact that have to wait another year for a shot at the championship. as tired. 40 niner fans return to the bay area yesterday weekend started with high hopes in with crushed spirit as the faithfuls watch the kansas
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city chiefs come from behind to win the super bowl. >> it was a grueling experience. and as soon as i saw that it was going to come down to us having to stop mahomes my heart kind of dropped that's where was left drained. >> don, let's go. go home. wrap it up. male not every football fan airport with seth though. >> it's a great time to be $0.2 per was it was amazing because couldn't a better script as they would say, right? >> despite the outcome, everybody says they are already looking for 2 the next season and we are definitely looking for to that next season as that comes as well. ok? well, a lucky unfaithful forty-niners fan. got to go to the game. thanks to make-a-wish foundation. this is 40 year-old adam hirst in 2022. doctors diagnosed with a type of heart failure. they were able to regulate it until last september when he caught a cold and then he went into heart failure and he suffered
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a stroke and affected his left side while in the hospital he was visited by some of his favorite niners. >> and how cool is it? they came to visit and now he's recovered from his heart transplant. and now he gets to go cheer on them. >> well, this past week hearst was joined by 19 other children, 4 events leading up to the game. they toured allegiant stadium. they attend a fan events. he smiling there and then that players from both teams. hearst is sad about the niners losing but is thankful to make a wish for making his super bowl dreams come true. still have a problem morning news. a warning from the fbi and a valentine's day. >> what you should look out for to keep yourself from these scams. and after the break, a south bay doctor flying cars and help save lives. how he hopes to make a
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wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet. >> well, here are 4 things for you to know. today. a search is underway for a missing 101 year-old man in santa rosa. police say william gunther went missing yesterday between noon and 04:00pm. >> after driving away from his home, they say is at risk due to his age and health conditions. it was the police officers on paid leave after they reportedly crashed to a california highway patrol cruiser while driving under the influence. so a chp officer to the hospital, the crash happened saturday morning on eastbound 80 right hand man campus parkway in fairfield. the oakland fire department responded to a vehicle fire in the city late last night on west bound 5.80, between the 35th avenue on-ramp off-ramp, the fire department do next. the carr
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fire gave off a large amount of smoke. video from the citizens app shows a car and crashed into a fire hydrant in san francisco on market street yesterday. this is right outside the 7th street exit civic center, bart station. crash caused water to flood market street. you can see, shouldn't sky. happening today. san mateo county will be discussing legislation to stop the expansion of waymo. >> into the county, some local officials, they want local government that more control over vehicles. members will tran is live in redwood city with the latest ultimate decision. whether or not they want those driverless
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cars like waymo in cruised into their cities. now, i can tell you right now is being handled by 2 state agencies. the a california public utilities commission, as well as dmv. cannabis as those 2 agencies. they don't even talk to local jurisdictions like san mateo county, which is why he wants to introduce legislation that says the city's they will get to decide whether or not it is safe for the people within that particular city. any points to many reasons, including what happened last week when a cyclist in san francisco got into an accident with waymo. and despite the investigation still ongoing, many people already believe it was way most fall for that collision. not to mention other auto auto, crews, those vehicles that go around san francisco without a driver. the dmv recently polled any permits
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for that. so now see peuc as well as dmt. back to all right, thank you for that. we'll be following this story as it continues to develop. >> let's switch gears here and talk about the weather last friday in the forecast. john's been talking about that. no lobby that valentine's day plans. >> might rain on that parade little bit? yeah, definitely looking >> use very love a good definitely looking at the potential of some rain out hopefully not intel. >> youve rounded up those valentine's day plans, though. we're looking outside at coit hour right here. looking nice and clear this morning. not talking near as much fog as what we were yesterday morning. now, as we zoom out across the radar, we do have a few showers north of us in mendocino county. what we will
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be seeing working our direction later on this forecast. is this next system to our west for now, high pressure. ridge is still weekly in place, keeping us, at least for the most part dry today, few showers passing to the north of us into the evening tonight. so partly cloudy, one for your tuesday, but staying dry out there overnight hours tonight. there's those showers briefly passing to the north while we're sleeping. tomorrow morning starts dry. but rainfall pushes in as we make our way into late morning and early afternoon. pretty widespread to as we make our way into the afternoon tomorrow. so just make sure that you're getting outside. maybe for that valentine's day date that you're doing. so with the umbrella in hand and ready to go, we are going to see the potential of an inch of rainfall at the coast tomorrow night into thursday morning. so that is a decent amount of rainfall that will be coming down. today, though. none of it. we're looking nice and dry with upper 50's to low 60's for your daytime highs today, burlingame down south through foster city and
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eventually into the south bay. all looking at low 60's for your highs today and a nice and dry one to enjoy those 60's. same for the inland east bay tried valley up through conquered all those 60's. well, berkeley and richmond upper 50's for you. sonoma santa rosa right at 60 degrees today. tomorrow afternoon as when showers for the most part arrive into your valentine's day. staying put until thursday morning. looks like we'll dry back out for thursday afternoon into friday morning before rainfall returns friday night and stays with us all day long on saturday for your roads right now, things out there looking just fine. we just got your metering lights turned on at the bay bridge, hence the 12 minute drive. and just that very slight backup san mateo bridge, 13 minutes while looking at the richmond center fell and the golden gate not as much fog is yesterday, which is a change for the better as you're getting out there on the roads. great. thank you, john. >> in the south, a woman is dead after she was hit and killed by a car san jose. this
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all happened saturday around 2 in the afternoon. saratoga avenue, right near 10, dark street. police say a utility vehicle was backing out of a driveway when it struck a woman who was walking on the sidewalk. she was rushed to a local hospital where she died. the driver remained at the scene and cooperated with investigators. this is actually sales ace 8th traffic death of the year. well, 2 minutes, san jose, they were arrested for allegedly robbing multiple bakeries spanning over 2 months. police arrested. 37 year-old ramos. 41 your own act total ala. now. police say the 2 allegedly rob several bakeries from december to january. they wouldn't take out a gun and demand money taking off with thousands of dollars. both men were booked into the santa clara county jail. developing news from the middle east. the israeli military released video showing the dramatic rescue of 2 hostages from gaza. israeli forces stormed a
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heavily guarded apartment in a densely packed town in the gaza strip and rescued the hostages while under fire. at least 67 palestinians were killed in this operation. most of them in airstrikes, israel's offensive has killed more than 28,000 palestinians displaced over 80% of the population and set off a massive humanitarian crisis. children and young teens make up nearly half of those that have been killed. this comes as the south bay emergency room doctor. he's now on his way to gaza on a medical mission. kron four's ella sogomonian reports on how harrowing decision to tell. >> mohammed sunday is at sfo checking in for a flight to egypt. his wife 9, and 2 children are there to send him off on a medical mission. they had long talks about the perilous journey to help palestinians in gaza, the south bay emergency room doctor who has family in the
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war-torn region said he couldn't hold back from helping the best way. he knows how it's imperative for anyone. >> and everyone with a heart that a week at this point to find out how they can help the population there. that's suffering. and one of the ways i can help is the the the privilege i've been given, which is to be an emergency physician. >> so bay has been to other countriev is a medical volunteer over the years. most recently, he included his 13 year-old son, a flawed on a mission to all salvador. he's been planning this trip to gaza for 2 months. survey says he will be escorted into gaza through the rafah border by convoys with the world health organization and united nations. his family has mixed emotions of a shared this message to his voice. >> that they're both strong, beautiful individuals have so much to get to the world around us >> it. >> and i reminded him home
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with them. i think it's it's hard really say anything beyond period. you know, i love them. just kind of saying that over and >> surveys wife says she was scared for his safety because hospitals are being bombed. but he's proud and grateful that he can go to help in this way on the ground. so they plans to come home in 5 weeks reporting for kron. 4 news i'm ella sogomonian. >> valentine's day is tomorrow and although love may be on your mind online, scammers use the holiday to take advantage of people. fbi says the bay-area victims loss more that 27 million dollars online scams last year. the scams can come in many forms including a fake, significant other or somebody asking you to invest. fbi says you can prevent yourself from falling victim by being careful not released any private financial information. 2 people you've met only online. >> these people are very good unfortunately, they've got a lot of practice. they keep notes. they keep detailed notes all of their interactions with potential
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victims and they can come across as perhaps one of the most adoring, a tentative for magic partners. >> the fbi says victims were found in every bay area county. but santa clear at the most, followed by alameda and in contra costa county the golden state assistant coach de haan. the leverage was buried in serbia yesterday. the head coach, steve kerr, assistant coaches, krista markle and ron adams and general manager mike dan levy. they were all there to pay their respects lawyers. they were in salt lake city last month when he had a heart attack at a team dinner. now he died the next day malloy of its helped the warriors win the 2022 nba championship. he was also a mentor, too many serbian players in the league lawyer is survived by his wife and his 2 children. we'll be and his 2 children. we'll be right back after the break.
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>> almost 400,000 frigidaire refrigerators have been recalled because plastic can actually break off into an ice bucket and cause a choking hazard. the popular refrigerator, which is sold at home depot has an assembly component that can break off with plastic pieces falling into nice. the affected models were sold between 2015 2019 customers are being urged to immediately stop using the ice makers to contact the parent company to request a replacement ice bucket assembly component free of charge. sunday. super bowl going to go down in history as the most watched tv program. well in american history,
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according to nelson and adobe analytics overtime game averaged more than 123 million viewers across all platforms. that's a 7% bump from last year's game. the previous record holder and total sunday's game was seen by more than 202 million people setting another record for largest total audience for a single broadcast. coming up next hour, morning news. 4 candidates in the running for u.s. senate seat. >> faced off in another debate ahead of the california primary when topics they spoke about. we'll be right back. go anywhere.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine.
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i approved this message because this is who we are.
6:00 am
>> right now on the kron 4 morning news, california leaders are taking action to reduce the maternal death rate of black women by proposing health care workers get better bias training will explain. one bay area counties set to consider legislation that aims to put the control over autonomous vehicles in the hands of local governments. we're live with those details and leading candidates in california's u.s. senate race met in heated debate right here in our kron. 4 studios for the second time ahead of the state's primary election. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morning. and thanks for tuning in and waking up with us. i'm and james and on this tuesday morning. yes, it is dark out there. but i didn't see too much fog on. he's not right down the street. you know, it was pretty clear morning, john. yeah, definitely clear than yesterday. was you guys picked up on that right away. we're seeing less foggy conditions for pretty much all the bay area. still a couple of


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