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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  February 13, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ similar to. >> today on kron, 4 news at noon, why forty-niners fans are questioning how much that he knew about the overtime rules and if that cost them the big game. plus, the leading candidates in california's race for u.s. senate. they had a heated debate right here in our studio and we have the highlights. also a major turn
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in the lawsuits against the chevron martinez refineries. we have a live report. >> from the bay station. you're watching kron. and news. >> thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine in the bay area. air quality management district has secured a major victory in the lawsuits filed against the chevron and martinez refineries. kron four's charles clifford joins us now live from san francisco. he has the details. good afternoon, charles. >> well, good afternoon. so for years, chevron and the air district have in court fighting over air district rules that require the to have better air quality controls. and now it appears the district has reached a settlement with chevron. the bay area, air quality management district announced on tuesday that they have reached a settlement agreement with chevron and the martinez refining company. >> as part of the agreement, chevron has agreed to comply with air district rules 6, 5, which requires the company to reduce particulate emissions
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at its refinery by 70 to 80%. they're also penalties. if the company doesn't meet those obligations. chevron has also agreed to pay 20 million in fines for past violations and to pay another 20 million to korean air quality fund to help reduce public exposure to particulate matter. the martinez refining company has agreed to comply with rule 6, 5, install air monitoring equipment at its refinery and pay half a million dollars in attorney fees. contra costa county supervisor john gioia who also sits on the air district board says this is a win for anyone who lives near refinery today is really improving public health for residents who live near refineries everyone no matter where they live. >> deserves are has the right to breathe clean air. and that's what this announcement is about today. in a statement to kron for chevron says we are pleased to put this litigation behind us in a way that benefits our community. >> and allows chevron richmond to remain an important energy supplier in the region.
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district said on tuesday that chevron and the martinez refining company have until 2000. 26 to comply with the agreement. they say that the refining company is already close to meeting its obligations, but that it could take chevron 4 more years to reach compliance, mainly because the company will need to install additional equipment. all right, back live now, chevron also faces additional lawsuits, including in contra costa county related to its alleged violation of air quality rules. >> but for now in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. thank you, charles. >> california. couple whose gender reveal party caused the deadly eldorado wildfire has now pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter. that fire sparked in 2020 in san bernardino county. investigators accuse the couple of setting off a smoke bomb that started that fire. the smoke bomb, which is part of a gender reveal photo shoot accidentally let nearby grass at eldorado ranch park. that fire the burning 22,000 acres,
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injuring 15 people, killing a firefighter and destroying 5 homes. the pre deal made with prosecutors does include jail time community service and nearly 2 million dollars in restitution. mateo county officials are discussing legislation to stop the expansion of waymo into its counties, somewhat local governments to have more control over autonomous vehicles. kron four's will tran in redwood city with the latest. >> the mateo county board of supervisors. they are meeting right now and they are going to get a resolution from supervisor. david canada. he wants to introduce legislation that allows local cities with in san mateo county to make the final decision on whether or not they want waymo cars to be circling their streets right now. they don't have say it's up to the california public utilities commission as well as dmv. he wants to make
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it like taxicabs where they get permission from the individual cities of whether or not they can pick up passengers. he also points out to what's been going on as far as nationally. but more specifically what's going on in san francisco. you mention the waymo vehicle that was set on fire in chinatown. not to mention what happened last week when a cyclist in a waymo vehicle got into a crash right now that investigation is still ongoing. he says until and other driverless cars can prove that they are safe. he does not want them operating within the county without the city's permission. we've learned what they've done in san francisco. >> everyone in the beginning, they were saying, oh, this technology is safe. this technology, you know, it's it's. it's foolproof. in tact, that's not what i'm afraid up is now you're taking speeds that 25 35 miles an hour that
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they tested in now we're going go from 65 miles an hour to 70 miles an hour. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that those speeds damages caused it mentions the speed because those driverless cars will be on the freeway. >> throughout san mateo county and there's talk that possibly he could reach all the way down to santa clara county. so the volume of driverless cars, he says that will be dangerous, especially what's been the resolution will be introduced. it will take several steps if it passes at all. he says he's trying to get ahead of it before waymo allows those vehicles to be operating within the streets of san mateo county without a driver. right now, they are moving about if there is a human insight
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>> happening now, a search is underway for missing 101 year-old man in santa rosa, santa rosa. police sharing this picture of william gunther. he's 5 foot 6 and they say he's at risk due to his age and health condition. they say that he drove away from his residence on monday between noon and 4 in the afternoon in a white 2018 subaru legacy. so here's the license plate that police provided to u.s.. 8 cw are 7, 0, 8, police say that it's possible the gunther may be driving in the area of goat rock beach in jenner just north of bodega bay. if you know where he is contact authorities. kron 4 is your local election headquarters and 4 leading candidates in the u.s. senate race faced off right here on the kron 4 studio, adam schiff, katie porter, barbara lee and steve garvey are all running to fill that senate seat. that was long held by the late senator dianne feinstein. last night's debate was the second one ahead of the state's primary election in march. and now
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kron four's grant lotus gives us a recap of what happened last night. >> the crisis at the border opening monday night's senate debate in san francisco. candidates asked whether or not president biden should take executive action to close the border. i think the president is taking executive actions, but there are limits to what the president can do without congress providing the authority. while democratic candidates stressed the importance of congress's role, president biden should continue using the legal authority. he has to address this issue while we elect leaders who will shake up congress. republican steve garvey pointed his finger directly at biden on day one. the president open the floodgates. >> in creating a crisis in the united states. he should be the one to step up. in closed the border. we will not have border security until we have comprehensive immigration reform. there's still some policies in place which donald trump had put into place when he was president. those need to go on the topic of minimum
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wage. barber lee claimed the wage needs to be $50 an hour for people to live properly in the golden state. >> just do the just to the mayor. of course, we have national minimum wages that we need to raise to a living wage. you talk about 20 $25, fine. but i have got to be focused on what california needs. >> garvey said no changes need know wages where it is and should be. if you look at what california sun to fast food franchises right now, increasing the minimum wage to $20 and what's going to happen? that's going to increase costs for hardworking californians to go to to go to a franchise garvey. also going on the record about his stance on former president trump. have you spoken to him and would you accept his endorsement? you have 15 seconds. >> i haven't spoken to. would you accept his endorsement? these are personal choices. that prompted some tense moments with adam schiff, the
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greatest threat that we on the and on the why it is you said voting rights were the most fundamental thing. there this is mister ship fixated on one person and one person only. >> that was grant lotus reporting. and if you missed the debate, you can always get a recap on our website. kron 4 dot com. just scan the qr code right here on the screen. it will take you to a page where you can find all those debate. highlights. see who won the debate and all the viral moments. here's what it looks like outside right now across san francisco, the clouds are starting to build little bit of sun. still peeking through. right ow. we have our meteorologist kyla grogan in the weather center with a look at the forecast for today. good afternoon. yeah. hey there, south. a little ominous looking depending on what direction you're looking at. obviously clouds here sitting over the golden gate bridge. but you do see a little bit of that blue sky still hanging on elsewhere across the bay area may have had a little drizzle through this morning early morning hours. but for the
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most part, we should stay dry as we get through our day today. having said that, you zoom out here and you start to see this big line of clouds. this is a low pressure system. and that is just the beginning of a couple of systems that will be rolling through as we head through the rest of the weekend into the weekend. but right now 50's for the most part get 60 degrees in san looking pretty good with our current temperatures across the bay area. we are running a little bit warmer than we were this time yesterday for most of us. so you can see cocker. there's one degree less, but everyone else running about 2, 3, even 4 degrees warmer. and that has a lot to do with the cloud cover. so today we're going to see those highs that will be about where we should be this time of year. little bit cooler around the bay in spots like san francisco, oakland get those upper 50's. but san jose live or where you should get to those low 60's close to app. and santa rosa looking out for about 62 degrees, which is exactly where you should be this time of year. so tomorrow we've got some rain coming. a cloudy start to the day for valentine's day rain and even a bit of wind. i will track that for you and have all of
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the details. you can see some of those clouds looking like we're going to that rain today, but we should stay dry. but i'll track the rain coming our way tomorrow come back in just a bit. back to thank you so much. all right. let's talk about the niners now. there's some controversy surrounding kyle shanahan's decision to take the ball first in the overtime. >> during the super bowl, it was the first game with the nfl's new rules about over time and channel has called did not really work out that great for san francisco on the other sideline. a chiefs players said after the game, the dating all the way back to training camp. their head coach andy reid had gone over all those new rules with them and what they would do in that exact situation. the niners players didn't exactly sing the same tune that leaving some fans wondering if the team was as prepared as the chiefs for for that situation. so here's what fullback kyle use check had to say about the new rules. >> you know what? i didn't even realize that the playoff rules were different and over time. so i've i assume you
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just want the ball kuz use court session and when, but i guess that's not the case. so i don't really i don't totally know the strategy there. now. we haven't talked about it now. >> we do need to talk about it any more. coming up, the congress city council again take up a possible rent stabilization ordinance. what this means for tenants. we'll be right back. developing or
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story that we're following comes to us now from san mateo county this afternoon. investigators are trying to figure out what happened after.t >> they found 2 children
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hiding and then 2 adults dead inside of that home crowd for us to co reports. >> so just after 9 o'clock this morning, we got a 9-1-1, call to respond to the 4100 block of how the focused on a welfare police spokesperson jeremy sir, at >> says that the caller told dispatch that they had not seen the family in a while and was worried. sadly, once inside, they made a grisly discovery. 4 people dead. woman and 2 children. should they be concerned that there's someone out there? i mean, what are you saying to the as of this point? it seems to be an isolated incident and from everything that we've learned so far, we're not looking for any other and there's no concern for public safety. neighbors tell kron for news of the husband and wife have lived at the home with their twin sons for a few years. a resident says the boys were sweet. i love to wave. hello.
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the resident also said that it didn't appear that there was anything wrong and was distraught hearing about their deaths. you obviously think the whole family like other other relatives involved. is it just the entire family is now gone? but yeah, it makes your mind goes. was it? aces >> foul play? was it something that happened inside the home is just as a parent. it's hard not wonder this cemetery resident said that he didn't know the family personally but says that he and others are in a state of shock about a situation like this unfolding in their neighborhood. police have brought into quarters vans. detectives, crime scene technicians as well as representatives from the district attorney's office. when asked if there was any sign of a weapon, they elaborate. this is a very tragic horrible. >> senior isi is not something that happens every day it's tragic for the family, the community and all the officers in san mateo theresa kron, 4 news.
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>> here's what it looks like right now. sfo clouds also starting to build this part of the bay area. right now. kyle is here as we talk about the forecast and you think the rain is going to wait until tomorrow? yeah, you get a little drizzle, i think afternoon, but i don't think it's going much of anything. mostly just cloudy skies with those little pops of sunshine out there. taking a live look right now. quite our obviously. >> the clouds winning the day right now in san francisco. but we did have a little sun a little bit earlier. so we could see things change. but as you can see, this cloud deck kind of making its way towards us and notice here a few sprinkles trying to make their way of snow. a couple snowflakes remake their way into the sierra. but this is a precursor for a couple of systems that are lined up in the pacific and ready to come in as we head towards the weekend. so our first shot of rain is going to start tomorrow in earnest. we'll take you through today and again, i think we just see those clouds. that's about 5.30, today. so as you get home, no problem. but you see a little drizzle in the overnight and then this is 07:00am north bay starting to get those showers right during your rush hour tomorrow and
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then it kind makes its way across the rest of the bay area through the afternoon with some of the heavier showers rolling in in the later afternoon. that's about 2.45. you can see between that 5 o'clock were some of those oranges and yellows are popping up on the map. we do get a break as we get into wednesday night. but a few little pops on the radar still possible overnight into thursday. and then thursday is going to be little. we're cloudy models of amped up the totals on this since yesterday. so now looking at between about a half an inch and an inch of rain. so significant amount of rain, certainly mostly beneficial. i don't have a lot of flooding issues tomorrow, but we are going to have some wind that's going to come along with this. i think that we have that saturated ground from what will get tomorrow that we can get in a little trouble over the weekend. just get ready for it. we also valentine's day tomorrow. so rain and wind not exactly what you would
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hope for, but just be prepared if you're going to be heading out tomorrow night. back to you. federal prosecutors are warning similar acts like this one seen over the weekend in san francisco's chinatown could lead. >> vandals to go to federal prison. waymo says the car that was set on fire had just dropped off a passenger. no one was inside multiple witnesses told us here at kron 4 that that waymo car was disrupting the lunar new year celebrations after the navigation technology became confused. they say by all the festivities and the fireworks kron four's. dan kerman talked to one of those witnesses. >> those celebrating chinese new year got more than fireworks lighting up the night sky saturday around 9 after dropping off a passenger. a driverless waymo vehicle heading down jackson street was surrounded by a group of people near grant street in san francisco's
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chinatown. this completely out of expectations that done from a 0 to 100. >> so quickly, in a matter of minutes, from the bond that the car was broken to the time it on fire. >> honey, route cool. saw the vehicle set on fire and what led up to it once the fireworks ended. >> some of the people in the eventually been done. that car. they started jumping cool with they started writing defeat. message and then some of track to great. they've goes down scheme boards and other things. and once isn't he, the window was broken. they put gigantic fire look and let it out. and it matter of minutes. the focus of the big burning in front san francisco. police are investigating the incident and now the u.s. attorney's office for the northern district of california. >> has weighed in on social media suggesting committing such an act is a violation of interstate commerce laws and
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could send those responsible to prison for 5 to 40 years, depending on the circumstances. waymo believes this is just a one-off and not some organized protest of autonomous vehicles. witnesses agree this was not i like some of that many to hood. >> this is literally just people collating the sake of theirs. trying to get its hear from some of the people in the same crowd in san francisco. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> still ahead, russia says ukraine is to blame for this invasion as the two-year mark of the war draws near. also, state lawmakers are trying to address racial disparities with new legislation that looks to prevent maternal deaths amongst black women will take a closer look in for your health right after the break. for your health this
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afternoon, california attorney general rob bonta and the california legislative black caucus are asking the state to do more to support black mothers and their children. >> bonta says the starts with better anti bias training for doctors and nurses. kron four's. michael thomas has the details. >> this new bill will essentially at extra layers to the required training for providers, making sure that black pregnant women get the care that they need without having to ask it's assembly bill. 23, 19 in its building off of the california dignity in pregnancy and childbirth act that was established a few years ago that requires implicit bias training for
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care providers in this new bill would essentially bill would essentially establishe when those trainings needed to be finished and require compliance data to be posted online, allowing the public to know which facilities have been given that anti-bias training and establish administrative penalties for those who have not complied with the attorney general saying ms nearly one 3rd of black patients in california reported that they didn't feel that delivery room staff. >> encourage them to make decisions about their birth progression. and more than 10% said they were treated unfairly during their hospital. stay because of their race or thereafter the city. so we need to listen to this data. listen to these women. and make substantial transformative change before another patient is hurt. >> officials bringing this bill forward say racial bias should not be a factor that impacts the quality of care. a black woman is given during and or after pregnancy and childbirth with assembly member mia bonta saying she's experienced this firsthand. i
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was told by the doctors repeatedly you are fine. >> and when i continue to say something is not right. while i also took care of my daughter. i found further and further into just issues of not feeling well. i knew my body. i knew something was wrong. and i was still told you are fine. >> when it comes to statistics, the group says the rate of maternal death for black women is 3 to 4 times higher than white women across the state of california. >> they also say that this is something seen across all income levels that's a very latest in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas, all send it back to you at the desk. >> next at noon, we're celebrating black history month highlighting a father and son duo who broke barriers in the military. how they played a vital role opening up played a vital role opening up the skies for black soldiers. alright you guys, i just want to make a toast.
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-to partners, to yummy friends, to new acquaintances. -to partners, yummy friends, and -to everyone developing their own sexual health care routines, especially one that includes regular sti testing and keeping up with vaccinations -to sexual health care routines!
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have we seen her before? i thought she was your friend. talk to a health care provider to establish a sexual health routine that fits your lifestyle
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>> in the east bay, the oakland jewish alliance called on the state attorney general to investigate oakland city council for civil rights violations over what happened during a meeting in november. the group says the violations happened when the council passed a cease-fire resolution directed that the israel-hamas war kron 4 sarah stinson has the story. >> i've never been as scared as i was. that night. >> mark owen still shaken by the words, spoken at the oakland city council meeting held back on november. 27th. the council listened to 6 hours of public comment regarding a resolution calling for a cease-fire in gaza,
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which the council ended up passing. cohen says people taking to the podium and shouting from the crowd used anti-semitic phrases while many members of the jewish community were in attendance. but among the expressions, i said was white. hitler heil hitler. >> and f and zionist pigs. many people had left at a fear for their safety. cohen says pro-israel speakers had their title 6 civil rights violated when the city council did not intervene. it was their failure. >> piece island to sit on their hands during this anti-semitic. 6 hour marathon. i one thing to recognize the anti-semitism they allowed. cohen along with the oakland jewish alliance, sent a 12 page letter to attorney general rob bonta. >> and to the oakland city administrator demanding this be investigated. >> and when the city council afforded greater rights 2, the
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anti-israel people at the expense of the jewish pro-israel people that is a violation of. civil rights, the organization, arab resource and organizing center or a rock has been called out in the letter as being an openly hostile group at the meeting. >> a spokesperson with a rock has responded to the letter saying in part, quote, among other completely untrue statements made in mister cohen's letter, the accusation that anyone in that room said anything remotely close to hile hitler is not only demonstrably false but also deeply offensive to us as avowedly anti fascist anti-racist organization. cohen has asked ag bonta's office to confirm if it will be conducting an investigation within 7 days we reached out to his office but did not hear back in time for this report. we also didn't hear back from the oakland city administrator's office or any city council members. i'm sara
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stinson reporting kron. 4 news. happening tonight. the concord city council will again take up a possible rent stabilization ordinance that would also require landlords to have just cause before evicting tenants. >> the ordinance would apply to multi-family rental complexes of 2 or more units built before february. first 1995. this ordinance would limit annual rent increases 2, 3%, or 60% of the consumer price index, whichever is lower, also establish a process utilizing a hearing. officer tenants could appeal their rent increases if they believed them to be inconsistent with that ordinance. the concord city council meets tonight at 6.30. we're taking a live look outside here in san francisco. there's the embarcadero in the bay bridge. and yes, those clouds are starting to build more and more. each time we check in the kyle is in the weather center with details on the forecast. hey there. looking across the bay area and you can see the clouds are certainly pervasive in san
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francisco. >> little bit of sun out of half moon bay have been watching the sun kind of give way to some clouds in san jose and certainly can see up at mount tam. it's kind of an al cloud situation. temperatures right now, san jose at 60 degrees. 61 in fremont. we're at 56 in oakland. you can see double made it up to 60 degrees or up to about 57 in petaluma and santa rosa. a little cooler there but were having a rather seasonal day out there. wind is nice and calm. this going to change tomorrow. we get into the situation. we're going to have some rain rolling through and a weak front that's going to track through bringing some wind and rain highs today, though, not bad. looking out for some mid to upper 50's and even a few low 60's out there as we head inland. so rather seasonal, maybe a little bit below average in some spots. but over the next 5 to 7 days, we're going to see quite a bit of rain that's going to roll through here and just kind of break it down for you. obviously, today we're staying dry. but as we get into tomorrow, we're going to see showers across the entire bay area. we catch a little bit of a break on thursday into friday, but then we're back into it on saturday sunday and even heading into monday,
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looking at some of these rain totals really piling up. so just show you this weather pattern, this is that first rather weak front that's going to track through on wednesday. but you can see israeli followed at its heels here by saturday. another one coming and then one behind that as we get into sunday and monday, even some of that lingering into tuesday as well. so we have an active winter pattern coming our way. and as far as totals are concerned, first hit not too bad, but you can see what happens here. models are starting to really pump up these totals as we get to that saturday sunday, monday. time-frame now notice yesterday there showing southern california getting a little bit more rain than they do now. so there is still some time for those models to shift as far as totals are concerned. so focus on the rain on wednesday. and then as we work our way towards the weekend, kind of tight, the as far as totals for and our concern. but we're going to be wet that much. we help back to you. thank you. a south bay emergency room doctor is now on his way to gaza on a medical mission. kron four's also get money in reports. >> on this decision to help.
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>> muhammad sunday is at sfo checking in for a flight to egypt. his wife 9 and 2 children are there to send him off on a medical mission. they had long talks about the perilous journey to help palestinians in gaza, the south bay emergency room doctor who has family in the war-torn region said he couldn't hold back from helping the best way. he knows how it's imperative for anyone. >> and everyone with a heart that awake at this point to find out how they can help the population there. that's suffering. and one of the ways i can help is privilege i've been given, which is to be an emergency physician. >> so bay has been to other countries is a medical volunteer over the years. most recently, he included his 13 year-old son, a flawed on a mission to all salvador. he's been planning this trip to gaza for 2 months. survey says he will be escorted into gaza through the rafah border by convoys with the world health organization and united nations. his family has mixed
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emotions sense of a shared this message to his voice. >> that they're both strong, beautiful individuals have so much to get to the world around us >> it. >> and i reminded him home with them. i think it's it's hard really say anything beyond there is, you know, i love them. just kind of saying that over and work. >> surveys wife says she was scared for his safety because hospitals are being bombed. but he's proud and grateful that he can go to help in this way on the ground. so they plans to come home in 5 weeks reporting for kron. 4 news i'm ella sogomonian. today we witnessed. >> one of the most historic and consequential bills passed the senate. a bill that so greatly impacts not just on national security. not just the security of our allies, but also the security of western democracy. as we know it. america led the way for
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freedom and democracy. and with this bill. the senate declares that american leadership will not waver. falter or fail. >> turning now to national news, the senate passed a 95 billion dollar emergency spending package that would provide military aid to ukraine and israel replenish u.s. weapon systems and provide food, water and other humanitarian aid to civilians in gaza. now that the senate has approved this emergency spending package, it's up to the republican led house to take up, change it or let it die. the president says the u.s. is now working with jordan to negotiate a cease-fire between israel and hamas. the current plan could buy a six-week pause in fighting. but ultimately leaders say they want to see a two-state solution. both biden and king abdullah, the second stress the need for more aid for gaza. and this is coming as the un agency responsible for relief in that region. he's facing some criticism after a hamas tunnel was found
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underneath its headquarters. russia has called a meeting of the un security council and has accused ukraine of not abiding by the agreements that has caused the russian invasion. yesterday, the russian ambassador said the city of donbas but have been returned to ukraine. if ukraine had helped its side of the 20 held up its side of the 2025 agreements. ukraine's ambassador responded claiming disbelief that russia is blaming ukraine for the conflict. the un assistant secretary saying the war between these 2 countries continues to escalate and the u.s. ambassador says that moscow continues to be the aggressor. throughout the month of february. we're shining a light on some extraordinary individuals as we celebrate black history month. and now we're going to take a look at a pair of unsung american heroes, a father and a son duo who broke barriers in the military have helpad change the safety of our roads and skies forever.
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reporter is in new york and she shows us they're lasting legacy. >> with the invisible generals were the first 2 black generals in american history. they were a father and a son with the same name. general benjamin o davis senior and davis junior. these 2 men worked under 13 different presidential administrations. >> not only breaking barriers in the military but impacting american policy itself. then davis junior never have biological children of his own but raised a gmail. those father has his own son. >> melville making it his mission to share his family legacy. then davis junior was the first black graduate of the 20th century at west point. but during his 4 years on campus, he never had a roommate. >> and ate meals in solitary silence. despite graduating in the top 20% of his class, he continually face racism and discrimination. now, 85 years later, these west point barrick's bear his name.
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>> not only did ben davis junior opened the skies to black aviators. he helped pass the bill allowing women cadets into the air force academy after his retirement from the military. in 1970, the pentagon called asking for us help to create safer skies. his suggestion commercial airport security, which would lead to the creation of what we now know as the tsa davis also initiating the sky marshal program trained 4,000 officers to go undercover to keep commercial flights safe. >> it works so well under nixon. carter brought him on its and how can we do the same thing for traffic? and he created the 55 mile an hour speed limit, which was the maximum speed limit to optimize gas usage as well as cheap people safe. 25 years ago, president bill clinton nominated davis for appointment has a 4 star general where he garnered support across party lines. he was elevated to a 4th star under lbj. do the race.
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>> then elevated him in 1998. with 10 years of lobbying from senator john mccain. melville's family legacy impacting his own career path. i want to make sure that i tell this story to the world and also i change my profession and become a diversity officer companies also don't allow people to operate in us cloak of invisibility >> and kron 4 is honoring black history throughout the end of february and make sure you tune into our special airing on thursday, february 29th at 06:30pm. coming up here. one bay area teen had his wish granted and was able to see the niners play in the super bowl. >> in person.
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bounced from one doctor to the next. does it have to be like this? at kaiser permanente, we have a different kind of healthcare... so, how did you like doctor lum? ...where all of us work together for all that is you.
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bay, the city of san jose is celebrating the lunar new year. the city has the largest vietnamese community in the united states and kron 4 s justin campbell explains how the city is recognizing its special community. >> the vietnamese flag flying at san jose city hall. that's also blowing in red and yellow monday night. this is how the city hall will look like all week in honor of the lunar new year. also called that ted. >> in the vietnamese community, lunar new meant very specific to us and meant to freedom of choice. the met about custom it meant to be together with family and celebrate san jose as the largest vietnamese population outside of vietnam for councilmember bn one who immigrated to the u.s. from
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vietnam as a child. this lunar new year is extra special first year in the history of san jose. >> we were able to allow 8 hours so that employees can take 3 days off. the south bay city now recognizes lunar new year as a city holiday. >> city employees got a day off on friday, the eve of lunar new year wild won says that's all a great start. he says they're still a lot more to be done for the vietnamese community in san jose. >> we continue to suffer in politically and representation and i think is important in that. we recognize. the vietnamese community how large it is in this city porting in san jose. justin campbell kron. 4 news. >> monday marked the 20 year anniversary of the start of same marriages in san francisco as february. 12th to south 4 when then-mayor gavin
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newsom defied a federal ban to host weddings at city hall. these are some of the images from that historic day and some of those weddings, the newly elected mayor often officiated weddings and did the first wedding himself. newsome tweeted yesterday about the anniversary and remembering a story about a little girl who came up to him and said thank you for giving me 2 mommies. crowds than cheered again in 2013 after same marriage officially became legal in the state and this fall, californians will have a chance to vote on a proposal to enshrine marriage as a fundamental right into the state constitution and remove any language that still defines defines marriage as only between a man and a woman. love is in the air high loves. we take this live look outside of some gray clouds. you know, you can interpret that as you will taking a look at that picture comes in all sorts of different forms. i like my my kids school. they're using it as not just a
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day about like love, but it's a day of like caring friendship and giving back all of a kind of have a new twist on of used to love. when your kids, you gift cards to everybody in the class to remember that. i like that kind of a nice way to just say hi to all your classmates. i want to take a quick look at river yesterday. we're looking at this storm system and i said it was a nor'easter. there's going to be headed for the northeast and shirt and did went right up through the mid-atlantic and dropped a whole bunch of snow. as again, pictures my cousins in connecticut and they had about a almost a foot and a half of snow. so this is where the storm is right now. and you can see it's interesting. kind of not getting into maine. >> but it is certainly out at the cape dropping some very heavy snow at the moment before it heads out. much more quiet out here on the west coast. we did have a little drizzle this morning, but certainly it's just about the clouds for us today. that's what's going to change, though, tomorrow. but today, 66 in los angeles right now. 57 in fresno, you can see you've got some upper 50's out at sfo. the cloud cover is certainly there for us. as we take a live look at the golden
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gate bridge. and i got say a start up this morning. we had a little sunshine out there, but it is certainly been taken over b the clouds that will keep a lid on temperatures a bit. you can see san jose right now sitting about 60 degrees, which is 54 in san francisco. so as we go throughout our evening, we are going to have those clouds continue to increase, but it really isn't until tomorrow morning that we start to see this rain roll. and so north bay look out for some showers in the early morning hours. that's about 9.45. you can see east bay and south bay. not really seeing much of this until we get into the afternoon. but by about 1 o'clock, we're going to see some heavier rain start to come down between about 1 o'clock and 5 o'clock. and then we'll finally get some clearing the evening. but, you know, this is about almost 7 o'clock. you could parts of the east bay and south bay will still be dealing some showers and then catch a break on thursday into parts of friday and then we see more rain role in. so this is what we're looking out for tomorrow between about a half an inch and an inch of rain. certainly that's going to cause ponding on roads are going to wind along with his 2 could be a little bit of a tough day to be on the road. but as we head to the weekend saturday to
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sunday, we see these cells go up higher in the sunday into monday. they really start to get pumped up as we get into that second system. really 3rd system, we don't catch are but 2 coming in over the weekend. so that's what i think we can get the trouble with some flooding. now, this does involve valentine's day tomorrow. so i know some of you might have some plans to be out and about just make sure, as i said, roses are red. violets are blue. take your umbrella and your rain jacket to tomorrow night. a high tomorrow looking at about 60 degrees. but that rain and that wind will be around. so give it a little bit of a crimp in your plans. but hey, i'm sure you'll be feeling the love, even if you've got a little rain coming down on you. so look out for that tomorrow. that will cool us down a little bit as well. a little bit of a break on thursday into the first part of friday, at least that overnight friday into saturday. that's when the next it comes. and then another hit sunday into monday. it's just going to be a rainy weekend. so make your plans accordingly. back to you. 61,000 fans packed allegiant stadium for the super bowl this weekend, including some kids who made the trip all the way to las vegas.
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>> thanks to the make-a-wish foundation kron four's rob nesbitt talked with a young niners fan who went to the game. >> sunday super bowl was exciting from start to finish. one person who got to witness the game from the stands is 14 year-old adam hirst. >> stakes you know, once in a lifetime. >> hearst is a big fan of the san francisco forty-niners and was in las vegas the week leading up to their matchup against the chiefs. his mom. so lay hearst explained how the trip was sponsored by make-a-wish. >> in 2022, we found out he they discovered he has stayed late. it cardiomyopathy type of hearst went to 8th grade with the device to regulate his heart and it seemed to work until last september. >> he went into heart failure again and suffered a stroke that affected his left side while in the hospital. he got a visit from some of his favorite nfl players to property. make both sta and for everyone. but how cool is it? they came to visit.
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>> and now he's recovered from his heart transplant. and now he gets to go cheer on hearst was joined at the super bowl by 19 other kids who were also sent by make-a-wish. >> touring allegiant stadium attending fanned events and meeting players from both teams. the game that went into overtime did not end the way hearst would have liked. >> but the 14 year-old knows all too well. how important it is not to take a single moment for granted. thankful to the volunteers that make a wish for making his super bowl dreams come true. i think it's they re facing. >> mason know they can do all the stuff in san francisco. rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins honored a bet and she is here wearing a chiefs jersey. she shared this picture after losing a friendly. skews friendly wager with the kansas city, a district attorney there. they bet on their home cities winning the super bowl and whoever last had to wear
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the opposing team's jersey jenkins posted this photo of her wearing a mahomes jersey and axing. i'm a woman of my word. it's the day before valentine's day. you know, that means gallon times day is here. and it's not just for humans. stay tuned for a little animal. love.
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>> newly released video shows a hyena cub in south australia outside of its dan frolicking there with its mother. these images from monteiro wildlife park show the yet to be named cub, who was one of 2 born 3 weeks ago playing in this
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enclosure with mother there. the 2 cubs are also seen in footage from last week inside of their private den watching the zoo staff which the zoo staff used to monitor the cubs progress to ensure that they're growing in feeding both the high and cubs will stay in their private den until they are around 5 months old and then they'll make their debut in the zoo's public high in a habitat. linus enjoyed a gallon times day celebration at the milwaukee county zoo. right before valentine's day video posted to facebook by the zool shows the linus snacking on some pink treats shaped like hearts and flowers around their enclosure. this is in milwaukee, wisconsin, a pair of adorable musk oxen nibbled away on some hardship fruit at a point, defiance zoo. this is in tacoma, washington, as part of some early holiday celebrations. the video shared by the zoo shows hudson in charlotte enjoying some special treats. they say that. musk ox. we must ask you to be
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our valentine. that was the caption that we must ask you. i get it. heart shaped treats bamboo hard. some whipped cream and watermelon also being offered up to all the other residents as part of the love at the zoo event. all right. did you eat your vegetables today? if not this hungry little hippo, will it just loves lettuce? a one year-old fritz loves leafy greens and lives at the cincinnati zoo. young ones have to eat. and fritz has set a milestone. he now weighs 1000 pounds. i must ask you. all right. that's it from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining us here during kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waldman. appreciate your time. i'll see you again during kron. 4 news at 2, 3, but for now live in the bay is next. >> that's right. coming up today on live in the bay, he's a local recording artist who you also might have seen on the big screen. we talk with carry a about his latest music dropped. >> plus, best reviews is back
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with the thomas has for your furry four-legged friends. >> the dog essentials. that's coming up. plus, everybody down times day is right around the corner. so registered dietician. ashley hawkins joining us with some fun, easy recipes to make sure the entire family that and so much more all coming up today on live in the bay after a short hi, i'm todd. i'm a veteran of 23 years. i served three overseas tours. i love to give back to the community. i offer what i can when i can. i started noticing my memory was slipping. i saw a prevagen commercial and i did some research on it. i started taking prevagen about three years ago. i feel clearer in my thoughts, my memory has improved and generally just more on point. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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>> welcome in your now. tune in to live in the bay. and coming up, we have an incredible show for you. he's a local recording artist, actor entrepreneur up in one we chat with key carry on his latest music shop and breaking catching on the big screen. >> then get your furry friends ready for any situation or


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