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tv   KRON 4 News at 2pm  KRON  February 13, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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>> now to a major turn in lawsuits against the chevron and martinez refineries. we have a live reports and a former san francisco supervisor has now thrown his name into the hat, become the city's next mayor. why he's now going after the police chief on the first day of his campaign. also a very somber
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forty-niners team clearing out their lockers today after falling short in their quest for 6. >> news station. he's calling for news 2. >> i thanks for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 2. i'm justine. so happy to be with quality management district has secured a major victory in the lawsuits filed against the chevron and martinez refineries. kron charles clifford to us now live from san francisco. he has the details. good afternoon, charles. >> well, good afternoon. a few years ago, the air district created some new rules and regulations to try to reduce particulate pollution from refineries. and chevron had sued challenging those new rules and now it appears the 2 sides have reached a settlement. the bay area air quality management district announced on tuesday that they have reached a settlement agreement with chevron and the martinez refining company as part of the agreement, chevron
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has agreed to comply with air district rules 6, 5, which requires the company to reduce particulate emissions. >> at its refinery by 70 to 80%. they're also penalties. if the company doesn't meet those obligations. chevron has also agreed to pay 20 million in fines for past violations and to pay another 20 million to korean air quality fund to help reduce public exposure to particulate matter. the martinez refining company has agreed to comply with rule 6, 5, install air monitoring equipment at its refinery and pay half a million dollars in attorney fees. contra costa county supervisor john gioia, who also sits on the air district board says this is a win for anyone who lives near refinery today is really about improving public health for residents who live near refineries everyone no matter where they live. >> deserves are has the right to breathe clean air. and that's what this announcement is about today. in a statement to kron for chevron says we are pleased to put this litigation behind us in a way
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that benefits our community and allows chevron richmond to remain an important energy supplier in the region. >> district said on tuesday that chevron and the martinez refining company have until 2000. 26 to comply with the agreement. they say that the refining company is already close to meeting its obligations, but that it could take chevron 4 more years to reach compliance, mainly because the company will need to install additional equipment. all right, back live now, chevron may have a settled this particular case, but they're still facing a lawsuit to especially in contra costa county related to a past violations of the clean air rules. but for now in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. charles, thank you. the nation's leading energy experts toward a local facility today. the goal is to promote clean energy while making the united states less dependent on foreign sources. >> kron four's also come join that tour in alameda at a company that designs batteries. >> american-made greener,
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cleaner energy is a priority for the united states. so the department of energy awarded 100 million dollars to sealant alameda last year. the company says they produce better batteries that are made the u.s. last longer and are less damaging to the environment on tuesday, representative dog took a tour of the facility. there's we're looking across. >> all of these supply we're pinpointing the areas where we may have under as an economy in today and, you know, identifying opportunities where we can support companies that are really putting forward an innovative approach, batteries, power, many things, including electric vehicles. >> the company is removing dependency on more harmful materials like graphite, 90% of which is made in china and as instead creating what's called titan silicone. >> well, look, terrific. ation of transportation is as important as anything to winning the fight against climate change. it's also key to creating national energy security transportation, which we all rely on and batteries run electric car. so avoiding
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dependence on foreign sources of batteries is a very high priority. and cincy level unveil a full-scale manufacturing plant in moses lake washington. >> the size of about 8 football fields. the company founded in 2011 is one of 15 across the u.s.. >> the received part of a 2 billion dollar investment from the federal government in recent years. this continued support from deo. we will. >> and help us scale and grow our facilities so that we can help power the world's transition to clean energy. >> the dot plans to invest another 4 billion dollars in expanding american manufacturing plants this year alone reporting in alameda i'm ella sogomonian kron. 4 news. the san mateo county board of supervisors have passed a resolution in support of state legislation that would put control of autonomous vehicles. >> in the hands of local governments right now that powers in the hands of the dmv and the california public utilities commission, this resolution coming as waymo has proposed a plan to expand its
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driverless vehicle service be on san francisco into the peninsula. and as far south of sonny bill, the dmv has already ok, this expansion. but the cpsc has yet to decide the board of supervisors agreed way most proposed expansion into san mateo county is premature. >> she's our allowing unfettered access to our roads and highways. >> without any community input, went to some pains to ensure that provided correspondence the cpc just to make clear again, we are taking substantive position as the county county attorney's office. with respect to the bill, it's more a question of ensuring that the county has as granularity in detail with respect to what's proposed and that the decisions made at the appropriate the appropriate place. >> last week, the san mateo county attorneys sent a protest letter to the cpsc about waymo's proposed expansion. we'll talk about our forecast now with live look outside across the golden
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gate bridge. we're expecting more rain this week and pilots here to time out that for us as well as the clouds for today. yeah, that's right. staying dry today, although we could see a little drizzle in the overnight like we saw last night. but it's all about the clouds as we take a live look here at coit tower. and you can see a storm tracker for those clouds kind of slide. and in fact, as we zoom on out big deck of clouds connected to a low pressure system. so that is why we're going to see some big changes in our weather pattern. so these days yesterday today, kind of the precursor to the beginning, a bit of a wet run of weather temperatures right now. 56 degrees in san francisco. we are warmer in san jose sitting at 64 58 up in napa. so a little bit cooler than average today with the exception of that napa temperature there. but tonight we'll see those clouds increase and in fact, that drizzle increase. but i don't think we'll be till tomorrow morning that we actually start to see some meaningful rain. but if you're the north bay, that could mean a little bit of a tough commute in the morning. so temperatures between about 42 48 degrees tonight. little bit warmer because, of course,
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that cloud cover does kind of help us to say a little bit warmer and insulate the heat of the day from escaping quickly. now, tomorrow is valentine's day. i know this isn't great news for you, but it's going to be a cloudy start. and then a rainy day. also, some wind on the way for tomorrow about 08:00am. we're looking at about 51 degrees in san francisco. getting up to about 56 degrees about 02:00pm. so it's going to be one of those days when you definitely have to take the umbrella with you, although today we don't have that to deal with yet. taking a live look here from the east bay. you can even see little breaks in the clouds that are out there. but tomorrow be a very different story. there are breaks, however, before we get more rain and for the weekends you can see on thursday, mostly cloudy skies friday as well. doesn't even have a chance of a shower late the day on friday. but the bulk of rain is going to be moving in over the weekend. those totals look to be pretty impressive. i'll tell you all about that when come back in just a bit. back to you. thank you. it was a promising season that ended in he rtbreak today. the forty-niners are clearing out their lockers at levi stadium and they spoke to
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the media. >> for the last time kron four's sports reporter kate rooney is there. she talked to several players and kate, i can imagine that there maybe we're some tissues being passed around. >> yeah, just in brandon aiyuk was among the players holding back tears. nobody was in good spirits knots because we all here in the bay area hopes that today we spend the day getting ready for a parade. but instead we and the players are reflecting on the most painful loss that the team has had during the kyle shanahan era. if you're a good team, the good thing is that means you play in some big games. but the problem is the bigger the game, the bigger, the heartbreak. and that was definitely the case for the forty-niners this season. they've now weathered a super bowl loss to the chiefs in the 2019 season to devastating nfc championship losses. and now this a 25. 22 loss to once again. the chiefs in just the second super bowl that went to overtime in nfl history. and today shanahan said that's it.
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it's precisely that losing a super bowl in ot that makes this one the toughest to swallow of all the tough ones that came before and some of the players elaborated on that sentiment. >> know. incredible opportunity we have in your and don't feel like this is definitely the most talented group that we never had it. so, you know, you feel like you squander a good opportunity. you tell yourself leading up to >> but there's no other. there's no other option. but to win, you know, that's how you have to do it because if you're going into thinking all are there may be a chance we lose. we're probably going to lose. you know, you've got to go into it with everything you've got in your heart. and so when dad, you it's like you were prepared for, you know, because you are only thinking of one option entire time. so yeah, put but >> i mean, that's the game that we and you've got to find find a way to sort fuel have
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the will and the next year that taste your mouth i think you're always hungry. that's the feeling you always want people get their. you i think it makes definitely makes you more hungry. and it definitely gets worse. >> listen, here's the good thing. the prospect of an even hungrier christian mccaffrey should make the rest of the nfl quiver in their boots. and the good thing is a lot of members on this team are coming back. the core nucleus of the forty-niners, all the biggest stars will be back next season. the only question mark is brandon aiyuk is due for a contract extension and he kind of was waffling a little bit about what that might look like heading into the postseason. but odds are he's just a getting ready to play some hardball with the forty-niners just in that a developing story that will be keeping an eye on during the offseason. for now, i guess time to watch the warriors again. and you get ready for baseball. justine, what do you think about kyle shanahan? do
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you think he'll be back next season? no question that kyle shanahan is one of the best coaches in the nfl. he actually addressed the perception today that he can't win the big game. he said, listen, in order to get to the super bowl twice like we have. you've got to win a lot of big games. we've already won quite a few games, but he said that he understands that until he wins the super bowl. people will say that, however, he thinks people should recognize the fact that they already have one. a lot of big games in san francisco. kate rooney, thank you so much. and for the first time ever, a woman will be the play by play voice for a major league baseball team. jenny can bar was announced as the new >> primary announcer for the oakland a's. she is a broadcasting veteran with nearly 2 decades of baseball experience. she was previously a pre-game and post-game host for the colorado rockies for the past 12 years. she is also a regular contributor to the mlb network radio and can a virus called men's and women's
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college basketball games for various tv and radio networks as well. so and in las vegas, coming up, a former inter mayor of san francisco is taking aim at the city's police chief as he watches his campaign to take over. >> as the city's new mayor, also after months of wrangling, the senate approves and aid package for ukraine and israel and taiwan. so we'll see what happens next. but first, what we're learning after 4 people, 2 of them children were found dead inside of a home in san mateo county the latest details there after the break. some
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developing news now as we're learning new details after 4 people were found dead inside their san mateo home. 2 of the victims are children. this is happening on. >> alameda de los hold us a couple blocks away from abbott, middle school. san mateo police say officers went to do a welfare check as neighbors had not seen the family in a while and they were worried. and once inside, those officers made a grisly discovery. 4 people dead, a man, a woman and 2 children. neighbors tell us here at kron 4. that the husband and wife lived at that home with their twin sons for a few years. and the residents are saying the boys are sweet. they love to wave. hello and that one resident says there did not appear to be anything wrong and they are now distraught about hearing about these deaths. >> you obviously think the whole family like other other relatives involved. is it just the entire family is now gone? but yeah, it makes you wonder there's so places your mind goes. was it foul play? was it something that happened inside the home is just as a parent. it's hard not wonder.
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>> the man and a woman were found dead with gunshot wounds, but it's unclear how the children died at the victims have not been identified. earlier this morning, senators passed a 95.3 billion dollar foreign aid package to help israel and taiwan. the bill now heads to the house. we're faces an uncertain future. kron four's. raquel martin has the latest. >> the drama in the house is only does begun were conservatives are vowing to sink the package. today president biden held a last minute press conference urging members unite behind u.s. allies. >> needs to move president joe biden says the house must finish the job of the senate and green like billions in aid to israel, taiwan and most urgently ukraine are going to stand up for freedom after an all-nighter session early tuesday, senators passed the 95.3 billion dollar package which includes 60 billion dollars to ukraine. word of
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the vote quickly reach ukraine where president zelenskyy thanked the senate national 17 senate republicans joined democrats to pass the bill. this vote. the a's are 70, but 29 voted no and did everything they could to slow its passage. nothing to secure america's border. missouri senator eric schmitt and utah's mike lee criticize their republican colleagues for voting. yes, i would. senate republicans, 17 of them play any role in sending a bill. to a majority republican house, one that is destined to fail with house speaker mike johnson may indeed blocked the that all along and the most conservative republicans and tend to back him up time for us to serve the american people. but president biden is not ready to give up on helping ukraine can't walk away. now the president and house democrats are calling on the speaker to bring the bill to a vote immediately. house democrats say they believe
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there is enough republican support in the house to push this bill forward. >> and are considering legislative maneuvers to try and force a vote. for now in washington, raquel martin, back to you. >> state senator alex padilla has issued a statement following the senate's decision to pass this foreign aid bill. it reads in part, i'm glad to see the senate finally came together to pass urgently needed aid for our allies and ukraine, israel and the indo-pacific. i urge the house to pass this critical aid as quickly as possible. the white house says another deal for a temporary cease-fire is imminent in the israel-hamas war. national security communication advisor john kirby says the now is to get more humanitarian aid in and the remaining hostages held by hamas out of the region. kirby says the u.s. is constantly consulting with israeli military officials. but the decision is ultimately left up to them. >> in general, things seem to be moving in the right direction. but you know, nothing is done until it's all
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done. they have a special added burden to make sure that they can provide for their safety and security sustenance. >> president biden says he's worried israel may launch a first a full-scale attack on the last major hamas holdout where there are more than a million refugees sheltering right now. former president donald trump is calling for new leadership at the republican national committee. he's endorsing north carolina republican party chairman michael whatley as the chair and cnn is reporting following the 2020 presidential election, he promoted lies and supported using the courts to overturn the results. mister trump wants current chair ronna mcdaniel to step down. she has offered to leave her position following the south carolina primary later on this month to allow the former president to install his own party chair. mister trump also wants his daughter-in-law, lara trump to be the co-chair of the rnc. trump endorsement carries substantial weight amongst the committee members who elect a new chair and
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co-chair. kron four's your local election headquarters. and today we learned another candidate is joining the race for san francisco. mayor. try to introduce our 44th mayor of san francisco. >> and who i hope will 46 marked >> former san francisco supervisor and once interim mayor mark farrell announcing his campaign for mayor of the announcement coming this morning at the san francisco baseball academy on geary boulevard. farrell plans to address his public safety plans. also, street conditions, homelessness and the drug crisis. and another part of his plans. >> off to the following number one, hiring new police chief. she's got is a good man and a family man. but right now we need much more aggressive. had our police department.
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>> farrell also wants no budget cuts to public safety departments and services and has a 0 tolerance approach for policy for crime and he wants to massively increase police staffing. so in response to farrell stated goals, they san francisco police department released a statement. it reads here in part lawmakers around california and the country have looked at the sfpd as a national model for 21st century policing during his tenure, homicide rates fell to the lowest point since 1963, in 2023. the sfpd cleared 85% of homicide cases. that's well above the national average. they're also adding chief scott help secure 15.3 million dollars in state funding that will pay for 400 autumn added. automated license plate readers in san francisco technologies like these will substantially assistant fighting all crimes in the city. and san francisco's face the staffing crisis. but law
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enforcement agencies around the country are grappling with because of chief scott's work. the sfpd is on track to graduate more recruits from the academy this year than any time since 2018. still ahead, a warning to those hoping to find love online. >> during valentine's day, also, folks traveling through the oakland airport tomorrow can exa warning to anyone
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hoping to find love on some dating sites for valentine's day. scammer activity is increased as valentine's day gets closer and closer.
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>> cybersecurity experts say scammers are using bots to open phony profiles, hoping to strike up an online relationship with an unsuspecting victim. they try and win trust and eventually ask you to send them some money in 2022. around 70,000 people fell victim to such romance scams, costing a total of 1.3 billion dollars in losses. experts say watch out for overly formal are non conversational messages, inconsistent information, odd times for the message is unrealistic photos and also money requests. those are all red flags. valentine's day is also getting more daggers through the heart. recently, a growing number of teens are rejecting the notion of the day for love, especially if they've recently gone through a tough breakup. a marketing professor boston university says she's seeing more anti valentine's day messaging out there. examples are fingernails with black hearts painted on them. another is
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staying away from social media on valentine's day. so you can try to avoid seeing your ex be happy out. there was someone else. some retailers are trying to get in on this trend by offering things like t-shirts, candles candy, even pillows with slogans that slam cupid's big day. oakland airport is showing some love to passengers on valentine's day hosting a special visit from the valley humane society's pest. pet assisted therapy program. so tomorrow, 5 dogs decked out in valentine's day. outfits will greet passengers along with their volunteers were their owners to spread some puppy love to east bay fires. the dogs are named peach bailey, carly ketchum and tory. also airport employees will be passing out valentine's day cards throughout the day. there will also be a valentine's day balloon arch placed in terminal. once y.u can take some festive photos. but look for those pups. if you're in the oakland airport tomorrow. are up next. why the oakland jewish alliance wants
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the state attorney general to investigate the oakland city council. >> for civil rights violations. also a bay area man is safe. thanks to first responders who rescued him after he went missing at the kirkwood ski resort over the weekend. how crews were able to find him. but first, the leading candidates in california's race for u.s. senate had a heated debate right here in our studio. so we'll take a look at the highlights and also ge
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>> kron 4 is your local election headquarters and the 4 leading candidates in the u.s. senate race faced off right here in our kron. 4
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studios in san francisco, adam schiff, katie porter, barber, lee and steve garvey are all running to fill the senate seat that was long held by the late senator dianne feinstein. the debate was their second want to head of the state's primary election in march. and capitol correspondent eytan wallace has a recap of what happened. >> well, the debate focused on the issues facing california, but it also included its fair share of fireworks. this is sparks flying at the inside california politics. u.s. senate debate in san francisco. the 4 leading candidates in the race. democratic congressmembers adam schiff, katie porter and barbara and republican steve garvey facing off in the hour-long televised debate that touched on several topics. perhaps none more he did in the topic of former president donald j trump, steve garvey says he voted for the former president twice but garvey argues he's been unfairly labeled as an ardent trump supporter. i hope this puts too. >> 2 the constant badgering. and the use of the former
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president's name as attack against me. the greatest threat that we not on trump. donald trump engaged in insurrection and in my view should not be on the ballot. donald trump is a threat to our national security. >> he's he's a threat to our democracy, moderated by inside california politics co-host nikki laurenzo and frank buckley to debate touched on several issues including homelessness and housing. should people who are experiencing homelessness be allowed to live? >> intense or rv's or on beaches or in parks while they wait for a permanent solution. you have 15 seconds. i don't think i think it's a new main mister garvey. >> you could say the minimum wage is fine where it is. but you want to know why people living on the street. it's because we're paying them poverty wages. this is a problem of making sure that california's biggest challenges, including the cost of housing become washington's biggest challenge. and that's what my 10 point plan doesn't really harnesses the power of the federal government to unleash that capital that we
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need to build more housing we also need and the diction protection policy. and i'm working on that. also to get that passed into law on the crisis at the u.s. mexico border. >> i think that we need to invest in creating a lawful, orderly, humane immigration system and decade after decade, politicians in washington haven't done that. we will not have border security until we have comprehensive immigration reform. we didn't have a policy of the border that is consistent with our values as a nation. >> i also think we need border at the border. when the president open the floodgates. and created a crisis in the united states. he should be the one to step up. in closed the border. steve garvey did not speak to journalists following the debate, but he did a code. this message throughout the night. these are 3 career politicians. >> who failed the people, his opponents back to different. many of experiences that californians have. i've lived. but i also know how to turn
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those challenges into policies and funding priorities and make life better for everyone. i don't see washington doing enough to solve our problems, bringing down the cost of childcare, making housing affordable for our workforce, addressing climate change. and so i'm really running to shake up the senate to make sure that it's working for californians not for big corporations. we need to do or in the senate. that knows how to get things done. >> a i've long track record of doing that. i'm going to deliver for california and i would love to have their support. >> so what happens next? what the candidates tell me. they plan a campaign up and down the state in the final weeks ahead of primary election day. march 5th reporting in san francisco, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> and if you missed the debate can always get a recap on our website. kron 4 dot com. just scan this qr code and we'll take you to a page where you can find the debate highlights and also see the viral moments. but now we're going to check in with our political expert michael yaki to get a recap of what stood out to him yesterday. so
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michael, thank you for joining us. think, quote, won the debate last night. >> thank you, justine. here's here's the big picture is. i don't know if it moves the needle all too much in the race, but these are very tough questions. i pulled up and i thought that they could the hosting. it did a great job being very certain granular and policy in getting people to to talk about these things. in that sense, i think california is where the wind winners because you could really see where the candidates differed and how it in the fall of how they really thought about some of these issues. but that being said, was there any breakout moment? no, but i do think one thing that broke, i think in adam schiff's favor, he was very successful in drawing. and so in the one i want confrontations in discussions with steve garvey into that into that and he was able to sort of continue that message. he's been saying, which is that it's him against garvey, which is what he wants to see in november. >> so it's kind of a battle for second place here. if
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we're thinking that adam schiff, this kind of has the momentum taking the lead. who do you think came out? number 2, then? well, i think that that. i think like it depends. i guess depends on where you are and how analyze that. the katie porter. >> i did an excellent job. she tries it seems herself as a generation. we different candidate and the others as you try not to tears of loved into the, you know, you're the people with 60. i've years experience. i our guy was saying all along saying she was she was trying to do that, that the issue is going to be what kind of it's really going to be? what kind of turnout do we have in march if it's a depressed republican turnout. and katie porter has a very good chance. i'm making it into the top 2. and and because of that, i think she's a very, very good chance winning the senate seat november. if you have. depress democratic turnout as well. if you have a higher than normal republican turnout because maybe they like steve garvey a lot of southern california dreamin recent play baseball
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for the 2 teams down there. you know, he could he could have a shot to really is. i think horse race between between porter and garvey for second place and and we i don't think we're really going to know for certain until all the ballots are counted. a couple the couple weeks after election day. >> why do you think steve garvey doesn't want to say who's who he plans to vote for for president 2024, he did vote for trump in 2016 2020, but he won't say who plans to vote for this year. >> i think he's walking a very fine line. sure i don't know who is in pfizer's are, but they've actually said to him a lot of california's republicans don't like trump and then they and they're going to be california. republicans. we're going come out and vote for trump the matter what in the primary now standing the fact that he may have it all wrapped you may be reckoned it up that day. so he's trying not to offend them and eastern desert given not awake to the moderates, especially in orange in the swing districts in orange county and even up in the bay area to say, you know, i'm not
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really a trumpian kind of republican. kind of like the ronald reagan tie. pete wilson. hi, moderate republicans that you're seeing about in the past. so he's trying to say, look, i'm a loyal republican, but not the loyal. maybe this guy this time around. so. trying to have it all ways whether whether it's just successful strategy you know, going to really didn't know. the poli hasn't been quite that. that detailed enough to understand how the republicans really view steve garvey. his his battle is getting people understand he's even on the ballot in the first place. and adam ship actually is helping them do that. and with 30 seconds left here, what happens between now and the primary? that's just 3 weeks away. >> lots of television watching tv commercials. they're going to be an end to the commercials. >> should of shift and porter and they said garvey is and there's probably going to because he's in the commercial, then ship. that was under 30 seconds. michael,
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i'm they debate prep with thank you for joining we appreciate thank you. all right. now to the east bay with the oakland jewish alliance called on the state attorney general to investigate oakland city council for civil rights violations over what happened. >> during a meeting in november, the group says the violations happened when the city council passed a cease-fire resolution directed at the israel-hamas war. kron 4 sarah stinson has the story. >> i've never been as scared as i was. that night. >> mark owen still shaken by the words, spoken at the oakland city council meeting held back on november. 27th. the council listened to 6 hours of public comment regarding a resolution calling for a cease-fire in gaza, which the council ended up passing. cohen says people taking to the podium and shouting from the crowd used anti-semitic phrases while many members of the jewish
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community were in attendance. but among the expressions, i said was white. hitler heil hitler. >> a and then it f and zionist pigs. many people had left at a fear for their safety. cohen says pro-israel speakers had their title 6 civil rights violated when the city council did not intervene. it was their failure. >> piece island to sit on their hands during this anti-semitic. 6 hour marathon. i one thing to recognize the anti-semitism they allowed. cohen along with the oakland jewish alliance, sent a 12 page letter to attorney general rob bonta. >> and to the oakland city administrator demanding this be investigated. >> and when the city council afforded greater rights 2, the anti-israel people at the expense of the jewish pro-israel people that is a violation of. civil rights,
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the organization, arab resource and organizing center or a rock has been called out in the letter as being an openly hostile group at the meeting. >> a spokesperson with a rock has responded to the letter saying in part, quote, among other completely untrue statements made in mister cohen's letter, the accusation that anyone in that room said anything remotely close to hile hitler is not only demonstrably false but also deeply offensive to us as avowedly anti fascist anti-racist organization. cohen has asked ag bonta's office to confirm if it will be conducting an investigatioo within 7 days we reached out to his office but did not hear back in time for this report. we also didn't hear back from the oakland city administrator's office or any city council members. i'm sara stinson reporting kron. 4 news. >> the american jewish committee releasing its landmark state of anti-semitism in america. 2023 report among its key findings.
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more jewish americans are living in fear about the rise of anti-semitism. the organization surveyed more than 2700 people. according to the survey, 63% of jewish people say they feel less secure living in the u.s. than they did a year ago. that's a jump from 41%. almost half of jews have changed their behavior at least once in the last year over fears of anti semitism and more than 90% of jews. and 75% of the general public believe anti-semitism is a problem in the united states. coming up here was a wish granted how the forty-niners help. this fan was a type of heart failure. >> have his dream come true. also, some wicked weather slamming the northeast with several inches of snow. we'll take a look at how they're handling it out there. but first, let's take a look at how the largest vietnamese how the largest vietnamese community in the bay
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of san jose. a celebrating the lunar new year. the city has the largest vietnamese community in the united states. and as kron 4 s justin campbell explains. >> the city is recognizing it's very special community. >> the vietnamese flag flying at san jose city hall. that's also blowing in red and yellow monday night. this is how the city hall will look like all week in honor of the lunar new year. also called that ted. >> in the vietnamese community, lunar new meant very specific to us and meant to freedom of choice and met about custom. it meant to be together with family and
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celebrate san jose as the largest vietnamese population outside of vietnam for councilmember bn one who immigrated to the u.s. from vietnam as a child. this lunar new year is extra special first year in the history of san jose. >> we were able to allow 8 hours so that employees can take 3 days off. the south bay city now recognizes lunar new year as a city holiday. >> city employees got a day off on friday, the eve of lunar new year wild won says that's all a great start. he says they're still a lot more to be done for the vietnamese community in san jose. >> we continue to suffer in politically and representation and i think is important in that. we recognize. the vietnamese community how large it is in this city porting in san jose. justin campbell kron. 4 news.
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>> golden state assistant coach de haan may has been buried in serbia. the head coach, steve kerr assistant coaches, chris dimarco and ron adams as well as gm mike dunn, levy were all there for the funeral yesterday to pay their respects. the warriors were in salt lake city last month when the 46 year-old had a heart attack and team dinner. he died the next day. milo jokic helped the warriors win the 2022 nba championship. he was also a mentor to many serbian players in the league. he is survived by his wife and their 2 children. although the ending of the super bowl was not what forty-niners fans wanted. a lucky and very faithful forty-niners fan got to go to the bank game. thanks to the make a wish foundation. so here is 14 year-old adam hirst in 2022. doctors diagnosed him with the type of heart failure. they were able to regulated until last september when he caught a cold and he went into heart failure and suffered a stroke that affected his left side well in the hospital. he was
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visited by some of his favorite niners. >> how cool is it? they came to visit and now he's recovered from his heart transplant. and now he gets to go cheer on them. >> this past week, hearst was joined by 19 other children for all those events leading up to the big game. they toured allegiant stadium fan events and they met players from both teams. hearst is sad that the niners lost but is thankful that the make a wish made his super bowl dreams come true. the san francisco giants and slugger jorge soler have agreed to a 3 year contract worth 42 million dollars. the teams are hoping solera will add some much-needed power to a team that finished 19th in the majors last season in homers. so where? >> now spend the last? he spent the last 2 seasons with the miami marlins last year to hit. 36 home runs. 75 rbi see? also to 58. new york city
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getting blasted by heavy snow for the first time in about 2 years. and with the return of all that snow. >> comes all the problems that nor'easters bring along nearly 1500 flights have been canceled as much of the tri-state area seeing up to 3 inches of snow per hour. more than 130,000 customers have also lost power. its the snowiest day in the big apple since january. 29th 2022. and palace here is now so we can talk about it and they decided not to cancel school in new york city. head it via zoom. they have via zoom, right? that's the new option. sure. kids everywhere relate but hey, let's look at yesterday. we saw this. it was down near memphis, tennessee, and then the last 24 hours. you can see how it. >> just rolled right on up to the east coast. now, all of this is pretty much done. the cape saying goodbye to the last bits of snow. but i can tell you, my cousins in connecticut are sending the pictures. they do the patio furniture, pictures and they about 15 inches of snow on their patios, though, a whole
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lot of snow happening there february. that's about right for this this time of year. and that part of the country. but we're much quieter, obviously here we did a little drizzle in the overnight last night. but what we're getting ready for is some rain that's going to start rolling in tomorrow, ready or not. but right now, temperatures, as you can see about 57 in san francisco. 65 in los angeles, 60 in sacramento. oh, boy, you can see camera just decided not to start. we're hearing some day to drop out issues here. but current temperatures right now we're in the 50's and the 60's across the bay. let's look at futurecast and show you when the rain is going to be showing up let's go. here we go. my date is coming back about 08:00am tomorrow morning. you can see some those light showers starting in the north bay. the bigger steps going to happen. we get into the afternoon. so that's about 1 o'clock. you can see those yellows and oranges starting to roll through there when it's all said and done, it looks like we'll get between about a half an inch and an inch of rain. so that's not too bad. but we have more rain headed our way as we get into the weekend. and you can see time we get to, you know, monday night tuesday afternoon. this is
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what we're looking at. so it's going to be a lot of rain coming down over the weekend rather quickly. now that's the weekend. but tomorrow is when we're going to get that half an inch to an inch of rain. so yes, roses are red. violets are blue. take your umbrella and your rain jacket to my lovers because we're going to be dealing with a little rain and a little wind tomorrow. here's your extended forecast. cools us down tomorrow. that rain and that wind and then we'll get a little break on thursday into friday. and then here we go saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday. get ready for back to you. >> thanks, we're seeing some new satellite images showing snow blanketing our mountain tops from the most recent storm. these images are from nasa that shows the sierra nevada mountains before and after the storm on the left. that's from january. 29th before the storm. then on the right from february. 11th after the storm data show that the snow pack was up to 81% in the northern sierra following the storm. a bay area man is safe this afternoon. thanks to first responders who rescued
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him after he went missing at kirkwood ski resort. the commodore county sheriff's office says mike pet cobb was visiting kirkwood for the first time over the weekend and he got stranded when these went out of bounds. he didn't realize how far he had gone. and luckily he was able to take shelter and then call for help. on sunday morning, a chp helicopter was sent in to help rescue him and officers had to carry him out. they had to shoot a snowshoe into his location. >> we provide them some snow shoes and hiked in back to the helicopter and then transport them back to kirkwood where he met emergency services there. and i got released. thing i went to was not a normal marked trail and outside top. that's why i do this job is is the gratification of finding people like this in their worse dire need and be able to rescue and get him back to safety. >> officers are urging skiers and snowboarders to stay within resort boundaries and familiarize themselves with area maps when they head to the mountains to have some fun. up next, how to rescue
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mountain lion cubs are getting used to their new environment at the oakland zoo. there are
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2 rescued mountain lion cubs. they're thriving right now at the oakland zoo willow. and maple just got a new outdoor space within exhibit will and maple were rescued last november after wildlife officials believe a car hit their mother in the bay area. and now they're all grown up as the oakland zoo gave the cubs the opportunity to explore their new outdoor space. eventually the cubs are going to share a fence line with an adult mountain line
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named silverado and coma. and while super bowl, 58 was the second time the big game ever went into overtime. it is now taking the top spot as the most watched tv program in history. according to nielsen ratings, the big game average, more than 123 million viewers. this is the second straight super bowl to average more than 100 million viewers. and just for context here, the nfl playoffs had an average of about 38 million and some are saying that this spike to this is also because there are so many more streaming platforms out there that put the game >> the biggest part of the year is underway in new orleans. it is tuesday. so that means the combination of >> mardi gras celebrations, the famed parades got underway around 8 o'clock in the morning local time. so all those revelers are well on
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their way. now. fact tuesday represents the final party of the season of lent before lent begins for many in christian religion. and also new orleans, the home of super bowl 59 next year. see how it times out. also with mardi gras. all right. we have another hour of news ahead for you here on kron 4 calling it quits. >> months after the palais hope police department was put under court oversight. the top cop there is leaving. plus what city leaders are saying one year into the road map to downtown san francisco's future. i'm justine waldman. kron. 4 news at is next.
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>> now from the bay area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine. our top story. another candidate is joining the race for san francisco. mayor. >> to introduce our 44th mayor of san francisco. and who i hope will be are already 6 mark there. >> former san francisco supervisor and onetime inter mayor mark farrell announcing his campaign for mayor of the announcement coming today at the san francisco baseball academy on geary boulevard.


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