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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  February 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at >> now at 5, we're learning more about the 2 children and 2 adults found dead inside a san mateo home tonight. police say they're investigating the incident as a murder suicide. thank you for being with us on kron. 4 news at 5 o'clock. i'm
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grant lotus and i'm vicki liviakis. san mateo police gave an update just an hour ago on the tragic discovery made yesterday. police say that they went to the home on alameda de lys pulled us around 9 yesterday morning for a welfare check. officers say they checked all the doors and windows of the home but found no signs of forced entry. inside investigators found a man and a woman dead inside bathroom with gunshot wounds. officers say they also found a firearm in the bathroom the bedroom. police found 2 boyce dead. authorities say that they're still trying to figure out how the children died. >> but do not have gunshot wounds. and there was no signs of a struggle through the house >> all of the if there's any bruising or anything like that would come from the autopsy and we don't have any information about >> a police wouldn't say if the 4 dead people were members of a family saying that
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they're still waiting for autopsy results. they're also working to find out any motive behind the tragedy. >> now to the east bay and out in the community trying to keep everybody safe. however, and alameda county fire crew has been victimized the crime happened. at the height of our most recent atmospheric river kron four's theresa report. >> about the lock and went through the mechanism opened it up in the sewer. they still most of the personal equipment that was was kept in gone. that is what a specialized team of firefighters discovered last wednesday morning say woke up out of pleasanton hotel, ready to get back to work but found someone had ripped into their trucks and stolen equipment and bags and that we've been working for 4 days straight. >> find out tomorrow went into the hotel and we came out crew. but you both are pickup trucks are vandalized, broken into a store but change sides and personal equipment from us. >> this is crew ate in action
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last week during the latest powerful storms that swept through the bay area. eric truax with alameda county fire department says that the unit is new and designed to tackle emergencies such as downed trees and other calamities. we had to go out of service for unable to provide that service that we have been for the last week to the communities. you know, we're a new program. >> and that's that's what hurts the most is. we're still trying to get our feet you know, gain momentum and, you know, you get shot down like that. israel had just come back and and get back to where we were. >> 2 acts as if the team was able to get some donations to bounce back. but the theft certainly hurt. >> tough. it's it's something you can't really replace its its sentimental. accumulated small things here. and there like 16 years. so you know that seth can replace in just a, you know, attachment are. so here's how to our size. i mean, they're they're part of other tool. they work on them. they customize making their own and that was really tough. >> although some of the equipment is back to act said
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to be great to have the thieves return, the items stolen, especially as they prepare for the next round of storms knew about that equipment stolen, which take it back. >> absolutely. and harvey, i it mean a lot to us. you know, i guess that sentimental value, the relationship that we've all built around each other our equipment. that's a part of a that holes that we work with and yes, if it's out there, we would love to get or just anything. you alameda county, theresa kron, 4 news. >> from for your elections headquarters, francisco mayor london breed faces another challenger in her effort to seek another term. you see his face right there, former supervisor and one-time interim mayor mark farrell launched his campaign today vowing to fire police chief bill scott if elected kron four's. rob nesbitt joins us live in the newsroom now with farrell's reasoning and how the police department is
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responding tonight. rob marc farrell got right to the point during his campaign announcement for mayor citing concerns for public safety and saying that chief scott is not the right leader for the police department. >> in november, san francisco will elect its mayor and former interim mayor mark farrell has added his name to the race on tuesday. farrell said that if he's able to be mayor london breed at the polls, one of his first plans of action will be to fire police chief bill scott chief scott is a good man and a family man. >> but right now we need to be much more aggressive head of our police department farrell says chief scott is not doing enough to inspire other officers, improve recruitment or fight for a budget necessary to protect residents a little over a year ago, our home was broken into in the middle of the night while my wife liz and i were sleeping upstairs with our 3 children. >> family should not simply not accept the current status quo varsity. just hours after farrell's announcement, the san francisco police department defended chief
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scott's record a spokesperson saying, quote, chief scott has devoted resources to ensure violent crime remains far below the rates of other cities. the size of san francisco during his tenure, homicide rates fell to the lowest point since 1963, in 2023. the sfpd cleared 85% of homicide cases well above the national average. the statement went on to say that new protocols launched by the police chief led to a 40% decrease in property crimes like vehicle break-ins and retail thefts praising scott as the national model for 21st century policing. but the venture capitalist who served as mayor for 6 months in 2018 disagrees over the past 5 years. i have watched our city crumble. public safety has never been a bigger concern. the conditions of our streets have never been worse. farrell also promise that if elected there will be 0 budget cuts to public safety under his leadership and that he will have a 0 tolerance approach for all crime in the city.
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reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. very interesting. thank you, rob. all right. this is in the u.s. house as voted to impeach homeland security secretary. >> alejandra my orcas over his handling of the u.s. mexico border crisis. it was a close vote. 2.14, to 2.13. the republicans got the majority this time after house majority leader steve scalise returned after undergoing treatment for blood cancer. majorca says now the first cabinet official to be impeached since the 1970's. but he is expected to be acquitted by the democratic led senate. president biden reacted in a statement saying history will not look kindly on house republicans for their blatant active, unconstitutional partisan ship that is targeted, an honorable public servant in order to play petty political games. back here in the bay portion of 6 ad will now remain open this president's day weekend. coming up, due to expected
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rain, caltrans announced the closure to repair portion of deteriorated roadways between the 5, 86, 80 connector and koopman road in pleasanton. but with rain expected this weekend, the repairs have now been postponed. snow word on a new closure date. >> yeah, actually, we are anticipating some of that rain to start falling lawrence is here tell us all about it. and you know, tomorrow is it is valentine's day. not a lot still a lot of plans to get out there and enjoy and yeah, it looks like that rain is going to be coming in specially in the afternoon and the evening hours. i know that's what a lot of folks >> going to be headed out to grab a nice dinner. but out the door right now, we've got some partly cloudy skies around. the bayer been a mostly dry throughout the day, although we did have some sprinkles overnight last night, temperatures we're looking at 50's outside right now. pretty comfortable. 58, san jose. 55 in san francisco. 55 also in napa, doppler radar showing you things kind of quiet out there. you see some showers off the coastline.
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couple of snow showers up over the mountain tops the bay-area, the looking quiet. but now get ready for this next round of rain. you can see a couple system spinning around out there in the middle, the pacific. that first one is going to come through a weaker storm. a more typical this time of year. you're going to see maybe a half an inch, maybe an inch of rain in the weather spots. the ones behind that looks lot more going to bring a lot of rain as we head toward the weekend stepping outside right now. you can some partly cloudy skies as we head through the evening hours. temperatures going to be cooling off, but yeah, it looks like tomorrow afternoon that rain will be moving in highs will be in the 50's and low 60's. thanks, lawrence. take a good look here. santa rosa police are asking for your help. they're trying to find this 101 year-old man. >> he's william gunther described as 5 foot 6 about 100 pounds with white hair considered at risk due to his age and health condition. police say he drove away from his home on montgomery drive in saint rose yesterday between noon and 4 in the afternoon 2018 white subaru
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legacy with the license plate you see there on the screen. police say it's possible he may be driving near go rock beach in general north of bodega bay. anybody with info here is asked to call santa rosa police. >> happening tonight, concord city council will take up a possible rent stabilization ordinance that would also require landlords have just cause before evicting tenants. the ordinance would apply to multi-family rental complexes up 2 or more units built before february. first of 1995, it would limit annual rent increases to 3% 60% of the consumer price index, whichever is lower. the ordinance would also establish a process that includes a hearing officer tenants could appeal their rent increases if they believe them to be inconsistent with the ordinance. the concord city council meets tonight at 6.30. >> it said jose, 2 men have been arrested after police say they robbed several bakeries.
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police say 37 year-old the door ramos and 41 year-old a thorough vasquez. i ala robbed bakeries between december and january and in each case, witnesses, police say say they had a gun, demanded money and made off with thousands of dollars. they were both booked into the santa clara county jail. >> mateo county board of supervisors has passed a resolution in support of state legislation that would put control of autonomous vehicles in the hands of local government right now that powers in the hands of the dmv in california peuc. the resolution comes as waymo has proposed a plan to expand its driverless vehicle service beyond san francisco to the peninsula as far south. this sunnyvale, the dmv is already okayed the expansion. but the cpu seeing has yet to decide the board of supervisors agreed that waymo's proposed expansion into san mateo county is premature. >> the state agencies are allowing unfettered access to
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our roads and highways without any community input. went to some pains to ensure that provided correspondence the cpc just make clear again. we are taking substantive position as the county county attorney's office. with respect to the bill, it's more a question of >> ensuring that the county has as granularity in detail with respect to what's proposed and that the decisions made at the appropriate the appropriate place. >> last week, the san mateo county attorney sent a protest letter to the cpu see about waymo's proposed expansion. for the first time ever, a woman will be the play-by-play voice of the major league baseball jenny cavnar making history is the new primary announcer for the oakland a's. gavin are is broadcasting a that with nearly 2 decades, a baseball experience. she was previously a pre-game post-game host for the colorado rockies. for the past 12 years. cabin ares also called men's and women's
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college basketball games for various tv and radio networks. even those super bowl, 58 was a loss for the niners. it was a historic win for ratings. the game is now considered the most watched tv program ever. according to nielsen ratings. the big game average just over 123 million viewers. this is the second straight super bowl to average more than 100 million viewers for context. the nfl playoffs had an average of more than 38 million viewers. some attribute that spike to the amount of platform streaming the game. candidates vying for california's u.s. senate seat went head-to-head last night. >> right here, the crowd for studio experts now tell us their biggest takeaways from the night. plus, lawmakers pushing back against legislation that could change the way your utility bill is calculated. >> we hear their concerns. and if you're looking for love this valentine's day, you might want to look carefully.
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authorities are warning of online dating scams. the signs people should keep an eye out people should keep an eye out for. this is how it feels to du more with less asthma... ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks...
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a top 4 candidates for u.s. senate faced off against one another last night in a debate seen right here on kron 4 in this 2, yeah, it's a big night. the top 2 vote getters in next month's california primary will then face off against each other in november for the seat. dianne feinstein held for more than 3 decades until her death last september can force dan kerman spoke with couple of our political
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analysts to get some takeaways from last night's debate. he joins us live with details. what are they saying, dad? well, you know, those tracking this race really think it's a battle for second place. and at this point, they don't think last night's debate made much of a difference as to how things are currently stacking up. with the california primary just 3 weeks away. monday, senate debate was a chance to break away from the pack. political analysts say that simply didn't happen. the big picture is i don't know if it moves the needle all too much in the race. polls show democratic congressman adam schiff with a slight or significantly depending on the poll. but democratic congresswoman katie porter and retired baseball player and republican steve garvey battling for second place. the top 2 vote getters regardless of party will face each other in november. so if you're katie porter and you're trying to get into second place, you've got to knock off and knock out of the front runner. you've got to go after chef sonoma state political science professor david mckeown says that didn't happen until the end of the debate.
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>> meeting porter has her work cut out for her and the next 3 weeks of your katie border. you've got to attack business as usual. you've got attack washington, d.c., and you've got a kind of seattle, adam schiff with that one thing that broke, i think in and just favor. he was very successful in drawing and some in the one i want confrontations and discussions with steve garvey. kron 4 political analyst michael yaki says because of the lopsided democratic majority in california, schiff would benefit from facing off against garvey november as to who will get that number 2 spot. jackie thinks it could depend on turnout. if it's a depressed republican turnout. and katie porter has a very good chance. i'm making it into the top 2. and and because of that, i think she's a very, very good chance. a win in the senate in november. if you have. depress democratic turnout as well. if you have a higher than normal republican turnout because maybe they like steve garvey, maybe a lot of southern
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california dream. every supply baseball for the 2 teams down there. you know, he could he could have a shot to really is. i think horse race between between porter and garvey. again, we're 3 weeks out from the primary. analysts say during that time you can expect to see a lot of advertising. >> all candidates in hopes of moving that needle before election day. vicki grant. a bay area congresswoman is trying once again to make election day a federal holiday. >> congresswoman anna eshoo of san mateo county introducing the election day holiday and shoe argues this could help voter turnout at the polls. adding 26% of americans who didn't vote in 2022. reported being too busy with work for school. >> i whether time is we get a live look outside on this tuesday night. the view here from the top of not terrible, pius where there have been some clouds little bit of sun peeking through as we get
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ready for valentine's day maybe some rain tomorrow. >> really that really, you know, tonight is going to be one of those nights. you see those clouds out there. you have those beautiful colors and incredible romantic sunset tomorrow. well, guess what? we've got rain coming in. so here we go. you're going to get a little wet if you're headed out the door, just be prepared for is to get out there and enjoy. but that rain likely to be moving in and the clouds moving in right now. you can see him out there already is high pressure starting to break down just a bit air quality, which was hace yesterday. looks really good on the green all around the bay area and looking good right now. i think that is the way it's going look, again, as we head toward tomorrow. so you get a front coming through. get the winds start to kick up into the air quality, improving all around. so the air is going to be nice and fresh for your valentine's day. light breezes right now. but those winds likely to pick up tomorrow. i think by tomorrow afternoon could see gusts coming up out the south. so here's the very latest satellite image. you see a lot
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of those clouds moving across our skies. most of that, our high clouds that are moving up above. but as we head through tomorrow, we've got that front off the coastline and that one is poised to move in and bring some rain on your valentine's day and it will be a nice little soaker coming through. not a huge storm, but boy, if you're out there in it, we're talking about maybe a half an inch, maybe an inch of rain across some of the mountain tops and there comes by tomorrow afternoon. it will start out the north bay, maybe about the middle of the morning and that start to track south through the afternoon. so let's take a look at the forecast model you see as we go through time now seeing those high clouds up above, stay mostly dry, although tomorrow morning could see a couple of sprinkles out there. then as we get in toward the middle of the day, if you're headed out, then maybe a couple showers. then by the afternoon. yeah, we start to get very wet around the bay area's your valentine's day could be a little bit on the west side was going plan for that. the evening 50's. hey, nice day to kind of hunker down and stay indoors and enjoy your loved one. that's a good recommendation. you very much. yes, i'm good at this lower. okay. the white house is close
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to brokering another pause in israel's war against hamas. however, president biden, that worries a new target on the battlefield could fort that progress come force. washington correspondent jessi tenure reports. >> the white house as another deal for a temporary cease-fire is imminent in israel's war against hamas. in general, things seem to be moving in the right direction. but, you know, nothing is done until it's all national security communications adviser john kirby says the aim is to get more humanitarian aid in. >> and the remaining hostages held by hamas out of the region. does the u.s. believe that all of their remaining american hostages are still alive? we don't have any information to the country. new york republican congressman mark molinaro's says one of those hostages as a 22 year-old from his district. it is time. >> to bring home or home. it is time to bring them all home. it's a top priority for united states. but the president worries israel may first launch a full-scale attack on the last major hamas
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holdout for more than a million refugees are sheltering. they need to be protected. they have a special added burden to make sure that they can provide for their safety and security. sustenance kirby says the u.s. is constantly consulting with israeli military officials. >> but the ultimate decision is up to them. it's not like we give them a homework assignment and they have to then turn their plan to us for grating. still, president biden stresses whatever israel's plan is, it has to stop killing innocent people, including thousands of children in washington. i'm jessi tenure. >> still ahead, a safeway in the bay area dealing with. not enough how that's affecting how many cartons you can and not a whole lot of love for love. day. a closer look at a recent study that shows younger generations disdain for the holiday
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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>> a warning to those hoping to find love on dating sites. this valentine's day. scammer activity is increased as valentine's day is approaching cybersecurity. experts say scammers are using bots to open phony profiles, hoping to strike up an online relationship with an unsuspecting victim. they try to win trust and eventually ask you to send them money in 2022. around 70,000 people such romance scams costing a total of 1.3 billion dollars in losses. experts say watch out really formal or non conversational messages, inconsistent information, odd times for messages,
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unrealistic photos and particularly money requests. those are all red flags. valentine's day getting more dagger through the heart lately, a growing number of teenagers are rejecting the notion of a day for love, particularly if they had recently gone through a breakup, a marketing professor boston university says that she's seeing more and tight valentine's day messaging out there. examples are fingernails with black hearts painted on them. another is staying away from social media on valentine's day to avoid seeing in acts with somebody else. some retailers are also getting in on the trend by offering things like t-shirts. candles can do your pillows with slogans. that's lamb cupid's. big day. still ahead kron, 4 news at 5. the rules for covid isolation may be a thing of the past. more on the proposed. >> new guidelines plus air quality officials and 2 bay area refineries that have a history of chemical does being
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released of reached deal with a closer look at details of that agreement ends. you've got fees. how southern california man ended up with thousands of dollars in thousands of dollars in subscription fees from ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ visit your volvo car retailer for special offers during our presidents' day sales event.
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>> our top story this half-hour, some big changes could soon be coming to your utility bill, but not without some pushback at the state capitol. lot of people talking about this one legislation passed and signed that year and a half ago now could transform the way people pay utility bills by calculating your income and basing how much you pay


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