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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  February 14, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PST

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traffic. yeah, well, it looks like southbound traffic now starting to move to get the very latest on this reyna harvey in the traffic center arena. what do you say? all right. well, what we know so far is we do have some police activity happening on the golden gate bridge right now. >> so as you can see, i'll step out here to see. you can see the frame northbound side of the bay bridge is completely blocked. now, the southbound side and the north outside, they were both blocked completely just before we went on air. now we can see from the camera lens ear to the southbound side is moving the northbound side as it is at a complete standstill. i know my drive time says 109 minutes don't factor that in just know that you cannot move on the northbound side of the bay bridge. now we're working with chp to try to figure out what is currently going on right now. we do know that police are there at the scene and they have shut this down another last time we've covered something like this story. and james, get a protest going on on the bridge that completely shut things down. we are not confirm that
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that's happening right now. we're if there's somebody on the bridge, but as you can see right now, if the golden gate bridge is your route into work or school this morning, i would advise you not to take this. we don't know how long the northbound side of the bridge is going to be shut down. but as you can see, the southbound side is moving along a little congested. i'll show you on the map here. just how far back the backup is. you can see along southbound and the northbound side. they're pretty congested on both sides. so i would opt for not taking the rich completely this morning, but as we're working to find out what's going on, not seeing major delays across your other bridges. again, if you're just waking up northbound side of the golden gate bridge, you can not take right now. and darren judge, i'm not sure how long this is going to be going on for. we're going to be on top of this and working with chp to figure out what's going on. all right. thank you very much. rain of so we'll keep an eye on that. john. also keeping an eye on what we're seeing at the top of the screen, the weather on this valentine's day chance look towards the north bay there.
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it's very great job. it is very great up there. at least not too terribly windy on the bridge right now nor any active rainfall on the bridge itself. so as you're sitting there, hopefully not waiting for too terribly long. weather is cooperating. we are seeing outside in san jose skies comparatively clear right now. >> we are going to be seeing showers this valentine's day generally later in the day. not to say it hasn't rained yet, though. we've seen a few light brief sprinkles in the north bay, especially down along the coastline. has it really been enough to result in hazardous conditions on roads, rainfall still several hours to the north north bay. you really start to see rainfall picking up late morning early afternoon for the rest of us. you still could see a couple of sprinkles before then. but still the most rainfall comes in into the afternoon. as for what we can expect for temperatures, upper 40's to low 50's alameda at 51 right now, san francisco. 52, some 40's in dublin as well as over to redwood city later today. low 60's as showers arrives. so just make sure that you're ready to go with those
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umbrellas as you're getting out there. back to you. >> like 802. right now. and today san jose officials are going announce a new program that trying to combat retail that. they are. yeah, they're giving a little extra help to businesses tools that they can do to use to protect themselves. kron four's will tran live for us in san jose alameda
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county fight crime. as far as san jose. well, they will go into detail about 2 and a half hours from now at a news conference. this actually stretches back before the current mayor, former mayor sam liccardo. he actually got the ball rolling and he's turned out. so mayor matt mahan, he will be at the news conference and they will talk about what's going on. it will be free of charge to the businesses. they are reaching out to the business is asking them. do you want a camera? do you want to be part of ourcanne >> all right. thanks a lot. and we appreciate the update. we're going to get an update on the golden gate bridge in a second. but we do know the
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northbound lanes just starting to move a little also new this morning. governor gavin newsom's efforts to crack down on crime in the east bay. up here to be working. according to information from the governor's office. chp officers in oakland have already made 71 arrests. >> it recovered 145 stolen cars and they've seized 4 guns linked to crimes. just last week the governor announced that he was deploying 120 chp officers into oakland help crack down on crime. the governor's office says the people arrested are also suspected of charges ranging from car theft and drug possession to felony gun possession. the chp will continue to conduct operations in some of the high crime areas there in the east bay. and don't forget, these operations are all just one part of the governor's plan to fight crime last week, he also announced that he was deploying additional state attorneys to alameda county to help prosecute suspected criminals. >> 805, is the time. and the city of concord just passed a rent control ordinance. the meeting was heated between landlords and tenants, but this did pass. it did. yeah.
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the ordinance limits annual rent increases and it requires landlords to have just cause before they can evict a tenant. this doesn't end the debate, though. kron 4 sarah stinson has more. >> a rally was held before the concord city council meeting tuesday with both tenants and landlords shouting about their rights. every seat was taken at the meeting. people even wore a sticker on their church to show which side they're on the agenda. rent control for multifamily rental complexes with 2 or more units built before february. first 1995. what's being proposed is limiting annual rent increases to 3% or 60% of consumer price index. whichever is lower as well as just cause for eviction, which could apply to most rented units in concord, including single-family homes. however, many council members debated that for a just cause
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would not apply to dwelling units. just cause does not apply when a tenant is evicted for at reasons like non payment. if there's no phone with the landlord wants to evict the tenant. this ordinance proposes to require property owners to pay 3 times the fair market rent and an extra $3,000 to cover moving expenses. both sides say this has been debated for 7 years and they're ready for city council to make a decision city ca. so really need see the real situations that all the 2 winters family and children are suffering with the rent control of the rent, rent increases every year. and it's a it's a really bright. and so what's going to happen is that we're going to be in living on the street. so this isn't really just about. >> you know, rental rights. it's about property owner rights. and that's what strikes at my core city council will have a second reading of these ordinances at the next meeting. march i'm sara stinson reporting in
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concord kron. 4 news 807, is the time and another developing story. the investigation is continuing into the heart wrenching discovery. >> of 4 people dead in a home in san mateo, 2 children and 2 adults. they were found dead in the home monday during a welfare check. police gave an update on the case. here's what we know at this point. officers checked all the doors and windows. they say there was no sign of forced entry when they went in. they found the woman in the man who had been shot. they were in the bathroom. the gun was also in the bathroom and then they found in the bedroom. the 2 children, 2 boys, they were dead. but authorities have not said how they died. >> children did not have gunshot wounds and there was no signs of a struggle through the house >> all of the if there's any bruising or anything like that would come from the and we don't have any information about >> they also have not said what the relationship was of
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the 4 people, 2 adults and 2 children were waiting for the autopsy results for an id. >> freemont police now looking for potential victims of a man who they say sexually assaulted a woman monday night. this is 27 year-old marvin velasquez of fremont. police say he attacked and sexually assaulted a woman who was walking in the area of fremont boulevard and eggers drive about 9 o'clock or so. police say community members actually held him there until officers arrived on scene to arrest him. >> it's 808, and on the peninsula. san mateo county officials want the final say in their county over whether autonomous vehicles could be on the road. the county board of supervisors just passed a resolution supporting a proposed law that would put the control of driverless cars in the hands of local governments instead state officials in the dmv. the county's resolution comes as waymo just proposed a plan to expand its driverless fleet to be on san francisco into the peninsula as far south as sunnyvale. the board of
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supervisors says that waymo's expansions that they're proposing are premature. >> the state agencies are allowing unfettered access to our roads and highways without any community input. went to some pains to ensure that provided correspondence the cpc just to make clear again, we are taking substantive position as the county county attorney's office. with respect to the bill, it's more a question of >> ensuring that the county has as granularity in detail with respect to what's proposing that the decisions made at the appropriate the appropriate place. >> last week, the san mateo county attorney sent a protest letter to utility officials about waymo's proposed expansion. the dmv, however, has already okayed those plans. and this comes as waymo is recalling some of their software after 2 incidents that happened in phoenix back in december where a waymo vehicle crashed into a pickup truck that was being towed.
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and then a few minutes after that, another waymo car crashed into that same pickup truck. there were no passengers in the waymo vehicles at the time of the crash is. >> all 10 is the time and we are learning that the a's will be meeting with oakland and alameda county officials to talk about extending the lease at the coliseum. a source confirmed to kron 4. that meeting is scheduled for tomorrow as president dave carroll, oakland councilmember rebecca kaplan and oakland, chief of staff hanson and alameda county supervisors. david hubert. they're all expected to attend. the aye's need a place to play until their ballpark in las vegas is ready, which is expected to happen sometime in 2028, their lease at the coliseum, though, ends after this coming season. and we're also continuing to following the breaking news out of the golden gate bridge where you can see things have improved dramatically with traffic now flowing in both directions. now we're going to have an update from rain harvey in the traffic center as to what it was that caused
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traffic come standstill just about 10 minutes ago.
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>> 8.13, right now. and the breaking news is good we actually just found out that the golden gate bridge is now flowing in both directions after. >> protesters caused a disturbance shut it down for a i don't know, maybe 10 or 15 minutes or so. yeah. i think the chp was on scene about 7.45. they first started reporting about this. we've got reyna harvey actually in the traffic center. >> as we're looking for the residual backups to clear out
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good morning. yeah, exactly. that was so quick. i don't think we've seen the protests clear up that quickly before. >> the chp saying there was a protest vehicles on the bridge of the people got out of their vehicles in have banners on the northbound and southbound side of the bridge shut things down completely for like you just mentioned about 10 minutes here. and now things are moving along, but obviously you're going to have some residual delays, issues. if you are going to be traveling primetime detectors saying 76 minutes, 37 to the tolls. probably not accurate. it's trying to reconfigure a but we'll show you the backup there. not so much as a traveling up north, but certainly that backup is along the southbound side. so that's certainly going to take some time for people to be moving again. remember, they shut down both northbound and southbound side as i got protesters cleared from the bridge very we're not hearing of any injuries as well. let's see. we have a ripple effects. most of the bay area's going to be a little backed up in delayed because, again, we're in 8 o'clock hour, 13 min
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right on the bay bridge. our san mateo bridge just short of 25 minutes. she see 80's a little back again on the bridge there. maybe you're taking the richmond. sandra fell bridge around 12 minute. but again, keep that in mind. if you are going to be traveling this morning, the golden gate bridge are going to see some delays for just a little while, but i'm glad it's not raining just yet. i know that starts a little later. but at least it's not right now. >> a lot of backups out there this morning, but it can't be blamed on the weather just yet anyways later on today. maybe so showers will be arriving towards your valentine's day afternoon. this is where we're sitting at the embarcadero. i've seen some of you taking your morning jogs getting that out of the way before the showers really arrive. now we have seen some light sprinkles showers. i've even had viewer reports up in marin county, a few very light brief areas of rainfall. but the real stuff is waiting to get here until after the morning commute. so mother nature giving us a break for the drive to work and then you've got the umbrellas out on your valentine's day tonight. kind
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of bigs for romantic fields long as you're ready for it. low pressure after low pressure ahead of us. in fact, 3 storm systems are set to impact a bay area as we do work our way into this upcoming weekend. and the first that we're eyeing down today is actually going to be the lightest out of all these, bringing some light to moderate showers late morning into early afternoon, continuing into early evening as well. pockets of heavy rainfall, most likely north of santa rosa, although you could see some development of isolated heavy showers, especially into early evening across the rest of the bay area, too. we'll get rid of it pretty quickly by midnight tonight. we're already seeing it rushing out that cold front wasting no time that actually sets us up for a nice, dry day for your thursday. next round of rain arrives friday night into saturday. that's going to be a stronger punch and the very strongest system looking likely sunday night into monday into tuesday. so in active pattern ahead of us, this first round of rain anywhere between a 10th to a half an inch of rain for urban areas. upper elevations could see over an inch while we'll
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see even more rainfall again, most of this into friday night and saturday and then even more into early next week. so prepare for that. going to get some use out of those umbrellas up in the sierra nevada. winter storm warning is in effect until 04:00pm tomorrow. snow levels low as 5500 feet in elevation donner summit, expecting around 8 or 9 inches just from today into tonight. snowfall for you. and as we move into the weekend, additional 2 feet of snowfall is likely on some of those higher slopes, which is great to be seeing doing some catch-up work on that snowpack in the mountains. today's daytime highs, upper 50's to low 60's spots like burlingame in south san francisco still holding on to the low 60's. despite all this cloud cover and rain. so no temperature drop here. really. it's actually if fairly mild, rainy day freeman through hayward in the low 60's as well. while berkeley and richmond as well as most of the north bay falling just a little bit into the mid to upper 50's this afternoon. a look ahead shows
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temperatures remaining pretty steady all the way through this forecast. we'll see our best chances of rainfall today. friday night into saturday and then again, sunday night monday into tuesday, darya james, ok, thank you. let's continue with valentine's day. >> in the rain or not, want to give your honey a little something sweet. >> on this day, among all others of it, whether via card flowers, chocolates, those are the traditional or something else. wheat crop force michael thomas is making cupcakes in berkeley. good morning. it's the sweetest. i'm the sweetest, good morning, everyone. happy valentine's day. that's right. people are looking to get gifts, spending the money on their lovers and we've got all of these cupcakes. in fact, this is actually one of the drivers, one of the drivers this morning, how many cupcakes you think that you're going to be sending out this morning? this is like their super about the ways you can see some of those cupcakes. this is cupcake in. >> big shop right here in berkeley. they've got locations really all over the
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bay area. you can see they're prepping and they've been here since about 3 o'clock this morning because people are ready to send out these cupcakes to their lovers when it comes to how much people are spending. we've got details up on your screen now. according to officials, they say nationwide people are going to be spending about 25 billion dollars. that's a lot. 53% of consumers. going to be celebrating the average cost. it's going to cost people this year for valentine's day, about $185. those top gifts. of course, we've got candy sweet treats like these cupcakes greeting cards. the people that are going to be spending the most money, they're going to be ages. 25 to 34. so this is what they're making this morning. they've got all of the strawberry cake have used to just for a second. can you tell me about what this is right here? this is our chocolate vanilla. and it has strawberries raspberries and good so they've got these. they're filling those over there with more red and pink. of course, and i did try dorian james to make you guys a cup cake. it really didn't work out for me. i think we're
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going to leave all the baking to jason there because he does much than i do. but i will this is still a good you know, i didn't making what i want to know is the people who what are they really want for valentine's day? because clearly they don't want cupcake. maybe they let me let me off. >> excuse back in the study. they want to know what do you really want for valentine's because you obviously don't want sweet general manager for all the tired me myself. i'm i love him dressed a good gift. thank you very yes. >> just a solid night. sleep would be great for a >> a 21 right now and happening today, mayor london breed celebrates valentine's day with the lgbtq+ community. >> the 20th anniversary of same marriage in san francisco. and nearly 200 couples are registered with
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the clerk's office to be married on this annual valentine's day. celebration of love and a part of that, they will have the mayor, various officials leading the vow renewals and officiating the marriages, same couples to out this day. and it starts at noon today on the mayor's balcony in san francisco city hall. >> well, some big changes could soon be coming to your utility bill, but not without some pushback at the state capitol. currently, utility bills are based on consumption. only with consumers paying more. if they use more energy but a b 205, which passed a year and a half ago would allow utility bills now include a fixed charge, which would go up based on your income supporters argue it would benefit low-income californians, but many lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are speaking out against this policy. they're concerned it could lead to higher bills for those it was actually intended to help. >> i'm frustrated because i get to calls. from the people whose rates are going up. >> and the california public
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utilities commission has until this summer to figure out how it's going to implement this new policy. it is responding to the pushback claiming that a b 205, will save californians money in the long run. but many republicans and some democrats in the legislature have launched a competing bill now to repeal ab 205, although governor newsom hasn't responded directly to that effort. so we don't know if he would veto it or support it. should it ever reaches desk? it's 8.22. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, california schools are given the okay. >> for symptoms that you don't necessarily half mean it's covid or your kid can't go to school. we're going to sort school. we're going to sort out the new rules now.
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♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ visit your volvo car retailer for special offers during our presidents' day sales event.
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your kid has the sniffle, should they go to school? california schools are easing. >> the restrictions on kids returning to class. according to the california department of public health students may attend school or childcare if they have a cold or a cough symptom, including a stuffy or runny nose congestion or body aches? the exception is if you have a fever or uncontrolled coughing and difficulty breathing. read this even pink eye is allowed as long as they don't have vision problems, pain or injury, pink eye so contagious. summit pain they say is ok, too. these guidelines are a drastic change from the covid guidelines which said if your kid is sick with any kind of symptoms, keep him home.
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>> santa bone safeway is limiting the number of egg cartons that you can buy. they want you to take 2. and that's all. they have a limited supply. a similar site was also seen at a safeway in san francisco. so we've been reaching out to sea what the root cause of this is last year's. you may remember a surge in avian flu rattled the nation's poultry industry and that caused a shortages and record high prices too. >> it's 8.26. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news next. chevron commits to making changes at 2 bay area refineries after dropping lawsuits will tell you what they're going to do and how it might make a difference in the might make a difference in the air.
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who says you can't go for bold without going broke... get the brands you want, the prices you want,
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whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx.
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for valentine's day from john. >> i let you what i think. >> what do you what i got say? what are you going to give me? gave up turnover of ours for halloween you and the kids are not as excited. haha. >> okay. it's all about the healthy were looking out there at what we have this morning, which is a little bit of cloud cover. just a couple of sprinkles across the bay area. looking out there at the embarcadero right now, you can see some of her bikers, some of her joggers definitely taking advantage of a drier time a day, which is the morning hours. we've seen a couple of sprinkles so far hasn't amounted to anything much, though that's held up anything as far as your morning is concerned. several hours from now. rainfall arrives late morning for the north bay. normally or early afternoon for the rest of us showers will be light but in moderate for the most part, a couple of isolated sprinkles could be seen in there, too.
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that could prove to be pretty heavy at times just for minute or 2. current temperatures are in the 40's to 50's oakland-alameda and hayward at 52 currently sf f 53 while dublin and fairfield still hanging out in the 40's later on today, we're going to get to temperatures right back into the low 60's for a lot of us. still mild one. just don't forget the umbrellas for today, right? all right, john, thank you for that. well, we still delays. remember, we just had a protest. >> pop up on the golden gate bridge is quickly. it was it was there. they got off about 10 minutes. both sides, northbound southbound were shut down on the golden gate bridge right now. what we're seeing those drive times going up. 67 minutes as you're traveling. 37 to the tolls. look at it as you're traveling in the south bay. things are definitely slower. the northbound side. i'm not seen as much of a delay there. so keep that in mind. if you are going to be traveling. our other bridges, we're not seeing terrible delays. they bridge under 13 minutes. it looks great, especially for 8 o'clock hour. san mateo bridge
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around. 22 minutes, richmond center fell bridge just under 10. so really the golden gate bridge as you've got issues with at this hour. darya james, back to you. thanks a lot. rate. a 31. and while fire crews were working to clear up the roads, you know, the downed trees and mess from last week's storms. >> somebody actually took advantage of them. yeah. cleaned out their tools. as a matter of fact, crawford's theresa stasi has the story. >> i drove up the lock and went through the mechanism, opened it up in the sewer. this storm, most of the personal equipment that was kept in gone. that is what a specialized team of firefighters discovered last wednesday morning say woke up at a pleasanton hotel ready to get back to work but found someone had ripped into their trucks and stolen equipment and backs and that we've been working for 4 days straight. >> finding out tomorrow went into the hotel and we came out crew. but you both are pickup trucks are vandalized, broken into a store change sides and personal equipment from us. >> this is crew ate in action
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last week during the latest powerful storms that swept through the bay area. erik truax with alameda county fire department says that the unit is new and designed to tackle emergencies such as downed trees and other calamities. we had to go out of service for unable to provide that service that we have been for the last week to the communities. you know, we're a new program. >> and that's that's what hurts the most is. we're still trying to get our feet you know, gain momentum and, you know, you get shot down like that. it's really hard just come back and and get back to where we were. >> to access of the team was able to get some donations to bounce back. but the theft certainly hurt. >> tough. it's it's stuff that you can't really replace its its center meant so that the cumulative small things here and there like 16 years. so you know that seth can replace in just a, you know, attachment are. so here's how to our size. i mean, they're they're part of another tool. they work on them. they customize them to make them their own. and that was really tough. >> although some of the equipment is back to act said
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to be great to have the thieves return, the items stolen, especially as they prepare for the next round of storms knew about that equipment stolen, which take it back. >> absolutely. and her feet. i it mean a lot to us you i guess that sentimental value that the relationship that we've all built around each other our equipment. that's a part of us, right? these are the tools that we work with and yes, if it's out there, we would love to get or just anything. you alameda county, theresa kron 4 11. >> 33 is the time. and a florida man accused of stealing this small plane and that crash landing half. moon bay has pleaded not guilty. luis, errors is accused of stealing the plane from palo alto last week. he doesn't have a pilot's it's not surprising he had to put it down. eventually he remains blew in the first place. he is in jail now. $10,000 bond. he was also given a public
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defender after his request to represent of south was denied his next. hearing is scheduled for later this month. we'll keep following the story. a 34 the north bay sanibel police are looking for a man. >> who assaulted a girl touched her inappropriately in front of her friends. this happened at the northgate mall earlier this week. and who they're looking for is u.s. enoch just roll back and get his name. it's enoch ca place. this is the man they're looking for. they say that he the police say he went into this group of young people, approached a girl inappropriately, touched her arm and then they say she hid and her friends tried to take pictures of him at that time. he confronted one of them, not the phone from their hand and then took off towards the terra linda area. in the east bay to refineries in contra costa county agreed to reduce their emissions and pay millions. this is part of a settlement that was reached by the chevron refinery richmond. the martinez refining company and the bay area air quality management district. both of
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the refineries had sued the management district over this stricter emissions standards. but now they agreed to drop those lawsuits and commit to these changes. chevron agrees to reduce emissions by 70 to 80% and pay 40 million dollars for past fines and future exposures. and the martinez refining comfrey company is installing air monitoring equipment contra costa county supervisor. sorry, john. joya says this deal is a win-win for everyone. >> they is really improving public health for residents who live near refineries everyone no matter where they live deserves are has the right to breathe clean air. and that's what this announcement is about. >> and here's the response statement in part from chevron, quote, we're pleased to put this litigation behind us in a way that benefits our community and allows chevron richmond to remain an important energy supplier in the region. it should take chevron about 4 years to make the happened mainly because
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they have to install additional equipment. as for the martinez, refining company, they are very close now to meeting their obligations already. >> and this comes as a new report shows a bay area. air quality has been getting worse in recent years and will likely continue to get worse research from the first street foundation shows a california is set to bear the brunt of increasingly worse air quality across the country. mostly because of climate change fueled wildfires. the report's author says the central valley and the bay area are already seeing twice as many poor air quality days as we did 20 years ago. and over the next 30 years, the study predicts more than 50%, half the nation will be exposed to unhealthy air on a regular basis. >> 8.37 right now for your local election headquarters and we want to take another look at the debate between the 4 top candidates for u.s. senate, california, when they faced off here in our studio. they the running to take over the seat left behind by late senator dianne feinstein with kron four's dan kerman. he
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actually spoke to a political analyst. >> and got the takeaways from that debate. democratic congressman adam schiff went into monday's debate ahead of the pack. according to most polls. and analysts say the debate seen live on kron 4 didn't change that. doesn't look like this debate has changed the state of play in the race with the 2 top vote getters regardless of party going head to head in november. that means the next 3 weeks or race for second place between democratic congresswoman katie porter and retired republican baseball player steve garvey. if your adam schiff, you're in the lead, you want steve garvey in second place. and obviously if you're katie porter, you're going to need a lift. and the question is that what what sense do you hit at of adam schiff and garvey kind of moving forward back and forth. sonoma state university political science professor david mckeown says republicans will not cross party lines and vote for porter. so she must wrong-way votes from fellow democrat shift. if you're katie border, you've got to
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attack business as usual. you've got attack washington, d.c., and you've got a kind of seattle, adam schiff with that. as for garvey, he must not alienate any california republicans, which is why he's staying away from attacking or endorsing donald trump, trying to have it all ways whether whether it's just successful strategy not. >> you know, it's knowing really didn't know the polling hasn't quite that. that detailed enough to understand how the republicans really view. steve garvey. ron, for political analyst michael yaki says as to who will get the number 2 spot, it likely will depend on turnout if it's a depressed republican turnout. and katie porter has a very good chance making it into the top 2. and and because of that, i think she's a very, very good chance winning the senate seat november. if you have. depress democratic turnout as well. if you have a higher than normal republican turnout because maybe they like steve garvey, maybe a lot of southern california during the recent play baseball for
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the 2 teams down there. you know, he could he could have a shot to really is. i think horse race between between porter and garvey. >> well, as dan kerman reporting for us, we are 3 weeks out from the primary and analysts say during that time you can sure the be sure there's going to be a lot of ads from all the candidates hoping to move the needle one way or another. >> so i'm here today to officially announce the launch. of my campaign for mayor of san francisco. >> and with that former supervisor and once interim mayor mark farrell is joining the race for san francisco, mayor, he said if he beats mayor london breed at the polls, one of his first actions will be to fire police chief bill scott farrell says chief scott isn't doing enough to inspire the rank and file to improve recruitment or fight for a budget necessary to protect residents. the sfpd, though, responded to that announcement by defending chief scott's record saying the new protocols by the chief
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led to a 40% decrease in property crimes like break-ins and retail thefts. >> is a 40 and happening today. 5 dogs will be a greeting passengers at the oakland airport. they're going to be dressed up in valentine's day themed outfit and they're going to be spreading. puppy love. the dogs are peach bailey, karli ketchum and tory and also by the way, airport employees in the past found is cars a valentine's throughout the day at the airport. that's fun. they have a balloon arch. they have photos, all kinds of fun stuff. if you're flying on valentine's it. that's why i love and get it. i love the oakland airport. i do. i really do. >> all 8.41 is the time we're going to take a quick break. but still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, it was not very fun. in santa clara, the forty-niners were clearing out their lockers. we're going hear how some of them felt about. >> the super bowl. >> and today, of course, valentine's day is going to be a bit of a wet one. if you're getting outside with your date
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tonight, do expect some showers. so get the umbrellas in the rain jackets won't be a stormy day as much as it is just a rainy one. i've got your forecast and we're slowly improving across the golden gate bridge member. we have some delays there. start to our all all the bridges, though. look, really good time to get some things done for starts
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you. >> a 44 right now and if you have big valentine's day plans and the rain may affect them a little bit, can certainly lose. but, you but if your date or this person making and
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prepare for a new to bring an umbrella what is this, why your plans are canceled. you have that huge thing for karen short tonight. now that's why, right? haha. turn it into a day reagan. the dad jokes on but yeah, it's definitely nothing to to stormy. it's just enough, though, that if you are ready for it, yeah, you might get a little bit wet out there. so the first thing you want to think about is getting that umbrella. nice romantic way to view the walk to local restaurant down the street. youve got a little bit of cloud cover this morning. i've seen a few of you out there on the job, getting it out of the way before the rain arrives. we've seen some light showers out there already has been enough to halt anything down. we're starting to see this line of showers approaching sonoma county on towards monte rio guerneville bodega bay. as of right now. pretty soon to be pushing in further inland, heaviest of rainfall as well to our north. still several hours off. first low-pressure second, low pressure and a 3rd right behind it. a 1, 2, 3, punch of
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rainfall these next several days. and this first line of showers is actually going to be our lightest. that's the one that arrives later today will be seeing light to moderate showers for the most part, although some pockets of heavy rain can be expected this afternoon, especially north of santa rosa, but also elsewhere, you see around fremont 06:15pm, could see an isolated area of heavy rain. 7.45 right around the martinez out towards conquered. we will continue to see showers up tolls around midnight after which point thing should start to calm down tomorrow is going to be a predominantly dry day and friday as well. next round of showers around 2 friday night into saturday. round 3 being sunday night into monday and tuesday. today's rainfall will be anywhere between a 10th to a half an inch for urban areas. upper elevations could see over an inch will continue to add on to this into the weekend as well as into early next week. as for the sierra nevada snow fall kicks off today and last through tomorrow. winter storm warning because of this through 04:00pm tomorrow
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donner summit, 8 to 9 inches of snowfall while their highest of elevations could see up to 2 feet of it. and that's not even including what we have later on this weekend. so if you're heading up to the sierra, just bring the chains, don't expect closures, but do expect delays upper 50's to low 60's for your highs. san bruno in millbrae chat. 58 burlingame, south through mountain view into the south bay still holding on to those 60's, despite all the clouds and some rainy conditions. it's not like we're seeing that much of a difference in temperatures. we still remain pretty mild overall. oakland and concord, right at 60 degrees. sonoma as well as santa rosa. some of our coolest in the mid-fifties looking ahead. tomorrow will be back to the sixties. we go next. chances of rainfall really kicking into gear friday night into saturday. saturday is the day to stay indoors as much as possible. sunday starts dry showers again sunday night into monday and tuesday, just looking likely to be our very heaviest rain. all right, john, thank you for still have those residual delays on a golden
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gate bridge? we had a protest of the start of the hour. shut down both lanes and now it's all open again drive times on the southbound side. 51 minutes. >> 37 to the tolls. you can see how slow things you can't really see because the computers glitch in the air. a look at that. lots of red on the southbound side. northbound side, no problems. our bridges are looking good right now. 14 minutes traveling into the city are are 70 0 bridge. just short of 17 minutes. a 80 to 101, richmond center bridge about 8 minutes and looking at our highways. we're still seeing a lot of red 56 it landed on a 2. 37 5.88, oakland little congestion there also along southbound 6.80, traveling to signal 53 minute ride. 85 to menlo park. if you're taking that route. all right, james, back to you. >> thanks a lot rain. a 48 right now and the san francisco forty-niners clean out their lockers. >> still licking their wounds after that loss to the chiefs in the super bowl kron. 4 sports director jason dumas got some of the reaction.
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>> there were very few dry eyes in the forty-niners locker room in las vegas on sunday. and you can tell the last was still weighing on them on tuesday as they cleaned out their locker rooms. these players understood the opportunity that was awaiting them in. >> they were so close that they could feel it. we can spend all day breeking down some of the turnovers and missed opportunities. but at the end of the day, they just didn't make enough plays. kansas city at some of the same turnovers and costly penalties to, but theysfound ways to make the timely plays that san francisco did not. now the bulk of this niners group will be back. so it is up to them to use this pain. and this motion and channel it the right way to save his remarks but i mean, that's the game that we and you've got to find find a way to sort fuel you. have a role in the next year that taste in your mouth. you're always hungry. that's the feeling you always want. i
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think when you get there, you i think it makes definitely makes you more its worst. >> in other news, the giants signed jorge. so our he had 36 dingers for the miami marlins last year. great pickup. also the warriors go for their 6th straight victory tonight with the los angeles clippers in town. all right. that's a look at sports. >> all right. well, 8.50 is the time and jenny cavnar is making history. now is the first female play-by-play voice of a major league baseball team. she's going to be the tv voice of the a's. cavnar broadcasting veteran with nearly 2 decades of baseball experience. she's been a pre and postgame host for the colorado rockies for the past 12 years and is now moving to the a's. >> it's 8.50, right now. and health officials from cdc say that heart disease kills women in the u.s. at a higher rate.
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>> then all all cancers combined. and those numbers are higher among black women due to a combination of high blood pressure a number of strokes and cardiovascular diseases. they see each of those issues is the result of black women historically taking on extreme levels of stress to combat that stress black women in particular, they say, should really learn to put themselves first. >> it's a long history. the strong black woman. >> and how that emerged. and how we weren't always choosing to take care of everyone. but it was what was imposed upon us. we're in a different period now and we need to to put ourselves firs. >> so how would you do that? well, things like taking a walk writing in a gratitude journal practicing deep, breathe seeking for a professional health doctors, etc. that is all recommended.
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>> department of energy is awarding a bay area company. now 100 million dollars to promote and research renewable energy. alameda based sila is creating better batteries. they say that can power electric vehicles and are less damaging to the environment. and now the department of energy is investing in them. in fact, they plan to invest even more money to bolster manufacturing. >> this continued support from deo. we will and help us scale and grow our facilities so that we can help power the world's transition to clean energy. >> yes, in fact, will soon be unveiling a manufacturing plant up in washington state. they say it will be the size of 8 football fields. the company was founded back in 2011 as one of 15 across the u.s. that received part of this 2 billion dollar investment from the federal government. we're going take a break. a 52 is the time coming up in the next hour of the kron. 4 morning news. a new study. >> ranks the cities with the best drivers are going to tell you where the bay area finished on that list. a 54 is
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the time. and this valentine's day couples are expected to spend nearly $200 per person. that's according to. >> 2023 data from the national retail federation. and that number apparently rises for people aged. 35 to 44 that age group plans to spend a whopping $335 per person. economic experts say the phenomenon is called signaling. it's the belief that how much you spend on your significant other demonstrates how much you
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locate all odd wash. i do, too, that i don't even want spend money on a card. i do. i want you to write the card like i. >> right? yeah. everyday. big and small ways is how you how much and all right. so there's our advice on that. what we know. okay. then there's health experts and what they recommend about valentine's day. >> they say that the dating apps the date obviously as a way you're going to feel loved. but >> you've got to show yourself some love. they say that that act is actually really fulfilling for example, make yourself a little morning beverage. like a nice coffee. but a special want, you know, do something special today as an act of self-love, things that really bring that feeling of gratitude yourself, treat your set, treat you also you're going. another expert says that showing gratitude actually switches your energy from alaqua love to act of love just by you triggering that in yourself. look for
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ways to do something, kind for somebody that also trying boost to does. and by the way, they say meditating rely on the huge out of it. if i if i can't sleep, i meditate. if i am feeling just meditate. so it helps to like slow down your mind and makes you feel better. i want all 56 is the time we're going. take a break. but coming up in the next hour. >> we're going take you to a bay area bakery that's serving up some pretty sweet treats on this valentine's day. and the city of congress just passed an ordinance to help control rent prices will see what they're doing. plus, san jose has a new program that aims to make shopping centers safer make shopping centers safer and cut down on crime. at marshalls, our buyers go to great lengths to find you great deals on great quality products. it's great. everything here is great. we get the deals. you get the good stuff. marshalls.
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you didn't choose cat allergies.
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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news. the crackdown on crime in oakland appears to be working for tracking the numbers and how will have an update on what the governor's efforts are doing. meanwhile, some san jose business owners will be getting surveillance. cameras for free is that city also cracks down on retail we'll have live details and the conference city council passes rent stabilization measures after hours heated debate. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> today love is in the air and so is rain. oh, my gosh. the camera, the live feed by right but rain drops all over the land.


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