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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  February 15, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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(vo) beneful knows a full life doesn't just's a choice to take a swing... to taste all life has to offer. choose joy, choose beneful. and try incredibites, just for small dogs. >> today on kron, 4 news at noon, a meeting today between the a's president and oakland officials that could keep the a's in oakland, at least for a few more years. plus, a trauma center in the south bay will be closing later on this year. what this means for residents in that area. and a santa rosa high school student is accused
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of making homemade guns. what we know after his arrest. >> from the bay station, you're watching kron. news. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waltman. we start now with new details on that deadly bay bridge earlier this morning. we have now learned a 3rd person has died and a 4th person is in the hospital. we do understand that person is expected to survive. 2 cars crashed just after 4 o'clock this morning on eastbound 80 just west of treasure island. all 3 people in one of the cars died. at one point, all the lanes were blocked. we are understanding now the bay bridge lanes are back open. we're working to get more details right now as to what led up to this crash. stay with us here on kron 4 soon. as we get more details, we'll bring them to you. and now to the north way where police arrested a student at santa rosa high school for making guns. police say that that student used a 3 d printer
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kron four's. michael thomas has the latest. >> well, police say the suspect in question is actually a 14 year-old boy who is also a student at montgomery high school and take a look. this is a 3 d printer that police say they found in the home. this was after the serve the home with a search warrant at around 11 o'clock yesterday. again, after receiving word that these guns were being made according to police, they not only found that 3 d printer, but they also found a lower receiver for a firearm, a partially completed firearm handle ammunition and hand written materials that appear to be gang-related. the 14 year-old was not home at the time as he was in class at montgomery high school. this is general video we have of that high school which has had numerous violence issues over the last year on campus, including one student dying in class during a knife fight. police say that the boy was detained there at the school and removed from the class safely before taking him over to juvenile hall where he currently is. and he was taken in for suspected possession of an unserialized firearms,
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minor in possession of a handgun, unlawful manufacture of a firearm and gang enhancement. police say they also did go through the boys locker at which point they did find more gang related items. however, they did not find any weapons there on the school grounds. we did reach out to the district for comment but have not heard back as of yet. that's the very latest in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas. i'll send it back to you live in the studio. >> tensions flaring last night at oakland school board meeting. that's where dozens of community members called on the board to pass a cease-fire resolution in the israel-hamas war. parents stay. teachers and students attended this meeting. they were carrying signs and also valentine's day message is for people
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suffering in both israel and palestine, 4 of 7 board directors asked that the cease-fire resolution be considered but board president sam davis rejected the request and that prompted a board member to speak >> think community do the right because we we are members. we doing the right thing. what we teach our kids too. we have do in the follow that many cities across the nation are doing. city council school districts are all speaking up and saying and passing cease-fire resolutions and they're going to sit there and open the birthplace of the panthers of international solidarity. they're going to sit here and say we don't care about this is political issue. that is not of course, is there scope because we have arab students here have palestinian students here and thec will feel safe going to school knowing that board of directors doesn't have their back when it comes to genocide.
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>> oakland city council passed a cease-fire resolution in november. the council is facing a possible state investigation for allegedly allowing anti-semitic comments to happened during the meeting. >> in the south by and now san jose regional medical center is closing its trauma center. kron four's will tran in san jose with the latest. >> the medical center will remain open if you need emergency services like the er that will remain open. that will not be touched its the trauma center, which is a slight nuance. they treat all kinds of trauma like burn victims. well, that will close come october. 12th, good news. bad news behind that. fewer people need the trauma center. so that's good news that they're not injured or need that kind of treatment. but the bad news is because fewer people need it. well, the regional center, they don't needed moving forward, which is why they decided come august 12 to shut down that particular operation. they're advising people. if you need treatment for those types of
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injuries, then you can go to the santa clara valley medical center, which is 6 miles away the emergency room and all of your needs. well, that will remain open and will not be touched as far as the employees within the trauma center, they are working with them to try to find new positions within the hospital to have them hang on to their jobs. but for now, until august, 11th, the trauma center will remain open to the public. and it is very important because you can clearly just the traffic behind me. this is a massive neighborhood just off a 6 ad and the regional center is very important to the community and all of its patients. so >> that will remain >> now to the peninsula and investigators say that a florida man accused of stealing a small plan in palo alto last week, said that he did it because he wanted to, quote, show the government that airports lack proper security luis, gustavo aires,
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made his first court appearance on tuesday. he asked to represent himself, but the judge denied that request after considering his education and background. so now he remains in jail on a $10,000 bought. we have new details right now surrounding that shooting in kansas city after the chiefs super bowl parade a radio station in kansas city is saying one of their host lisa lopez was killed in the shooting. police say it all. 22 people were shot 9 children between the ages of 6.15 were taken to the hospital with gunshot wounds. they are expected to recover. city officials and local authorities are now responding to this violence. >> he went out today like everyone in kansas city looking to have a celebration. that celebration was marred by a shooting today. right now we do not have a motive. >> authorities say they have recovered at least one weapon from the area and 3 people have now been taken into custody. chaos here high above
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the pacific. a fist went flying on a flight from oakland to hawaii. the plane landed safely in quiet monday, but the journey to paradise was tense. 2 men for reasons still unknown, allowed an apparent verbal argument escalate to this point here. you can see one man kind of slaps the other than the guy who gets lapse starts punching the other guy and the man there and had lands a few solid shots. but people including a flight attendant step in there to try to break up. the authorities on the ground in hawaii were alerted and they met the flight there at the gate and detain those 2 men. but no arrests have been made. and we spoke with an aviation expert at san jose state university. he says that these viral videos are getting lots of attention, but the data suggesting incidents like these are very rare and civility on planes is slowly returning to post pandemic levels. >> these instances that we see are very compelling but
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they're not nearly as common as you might lead to believe. keeping in mind how many flights operate on a daily and a weekly basis. and the numbers are trending down in the correct direction. why on airplanes? i think your chances of seeing a fight in the street on any given day are much higher than seen one in an airplane itself. >> last year there were more than 2000 reports of unruly passengers in the u.s. that is 15% lower than the previous year. however, it's about twice as many incidents compared to before the pandemic. all right. let's talk about our forecast. a live look outside of the kind of cloudy. san francisco will see if we're going to any rain for today. kyle is in the weather center with those details now is a wet one yesterday. yeah was. i want to take a look at some of those rain totals. we should stay dry today. but boy, ben lowman picked up an inch of rain in the santa cruz mountains. santa rosa just under that. >> canfield, you can see just over 6 tenths milpitas little bit under half a quarter inch
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of rain in san francisco. we've got a real deluge let yesterday. the late afternoon and oakland just a little bit over a 10th of an inch. that's the beneficial rain there. we do still certainly have some of those clouds out there right now. but there are pops of sun light breaking through. and i'm seeing a couple of them at our window here in san francisco. roads should stay nice and dry today. temperatures right now, 57 in downtown san francisco. but we are making it a low 60's already. as you can see, an antioch in livermore. 63 down in san jose, which i think will be our warmest spot today. storm tracker 4 showing you just a little bit of moisture in the air. but none of that really hitting the ground. we have just mostly clouds out there in the wind has calmed down, too. so we've recovered rather nicely from the weather that we went through yesterday. we get that break today. well, temperatures will be a little bit above normal in most spots. you can see the normal is a low 60's. and, you know, we should see that pretty handily in a spot like livermore in san jose today can to get to those mid 60's. san francisco looking out for about 59 degrees in some low 60's elsewhere. so relatively
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normal kind of a day. but then our chances of rain are really going to ramp up as we head into the weekend. so overnight, friday into saturday, you can see where these percentage chances of rain just remain high, not just through the weekend, but into next week. we've got a couple systems rolling in. i'll track that for you and i come back. we'll have all of those fun soggy details back you. thank you. after exploring numerous sites where they can play games until their new ballpark is built in las vegas. the a's might be staying in oakland just a little bit longer. the team's president is set to sit down with city and county officials in oakland today to discuss extending the a's lease on the coliseum. >> but as kron four's, dan kerman tells us, there's a lot more on the agenda. >> even though the a's have announced they're leaving oakland, they still are in the process of buying alameda counties, 50% ownership in the coliseum site. that's been our goal is to buy this. but the a's but ray bobbitt with the african american sports and entertainment group has another plan in mind. last
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week, the group sent this letter to the a's renewing their offer to purchase that 50% stake in the coliseum. cg can redevelop the site into a city within a city. there's a mandate from the community to get that slight developed to bring more sports there to more entertainment. >> but more importantly, to bring services to bring, you know, housing, to bring hotels to really just sort of use that as a catalyst to redevelop and revitalize east. oakland bobbitt says the a's rejected a a s eegee's. 85 million dollar offer in september. but bob, it says they're open to negotiating. >> right scg is also in the process of purchasing the city's 50% share of the property are capital partner is loop capital. >> and they the largest african-american owned investment banking firm in the country. they're out of chicago and they have the full capacity to execute the transactions by but says it remains unclear how an extension of the a's a lease at the coliseum.
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>> will impact a a s eegee's plans. but he's hoping the a's consider selling their interest in the site just really be an opportunity for open to showcase itself at that site, which so successful for so many years. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> all right. coming up, how much do we drink alcohol in the state of california will take a look at the sobering results from a new study. when we come back.
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bounced from one doctor to the next. does it have to be like this? at kaiser permanente, we have a different kind of healthcare... so, how did you like doctor lum? ...where all of us work together for all that is you.
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the chp is cracking down on crime in oakland. the initial results are showing dozens of
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arrests and the recovery of tens of thousands of dollars worth of stolen goods. >> as kron four's terisa stasio reports. that's just the beginning of this joint effort with local officers. 71 arrests, the recovery of 145 stolen vehicles. >> that is just some of the data being released involving the first phase collaboration between chp and opd. this is video provided to kron some of the work being done announced last week. governor newsom directed 120 chp officers to join specialty units targeting auto theft, drug cases and retail crimes. besides the arrest, the chp says that they helped with the seizure of illicit drugs, the recovery of $60,000 worth of stolen electronics. the seizure of 4 firearms, including an unregistered ghost gun. a have uploaded a number of the cases and they're being processed. >> according to the way that we normally do that, which is
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that we have 6 charging deputies at the wily menu courthouse and they will review each of the reports as they come in and make the appropriate turn decisions. >> the recent surge of 120 chp officers specifically helping units in oakland will shift in the coming weeks. according to chp commissioner with 50 going to other east bay cities. while 72 will remain hyper-focused on oakland. so but they are still in our streets. they're still working with us closely. >> they are here 2 times a for their operation. and that is one sergeant 6 officers in the count oakland city leaders expressing cautious optimism for more success we can have with chp working together. >> with our opd command staff the officers to really get a handle on serious crime towns where the you know, it's it's not it's not it's not a permanent solution, but right now we need a stopgap solution. and this is going to help. >> but we need to come together and work as one. we
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have an emergency in this city and we need to address >> that was to resist you're reporting in addition to the chp officers, more attorneys from the national guard and as well as the attorney general's office are going to join in the effort to prosecute these additional arrests. all right. let's look outside right now. so to see what's happening at sfo, kind of cloudy in the shop and it's nice to kind of see the runways. china dry out a little bit. we've got a lot of rain yesterday. we'll see when the next storm is ghost are blowing through. kyle is in the weather center with details yet blowing through is about right because we're going win with that when comes in on saturday to but pretty nice. despite the clouds out of half moon bay today, i saw a few people out there taking a walk, not bad temperature wise either. you can see have a about 57 degrees. san francisco, same story, low 60's in livermore right now. and san jose city about 63. but it's all about this parade of storms that's going to continue to track in and bring us some of that rain as we get into the weekend. so today we stay dry. we even could see a
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few pops of sunshine out there, seeing a very few. but a couple of breaks of said and then tomorrow we'll see the clouds increase. but we stay dry tomorrow to until we get later into the evening. and that next system comes in friday into saturday. so saturday is going to be pretty wet day system. 3 coming in later in the day on sunday into monday. so it's just the one after the other rights we have the one that we dealt with already. and you can see today again, just those clouds are kind of spilling in over a little bit of high pressure that's trying to protect us from the next system. but ultimately this will be successful. again, this will bring the scattered showers on saturday. now, by the time we get to the sunday monday, even kind of lingering into tuesday system. i am a little bit concerned about flooding because we're going to have such a saturated ground. this is the rain that we're looking out for between friday night and saturday night. and then we're going to add to that sunday night into monday. even tuesday. you can see, you know, this is starting to get a little bit much, though. this is the time to kind of prepare for what's going to happen as we get into monday, which is what i think we're going to start to see some of the minor flooding that we're likely to get. also, we have a
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high surf advisory with these systems coming into. this is going to be saturday morning through sunday afternoon, looking at for breaking waves that are 18 to 22 feet. so, you know, the drill, sneaker waves, dangerous surf. you definitely want to avoid the coast if you can. over the weekend as the system comes in, a frankly, it's not going to be a very nice time to be at the beach anyway because of all the rain. this is the 7 day forecast. you can see that it does give us a pretty rainy weekend. i think we have a little break on sunday in the earlier part of the day. then that rain kind of rolls right through into the beginning of next week. back to you. thank you. some democrats and republicans in sacramento are coming together in the fight against fentanyl. they're urging support for bipartisan legislation targeting fentanyl dealers. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace takes a closer look at this proposal. >> this around. good kid. that's run demanding filled with the motion talking about her late son major. >> he was supposed to graduate high school this year, but on the night of october, 3rd, everything changed as a result of one deadly dose of fentanyl
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poisoning. he spent the night at a friend's home. >> and they decided to experiment with the purpose. it peel. and my son never woke up. and so we. never get that chance to see him walk across the stage to graduate from high school. and this is the closest guess i'll get with the cap and gown from his kindergarten pitcher since son's death. >> rhonda manning founded a nonprofit called a major movement named for her it is dedicated to spreading awareness and education about the dangers of fentanyl. her latest effort right here at the state capitol to join lawmakers in support of a b, 2, 3, 3, 6. we need to do more authored by stockton, democratic assembly member carl philip, who the legislation would add a sentencing enhancement for fentanyl dealers fouhd possession of a gun that enhancement alone could lead to 2 to 4 years in state prison. similar gun sentencing enhancements already exist for dealers of heroin and other illegal substances but not
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fentanyl. >> if we do something today. can change those lives were sending a strong message that we will not tolerate the continued endangerment of our communities. the legislation is supported by members of law enforcement, several district attorneys. >> and this group of bipartisan lawmakers, it's all in the state where as of 2022 data from the california department of public health showed more than 6,470 california died of fentanyl poisoning that you're alone. >> coming up to about 124 deaths per week. >> i have held the hands. of parents who are grieving from the loss of their kids to fentanyl. i have also held the hands of kids that are grieving, the loss of their parents. how did we allow this? we must do more. no word on formal opposition. but last year similar legislation was blocked in the assembly public safety committee. amid arguments more jail time is
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not the answer. but this year, this mother hopes the bill will make it to the finish line. we don't want to see another child lose their life. we don't want to see another parent go through what we're going through. >> muslim only saw 17 for 5 days. i don't wish that on anyone. >> and lawmakers backing the bill. tell me they're confident they'll be able to get even more bipartisan support all in hopes of getting this legislation to the governor's desk reporting at the state capitol. a tom wallace kron. 4 news. >> i'm trevor shirley in washington where lawmakers today are reacting to new intelligence reports that russia may be planning to put nuclear
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i'm barbara and i'm from st. joseph, michigan. i'm a retired school librarian. i'm also a library board trustee, a mother of two, and a grandmother of two. basically, i thought that my memory wasn't as good as it had been. i needed all the help i could get. i saw the commercials for prevagen. i started taking it. and it helped! i noticed my memory was better. there was definite improvement. i've been taking prevagen for a little over five years. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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>> for your health this afternoon, a new skin cancer treatment is now on the horizon. researchers say they found that cannabis extract can slow down the growth of skin cancer cells. a study from charles darwin university and the royal melbourne institute of technology reveals that extract from the cannabis sativa plant combined to certain receptor sites on the cells regulating their growth and also inflicting damage. researchers say the damage to the cells present prevents it from dividing into new cells. and instead it it then becomes program to kill the cells. so that stops the formation of more cancer cells in the body and also increases their death rate. a majority of americans who made healthy eating part of their new year's resolutions are thinking that they're doing a good job at it. but last month, researchers from purdue university asked participants to grade themselves and how well they think they're doing
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with a new diet since the beginning of the year. 84% of participants claim they're doing well. their goals include reducing the amount of processed foods in their diet and adding more fruits and veggies. also more lean proteins, professional nutritionist gave americans a failing grade on average saying consumers are overly optimistic about the quality of their diets. next at noon, what police in kansas city say they now know about the motives behind the deadly shooting during the chiefs super bowl celebration. >> and some are just got a little bit more interesting with this announcement. are you ready for the wave pool? we're live from raging waters in the south bay.
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>> the south bay might be getting a chance to beat the heat this summer with a major announcement from raging waters. that water park is looking to reopen under new management the summer kron 4 s charles clifford joins us now live from san jose with the details here. thanks for joining us. >> well, good afternoon. a raging waters here in san jose, san jose, which is right behind me there opened up in 1985. and last september, the vendor who was operating it announced that they were breaking their 20 year lease 2 years early. and we were worried at the time that thae might be the end of raging waters. now it appears the see the city has found another vendor to come in and finish out that 20 year. lease. region waters will be open this summer under a tentative agreement. the city of san jose has made a deal with california dreaming entertainment, which operates a water park near sacramento. >> to reopen raging waters on the city's east side. the new
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operator will invest 6 million dollars in the park proving landscaping and adding new attractions. the city will also collect about 6% of any revenue once the park reopens. mayor matt mahan says this is a good deal for san jose. it is rare for government to move this quickly. but our leadership and our parks and rec department. >> knew how much was at stake for our families jumped in, found this interim operator came to terms that that are great for the city. actually providing the fun experience will know and love. >> the agreement will still need to be approved by the city council if they give the green light than the new operators can schedule an opening day and start posting job listings for the summer. the proposed deal runs through september of 2025 and if all goes well, it could be extended by an additional year. the city is also still hoping to lock in a long-term operator keep raging waters open indefinitely. all right, back live now a san jose recs
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and park says that the facilities raising waters, even though it's been closed down since september. >> are actually in pretty good shape. and they're confident that if this deal goes through, the park will open up the summer. but for now in san jose, charles clifford kron, 4 news. charles, thank you. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters and there is a proposed sales tax increase in sonoma county to fund wildfire prevention its measure h and it's on the march 5th ballot. it's a half-cent sales tax that would be in effect until voters remove it in a future election. it is expected it would raise 60 million dollars for wildfire preparedness emergency response and vegetation management, if approved by more than 50% of voters. this increase tax would take effect october 1st. long before same marriage was legalized across the u.s.. it was a tradition for activists to go to san francisco city hall on valentine's day. i request a marriage license.
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they knew that they would be denied. but in 2004, they got their first. yes. so this is what city hall look like in february of 2004, it was called the winter love. and it happened with then-mayor gavin newsom authorize the county clerk to issue marriage licenses to same couples that lasted for one month. and then the california supreme court invalidated all of those licenses. it's why john lewis and stuart gaffney wanted to renew their vows at city hall 20 years later. >> it was really, really powerful because what happened here in city hall awake and great coming out lgbt people about their relationships. what is the common thread that has led us here today? >> it centers around love. it centers around bringing people together in the spirit of love and recognizing that that is they unite or >> 5 same couples were married or renew their vows during
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wednesday's 20th anniversary of the winter of love. but there were marriage is happening all over the balconies at city hall. nearly 200 couples registered with the clerk's office to be married by the end of wednesday. a bill making its way through the state legislature would make firearm owners register their guns every single year. sb 11, 60 was introduced this week. it would require every firearm in the state to be registered each year with the state department of justice. the measure would also charge an annual fee for that registration and would prohibit the possession of any unregistered gun. alright, snow piling up once again in the high sierra. the valentine's day storm dumped several inches of snow over this year passes. gusty winds also made it difficult for people to drive at certain times over donner summit from last night. but caltrans had their plow drivers hard at work, trying to keep it open. and now there are skiers and snowboarders who are just loving all this fresh powder at boreal mountain resort. they stayed open until 8
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o'clock last night so people can enjoy it. >> nice to some good snow come in and also we get in california, obviously just as long as you take it, easy on the roads. be smart. >> we okay. >> so if your plan to enjoy some of that snow for president's day weekend, the national weather service advises that you bring chains if you do not have 4 wheel drive with snow tires. yeah. got to be ready for a cause. sounds like this weekend. we're going to get a system coming through and here, fog blocking or camera on top of mount tam right now, cloudy day out there today. and kyle is in the weather center now as we can talk about the next stormy. i got some snow there behind yeah. so this is diamond where you can see some people are kind of enjoying the skiing, maybe having a little lunch break here, but they get measured last. 24 hours on diamond peak, about 5 inches of snow. i think that jibes with what we're seeing there >> on the picnic tables, but they got a little more than that in spots like homewood got 18 inches. 16 in boreal just in 24 hours. matt rose 14 inches and a foot in palisades
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northstar about 9 not bad and we've got more to come. it's a good thing because we need to add to that snow pack for still a little bit behind. so this is our getting saturday into sunday. but then the second hit that second system coming out. i think that's going to be little more potent for the sierra. and you can see that's where we could see a couple of feet piling up as we work our way into the beginning of next week. so the question becomes, when can you drive it? if you do need to get up there? so today things are tapering off tomorrow. we're looking good, however, by saturday, we're going to see the next system roll. and and that goes through sunday morning. so that would be a bad time to get on the road. and the second one coming in in the afternoon on sundap through at least tuesday. looks like they're going to linger in gusty wind, difficult travel. you know, all those things that just he was just talking about, are you kind of need to be prepared to have chains. that's all likely be happening as we head over the next 5 or 6 days. once we get past friday, friday will be okay to get up there. here's a live look down at incline village. you can see the head a little snow earlier and now it's melted a bit. so snow kind of tapering off today. cloudy skies tomorrow that mentioned that's probably good time to
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head up. if you do need to go up there. and by saturday afternoon, we're back in it. so you can see a little snow still falling right now. certainly going make those roads slick. going make it a little bit difficult, but that should improve as we get throughout the day today. zooming out, we are still just looking at a few clouds today for us here in the bay area. but of course, we're all talking about the next big system. you can see right there that low pressure set to bring us some rain as we head towards the weekend. i'll time that out for you come back with your seven-day forecast. back to you. thank you. will to some national news now as lawmakers are sharing concerns about a serious new threat to u.s. national security. white house officials have informed congress of new intelligence about russian plans to put a nuclear capable weapon into space. washington correspondens trevor shirley has the latest. today. the white house is briefing congressional leadership on all this. but officials still insist there is no reason to panic. >> reports say the u.s. has intelligence on a new space based russian nuclear weapon system designed to target
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international satellites. others say it's concerning, but >> you know, that's really all over say. members of congress wednesday when asked about the reports, those reports also indicate some members first saw the highly classified intelligence weeks ago. i'm concerned there's no imminent or urgent risks to any americans. and i think that's the only message that i can and want to come back. the ap reports multiple sources saying the russian weapon system is not yet operational or deployed. i'm confident the president biden in the decisions that he is taking is going to ensure the security of the american people. national security adviser jake sullivan confirming he previously alerted congress's top intelligence leadership known as the gang of 8. >> and will brief house members thursday. i personally reached out to the gang of 8. it is highly unusual, in fact, for the national security adviser to do that. house intelligence committee chairman mike turner first
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revealed the threats existence wednesday calling on president biden to declassify all information relating to it. he basically one of the members able see >> you know, the the the scope of the potential for house leadership says both sides are taking the threat seriously. we just want to assure everyone steady hand at the wheel. we're working on it and there's no need for alarm. and for its part, the kremlin denied those reports calling them a, quote, malicious fabrication. >> designed to get more money approved to help ukraine reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. developing news now on the investigation into the woman who opened fire at a houston megachurch. 36 year-old janessa moreno is former mother-in-law's now speaking out. >> saying that she tried to alert authorities and others about grados mental health struggles for years. she believes systemic failures and lax gun laws led to the shooting. investigators are looking into how marino was able to legally buy a gun
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after a history of mental illness and a years long criminal record. also allegations that she threatened to shoot her ex-husband. police are saying that last sunday marino entered the church with her 7 year-old son and then opened fire in a hallway. 2 off-duty officers working security returned fire and they killed her. the sun was also shot in the head and we're told he remains in critical condition, but is improving. >> one of our victims, elizabeth gelman. >> but know that she is beloved by many. to her friends and family. we are with you. and we're working tirelessly to investigate her murder. >> police kansas city trying to find a motive behind the deadly shooting during the chiefs super bowl celebration. a popular radio dj killed and
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more than 20 others were shot, including 9 children alex caprariello is in kansas city with the latest. >> this morning, nearly a dozen children remain hospitalized with gunshot wounds, victims to the sudden and unexpected shootings at the kansas city chiefs parade. dozens of shots heard as family scattered to save >> an estimated 800,000 kansas city chiefs fans ran in terror at union station as authorities say 22 people were injured, including 9 children. the police chief confirming one death beloved kansas city radio dj. lisa lopez galvan a mother of 2 here. >> the one word i would just use to describe what we saw and how they felt when they came to us was that children injured were as young as 6 years old. thankfully, officials with children's
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mercy say they'll all make a full recovery. one father describes the terrifying moment his son was hit with shrapnel as chaos and panic unfolded all around them. he was crying, daddy. i'm scared. and i be strong. just like i told you be strong and i'm coming. but i couldn't go because they set just wait because all unit. >> shelter and place shooter on the west side of the union station. more than 800 police officers were on hand at the parade. each springing to action, but they weren't the only ones watch as several chiefs fans chased down and tackle one of the alleged gunman. >> bravery that undoubtedly save lives. speaking exclusively to news nations banned for alyssa contreras described witnessing a moment her leapt into action. >> so is it time he's jumping on the offenders back, pushing them to the ground along with another good samaritan jumped on his back, helping push him down. all this was going on. you see this guy drop out of
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this man's. >> hocutt this morning, contreras is still processing that entire moment. all while being hailed a that is okay. you know, just very high adrenaline. i think where this all still very much in shock. >> coming up here, we will continue to honor black history month on kron 4 will take a look at the impact. one man left at stanford university. we continue to
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honor black history month here on kron 4. and today we're
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going go to stanford where a street is named in honor of the first black administrator of the university. >> sam mcdonald was the son of a former slave, a minister in the south. his family was one of the first african-american families to find refuge in california and kron four's also the money has his story. >> he signed an athletic field on the stanford campus is a street named sarah mcdonald ball. if you walk by today, may know the story behind the site annual mcdonald's in the 18, 100's and lovingly known as uncle man by his family. >> sam was a black man who was a teen fled the segregated south for greener pastures in california. sam tried his hand at farming, even modeling before landing a job with stanford university in 19. 0, 3, throughout his career. he grew to be quite popular and was promoted from groundskeeper to athletic superintendent sam broke racial barriers and became the first african-american administrator at stanford. his great niece as his success stem from curiosity, a positive attitude and giving
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back. >> and not letting things negative. things weigh you down. and i'll come in and do that. he had he had a mission, whether it was a stated mission or not, but he wanted to give to the community of stanford. he wanted to protect the environment. and just because he was a black man that wasn't going to stop and >> sam accomplish that mission in more ways than one. he moved from the attic inside of the present-day visitor center and bought himself a sanctuary in the woods. a cabin standing 6 foot, 4 inches tall. he was a gentle giant among the redwood trees near la honda. he eventually acquired 400 acres of that land in san mateo county and donated all of it to be enjoyed by the public. it's also now named in his honor, sam macdonald, state park. i think his stories remarkable and i want to make sure that >> it is passed on to future generations has the story of
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resilience. tenacity. and i think. come away from the program's the i-lead about sam macdonald. really feeling connected to this person. and to what he brought to this world. and i feel like that's a beautiful thing. >> his tenacity gave way to business investments and even law enforcement. his great niece is proud by the legacy he left behind when he died in his will. >> he said that he did not leave anything to his family and it was not for the lack of love, but that they would be that are provided for otherwise. and at the time, the otherwise just didn't. i know from my father, my uncle didn't make sense. it makes sense to me. it really does. what i what he did, the legacy that he left. and for those
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ready read what the acreage that left is a state park. >> the park is now considered to be added to the national historic registry. and though he never fathered his own kids some red and played music for them at the convalescent home. >> which is now the lucile packard children's hospital reporting in palo alto ellis monae and kron. 4 news. >> kron 4 is honoring black history throughout the end of february. make sure you tune into our special that airs thursday, february 29th its 06:30pm. here's what it looks like outside right now. cross the embarcadero in san francisco getting to see some sun out there today, which is a nice change from yesterday. kyla grogan to the weather center talk about the forecast for today and, you know, it's thursday. so the weekend's not that far off at this point. it is i have to say my san jose camera is not playing nice today. just dropped out of there. actually getting a little bit of sunshine down there. one of the warmest spots that will see today.
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>> mount tam, though, is sitting in the clouds today and you can see kind of a mix. there the golden gate bridge and even the east bay hills, some of these clouds are kind of spilling over. we have a little high pressure, but it's pretty far to the south of us. so low pressure, kind of beating it up a little bit, not letting us get all the sunshine and that we might otherwise. having said that, it is just clouds. we are staying dry. i do think will have, you know, maybe the potential for a sprinkle or 2, but you'll be hard pressed to find one temperatures right now across the state. 63 in los angeles for about 55 in fresno. got a lot of 50's here in the bay area as well. couple 60's in our inland spots. wind is calm down. we've got a little breezy yesterday like southerly flow is. this came in. but now we calm down. so let's talk about the future and what it holds. you see a few sprinkles there. as i mentioned, i don't think we'll much of anything. but we say a little cloudy as roll through the day today. then the clouds really kick in as we get into friday. that's going to be a day where i think will be hard pressed to see any sun. it is until later friday, though, that we start to see this next system take shape. that's about 9 o'clock friday night. so really
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saturday morning is when your going to have the impact of this coming in as some of these showers will be heavy at times, particularly as we roll through the afternoon. now, the evening looks like we get a few breaks there and that will last into sunday morning before the next round comes in sunday into monday. this is the rain expecting for that saturday system. so we're talking about between about a quarter of an inch and a half an inch in most spots. but up in the north bay, we're going to start to see those totals get really robust second system rolling in sunday night into monday, even tuesday. that's when things are going to get a little bit wild. and so the national weather service has put out a hydrologic outlook for us by saturday. most of the bexar and or marginal flood risk. and as you can see, parts of the north bay under that slight flood risk, which is the next step up. so we have to look out for this as we're going to have that saturated ground as we roll through the weekend. but your monday is your hotiday. that looks like another rainy day. back to you. so much rain hash. well, california ranks as the second state in the u.s. but the highest risk of alcoholism, a study by addiction specialist
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looked into the risk factors in each state and that included the unemployment rates, poverty levels and the lack of basic amenities. california scored a 67 out of 100 possible points which ranked second to texas and example of the poverty. our state also had the most households nationwide that lacked complete plumbing and kitchen facilities. left his heart in san francisco now has a cable car dedicated to him. city leaders unveiled a cable car dedicated to tony bennett. the grammy-award winning singer had actually help promote building of the cable car system and was in the city when that system reopened in 1984. >> the this is only the 3rd cable car dedicated anyone in san francisco and it's appropriate tribute to tony bennett, who has really such icon and an ambassador for our city around the world. >> special ceremony took place yesterday morning on the front lawn of the fairmont hotel.
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and that's where bennett saying his iconic song. i left my heart in san francisco for the first time that was in 1961. next here at noon. if you did not have a whirlwind romance on valentine's day, don't worry. you are not allowed. so that's why february 15th, this known as february 15th, this known as singles awareness day. so, do you like peaches? or do you like eggplant? well, it depends on whether i'm in the mood
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for peach pie or baba ghanoush. you know what's sweet & savory? getting vaccinated and tested. vaccines and testing are safe, effective, & available for free. you really are versatile, aren't you? protect yourself and your community from stis by getting vaccinated and tested bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms.
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the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you. alright, february 14th is known as the day for lovers, but february 15th, this signal a single's awenesday. so today is your day.
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>> some people also call it sad. you know, singles awareness day, a study in the paper. current psychology says that people who are single report more depression, loneliness, anxiety and a higher rate of alcohol related problems. it sounds bad, but other studies have also found that people who are single are more easily able to focus on personal development, career goals and making lifelong friends. so take some time to focus on yourself. and if you have friends, we're still single. maybe it's time to set up a double take. look out for your single friends. and also take a look at this. there's a naming contest underway right now for a new male falcon. that's on top of a bell tower in berkeley. scientists and volunteers with a group called cal falcons say this new mail falcon has joined the nest of any who lived at the top of the of the bell tower there since 2016. the group says this new beau has frequented her nest since january and they're looking for names that our cal fiend or have some sort of connection to school.
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that's cool. they're so finalists are going to be picked from a facebook instagram. you can put it on there and the suggestions. what could they name this new falcon? think about it. that's it from the news from today. i'm justine waldman. thank you so much for your time. appreciate being here with you. i'll see you again during kron. 4 news at 2, 3, but for now, we'll send things over to live in the bay. that's what's up next. >> thanks, justine. that's right. coming up today on live in the bay is the comedian who is making his way to the san jose improv this weekend. we've got all the details and collapsed with stand-up comedian tumua plus it's black history month, everybody. and we're still celebrating this time with thrive city. they have an incredible celebration. >> we is here with us to tell us all the details that and so much more. also to come here on live debates. quick commercial break ri you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women.
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>> welcome in here. now, tune in to live in the bay. everybody coming up today is the stand-up comedian whose shows have been selling out all over hawaii. now he's headed to the mainland. we sit down with for all the laughs ahead of us in him props for >> many of the local filmmaker and musician just wrapped up his first documentary out cameron, washington about his latest award production. and looking for love. but start rich demuro breaks down the do's and don'ts to avoid online scams. plus, we continue to highlight black history month and all the celebrations with thrive city. >> discover the details about their annual activities and how you can get involved in all the foot. that


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