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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  February 20, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. >> today on kron 4 news at noon waymo will not be expanding into the south bay. at least not yet. why the brakes were hit on this plan. plus, a person is in custody following a deadly discovery in santa clara. what we know so far. and highway 84 along
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niles canyon road remains closed for second day after it split apart during the storms will show you how this is impacting drivers in a live report. >> from the bay station, you're watching kron. and news. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waldman, major traffic delays persist this afternoon for some east bay drivers. niles canyon road in alameda county remains closed because there's road damage. kron 4 s charles clifford is live for us now in snow with what we need to know. thanks for joining us. >> well, good afternoon. i'm standing along niles canyon road here about a mile from sun or 4 miles from fremont off to the west. this route remains closed. do at this point do not know when it will reopen. let's going take a look at some video here. a little closer look at the damage now. this all started yesterday morning when they discovered, but a pretty good section of the eastbound lanes of niles canyon road had fallen into nearby alameda
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creek, caltrans highway patrol kept one lane here open up for most of yesterday. but 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, they closed it down completely. it's remain that way since a little earlier, there were some engineers from caltrans here looking at the damage, presumably trying to figure out, you know, how they would fix this. but so far today, we've not seen any effort to repair the roadway. what they're doing right now is putting some barriers around the possibly they might reopen one lane at some point. now, we don't have any sort of estimate for when that could happen. i did reach out to caltrans just a short time ago waiting for a response from them. the highway patrol, california highway patrol did tweet out a warning drivers to expect that this road closure could continue for at least a couple of days. now, if you need to get through here, you're going to find another way around. and sadly, the only options are either to go 6 ad over the snow. great to the south or take 5.80, to castro valley off to the north. that's a long ways around. but that's really the only option you have now. we're going to stay here throughout the day. have an
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update on this a little later on. but for now in alameda county, charles clifford kron, 4 news. thank you, charles. and right now we're learning that part of highway 9 is closed in santa clara county, a mudslide. >> has shut off this section of the highway in saratoga between sanborn road and redwood gulch. this is the same area as a mudslide that happened during the storm a couple of weeks ago. that roadway is expected to remain closed until tomorrow night around 8. some developing news we're watching now is that the pacifica pier will remain closed today. it initially was closed since december storms and big swells damaged it. part of that reopened last wednesday only to close again in advance of the storms from this past weekend. we're learning now that the pier is going to reopen on thursday. engineers say a complete assessment of the damage will not be done until march because storms between now and then could cause some more damage. we have some new video now into our newsroom from the north bay. thunderstorms in santa rosa lit up the night sky last night. the santa rosa
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fire department shared this video. you can see the moment the power went out in that neighborhood. all right. we'll talk about our forecast now with this live look outside here in san francisco at the embarcadero. it's a stormy day for sure. kyle is tracking how much more rain we're going to get today. what do you think? it's can stick around? yeah. we've got about 3 quarters of an inch to pick up still in the north bay about a 10th to a quarter of an inch elsewhere. taking a live look right now at half moon bay where we've got some showers about role and you can see a few drops there on the camera. >> but this is a look at the radar. you can see they're about to see some heavier showers roll their way. part of a line of storms that is maria little offshore, lightning as well and even brought it on shore. but up their point, raise up in the north bay. so this is the one to watch for the next couple of hours as we see some of that action roll in and we could see an isolated thunderstorm or 2 again today. so still that possibility, i think, particularly as we go into our but this line right now set to impact the peninsula. san francisco. so get ready for it. if you're out and about and you hear my voice and tell you, it's time to get that umbrella ready. folks end up in the north bay.
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you're already using that umbrella. 101 seeing some of that rain right now on the freeway there. so do be careful. speaking up to the north bay up in sonoma county. we also a flood warning. this is in and around spots from great and right on down the road or park. we have some of our creeks and streams that have been rising. so want to be very careful with that. that has been extended now until tuesday at 10:00pm, all told we are also under a flood watch. you can see that coastal flood advisory in the areas in yellow around the ocean side and also the bayside there. the flood watch does go right through wednesday at 10:00am. so just be prepared that if you see any, you know, roads that are a little bit flooded, that that is going to be the case. you have to go around that today. here's the afternoon. it's going to get taking about 4.45 and you can see where things start to get a little bit slower is get to the evening. but even tomorrow still looking out for a few showers. so still some rain to pick up from. this is a mention about a 10th of an inch to a quarter of an inch in most spots. but up to about a half an inch in the north bay. still, i'll be back. we'll talk more about the sierra snow and our 7 day forecast. back to you. thank
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you. there's been a deadly shooting at an apartment complex in santa clara kron. 4 s michael thomas has the latest. >> city police have been here at riley's where apartments for hours investigating an overnight shooting that they say left one person dead and another in custody. this is a map up on your screens. you can see just exactly where we are. it's in the northern part of santa clara right off. lawrence expressed parkway. and this is video of what the scene looked like earlier this morning. police say it all happened at around 2.30, in the morning. that's when they received calls about shooting here at the complex. when they arrived, they did find one man that was outside of an apartment. they see that he was arrested and then they went into the apartment to find another person that was shot dead. that man remains in custody with officials saying there is no threat to the community. they did remain on the scene for hours investigating and will continue to be here throughout the ofternoon, possibly the evening. they have focused some of their time on those vehicles that are under the carport here at this complex. you can see behind me they do
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have the crime scene investigation unit here. but we're still waiting to hear more details in santa clara, michael thomas from 4 news. >> and the south bay, a man is dead and 2 women are hurt after a shooting in east san jose. police say that the shooting happened around 9 sunday night on story road near the mount pleasant shopping center. officers say one of the women is listed in critical condition. the other is expected to be okay. police have not identified the victims or any suspects. they did not say what led up to the shooting. this is san jose's 7th homicide this year. police in our tune are warning the public after they have now investigated 3 residential burglaries in 3 days. so now they're reminding residents to lock up their houses every time they leave, even if it's just for a few minutes. also to secure your valuables. that means keeping valuable items in safes out of the master bedroom and out of the side of windows. also to use security systems as a visible security
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measure act and also as a deterrent. they can also help law enforcement. happening today. 3 men are facing charges for the shooting death of a 5 year-old girl. they're due in court for a preliminary hearing. the audit christos thomas was shot and killed back in april of 2023. we're riding in the car with her family on 80 near fremont. police are saying a car pulled up next to their car. just started shooting at it. and so now a anya emanuel santiago in krista's ally are all charged with one count of murder and 7 counts of shooting at occupied vehicle. in an interview with the chp, one of the men allegedly told investigators that the trio thought that the person driving the family's car was part of a rival gang. so that's why they shot at it. >> we come the net, the leaders of the city, the mayor, laura got the city council and all that are in leadership in this god, we just ask for your divine
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intervention. everyone who lives in the god. there was a joint prayer service monday morning oakland, members of the oakland chapter of the naacp and pastors gathered at acts full gospel church in east oakland asking for a higher power to turn their city into a safer place for families. the faith community came together in response to rising crime rates that they say are driving many small businesses out of oakland. if we can cut out this crime and violence than that, businesses will stay here. >> and the business will be more apt to hire them and give them jobs and we can help them with training and what we will not be silent. the naacp also thanked governor gavin newsom for sending chp officers to oakland. driverless taxi company waymo will not be expanding its services into the south bay anytime soon. the california public utilities commission >> is asking for more time for a further review of famous waymo's expansion proposal. kron four's catherine heenan reports.
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>> and we are reeling against the autonomous vehicles. >> the same day a small group of protesters demanded that california self-driving taxis completely. i move was made by the cpu c representing a less drastic setback for waymo but still significant delay. state regulators have quietly suspended the company's expansion request until at least june 19th. that's 4 months. it is a proposal. the dmv did approve but waymo can't move forward without the okay from the california public utilities commission. all of this was not unexpected. analysts say that after some safety incidents, waymo still has work to do on gaining public trust. the issue here is how can i overcome this kind fear? >> and this kind speculation, you know, and this kind of suspicion say we need to get more information. we have to show us more test. you have to
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us what going to the passengers from that, you know, from san francisco all the way senate that's a huge area. >> here's the area where waymo wants to go down the peninsula as far south as sunnyvale and into parts of los angeles. that has some critics arguing it is too soon to have driverless taxis moving up and down the highway. professor banafa says county and state officials. in the meantime are asking the right questions. >> we do this too fast is this is something that we should slow down for months. a pause that to to answer the questions to get some more information to do some analysis. and then in june them to get meet a game and then we'll see. >> waymo says its data shows that it's injury. crash rate is almost 7 times lower than with human driving. meantime, state senator dave court as has a bill pending, it would give local governments a lot more say in all of not just a couple of state agencies. he
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told me is happy with the delay. he hopes the cpu will continue to wait and watch. >> coming up here are warning for moviegoers on the cleanliness of your favorite theater. plus, many think artificial intelligence could take jobs away from humans, but could it actually help create more? how some experts i helped bring jobs and stop all the layoffs. anti-semitic and pro-hamas vandalism spray painted near lake merritt over the weekend. we have reaction from the community.
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hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. kerendia presents... the abcs of ckd a is for awareness, because knowing that your chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes could progress to dialysis is important. b is for belief that there may be more you can do. just remember that k is for kidneys and kerendia. for adults living with ckd in type 2 diabetes, kerendia is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia is a once-daily tablet
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that treats ckd differently than type 2 diabetes medications to help slow the progression of kidney damage and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia if you have problems with your adrenal glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors. kerendia can cause hyperkalemia, which is high potassium levels in your blood. ask your doctor before taking products containing potassium. kerendia can also cause low blood pressure and low sodium levels. so now that you know your abcs, don't wait. kidney damage from ckd in t2d is not reversible. so ask your doctor about slowing your kidney damage with kerendia. it's the work behind the scenes, so ask your doctor about slowing your kidney damage let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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east bay 2 months after vandals destroyed menorah at lake merritt in oakland. there are new threats against the city's jewish community. >> as kron forced juggle reports, someone spray painted pro-hamas messages on structures at the lake. >> walking along the columns on the eastern part of lake merritt in oakland cancel he pass us by messages spray painted at the park over the weekend. some stating free palestine and others calling for an end of u.s. aid to israel. >> still hate him and says vandalism is not a positive way to get a point across a very complicated situation. >> jewish people have also suffered oakland based. rabbi marc bloom believes the vandalism happened sometime on friday or saturday report has been filed with police. this
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as the agency continues to investigate the destruction of a menorah at lake merritt back in december. it's terrible and has no place. says he texted mayor sheng thao about the vandalism. but as of monday afternoon, he did not hear back. neither did we when we reached out to the city of oakland and its public works department for an estimate on when the graffiti will be cleaned up and action possibly delayed by the holiday weekend. jewish community relations council bay area ceo tyler gregory is currently with a delegation of state legislators visiting israel. he says he was disheartened to learn about the graffiti overseas. this kind of makes jews in the bay area feel like we don't belong. >> that we are not welcome here. and it's the same type xenophobia that we've seen deployed against other communities like asian americans. in recent years. the jcrc says more than 3 of every 5 bay area, jews feel less safe in their day-to-day
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lives since the hamas terrorist attacks on israel in october. >> you know, to go on for >> a large pro-palestine demonstration shut down 101 at octavia street in san francisco yesterday, protesters demanded an immediate cease-fire in gaza and end of u.s. support of israel in its war with hamas. the protesters are claiming president biden is partly to blame for the deaths of palestinians by providing billions of dollars in weapons to israel. here's what it looks like outside right now in walnut creek. kind of looks dry from this picture. but as skyler showed us the radar before were >> still expecting some rain today. and we'll see if that turns into snow in the sierra. yeah, we're going to see a little more snow in the sierra, but they between about a half a foot to foot last night in the overnight. you can see some folks here. diamond peak out enjoying it. and you see a little bit of that snow in the distance there on the these are some of the totals at the resorts, as
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i mentioned, about between a half of a foot, a foot to kirkwood got 10 inches. heavenly, about 8 inches. same story mount rose and homewood north star about 7 and diamond peak, which looking at right now about 6 inches there. here's the good news. we talked about this yesterday and i said how we're going to start seeing improvement in that snow pack number of percentage of normal for where we are in the season. we're now at 99% of normal. the northern sierra 81 in the central sierra and 78 in the southern sierra. and we still got a little more snow to come. so we do have still that winter storm warning down and around mammoth lakes, but it's turned to a winter weather advisory now in tahoe that goes through 10:00am wednesday. still expecting another 6 to 10 additional inches of snow as we go into the next 24 hours is still some gusty wind. so certainly you could see some travel delays if you're going to be up there, especially in the evening at late afternoon and evening, we start to get the snow cranking right now. it's a little bit of a break. she might do, ok, but again, i would expect those delays and what's that wind gets going? it can get a little nasty live look right now down at the lake. you can see it is kind of a pretty day out there. we are expecting some clear skies
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as we get to wednesday and thursday. do have a little snow expected over the weekend, but it doesn't look to be like high impact. snow the same for us. we're going to see a little bit of rain over the weekend, but it doesn't look high impact. as we zoom out here, you can see that line of storms rolling right into the bay area. so that moisture is also be funneled up towards this year as we get later in the day. also notice this huge plume of moisture rolling right through southern california now causing some issues there with flash flooding for us. it's all about the scattered showers and isolated thunderstorm chance. as we roll through the day today, we will finally dry out wednesday evening into thursday. we're not looking too bad as we head across the weekend. we do have a chance of showers on friday and another on sunday. we'll talk a little bit more about that when come back in a bit. back to you. thank you. it seems every other day another tech from announces a series of layoffs. it's been going on now for more than a year and feeling a lot of notions of doom and gloom. but a prominent bay area ceo says in fact, that ai is fueling a
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boom in analysts seem to agree. kron four's dan kerman reports. >> some of the bay area's biggest tech companies started off the year laying off employees continuing a trend. that's a hundreds of thousands of workers lose their jobs. last year. it's this doom and gloom. word of a boom from bay area. tech ceo marc benioff. the sales force leader took to social media monday saying san francisco is once again experiencing a tech revival entrepreneurs and investors areiflocking back to the city which is undergoing a boom in artificial intelligence tech analysts agree probably had more hiring. >> in the next 5 years that we've had in the past i actually touches everything. tech analyst tim the hair and he's been covering the industry for 45 years. he says the layoffs we've seen are result of inflationary concerns and over hiring to meet demand during covid. and while he says layoffs may continue through the middle of the year, the bay area's tech future looks bright. not just
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today. i alone, but also to help companies moved from 2 d to a virtual 3 d immersive environment enterprises around the world are going to be forced to deal with the artificial intelligence needs as well some of them looking at how they're going to use things like the rna are in training in fields, service and sales in the future. parenta says it's common to see a tech boom level off as tech changes from one phase to another pcs to social media, to smartphones. and now a i silicon valley's resetting itself for the next big moon in light of that, we took to chat gpt and asked is ai the future of san francisco's economy. the response was while ai is indeed an important factor in san francisco's economy and will likely continue to grow in significance. it's not the sole determinant of the city's economic future. other factors such as regulation, infrastructure workforce development and broader
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economic trends will also play crucial roles in shaping san francisco's economic trajectory. dan kerman kron, 4 news. i'm trevor shirley in washington. the south carolina primary is coming up saturday and despite trailing front runner, former president donald trump. >> nikki haley says she plans to stay in the race. i got the latest details on that coming up just ahead. and e-coli outbreak being linked to raw cheese. details on this after cheese. details on this after the break.
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salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine.
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>> for your health this afternoon for people in our state have gotten sick from an e-coli outbreak linked to cheese made from raw milk. the cdc says customers should throw away ra farm brand raw cheddar cheese. the flavors in this recall include original and jalapeno block and the shredded packages. 6 people in 3 other states have also gotten ill from this cheese here. 4 of them went to the hospital. the cheese was sold nationwide at popular retailers like sprouts and air one markets. a new study shows movie theater seats and cup holders are breeding ground for bacteria. british researchers swabbed the services and found more than 1800 bacteria colonies on the average movie theater seat. that's 14 times more. then a toilet seat. the cup holders are even worse. scientists say they contained an average nearly 2400 pieces of bacteria. colonies on the surface. where your money this afternoon, new research by the
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federal reserve bank of new york found that the net worth of americans aged 18 to 39 sort by 80% over the last 5 years. however, the pew research center says many millennials and gen z-ers are spending more of their money on expensive stuff. like essentials, including food and rent and also luxuries like travel and other recreational activities. financial analysts say many young adults feel pessimistic about their financial futures and that's encourage them to spend money so they can be happy. now. tax day is about 2 months away, but millions of americans have already filed and experts say it's because they're desperate for their refunds. a new study from credit karma finds 31% of taxpayers spend their refunds on basic necessities like rent and groceries. many blaming the cost of living and inflation for forcing them to live paycheck to paycheck. >> bigger than ever, due to all the economic hardships still coming out of the pandemic. it is for many americans, their single largest payday.
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>> so if your income did not keep up with inflation last year, you may get more money back because of new irs tax brackets. however, tax experts warned if you took a side gig last year, you'll money come tax day. next. at noon, the largest card issuers in the u.s. could become a shake-up in the steel could. >> what it could do to the payment industry and what this means for you. plus, lots of skiers and snowboarders headed back down to the bay area after a long weekend. the fun tahoe. so we'll see what the driving conditions look like. and we're just 2 weeks away from primary election day in california. and this afternoon, we have a new exclusive poll on the state of the u.s. senate race details coming up.
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>> a reminder today is the last day to register to vote before the primary election. you can register online or in person at the registrar's office. voting for the primaries opens up saturday until election day, which is march 5th. if you missed the deadline to register, you still can do so on election day. yes, there are for we are your local election headquarters and we're 2 weeks away from the primary election here this afternoon. we have a new exclusive poll on the state of the u.s. senate race and it shows the democrat adam schiff and republican steve garvey are once again leading the pack. but that's not all. capitol correspondent eytan wallace has a breakdown now of the results. >> well, no, the primary ballots have been sent out to millions of registered voters across the state. it certainly feels like the election is
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upon us. and this poll finds that as election day draws closer and closer, more and more californians say they've made up their minds. >> from the printing machine to your mailbox ballot officially been sent to more than 20 million registered voters in california. and now with 2 weeks until primary election day, the question, how will people this new inside california politics. emerson college poll gives us a good look at the race for california's open u.s. senate seat. the results showing democrat adam schiff in the lead with 28% and republican former major league baseball players to garvey in second with 22%. and 3rd democrat katie porter with 16%. and rounding out the top 4 democrat barbara lee with 9%. all other senate candidates pulled that 2% or lower people are trying to make up their mind mumford of emerson college polling help to conduct a survey just days following our exclusive televised u.s. senate debate last week. we want to welcome our candidates who are here in
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the studio with us. mumford says the debate together with ballots received in the mail and an increase in campaigning have led to voters becoming more decisive. the number of undecided voters now stands at 17% reflecting a decrease of 7 point since our last poll last month. it seemed to be kind proportionally moving toward ship garvey importer. on the issues. porter earned the most trust on abortion, homelessness, crime, immigration and the israel-hamas war ship was trusted the most with darby coming in second. but despite the trends, mumford makes clear the remaining undecided voters could ultimately become a decisive factor in which 2 candidates advance to the runoff. amount of undecided voters, 17% could be a game-changer considering there's no. >> their majority voters supporting one candidate in this race. the poll also finding former president donald j. trump is on course to easily win the california republican primary. >> but those who would lose california to incoming president democrat joe biden by just over 20 points in the november election. still the
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results show biden's victory margin shrinks in california when you include third-party candidates, he is. >> facing an enthusiasm gap that people are defaulting to him because he's not trump. and he's the only democrat on the ballot, not because they are really excited about biden. >> and the poll also found california voters say the issues at the top of their list include the economy, immigration and housing affordability reporting in sacramento, eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> the union that represents the cal state faculty has accepted a tentative agreement from the cal state university. is this new deal includes increased pay and benefits. the agreement is coming after 8 months of negotiations and 2 faculty strikes, the csu board of trustees still needs to ratify the steel to make it official. after facing cutbacks and years of delays. the single largest housing project in cupertino as history has secured its long-awaited city approval for a mixed use development on the former balco town center site.
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it's called the rise and it has 50 acres altogether. that will include about 2700 apartments and homes with more than 7 acres of public parks and gathering spaces along 230,000 square feet of retail space. the rise will satisfy more than half of the city's housing obligations. cupertino must add 4,588 homes and 1880 of them. let's be deemed affordable by 2031. taking a look at what's going on in the sierra right now. here's a look at pioneer trail on the roads. look nice and clear. and there's a lot of snow there on the side. a winter weather advisory is in effect for the sierra kron four's rob nesbitt reports now on the travel conditions. >> snow clearing happened all over the lake tahoe region monday after several inches of snow fell overnight. resorts were packed with skiers and snowboarders. ready to take advantage of the fresh powder. i haven't seen that disney had having the before. caleb williams and visited south lake tahoe from southern
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california for the holiday weekend. paying close attention to the weather forecast. travel. it's going to be difficult to impossible. a winter storm warning calling for heavy snow until wednesday morning up to 2 feet expected in some parts and what influence williamson to leave tahoe when chain controls were % lifted. monday, i was trying to time it to street. i got away from all of the heavy snow and the heavy traffic before it got really bad by 02:00pm monday chain controls were backup on interstate 80 in traffic was clearly impacted. director of communications for the california mountain resorts group coop expects more chain controls during the next 48 hours. they'll be on and off. and the elevations where those chain controls going to will be changing as well. not good news for travelers need to get back home. cook recommending anyone who does make the choice to travel have a road kit handy chains. plenty of extra food, water and blankets as well as a full charge on electric vehicles. this kind of it's very slick in this guest. so where you think you might be down on you know, the
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pavement or the asphalt on the highways, you're actually not. you're on this micro thin layer. so you see a caltrans plow chp or you see traffic slow your roll. >> all right. we're taking a look. slow your roll kind of cracked us up a little bit. so talk a little bit about what's going on the sierra, but things became active here in the bay area right now. they are. so i want to say this year a little bit better right now. it's going to be a little bit worse as we get into the afternoon and evening. so just but i want to talk about this - because we have a special marine statement. this line of storms severe thunderstorms and capable of producing water spouts. and obviously you can see the lightning associated with this. this is a very juiced up system right now. this is offshore, but notice rain rate. their 1.4, 4 inches per hour. it is coming in hot to put it mildly and that is where the danger is offshore. but it's also gonna start to bring this rain. and right now parts of the peninsula, you can see right here along 2, 83, 80 into san francisco and then into the north bay. so a
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very amped up system, part of the system capable of producing severe thunderstorms. now is the time to get inside and make sure you're being safe and make sure anyone in your family knows that this coming their way. you can see how this line is rolling, right? so it's moving right and and pressing right in towards the bay area. so again, now is the time to kind of take cover as this rolls in. notice this is not the only area where we're seeing this kind of juiced up energy. also southern california getting this huge moisture plume that's extending all the way in through los angeles, right over to las vegas, bringing a lot of rain there as well. and again, all of this is coming down on saturated ground. we've all gotten quite a bit of rain over the last 24 hours, even 48 so that is why statewide. you can see we're under this flood watch here. it's over as it goes until 10:00am on wednesday. but you can see this runs all the way down the state, right all the way down to the border. so we have what is called a slight flood risk right now today. and that is like second step in the system. marginal flood risk as you get down into
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parts of central california. but notice that moderate flood risk down in southern california because they were under flash flood warnings and watches yesterday. so they have a little bit worse than we having said that, this is all going to start pushing away as we get later into the day. and then by tomorrow, just some scattered shower. chances. this is thursday where we do catch a break. so wednesday night into thursday, we should dry out. there is another system rolling. but you can see it is really going to head down to southern california. so this is saturday morning. we have the chance of a shower friday night to saturday, but it doesn't look until sunday afternoon that we start to get some of this. that's going to be dragged in and that counter clockwise circulation. but it really is going to be aimed squarely at um. it's going to be aimed more squarely at southern california, but it will result in a little bit more fs of sierra snow as we head through the weekend as well. right now there you can see some of that rain coming down here in san francisco, getting those wet roads along the golden gate bridge. temperatures are running relatively milder in the 50's for the most part. couple of low 60's out there. san jose up to 63. they're kind of not
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getting that rain quite yet there in san jose. but i think you'll get some this afternoon, too. highs today will be about where we should be so pretty. you know, milder looking out for upper 50's in san francisco, low 60's as we head inland. but it's going to be all about the rain today and the chance of some of those thunderstorms. i think the cab yet we have is that we don't have the wind advisories that we had yesterday. so we're looking pretty good. it is a little breezy right now. half moon bay as this system is rolling in right there. but looking ahead, we are going to catch a break as we get into that thursday. so wednesday night into thursday, i'll be back. we'll talk more about our 7 day forecast. back to you. all right. thank you. turning some national news on saturday. gop voters in south carolina will head to the polls in what could be the moment that seals former president donald trump's path to the republican presidential nomination. >> but his last remaining opponent nikki haley says she is not dropping out. washington correspondent trevor shirley is in dc with the latest. and at this point, despite the current polling,
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nikki haley says she plans to remain in the race. >> it's a great in south carolina. >> and former un ambassador nikki haley hopes to make it a great weekend in south carolina. but polling shows the chances of her winning her home state primary remain slim. make sure you go tell everybody, you know. >> that they nped to vote in this primary. you'd be surprised how many of your family and friends just vote and general functions show need every vote she can get. she remains the final opponent of former president donald trump. nikki haley. have you ever heard of or you don't hear name too much of the former president also pushing his base to show a strong turnout saturday. if you want to save america, then you must vote. haley continues drilling down on trump hitting him for what she says were disparaging comments about her husband is currently deployed overseas military service. michael and i can handle it. >> because when you're in a political arena, you learn not to take things personal. but
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you say something bad about one member of the military. you're saying something bad about every member of the military, but haley strategy doesn't appear to be making inroads with many voters as recent polling continues to show trump ahead of haley heading into saturday. but doing great were up about 30 to 35 points. >> and regardless of what saturday's outcome may be, nikki haley says she plans to keep her campaign going reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. some developing news in the credit card market capital one is acquiring discover financial services in a 35.3 billion dollar deal. analysts say the move will give the bank a shot at competing with other big lenders like >> jp morgan chase and bank of america. discover shareholders will be happy to hear this. each of their discover shares will be swapped for a little more than one share of capital one stock. that's a gain of about 27%. the deal is expected to close late this year or early in 2025.
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>> following the drone attacks in the red sea, houthi rebels now claim one of their missiles. >> downed a u.s. drone off of western yemen. houthi military media's releasing this footage today which alleged to show a surface to air missile bringing down a u.s. drone. this footage also included video of men dragging pieces of that debris from the water onto the beach and various pieces of the wreckage. they're on the sand. this drone attack is just another escalation of the violence between united states and iranian backed groups. coming up here. we now know one of this year's daytona 500. we have a recap of all the excitement from the track. >> and we chatted with 3 of the newest mcdonald's, all american players. they're all from the bay area. we'll hear how they feel about this how they feel about this opportunity
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breathing claritin clear is like... (♪♪) is he? confidently walking 8 long haired dogs and living as if he doesn't have allergies? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. so, do you like peaches? or do you like eggplant? well, it depends on whether i'm in the mood for peach pie or baba ghanoush.
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you know what's sweet & savory? getting vaccinated and tested. vaccines and testing are safe, effective, & available for free. you really are versatile, aren't you? protect yourself and your community from stis by getting vaccinated and teste
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familiar with the mcdonald's all american game. it's the top all-star game for amateur basketball players in the entire world. alumni include allen iverson, kobe bryant, lebron james, kevin durant probably heard of them. >> and that bay area high school known for turning up basketball stars has 3 teens who may that 24 man roster kron 4 sports director jason dumas reports. >> ice and you know, we've been all little kids watching it on tv, just wishing and dreaming to be a part of the game. so to be there as >> now, ryan, how does it feel coaching 3 of them at one time. i know you've you've coached them before, but 3 at once that that has to be an honor. >> and they say good players make good coaches, right? and that's definitely the case for me. and with these guys set
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your goals, do you want to accomplish before you leave campus before? really prolific prep? >> definitely a national championship for we have a great group of guys. feel like we can do it with >> i would say i'm reaching that potential that we are yet degrees, but they were getting very close and we know is coming. so this week we can see we've got turned out one corner and we're well on >> looking forward competing against the best for sure. and so case in ability in front many people. >> the 2024 mcdonald's all-star game will take place. april 2nd at the toyota center in houston. let's talk baseball now because there was a familiar face at the giants training camp yesterday. the giants signed pablo sandoval as a non-roster invitee for spring training. so basically needs he signed a minor league deal with an invitation to camp the panda. of a long history with the giants. he has a world series mvp with
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the team of the caught the final out during another giants world series win. the 37 year-old has not played in the major since 2021, but he did have some stinson, dubai, mexico and puerto rico. since then, he's always been a fan favorite at although it might an uphill battle to make the final roster manager bob melvin knows that the pandas going to do all that he can to earn his place. >> he's had a big impact on this team over the years. >> he's he's got an infectious he's experienced. he's motivated. and i think there's a lot that can rub off to some of our younger guys, too. so. you know, he doesn't want hear anything about what his chances are. he's going to go out there and he's going to play and he's going to try to force are in. >> the giants first game of the season will be against the padres. that's coming up in march. spring training already talking about that as we're still dealing with some winter weather. here is a live look at sfo right now. kind of grey
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there. rain could just hear. now he's not in the windows here in our a building in san francisco. so we're still dealing with some showers today. doesn't feel like spring at the moment. but with all of this rain, we're going to some gorgeous spring flowers out there. that's for sure. here's a live look outside. you can see just how kind of dark and ominous it is across the bay area, particularly in san jose right now. the skies of just darkened up. we do have a line of storms is going to be rolling through a current look at temperatures. you can see we are in the upper 50's and low 60's in most spots. a little bit cooler up in the north bay. just 50 degrees in santa rosa. these the rain totals we've had in the last 24 hours about diablo got over a 10th of an inch. they store in la honda, santa rosa over half an inch or end over half an inch about a quarter in oakland in about a 10th in san francisco. we're adding to that as we speak because of this line of storms is being dragged and from our low pressure system that still remains right off shore. so let's zoom in here and take a look at how it's going through the bay right now. this is a lot of storms is capable of producing some thunderstorms rolling in right now. that's going to bring some heavy showers, even the potential for lightning. national
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weather service on the lookout for the potential of a water spout offshore because of this kind of step, whether this rolling in, as you can see, these very heavy showers now rolling right through san francisco heading towards the north bay, also down the peninsula. so san mateo getting some of that as well and certainly half moon bay is looking out for some of those heavy showers there. lightning up a little bit as we get into the north bay. but that definitely means that you've got some wet roads out there. so just be aware of that. if you're headed out and about, it's going to be a little bit of a difficult run this afternoon. we do have a flood warning up in sonoma county for some of the rivers, creeks and streams. a flood advisory that goes until later this afternoon for sonoma county and heading right over to napa county. again, these are areas that have very inundated ground with a wet conditions. and so we've got no room for extra water. and yet we're going to get some more. so we very a wider under this flood watch in that goes until 10:00am on wednesday that all that is to say that, you know, we've had a lot of rain and we're going to see the chances of flooding over the next 12 hours or 24 hours or so. here's the afternoon. these
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storms are going continue right through the afternoon. some of them could be very heavy downpours. so be aware of this as we work our way into the evening, though, we will start to see things lighten up a bit. still a chance of a shower tomorrow. this is your wednesday morning. and so, you know, we still have that slight chance. but you can see it does lighten up by the time we get to wednesday evening. much better thursday. nice and dry. there's our break. this is how much rain we've got to pick up. still between about a half an inch. if you're up in the north bay, a quarter of an inch elsewhere. here's a look at your extended forecast. so today we've got to be on the lookout for some of those thunderstorms and heavy downpours tomorrow that shower chance lingers, but not quite as dramatic as today. thursday should be a nice day. friday. we've got a slight shower chance and we'll put that in there again for sunday. that system looks like it may stay offshore, though, and be more of a southern california kind of thinks will monitor that. back to you. thank you. it was a wild finish to the daytona 500 last night as william byron picked up his first win in the great american race.
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news nations. xavier walton takes us to daytona to see it all go down. you know what, when you see those those victory videos, don't you just want to just? >> you know, one of those. hey. so william byron, a winner here. victory lane. you know, you might be young. just 26 years old from charlotte, north carolina, but he's no stranger to winning. but even with that being said, this win here at daytona is by far the biggest of his young career. and it started in epic fashion. and if that didn't get to go in, i don't know what will i was actually down the pitch when that happened. i'm going to say this, you know, with the rock removed his jacket, the crowd went crazy, especially the ladies. but aside from the crash, you know, during the this lap of the race of the daytona 500 went pretty fast. it was a great crowd there in for a treat, especially considering and a race. that's here in daytona. here's that massive
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chain-reaction crash, though. chain-reaction crash, though. >> had drivers fired up after with less than 10 laps to go. in the end. william byron, his number. 24 car, of the daytona 520. 24. and that story line. you know, byron actually didn't know if he had won the race first. so in the you could hear him actually going back and forth with his crew chief, marni asking, did we win? did we win? and yes, william byron by now, obviously he has one of the daytona 500 to 66 running. you know, obviously, is that all the the resources growing up. that's where thing but video canes also played a huge role. and is it in his success up to this point? >> next here at noon, a new presidential candidate is making a splash with the slogan naps. for all. we have all those animal. fun-loving stories for you after the break.
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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>> take a look at this. this is the hippo at the san antonio zoo in texas that has now thrown his hat into the ring and announced his 2024 presidential campaign with the slogan and initiative that's causing a big cheer from voters. >> is here for number importance >> with the help of his care
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taker is timothy the hippo outlined his presidential platform during a tongue in cheek press conference on monday. at the heart of timothy's vision for america. lies is extra sturdy platform. that's what zoo said in a statement emphasizing the importance of ensuring every citizen enjoys at least one app per day through his naps for all initiative. also, he is advocating for mandatory snack time at schools and offices to enhance productivity and happiness. in addition to timmothy's campaign, the san antonio zoo also now has a new line of murcia for him. supporters can purchase timothy for president t-shirts. magnets, key chains, tumblers, bumper stickers, yard signs, you name it. they put his face on it and proceeds from the sales will contribute to animal conservation efforts. maps for all can get behind that. a rescued marva set named australian enjoyed plenty chin scratches at the oakland zoo. this was a video posted to x is showing her leaning her
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head back to accept all those chin scratches from a very small tube. russia, australia was rescued by the california department of fish and wildlife and the wildlife confiscation network in january after being illegally owned as a pet in a private residence. so now she's going to stay at the oakland zoo into her quarantine period is over and then she will be moved to her forever home at a wildlife rescue and rehab place in texas. it is pouring rain here in san francisco. we just heard some thunder. so make sure you join us during kron. 4 news at 2, 3, for your next weather update. kyle will be there for that. but for now, thank you for joining us here during kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waldman. appreciate your time. live in. the bay is next. >> that's right. coming up today on live in the bay, the wnba is expanding for the first time since 2008 and one of the teams are coming here to the bay area. we find out all the details. >> plus, the singer whose music is for a message.
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>> talking about anti-bullying helping women to build self-confidence. plus opera. san jose excuse me is celebrating their 40th anniversary. you can catch their latest program, everybody. all this and so much more. still to come here on live in the bay. a quick wel
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tune in to live in the bay. and coming up, we have a marvelous show for you. is the wnba first expansion team since 2008 and it's coming to the bay area. >> sat down with wnba golden state president smith to find out all the details. >> then if use with a message that's designed to bring confidence to every listener. >> we visit with


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