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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  February 20, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PST

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rain and thunderstorms today across the bay area with a flood watch still in effect until tomorrow morning. san francisco getting hit with a couple hours of strong rain
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this afternoon with up to 3 quarters of an inch per hour falling down on the embarcadero. as you can see there on the buckyball before sunset today. i a live look outside. see how that buckyball situation looks right now. still wet out there. pavements wet. >> it was coming down hard in some places around the bay area's like these big cells would roll through. and now could hardly see across the street and then what kind of ease up those kind of scared? yeah, it was a lightning get those thunderstorms up there and boy, anything can happen. they can drop tremendous amounts of rain and produce very gusty winds. we saw that today was up early driving around. and you can see just a huge cumulus towers around the bay area and then things really got going as we head toward the middle of the outside. right now, we still have some scattered showers popping up out there. of course, very wet all around the bay area. but boy, this is
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and a half 3 inches more we're done for the year will be above normal for the entire season. san jose now 139% of normal over 12 and a quarter inches of rain. oakland have a little work to do. but now 92% of normal in santa rosa, you're almost at 30 inches of rain 126% of normal rain continuing to fall outside. scattered showers popping up out there right now. we're going to see more of that overnight tonight. some of that moisture moving onshore as we speak. take a little focus a little further north in the north. they believe that get hit. now some light scattered showers begin to pop up in the san francisco. but you can see more lingering off the coastline that's going pushing on shore and bringing with it the chance of some more flooding. we've got flood watches posted across the entire bay area until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. of course, southern california. they've been getting hammered by rain in and around the santa barbara area. some places there, 10, even 11 plus inches of rain. los angeles looking for the possibility. some flooding there as well. that continued also until 10 o'clock in the morning. they
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are looking more scattered showers popping up overnight tonight into tomorrow morning. but more widely scattered showers around the bay. as we head throughout the day tomorrow. so not a washout tomorrow, but be prepared. a couple more raindrops coming our way. all right, lawrence. and as we continue to deal with the aftermathnof the recent storms, people in parts of southern california. >> they are bracing for another round of heavy rain too. flooding and mudslide threats continue tonight. people living in santa barbara county. they're being warned to evacuate despite calmer weather in some areas, emergency responders are still warning residents of lingering threats from the storm. >> the ground saturation with the last couple systems that have come through has been pretty significant. and with that when they're still some damage and or trees ready to come down some of those areas. so just urging the residents to be aware that. >> and as lawrence already pointed out, floods are expected to threaten cities from la to san diego into tomorrow. stay up to date with the storm online. you can keep up with current conditions and
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road closures at kron 4 dot com. the santa clara county district attorney's office announcing today a sniper with a san jose police who rescue to mom and her 2 sons while they were being held hostage acted within the law when he fatally shot the man holding them hostage. they also released police body cam video from when it happened last year. we want to warn you some viewers might find the video disturbing. >> where the sound bite? the video shows an officer breaking through a glass bedroom window before another officer shoots and kills. >> elio burt gonzalez says was in march of last year the da's office says the 35 year-old was armed with 2 machetes and ignored police commands to surrender. gonzales was allegedly threatening to chop off the heads of the mother and her sons, a 7 year-old and an 18 year-old. he had been
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evicted from his nearby apartment. the same day. investigators say gonzalez mistakenly thought that they were the managers of the apartment building. so he broke into their apartment. >> and held them hostage. officer edward a carboni who fired the fatal shots had been part of the 3 prior officer-involved incident investigations and each time it was determined he used lethal force lawfully. >> the antioch library reopened today just days after it was closed indefinitely for security reasons. across the county runs the facility and decided over the weekend to added armed security guard to the property. >> kron four's philippe chagall has the story. >> as patrons and staff walk into the antioch library tuesday for the first time they do so while passing an armed security guard, i'm ecstatic contra costa county runs the library and chose to at the guards saturday, a day after announcing the facility
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was closing indefinitely due to an ongoing uptick in security incidents are seeing an uptick in incidents at all of our libraries. and it's a trend happening across the country. the county is using emergency funds to pay for the full time armed guard who will stand post outside the building. they will supplement the full-time unarmed guard who has been working inside the library for several years. library spokesperson, brooke converse, as last week was the tipping point in a long list of safety issues. there were threats to staff and library property. >> there were damage to a multiple times, including. >> incidents of things being set on fire. there have been multiple incidents of people having intercourse inside and outside the library in full view of patrons and staff to sheena. garrett uses the library often and was unaware of public safety had become a problem. she also frequents council meetings as a community activist and says
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the library's issues were not discussed specially. >> 6 in the restroom, their children here. it came as a surprise and a but then it was anger often because we didn't hear anything. the county also plans to make repairs to the fencing around the library and upgrade the security cameras on friday. antioch mayor lamar hernandez thorpe center letter to the county administrator ex ressing concern over the abrupt closure. >> claiming no one from the city or police department. >> was aware of the public safety problem and that the closure blindsided them. the library says in many cases, police reports were filed in antioch, philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news. >> president biden will visit bay area tomorrow. the president will be in san francisco and los altos hills area in santa clara county, biden and democratic national committee rep representatives are in the middle of a campaign fundraising tour. last time the president was in the bay area was back in
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november when he attended the apec conference. republican presidential candidate nikki haley is vowing to stay in the gop primary race. that's despite the fact that poll show she is far behind in her home state of south carolina kron four's catherine heenan live in our newsroom with the latest. catherine? yeah, south carolina primary is saturday where polls show haley. >> remains way behind front runner donald trump. even there where she did serve as governor. but haley is digging in. some of you perhaps a few of you in the media. came here today to see if on dropping out of the >> well, i'm not. >> nikki haley delivered what amounted to a state of the race speech insisting she is the unite or america needs and vowing to stay in the race until the last person votes. >> they point to the primary polls and say i'm only delaying the inevitable. why
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keep fighting when the battle was apparently over after iowa. the reason i'm running the reason i continue to run. is to remind everyone. what it means to be an american. >> yeah, you know, i i thought she got. >> so quite is haley still in the race? political analyst michael yaki says he believes she wants to be the last person standing in case donald trump's legal problems bring him down. >> that's producer said do not think she shouldn't stay as long as she has. i think she realizes that she was one path left in the nomination and runs through the courtrooms of jackson. it and possibly new york in the next few months. >> haley is still getting donor money. jackie is among those who believe some of that cash is being funneled in from democrats who want her to weaken donald trump. meantime,
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the candidate is increasingly taking swipes at both trump and joe biden. do we really want to spend every day? >> from now until november, watching to most disliked politicians. duke it no sane person wants >> the latest south carolina poll shows donald trump is still way ahead of hey leahy leaves are close to 2 to one 63% to haley's 35%. meantime, trump was also in south carolina. he flew in tonight for a town hall event. ken and vickie castro, thank you. 4 is your local election headquarters. we're 2 weeks away from primary election day here in california. >> and we have a new exclusive poll on the state of the u.s. senate race shows democrat adam schiff and republican steve garvey once again leading the pack. but that's not all. capitol correspondent eytan wallace gives us a breakdown of those results.
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from the printing machine. to your mailbox ballot officially been sent to more than 20 million registered voters in california. and now with 2 weeks until primary election day, the question, how will people this new inside california politics. emerson college poll gives us a good look at the race for california's open u.s. senate seat. the results showing democrat adam schiff in the lead with 28% and republican former major league baseball players to garvey in second with 22%. and 3rd democrat katie porter with 16%. and rounding out the top 4 democrat barbara lee with 9%, all other senate candidates pulled up 2% or lower. people are trying to make up their mind mumford of emerson college polling help to conduct a survey just days following our exclusive televised u.s. senate debate last week. we want to welcome our candidates or here in the studio with us. mumford says the debate together with ballots received in the mail and an increase in campaigning
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have led to voters becoming more decisive. the number of undecided voters now stands at 17% reflecting a decrease of 7 point since our last poll last month. it seemed to be kind proportionally moving toward shift garvey in order. i mean issues porter earned the most trust an abortion, homelessness, crime, immigration and the israel-hamas war ship was trusted the most with darby coming in. second that despite the trends, mumford makes clear the remaining undecided voters could ultimately become a decisive factor in which 2 candidates advance to the runoff. amount of undecided voters, 17% could be a game-changer considering there's no their majority voters supporting one candidate in this race. the poll also finding former president donald j. trump is on course to easily win the california republican primary. but those who would lose california to incoming president democrat joe biden by just over 20 points in the november election. still the results show biden's victory margin shrinks in california when you include third-party candidates, he is.
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>> facing an enthusiasm gap that people are defaulting to him because he's not trump. and he's the only democrat on the ballot, not because they are really excited about biden reporting in sacramento. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> lady gaga is born this way. foundation is leading conversations on youth mental health here in the bay area. the pop star's mom was in east oakland to hold a panel discussion on the youth mental health crisis and potential solutions to help young people. also at the senator lott funds a butler who recently announced her partnership with the organization. >> any attention at we can to this to this organization and to this community is incredibly important to how i choose to me. issue of youth mental is a real crisis for us. >> butler says use are the future of our democracy that she wants to ensure they're being invested in. she says more money needs to he
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invested in mental health systems. next up in sports, giants had their first full-squad workout today in scottsdale. sports director jason dumas >> has reaction from manager bob melvin. plus, a live report from raga as the saint mary's gaels take on the usf dons next. coming up. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care.
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as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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>> a fresh blanket of snow fell overnight up in the sierra adding to the growing snowpack in treating tahoe ski resorts with inches of fresh
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powder. >> palisades tahoe reports receiving 7 inches of snow overnight. and that brings their season total. 2, 209 inches, which is way more than 17 feet. that's a lot of snow for more on what's happening in this year. what's heading its way? chief meteorologist lawrence karnow. yeah, you know, mammoth area seen 10 feet of snow in february alone. so they've got a ton of snow up there. >> lot of fresh powder to ski up on in the sierra nevada. just hard getting up there right now. in fact, the roadways being impacted by our current storm. you see the snow coming down on 80 50 their chain up both ways. there. so making the first logo tonight. but if you can wait, think we've got some better weather head. still a winter weather advisory up for much of the greater lake tahoe area. and you get 70. we've got a winter storm warning going to see another 6 inches, maybe plus across some of the higher peaks. but this adding some impressive totals. now, remember, we started way behind, but now we are 99% of normal for our snowpack in the sierra, nevada and the northern sierra in the central
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sierra 81% 78% of normal in the southern sierra nevada. we've got a long way to go with more storms on the way rain continued to fall outside. more scattered showers popping up around the bay area. now likely see some of that continuing ominous looking storm out there in the middle of the pacific, although not much that can impact a bay area tomorrow. we've got one last little wave of moisture bring a couple of scattered pop up showers around the bay area. nothing that's going to be a rain out. but we'll see some of that rain popping up around the bay area, especially over the mountain tops as we head in toward thursday. we catch a break looking good friday, looking good. just some passing clouds low. just kind of spinning off the coastline. maybe bringing us a chance of a few scattered showers as we head in towards sunday. but overall, i think the pattern is going to be drying out here in the next couple days and probably in the next week, too. but yeah, we've got a chance of more rain on the rise now after that. but we've got least a nice break to settle things down. let the creeks and streams began to flow just a bit. looks like more sunshine. a couple rainbows by tomorrow afternoon. >> and now kron 4 sports.
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>> one of giants biggest issues last season was its starting rotation or should i say lack thereof, revamping that rotation will be one of bob melvin's top goals in. he has a bunch of young arms hungry to compete for those spots with the oldest one being just 28 years old. now one pitcher who is turning heads have local ties. former stanford star tristan back has called his skipper attention last season back appeared in 33 games with the giants with 3 starts in a 3.9, 3 er. yes, some good stuff. melvyn believe the future can be bright for the 6 for right hander. >> pits well developed, he did. you know, he asked he was asked to do certain things and embrace told that he's really competitor. so he knows what works for him and maybe doesn't throw as hard as some of the other guys for me. the
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objective is to keep the ball off the barrel of the bat. so if you do that early counts means you're out there for a longer period of time. >> you're working quicker guys are on their toes. there's a lot of benefits from getting early count out. >> he has ability to do that. >> the bay area, sports hall of fame has announced its class of 2024 5 heavyweights with heavy ties. the bay area soccer star chris wondolowski morning danville graduated from de la salle high school and play for the san jose earthquakes for over a decade. he's the all-time goalscorer in mls history and was also part of the united states men's national team that competed in the 2014 world cup. john taylor played a vital role in all 3 of the forty-niners most recent super bowl wins. i say recent but it's been a while. it includes that catch in against the bengals. the game winning catch, i should say he was a 2 time pro bowl selection was
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part of the nfl's all 80's team. brian sabian oversaw the san francisco giants for 20 seasons. he helped architect the franchise's 3 world series in 5 seasons. patrick marleau you see right here, sharks all-time leading score and the nhl's all-time leader in games played. he was a four-time nhl all-star won 2 olympic gold medals with team canada. and finally, we have jenny thompson thompson start as a swimmer at stanford and then went on to win 12 olympic medals between 1992 and 2004, 4 of that gold medals. the five-member class will be enshrined on may 6th in san francisco. that should be a fun event. it always is. all right. we have a huge college hoops matchup here in the bay area. tonight, usf will travel out to moraga to take on saint mary's. these are the top 2 teams in the conference. so,
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you know, we had to be there. let's head out to the pavilion where we find kron. 4 sports reporter aaron wilson, aaron marches right around the corner and matchups like these six-game win streak. their last matchup big dominant win over loyola marymount. now you can say the same about saint mary's, but double it because right now they're on a 13 game win streak and they do not look to let up anytime soon as they are. the top team in the wcc. the thing about it, though, is with the dog was actually walking right behind me. there was way you're good. got to let them know that you continue to walk. but the thing about it is this team
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has played well, the dons are only dropped 2 games in the conference. now, of course, the saint mary's gaels. they're undefeated in conference. they're 12 and o the usf dons their tune into one of those losses was actually to saint mary's. exactly a month ago on january, 20th, a u.s. when saint mary's got the better of the dons by 17 out tonight, of course, they're trying to make sure that that is not the case as we are right around the corner. >> from march man, is that when you think about that, you can expect a big game from junior jonathan mogbo. he is one of the dunns best player. not only that, he is the second leading scorer in the conference. the leading rebounder of the conference and of course, the bread and butter to done thing. well, now we talk about saint mary. they have a plethora of talking, aidan mahaney. i'm talking a deal time talking alex ducas maney actually lit the gaels agaid the done is try
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continue their to it back to you in studio. jason. >> thanks for that report, aaron. she will have live coverage soon as that one wraps up tonight on sports night live. but that is your an
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that wraps up kron for news at 6. we'll see you tonight at 10 that everybody.
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7:00 pm
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