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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  February 21, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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>> right now, the kron 4 morning news police in santa clara arrest, a man for shooting and killing a three-year-old investigators. now looaing for a motive. we're live in the east bay as teachers rally for better pay and smaller class sizes will tell you what else they want. and president biden back in the bay area today as he continues his campaign for reelection. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. good morning and thanks for waking up with us. hopefully with a little more light, we're going to get rid of this fog. i'm daria, not james. yeah. it was pretty thick early on a fog advisory still in effect. are. yeah, it's definitely going to help all that sunlight later on. will help to burn this fog up. >> but for now, this is what she there. it's just like in so dense and a lot of spots. this is the golden gate bridge. so you another perspective of the golden gate bridge from above. you can see that blanket of fog really pushed right into the bay.
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>> and just right through the span itself, we're seeing some heavy, heavy pockets of this, too. and that has resulted in visibility well below a quarter mile in novato as you're traveling up to up and down 101 highway for 6.80, even portions of 80 watch for some dense fog that will come up pretty quickly at times and could catch you off guard those dense fog advisories in portions of napa marin, sonoma, as well as contra costa and alameda counties, especially inland areas, those inland valleys. it's just pushed right in there. and that's what you're driving through. as for radar conditions, a lot calmer than yesterday. still some snow up in the sierra in a few lingering sprinkles out towards the coastline. definitely not as active as yesterday. aside from a few sprinkles to start this morning in the occasional early morning shower today is going to be a dry one. just a cool sunny afternoon ahead of us. upper 40's right now for your temperatures later today, it will be upper 50's to low 60's. little bit of sunlight peeking through their debts. that right now. all right,
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john, thank you for that. take your time. as you see. visibility is terrible. >> 7, 2, bridge. you can't see much of anything. 20 minute ride if you take in that bridge. a bridge right now, 19 minutes. but we do have reports of fog along the bay bridge as well. dense fog shrouding richmond, sandra fell bridge. 14 minutes tolls to 101 and the golden gate bridge. you're taking that right now. 37 to the tolls. use those low beams today because the dense fog might cause a few delays starting. james, back to you. thanks a lot. reyna happening today, hundreds of the east bay educators are going to be picketing. >> rallying to get attention ahead of a possible strike possible. and yeah, if it does happen, obviously thousands of east bay students will be impacted. so we've got michael thomas on the story for us this morning live in dublin with what we need to know. michael, good morning. >> hi, good morning, everyone. that's right. and it's just a picket. it's not necessarily a strike, but it is, you know, heading that way. and majority of these bay schools are participating in this? it's
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really the pleasanton in dublin schools that we're really looking at because they're the closest to walking out of the classroom. take a look. this is video that we have of a picket that took place earlier this year at dublin high school. now today's pickett's again are happening across the east bay and it's being hosted by the east bay coalition for student success. that's a group that's made up of 21 chapters in are all part of the california teachers association. each ticket today will take place at different locations outside of school hours. and later this evening, they're all advocating for smaller class sizes, more resources to retain and attract teachers along with supportive environments and overall better tools for students in the classroom to grow when it comes to pleasanton dublin teachers association, they're actually rallying together tonight as they both prepare for a fact-finding session. that is because this is the last step before they can actually go on an actual strike. that's because they also have not been able to find an agreement at the bargaining table with their districts. now, many other east bay schools are not too
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far behind that specific step. according to the california teachers association. and again, if this does, in fact happen, where strike does occur, it could impact thousands of east bay students. now back out here live, we are at one of the elementary schools here in dublin were hoping to chat with parents. i did reach out to both districts this morning for a response. regards to what set to happen later tonight. i've not heard back as of yet, but hopefully get some answers later this morning live this morning in dublin michael thomas story of james. we'll send it back to you. >> all right, michael, thank you very much. 73 and also in the south bay. we will see nurses picketing in santa clara county like they have before. this will be at the medical center in san jose. and this is the video from the previous rally that happened in october. they're going to talk about their concerns of workplace safety and patient quality of care. the nurses union is currently in contract talks with the county. the union represents about 3700 nurses and they have already
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voted to authorize a strike if a new deal is not reached. later this morning, we'll see a rally in oakland at city hall in favor of mayor sheng thao, rather an opposition. these picketers will be telling you to reject the recall effort against the mayor. the rally starts at 9.30 this morning on the steps of city hall over the weekend. the group behind the recall effort. they started collecting the signatures needed to get they have to get 25,000 by july to get that recall effort on the november ballot. >> well, next thursday, the open police commission is going to be holding an open forum for residents to hear from police chief candidates. that form will give the candidates a chance to talk about their qualifications and their vision. it will be on february 29th from 6.30, until 09:00pm. no word yet on where that event will be held. so stay tuned for that. last thursday, though, as you may remember, mark one year since the police department has been without chief. >> it's 705. and another big
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story we're following was first brought you a live here on the kron. 4 morning news yesterday when there was a shooting that happened in santa clara at an apartment complex community now on edge. turns out a woman's boyfriend shot and killed her 3 year-old son. >> the kron 4 sarah stinson with the story. >> santa clara police say there's no threat to the public as a 24 year-old man is in custody, accused of killing his girlfriend's little boy. but people who live in this apartment they're still shaken up and they don't feel safe as this happened too close to home. >> i didn't believe that it would happen in my community, but that was quite quite happening at by this mom of 2 says she couldn't believe the 3 year-old was killed in the same apartment complex where they live. >> on poinsettia drive in santa clara police got a call around 2.30 tuesday morning from a mother saying her 3 year-old son was shot by her boyfriend in their apartment. first responders arrived within minutes and tried to
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give the boy cpr. tragically he died before they could take him to the hospital. police say the suspect, sergio gomez did run away, but police caught up with him. the suspected those light struggle and he was taken into custody. >> he was transported to a local hospital for treatment for minor injuries. the 24 year-old was taken to the santa clara county jail to be booked on murder charges. >> lieutenant mike christine e says gomez is not related to the child and the motive is still being investigated. christine, he says this weighed heavy on everyone who responded, as you can >> their hearts are heavy with very tough scene for a crime scene. people for initial responding officers and everybody was out there. >> police were not able to confirm if there's a history of domestic violence coming from this apartment. this is the second homicide so far this year in santa clara, i'm sara stinson reporting back to you.
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>> 2 would-be thieves in her achille are in police custody and they're also charged with child endangerment. this all happened monday afternoon. police were called to a home depot for a that was in progress. and the officers recognized one of the suspects they knew was on felony probation for robbery. the 2 headed to a car that was running. it was parked in a handicapped spot and it was an infant left in the vehicle. officers made the arrest and they found large quantities of marijuana packaged for sale and also some prescription drugs without a prescription label in the car. the child is safe. a family member responded and took the child away. we have a reminder for you this morning. a portion of niles canyon road in alameda county is expected to be closed. they say until further notice, as you can see, have some work to do to shore it up. it collapsed on monday in the storms that we had so is closed between old canyon road and main street engineers spent yesterday inspecting the
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damage. the detours are take 6.80, just to the south and to take 5 80's in the north. >> in the south bay highway 9 through saratoga is expected to stay closed until tonight. you can see why mudslide brought down a tree shutdown. that highway between sanborn road and redwood gulch crews say this that same area that had a mud slide just a few weeks ago. >> time now 7, and today the president is going to be in town. president biden in the bay area for several campaign events in san francisco as he continues his push for re-election. crawford's will trend live out of sfo with a preview of san francisco. he
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is waking up this morning and i'm sure he's wide awake at this particular time in los angeles. let me show you video. you was in la last night fundraising at a billionaire is home. he did talk to supporters. his campaign fundraising team. they said that so far president biden has raised 42 million dollars for his re-election bid. >> just last month, he will need millions more moving forward as it looks like more than likely. he's going to have a rematch with president donald trump former president donald trump. president biden spoke about many things in los angeles, including why people should vote for him, including that if they vote for former president trump, president trump trump could repeal obamacare could institute a nationwide abortion ban. biden also talked about his age. many people have made comments about his age. he said yes, you know what? he does a run as fast as he used to. but he's old enough to know what's going ohundreds of
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millions of dollars for his re-election bid. interesting. all right. thank you very much. well, >> it's 7.10, and still ahead on the kron, morning news, a city council meeting in the east bay is interrupted by this man. we just went off with all these antisemitic comments will give you the reaction of what the council had to say. and after the break, california state budget deficit projected to be bigger than first thought. plus, final preparations are underway for this weekend's
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chinese new year parade. >> definitely calmer out there that it was yesterday and you can expect any remaining few sprinkles to be gone by noon time after that, we're looking at a nice break from the rain ahead of us that got your forecast. >> all right. knee on the roads today. visibility is not the best seen. a lot of dense the best seen. a lot of dense fog out there. time i
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if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. here's your biggie bag. all that food for 5 bucks. -that's my go to. -oooh - that's my ride or die. hah.... just like you and me.... (singing) ♪ bag boys ♪ ♪ bag boys, whatcha gonna do ♪
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don't... -♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ -don't... -♪ when we bring your food ♪ - it... go biggie and get all this with the jbc for just 5 bucks. the economy is simply not working for and get all this millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. >> and we're back 7.14, is the time that you is. are we back? where are we today saint? the fog has been so big mornings. you have any of those shots where we don't even know what the actually tried play right.
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this is like the one i've been baking and all this one is the rest of bridge. yeah. okay. thanks, yeah, but yeah, this is you know, it does tell the story. it's that is interesting to look at, but that's what you're seeing for a lot of the bay area. this has been surprisingly clear from the east bay hills. >> but yeah, i got that gray and that fog the gray areas on this map are are dense fog advisories for much of a marine and sonoma counties. that's the entirety of 101 through those counties as well as much of napa and now solano county just added in the mix as well with the dense fog advisory, stretching all the way out to the central valley. also, dense fog advisories along highway 4 in contra costa county, 6.80, from sunol through the tri valley. up to danville in concord and much of a team north of richmond as well. so yes, very foggy. start. take it slow out there. even for those of you that
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drive through the fog all the time. this is one of those foggy ones that you're like. all right. yeah, that's some real fog right there. looking outside. we do have some snow remaining in the sierra nevada. not a lot left in the bay area. we're going to be looking at a dry afternoon after just a few sprinkles this morning. our next storm system is waiting in the wings. but wait, it doesn't actually stalls out and reverses course for a little bit. retrograding is what you call it. we're kind of takes a couple steps back. that means saturday is going to be a dry and really warm one for us. actually sunday, on the other hand, will start to see that moisture pushing upper direction mostly towards sunday evening and sunday night into monday. going to be another big snow maker for the sierra nevada. really just a few more inches of snowfall expected up there today. nothing to be alarmed about. but we have seen feet upon feet of snowfall the past week. and that has made the northern sierra for the first time this season catch up with our seasonal averages. that is excellent update. central sierra and southern syria also
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doing so much better than you were just a month ago. now, as far as our temperatures go today, upper 50's to low 60's for your daytime highs in the day and a look ahead shows those low 60's through the start of the weekend on friday. saturday is going to be gorgeous. lots of sun mid upper 60's to even some low 70's on saturday. sunday does come along with the return of showers likely later in the day on into early monday, right? all right. john, thank you for that. get you moving today, but not too fast, especially because of the dense fog. >> we've been talking about this morning, san mateo bridge shrouded in fog. 23 min right there, 80 to 101, but certainly take your time. if you're traveling the same reports of all along all of our bridges, bainbridge a 19 minute ride. it's what you hit the mid span of the bridge that you're kind of navigating through all of that. 13 minute morning toast. a lot of one on the richmond. sandra fell golden gate bridge. going to the top of that. there. 22 minutes. our highways are starting to build a bit. 40 minutes alien to dana to 37 1,
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1, of the south bay. they find him in park. 43 minutes darya. james, back to you. >> thank you. reyna 7.17, the time and for your money this morning, tinder will soon have a new level of security to make sure users are real and americans gamble to record 66 billion in 2023. for more on this, let's go live to the nasdaq, jane king standing. i was curious with the super bowl. there was speculation gambling will be through the roof. i guess what we next year for those numbers. but lot of people taking part. that's right. >> well, and we kind of know how it was through the roof. so we have like some individual things. but the annual report we will have to wait on. >> the figures from the gambling industry show america's casinos won more than 66 billion for gamblers. last year's the industry's best year ever. and that total was 10% higher than 2022, which itself was a record-setting year in-person gambling remains of the bread and butter of the industry was slot machines bringing in most of the profits. well, american airlines is raising bag fees to check bags cost $40 at the
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airport. carrier also said it will start limiting which tickets purchased through a 3rd party are eligible for frequent flier miles. and the first u.s. presidential election in the era of deepfakes is presenting officials with challenges never before seen at a time with the tech giants are scaling back some of their cyber defenses, fabricated images and audio and video clips designed to sway voters are raising alarms in the days leading up to the republican primary in south carolina and then also super tuesday on march 5th, when both parties hold primaries on a number of states will tender will start to require video selfies to verify user id's. the dating app says crime i think, sir, on the rise, it's making it harder to tell who is real. it will require users submit valid driver's license or passport. in addition to the video selfie in order to obtain that blue verification checkmark live from the nasdaq market site. i'm jane king. back to you and tristan. all right, jane, thank you very much.
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>> 7.19, and happy new year. the countdown is on for san francisco's chinese new year parade. it's set for this saturday night in chinatown, actress and comedian aquafina is the grand marshal. the san francisco chinese chamber of commerce and the lunar new year parade. organizers talked about security. >> we want to make sure san francisco police department standpoint, yeah, people come to the chinatown comes as san francisco and enjoy themselves. this is a great event is a great event year in year out and we intend to make sure that we do everything we can. you continue that tradition. >> and they're sinking. our record number of people are going to be coming to san francisco for the parade about a million visitors. they anticipate this year is the year of the dragon. and if you're thinking about going to the chinese new year's parade, bart says they're a great way to get their riders can exit at the embarcadero, montgomery or palace stations. >> meantime, san francisco officials are warning now
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about blessing scams. that's when scammers offer to perform purification or blessing ceremonies over your money or other valuable items. and then during the process, they rob, you, police say these thieves often target older members of the asian community. >> so far we had about 4 reported cases and our police department is doing everything they can investigate, to make sure that the people responsible for these crimes are brought to justice. i've been working really hard with the police department to make sure that we have strong cases and prosecution's case that people commit acts of violence against our asian overly community. >> yeah. blessings ceremonies are chinese rituals to bring prosperity and good fortune. well, new this morning, it looks like the state deficit is much worse than previously thought. billions of dollars worse. the non-partisan legislative analyst's office or the for sure says the tax revenue last year fell short of expectations so much so
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they now estimate the budget deficit has grown by 15 billion dollars bringing the total projected deficit to a staggering 73 billion dollars. the news has assembly speaker robert reef us calling for fiscal prudence e and more oversight. >> i'm very concerned about the deficit. >> as i said in january at the ppi, see a bit that i participated in a lot can change in a very short period of time. and unfortunately it has. we're very concerned about short-term fixes for long term problems. and reavis warned against cuts to education and dipping too much into the state's reserves. >> governor newsom is calling on the legislature now to take immediate action to come up with solutions. reeva says meetings are underway to discuss how to proceed. >> it's 7.22. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, new efforts by the biden administration to make sure that everybody has access to that everybody has access to clean drinking water.
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this ad? typical.
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politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. national news. the biden administration is announcing new plans to guarantee access to safe and clean drinking water for all. >> vice president kamala harris announced yesterday the administration is investing about 6 billion dollars for clean water infrastructure. that money is going to go to every state to help remove lead pipes. the money will also go towards improving sanitation and removing harmful chemicals from water
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supplies throughout the country. >> we see it as essential need in terms of public health. but we also know these investments will are now infrastructure. >> half of the money is going to be provide in the form of grants for disadvantaged communities. >> well, from 4 is your local election headquarters. and if you missed the voter registration deadline yesterday, don't worry still have some options. starting today and all the way through election day, voters have whats called conditional voter registration, which means they're allowed to go in person to a voting center where polling place or an elections office and register. here's an expert breaking down the process. >> generally speaking, you're going go down to the check in with them. they're going to have you fill out some paperwork. you're going to fill out that paperwork and then assuming that your you're eligible to vote, you're going to be given a ballot right then. so that means you need to do some homework when you
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before you go down. >> yeah, voters would be casting a provisional ballot, meaning that that ballot is held and is not counted until it can be verified that that person hasn't participated yet in the primary election and they want to make sure it is a legitimate person who's applying for that provisional ballot 7.26. is the timing. coming up next on the kron 4 morning news. >> a woman is struck and killed by a car but not just one. it turns out there were 3 cars that hit her and police are still looking for them. it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team!
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kaiser permanente.
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7.29 and going live sleeves.
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so extra time. use your x-ray vision. yeah, to get to work because it's so fog and then especially on some of these bridges. john, good morning. special fog would that be nice yet? because on a morning like this, he was absolutely need buy me right here. we have the golden gate bridge, just one of many spots that are >> very fogged in this morning near look outside right now at a different perspective, the golden gate showing you that fog draped right through there and where you're seeing it. it is particularly debts up along 101, nevada reporting visibility below a quarter mile right now we do have dense fog advisories for the entirety of 101 through marin and sonoma counties as well as out towards napa and solano counties and then contra costa and alameda counties along 6.81, o 1 in portions of 80. so be mindful of those very low visibility spots in all these areas. but even more spots along the bayshore also seeing fog too. we do have snow lingering up in the sierra. but back here at home, it's been pretty quiet. we'll keep you updated if we do any see any shower development. but so far, not just yet.
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upper 40's to low 50's as were current temperatures are alameda sf san mateo, some of our warmer spots each in the low 50's right now later on today, a little bit of sunshine. kind of like you're seeing there at the as a foe and we will be looking at temperatures back in the upper 50's to low 60's reyna. all right, john, thank you for that shrouded in the this morning. our san mateo bridge visibility terrible. 25 minute ride. so a lot of people driving slower taking their time this morning using those low beams to navigate through that delay on the bay bridge. we do have some low lying fog gotten the shot, but it's what you get on the bridge. >> it spanned portion of it. my drive into work today can see much 19 minute ride on the bay bridge richards. amber foer is while this camera shows looking better, you still got that fog to deal with 16 minutes tolls to 101 about 26 minutes. john is talking about the fog along 1, 1, in the north bay day to take your time or regions. back to you. thank you. reyna 7.31. and a big sure that we're falling in the east day.
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a disturbing. >> walnut creek city council meeting last night. yeah, right in the middle of a man took to the lectern to spew nearly 2 minutes worth of anti-semitic comments. >> representative harry has the story. >> the man said he was upset about the city removing virtual comments back in october and he blamed jewish people for that. he not only made anti-semitic comments, but he also threatened another holocaust and did not see salute at the yet. >> i'm here today because people like you. think we're scared to show up. ensure face and call you out in person. i dare you to me down. a man identified as only scotty hijacking the public comment time of tuesday's walnut creek city council meeting the man expressing anger over the city council's decision to ban virtual public comments. the decision was made in october after a number of zoom bombing
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incidents were anonymous. callers made hateful comments. you shut down. zoom comments at the behest of the atl. >> because some jews feelings got hurt. i'd like to remind you there is no hate speech exception to the first amendment. scott, he went on to use a jewish slur and kerr said council members councilmember kevin jewish addressing the council immediately after. and i would like to apologize on behalf of >> the city council. >> and anybody that had to hear that horrible, horrible speech and we apologize to you, kevin, because this is clearly so directed at you. and so vile and not who we are as a city kron. 4 spoke with councilmember wilke after the meeting. he says the council stands by removing virtual public comments and up until this meeting, they have not had any in-person hate comments to the level of this one. we need to call out this and we need to review this. this is not normal speech. we
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can't make it normal. we can't become numb to it. >> we have to called out for the heinous and vile speech that it is. this is not another opinion. >> this is literally neo-nazi speech and we ave to shut it down when we can. >> councilmember wilke tells me city officials believe they do know the identity of the man making these comments and that he doesn't live in walnut creek in walnut creek. amanda hari kron, 4 news. >> some glen's school officials are trying to limit public comment at their school board meetings. they want all comments submitted before the meetings actually started 06:00pm that some parents say they believe that school leaders want to limit free speech because the school district of the forehead seen an influx of comments when the board trustees voted to ban all flags other than the state, the american flag inc. some saw that as trying to restrict the lgbtq+ community. >> our school has seen in the past year that there are big issues with limiting of free speech. and so the adjustment
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of this board by law definite reaction to that occurring in the past. and so we don't want to see anybody's ability to speak being curbed at all. in our public board meetings. >> other parents or concerned about making it to the meeting on time in person to speak out because of work in rush hour traffic. >> well, those visiting the antioch library now will be seeing an armed guard as they enter the building. the library opened yesterday with extra security after abruptly closing last week because of a security inc. and several of them is a matter of fact. and staff told us last week that was the tipping point for him. >> there were threats to staff and library property. there were damaged to a staff and library property multiple times, including incidents of things being set on fire. there have been multiple incidents of people having intercourse inside and outside the library in full view of patrons and staff. >> county officials will also
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be repairing the fencing surrounding the building upgrading the security cameras as well. >> on the peninsula, community members want to know more about a crash where multiple cars struck and killed a woman npwho was on a bicycle. first responders believe that the woman was waiting for a green light when she was first hit monday night at the intersection of embarcadero and newell roads. investigators say that after she was knocked into the intersection, then too other cars hit her as well. and those 2 other cars did not stop. so now police are looking for those drivers. the initial driver is cooperating with the investigation. bicyclists want to know if she was in a bike lane if she had lights on or reflectors. >> terrible. i ride through intersection frequently hit a cyclist and kept going. that's illegal. so these people should not have done what they did. they should be arrested and hopefully they'll track down the 2 that. made contact with this person.
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>> yeah, that's that's pretty appalling. sounds like they knew that something was wrong and they were leaving the scene of an accident on purpose. >> and actually near the scene of that accident. there was another cyclist who was struck and killed last week, not too far from there. the cycling community is pleading for drivers to slow down and planning on a tribute ride for those 2 people who were recently killed there. it's 7.36, and another developing story, san francisco business owners are now considering filing a lawsuit over the center bike lane that runs down the left. see a street in the mission district. they say it's affecting a business conference. dan kerman has the story. >> in august of last year, the san francisco mta install the bike lane down the center of valencia street between 15th and 23rd as a pilot project. i feel safe in this bike lane. i think it was designed right? i think working really great.
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some bikers like it. the merchants along the corridor have complained the move which led to the removal of parking spaces and increased congestion has been devastating for businesses. some people just don't come anymore. people say, oh. >> i don't go to the lengths to any more tonight. well, a volunteer quarter merchants association sent this letter to the sfmta. >> requesting the center bike lane be removed immediately. another group of merchants has taken the gloves off and filed claims against the city, which if tonight could lead to a lawsuit. i have lost my business. >> and dozens of other small business owners of either already been forced to shut down or on the verge of losing everything. the claims filed by 3 valencia street merchants called for the removal of the center bike lane and compensation for the businesses lost income. the claim contends the center bike lane violates not only the city's charter, which mandates the city protect the economic welfare of its businesses. but if i lakes, valencia, merchants, civil rights, we contend >> that the city would not
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have built the center bike lane here. if the lenghty a street neighborhood did not have a high proportion of people of color residing here. >> at a meeting tuesday, the sfmta indicated it's evaluating this project and is considering changes which could include moving the bike lanes closer to the curbs. >> while the sfmta is discussing changes to the center bike lane. there's no timeline for when those changes might happen. some of the business here, it can't happen. quick enough in san francisco. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> the oakland police department now is investigating vandalism at lake merritt as a hate crime. the vandalism consisted of multiple phrase is connected to the current conflicts. now in the middle east, police say the pro-hamas messages were first reported to them monday at around noon. for east bay teacher wants vandals held responsible after her home in danville was hit twice in the past months. take a look at
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this video. you can actually see on friday, 3 people caught on her ring camera throwing condiments like syrup and catch up all over her home in danville. they then broke into her car, took out glass bottles and shattered them on the ground. and here, look, the outside. the homeowner is a teacher at charlotte wood middle school and she wonders if either her former or current students might be involved. >> it's upsetting. it's scary. i'm a teacher and am a firm teacher and i hold kids accountable. and clearly they have an issue with something i've done now or in the past. >> but this is not the way you handle conflict in life. >> we also reached out to danville police and charlotte with middle school for their response. we haven't heard back yet from either. take a look at this. drones will now be acting as first responders in fremont. the city council approved a new joint project between firefighters and police. these drooes will help firefighters spot act of flames and hazardous spills from a safe distance and help identify potential rescues. as for police, these drones are
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expected to help officers better assests dangerous situations. it's the first of its kind program in the country. >> i am excited to be here in partnership with my friend cynthia germanotta and her team at the born this way foundation >> senator, the butler was in oakland yesterday joined by lady gaga is mother, the co-founder of the born this way foundation by gaga. the 2 held a panel discussion on the youth mental health crisis and potential solutions to help young people. >> any attention that we can to this to this organization and to this community is incredibly important to how i choose to me. issue of youth, mental health is a real crisis for us. >> butler says that young people. >> are the future of our democracy and that she wants to ensure they're being given every chance to succeed. she says more money needs to be
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invested in mental health systems. >> learning at the speed of ai how schools are using a free new tool to help students become better readers. i'm rich demuro. that's coming up in tech. smart. and today starts a drier trend of weather, at least for the remainder of this week. still a few lingering showers this morning. a lot, it's mostly the fog. >> i'll get to that in your full forecast yeah, the visibility. is of the best today. so definitely want to take your time. your travel out there tonight after get to do that as well.
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>> 7.44, is the time and a fresh blanket of snow fell monday and tuesday up in the sierra adding to the growing snowpack and treating tahoe and the ski resorts to many, many, many inches of fresh powder palisades tahoe, by the way, reporting 7 inches of fresh snow. and that brings their season total to about 209 inches. that's over 17 feet. if you do the math. >> just in the last 7 days we received 3 feet of new snow and that's even 80's 5 inches in the month of february. so i mean, we're getting dumped on right now. roads could be a little bit slick slick. a check that caltrans app as well. a smear best >> that if you're planning a trip to the mountains, want to drive slowly and safely. and i think you got the timing just right. because coming weekend sounds like.
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>> 2 high schools in westmoreland county were closed yesterday because from here not snow but a tree. look at this. sell into the building the crews are out there. and and, ali, i school in sebastopol. they had to patch up the roof. laguna high was also closed. that's on the same campus. so you could see some of the rough weather there. i then there were crews that had to rescue a driver who got stuck in this flood water. well, that's halfway up the car that's in forest hill. sonoma county near the intersection, waller and river roads, allstate river. road vetting. the driver was not hurt. a reminder don't cross a flooded street. you don't know how deep it is. look at audi that i see the guardrails on the side of the road disappear into the water. you know, it's a little too deep for and sometimes doesn't have to be that but it's rushing. and then if it. >> get your wheels up there. not not good. but those pictures this year, though, are beautiful. i like the snow have so like the fact that we're a get more and more of it. john, are we getting close to average for this time of
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year? finally, we're finally doing good cause yet just as soon as a month ago. >> we were fallen way behind. i just want take a second step out and enjoy this view. this is what happens after the snow. the beautiful fresh white snow, not even any animal tracks. and there speaks. you want to go up there. but it takes a lot work to get up there. that's the problem. this time of year. but what a beautiful view we are seeing just a couple more inches of snowfall today. really like 2 more inches up there. we're at the very tail end of any sort of energy and what we have been seeing is that multiple feet of snow, paul piling up as james alluded to, we are caught up with average in the northern sierra. this is the first time this season that were actually on par with average. so that is an excellent update. central sierra and southern sierra doing pretty good little more work to do. but guess what? we got more snow heading our direction. the into early next week. so we'll probably get there pretty quick. as for our low visibility that you're noticing in the bay area. we have dense fog advisories in moraine and sonoma counties up
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and down 101 napa and solano counties and then a lot of contra costa and alameda county, especially along 6.80, and highway 4 this morning. so you take it slow out there. a lot of our bridges being affected as well. little snow remaining in the sierra bay-area fairly quiet at this time. maybe a light sprinkle or 2 or brief shower this morning keep you updated. if i see anything so far, not really. next. storm system sits out to the west and stalls out. it's going sit there actually move backwards a little bit to that means you get a beautiful saturday ahead of what will be the return of some showers late sunday into early monday. this is cold, which means good snowfall in the sierra to start next week. today's daytime highs will be in the upper 50's to low 60's oakland in livermore at 59 hayward conquered and pretty much each at 61. looking ahead tomorrow, friday, saturday, comfortable sunny saturday in particular, looking great sunday starts that way. but likely to see showers later on lingering into monday. great.
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all eyes on. thank you for that. foggy start to the morning. this is a morning where you have to use low beams. if you're out there traveling on the roads and highways. >> san mateo bridge, at least we could see a few cars now. still a 22 minute ride and everybody's taking their time as a traveling reports of fog along the bay bridge and all of our bridges. if you are going to be hitting the roads this morning, a 17 minute ride. you've got factor that in traffic is starting to build a bit. so along 80, 80 saint to 37. 51 minutes there. 101. look at that. 53 minutes. it's 85 up to menlo park. 2, 80 82 still not as congested this morning heading along 80 crockett out towards the maze. traffic starts to bill just passed hercules all the way into oakland. 34 minutes antioch and conquer about a 40 minute ride that reaches back to you. thanks. a lot of some 49 in the bay area. sports hall of fame announcing its class of 2024 and among them 5 heavyweights with some heavy ties to the bay area. firstly, we've got soccer star chris.
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>> would allow ski from danville he's a de la salle high graduate. he played for the san jose earthquakes for more than a decade. he competed in the 2014 world cup with the u.s. men's we want the all-time goal scorer in mls history. goal. >> that and then how about the other kind football ex? 49 ers wide receiver john taylor played a vital role in all 3 of the niners previous super bowl wins. all the winning touchdown against the bengals. in 1989, and was a 2 time pro bowl selection. and then brian sabian overs on manage the san francisco giants for 20 seasons. he helped architect the franchise's 3 world series titles in 5 seasons. did patrick marleau is the san jose sharks all-time leading scorer and the nhl's all-time leader in games played patrick king bright. yeah. it was huge for the sharks. he was a four-time all-star and is the first player in chart's
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history to have his number retired. congrats to all of them. also, we don't want to forget. >> jenny thompson, we're highlighting her. she was. >> a swimmer at stanford went on to win 12 olympic medals between 92 in 2004, 4 of them gold. the five-member all 5 to 4 guys in and this amazing woman will be honored and i'm a 6 in san francisco. yeah. about that. >> well, students apparently can now use ai to help them become better readers. use a either a demand note could help me the other way around. let's check it out. ridge tomorrow. >> learning to become a better reader is a fundamental part of the early education process. and now ai is making it easier. >> okay. class. go ahead and open up a reading coach students at baldwin academy in la fuente are learning at the speed of ai. to learn how to
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fly a spacecraft. leading by we are using a new tool called microsoft reading coach. it's very different from any post i usually choose like to make it this a cat his house. my fluency. >> i'm talking and reading all help to that. sometimes you don't know how to pronounce the students. part of a pilot to see how the tool could benefit classrooms. reading coach starts by asking students to pick a main charactertsetting and a reading level. i generate a custom story on the fly listens to them. read it and scores their proficiency. highlighting words they had trouble with it. then builds those words into a new story for extra practice. he had it's just really can. and that's really important at this stage any 5th grade teacher anne ruiz says she likes the web-based because
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it's easy to use and helps or gauge teach students reading proficiency faster than ever all have to do is look over their shoulder and i can see where they're at. we the help. and a recent time reading is really clear. what's important is that students read more. it doesn't matter what they it matters how much they really students who read more are better readers better readers to better across all the free tool is now available to everyone at coach dot microsoft dot com. the ai carefully crafted to be safe for students. so it has a lot of guardrail and he's really deal with microsoft promise of responsible ai. microsoft reading coach is a free tool available to anyone on any device. you can even use it at home. all you need is a free microsoft account to access it. >> if you want to link, you can go to my website. just go to rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. that is fascinating.
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all right. coming up here at 7.53, on the kron. 4 morning news in the next hour. we're going to continue to honor black history month here on kron 4. and this morning we're going to be 21 year-old leading youth activists to fight. >> just causes throughout the >> just causes throughout the east bay. ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ visit your volvo car retailer for special offers during our presidents' day sales event. democrats agree. visit your volvo car retailer for special offers conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision?
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garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. >> 75 and tomorrow the pacifica pier is going to partially reopen. it's been pushed back again. the full opening. this was reopened yesterday, but because of yet more storm activity, the city decided to push that back until now, thursday, when we know it will be pretty nice out. the entire pier has been
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closed off well off and on since late last year because as we started getting the series of storms and strong waves that initially damage done, engineers say a complete assessment of the damage. is it going to be done until march because we're still getting the storms and they could and are causing more damage. >> well, coming up in the next hour to kron 4 morning news, teachers in the east bay are going to be rallying as the demand better working conditions. we're going to tell you when and where we'll be in a live report. plus, a man accused of shooting and killing a 3 year-old in the south bay. tell you what police say happened. and president biden in the bay area today. we're going to show you what he plans to do while in town. kron. 4 morning
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news. police in santa clara arrest a man for shooting and killing a three-year-old investigators. now looking for a motive. we're live in the east bay as teachers rally for better pay and smaller class sizes will tell you what else they want. and president biden back in the bay area today as he continues his campaign for reelection. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> and thanks for waking up with us. it's a foggy one out there. i'm darya and james looks like it might be getting a little better now. but if you're up early or you know, we're talking about it was pea soup out there and see things now. >> a little foggy, but definitely some improvements. absolutely. where we're sitting at the golden gate


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