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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  February 21, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PST

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of humanity. our top story this half-hour, walnut creek city leaders apologizing after a city council and spewed hate speech directed at the jewish community community councilmember suspects, he might be the same person who caused him to permanently shut down public comments over zoom our preference the moeny and looks into the first amendment. >> and whether that city can change the rules again. >> and self identified as scotty said he was with the bonnet creek city council for their decision to end public comments over zoom last year. on tuesday, he showed up in person used a jewish slur trend, another holocaust, more a church with a swastika and made a not to salute and directed some of his comments toward councilmember kevin wilk, who is jewish. wilkes says this behavior is vile and unacceptable. >> as a civilized society, we need to call out hate wherever
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it exists and stand up for everybody. >> wilks says the city manager, attorney and mayor are now considering making changes to the rules for public comment. constitutional law professor jessica levinson says hate speech is protected by the first amendment. levinson explains cities are allowed to have restrictions for their beatings. they just need to be specific made in advance and applied to all people in topics equally. >> local governing bodies do need to be clear about what type of speech will be limited. but it has to be based on content neutrality based on the time place and manner of the speech. even if you try to set limits in advance, you can't do that unless it's based on a prescribe double category. like defamation, like true threats like incitement as it stands today, the public comments and walnut creek allow anyone to minutes to speak on any item, not on the agenda. >> if they use curse words or vulgar language, they will be warned and cut off if they continue. now he did use voter speech towards the very end.
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probably would have gotten a warning and cut off. but then the 2 minutes have been up. >> the city may now consider adding new policies to cut them off. if a person speaks on the non-city related issue to try prevent another incident like this one, the bay area branch of the fbi did not respond whether they would put this person on any sort of watch list reporting in walnut creek. i'm ella sogomonian kron. 4 news value response to what happened during that city council meeting the jewish community relations council bay-area posted the following message on social media reads in part, this incident is part of a larger and growing trend of vicious anti-semitic attacks on the local jewish community, including distributing hateful fliers, displaying overpass, banners and spreading lies about israel and hamas. during meetings. it goes on to say the pain and trauma of the jewish community are real and our elected leaders must take concrete steps to ensure all jewish residents feel welcome and safe in the bay area.
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>> kron 4 is your local election headquarters with california's primary election. less than 2 weeks away for senate candidates showed up for a 3rd and final debate last night in la. they are buying for the seat held for years by dianne feinstein. kron four's catherine heenan live in our newsroom with more. catherine? >> yeah, for leading senate contenders. no, they don't have much time before super tuesday after which only 2 of them the top 2 top vote getters will remain in the race through the general election. major, the key debate issues remain mostly the same, including inflation and emigration. >> onstage congressman and front runner adam schiff, congresswoman katie porter, longtime east bay congresswoman barbara lee. and republican in the race, former baseball star steve garvey. in a poll taken just before the most recent debate. here's how they stacked up. schiff in the lead with 28% followed by garvey with 22%. katie porter,
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16%. and barbara lee still struggling to gain traction with 9% in tuesday's debate. 3rd place. porter was targeting the democrat in her way adam schiff, accusing him of using a congressional tool called earmarks and taking big oil pac money from bp, from sempra from socal gas. >> and these are household names. they are polluters so people can count on me to do washington differently and deliver the climate change that we have been waiting for for so my record the marmot goes back to my days as a prosecutor when here in los angeles, i formed the first federal incredible arm of the crimes unit to go after big oil companies and prosecuting them. i prosecute people for smuggling. has this waste into mexico? >> political observers point out shifflett much rather face republican garvey and the general election seeing him as less of a threat than katie porter. 2 leading candidates
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for senate. it's led to an interesting strategy in adam schiff's ad campaign. aside from schiff, we flattering shots of steve garvey and are reminded of how conservative he is. he voted for trump twice. the idea of raleigh, republican viewers behind garvey, not katie porter, out of contention. porter has responded on x saying we need honest leadership, not political games, but it's the kind of tactic that could have as much or more impact. then the debates. >> gives a a >> boasting one of your weakest opponents. that is an old political trick. for example, gavin newsom did something similar and 2018 with republican john, ken and vicki. all right, catherine, thank you. the effects of this week's storms seen across southern california. take a look at this. 12 mile stretch of road in ventura county. >> now closed because of a mudslide. this is highway one,
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50 in santa paula. that's it's about an hour west of los angeles near the coast. caltrans workers could be seen cleaning up the storm and the storm damage and trying to work to stabilize that hillside. no word on when that highway will reopen. thankfully, the rain is gone, at least for now to get people. yeah, we'll time to clean it up. yeah. they've had a whole season's worth of rain. >> all alone in february. i mean, really amazing. over 12 and a half inches of rain. i mean, just incredible. some of the mountain tops over 20 inches of rain in around los angeles in santa barbara area. so that rain. yeah, i'm not just here in the bay area's been really a statewide event. we have another round of some heavy rain moving through southern california yesterday. i think we may see some more on the way as we head in towards sunday monday of this next week to so they've really been getting pounded and there's another storm system off the coastline. this one right here. this is for the most part. i think we might see some showers on sunday from this one in the bay area. but the brunt of this is going to head all the way down to southern california and bring them more rain and they really don't need it. that's for
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sure. but high pressure going to sneak in for us just for a couple days to give us a break. that will be nice. although rivers and creeks and streams will start to recede a little bit. and that's some good news. catching a break. a little sunshine out there, too. but overall looks like the trend is for some drier weather least the next couple days. you can see that next storm spinning off the coastline. but other than a few clouds, we stay dry for tomorrow morning. some patchy fog early on. then lots of sunshine in the afternoon. friday. looking good, too. high pressure going to hold on. then you see that low starting to spin a little further to the south and eventually as we get in sunday, that storm system comes on shore toward los angeles and southern california. maybe a couple showers here around the bay area, though, looking good. we've got to make sure some fog and sunshine. the forecast for san francisco tomorrow about 60 degrees about 66. a very nice day in san jose tomorrow. 62 degrees, fog and sunshine in oakland. yeah. how about this is a live look. look at all the looking toward half dome right now. it is just piling up will be long. maybe pine up. we will be able to see half dome at all
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anymore. but we'll talk about that sierra snow forecast. they've had a ton of snow across the high country too. talk more about that coming up a few minutes. >> lawrence, i was the oldest bars and santa rosa is set to close in about a week. it's called the dirty. it is a self-styled dive bar and according to its facebook page, one of the first to bars in the city to celebrate the bars legacy they have a week events planned before they close including deejays karaoke and a liquidation sale over the weekend. and next wednesday for the bar's final day, all drinks are only 3 bucks. we continue to honor black history month here. kron 4 minutes ago. we're minutes after he was rather get gavin payton was placed on life support and spent the first 3 months of his life in a hospital. 21 years later, he leads youth activists in the east bay fighting for just causes. >> as kron four's, philippe djegal tells us payton is inspired by a long family
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tradition of african american volunteers dedicated to service. >> now is time for having seizures. i was picked on because i was and constantly have picked on. but i decided. i wasn't going allow that. and how do you push back? but beyond in part clean, gavin payton gets his point across without having to yell quiet thunder type of leader that just gets the work that proving you can be direct lead, by example, make differences in other people's lives and give us scholarships and do so as living proof, every life has purpose. cabin stories a little bit different as his mother doctor, kimberly payton shares his life almost ended as soon as it begin born with transposition of the great arteries, a group of congenital heart defects, the blood clotting disorder, hemophilia and scoliosis. we have literally lived.
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>> and bay area children's hospitals, almost all of gavin's life in all today. i think he's had some 22 surgeries. so fighting and struggling is a thing for races bullying and the perceived controversial curricular in balance and education pushed the now. 21 year-old payton. >> to serve as youth council president for the east county n a a c p in 7th and 9th grade. >> i experienced bullying because i was african american, but also because i was open about what lies, hate and succeeded. his younger sister gianna as president is credited with reviving the civil rights organizations. youth council fighting to change the group's charter to empower youth and their voices. >> payton's, mother and great grandmother also volunteer for the n a a c p. we need to come together as a community and stay strong last year outside the antioch police department, payton and his mother spoke
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out against systemic racism and rampant homophobia after the city's top cop chief doctor steven ford abruptly stepped down amidst the prolonged local and federal probes into alleged corruption by dozens of officers in pittsburgh and antioch, leading to indictments. i've every since bird pastor charles glasper gives payton time and space at true light missionary baptist church in pittsburgh to hold meetings and set the tone for the youth council's agenda. i'm ecstatic about his involvement in the community. >> and he's growing as an activist in the community in many ways needed about payton's mentor and antioch city council candidate dominique king says she has long known the young man could leave things that he has done. just like to know your rights campaign that he brought here to pittsburgh. >> the ones that he wants to bring antioch and all over east contra costa county. >> is history in the aspiring movie and television director
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attending the academy of art university in san francisco while balancing his civic duties and medical issues. payton wastes no time zeroing in on what he identifies as a cause worth his time and surrenders himself to it. we wouldn't be where we are. if it wasn't for. >> people like malcolm x, huey p newton martin, the keen, mister le mans, reverend charles glasper. mister francis green. even though i am and i am where i am. i do not apologize for that and i will not apologize for that. >> always continue to use my voice and i'll always be. >> true to who i am. we need to be strong in numbers and we need to stronger together. and only do that is if we stay together and stick together as one speak as one voice. >> thank believe job. all kron. 4 news. >> kron four's honoring black history through the end of february and make sure to tune into our special airs thursday
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february 29th at 06:30pm. coming up. >> except the pets. that'sd what a new bill is asking for. california landlords to do with the requirements would entail and why the bill is getting some pushback. and next in sports, the warriors back on the practice court today feeling pretty recharged and refreshed. after the all-star break. >> director jason dumas has reaction from the team coming reaction from the team coming up. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,...
6:44 pm smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> before last week, the last time klay thompson had come off the bench was on march.
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12th 2012 that very next game. he entered the starting lineup because steph curry was shut down with ankle issues and the rest is history. klay thompson went on to start 727 straight games. but it sounds like the era of clay as a longtime starter has come to an end. steve kerr spoke inland today for the first time since brink lay off the bench against the jazz last thursday. claim responded. well, he scored a team high. 35 points and kerr liked what he saw so much so that he wants to see more of that. meanwhile, the rook brandon put jet ski. he enters the starting 5. skill set is very complimentary to jake can wigs in particular, rebounding taking moving the ball cutting. it seems to unlock that group. really well. the numbers show that the the eye
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test shows it. and so i really like this this idea going forward you know, that starting 5. we're going to get chris paul chris paul and klay thompson coming off the bench. that's pretty good. new era. >> saint mary's entered the season as a top. 25 team. but then they lost 5 of their first 8 games came crashing down to earth. it was clearly a needed wake-up call to tie him up and improve because since then, they won 19 out of their last 20 games currently have the nation's longest winning streak standing at 14 games. they are now. 22 in 6 and undefeated in wcc play the most certainly be dancing in march head coach randy bennett early journey has made them who they are today. >> it could have got a lot of different ways. but so far his they just kept hanging in there and getting better and
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stay together. they've done a really good job have perspective. >> where they're at. what they're doing. know it sounds like we have a lot good players going. they weren't good yet. they had to become the credit goes. those guys. they just blue, you know, believe in and sticking with each other and no excuses and >> just saw the riffraff that teams can do done a great job. >> kyle shanahan fired steve wilks as the niners defensive cordinator last week. and since then, the search for a replacement has been airtight. not many outsiders know what the niners are going to do. but today, mike silver of the san francisco chronicle reported the next defensive coordinator is expected to come from inside the building that points to candidates such as daniel bullocks, the defensive back coach johnny holland, the linebackers coach in chris to a check the defensive line coach. of
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course, we'll have to wait it out and see how it all plays out. but as we know that defense that was supposed to be really good. they didn't look all that great in the playoffs. all right. that's all i have for sports. back to you guys. all right, jason, good stuff. as major league baseball preps, a whole the first games of spring training this weekend. players have been vocal about their displeasure with the new uniforms this season. players say the new nike vapor premier uniforms which are >> manufactured by fanatics field cheap have smaller numbers and letters and art has customizable as ast uniforms. the players union says it's working with the late to get the issue fixed before opening day. >> happening now, crews have reopen traffic along highway 50 lanes were closed a little earlier today for avalanche control in eldorado county. that closure began at echo summit, which is what we're looking at right now. it went all the way up to myers.
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traffic looks to be moving along at a pretty good clip. boy, that's a beautiful view, it? especially when you go around that corner and you see the the lake in south shore all spread out there. so if you don't show up tomorrow, we'll know. lawrence will be up their skin. should people build up the slopes tomorrow, right? i mean, to get. >> and take advantage of all that fresh powder up there. now, the roadways going to be open and clear can get to and they have a lot of snow over the past couple of weeks here. the past month. fact, just in the last 24 hours, almost another foot of snow at home sugar bowl, 10 inches of snow palisades 9 inches, 8 inches. soda springs oriol 8 inches of snow as well. so the snow just piling up in the high country. now after a kind of a dismal start to the season, really, we have got things going. in fact, so much so well that we're now at 100% of normal in the northern sierra nevada. 84% of normal in the central sierra and 79% of normal in the southern tier. and there
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are some suggestions some long range forecast. we may see march as the biggest snow month this year. alright, out the door, though. we're talking about some great condition traveling up there. dry weather expected on thursday. watch out for some patchy, dense fog headed across the central valley, staying dry and the first part of the weekend looking good on the bay area to as we dry things out a bit. but here's the long-range forecast. you can see that storm getting a little bit closer. more clouds coming our way as we head in toward friday. nice start to the weekend here. locally, though, chance of showers by sunday, maybe another system moving in on monday to see the snow in the sierra nevada to. but overall, none of these are very large storms. i think we're going to get a little bit of a break over the next 7 looks like the next few days. looking good. dry weather expected through saturday chance of showers on sunday and into monday of next week. thank you, lawrence. san francisco democratic assembly member matt haney is working on a bill that would require california landlords to accept pets. >> he says the bill would keep property owners from asking about pets on applications.
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prohibit pet rent and limit pet deposits. critics argue pats have the potential to damage property. details of the bill are still being fleshed out and are expected to be released in the coming weeks. >> coming up, one couple moves closer to saying i do after a wild love story the bay area's it. she said yes. take a look.
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love is in the air. the san
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francisco zoo, michelle and chris, the couple in the video now have a wild engagement story to share. the zoo sharing their love story on afternoon. the best draft standing by construction moving right along for the bay area's second top golf location. this one being built on and to boulevard in burlingame estimated open at the end of the year as a 3 story structure with. >> 102 hitting bays, a restaurant, outdoor dining and and event space. right now, the only other bay area topped off location is in san jose. >> shake shack coming to the north bay. the chain is opening its first location montgomery village in santa rosa. the grand opening will begin at 11:00am next thursday, february 29th shake shack says the first 200 guests who purchased a shake on the grand opening day receive a sonoma county branded shake shack tumbler. i also provide onsite food
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donation bins for the redwood empire food banks spread the love food drive. this is the 13th location open up here in the bay taken over. former president jimmy carter is now the first president ever to see a white house ornaments honoring. >> his legacy will that the white house historical association revealed its official 2024 white house christmas ornament today in honor of the 39th president of the united states. it marks the first time in history that a living president has seen the unveiling of their ornament. it's in the shape of an anchor, as you see reflecting carter's service in the u.s. navy association says that the ornament is also adorned with symbolizing carter's peacemaking efforts. >> and point it's an image of an american nuclear submarine named after carter as well. a globe on the back signifies carter's commitment to the environment and world peace. and then below that are peanuts and they're yellow blossoms representing carter's
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years as a farmer and a businessman in plains, georgia. >> the website called test casino has opened applications for predicting the winners of the oscar nominated films this year. how it works is the lucky winner of the application will be paid $2000 to watch and score each of the best picture nominees applications are being accepted until march 9th. >> says, yeah, this is casino in the name and business. if you have to ante up to to play. but and there's jackpot waiting for you. that wraps up kron 4 news at 6. we'll see tonight at 10 and a good night.
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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop.
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it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
7:00 pm
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