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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  February 22, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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>> we're now on the kron 4 morning news. the city of oakland received nearly 4 million dollars from the state to improve public safety. we'll talk more about that. and a business in the marina is using a new tactic. trying prevent people from stealing from their stores.
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and the walnut creek city council. they are thinking changes to the rules for public comment during meetings after a man hateful rhetoric during a need. >> fro the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning far. >> good monday morning thank you. the layup with just one utterly the kron. 4 morning news. it's thursday, february 22nd. i'm reyna harvey. all right. want to start this morning with a check of weather with john shrable past few days. it seems like we're having a change of pace morning, jackie. yeah, we're definitely working our way back into a bit of a drier trend. yesterday. we saw some late morning showers. but after that, things dried out really nicely. >> now this morning, we're kicking things off kind of similar to yesterday. a little bit chilly out there, but also very much so on the foggy side, you could at least see your view from the east bay hills right now. but visibility has fallen below a quarter mile for a many spots,
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including livermore concord nevado in santa rosa. a lot of the spots are seeing some dense fog yet again, much like yesterday and at times today, oakland, san francisco will also be in the midst of that dense fog, too. right now, a dense fog advisory for solano county. i wouldn't be surprised if we see a couple more of them popping up, but definitely something to think about this morning. take it slow are out there as you getting on to the roads. radar is otherwise looking. all right. we are seeing definitely a drier forecast today. nothing getting in the way of getting out side this afternoon. maybe take that jog extra long walk with the dog. all the stuff you may be been avoiding as it's been. so so rainy net sonoma. our coldest spot right now along with calistoga in the upper 30's in vacaville at 38 degrees. oakland, alameda. and that's up some of our warmer areas in the low 50's later on today. upper 50's to low 60's with nice sunny conditions. as for the roads right now, it's still nice and easy going out there. bay bridge is a nice
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smooth ride. currently the means to fremont street taking you 8 minutes currently as for the san mateo bridge, 12 minutes to make your crossing nothing holding you up there and not looking at as much fog as yesterday. and the richmond center fell bridge not to say it isn't present elsewhere. the golden gate bridge is also looking better. visibility wise compared to yesterday. >> rain. all right, john, thanks to that. well in the east bay, oakland, getting nearly 4 million dollars in state grant money to improve public safety. the city plans to use that money to expand the safety ambassador program all in downtown and chinatown, which deploys mediators to help those in crisis. alvarez amanda hari has that story. >> another effort to curb the well documented crime in oakland this time with a 3.5 million dollar grant from the california department of social services. this program will promote safer and more secure streets. well, improving outcomes. open leaders announced the grant wednesday in the city's
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downtown surrounded by yelling fighting and police sirens. councilmember carroll fife, whose district includes downtown read out the need for this grant is a parent all around them in an environment where we see very clearly that we need more de-escalation on the streets. we need more mental health supports tempers also flared during the announcement supporters of a recall effort against mayor thao interrupted her comprehensive. >> i think mayor sheng thao says the money will be used to expand the safety. ambassador mentor programs in downtown and chinatown. >> a community organization, family bridges will help expand the mediator program. the goal is to prevent crime in de escalate situations without necessarily having a police response. community leader carl chan says he hopes to continued effort to combat crime will bring more people to struggling businesses in chinatown and throughout the city. helping to bring in.
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>> or custom most bacon, few safe and, you know, maybe a involvement and hopefully that they can to bring down you know, hitting the 3 year, grant will initially be implemented in just downtown and chinatown. but mayor thao says she hopes to expand to the rest of the city. >> as for her critics, the mayor said this is what democracy looks like in oakland. amanda hari kron. 4 well shakeup at the san leandro police department. the department's chief dual pruett engine is out of his job after being put on administrative leave since last year. well, facing investigations over policy violations, no litigations. the department has not given details about any of that. >> current interim police chief kevin hart will complete his role by the end of april. the current los altos police chief angela averett. well, then take over until the department names. a new chief. happening today, many will have court hearing on whether
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or not to move his case out of san francisco. many is accused of killing cap cash up founder bobby on april 4, the last year when his lawyers asked to move his trial out of the city. stanley's 2 famous in san francisco. and there's no way many will get a fair trial. judge was supposed to rule on a potential venue change last month. but attorney asked for more time to make their case. today's hearing is scheduled for 09:00am. developing news. alameda county register voters. they have accepted a recall petition of to settle glenn unified. more members last september. trustee, president ryan jorgeson and linda hurley voted against banning the pride flag or any other flag except the american flag on school property. the recall effort was filed by the unite for single glenn. that's a good of parent and school community members. the group says they exceeded the number of signatures to get the recalls on the ballot. the registered voters has up to 30
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days to examine the petitions. creek city officials are considering making some changes to the rules for public comment at city council meetings. this follows an incident at tuesday night's meeting when a man spewed anti-semitic comments. while we're in a shirt with a swastika, he said he was upset with the city council's decision to in public comments over zoom and use a slur directed jewish council member kevin wilk. >> he got a chance to. have his 2 minutes of hate speech. it doesn't mean that we have to sit there silently and take it and then move on to our next topic. if we want to respond, if you want to review could, that's what i did. >> cities are allowed to have restrictions on their meetings. they just need to be specific made in advance and applied to all people and topics across the board as it stands today, walnut creek allows anybody to minutes to speak on any item. during the public comment. well, a longtime san francisco
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business, they're trying something new, tucker, what says been rampant shoplifting? fred record since that's the hardware store and paint cow hollow. it's now offering a one on one shopping experience ideas us every actual customers. people are looking to steal. kron four's. dan thorn has that story. >> for a few hours every day, this is what you'll find entering frederick since hardware in paint in cow hollow. the table alerts customers to wait for assistance at the door. a move that's being attributed to quote, rampant shoplifting. it's pretty bad. >> i mean, dollar mounds. pretty significant. and with the tools and now we're getting snatching grabs where they come in and take hold displays. so its getting kind of dangerous for the employees and the customers store manager sam black says for 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening and employee will work with an individual customer. >> the table serves as a way to keep potential thieves from moving freely in and out of the store. we just want to
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make it uncomfortable for the thieves and they go somewhere else. black says over is 24 years of working in frederick sons. the theft is the worst it has ever been. staff has had to drill down pots and pans to keep shoplifters from swiping them. they've also had to put in locking systems to keep people from pocketing tools and other household hardware. one customer telling kron 4 off camera that the situation is just yeah, people are unhappy. the regulars they can't believe likely can't believe it. but, you know, there's been really understanding. black says he and his staff had to try something because they had not much success getting help from city leaders or the police. at this point, the one-on-one shopping experiment has been going on for 3 weeks. black says they'll review the results after a month. he's had to do something in san francisco. dan thorn kron. 4 news well, developing news, chp, they have been investigating the death of an
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house man. >> right by the side of the freeway in san francisco. this all happened over the weekend. chp found on house man dead in a tent just off of highway 80 and that 7th street on-ramp chp says there is no obvious signs of foul play. a sobriety house in san francisco's chinatown were shut down. the mayor has plans last week for the store at north beach hotel to be transform into a sober living facility. margins in chinatown told kron 4 they were not included in the planning conversations. believe the location was not appropriate because of tourism and nightlife. in a statement, a london breed said after meeting with community members, her office decided to pursue an alternative location for that facility. she also said, quote, for this critical new program to be successful, it's really important for to have support from the surrounding community. we don't have any word yet on where that new location is going to be. new for you this morning. california's 2 major water supply managers have
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announced early year estimates of how much water the systems are going, provide californians this year, the u.s. bureau of reclamation, zest inmates, cities and farms that are received about 65 to 100%. well, look at a california department of water resources estimated 15% while the state numbers appear pretty low. it's a 5% increase from december water. officials say several storms have boosted snow packs in the sierra nevada help in the water supply up in the state. the dwr says water storage and lake sonoma is up by 115%. area water officials say this is a good sign and helping optimize water supplies to bay area. residents. dozens of pro-palestine demonstrators. they were in san francisco's pac heights last night demanding that biden administration in military aid
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to israel call for a permanent cease-fire in gaza gather at the alta plaza park. president biden was attending a fund-raiser new by for his reelection campaign. >> you're as a statement to say that we don't joe biden and his politics in our city we believe joe biden is engaging in a genocidal war on the palestinians. people are dying. children are dying. mothers are dying. we we have an issue with 3 billion dollars a year going to the israeli apartheid state. >> biden is expected to be in the los altos hills today for another campaign event. this is actually biden's first time visiting to the bay area since november when he and other world leaders attended the apec summit. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. cyclists are stressing the importance of >> bicycle safety after a woman was hit. the cars are riding her bike on the peninsula. we're going to hear some of tips. they say drivers
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should keep in mind while you're on the road. we'll be you're on the road. we'll be right back. in 10 years, lisa schneider will have an amazing second act. thanks to career reskilling courses from aarp. to help make sure her income lives as long as she does. the younger you are, the more you need aarp.
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for you to know gators are trying to figure out what caused the damage to the wing of a united airlines jet left sf over boston on monday had to make an emergency landing in denver. researchers at uc san francisco are using ai to predict alzheimer's disease up to 70 years before symptoms appear. the city used data from more than 5 million patients. look for conditions in patients who have been diagnosed with alzheimer's. utilized a eye to spot these patterns can help determine what is driving that wrist.
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these are just some of the parade floats that are going to be taking part in tampa says with chinese new year parade. going to start at second and market streets and kearny street and columbus avenue. the california department of water resources says the statewide snowpack is 86% than normal. that's an improvement from the state's first snow survey of year last year. so total was the second largest on record 754 inches. let me say a portion of highway 4 in alameda county is going to stay close. >> at least until tomorrow after the heavy rain caused part of the roadway to collapse. this is affecting niles canyon road right between tunnel in fremont. crews have been at work making repairs this week helter and plans to re-evaluate the damage friday morning and go from there. the main detours are now southbound 6.80, and west bound 5.80, to the north. when the south bay highway 92 saratoga is expected to stay closed for at least a couple
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more weeks. mudslide brought down a tree and shut down the highway between sanborn road redwood gulch who say this is actually the same area that mudslide a few weeks ago. caltrans estimates the highways going to be reopen march 8th. and these drier conditions couldn't come at a better time job. we've got to get all roads repaired. fix. good morning yet too much of a good thing. and so it's nice to take a back and take it easy for a couple days. >> before any more additional rainfall and snowfall seen across the state where we're at in the embarcadero right now, things are very quiet out there. no rain we are seeing some fog, but not at the embarcadero. we're are seeing a dense fog advisories just now going into effect from iran and sonoma counties all up and down 101 napa and solano county. well out to the central valley. so definitely an issue still for the north bay. he spots in the east bay as well. keep an eye on that. otherwise skies of trying to
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help tremendously from the sierra to the bay area. really not a lot to talk about out there. and you can see in future cast today does stay dry. we'll get some mostly sunny skies both this afternoon. then tomorrow afternoon for your friday to looking pretty good. saturday in particular will be the warmest day of this forecast before our next storm system does work its way in this low pressure system out here is just completely stalled out. now. it's just chill and not moving much anymore. not until sunday night, though, when it finally drags itself back over and drags along with it, some cooler air from the northwest. this is really going to result in our next cold system sunday night into monday, bringing us our next chance of rain here in the bay and snow in the sierra nevada. in the meantime, though, we do have this prolonged a break in that involve some upper 50's to low 60's today. hopefully you get a chance to get out there and enjoy it. i know yesterday was already a nice 4 runner to this nice, dry weather. we have and we'll continue to see the start of the weekend. low
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60's for the tri valley and up the east bay shoreline. oakland up to richmond at 60 to 61 degrees. napa down to the niche at 61 while petaluma right at 60 today. looking ahead to tomorrow's temperatures. just a little bit warmer and saturday are very warmest would not be surprised. 4 seconds if we saw some 70's on saturday, mostly sunny for the lunar new year parade sunday. black joy parade in the evening. chance of showers but dry during the day. monday will be seeing showers as well before drying back out. as for your roads right now, got a smooth commute this morning across the bay bridge, not as foggy for the east bay as it was yesterday and still watch out for some spots. but generally, our bridges are a lot clearer than they were. as for the richmond, sandra fell bridge. there is some fog in the vicinity and i'm going to be watching to see what that develops to be like here in the next few hours. but i do expect some fog formation on both the golden gate and the richmond. sandra fell within the next few hours, all right. on the eve of that happening this morning, golden gate
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bridge, transit officials. >> there will be holding a public hearing regarding the bridge toll increase proposal currently cost almost 9 bucks with fast tracked across the golden gate bridge. transit officials say raising the bridge toll when address a 220 million dollars shortfall expected over the next 5 years. so they also say traffic and transit ridership are still down following the covid pandemic resulting in less money coming in. today's meeting is going to start 9 this morning at the administration building at the golden gate bridge toll plaza. rohnert park police. they have been given $57,000 from the alcohol beverage control department. try to help eliminate alcohol related crime and public new nuisance in the area. officials say this is going to help increase enforcement in the area, cut down on alcohol sales to minors, the eu like rashes and public drunkenness. the money will help pay for staff overtime equipment and other resources. in national news,
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the biden administration is canceling and additional 1.2 billion dollars worth of student debt. washington correspondent reshad hudson joins us live with the latest. i'm sure a lot of people want to know if they fall under that category morning. >> good morning to this relief program is expected to provide relief for thousands of student loan bars and president biden is sending out e-mails letting people know exactly where that help this coming from. president biden says he is making good on a campaign promise taking aim at student loan debt while a college degree is still a ticket to a better life that take it is too expensive. >> on wednesday, president biden announced 153,000 people will have their entire remaining loan balance forgiven those borrowed $12,000 or less and have been repaying the loans for at least a decade. this plans most generous repayment program ever. and today we're doing it even faster and
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quicker than ever before the president made the announcement at a library in culver city, california. he said it's designed to help those who need it the most. when we realize and relieve americans of their student debt, they're free to chase their dreams. many republicans on capitol hill disagree. senator marsha blackburn called it a move to circumvent the supreme court's authority and harms american taxpayers and senator tom cotton wrote there's no such thing as student loan forgiveness, president biden is simply transferring the debt to make you and your kids pay back student loans. but you never took out. >> and since taking office, the white house says president biden has been able to forgive the student loan debt of nearly 4 million bars. reyna. >> all right, richard, thank you for that breakdown there. coming up on the kron 4 morning news parents are roadblocks. want to claim the company profits off of child labor. we'll talk more about labor. we'll talk more about that coming up.
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>> concerned parents, they filed a lawsuit against san mateo based gaming company roadblocks. so there are accusing the company of deceptive advertising and profiting from child labor. according to the lawsuit, 75% of children between ages 9.12, in the u.s. use roadblocks. the game is sort of metaverse experience where users can meet up with other people and create games. well, piers, be on the lawsuit claims blocks takes advantage of children and exposes unsafe on regulated and grotesque. virtual experiences. attorneys claim that the company
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knowingly designers, platform and games to be addictive roadblock spokesperson tells kron 4 the company is disputing the lawsuit's allegations. well, gore dash set the pay $375,000 for violating privacy laws. the state attorney general says doordash will customers personal information without notice. companies also required to provide annual reports to the attorney general who will monitor any potential sale of private information. well, and the north bay, one of the oldest bars in santa rosa is now set to close according to its facebook page. the dirty is one of the first bars in the north bay to celebrate the bars legacy. they have a week of events plan before they close including deejays karaoke and a liquidation sale over the weekend. now, next wednesday for all the bars. final day, all drinks are going to be only $3. let's head of the peninsula.
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construction is moving right along for the bay area's second top golf location. this one is being built on anza boulevard in burlingame. it's estimated to open at the end of the year as a 3 story building with 102 hitting days, restaurant outdoor dining and event space. right now, the only bay area top golf is located in san jose. still ahead, the kron 4 morning news. >> president joe biden will continue fundraising in the bay area toda raised. all expl
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>> i welcome back to the kron. 4 morning is to get a whole lot going next few days and the weather looks like it knows that we've got things going on in the bay. good morning i think the weather got the memo because we are looking nice and dry into the weekend in particular. really nice calm saturday. it's going to be. >> feeling like spring on the middle of the weekend. so love to see that this morning. it's chilly out there. we do have some spots of fog, but not as much as yesterday. we do have low visibility in spots like santa rosa nevado as well as concord and livermore, seeing some dense fog formation and watch out a little bit later this morning for oakland and san francisco. getting in the mix as well with some fog settling right along the bay shore. visibility with dense fog advisories for marine and sonoma counties along highway 101, as well as napa and solano counties, too much like yesterday specially the north bay seeing some foggy spots.
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radar is showing you those dry skies we have today after a foggy morning. eventually a clear day ahead of us. temperatures in the 40's to 50's right now. san mateo redwood city of 43 48 coldest spots being sonoma. saint helene, a calistoga in vacaville all well down in the 30's. kelsey bill yourself down to 36 degrees this morning later today. it's going to be low 60's to upper 50's plenty of sunshine making for a nice afternoon. roadway wise this morning. things out there. smooth sailing. we got the bay bridge looking at a 9 minute commute over it. do expect the metering lights here at about 10, 15 minutes and that will slow things down just a little bit. san mateo bridge at 12 minutes and fog free. as of right now. not so fog free at the richmond center fell. it is definitely moved into the toll plaza. there. just 30 minutes ago. you were crystal clear, but fog is forming quickly. so do watch for that. as for the golden gate bridge, 20 minutes, also seeing a little fog starting to form out that
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direction, right? all right, john, thanks for that. well, in the east bay, a recall petition for tucson, all glenn school board members. >> was approved by the alameda county register voters. this recall comes after the board members made a decision to ban pride. flags on school property members will. tran is live in seville with the latest on that. good morning. well, nd the recall, they're hoping to remove the school board members, 2 of them and perhaps reinstate the pride flag. now, let me show you video of what's been going on since last september when 2 out of 3 school board members, ryan jorgensen and linda hurley. they both voted to ban
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the pride flag immediately face backlash. recall supporters. they gathered 246 signatures. that is the bare minimum. now you might be say that is not a lot. well in the town of 800 or so. that is more than a quarter of the population. so per capita that is a significant amount. alameda county elections officials, they have 30 days to certify the signatures. but the recall supporters, they say they are good signatures. they're not worried about that. but they have 30 days to certify the signatures say they are who they are. and after that, they have up to 180 days to call for an election which basically means that the school board members, if this all ll. but this 2
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school board members simply resign. back to you. >> all right. well, we'll be following this story throughout the day. happening now, president biden is waking up in san francisco after night of campaign events in the city. his visit has been met with large protests. kron four's. michael thomas is live in san francisco with the latest on that morning. michael. >> i good morning, everyone. this is the president's 3rd day of his fundraising campaign across the state of california. and this morning he's waking up in san francisco at the fairmont hotel with the busy day of campaigning ahead take a look. this is video that we have from yesterday. that's when the president arrived at sfo in the afternoon from las angeles. he was greeted by mayor london breed, along with representative nancy pelosi. now a few of them did take a private helicopter over to marina green where they then set off to a private
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fundraising campaign event in the city. and his presence did cause some commotion. you can see just down the road in san francisco's pac heights neighborhood. there were dozens of pro-palestinian demonstrators demanding that the president and his administration and military aid to israel and called for a permanent cease-fire in gaza. take a listen to what one had to say. >> we're here as a statement to say that we don't joe biden and his politics in our city we believe joe biden is engaging in a genocidal war on the palestinians. we think that people are dying. children are dying. mothers are dying. we we have an issue with 3 billion dollars a year going to the israeli apartheid state. >> now today, the president is expected to be in the los altos hills area for another campaign event before heading back over to dc during his time here in the bay and in california, he has addressed his age saying that he may not be able to run as fast as he once did, but he is still
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capable of feeling his presidential duties, adding and also telling his supporters that if trump is officially on the ballot in november and the winds it key could implement a nationwide abortion ban along with obama health care. now back out here live, we will continue to cover what the president has to say later today afternoon and evening and continue to bring you that coverage live. that's a very latest san francisco reporting live. i'm michael thomas right now. send it back to all right. thank you for the breakdown like >> well, let's switch gears because the cyclists community on the peninsula and the south bay that continue to mourn the loss of a woman who was hit and killed by multiple cars in palo alto. this happened monday night at intersection of embarcadero and well, roads. >> investigators say she not done to the intersection. we're 2 additional cars hit her. 2 of those cars. they did not stopped. police are now looking for those drivers. they say the initial driver is a teen boy who is cooperating
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with investigators. bicyclists instructor in the silicon valley. tim, is speaking out about bicycle driver's safety visit the intersection where that woman was hit and he offered some tips for drivers. >> drive slowly. you don't have to get their really fast. make sure you're very observant and watch out for everything in front of you. some things right in front of you don't overhead if you do get a crash stopped. deal with it and help someone that could be very badly injured. >> well, a memorial ride is being organized by multiple organizations and it should happen in the next couple of weeks of vote to pay tribute to the 2 cyclists killed in the last and also to create awareness about bike and safety. well, crews in denver inspected a plane's wing after its emergency landing. >> the plane took off from san francisco and it was heading to boston. now crews are trying to figure out what caused the damage dan kerman talk to one of the passengers who was actually on that plane.
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>> moments after we took off, i heard just violent vibration. and it was. just very, you know. nothing. i've never her before. the planes. >> pro ski tour race announcer. kevin clark is talking about the first signs of trouble on monday's united flight from san francisco to boston flight 3.54. ended up being diverted to denver because of this damage to the wing. clark shot this video himself from his seat aboard the plane down. look at it. chronologically could see. >> how much it deteriorates over that, you know, like the flight, pretty significant by the time we we land aviation experts say the damage was not to a structural part of the wing, but a fiberglass trim piece or slack said between the 2 metal parts of the wing. no time the aircraft was in any danger. >> other than some vibration. >> or perhaps some noise that surfaces basically between the
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2 pieces, retired united airlines pilot ross amer told us by phone. >> well, airline maintenance is not what it was many years ago. the real question that remains is why this happened. looks like perhaps something hitting whatever the cause. those arriving at sfo wednesday say this incident coupled with that alaska airlines door panel that blew out last month has them concerned, but not all will be changing their flying habits. i would say it's pretty concerning. i worry about where regulations line why this is something we're seeing a little bit more often. >> it's still sort of a low frequency event. but if we see it happening more and more than definitely concerned does make me a little more concerned. we're looking at more travel that includes flights that are driving were likely been. so, yeah, i have to stop and they do. i want do you count the duct tape on the wing? i can tell you that's probably going to be held much safer going forward now that those issues have >> the faa confirms they are investigating this latest incident. as for united all they're saying at this point is that the flight was
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diverted to denver and landed safely. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> well, hundreds of educators held demonstrations yesterday afternoon across the east bay and nearly a dozen locations. educators are demanding better pay smaller classes as well. better equipment to help retain teachers. it was the first time the east, a coalition of teachers has how a tornado devastation like the you're looking at. >> you want the school's funds to prioritize what's happening in the classrooms with our students each day and every year because what we're seeing happen is that management is saving all of this money into reserves. so we're ending the school year with an excess of money that's been spent on this year students. so we want that money to be invested now into the current year and the current kids. >> well, educated from dublin, antioch, martinez and pittsburgh took part in the rallies as well. nurses in
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santa clara county are demanding better working conditions. they held a rally outside of valley medical center in san jose yesterday. the union for the more than 3700 nurses has been negotiating a new contract with county since october when the last contract expired quality units as they're concerned about a number of issues like short staffing safety and the lack of see so far negotiations. >> i'm not gone with she'd been negotiating since august. so this process really hasn't been. >> called a normal negotiations been no real back and forth, it's more or less. the county dictating to us what they want us to accept and our members are >> well, in a statement to kron 4 santa clara county health says the county will work to towards a fair competitive contract that will
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allow us to maintain essential health care services for our community. so far there's no scheduled date for the 2 sides to return to the bargaining table. still ahead, the kron morning news. >> california's snowpack is getting back to normal. we'll tell you where it stands now. and after the break, the boy is about to take on the lakers after getting a break during all-star weekend. we'll take a look at the changes we've been seeing on the starting lineup. we'll be right back.
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[radio static] dr. charles stanley: if you're facing something that's very difficult, remember this: never too difficult for god. he knows where you are, he's there to help you. cindy kim: when i heard charles stanley teach the word of god, it felt like my life had been prepared for that moment. dr. stanley: he wants you to trust him step by step. in whatever you're facing, you'll always come out right. here for thanks for you to know today. oakland police say they found multiple guns including an assault rifle as
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well as extended magazines and ammunition while arresting someone suspect in the shooting. shooting happened on the 11th on that carpet boulevard right near a 7.11. well, that is getting nearly a 4 million dollars in a state grant to improve public safety. city plans to use the money to expand the safety ambassador program in downtown and chinatown, which deploys mediators to help those in crisis. later this morning, even many will have court hearing on whether or not to move this case out of san francisco when he's accused of killing cashapp founder bob lee april 4th last year his lawyers asked to move his trial out of the city safe, please to famous in san francisco and there's no way many will get a fair trial. walnut creek city officials are considering making changes to the rules for public comment at city council meetings. this follows incident tuesday nights. we need when a man spewed anti-semitic comments will be on the shirt with a swastika as it stands today. walnut creek allows anybody to
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minutes speak on any item during public comment. okay. take a look at this tree comes down knocking. >> down a power line across the road in napa county yesterday morning. this happened on washington street in youngsville. nobody was hurt. but there were some minor power outages. and the sierra showing off some impressive snow totals. according to the california department of water resources. the state's snowpack is up to 86% of normal. so as you can see from the snowpack numbers, percentages are in a very good place. 79 up to 100% and the northern sierra things our way that compared to the state's first snowpack survey of the year. but experts say in a state with constant drought concerns, we can't get too comfortable. >> even though we have additional stored in our we want carry that forward. so we want average snowpack year this year and we want to ensure that we're still conserving our water as well to ensure that we can carry
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that benefit forward as far into the future as possible. >> well, last year, snow total was the second largest on record at 7.54 inches. inches for more on that forecast that was turned over to a john traver who is actively been preparing us for guests. this us know if you want to drive up there. now you get to enjoy the snow and you can see how much is piled up. a lot resorts have seen over 100 inches of snowfall in just february alone, which is wild. and that's why, as you saw a minute ago, we have done so much catch-up work up there. >> 100% of average in the northern sierra a month ago. things were not looking so great. so this is awesome. january kicked into gear. february took it to the finish line for the northern sierra. and we do have some more on the way, but we do get a nice little break from in the meantime, where we're sitting right now across not just the sierra but the bay area is on a drier note of things. we are in fact, seeing weather out there today. that is going to
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be pretty favorable for getting back outside. now, there we go looking at our north bay. we do have some dense fog having formed enough so that dense fog advisories are in place along 101 sonoma county and marin counties as well as napa and solano counties this morning. you can see out there that we do have fog. that is just as dense as yesterday for the north bay, but not quite as dense for the east bay. so improved conditions on 6, 85, 80 out in the east bay compared to yesterday. also improved on the roads and general dry skies from the sierra back to the bay. that's the way it's going to stay. not just today either but well into tomorrow for your friday. and then on into saturday and early sunday, at the very least, this is great. we have a lot of stuff going on this weekend. so this low pressure area. next storm system is waiting in the wings, not moving in just yet. in fact, really just stalls out. retrograde is a bit out in the pacific. eventually does dry itself a little bit near come
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a late sunday and along with it will draw in some cool air from the northwest. this means sunday night into monday. we see our next round of rain and mountain snow fall looking likely between here and there, though it 60's and sunshine, a mix of upper 50's and low 60's today. saint bruno right at 60 degrees, foster city through mountain view each at 62 south bay temps, some of our warmest san jose and surrounding cities at 64 degrees today. mostly low 60's for the east bay. whether you're in lindor right along the bay shore, north bay temps, sonoma, right at 60 degrees, vallejo and benicia at 61. well, santa rosa also at 61 for your high today. looking ahead, tomorrow's temperatures a little bit warmer saturday lunar new year parade and looking amazing highs in the upper 60's to even low 70's, mostly sunny the skies love to see it. now sunday night into monday will see the return of some showers across the bay area briefly, but enough to get roadways wet for your monday morning commute. as for
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roads right now, definitely an improvement along the bay bridges compared to yesterday. visibility is just fine and only 12 minutes right now. hopefully we can hold on to some decent commute conditions today. mateo bridge also at 12 minutes to make your crossing there and not talking nears much fog as yesterday. we do have some fog forming actively. so in the richmond, sandra fell bridge area as well as at the golden gate. also, cruise ship coming in under the golden gate this morning. that than that. but by there right now. all right, down the event. well, researchers at uc san francisco say they found a way to predict alzheimer's disease. >> up to 7 years before symptoms appear by using ai. researchers say they use data from more than 5 million patients to look for conditions and patients have been diagnosed with alzheimer's. they say utilize ai to spot these patterns can help determine what is driving that risk. >> we can try to understand how is the disease different in men and women and specifically in women with dana fide. also prosus as a
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predictive feature. but i will say it's not still pro says it's a combination. all of the various things. in the clinical record, that one was just one of the strongest ones. >> well, researchers hope the approach can also be used with other hard to diagnose diseases. lawyers were back on the practice court wednesday after the all-star break. and they're getting ready to play the lakers tonight from 4 sports director jason dumas to explains the changes made to the starting lineup recently. >> before last week, the last time klay thompson had come off the bench was march. 12th 2012, the very next game. he entered the starting lineup because steph curry was shut down with ankle issues and the rest is history claim went on to start 727 straight games. but it sounds like the era of clay has a long-term starter has come to an end. steve kerr spoke inland on wednesday for the first time since bring in clay off the bench against the jazz last thursday. clay
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responded, well, he scored a team high. 35 points and kerr liked what he saw so much so that he wants to see more of it. meanwhile, the rook brandon jet ski who has been scattered in and out of the starting lineup all year, looks like he's getting that spot permanently for the foreseeable future. skill set is very complimentary to jake can wigs in particular, rebounding taking moving the ball cutting. it seems to unlock that group. i'm really well. the numbers show at the the eye test shows it. and so i really like this this idea going forward you know, that starting 5. we're going to get chris paul chris paul and klay thompson coming off the bench. that's pretty good. >> and guess what? basketball fans who paid a premium for tickets to watch lebron james and the lakers tonight at chase center. the probably
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going to be disappointed. lebron will be sitting out. to rest his sore left ankle. he did hint to this sunday at the all-star game. he said he will be using some of these games to get additional treatment for that ankle. there is a little bit of a concern that james will miss extended time. but the hope is the rest now allow him to finish the season, even stronger and we will be at that game tonight. i will have live coverage from chase center, starting in the 5 o'clock hour. all right. 5 o'clock hour. all right. that's a look at sports. so i didn't think i needed swiffer, until, i saw how easily it picked up my hair
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every time i dried it! only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. even for his hair. wow. and for dust, i love my heavy duty duster. the fluffy fibers trap dust on contact, up high and all around without having to lift a thing. i'm so hooked. you'll love swiffer. or your money back!
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at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and with all the varieties... organic... reduced sodium... and now the culinary collection... ... it's like the deliciousness never ends! make everything better with better than bouillon!
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>> well, republicans in the legislature introduced several bills. they vow are going to benefit businesses across california, senate and assembly. republicans announce 8 bills focused on issues impacting businesses, including retail, thefts, regulation and taxes. one of those bills would allow businesses to apply for grants to help pay for retail theft investigations and prosecutions. another would allow retailers to impose a sales tax exemption for school supplies on the weekend before the school year starts. >> we're here to talk about how we want to help small businesses. we want reduce their costs. we want to get something real done retail theft this year and provide reforms that are necessary to support the small businesses. hopefully they will continue to be in their communities and hopefully they will stay here in california. so we're here to tell you that we. stand with you and we stand for thank you.
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>> well, on the other side of the aisle, democrats and built their own retail, legislation they argue is in a target. these and protect small business owners coming up in the next hour, the kron morning news. a recall petition for school board members in east bay. >> approved to be on the ballot. will explain what happens next in a live report. and a massive outage knocked out phone service 18 to customers across the nation. leaving them about a way to make calls text, even use internet for hours. well, that coming up, we'll right back.
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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news. the city of oakland receives nearly 4 million dollars from the state to improve public safety and the effort to recall 2 single school board members takes big step forward. plus, the walnut creek city council thinking changing the rules for public comment during meetings after a man spewed hateful rhetoric during a recent meeting. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. good morning. thank you for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm james fletcher and i'm reyna harvey in for darya folsom today. >> i was just telling john the weather is supposed to be a nice that they knew we had a bunch of things to do in the bay. that's and just just in time for the weekend, john, things are clearing nicely. good morning. knows weather makers the year to read out for us. love it. when that happens, especially for so much going on this upcoming weekend. we've got a few dry days ahead of us. and i hope you a


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