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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  February 22, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at >> now at 5, a disturbing case targeting female shoppers in the east bay pleasanton police arrest a man shown in this surveillance video. >> who followed women into bathrooms and secretly filmed
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them. thank you for joining us here in cannes for news at 5. i'm noelle bellow. i'm ken wayne. grant is off tonight. police say they found more than 200 videos of women on the suspect's phone and one of the cases happened inside a bathroom at a grocery store. kron four's gayle ong has the story. >> and invasion of privacy at this grocery store near the rose pavilion shopping center in pleasanton one of several locations. pleasanton police believe jesus counter leone followed women into bathrooms and film them without their consent. >> it's definitely wrong. >> the shopper stunned and worried about his daughter and niece. 75 in? well, as you know, you're wasn't like this. >> but now is definitely dangerous for. kids to be out there. >> we used to be gone all day. we producer, but kids can do that and more. it's >> too dangerous on december. first of last year, police say cast early on followed a woman into a bathroom of a grocery store. and then
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inappropriately filmed or the victim defended herself and filed a police report. early january. police put out this surveillance video on social media seeking the public's help in identifying a suspect. police say castro leone voluntarily visited the police department after the post. he was arrested for battery and invasion of privacy. pleasanton police credit. numerous tips from community members and the woman who came forward to report her frightening encounter. >> and pleasant and police believe there may be more victims across the tri valley. anyone with information is asked to contact police reporting from pleasanton gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> new details tonight about what led up to the shooting death of a 3 year-old boy in santa clara. prosecutors say the little boy named ivan was sleeping in his room one. 25 year-old sergio colin gomez shot him in the head at close range. the shooting happened about 2.30 tuesday morning at an apartment complex and point sienna drive near the lawrence expressway. officials say
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colin gomez was trying to get the boys pregnant mother who confessed to infidelity. prosecutors say the mother ran into her son's room, locks the door, but the suspect broke in and that's when prosecutors say he aimed a gun at the child's head and fired and then ran off. colin gomez has no relation to that child. he remains in jail without bail. >> we are learning 3 people from the east bay were killed in last week's crash on the bay bridge in san francisco corner has identified them as 59 year-old sean johanne the weller and 29 year-old bam thorpe. all of them lived in alameda county. the crash happened last thursday on the eastbound lanes of the bay bridge near treasure island. chp says the 3 victims were in a mini cooper when a toyota tacoma hit them from behind the driver and backseat passenger died at the scene while the front seat passenger later died while hospitalized. the truck driver suffered major injuries
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>> president biden is on the peninsula tonight attending a campaign fundraiser met in los altos hills. it's his second fundraising event during his visit to the bay area this week following one that was hosted by the getty's last night in san francisco's pacific heights this morning in the city the president said he met. you can see it here. he met with alexi navalny's widow and daughter to express his condolences. russia's opposition leader died suddenly in an arctic prison in russia last week. but russia has denied its involvement in navalny's death. the president said his administration is taking action against russia. >> we're going to be announcing sanctions against was responsible for that. thing make clear to me that lot going to continue that. the without letting up.
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>> pro-palestinian demonstrators confronted the president as he left the fairmont hotel in the city. today, the group called for a cease-fire in gaza and then into u.s. military aid to israel. there was a similar protest last night in the city. >> phone service should be back for all 18 t customers and the united states. the company says it's cell phone network has been fully restored, according to data from down detector 18 t had more than 73,000 outage. reports at some point this morning, some customers reporting they were briefly unable to call 9-1-1. government officials say there's no indication of a cyber attack and multiple federal agencies are helping to investigate what caused that large loss of service. let's take a live look outside and see how that sunshine looks on. the city looks pretty good right now. >> it was missint it for a while. hopefully gets to soak up the sun for a little longer. now it is back. boy, what a gorgeous day around the bay area. hope you had a chance to get outside and enjoy the beautiful blue skies and the sunshine. we've got
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more dry days ahead. a live look outside right now. a nice evening about set itself up here in the bay area. going to stay dry overnight tonight. how about a look out toward the coast? half moon bay, a beautiful day to go for a walk out along the water's edge. things have calmed down now the waters as well and looks like storm clouds have parted, at least for the near term long term. want to get back into were still in winter. but let's enjoy the dry days while we have it out the door right now. very comfortable. 64 degrees right now in fremont at 63 in san jose. a beautiful 61 right now in clear skies in san francisco. 61 in napa overall. yep. the trend looking just the way we want to dry conditions around the bay area. no warnings for any more flooding anywhere around the bay area really across california for that matter. but you can still see the active pacific out there. we've got another storm system that's spinning around venture. that will bring us some clouds across our skies for tomorrow. some partly cloudy skies, but dry conditions. i think the weekend looks good. some offshore winds are going to be kicking in. there chance of
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some rain in the forecast. we'll talk more about that, though. coming up in a few minutes. thank you, lawrence. at least one armed police officer on campus at all k through 12 schools in california. that's a proposal. >> that's introduced this week by assembly member bill say lee kron four's rob nesbitt. talk to that lawmaker about the billing joins us now with more on how it's supposed to work. there have been almost 100 school shootings in california in the last 6 years assembly member lee believes that a trained officer with a gun is the best way to prevent another one. >> we are here today to have an honest conversation about the state of public safety in california on the steps of the california statehouse this week, assembly member billa salee of corona introduced 3 new bills including one that would require all k through 12 schools in the state to have at least one armed police officer on campus. also known as a school resource officer or sro seconds. make this make the difference in saving lives. >> so we want to ensure that there's police officer who
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specially trained armed and ready to act in the that the shooting. >> according to us elite, there have been 96 school shootings in california since 2018. one of them at oakland skyline, high school in september result in the arrest of 3 miners. no one was injured in the shooting, but it was a scary experience for students and parents. the oakland unified school district does not have that sorrows. but if acquired the officers would come from the oakland police department, the department reacted in a statement saying, quote, increasing officers in the schools as a step towards enhancing safety and addressing issues specific to the school environment. oakland and other cities are dealing with massive police shortages. and the stanley says the public needs to recognize that police are nasa and not a danger and i think would change the narrative will be able to attract young folks again to come into this profession. not everyone welcomes the idea sorrows in all california schools, the american civil liberties union or a slu says a police presence in schools does not keep students safe but exposes students to more violence. according to the aclu,
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students instead need more counselors and support services. lee says sorrows would be paid for using the state budget last years. but last year's budget was over 300 billion dollars. and nearly half of that went to public education. >> reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> it was the morning of beats and jams at west oakland middle school as they celebrate black history month. aside from heading on those instruments performances featured african dances. well, today's event was set up by the school's dance and music department kron four's, of course, honoring black history through the end of february. make sure to tune into our special airing thursday, february 29th will be hosting that it is at 06:30pm. >> san francisco mayor london breed may have a tough road ahead to try to seek another term in office. a new poll shows most voters in the city aren't happy with her performance. our political
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analyst michael yaki will be joining us live with his insights on the mayor's race. >> plus, oscar grant some other finally retrieving the last pieces of property that belongs to her late son. why she says the process has been a long battle. but first, more controversy involving the oakland a's just days before this weekend's and fast.
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but ahead of schedule, caltrans reopened the road between sunol and fremont today with one-way traffic control. caltrans is still working on a permanent fix, though, for that part of the road that collapsed, you may have felt it, by the way, a preliminary magnitude. 3.2 earthquake shook parts of the east bay, according to the united states geological survey, the quake struck around 9.30 this morning about 4 miles south of seoul and 5 miles east of fremont. there were no reports of any damages or injuries. more controversy involving the oakland a's with just days to go before the weekend. fanfest in oakland. >> sponsors pulled out at the last minute making some think the a's were responsible. but say they're not kron four's. dan kerman breaks it down. we're broke thursday morning with this post to social media with just days to go before saturday's fans sponsored fans fest and oakland's jack london square, drake's brewing company has pulled out as one of the sponsors. simply said
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that they were going to pull in their sponsorship unforeseen circumstances and they doubles fly and they didn't provide any more insight into that. >> and they have failed to respond to any of our inquiries into an actual legitimate reason. drake's didn't respond to kron 4 s request for comment but fans on social media quickly pointed the finger at suggesting they were responsible for causing drake's to pull out. but the a's deny it saying the a's did not contact drake's regarding their sponsorship of fans fast. the a's have not advised any vendors to not participate in this event. it's not out of the realm of possibility that the a's contacted them to sponsorship. but brian johansen with oakland's last dive bar says that doesn't jibe with his information. we've actually had that happened with one of our sponsors already. but that sponsor denied their request and are still going to be sponsoring attending the event johansen when say which sponsor that was. and while event, organizers are still out. the money spent on
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branding banners and social marketing. that includes drake's. there will be no shortage of beer, 6 bay area breweries, including canyon club brewery in moraga have jumped in to help police and social media this morning. >> and you know, we're big oakland a's fans and we know about fans fast and we've been many years we just couldn't stomach the thought of having beer. so we might be a beer shortage. we just reach towns that had anything we can do to help. happy to do it. and they said we need air and so said great will be there on saturday. fanfest is set for saturday from 11 to 4 at jack london square. >> dan kerman kron. 4 news. all right. let's step outside again where it's a nice place to be for a change from the top of mount tam a pious you can >> pretty clear skies. yeah. green. >> down 10 well, lauren says we've got to soak this up while we cam, though it's like
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ireland out there. i mean, everything is green right now, right? all that rain that we've had to get a little sunshine. >> not long before everything is grown out. they're starting to see a couple of flowers popping up giving you hit that spring is not all that far away. but winter is far from done with us the season. we've got a lot of rain to come outside right now. we're looking good. nice conditions out there. some sunshine to enjoy. not much in the way of cloud cover. a couple clouds popping up over the mountain tops. pretty nice cargo ship coming inside the golden gate bridge right now. here's the long-range forecast models. we head out over the 6 to ten-day period starting next week, march 30. you can see all that green beginning to show up again in northern california, including the bay area. and that is showing above normal precipitation likely during that period. in fact, looking at the long-range forecast for the entire month of march, talking about above normal precipitation, possibly for the month of march 2. so let's enjoy our day in the sun. it's nice out there right now. tonight should be a nice evening. if you're heading outside, skies stay mostly clear them. couple patches of
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fog developing as we head toward the midnight hour and shortly thereafter. but really a nice evening if you're stepping out the door, looks like we're going to have some decent weather ahead as we get ready for the weekend, too. does look ominous off the coastline. you've got that area of low pressure spinning around out there. we've seen plenty of those lately. but the good news is that's going to be caught up in the jet stream startup lynn southward. so as it does, it's going to kind of head out of wind only for a couple of days. we may see some of that make its way in toward the bay area, bringing a slight chance of showers. i think late in the day on sunday. but most of that is going to make its way down toward southern california. so tomorrow, high pressure takes over. that ridge builds in. we've got some sunshine and a couple passing clouds, dry conditions out there, mild temperatures to probably some mid 60's. i think as we head in towards saturday there, i say we're going to get close to 70 degrees while parts on saturday have able enjoy it while we have it. a lot white skin out. has been kind indoor forever and now you can get and thanks, lauren. all right.
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getting the california department of water resources estimated 15%. well, the state numbers are low. it's still actually a 5% increase from december water. officials say several storms, of course, a boost to the snowpack in the sierra nevada. and that is helping the state's water supply. grim budget news out of the state capital. the new state protection indicates the deficit facing california is much worse than previously thought that capitol correspondent eytan wallace explains why that is and how lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are responding. >> well, it ultimately comes down to this concerns. a state tax revenues. are coming in way short. 73 billion dollars. that's how much the state's
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nonpartisan legislative analyst's office or says the new projection for california's deficit well, i would stop short of describing it as a crisis saying kits. >> it's a pretty serious budget problem. panic as the non-partisan california legislative analyst, his office previously estimated the death set at 58 billion dollars. but amid new data last month showing tax revenues coming in. well, short of what was projected, paddock now believes the deficit has grown to the new 73 billion dollar number. that is much higher than governor gavin newsom's. more optimistic deficit projection at 38 billion. the latest information, you know that we're out with now out indicates that it is worsening. >> you know, we're not anticipating it. a strong rebound in the revenues for the remainder of this fiscal year. that's why paddock has come out with solutions, he says could at least start to tackle the deficit right away, including one option for the legislature to immediately cut more than 6 billion dollars in one-time spending. >> slated for this fiscal year. we think that's a probably a good place to
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start. he also says the deficit reduction plan should include dipping into about half of the state's 24 billion dollars of reserves. assembly. speaker robbery of u.s. address the latest deficit projection earlier this week. i'm very concerned about the deficit. >> as i said in january, a lot can change in a very short period of time. and unfortunately, it has here just fiscal responsibility and cautioned against dipping too much into the reserve. so as to not deplete the state's rainy day fund in case it's needed. >> in future years, we need to be very prudent. we're very concerned about short-term fixes for long term problems. governor gavin newsom has long promised he will not raise taxes to close the deficit. instead, his administration is calling on the legislature to immediately cut 8 billion dollars. republicans argue part of the solution must also include policies to keep small businesses thriving in the state. they say has not been pro business. 73 billion dollar deficit. >> now here in california, you think that has something to do with what we've done to small
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business, less revenue coming in because we've collapsed. a small business economy because of the policies that came out of this building because of the policies of the democratic super majority. >> as speaker eva says legislative leaders and the governor of held several meetings to discuss how to move forward reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> still ahead, the recall effort against to seminole school board members is moving forward. and bart ridership is up. what officials are toting as the reason why. another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters.
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running out. if you want to
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share your thoughts on the proposed toll increase on the golden gate bridge is a live look at the bridge right now. currently, it costs almost $9 with fast tracked across the golden gate bridge. >> the golden gate whole authority is considering an increase ranging from 35 to $0.50 a year. the transit agency is taking public comments on the proposal until tomorrow afternoon. if approved, the new toll hikes will begin july 1st, mark just released its quarterly report that shows an increase in writer satisfaction rates says overall ridership increased by more than 9% over the last year. barr credits most of its improvement to its safe and clean plan, including more police visibility on trains and at stations as well as better staffing for cleaning up at the bart stations late last year. barn also introduce, see not one more girl campaign. that's an initiative to combat harassment on the trains. >> check it out. this is how restrooms could soon look at the oakland airport. it's all thanks to a 10 million dollar
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federal grant. the ideas to focus on a family friendly and gender-neutral restrooms. phase one should be wrapped up by the middle of next year. >> coming up next to last pieces of property tying oscar grant's mother to her son's tragic death are finally back in the right hands. we have an update for you. plus, a new poll reveals san franciscans aren't too pleased with mayor london breed's work. we're talking to michael yaki next. and history made on the moon. the unmanned odysseus spacecraft achieves the first spacecraft achieves the first u.s. lunar there it is... that feeling you get when you can... du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks...
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>> all right. 5, 30 15 years after his death, the last pieces of property that belongs to oscar grant are now in the hands of his family. grant was killed by a bart police officer in oakland. his mother, reverend wanda johnson. >> has been trying to get her son's belongings for more than a decade. now. kron four's philippe djegal has the latest signing a property receipt for the 2 cell phones held in her late son oscar grant's possession the night he was shot and killed by a police officer at the fruitvale station in the early hours of new year's day 2009, reverend wanda johnson will not go so far as to say this moment brings closure to her family. >> but certainly relief. it's another piece of my >> that is been fulfilled that i having my sense property and that's all families want. johnson joined alameda county district attorney pamela price. during a news conference in oakland thursday, price previously
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represented johnson and her family in a civil case related to her son's killing. now, as da price lifted a hold placed on grants by the previous administration. >> prices moving forward when cases are closed her office will work with victims, families to have their loved one's property returned. there is no justifiable reason that we are aware of why these phones were not returned to her. >> more than 10 years ago, johnson says she is looking forward to turning the phones on and reviewing their contents from case files. she knows grants last call was to his fiancee the night he died. >> and the final photo was of yohan as early pointing a taser at grant, the former bart cop who shot and killed him. mister lee was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and served nearly 15 months in prison. his attorneys argue he missed took his gun for a taser when he opened fire on grant. but that still says to me, is that.
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>> 30 seconds before he knew the taser from the gun and he's pointing it and all of a sudden now, 30 seconds later, he doesn't know his taser from the scant next week grants family will celebrate what would have been his 38th birthday. >> in oakland, philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> a change of venue hearing in the case against many has now been moved to next month. many is accused of killing cash out founder bob lee on april 4th of last year. lawyers want to move his trial out of the city saying lee is too well known in san francisco many would not get a fair trial ruling was expected last month, but defense attorneys requested more time to make their case. the contra costa county sheriff's deputy has reached a plea deal after facing several felony charges. >> prosecutors say matthew buckley pleaded no contest to 3 felonies, including having an illegal assault weapon filing a false police report and preparing


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