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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  February 23, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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>> right now on the kron 4 morning news court documents are revealing what allegedly happened between a mother and her boyfriend that ended with a three-year-old death. plus, nearly 2 dozen cars burglarized at an east bay bart station as a new survey shows riders are actually feeling more safe on bart. and we're just one day away from the biggest celebrations of the year in san francisco will have a live look at how the city is preparing the chinese new year parade. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you for joining us here at 07:00am on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm james fletcher and a radar be in for darya folsom today on this friday, february 22nd. so many events happening this and the weather couldn't have
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timed out more perfectly for all those celebrations. john, good morning. it looking so good out there. we're looking at forecast today that is going to be mid 60's, a few clouds, but we'll take him. we've got the dry skies importantly today, tomorrow and for really daytime hours on sunday, looking out there from mount tam this morning, gorgeous sunrise. as i% mentioned, we do have some passing clouds today. so not a crystal clear one. there's your clouds building in from the south. so do expect partly to mostly cloudy skies. don't let that stop you from getting out there and enjoying what's about to be a gorgeous one out right now. it's 40's for most of the bay area. oakland, you're at 49 degrees. we do have some 30's in the north bay like novato and sonoma sitting at 39 38 degrees. so don't forget the jackets for now. later on, though, won't be needing them. we've got our daytime highs in the 60's amid some passing clouds and just overall mild conditions talking the rest of the weekend's forecast. still ahead right? all john, thank you for that be heading into the city this morning. drive times on the bay bridge just short of 18 minute tracking
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things and doesn't like we've got an accident ad westbound. >> just east of the treasure island next. it. so that's why the meter lights are on. and it's just a little slow. no accidents on the san mateo bridge about 13 minutes there. you're just summer feel ridge, 12 minute ride and the golden gate bridge. 37, the tolls. 26 minutes on this friday. >> well, bart says that ridership and customer satisfaction are actually up as the agency's deploy more police in the last few months. but that's not the case. everywhere. how was michael thomas is in the newsroom with the details on that morning. michael. >> yeah, good morning. everyone will overall satisfaction from bart riders is up and it's actually the highest it's been in over a decade. >> but just this week, almost 2 dozen cars were broken into on the same day. now, according to bart police, 23 cars were broken into and burglarized on wednesday in the parking lot of the north berkeley bart station. as of right now, no arrests have been made in the case remains under investigation by both berkeley and bart police. we
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did reach out for an update but have not heard back as of yet. but despite these break-ins agency says overall stats from its quarterly survey shows that ridership is up 9% right now. and satisfaction from writers is actually up 7% and it's now sitting at 81% back in 2022, that number was 67%. so officials say the notice of a heavier police presence is also up at 20% by writers and that actually it's exceeds the agency's official goal of 12%. lastly, the numbers show that harassment on bart has declined since early last year from 10% down to 7%. and lastly, the agency also says this is the first time since 2012 that the customer satisfaction rate is in the 80's. i will send it back to to live in the studio. all right, michael, thank you very much. >> well, a man accused of following a woman into a bathroom of a grocery store and then recording her was arrested in pleasanton last month. police put out
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surveillance video where they show a man and who they were actually looking for. they say after the post them and voluntarily actually turn himself in. police say the 99 ranch market stores want to several locations. police believe he followed women into bathrooms. they believe there might be more victims across the tri valley. anybody with any information you're asked to contact police. >> well, a new court documents now revealing a possible motive in the shooting death of a 3 year-old boy in the south bay. and santa clara police say his mother's boyfriend killed that little boy earlier this week. court documents show there was a fight over alleged infidelity right before the shooting proper stance has the story. >> investigators say it was a difficult day on the job when they responded to the killing of 3 year-old boy ivan in santa clara. the shooting happened early tuesday at an apartment where the child was living with his mom and her boyfriend, sergio collin gomez. prosecutors say colin
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gomez shot the boy in the head after accusing his mother of cheating on him. there's nothing like, you rage full jealousy. they can contribute to people just kind of losing all sense of rationality. santa clara university psychology professor thomas plante says unfortunately, domestic violence is fairly common and can escalate quickly when a weapon is involved. court documents revealed collin gomez who is not the boy's father came home monday night and accused his girlfriend of cheating. he then demanded the three-year-old be taken to his own bedroom once the boy fell asleep. collin gomez and his girlfriend continued their conversation about their relationship. the documents show he threatened her and told her not to be stupid. tensions eventually cooled and the 2 were watching a movie before colin gomez apparently became angry. again, it's kind of curious that it seemed like this incident settled down a bit and then something fired
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up again. >> that resulted in the tragic consequence of shooting this poor three-year-old. >> boy, things get even more layered after learning the girlfriend is 5 months pregnant with colin gomez's child plant says the reality for the mother and the unborn baby is tragic. it gets so complicated, so quit and the level of >> just seeps through multiple people. >> in santa clara, dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> on the peninsula, police in daly city say that a man was robbed while he was placed in a chokehold. so they say this happened monday night in the area of west market and mission streets. the victim says he was walking home with 2 friends when 3 men approached them. one of the men he says, put him in a chokehold ball. another man punched him in the face until he fell to the ground. and that's when they kick the men took off with the victim's bag containing martial arts training gear with about $300. and electrical fire at a san
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francisco high rise has hundreds of people now displaced. this all happened at the paramount building on mission street. that's in the south of market neighborhood. building management says the fire started in the building's main electrical room on wednesday, power and water immediately went out. the elevators were also not working in that 43 story building for hours and that force residents to have to walk down hundreds of flights of stairs. one couple says it was concerning to them. how management handled this whole situation. >> building seemed to have no emergency protocols in place. the fact that they lost emergency power and running water because they did not have adequate. emergency services such as generator that could run for a great number of times or they didn't refuel their generate. so ran out of power. and i think that's unacceptable. >> until it's repaired, management has provided residents with a discount at a nearby hotel. paramount staff have told residents it could take upwards of a week to fix.
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>> happening tomorrow, the annual chinese new year parade will march through san francisco. yeah. as everybody gathers to celebrate and welcome in the year of the dragon, we have kron four's will tran standing by live in san francisco. >> with those preparations and they need is you. so let me show you some video. of course, they will have all the festivities and people come down to see just the sights and sounds in the floats, of course, and they have been preparing for weeks on out and i wouldn't be surprised they
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are preparing at this very moment. hundreds of floats will be ready to go and it will, as you mentioned, marched through the streets of san francisco. 1.3 miles altogether, 2 hours long and they're hoping this year will be the biggest yet because couple years ago that pandemic basically shut down chinatown and they're hoping to revitalize as we move further and further away from the pandemic. get this fun fact. this is the biggest. >> chinese new year parade outside of china. this is how important it is to san francisco. lots of people, lots of money and lots. a police officers. >> we want to make sure san francisco police department standpoint, people come to the chinatown. come to san francisco and enjoy themselves. this is a great event is a great event. year in year out, we intend to make sure that we do everything we can. >> continue that tradition
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>> lots of police officers in the uniforms and lots of police officers in plain clothes to make sure everybody is safe. this stretches throughout san francisco, at least a big chunk. the heart of san francisco's union square. so it starts off at second. the market goes through union square goes to powell street makes a right makes a left on post and then goes down kearney as well. gets through chinatown and ultimately to columbus avenue. so do plan a lot of street closures and a lot of traffic, which means public transportation is your best bet. starts at 5.15. the weather should be fantastic s u the air thinking they're better than >> why thank you very much.
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help them nene and its ally. great things. it's >> still ahead, the kron morning news. a small business in the south bay, not $1000 after tesla canceled an order in may for thousands of hives. plus one bay area city is launching a new security camera program trying to up right down on crime. and a new state report projects the bigger than we previously and i- a gorgeous start to the weekend today. we've got daytime highs reaching the to daytime highs reaching the to upper
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here's your biggie bag. all that food for 5 bucks. -that's my go to. -oooh - that's my ride or die. hah.... just like you and me.... (singing) ♪ bag boys ♪ ♪ bag boys, whatcha gonna do ♪ don't... -♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ -don't... -♪ when we bring your food ♪ - it... go biggie and get all this with the jbc for just 5 bucks.
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>> we are back at 7.13, and restrooms out of the oakland airport are going to be getting a big upgrade soon. thanks to a 10 million dollars. federal grant. >> these are some sketches showing what the new restrooms might look like. pretty fancy. their idea is to focus on family friendly and gender-neutral restrooms. phase one could be wrapped up by the middle of next year. >> all right. well, we're talking about weekend plans for you. if you have any, the weather's going to the best. it's been and a long time could have asked for better cooperation from mother nature. john, i know. and what a good weekend to finally be seeing. some like consistently from start to finish. really good weather for a weekend today. tomorrow, especially sunday, all looking really good. >> your view outside from the east bay definitely showing off those mostly cloudy skies. i've been mentioning just because we've got good weather today doesn't mean that the skies are blue necessarily. you can see those clouds building in from the south and that's something we'll see today partly to mostly cloudy all day long. that low pressure system that's literally just sitting here right on our doorstep. the
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side that doesn't want to come in just yet actually takes a few steps back. and that means that we've got a nice dry weekend ahead of us. very courteous. that low not to move in just yet waits itself out into sunday night when we're all getting back into gear for the work week. sunday night into monday. we see a few showers. it's nothing major. but do expect some wet conditions as you're driving to work monday morning and some snow in the sierra bigger system, then i really got my eyes on arrives late. but next week on towards the weekend, this one looks to be a cold one and could provide the sierra with a very heavy dose of snow. of course, that's still a week away. but we'll let you know when you get closer, what it looks like now, future cast does show those clouds today and mostly cloudy, one for sure. as for what we have tomorrow, do expect mostly sunny skies and our warmest temperatures of the weekend fully expecting a 70 on the mound for a lot of us tomorrow. today will have to be satisfied with mid 60's to upper 60's. that's ok, very comfortable indeed. burlingame
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at 64 san carlos at 66 today. look at these numbers. and santa clara campbell, san jose and milpitas at 67 degrees east bay temps, not bad either. fremont hayward on up through oakland beach at 65 north bay. temps also kind of warm, but he should really help fairfield at 67 for your afternoon highs later on. so it's a cold morning at afternoon hours. really nice, though, tomorrow, downright warm in the low 70's sunday looks great as well. although a little cooler and a little cloudier, head of showers overnight sunday into early monday right now. all right, john, thanks that. let's get a look at your morning commute traveling into the city this morning around 11 right? >> mateo bridge just short of 14 80 to 101. richmond, sandra bridge 12 minutes traveling tolls to 1, 1, there and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 34 minutes. on the peninsula portion of el camino. in burlingame is going to be closed today. closure will between forest view and
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sanchez avenues sarver as they prepare to remove a tree. the closure starts at 9 this morning and will in later on in the afternoon. drivers are advised to use alternate routes in the meantime. for your money this morning, about half of america's new college graduates. there were kid in high school level jobs and there's a new poll engines, ears found. they rather have good credit. then social media followers. joya doss live the nasdaq with those stories and more. good morning. joya. >> rana, good morning to you. good morning, everyone. that's right. a survey of 500 gen x-ers and 500 millennials revealed that 9 in 10 millennials would rather have excellent credit score. then 50,000 followers on tiktok. now the gen x-ers who are survey by credit, sesame in one poll said they would prefer a credit score of at least 7.50, or higher. then thousands of followers on social media. another interesting part of the report. said that average age for the first credit card now stands at 22 years old around
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52% of recent graduate start their careers and jobs that don't need a degree. we're talking about food service as well as retail. the report from the data research firms burning glass institute in the strata education foundation found that while college graduates in the same job as non graduates make about 25% more money, it's still far less than what they would have made if they found that found a job that requires a degree. rents continue to cool shopping for the 6 month in a row nationwide and providing a little bit of relief to renters realtor. dot com says that rents nationwide. are $46 below the high of august 2020 su, but still prices are over 18% higher than pre-pandemic levels. finally, 91% of dog owners of experience financial stress over the coast cost of pet ownership. usa today poll found that 66% of people say they've cut back on personal spending in response more than a quarter of americans spend anywhere from 50 yuan to $100 a month. live from the nasdaq
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market site. i'm joy das. i don't. that's man's best friend. so you got to pay thank you for that. delay. 7.18, is the time in a new poll conducted by the san francisco chronicle shows a majority of residents. >> don't approve of the way. mayor london breed is running the city. that poll which included more than 800 likely voters found more than 70% actually disapprove of her performance as mayor. according to the chronicle, voters are disappointed with how she has handled things like public safety and homelessness, drug overdoses, housing, affordability, too. when the question of who residents are leaning toward for mayor in the next election. former interim mayor mark farrell actually got the highest percentage all the candidates, but 38% of residents say they either. pic none or were u%decided. in national news, the federal government runs out of money in about a week and republican leadership in the house is still struggling to find a plan to prevent the shutdown. in fact, the house is currently on a break right now and won't be back until next
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week with just 48 hours until the funding deadline. so that doesn't give a lot of time to get something done. some hardline republicans are demanding spending cuts. others want to see a spending bill that addresses the southern border. >> 4 trillion dollars in it is a disaster. it is you either secure the border or you get no money for the government. >> well, it's not likely that republican demands will be passed by the democrat controlled senate money. it's set to run out on march. 1st. >> well, we've got some pretty grim budget news. this is out of the state capitol. new projections shows the california budget deficit is a lot worse than what we previously thought. states, non-partisan legislative analyst's office as california's deficit. he's an estimated 73 billion dollars. so the numbers up from 58 billion after new data arrive sometime last month showing tax revenues coming in. well, short of projections.
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>> i'm very concerned about the deficit. as i said in january, a lot can change in a very short period of time. >> and unfortunately, it has we need to be very prudent. we're very concerned about short-term fixes for long term problems. >> governor gavin newsom promised he will not raise taxes to close a deficit. states administration is calling on the legislature to immediately cut a billion dollars in spending. happening today. we've got state student workers and they're going to learn today. the results of their efforts to form a union, thousands of undergraduates to the workers 5 for bemter pay as well as benefits if they vote. yes, this will create the largest student union in u.s. history. that announcement is going to started 10 o'clock this morning up watch parties at san francisco state as well as san jose state. >> city of palo alto is launching a new security camera program. this program will allow palo alto residents
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and businesses to let the police know if they have a privately on security camera on their property. it will also allow police to quickly determine if there are nearby cameras at the scene of a crime that might have captured evidence of the criminal activity once notified by police officials say the camera owners will then have the ultimate decision on if they want to share the video there. cameras may have recorded. coming up next on the kron 4 morning lawmakers pushing a bill to require an armed police officer at every california school. >> why he says it would improve school safety. and after the break, a mobile medical van celebrates 20 years of helping people in need in san francisco will tell you what they do. 7.-4.
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is the time and a developing story this morning. police now investigating a theft at uc berkeley's campus construction site. >> officers say $40,000 worth of tools and materials were taken from a box storage shed earlier this week. police believe the thief was driving a white four-door nissan. no arrests have been made just yet. california lawmakers are considering a bill that would create new standards for court-ordered parenting classes. the bill would apply to people suspected of child abuse legislation would address the lack of regulation found in classes that do not require evidence based services. it would also require any parenting classes ordered by judges to be provided by qualified professionals. >> san francisco is celebrating 20 years of the
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mammal than so the mobile mammals and services help 1000 women get affordable access to screenings that would help detect signs of cancer once a week they parked right in front of care clinics. >> they go so many different places in the community where women would get up and go, you know, like is coming to you. you need to be enacted bring it to you. our rates have actually gone up 19% for our black and african american patients and being able to get them in and get screened. and it is so important to get those screenings done. >> to qualify, you have to be patient of one of the departments of health clinics throughout the city. they're going to an appointment. so there's no wait for the private screening. coming up next, the problem morning news. more controversy surrounding the oakland a's just days before the team host its annual fanfest event will. >> dive into that. coming up.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> all right. we're back. coming up on 7.30, here on the kron 4 morning news. and we've got beautiful conditions already setting up for us on this friday morning. yeah, it's going to be clear weekend. we've got, you know, the parades happening in the bay area. tons of events. i'm wondering when we're going to get a little bit of rain hopefully will be after all that fun stuff outside. john, good morning. yeah. looks very likely. we're wait until after everything is wound down for the weekend sunday night into monday. some light showers making the approach. but that's not going to be. and so hopefully year, kinda bad. and getting ready for your work week. looking outside this morning, we do have a lot of cloud cover out there. it's going to be a mostly cloudy day, but that won't keep
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temperatures down. in fact, today's going to be warmer than yesterday was there's your clouds rolling in from the south. no chance of rain associated with them. so we are in for a dry day today. current temperatures are in the 40's to 50's with oakland, a cool 49 degrees. sonoma all the way down to 38 nevado at 39. so definitely don't forget the layers this morning. later on today, though. no need we're going to be looking at partly to mostly cloudy skies, but mild conditions. highs in the mid 60's tomorrow, sunnier and even warmer yet which all have in your full forecast rain. all right, john, thank you for that. that accident i was tracking on the bay bridge. that's no clear. so that's some good news there. 12 minutes into the city, san mateo bridge just sort of 14 80 to 101, it was december boebert still 10 minutes, although looks little slower than that. but it still really light. >> golden gate bridge. 43 minute ride. and that's because up in the north bay, we do have an accident. this 101, northbound north of san pedro road in sandra fell. so
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if you are traveling there, things are slow heading down into the city. 37 to the tolls. 43 minutes. >> well, 7.30, the time. and in the south, a small business owner in san jose says that her pie shop now is out thousands of dollars after tesla unexpectedly canceled a huge order com for some. and harry spoke to the owner about what happened. >> and how they're going make up that money. >> the giving pies in san jose's willow, glen neighborhood is a staple. each pie is carefully assembled by hand in small batches. despite that, the shop is managed. could together orders for large corporations like apple, google and into it. the owner longview rosset herrin era says on valentine's day the shop got a last-minute order request from tesla, 2000, many pies have to be living on tuesday. the other half on thursday. she said she agreed
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that then the waiting game began. protests led to pay buses. and lauren never contacted me. ross that aaron aaron says she reached out again. >> and send the invoice multiple times to multiple people. finally at 9 thursday night, a call from tesla. they apologized for the delayed payment and asked to double the order to 4,000 pints. i contact my staff and you know, we can work saturday on sunday on monday. we can make it that a prominent. she says she sent tesla a revised invoice and still did not receive a payment. she contacted them multiple times and finally got a response by text. i received a message back of things by thing is >> i think that we're not going these are very she had to turn down other orders and already purchased resources like ingredients, boxes. >> and stickers after she posted about it on social media. she says tesla saw it and reached out. they said they wanted to make it right by me. they want for up me to
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do to events. we reached out to tesla and at the time of this report. >> they have not gotten back to us yet in san jose amanda hari kron. 4 news. >> well, a change of venue hearing in the case against many was moved to next month. man is accused of killing cash app founder bob lee on april 4th of last year in his lawyers want to move his trial out of the city saying that leaves just 2 well known in san francisco. i would not get a fair trial. ruling was expected last month, but defense attorneys requested more time to make their case. well, there's a new bill that would require k through 12 schools in california to have at least one armed school resource officer on campus when students are present. the bills introduced this week by assembly say lee, the republican feel strongly that an armed police officer exactly the best way to prevent another school shooting.
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>> seconds make. this makes a difference saving lives. so we want to ensure that there's a police officer who specially trained armed and ready to act in the that the shooting. >> well, according to a salee, there have been 96 school shootings in california since 2018. not everyone welcomes the idea of sr owes in all california schools, the american civil liberties union or aclu says a police presence in schools. it's not keep students safe, but it actually exposes students to more violence, according to the aclu, students instead need more counselors as well as support services. >> new this morning, investigators in arizona are now looking for family members of a cold case, murder victim with ties to the bay area. police released this sketch of the victim has been identified as luis alonso police in mohave county, arizona, believe he may have family here in the bay area. his remains were found by hikers. back in 1976. police say he
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was shot in the head and they were unable to until last october. he's originally from el salvador. investigators believe he worked for the coast guard and for the u.s. navy here in the bay area for about 10 years before he was killed. >> well, it has been 15 years since oscar grant was shot and killed by a bart police officer in oakland his mother. >> finally now has the last pieces of his property. reverend wanda johnson has been pushing investigators to return them to her for years. forcefully to has that story? >> to cellphones of the last piecee of the problem reverend wonder johnson and the rest of her family have been waiting for to be turned over by the alameda county district attorney's office. both were in her late son, oscar grant's possession the night he was shot and killed 15 years ago on thursday. alameda county district attorney pamela price gave them back. finally, you know, i'm at this point. we got the phone. >> just to go home and turn it
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on and charge. the battery. and hopefully see, you know, some of my son's picture, son, what else he had and his phone price deliver johnson the phones during a thursday news conference in oakland prices. despite repeated requests for the property from grant's family, the previous administration withheld the phones at its discretion. >> rice says once the criminal and civil cases were closed, there was no justifiable reason not to release them. when i. >> commissioned my inspectors to find the phones, there was no challenge finding the phones. we know which phones that actually belonged to oscar grant, which phones were cataloged appropriately. it was apparently a an active will not to return the phone stir before being elected to office. price represented grant's family in civil court. >> from case files, johnson knows her son's last phone call was to his fiancee at the time it was placed while grant was on the platform at the fruitvale station early
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morning. new year's day in 2009, the final photo was of the officer who shot and killed him as early pointing a taser at grant seconds before eventually opening fire with a gun. mister lee was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and served nearly 15 months in prison. his attorneys argued he mistook his gun for a taser when he opened fire on grant in oakland, philippe djegal all kron 4. well, we're now learning the names of 3 people from the east bay actually killed in a crash last week. >> on the bay bridge, sarah says a coroner identified them as 59 year-old sean joanne. 38 year-old russell weller. 29 year-old them thor. all of them actually lived in alameda county. the crash happened last thursday. this is on the eastbound lanes of the bay bridge, right near treasure island. chp says the 3 victims they were in a mini cooper when a toyota tacoma hit them from behind driver backseat passenger died at the scene
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while the front passenger died while they were at the hospital. truck driver suffered major injuries in this. in the north bay, santa rosa police arrested a man for alleged dui crash into a pole. this happened la thursday early in the mornion west elaine, right near mcbride lane. police say the driver had a blood alcohol level almost twice the legal limit. he was booked into the sonoma county jail. >> well, a ban on octopus farming was introduced at the california state senate. their assembly. the bill seeks to prohibit the farming of octopus on both land and sea. according to the proposal methods used on these farms are inhumane and the species is not suited for large-scale breathing. the legislation will also put a ban on the import of farm raised octopus into california. similar bills were introduced in washington state and in hawaii. and 8 months old, tiger is now being
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taken care of out at the oakland zoo. vets say she was rescued from a private facility where she apparently suffered bone fractures. zoo officials didn't name that private facility or where it's located. but they did say the broken bones now have prevented that kept from being able to runner climb that's are now working on a physical therapy plan to rehabilitate they do think that she will make a full recovery, but it will take time. >> so we've got some more controversy. this is involving the oakland a's with days to go before this weekend's fanfest in oakland sponsor pulled out at the last minute making some people believe may be the a's were responsible, but they says they are not kron four's. dan kerman has that story. >> with the likes of trevor may coco crisp and grant belfer set to appear at this saturday's fans fest. and oakland's jack london square news broke thursday morning on social media that one of the event's sponsors drake's brewing company has suddenly pulled out of the event. at the 11th hour. they pulled out days before the event
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providing no reason whatsoever. drake's didn't respond to kron. 4 s request for comment but fans on social media quickly pointed the finger at suggesting they were responsible. but the a's deny that saying the a's did not contact rates regarding their sponsorship of fans fest. the a's have not advice to any vendors to not participate in this event and a 4 of and that was that it is not to attend. but brian johansen with oakland's last dive bar says another sponsor who he refused to name was approached by the a's. but it's still participating in fans fest. and while event, organizers are still out, the money spent on branding banners and social marketing. that included rakes. there will be no shortage of beer if a fan shows up to support the a's and they expect a beer. i want to make sure they have a following the social media post, 6 bay area breweries including canyon club brewery in moraga. >> have jumped in to help. no hesitation at all. i mean, i didn't know what it meant. i just thought maybe they need
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beer night. i think my text was, hey, if there's anything we can do to help out, i didn't know that would look like they said they needed beer and i said no problem that we make beer. that's what we can do. fest is set to get underway saturday from 11 to 4 at jack london square. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> well, a corpse flower name ross is expected to bloom again at san francisco. candy, the sciences, it's expected to do some time next week. the plants can reach up to 10 feet high and they have a smell. this ride is rotten fish. scarlet decaying. meet course. flowers me. lots of energy to bloom. so experts say this might be your last chance to see mirage in her full glory. let's go check around. still ahead on the kron morning news tech companies are combating ai the fakes. this presidential election will tell you who are is participating. >> and a restaurant in san francisco put together a special dinner in honor of black history to tell you when that is coming up. >> and today is going to easy
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travel day getting up into the sierra nevada the weekend in general stays that way with conditions. nice and dry through saturday and sunday, sunday night into monday is when snowfall makes its return and even more snow towards the end of
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>> know this was a nail-biter, but we are in the senate on the surface and we are transmitting. welcome to the move. >> welcome to the moon. how about that? intuitive machines, a private cpmpany announced their its unmanned lunar lander successfully reached the surface of the
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moon and is now transmitting back to earth that lander named this year's touched down thursday after taking off there on that falcon 9 rocket firm. spacex. but it's the first american spacecraft in more than 50 years to land on the surface of the moon. the craft will conduct experiments on frozen south pole. all of them for nasa. the space agency plans to land astronauts on the moon sometime later this decade. so a lot of those experiments now are going to help towards that mission. eventually. all right. sounds good. >> well, you know, it is not so good. a study has discovered that our coastline might be contaminated with radioactive ways. uc santa barbara scientists there are deserving a spread of ddt across the ocean floor. scientists suggest the corroded barrels there. catalina island could contain low levels of radioactive materials. say that between the 1940's, 1960's hospitals in laps down barrels of hazardous waste at now,
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currently there's no technology, too retrieve the radioactive materials or even dispose of them safely. that's not good to >> no point. oh. >> all right, 7.45, let's bring it back to the surface here. we've got weather. whether to talk about and actually beautiful weather here for the weekend. a hand on the side to get outdoors this weekend. it would be where the people are of the of. we're looking at a great day to be where the people are outside. lots of sunshine this weekend. >> today is going to be mostly cloudy, though. and you can see at the golden gate bridge, not making it any less beautiful. look at the marin headlands how green they are. love to see a green. and at this time of year cloud cover moving in from the south. that is going to be a dry one. despite all those clouds, we are going to be seeing this low pressure area deciding not going to give california break for a minute. taking a few steps back and that is going to give us this dry weekend today, tomorrow into most of the day on sunday. no worries. beautiful forecast ahead. low
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decides time to move in. come sunday night into monday, getting the work week started with overnight showers sunday night into early monday. we dry out for a few days after that and then a more significant system lined up to impact us towards the end of next week into next weekend. and a big snowmaker looking possible with that next one, a cold system moving in from the north and west. so really hoping that one comes through could love to see some more snow in the meantime, though, all that's coming through with some clouds today. tomorrow is going to be crystal clear and highs reaching the low 70's for some of us for saturday. gorgeous day for lunar new year festivities today. on the other hand, will be a little on the cloudier side, but it's still going to be mild keeping temperatures down mid to upper 60's 4 daytime highs today warmer than yesterday yesterday already felt pretty good. jose at 67 today, along with milpitas saratoga in santa clara. well, fremont hayward on up through oakland each at 65 some north bay temps also close to 70 fairfield benicia in vallejo.
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among them that 67 tomorrow, i'm expecting some 70's on the maps and a not so much a cool-down just a little bit but stays dry until sunday night into monday with our next chance of showers that right right on the eve of let's get a look morning commute. well, we had an accident earlier. >> on the bay bridge that's clear. now, thankfully, 15 minute ride into the city. san mateo bridge just short of 14 80 to 101. december full ridge, an 8 minute ride and we were tracking in accident along 101 in sandra fell that accident. they please now clear it's about 43 minutes. 37 to the tolls. >> as we continue to celebrate black history month here on kron 4, there's a last chance next thursday to experience the occasion while dining while some of the best businesses fly you with the best food and why i signed up for that. yeah. on this morning's dine and kron four's vicki liviakis introduces us to a renowned chef.
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>> and a celebrated sommelier who will wine and dine. you. tying pets getting ready to pour wines made by some of her favorite black white makers. lovingly called him. >> uncle mack. she's a sommelier here at one market in san francisco and she'll pair them alongside an incredible menu created by good friend chef david lawrence on loan from goodnight stake in healdsburg. >> every february we had dedicated 2 black history month. >> the black history night special dinner includes a juicy rib-eye steak. but chef reminds us how black cooking influences all kinds of american cuisine. most of the pig in this country is as a back and points to the strip and grits. >> good people love right to get, you know, you know, is very big influence ingredients like, oh, peanuts. you all the spices that came over from the
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african continent. >> both were once a rarity in the world of fine dining, but they're happy to say that times have changed and they're only too happy to share their unique experience with diners par excellence. at what we do know is she being in the i know no one better. you know, myself being in food. >> we're used to being the only ones find a long time. and it's very exciting to see people that look like in this space. >> the extraordinary dining event is for one night only at one market. a way to celebrate food, wine and community. well, that was vicki liviakis reporting and crossed for honoring black history. >> through the end of february, make sure to tune into our special airing next thursday, february 29th at 6.30. oakland natives is giving back in a big way to the bay area theater. she says that she helped develop her acting skills at the same
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theater. actress donated $100,000. wow. to the north star fund. but if it's a california shakespeare theater in orinda sunday at a theater classes there when she was just in the 3rd grade, the theater executive director, things saying the gift will help the organization prepare for their 50th anniversary season. >> well, with the 2024 presidential election just around the corner, nearly 2 dozen tech companies now are promising to combat ai-generated deepfakes, which are those fake videos that are designed to trick voters deepfakes these hyper realistic images. audio video clips which purport to be of somebody, but it's not really them saying things that really didn't say and international security conference companies like google and meta x and tiktok. they all came together and promised to adopt what they call quote, reasonable precautions to detect and label political deep take so that we know online. what we're looking some experts now
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say, though, that's not enough. fact, the white house is promising to roll out its own tool to flag deepfakes online as well. so they were not duped before the election. all right. let's turn our attention to sports. the warriors play the lakers at chase center for the first time after the all-star break and kron four's erin wilson has highlights of what was an incredible game. >> the warriors back in action on thursday night for the first time since the all-star break will come in a lebron james list. lakers team to obviously golden state. they finished the 1st half of the season on a high note. they were hoping to double up on that for 2nd half of the season with the west conference really good. everybody is ready to play time around so that most of the 1st quarter with the worries about 5. >> check out the behind of diaper models have court andrew wiggins. he finishes with the don't want to move their back or even with guy later in the first now, warriors down by 3 of his
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points to you know, the problems at the camp the screen here in drains the 3. he 4 of those in the first alone. doves tied at 24 thinking for now, the worry is down by 2 d angelo russell reject that. >> trayce jackson-davis. he's not done though. clay find them on the other. he's going on both sides of the ball. he gets that when ago that i did 42. now let's go with under 2 minutes to go in the sick and the dubs up by six-step next. christine. hey, makes him pay. 32 8 assists for steph curry on the night. closing moments of the half. the warriors up by 9 and branded with chips to put deep 3 up. well, though, with his plays cleanup, no problem. 20 points on the night for wiggins. >> and how about one more for the rookie who just put on a show for chase. i'm talking about trace jackson-davis who hammers it down right there. 17 points on the night in 15 minutes. j d the worry is they run off with one. 28 to one teen was the final that sports
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that suspect to you guys at the desk. amazing. all right. thank you very much, aaron. >> coming up in the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news. despite all of the recent snow in the sierra, california still looking for a lot more in order to get to where it need what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband...
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the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today!
7:56 am
dairy product recall linked to a deadly listeria outbreak is expanding and it now involves hundreds of grocery stores across california. so the fda and the cdc reports that the products were made by modasto based rizo lopez foods, the outbreak to expect a 2014. but people got sick as recently as last december. and that's prompted the fda now to reopen its investigation. at least 26
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people have gotten sick, too died. 23 had to go to the hospital. 8 of those illnesses are in california. now result lopez has now pulled all of its dairy products under a wide variety of brand names. the unbranded products like taco kits in salads and sandwiches have also been recalled. that recall now covers products with sell by dates all the way through july 31st of this year. all right. coming up on the kron, 4 morning news. >> barnes says its ridership improved over the past year. we'll tell you how much it's gone up and what they are continuing to work on. plus, hundreds of people are scrambling to find a place to stay after fire knocked out power to san francisco. high rise. well, many of them say the building's management dropped the ball when responding. and the chinese new year parade kicks off in san francisco tomorrow. we'll tell you what to know
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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente. the economy is simply not working for
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millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news court documents reveal what allegedly happened between a mother and boyfriend that ended with a three-year-old death. plus, nearly 2 dozen cars burglarized at an east bay bart station just as a new survey shows riders are feeling more safe on bart. and we're also just one day away from the biggest one of the biggest celebrations of the year in san francisco. we're going to be live with a look at the city's preparations for the chinese new year parade. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> good morning. thanks for joining us here at 08:00am on a friday. i'm james


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