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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  February 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PST

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>> now at 10 frustrated by crime, the resident speaking up after thousands of dollars worth of items are stolen from a local store following a sideshow and intruder found sleeping inside his school. what cisco school leaders say they're doing to try to keep strangers off campus. governor newsom facing another recall
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threat. proponents saying he's not doing enough for california as the governor releases campaign ad for another state. when fun time. >> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> thanks for joining us at 10. i'm vicki liviakis and i'm grant lotus. our top story tonight, the city of allay is coming off a violent weekend after a sideshow lead to somebody getting shot. there was also a fire and a 7.11 was ransacked. our kron 4 sarah stinson joins us now live in the studio after talking with residents. imagine a very upset, sarah. yes, they are. people who witnessed this rash of crime say it was chaos. not only was a man shot. >> but a pickup truck was set on fire at the sideshow. and then people looted this 7.11, people who live in the area say it's disappointing to see this kind of lawlessness and their neighborhood. surveillance video shows the mayhem that happened in
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vallejo on sunday. dozens of people running into 7.11 at the intersection of springs road and rolling would drive and rating the store fridges and shelves. the manager of the 7.11 says no employees got hurt. >> but thieves took off with 8 to $10,000 worth of goods. police say the crowd came from a side show that was happening nearby. i saw a lot of >> them running towards this way towards my house and they were getting in a vehicle and they had like back the chips and >> just random items. this woman lives in the area. she wants to remain anonymous but says sideshows happen here often. but you could not believe all the crime that she witnessed afterwards. i thought chaos and destruction and violence in my own neighborhood a block away and i'm tired of police say 9-1-1 calls started coming in around 5.30, sunday night about a fight that broke out at the sideshow. police say a man was shot at least once and he ran into the 7.11 for shelter. and
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once he was taken to the hospital, police say the looting began windows boarded. up next to the entrance of the store as it was shattered during the raid. neighbors expressed frustrations saying nothing is being done to stop this type of crime from occurring in their city as much as the cost to live in california. and this is what we have to deal with is just ridiculous. very frustrated, as you can imagine. you're saying it's a side shows that drawing that sort of mayhem. and then after they look young. yeah, it was a lot young people and there's a lot of video. vallejo police say they're still investigating if people have any information or any cell phone video saw a lot of people in that video. >> shooting video on their cell phone. so if you have that, please give that to police. there are still people to be held accountable. that can be self incriminating to capture much so wrong. people actively right there. yeah, get their hands on thank you, sir. thanks
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>> suspect in san pablo has been arrested after neighbors say this person was shooting a gun in the air in the middle of the night overnight. it was a 13 hour standoff with police negotiators and officers surrounded the home here in the area of rachel road. and heather drive where they say the armed suspect was barricaded in the house. they eventually arrested the person. this is around 4 o'clock this afternoon. we're still lurk working to learn more details about the suspect. montel vin matter k through 8 school is nearby and was forced to cancel classes today due to the police activity. and investigation is underway into a 3 car crash in san francisco this afternoon on 2.80, just south. >> of the geneva avenue on-ramp several southbound lanes were temporarily closed, according to the chp, the crash may have involved a wrong-way driver who came from john daly dry. but we don't we do know that some people were taken to the hospital. still working to find out exactly how many people were hurt.
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>> i whether time here as we get a live look at the golden gate bridge. a cool night in the bay colt for some folks in coming off that warm spring-like weekend. things are changing here in the bay is we've got some scattered showers today. but overall, pretty good day. yeah. gayle ong joins us now from the weather center with how cold going to get. >> yeah, we have some chilly temperatures on the way and especially for you in the north bay. there's a frost advisory that it will be posted to am until 09:00am tomorrow says you could see those inland valleys up there over and guerneville santa rosa rohnert park fado even down to mill valley just across the bridge from san francisco to temperatures could dip down to though low 30's, upper 30's. when you'll be waking up for the rest of us around the bay coast and inland east bay inland. we're down to the 40's at the 06:00am hour. but mostly clear skies. as you just saw, we could see the golden gate bridge from that vantage point with we normally see the fog really again, this time of
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night. so but the noontime looks like we'll have some sunny skies but will be down to the upper 50's low 60's. so yes, we had a little spring break with iran, but we have rain on the way and we'll be timing that out for you in the future cast model. when i come back a few minttes back to you. >> i get tonight leaders from san francisco unified are reviewing their security measures after an unhoused person somehow got inside lowell high school. the district says that several students and a coach found the person sleeping in the locker room saturday morning. police escorted that percent off campus. the district says that there were no signs of forced entry or other damage and that they are making sure that all doors are locked after school hours. >> trump republicans want to criminalize young women who travel to receive their reproductive care. they need. >> governor newsom unveiling. the first in a series of ads aimed at combating anti-abortion efforts in red
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states. the ad called hostage depicts a young woman handcuffed to a hospital bed with a assault evidence collection kit on a table beside her the ad is airing in tennessee where lawmakers are considering a measure that would make it a felony to recruit harbor or transport a minor to get an abortion without parental consent. the group campaign for democracy is paying for the ad campaign. that's the governors, new political action committee dedicated to promoting democrats in red states. meanwhile, governor newsom is facing yet another possible recall effort. many of the people who one of him out of office before say he is still spending too much time on the national stage and not in california back in 2021. californians that rejected a recall by a 61 to 38% margin. even so one of the same groups behind that recall. >> says it. they're going to do it again.
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>> kron four's noel bell joins us live in the studio tonight with details on this latest effort. know up. >> vicki and grant rescue california is the group trying to recall the governor again, its members served newsom with a notice of intent today. they believe they will be successful this time despite how costly it's going to be. >> leaving the state to pursue his own presidential aspirations and working or to a lot of ways the sooner we can get rid of free spender. the more money will say the night say this point, 200 million dollars pales in comparison. >> rest california is citing a budget deficit. public safety, immigration and education for their main reasons. behind this latest recall attempt kron. 4 political analyst michael yaki says the timing of this recall, though it's terrible for newsom's opponents. >> all it does is it enables him to raise more money and spend more money outside of california because this will
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be if you just eat something, wants to be traded again, 2 years later when actually things are better than they were 2 years ago. going to be a completely wipe and the giant waste of time. >> governor newsom has already sent out this fundraising letter to his supporters. also took to social media saying trump republicans are launching another wasteful recall campaign to distract us from the existential fight for democracy and reproductive freedom. recall backers are helping to put the question on the ballot some time early next year. the key. >> and a reminder akram 4 is your election headquarters. join us on election day tuesday, march 5th for live election results from around the bay area. coverage begins at 08:00pm. >> all right. the power of a 6 figure salary is fading in some cities in the bay area. that's according to personal finance company. go banking rates. the company says making
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$150,000 in places like san francisco and san jose put you on the lower and of the middle class scale. they say high housing costs, child care, transportation, all affect your class status. >> we're learning more tonight about the major tech layoffs this april from cisco, the san francisco chronicle reporting the san jose based company is cutting around 730 jobs here in the bay area. and that includes 447 in san jose. 174 in milpitas and 108 in san francisco. the chronicle says the company plans to cut more than 4200 jobs in an effort to reorganize the layoffs are set for april 15th. this wave comes after they laid off 350 people last year around 4,000 employees back in 2022. >> broke records this weekend. the agency posted on social media that more than 123,000
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people to a bar to get around saturday. the previous record post-pandemic was 116,000. obviously more. bart gave a shout out to this. temperatures go chinese new year parade and the oakland a's fan fest for helping boost the amount of riders. still ahead, a woman steals an amazon delivery van. >> in palo alto and parts at an amazon facility. what she told police, she needed it for. plus. conditions to expect continue ball. power outages. francisco residents face off the pg and e after constant power outages unrelated to recent storms. free speech in the digital age, the supreme court hearing arguments about who should control the internet and what's allowed to be posted on
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> new at 10 san francisco leader is questioning pg e about why there have been so many frequent power outages unrelated 2 recent storms. supervisor mayor de mello gar says in january before the worst of the storms, there are outages in neighborhoods lasting beyond 48 hours, some up to 7 days pg said many are do too improving the infrastructure they presented this graph saying before the storm this year, there are more than 150 outages. 80 were planned. 77 and plant out of those unplanned outages. 25 had to do with the power pole
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lines while 12 were underground issues. but the pg and e representatives did not give specifics about 21 unknown outages. supervisor melgar as pg and e how the recent rate hikes relate to the infrastructure and parts of the city that have been affected by the outages. >> and a lot of what our rates have gone up on is to invest in infrastructure to improve art. our systems and much of that is also though it's not felt in san francisco. we're doing 10,000 miles of undergrounding throughout the territory to stop wildfires and maybe someday that will be in our communities because it is absolutely very to have outages that because we have wires, i'm in the air and around trees. okay. but many residents were not happy with pg and e's explanations. responses. >> here's what some of them had to say. >> for the past 4 years living there, i have been conditioned
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to expect continual power outages. i've had more power outages living on casitas these 4 years that i've had living in all of my other homes combined. i'm particularly struck with is not so much the extended outages. >> but the appalling number, absolutely. number of outages. and i noticed that when we were hearing about the considerations for which infrastructure needed attention and replacement, the frequency of failure was not mention. those that are older might be replaced, but not those that break every 5 minutes. because i live in a house that breaks every 5 minutes. the people across the street do not ever lose their power because they don't have the into created -pinfrastructure apparently. >> has to be frustrating and people are still left with a lot of unanswered questions from the utility and
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supervisor melgar said she would be following up with pg and e to try to get those answers. a tnt says it is reimbursing customers. >> after a massive outage impacted customers across the u.s. including right here in the bay area. tens of thousands of customers had no service for several hours. 18 t says it will issue a $5 credit to impacted customers which is has is the average cost of a full day of service. federal officials say that it is investigating that outage. >> new research shows kids in our state are not going to the doctor nearly enough. the california auditor's office has issued 2 reports in the past 5 years and says the department of health care services is to blame. the la times reports problems still exist. according to that report, our state ranks 46th out of 50 when it comes to kids under the age of 5, going to the doctor for wellness checks for low income children on medical, only 42% of kids
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got checkups in 2021. parents are saying they sometimes have to wait months for an appointment and some say it is not easy finding doctors that except medical out the department of health says it has implemented almost all of the auditors recommendations and has started to overhaul the medical program. >> united states supreme court is hearing free speech cases that could reshape how we interact on social media reporter a abovian has the story. >> the nation's highest court taking on a case today that could transform the internet as we know it. the battle of social media and censorship. the texas law prohibits social media companies from taking down political content based on someone's viewpoint, even if it's considered hate speech. the florida law makes it illegal for tech companies to ban candidates on the ballot in the state, from their social media sites. supporters of these laws say social media sites have been censoring users for years,
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especially those with conservative or religious views, a violation of there's freedom of speech. the state has an interest first amendment interest in meeting ensuring the free dissemination of idea first amendment doesn't apply to them. first amendment restricts what the government can do. >> what the government's doing here is say you must do this. you must carry these people. you've got to explain if you don't. that's not the first amendment. during the hearing today, the justices heard from supporters on both sides. >> the issue at hand started with the january 6 attack on the capitol and the subsequent decision from facebook x, formerly known as twitter and instagram among others to banned president trump from their platforms. tech companies are making the argument they have a right under the first amendment to set their own standards to prevent misinformation from spreading on their platforms after the 2 laws were passed to tech industry groups netchoice and the computer communications industry association suit to block the laws from taking effect. florida in texas enacted laws. >> that will force a private
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business to host lawful but awful content that they just don't want. choice is vp. carl sauce vo says siding with the state laws could create a dangerous precedent. so left right or center. every single american should want to protect our first amendment rights from the government and we never been sent back to you. up in the sierra. good time today. skiers and boarders enjoyed the conditions at heavenly. nice snowpack there. some fresh powder. >> and they seen nothing yet. major winter storm is set to hit northern california central california late this week. i mean, they're talking maybe 6, 7, 8, 9 feet of snow up there. holds true. i guess it would be the biggest storm of the season, right? yeah. think. >> well, tell us what we can expect down the road. >> yeah, we have some active
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weather coming our way. it rain in the bay area and of course, snow in the sierra and exactly that holds true. they're expecting feet of snow. that could be the most significant stock, a storm of the season. so let's check on the snowpack right now. you know, last check, we were in the 80's and 70's. so northern sierra, you're close to 100% of normal. and then 78 central sierra where a lot of us go here in the bay area and then central southern sierra 77%. so a feeling that's going to change in about a week. so here's the sierra right now. you can see some snow of they were expecting snow showers tonight. but nothing compared to what we're about to see. so as you can only busy there and we're pretty much quiet statewide. traveling there will be difficult starting at least wednesday. and then you can see that forecast here thursday. we're going to start to see those showers. so there will be a winter weather watch that will be posted late wednesday into sunday. so i wouldn't be surprised if this
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goes into a warning because the weather service in reno is warning about blizzard-like conditions. you know, those mountain passes are pretty steep. and take a look at how much snow they're expecting. so you can see at least 3 to 4 feet. and these are the lower elevations donner summit, south lake tahoe, bear valley, mammoth lakes and then even snow in our local mountains. here you can see the north coast mount hamilton. so, yes, timing this out for you thursday and sunday. that's when we can expect that active weather and then that the most intense part of that storm thursday saturday. so stay tuned here. we'll have to see what comes out of this. yeah, it will be great for the long term but very difficult to travel. back to you. thanks, gayle. take a look at this. bart police say. >> they found a gun marijuana and 1200 bucks in cash when they arrested someone who is just trying to not pay affair of 8 or the arrest was made sunday night at the coliseum station. police say the gun had been reported stolen.
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>> woman is behind bars accused of stealing an amazon delivery van in palo alto. the amazon driver told police that he was in the middle of delivering packages when he he left the van with the keys in the ignition. police say that'swhen the woman got in the van and drove off eventually parking that van at an amazon facility in san jose and no packages were stolen. police say the woman told them that she just needed a ride to san jose. >> woman rescued from the russian river now facing assault charges. what went wrong during her rescue that could put her behind bars? >> plus, we're following up with east bay cities that recently fell victim to cyber attacks. why experts say they were targeted the price of a burger. crazy, right? well, could change depending what time of day you 5. we'll tell you about the fast food chain that's following the uber model and why the state of
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california is going after 2 major grocery chains. what the companies trying to do that officials say could raise prices
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>> grocery giant kroger and albertsons are being sued by the state of california. it's over a proposed merger. the state leaders say would result in higher prices for customers. asian. and it's up to us to stand up for everyday folks, for workers, for consumers, for folks who >> want to pay a fair price. and have quality and options and a high high level
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services. >> kroger's proposed deal to buy albertsons is valued at 24 and a half billion dollars. >> consumers are rising costs and experts say it actually appears to be working frustrated by high prices. more americans are reportedly opting for store brands. discount taylor's and turning to used cars. and that's now pushing some large companies to slow down price hikes. analysts predict smaller price increases ahead, signaling consumers growing influence in fighting inflation. >> wendy's is taking a page from uber's playbook. the fast food chain is planning to test a surge pricing model, but prices will either rise or fall based on demand meeting a burger. we'll probably cost you more during the lunchtime. rushton i don't know 3 in the afternoon when the ceo says they'll be in testing. this surge pricing model starting next year.
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>> next, a murder investigation in santa cruz after woman's body was found at the beach and it's why police believe her boyfriend was behind the murder. plus, a disturbing warning for parents after california middle school students caught using a i make fake ai-generated new photos fake ai-generated new photos app. other students.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate."
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"known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> now at 10, 30 except treatment or get arrested. those are the 2 options. san francisco mayoral candidates are proposing to offer to drug users on the streets. both candidates held events today campaigning on how they will
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treat the fentanyl crisis. our first rob nesbitt reports from the newsroom. incumbent mayor london breed and her challenger, daniel lurie, both say that people using drugs on the streets need to be held accountable. but the experts and harm reduction say the candidates are all just going for the votes and not to help solve the opioid epidemic. we're gonna going until we get to 0 overdose deaths. >> on the steps of san francisco city hall monday, mayor london breed promise to continue the fight against fentanyl. >> as he campaigns for re-election in november, we are making it easier to help people then to harm people. >> because, you know, heart reduction from my perspective is not reducing the harm. >> last year, mayor london breed brought in extra law enforcement from the chp sheriff's office in california. national guard to crack down on drug cartels and those participating in open air drug use while she led a march to the city monday, one of her opponents, daniel
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lurie, announced his plan to tackle the fentanyl crisis. we will introduce a deflection program. >> to incentivize individuals to seek treatment. or face arrest. we will open 24 7 drop-off crisis center where police and co responders. can drop off individuals and mental health crisis. for those who have opted for treatment, lurie says arrested drug users are currently offered immediate treatment options, but are instead issued a citation in court date that they often get out of executive director for the national harm reduction coalition lord guzman says she isn't impressed with bowler ease and mayor breed's promises mandatory treatment to rest. >> coming out of session is the way candidates right now are really running their platforms to get votes, even with an increase in drug-related arrests in 2023, san francisco still saw a record number of 813 overdose deaths, guzman and others who work in harm reduction believe strongly that san francisco can't arrest its way out of the opioid epidemic over and
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over. it clearly indicated to treatment does not pick a shows. >> and it does not really engage people who are now ready, willing and able. guzman says the san francisco department of public health develop an overdose prevention plan in 2022. >> that the city chose not to adopt that plan, but instead went with a more law enforcement approach. reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> police in santa rosa are looking for this man who they say is wanted for attempted homicide. officers say 21 year-old nathan hoagland shot a man in the shoulder after he and a group of friends got into an argument with another group. this happened february 18th on barnum avenue. the victim is expected to survive. police say the shooting is gang related and that hoagland is considered armed and dangerous. so if you see him don't approach, instead, call police. >> the city of oakley still dealing tonight with a cyber attack up from a couple of days ago. that city called for a state of emergency and took
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their network offline last week on the same day, the computer infrastructure from the city of pleasant hill also fell victim to a cyber attack. now it's not clear if both attacks are linked or who was behind them, the cyber threats are becoming a reality. when an employee mistakenly clicks on a phishing link sent by email. >> they they just splash those the males and they wait for somebody who would answer download that that document. and that's going to be start of this truck. >> experts say that hackers are going after smaller scale city operations, school districts and medical services because they mean to invested in the it security and training. >> southern california, beverly hills unified has a disturbing warning for parents. they say there i generated nude pictures circulating that may depict middle school students. the
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district email about this incident at the middle school. it says students reported seeing kids faces superimposed on nude bodies in images created and shared by other students. the district says it is working with police to determine if any criminal offenses we're committed. >> a man is in jail tonight. police believe a 20 year-old murdered his girlfriend on a santa cruz beach. police found him next to the 21 year-old student's body at sea bright state beach on friday. she died at the hospital after being strangled at the beach. we know that she was a student at uc santa cruz and the boyfriend used to be a student there as well. his record shows only a minor traffic ticket. >> who was swept into the russian river is facing multiple charges now for assaulting the crew trying to rescue her. calls. first came in yesterday afternoon. officials say woman was seen
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clinging to thbush is on the side of the river, which israeli move in. now with all the rain rescuer jumped in to help or but she started fighting him off, tried to push him under the water. that's when a second rescuer jumped in to help. all 3 people were eventually taken to safety. the woman was taken to the hospital for treatment where police say she continued to assault first responders and medical personnel. she will be arrested on multiple charges. >> all right. whether time now as we get a look at the 4 zone forecast, a live shot there of downtown san francisco >> much more tranquil than the russian river or the. for a kiss on the banks of it. kron four's. meteorologist scale on is with us now. gayle, looking at a cold night >> yeah, chilly night. indeed. you could even feel that chill in the air in san francisco. i stepped out this evening, right shows it is chilly. got a little breeze out there. so if you're in the north bay,
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you'll experience some chilly temperatures as there is a frost advisory that will be posted overnight until 09:00am. so here is the golden gate bridge if really not too bad, but it did rain today. you definitely saw if you're in union city about a 10th of an inch and then altamonte east of livermore about quarter of an inch. so a the peninsula also saw almost a 10th of an traces of it everywhere else. so a brief burst of rain today, but we have more on the way, as you can see, a system coming from the north, the gulf of alaska. and that's a cold one. so it's going to be dropping in here around wednesday, thursday, thursday looks like the rainy day. the start of it. so here's our future cast model. we're going to remain dry tonight tomorrow and wednesday. as you can see, this is tuesday. you can see much of the state here. it's going to be dry. have a nice break from the rain and then come thursday. that's when we're going to notice that rainy maybe thursday afternoon, late thursday. and then we'll stay unsettled
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through early saturday. so not only rain here in the bay area. snow in the sierra expecting feet of snow over there. you'll see in a minute. so as far as rain totals go word expecting one to 2 inches in that over the course of 3, 4 days. so it's a pretty significant rain. you know, it will be just, you know, days of rain. so just be ready for that. get that rain gear handy. and here's the sierra forecast. so as you can see, starting thursday through saturday, you could see 3 to 4 feet, maybe of the lower elevations and even some dusting on the mountains here and our local mountains. you can see it right. there are north coast and then mount hamilton seeing some blue on the map. so we'll have to see what all their at the end of the week. i look forward to that. temperatures out the door. we're starting to cool down where the low 50's upper 40's in livermore, you'll be waking up to chilly temperatures so you'll notice santa rosa close to freezing at 34 degrees for you in the morning. and that is because that we have that frost advisory in place for the north bay, everywhere else, slow 40's, and then we'll be
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warming up to the upper 50's and 60's. so pretty mild out there. just be a chilly start. and here's your 10 10 outlook. so we have some dry days tomorrow, wednesday, rainy weather. coming up, mid end of the week and then we have a nice break. you know, it always drives right after, but we'll have to get through this weekend. the sierra, of course, going to be very difficult to travel. yeah, but once you're up that so hopefully, you know, plan ahead and everyone be safe and enjoy powder. okay, thanks. get your outcome. the seen. >> of african americans in the fire service is celebrated in every bill today. elementary school students. it took part in what's called chief is my belief presentation. our crew for recall has the story. >> the history of african-american firefighters held the attention of students at an elementary school in emeryville monday for about 90 minutes, young people learned
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about barrier breaking generations of black leaders spent came before paving the path for the future trail. blazers chief does not believe it more than just it's about making sure that you could do what ever you want to be in no matter what to stay focused and stay to turn the program. chief is my belief is produced and hosted by alameda county fire department division randall west showcasing black leaders in prominent position on some a message of presentation make sure that we encourage >> make sure they believe in goes make sure that state out what happened to stay focused. the first black fire chiefs at bay area fire departments heralded during the presentation, including deborah prior. >> she is retired now having previously served as the first woman firefighter in berkeley and eventually becoming the first woman fire chief in that city. it's absolutely j.
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>> oakland fire chief damon covington says working his way up to the top has resulted in a fulfilling career in public service. really is about effort. and it's about listening listening. interesting, your peers and your teachers are going to doing the right direction. >> have a solid work ethic and always believe that you can achieve the things that are in your heart. sound advice from people dreamed it and made it happen. >> in memory philippe djegal kron, 4 to our community is honoring black history through the end of february and make sure to tune into our special it airing this thursday at 06:30pm, hosted by our very own noelle bellow. >> do want to miss that and don't want to miss this. coming up because come 4 news at 10 continues with a our jason dumas. it. >> we have a fixture in the bay area. sports scene south to the midwest lewis are considered the midwest. right sure it's going to be one of those weird thing seeing very
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aware and in crawford, he >> headed to the cardinals. we know most likely will coming back to the giants. but now it is set in stone. he is gone and we will also have an update. well, chris paul, it's been a while january 5th was the last time he was suited and booted. guess what? we might see sometime in the near future. we will tell you when all that coming up. more on sports night live.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> we're very confident that we can go out on the road and win games and we've been doing lately. we'll get back back on the you know, in washington a couple days and we're excited play him. >> the warriors looking to pick up some quality wins on this upcoming road trip. we will break it all down tonight. thanks for rock with me here on sports night live. i'm jason dumas. he won't ever have to buy a drink here in the bay. but his time donning their orange and black is officially over today with the end of an era for brandon crawford and the san francisco giant. we've known it was over unofficially for months now. but today be cross eyed with the st. louis cardinals officially making his run in the orange and black. a thing of the past. the 37 year-old crawford played all 13 s


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