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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  February 27, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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san francisco mayoral candidate is proposing jail time for addicts who refuse treatment. and a san jose pie shop starting the week off strong following support from the community will have a live report from the bakery. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. good morning. thank you for joining us. 06:00am on this tuesday morning. i'm james fletcher and i'm reyna harvey in for darya folsom this morning. hey, you've got the sunshine on the way. yeah, we do going to be a nice win today. it's clear out there this morning. >> and cold. yeah. on israeli and spoil. and as with the sunshine, i know the cold this morning, but we will warm up under that sign later on today. but right now definitely need those jackets behind me. at sfo, things are rolling just fine. under those clear skies, sir, they're glad there's no fog out there. golden gate bridge, much the same. no fog whatsoever. as you're making the crossing current temperatures mostly in the 40's. but once you see the
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north bay revealing itself, you're going to see those 30's of allay fairfield, napa, sonoma, as well as up the calistoga in kelsey ville all down in the 30's right now. definitely want those jackets. we have frost advisories in portions of napa marin and sonoma counties up intel. 09:00am this morning aside from that skies are going to stay nice and clear today. that's going to set us up for a favorable afternoon for venturing out, maybe doing a little storm prep both today and tomorrow as thursday through saturday, things are getting wet again and for the sierra one of her most significant snow makers of the season. all get to those details ahead. great. all right, john, thank you for that. here on a tuesday morning told that arrive into the city. meteor lights are on at the bay bridge. san mateo bridge around 12 minutes. there you're ritchie's summer feel for just under 8 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls in 19 minutes. 601 is the time and happening today, oakland committee members will be coming together to address concerns over future developments out
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of the coliseum. so they're asking the alameda county board of supervisors. >> to get involved from michael thomas live with the details morning. michael. >> i good morning, everyone. will today's press conference will essentially allow the community to voice their concerns about the future, the coliseum in also the owner of the a's that they say could be potentially blocking development and this is general video that we've got up on your screen. today's press conference is being hosted by the oakland community in the open united coalition, essentially asking alameda county board members to step in and back out of the sale of the county's 50% stake in the coliseum and imploring them to do so before the a's complete its final payment. also adding that officials need to do something soon as the future of the city is at risk as to whatever is done with the coliseum in that area is going to affect the entire east side of oakland, along with the city as a whole from nearby businesses to housing. now as what the development, maybe we're hoping to learn
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those details today. fans, however, across the bay continue to fight for the 8th to staying open. despite the team's owner continuing plans of relocation to las vegas. now back out here live again. that press conference is set to happen at 10 o'clock this morning. are hoping to get more details regarding what the community would help and like to see done with the coliseum and the response from those board members like this morning in san francisco and michael thomas, i will send it back to to live in the studio. all right, michael, thank you for that breakdown. there. >> is the time and a sideshow in and id with a 7.11 store being rated. look at this. dozens of people stormed the store on springs road and raleigh would drive right around 5.30, sunday night. >> the manager of the location shared this surveillance video with us saying 8 to $10,000 worth of items. >> we're just stolen window shattered as well. no employees were hurt. someone at the sideshow did get hurt. reports now that the shooting
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happened in the area, we did reach out a police, so far haven't heard back. >> all an update to a pretty big story that we first brought yesterday morning. pablo police arrested somebody following a 12 hour shelter-in-place order. so law enforcement responded to a home in the area of rachel wrote heather drive around 03:00am monday. police told us there was a non person barricaded in a home and neighbors told us somebody was just shooting in the air in the middle of the night. police say no one was hurt during that standoff. we're still trying to learn more details about the suspect who has been arrested all tall, the man or k to 8th school. they had to close and cancel classes because of shelter in place. meantime, santa is a man is in jail because police believe murdered his 21 year-old girlfriend at a beach. police found daniel stone next to her body at sea. right state beach on friday. she died at the hospital after being strangled at the beach. according investigators, she was a student at uc santa cruz. we're still also used to
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attend. stone is being charged with one count of homicide. >> in the north bay, santa rosa, police are looking for this man. they say he's wanted for attempted homicide. officers say 21 year-old nathan hoagland shot a man in the shoulder after he and a group of friends got into an argument with another group. it happened on february 18th on barnum, our barman avenue. the victim is expected to survive. police say the shooting is gang-related and that hoagland is considered armed and dangerous. so if you see him don't approach him, instead, call police. well except treatment. >> or be arrested? those are 2 options. a san francisco mayoral candidate is proposing offer illegal drug use and so >> daniel lurie announced that he plans announce his plan on monday while mayor london breed held her own fentanyl crisis event. we have proper is rob nesbitt with a look at both. >> incumbent mayor london breed and her challenger, daniel lurie, both say that people using drugs on the
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streets need to be held accountable. but the experts and harm reduction say the candidates are all just going for the votes and not to help solve the opioid epidemic. we're gonna going until we get 0 overdose deaths. >> on the steps of san francisco city hall monday, mayor london breed promise to continue the fight against fentanyl. >> as she campaigns for reelection in november, we are making it easier to help people then to harm people. >> because, you know, i reduction from my perspective is not reducing the >> last year, mayor london breed brought in extra law enforcement from the chp sheriff's office in california. national guard to crack down on drug cartels and those participating in open air drug use while she led a march to the city monday, one of her opponents, daniel lurie, announced his plan to tackle the fentanyl crisis. we will introduce a deflection program. >> to incentivize individuals to seek treatment. or face arrest. we will open 24 7
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drop-off crisis center where police and co responders. can drop off individuals and mental health crisis. for those who have opted for treatment, lurie says arrested drug users are currently offered immediate treatment options. >> but are instead issued a citation in court date that they often get out of executive director for the national harm reduction coalition lord guzman says she isn't impressed with bowler ease and mayor breed's promises mind treatment to rest. >> coming out of session is the way candidates right now. i really running their platforms to get votes, even with an increase in drug-related arrests in 2023, san francisco still saw a record number of 813 overdose deaths, guzman and others who work in harm reduction believe strongly that san francisco can't arrest its way out of the opioid epidemic over and over clearly indicated and the 2 treatment does not pick a shows. >> and it does not really engage people who are now ready, willing and able. guzman says the san francisco
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department of public health develop an overdose prevention plan in 2022. >> that the city chose not to adopt that plan, but instead went with a more law enforcement approach. reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. well, a woman who was swept into the russian river now facing multiple charges for allegedly assaulting the crew that was trying to rescue >> so calls first came in sunday afternoon when a woman was seen clinging to push us. but when a rescuer jumped in to help, her officials say should begin fighting him and attempted to push him under the water. that's when a second rescuer jumped in to help. all 3 were eventually taken to safety. the woman was taken to the hospital for treatment where officials say she continued to assault first responders and medical personnel. there. she'll be arrested on multiple charges. >> all of the south bay of san jose pie shop starting their week off. pretty strong following a lot of support from the community last week, tesla canceled a pretty big order that ended up hurting that business in a big way.
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but the community heard about it stepped up in a big way as well. kron four's will tran l started. so tesla ordered 2000 pies from the giving pies then said, you know what? we want
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to 1000 more making it a total of 4,000 pies. the owner was so is static that she actually turned away other customers because she wanted to fulfill tesla. obviously, an iconic company. then all of a sudden tesla said no, we don't need the pies at all. and they were not going to pay her whatsoever. and till elon musk, he read our story, saw our story and tweeted back to us they wanted to make it right that tesla, we'll try to do right by the community and its customers. and since then, james reyna, she has been reimbursed $2000 for the ingredients that she went out to get before making the pie so she was not pay for the fog the pies altogether. but just
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but she has her customers are loyal customers that she wants to take care of. back to you. >> it's in the name the maison that's right. thank you very much. all right. we're going take breaks, extend the time. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news governor gavin newsom facing another recall threat. proponents say he's not doing enough for california. plus, lawmakers at the state capitol are teaming up to fight fentanyl and retail theft across the state will talk about the legislation. they hope we'll help them do just that. >> and a look outside across the region does show nice dry skies that are going to remain bowl today and tomorrow. but
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our next big weather maker is waiting in the wings. well, up north in the pacific and pushes and as we move into the tail end of the week, i'll let tail end of the week, i'll let
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marshalls buyers hustle for the latest trends, from fashion... double denim is back. got it! to beauty, so you don't have to. that is a deal! we get the deals, you get the good stuff. marshalls.
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>> we have 4 things you know, today, hundreds of san francisco city workers planning a rally this afternoon. the union representing him say is they want the city to stop outsourcing public service jobs, private contractors and man is behind bars this morning in connection to a string of business burglaries happened last month in brentwood. police say marcus us was in possession of items related to the burglaries and they even found a grenade launcher in his car. on
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monday, california lawmakers introduced one dozen new bills focusing on fentanyl in retail theft. one bill seeks to create more rehab facility is attics. another looks to increase access to fentanyl, testing strips for retail one bill targets sell a stolen goods online. another will increase penalties for those involving all involved in retail theft. chp reporting last month, while in the highest number of monthly applications in 7 years. agency says january 2024, 94% increase in total applications compared to january 2022. so got a lot more. people want to be easy as up speed to the chp. they are probably going to warn you off against driving up to the sierra at any point this weekend because >> the storm that's heading our way. that's going packed us over the weekend is going to dump feet were talking feet of snow is going to be a big was going very yeah. caltrans. get a real tough time keeping up with it. so and we've
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talked to john earlier this morning. he was like and maybe this weekend, not the one to go up. yeah. until after the storm passes perhaps or go before, if you get today tomorrow, let's go back to that view just a second ago is gorgeous out there. maybe not. but you've got a hint of it for a another view we're getting a hold of this morning. this one from mount tam right here. look in crystal clear from up above. >> definitely something that you can take in this morning is going to be our nice crystal clear where is that satellite radar right now? you can see out there that we do have those clear skies from the coast to our inland areas. and we're going to see that way today and tomorrow. so that just does mean if you want to head up to the sierra do something outside the bay today. tomorrow are definitely those days to do so thursday. not so much. that's when this next storm system rushes in from the north and west and thursday afternoon, rain picks up for the bay and that heavy snow for the sierra. let's start with the bay. we will be looking at around an inch and a half of rain likely over the weekend for urban areas. santa
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rosa, you can get upwards of 3 inches head north up to your weekend. you're closer to 4 inches from the system. it will be inches but feet of snowfall. we're talking in the sierra nevada and even some snow at the top of our mountains right here in the bay area. once you head above 5,000 feet in elevation in the sierra, this is what the nws hand. literally all models are pointing towards 5 to 12 feet of snow fall about 5,000 feet. that is a huge range and will result in snowden conditions. so do expect closures as we make our way from thursday through saturday, likely into sunday to as people try to dig out of that situation that you're going to see up there. so some really heavy snow just around the corner. today's daytime highs are going to be in the 60's. oakland, liver morning, antioch, each at 61 degrees. tomorrow's temperatures much the same, almost identical thursday. we'll see showers arriving in the 2nd half of the day. staying with us into friday and saturday right now. all eyes on. thank you for role in
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day. >> traveling into the city this morning, 14 minute ride. meteor lights on. no accidents. san mateo bridge about 13 minutes there. 80 to 101. it was december fell bridge just short of 10 minutes. and the golden gate bridge. 77 to the tolls 20 minute morning, right? >> 6.17, the time from for your local election headquarters and governor gavin newsom now facing another possible recall once again. so rescue california. that's the group trying to recall the governor. again, its members serve newsom with a notice of intent on monday. they think they're going to be successful this time despite how costly it's going to be. take a listen. >> leaving the state to pursue his own presidential aspirations and working or to a lot of ways the sooner we can get rid of free spender, the more money will say tonight say this point 200 million dollars pales in comparison. >> well, rescue california is citing a budget deficit. public safety, immigration,
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education, all among the reasons why they think recall is called for kron. 4 political analyst michael yaki from the existential fight for democracy and reproductive freedom, end quote, recall backers are hoping to put the question on the ballot sometime early next year. >> attorney general rob bonta says he's going to be taking a stand so we don't have to pay
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more at the grocery store. the state of california is suing grocery giant kroger and albertsons to block them from merging. >> lot of consolidation and it's up to us to stand up for everyday folks, for workers, for consumers, for folks who want to pay a fair price. and have quality and options and a other states and the district of columbia following monday's lawsuit saying it will result in higher prices and reduced customer choice. the lawsuit also says the merger lyla is federal anti monopoly law. kroger's proposed deal to buy albertson is valued at 24.6 billion dollars. >> for your money this morning, state superintendent tony thurmond is backing new legislation to provide paid pregnancy leave for all california public school employees. he was joined by coalition of educators and mothers at the state capitol on monday. they expressed concerns over teachers not currently receiving paid pregnancy. leave. many who
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spoke shared frustration that teachers often have to leave the job on their own time and own dime due to pregnancy. >> just sardine time right now that we're in a we need teachers. we need educators and pete and women are a few male dominated profession and we don't have maternity. so it is surprising and it does seem like something from the past that should have been fixed already. >> at this point, there's no word on formal opposition to this ballot initiative. all right. we'll 4 days remain until a partial government shutdown. lawmakers still not reached an agreement or even a deal? no, yeah. the leaders of the house and the senate will meet with president biden later today where they're expected to discuss how to avoid the shutdown last a correspondent as john, the latest on that morning, basil. well, james, good morning. and yes, there is still no clear for but you have the leaders over in the senate who are remaining optimistic.
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>> senate democratic leader chuck schumer and senate republican leader mitch mcconnell warned americans a partial government shutdown could happen unless both sides. both sides work together to extend funding. >> the task at hand will require that everyone rose in the direction if a deal isn't reached the march 1st and march, 8th deadlines with her key programs and services for different government agencies. country would face new bluish disruptions, shadow culture, transportation, military construction. and essential services at the however, schumer says the holdup is because of house republicans. >> unfortunately, our house republican colleagues are still struggling to figure themselves out. house speaker mike johnson and house democratic leader hakeem jeffries will join the senate leaders when they meet with president joe biden to find a path towards a deal. schumer says one thing remains clear. we need to remember our responsibility to the american people and do our jobs. now,
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senators returned to capitol hill on monday. house lawmakers will not be back until wednesday. >> which leaves little time before the deadline reporting live in washington. i'm basil, john. all right, basil, thank you. and a reminder, kron 4 is going to be your election headquarters. >> join u.s. election day tuesday, march 5th for a live election results from around the bay area. coverage is going to start at 08:00pm. okay, 6.22, we're going to take a break. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. all eyes back on boeing after safety report reveals more discrepancies by the faa is now calling for a major overhaul.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy.
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because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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>> we are back 6.25. on the clock and the faa has released a scathing new report are taking boeing safety culture. >> and recommends now big overhaul. u.s. regulators noted a disconnect between boeing senior management and others over safety matters and they cited insufficient safeguards to prevent retaliation against employees who flagged safety issues. and this comes after a door plug blew off that alaska airlines jet. during its flight the seattle area down to san francisco. so a lot of fallout from that. >> well, the rate of antidepressant prescriptions spy for young americans during the pandemic. study published in the journal pediatrics is dispensing of antidepressants was already going up among people between 12 to 25 prior to covid-19. but once the
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pandemic hit, the rate went up about 64% faster than normal study show that the dispensing rate increased 130% for females age 12 to 17, dispensing refers to the rate of antidepressants. they were given out by patients by pharmacies. so they're given to patients by park pharmacies, not the actual use of the medication. >> we're going to take a break here at 6.26. coming up next on the kron 4 morning news. the biden administration focusing now on port cybersecurity. how the new investment strategies aiming to improve bay area. cargo cranes.
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6.29. live look behind us here as we look at live over the >> bay and the bay bridge. it is clear. but cold start this morning, clear and crisp type of morning. yeah. well to the storm to later on in the yeah. more closer to the weekend with between now and then john. bad. yeah. absolutely. today. tomorrow looking pretty good. it's a cool winter day, but a very clear one indeed. and at least today and tomorrow you can get outside. >> do all the things you want to get out done outside, done. and then thursday, friday, saturday, take it a little easier when the rain gets here. looking at the golden gate bridge skies are crystal clear out there. we're only seeing a couple of patches of fog for the stimulant. really the biggest thing you got to know this morning is just how cold it is. dublin sitting at 39 right now, fairfield valais app. a sonoma just a few other spots that are well down in the 30's as well. so definitely do bundle up. we've
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got those frost advisories for the north bay, fully expecting frost advisories. the next several evenings, too. we're actually going to be getting colder from here on out. we are seeing clear and dry skies not just today, but also tomorrow. so a few good days to get some jobs outdoors before the weekend gets here. and so does one of our biggest snow makers of the season, which i've got you covered for in your full forecast rain. all right. on the eve of let's get a look at the commute this morning. traveling into the city just under 60 minutes, mason that fremont street exit. >> san mateo bridge around 14 80 to 101. there a center fielder 12 minutes there and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls 20 minutes on this tuesday morning. >> all right. time now is 6.31. and developing news this morning, the white house will be investing billions of dollars now to replace chinese-made cranes at ports all across the country. so this includes the port of oakland. well michael thomas is live with the details on that morning. michael. >> i good morning, everyone.
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well, president biden and his administration say some of these chinese-made cranes could essentially be a cyber security threat. so. >> moving forward across the u.s., all of the ports are going to be implementing new cranes that are only need right here u.s. soil. >> this is video we have of the port of oakland. again, this is one of many that are being affected now, according to a government report, the current cranes rz pmc cranes that are made in china, they're used, as i mentioned across the u.s. and officials say they do have the potential ability to actually monitor us shipping and could potentially disrupt and shut down an entire system. >> at any time from overseas. so right now, hundreds of these ship to shore cranes are implemented at ports, including the port of oakland, which is one of the largest hubs. so over the next 5 years, this executive order calls for pace co, which is the u.s. based company to onshore u.s. and manufacturer some of these screens for production. essentially going back to what the u.s. did back in the early days of ports as
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that company has a history of port making dating all the way back to the 50's and previously built cranes for u.s. ports until the late 80's. it's also important to note that this executive order does not affect any existing chinese-made cranes that american ports only future ones to come. now, president biden says the goal of this 20 billion dollar executive order is to strengthen cybersecurity at u.s. ports insecure the country's supply chain while strengthening its industrial base. back out here live. i did reach out to the oakland port to ask how many of these chinese based cranes are we using here? and also, do we have any on order? there are some reports of other ports across the u.s. to have a handful of them and they actually have more that are being shipped. er on this year. so as we get more details from the port of oakland, we'll keep you updated live this morning in san francisco. michael send it back to to live in the studio. michael, thank you. >> the company of all makers
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are now doubling down there trying to find organized retail theft and just tackle the state's opioid crisis. couple big issues there. capitol correspondent eytan wallace takes a look. democrats and republicans, we're going to build a safer california. that's the message. senate president pro tempore mike mcguire hammered home as he joined the democratic and republican leaders to announce more than a dozen bills on public safety specifically on retail theft. and california's fentanyl crisis. >> senate democrats and senate republicans are setting aside politics coming together coming to together to advance a data driven policies. solution package. we're calling a safer california plan on the issue of opioids and specifically fentanyl. one of the bill seeks to exploit the creation of more rehab facility is for those experiencing substance use disorders, another 6 to increase pencil testing strip statewide. doing the right thing is 100%. what we need to do in this case. and the right
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thing is to look at the problem of substance abuse is a whole and build support systems for those. >> who are suffering. the new emerging drug xylazine is also mentioned in the package of bills often called tranq or tranq dope. xylazine is a horse tranquilizer not approved for human use, but it has become more prevalent on the streets and has been known to cause major flash eating wounds, sedation and death place and seeks to increase penalties for trying traffickers. on the issue of retail theft. one of the bill's targets, the sale of stolen goods online by requiring third-party sellers to be certified. another bill will increase penalties for those involved in organized retail theft and illegal resale schemes. but exact details still need to be worked out. we must hold repeat, professional thieves accountable. >> well, we're still reviewing the specifics of the legislative package. we're optimistic about the proposals here today, but not included in the bill. a proposal to repeal prop. 47 passed by
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california voters in 2014. the law change certain nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including theft when the items stolen are valued at less than $950. supporters argue that would help reduce california's prison over population and lead to criminal justice reform. mass incarceration. >> simply isn't the answer. i do not believe that this state needs to tuch prop 47 to be able to help make our community safer. >> full stop. but opponents including republican. a number. tom lackey say prop 47 emboldened criminals to take part in certain crimes like retail theft, with little to no punishment, property heavily contributed to the problem. >> and so in order to find a solution to have to first address the problem. that's prop 47. >> and you may recall assembly speaker robert remus previously announced his own retail tough legislation targeting thieves and supporting diversion programs. mcguire says that bill will move forward and will complement the bills introduced reporting at the state capitol. a tom wallace kron. 4 news.
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>> 6.36, the time. thank tom. police now have charged an oakland man in connection with a string of business burglaries that happened last month in brentwood officers arrested. 49 year-old marcus plus ios during a traffic stop back on february, 17th during the search, police say they found more than 4 ounces of meth and fentanyl that were reportedly going to be sold and more evidence related to the burglaries. officers also found a grenade launcher in his car. plus, ios remains in custody pending a preliminary hearing. we'll take a look at this park. police say they found a gun and nearly a pound of marijuana and working scale along with $1200 cash when they arrested a fare evaders. the arrest was made sunday night at oakland coliseum station. police say a records check revealed the gun had been reported stolen. and investigation now underway into a 3 car crash in san francisco. looking at the crash happened at about 3 o'clock monday afternoon on
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2.80, just south of the geneva avenue. on-ramp several southbound lanes were temporarily blocked while they cleared the scene. according to the chp, the crash may have involved a wrong-way driver who came from the john daly drive direction. the number of people in the cars and the severity of those injuries are still unknown. we're trying to get that confirmed. we do know some of the people had to be taken to the hospital. >> for francisco workers rally today as contract negotiation talks continue between them and the city. so this is a picture from a rally back in january contracts for nearly 30,000 city workers are set to expire in june. union officials say the city has a staffing crisis and that there are more than 3500 jobs that need to be filled. they're also pretty concerned. they've got potential budget cuts, especially to public services because of the city's deficit asking the city fill vacancies, permanent jobs and didn't stop quote, waste in spending on contracting out. raleigh going to start at noon right near the sf muni agency
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building. that's on venice avenue. >> what ucsf mission bay nurses will also be rallying today, calling for safe staffing levels for patients. they're calling on the ucsf also to improve staffing and patient care for all 3 campuses, including mission bay and part nasas. the rally set to start at 1 o'clock this afternoon. it will be out at ucsf mission bay. >> well, san francisco leader is questioning pga need about why there been so many power outages on related to recent storms. so supervisor myrna elder ces in january before the storms. there outages in neighborhoods lasting beyond 48 hours, some up to even 7 days pg and e says many are because of improving the infrastructure. they also presented this same before the storm this year. there was actually more than 150 outages tier plan, 77 and plant out of those unplanned outages. 25 had to do with the power pole lines while 12 of them work
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underground. but the pg e and representatives did not get specific on 21 outages. supervisor melder asked pg and how that percent rate. hi recent relates to the infrastructure. all in part of the city that has been affected by the outages. >> and a lot of what our rates have gone up on is to invest in infrastructure to improve art. our systems and much of that is also though it's not felt in san francisco. we're doing 10,000 miles of undergrounding throughout the territory to stop wildfires and maybe someday that will be in our communities because it is absolutely very to have outages that because we have wires, i'm in the air and around trees. but many residents, they were not happy with pg and e's responses. they felt there were still left with a lot of unanswered questions from the utility supervisor. melder said she would be following up with pg and e trying to get those answers.
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>> well, a big honor now for one bay area city. san jose was named among the 25 best places to live in the u.s. when it comes to quality of life. the ranking by u.s. news and world reports. called san jose quote, a diverse area with innovative spirit. the ranking also highlighted san jose's proximity to the ocean and the sierra nevada and vineyards too. and arbor michigan took the number one spot on the list for best quality of life in the u.s. followed by boulder, colorado. and the number 2 spot. >> having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card. >> o coming up in the next hour of the kron 4 morning news. we're continuing our celebration of black history month. we sit down with a local librarian who is going viral on tiktok spreading the message of inclusion and mental health. >> and getting a look at the radar this morning, not a lot to see here locally, but you can see our next storm system sitting well to the north.
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this is about to make huge impact on the sierra nevada with one of her heaviest snows of the season thursday friday of the season thursday friday and satur
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who says you can't go for bold without going broke... get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. >> well, here are 4 things know today. the man was shot at a sideshow in the late sunday in a pickup truck was intentionally set on fire. afterwards, people stormed the 7.11 and started shooting. the manager says 8 to $10,000 worth items were stolen. window was shattered. no employees were hurt. it's a battle. police arrested.
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someone well, it 12 hours. shelter-in-place order. police told us there was an armed person barricaded inside of a home. police say nobody was hurt during that standoff. governor gavin newsom is facing a possible recall yet again west to california. that's the group trying to recall the governor. its members serve newsom to 7.10, on monday. and state superintendent tony thurmond back in new legislation to provide pay pregnancy. leave all california public school employees. california teachers do not currently receive pay pregnancy. leave. there's no formal opposition against bill just yet. >> all right. take a look at this here at 6.45. nasa's releasing some new images showing the lunar lander odysseus on the surface of the moon. there's the arrow pointing at it. the privately owned spacecraft landed near the south pole within about a mile of its intended target. but it did encounter a problem just as it was touching down one of its lander legs clipped
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the lunar surface and then it tipped over onto its side. intuitive machines says the tissues will probably stop working tomorrow because its solar panels are actually facing the wrong way as a result of that tipping over the lander touched down last thursday, you know, and it did become the first u.s. spacecraft to land on the moon and more than 50 years. >> all making big strides for a private company, yeah. and eventually for humans to be back on the moon. by the end of the we will find life. i don't know. haha. anyway, there's life on planet fish little chilly day out. we've got john with the forecast. good morning had the moon doesn't have as much variety is that we get here and that's the forecast we've got this week, sunshine today and tomorrow and then the snow and the rain will be back. >> towards thursday, friday and saturday. in the meantime, look at all those bright skies above san francisco from the sierra to the bay to the north coast. we're all looking nice and dry right now and will hold on to that for a couple of days. you can see in future
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cast is really not a lot going on as we make our way through the rest of this morning afternoon evening tonight, nor even into tomorrow with wednesday, looking just as nice and dry us today. that will change is thursday, though, with our next storm system dropping in from the northwest. this one is going to be a huge snow maker for the sierra and a good rainmaker for the bay to our rain is going to amount to around an inch to inch and a half for most of our urban areas. santa rosa could see up to 3 inches of rainfall. now, as for the sierra, though, it is going to be measured in feet with snowfall, kicking ofe late thursday into friday, saturday, multiple feet of snowfall high up and snow level as low as 1500 feet come saturday morning could put some snow on top of our own mountains right here in the bay. now above 5,000 feet in elevation, we can expect 5 to 12 feet of snowfall. that of snow and will result in roadways being snow packed and likely you being snowed in. if you're getting up there. so if you do want to head to the sierra tried head back by
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thursday morning after that, we will be seeing dangerous driving conditions in plan on being stuck up there for a little bit. today's daytime highs are going to be comfortable early and cool in the low 60's across the bay. looking at it tomorrow, almost identical to today. just a couple of clouds on wednesday. thursday showers arrive later on in the day. staying with us through friday and saturday before we get a break into early next week. great. all right, john, thank you for that. getting a look morning line. >> starting in the bay bridge right now. 22 minute ride into the city. no major delays there. 15 minutes on the san mateo bridge, 80 to 101. there were 2 summer bridge. 13 minute ride and the golden gate bridge. 77 to the toes. 20 minutes. >> 6.48 and you may not know your local library and by name, but there's one in fairfield you might have heard about or at least maybe seen him on social media. a lot follow him on social media. michael 3 to is gone viral for his post about his love of libraries and reading. it's
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from bello report spreading a message of inclusion and mental health too. >> having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card. >> every day, bright eyed and afro hair michael threet greets his more than 1 million followers on tiktok and instagram with a smile and positive attitude. i you video the could be found out. i am need not an answer. popping on tiktok during the pandemic. he soon pivoted to talking about the thing he loves most books. so beautiful day to save books. >> they would use the trends and i would turn into bookish content that i realized, hey, this is a tool for us to reach. people left the mine them of the library and remind them he has that your library card tattooed on your right as his follower numbers grew. so did the number of people visiting local libraries. so many people message me each day on social media saying, look, i've got a library card. i need to be i am from people from the consensus new york
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city, florida. tonight. people having on people city live report from africa from germany, from japan. >> born and raised in the bay area. michael got his first library card at age 5 at the fairfield civic center library. but growing up, he never really saw himself as a librarian. and 71 in see people of color behind the front desk. >> i didn't see behind the front does. so to me it wasn't for been like i was like, oh, it will never happen for you. it is never like triggered thought that i could one day become a library. now that same library he grew up is the one he's worked at for the last decade. a job he says has been an i leverage books, movies music, musical insurance ordenes video we just lost a big reflection. >> michael simply believes no matter who you are or what you're going through, you can find comfort in your local library. library is at 3rd space. that space with our. >> no expectation that having to buy a book having to buy a
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membership, you can just come in just as you are. and while he's not trying to target any one group specifically do love the fact that i'm obama blackmail. >> a number on the ground. well, i'm i'm i'm black and mexican. i love that. i can be kind like a presence for kids of color to cover debt to so they can see a tattoo person. they can see a giant after in-person his message doesn't stop there. he tackles literacy issues. dear dyslexic, you. >> your brain is brilliant. >> and mental michael suffers from depression and severe anxiety among other mental health issues. is it surprise of her from those suffer from things that people coming to library with? >> every single is ok to not be ok, 3, 6, 9. it's okay to not be fine because i know that you will get there. >> and while those topics for once taboo and his family so happy to be able to present platform and show people that whoever they are of their culture said don't talk about
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maybe a culture to be conversation that was michael's openness has earned him fans all over the world. michael has such a great energy. he has kind of image that i want to make give to my community as educator, hope the future. he's embracing all the love, thrown his way and hopes wherever you live. you'll show your librarian a little love to. i want people remember that their local library in little ember. and it's just it's cool because they your local library and make their day in fairfield, noelle people at near 4 to help for news. future. >> now, while michael as love his work at the library, he's dedicated his time right now to take a step away for his mental health. his last day in fairfield is going to be for this friday march. 1st, he does, however, plan to continue advocating for literacy and library. joy will the new avenues he's found through his social media
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presence. thank you for bringing us all that joy. michael, make sure to tune into our special air this thursday at 6, 30 p in. you can't afford to miss it. >> coming up on the kron, 4 morning news in the next hour. there is an effort now to provide a pregnancy leave for public school employees in california. we'll tell you who's behind it. i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm feeling this moment. along with clearer skin skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,
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had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement-and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save.
6:55 am
what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. back 6.55. the time. a new recall. this time for a number of eye ointment said this comes after the u.s. food and
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drug administration performed a recent inspection at the plant in india. >> brassica pharma is voluntarily recalling now products sold nationwide to retailers like walmart and cvs. last year. they had a deadly outbreak of eye infections that were linked to artificial tears made by another firm in india. well, wendy's is taking a page from uber's playbook. the fast food chain will be testing a surge pricing model where prices will fluctuate based on demand, meaning that a burger will cost more during lunchtime hours. then other times of the day, wendy ceo says they will begin testing this surge pricing model in next year 2025. the chains iconic dave single could increase by as much as a dollar during the lunch rush and drop down by that same amount after the lunch rush is over. the price of wendy's quarter pound cheeseburger already differs depending on location. differ, depending on the time of day. >> coming up in the next hour
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of the kron, 4 morning news. san francisco mayoral candidate is proposing jail time handed to refuse treatment as the city tackled the ongoing fentanyl crisis. we'll talk more about that. and a san jose pie shop is started the week off for a strong following support from the community will have a live report from the bakery will report from the bakery will right back to go anywhere.
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7:00 am
right now on the kron 4 morning news, a shooting, a car fire and alluding all in the same night in vallejo will speak to some frustrated residents. >> on the same day that mayor london breed leads a march against fentanyl. a san francisco mayoral candidate is proposing jail time for addicts who refuse treatment. and a san jose pie shop enjoying a boom in business as the community comes together to support. it will have a live report. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you for joining us here at 07:00am on james fletcher and i'm reyna harvey in for darya folsom today. we'll talk about that sunshine. coupled with some colder temperatures, though. yeah, we're starting off on a chilly note. we've got job with the forecast this hour. hey john. it's cold one this morning, but we will warm up under all that sunshine that we're already seeing out there in full force. >> view of san francisco behind me, they're just looking great under all


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