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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  February 27, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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mom's gonna love this! alright kids come on. it's time for bed! ( ♪♪ ) good morning, mr. snuggles. make breakfast special with the cocoa and hazelnutty goodness of nutella. ( ♪♪ ) >> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waldman. we'll get right to that breaking news now as macy's has announced, it will close 150 stores
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nationwide. the company says it will close about 50 of those stores this year. and this is coming after it posted a 4th quarter loss and declining sales kron four's. tiffany justice joins us now live from union square with the macy's there with the latest on this breaking news story. thanks for joining us. >> all right. a staple here at union square will be closing its stores. kron 4 confirming with san francisco board of supervisors. aaron peskin ys that this macy's location here at union square is slated to close its stores. his office says it will stay open for the rest of the year. well, they work to sell the property. but here's what we know so far today the company announced that they will be closing 150 stores nationwide over the next 2 years. they say that they will be closing about 50 of those stores during the first year. the company has not announced which locations will be closing their doors first. but we do know and have confirmed the union square location is included. now this comes after the company posted a 4th quarter loss and
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declining cells last month. macy's rejected a 5.8 billion dollar takeover offer from an investment manager. and in january, macy's also said they would trim about 3% of their workforce, which is about 2300 employees. now the announcement is causing reaction from the community and city leaders. mayor london breed issuing this statement crowd forcing, quote, macy's has always meant a lot to the people of this city. it's hard to think of me sees not part of the varsity she goes on to say on continuing to talk to leaders in retail business and real estate about how we can continue to focus on the long-term success of this site. the city will continue to work closely a season. any potential new owner to ensure this iconic location continues to serve francisco for decades to come again, we're being told that this location here at union square is slated to close its doors but will remain open throughout the rest of the year. back to you. tiffany, thank you so much.
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>> and update now to a big story we are following here. san pablo police arrested someone following a 12 hour shelter-in-place order. law enforcement responded to a home in the area of rachel road. and heather drive around 03:00am on monday. police told us there was an armed person barricaded inside that home. and neighbors told us that someone was shooting into the air in the middle of the night. police say that no one was hurt during the standoff. we're still working to learn more details about the suspect who police arrested. some developing news now as the white house says it will be investing billions of dollars to replace china-made cranes at ports all across the country. and this does include the port of oakland kron four's. michael thomas has the latest. >> president biden and his administration say that some of these port cranes made in china could actually be a cybersecurity issues. so moving forward anytime a new portray needs to be put in at any of the ports within the u.s.. he says they need to be made on american soil
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according to a government report, these china-made cranes are made by a company called the upmc and they say that they have the ability to monitor us shipping and could potentially disrupt and shut down an entire system at any time from overseas. currently hundreds of the ship to shore cranes are implemented a port across the u.s.. and that includes right here in oakland, theppresident's executive order to change. this is a 5 year process costing around 20 billion dollars. it will call for pace co which is the u.s. based company to onshore the u.s. manufacturing capacity for cream production and supply them moving forward. essentially going back to what the u.s. did back in the early days of the ports has the same companies to build cranes for the u.s. until the late 80's. it is important to note that this executive order does not affect any existing chinese-made cranes that any american ports, only future ones that are to come. president biden says the goal of this 20 billion dollars order is to strengthen cybersecurity at u.s. ports, secure the country's supply chain and strengthen the
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industrial base. i did reach out to officials at the port of oakland. i'm still waiting to hear back as to how many of these cranes that were made in china currently sit here in the east bay. that's a very latest here in san francisco. michael thomas, send it back to you live in the studio. police have now charged an oakland man in connection to a string of business burglaries. that happened last month. the brentwood officers arrested. 49 year-old marcus. >> plus says he owes during a traffic stop on february during that search. police say they found more than 4 ounces of meth and fentanyl that were reportedly going to be sold and even more evidence related to burglaries. they say officers also say they found a grenade launcher in his car and the suspect remains in custody pending a preliminary hearing. so except treatment or get arrested. those are the 2 options. a san francisco mayoral candidate is proposing to offer that to illegal drug users. well, danielle lawrie announced his plan. mayor london breed held her own fentanyl crisis event. kron
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four's rob nesbitt reports. >> incumbent mayor london breed and her challenger, daniel lurie, both say that people using drugs on the streets need to be held accountable. but the experts and harm reduction say the candidates are all just going for the votes and not to help solve the opioid epidemic. >> we get 0 overdose deaths. >> on the steps of san francisco city hall monday, mayor london breed promise to continue the fight against fentanyl as she campaigns for reelection in november. we are making it easier to help people then to harm people. >> because, you know, i redemption from my perspective is not reducing the harm. >> last year, mayor london breed brought in extra law enforcement from the chp sheriff's office in california. national guard to crack down on drug cartels and those participating in open air drug use while she led a march to the city monday, one of her opponents, daniel lurie, announced his plan to tackle the fentanyl crisis. we
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will introduce a deflection program. >> to incentivize individuals to seek treatment. or face arrest. we will open a 24 7 drop-off crisis center where police and co responders. can drop off individuals and mental health crisis. for those who have opted for treatment, lurie says arrested drug users are currently offered immediate treatment options. >> but are instead issued a citation in court date that they often get out of executive director for the national harm reduction coalition lord guzman says she isn't impressed with bowler ease and mayor breed's promises mandatory treatment to rest. >> coming out of is the way candidates right now. i really running their platforms to get votes, even with an increase in drug-related arrests in 2023, san francisco still saw a record number of 813 overdose deaths, guzman and others who work in harm reduction believe strongly that san francisco can't arrest its way out of the opioid epidemic over and over clearly indicated and the 2 treatment does not pick a
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>> and it does not really engage people who are not ready, willing and able. guzman says the san francisco department of public health develop an overdose prevention plan in 2022. >> that the city chose not to adopt that plan, but instead went with a more law enforcement approach. >> reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> investigation is underway into a 3 car crash in san francisco. this crash happened around 3 monday afternoon on to 80 just south of the geneva avenue. on-ramp several southbound lanes were closed as the investigation was going on. and according to the chp, this crash may have involved a wrong-way driver who came from john daly drive the number of people in the cars and how bad their injuries are is not known right now. we do know that some people were taken to the hospital. it was a violent night in valais a weekend sideshow led to a shooting, a fire and looting at a nearby convenience store. kron 4 sarah stinson has the story.
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>> people who witnessed this rash of crime say it was chaos. not only was a man shot but a pickup truck was set on fire at the side show and then people looted this 7.11, people who live in that area say it's disappointing to see this kind of lawlessness in their neighborhood. >> surveillance video shows the may have that happened in vallejo on sunday. dozens of people running into 7.11 at the intersection of springs road and rolling would drive and rating the storefront ji's and shelves. the manager of the 7.11 says no employees got hurt, but thieves took off with 8 to $10,000 worth of goods. police say the crowd came from a side show that was happening nearby. i saw a lot of >> the running towards way towards my house and they were getting in a vehicle and they had like back the chips and >> just random items. this woman lives in the area. she wants to remain anonymous but says sideshows happen here
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often. but you could not believe all the crime that she witnessed afterwards. i thought chaos and destruction and violence in my own neighborhood a block away and i'm tired of police say 9-1-1 calls started coming in around 5.30, sunday night about a fight that broke out at the sideshow. police say a man was shot at least once and he ran into the 7.11 for shelter. and once he was taken to the hospital, police say the looting began windows boarded. up next to the entrance of the store as it was shattered during the raid. neighbors expressed frustrations saying nothing is being done to stop this type of crime from occurring in their city. as much as the cost to live in california. and this is what we have to deal with is just ridiculous. >> police is still investigating. the department is asking anyone with information or videos to contact them. i'm sara stinson reporting back to you. >> and in the north bay right now, santa rosa police are
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looking for this man. they say he's wanted for an attempted homicide. officers say 21 year-old nathan hoglund shot a man in the shoulder after he and a group of friends got into an argument with another group. this happened on february 18th on barman avenue. the victim is expected to survive. police do believe that the shooting is gang-related and that this man here is considered armed and dangerous. >> let's talk about our forecast right now. sunny day across the city of san francisco and we want that to continue at least for a little while longer. so let's check in now with meteorologist kyla grogan to see how much some are going to get today. yeah. gorgeous day today. plenty of sunshine. no doubt about it. you can see outside here is take a look at coit tower. just blue skies and temperatures in san francisco about 54 degrees. 56 in oakland evaded to 60 already in san jose. but we've got upper 50's in livermore, concord and santa rosa, half moon bay. rounding things out and about 55 degrees in the cooler out there got little bit of wind out of point raise 18 miles per hour, half moon
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bay as well. >> but relatively quiet today as far as weather is concerned, if we take a look at the bigger picture here, you can see the entire state is going to just fine. just a few of those high clouds are kind of rolling in from the system that's to the north of us. that will be the case today and tomorrow. and then we really, of a pattern change as we get into thursday. so highs today will be amongst the blue skies. you can see around the bay will be a little bit cooler than average. so looking out for upper 50's low 60's san francisco to oakland. but we're about right where we should be really for the rest of the bay area. you know, you can go to san jose today looking up or 65 degrees when the average this time of year is about 60. for now, we do have one thing to look out for tonight. just like we did last night. we have another frost advisory going up for the north bay. we had some of those temperatures get down to the freezing mark last night. i'm gonna talk a little bit more about that and the rain that will be on the way for thursday friday and saturday. we come back in just a little bit. back to you. thank you. coming up here, a new alert for spring breakers planning a trip to mexico. >> the tips from authorities
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>> the tips from authorities to keep you safe. kerendia presents... the abcs of ckd a is for awareness, because knowing that your chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes could progress to dialysis is important. b is for belief that there may be more you can do. just remember that k is for kidneys
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and kerendia. for adults living with ckd in type 2 diabetes, kerendia is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia is a once-daily tablet that treats ckd differently than type 2 diabetes medications to help slow the progression of kidney damage and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia if you have problems with your adrenal glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors. kerendia can cause hyperkalemia, which is high potassium levels in your blood. ask your doctor before taking products containing potassium. kerendia can also cause low blood pressure and low sodium levels. so now that you know your abcs, don't wait. kidney damage from ckd in t2d is not reversible. so ask your doctor about slowing your kidney damage when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in,
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and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. >> in the south bay, san jose pie shop is starting the week off strong following a lot of support from the community last week, tesla canceled a huge order that ended up hurting the business. but the community has now stepped up in a big way. kron four's will tran is in san jose and got a chance to speak with the owner. >> to use baking terms, what could have been tart is now sweet because they have been reimbursed $2000 from tesla. they were so busy over the weekend after the news said
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that tesla was not going to pay them, that the community rallied. hundreds of people lined up around the corner at the giving pies. there was so busy that they actually had to close yesterday, a normal business day just to try to play catch-up. we tried all morning to talk to the owner of on and she said i can't do it. i can do it. and finally, there is a window now to talk to her and we're getting her as she is working. congratulations before. although this i'm sure san jose and your friends and customers new, you. but now everybody knows you. haha, your reaction to all of this confusion. >> overwhelming, but it's so beautiful to see people can read the behind something. you know, i didn't do it to expect that. that's why i'm not could be pretty bad. you that. i knew that it was going to be like that lead them and
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prepare them the love that everybody showing me that i'm you know, i'm trying to catch up in and give some love back with >> your pies are wonderful. we ord red some pies ourselves. tesla said 2000, then 2000 more four-thousand. your heart must growth when they said we you. we don't need anymore. it was like >> good understand, like a, you know, like because they approved the previous quote. so me and that i can something, then you're going to be good for and then when they has to it, they asked for my work from us. we we know, you know, we tried everything to come with a because in we wanted to. we wanted the business, of course, and i and then to everything getting excited here at shop and then suddenly boom and i can that and out of the affair, though, the work we put in was hit i don't know if you're aware of it, but kron 4, we did this story. elon musk saw our
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story. >> he tweeted out, just heard about it. he wants to do good by the bakery. so he found out short time after that, you got paid $2000 back of ingredients. all right. what are you doing to play catch-up and so many customers are coming in. they cannot get as many as they want, let's right because we we're we're running up product very enough. >> it's really like we we don't see that much. haha. i saw you at 5.20, this and trying to get in and get started. yes, yes, because we left there. >> one of my employee thing is to be said left 02:00am. yeah, i love that. you love that much. to i'll let you get back to work. i know you're very busy and i can tell you right now they have pies here and i'm telling you, it is mouth
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watering. >> tesla, not only did they pay her the $2000 with the ingredients and she ran out and bought. they said how about march? can we get you for a march event? she said i can. i'd love to but i have to fulfill my customers. orders not to mention something happening in march. that's right. pi day. so lots of pies going on again. started office chart. now it is so sweet. everybody is getting a cavity back >> all right. here's what it looks like outside right now in san francisco. blue skies, little breezy and sunny. we'll see how long this lasts here. meteorologist kyla grogan in the weather center with details and well said he got pies but i didn't i get up. i did. i'm sure we can go by 5. we want what? i'm sure they'll be there for the taking of. let's talk about a chilly start we had today petaluma got down to 32 degrees this morning. not quite that cold and that by castro valley can see. 37 upper 30's in san
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ramon, though, menlo park conquered. so that is just to say that even though we have the frost advisory in the north bay, lots of other spots got chilly, too. you're going to see that again today. one more night of these chilly temperatures for you, north bay and east bay in particular. and then we'll start to see a change in our pattern. so we do have that frost advisory starts at 02:00am tonight in the overnight hours. again, it is for the north bay. but having said that, watch out in the east bay, too. we are beautiful today. blue skies are out there as we take a live look from the east day. it's just gorgeous. we've got a little high pressure that's kind of helping us to get that sunshine as another low pressure moves along. but another bigger low-pressure system is going to be dropping in. as you can see as we get into thursday and it's going to stick around for friday saturday and final start to truck away as we get into the latter half of the weekend. but that's what's going to bring the pattern change. that's why we're going to see our rain chances go way up as we head into thursday. and as you can see, it really lasts until sunday morning. that will finally start to see things back off a bit. so just to show you futurecast here today and tomorrow, really nice to get that high pressure
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kind of shielding us thursday rolls in. and that's when we start to see the pattern. change rain for us. sierra snow for the sierra. a whole lot of sierra snow. and as i mentioned it really last thursday, friday, saturday and into part of sunday. these are the totals are looking out for so bay area wide between one and 2 inches of rain. you can see far higher totals there as we head to the north. you can certainly see big totals over in the sierra. the snow is kind of the big story this week. everybody is a cold system rolling in for the go into details on that when come back in just a bit. but for us will be rain thursday, friday, saturday in the first part of sunday. notice how chilly will be getting during those days as well. so enjoy that sunshine today. and tomorrow. thank you. happening right now. >> san francisco city workers are rallying as contract negotiations are continuing with the city. here's a picture from a rally that happened in january. >> the contracts for nearly 30,000 city workers are set to expire in june and unit officials say the city has a staffing crisis with more than
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3500 positions. the need to be filled and many of those jobs are currently being done by contract workers. but the union wants them staffed with actual employees that enjoy the benefits and protections of working for the city. kron. 4 will keep you updated as the negotiations continue. and happening today, ucsf mission bay nurses will also rallying to call for safe staffing levels for patients. they're calling on ucsf to improve staffing and patient care for all 3 campuses, including mission bay and per nasas. the rally will start one in the afternoon at the ucsf mission, bay location. >> i'm trevor shirley in washington. top congressional leaders meeting with president biden today hoping to work out a deal that avoids a government shutdown set to happen this friday. i've got the latest details coming up just ahead. and after the break, a troubling report for youth in america. what's behind the sudden spike anti depressants dispensing?
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> well, your health this afternoon, the rate of antidepressant prescriptions spiked for young americans during the pandemic. a study that was published in the journal pediatrics says dispensing of antidepressants was already going up among people aged 12 to 25 before the covid-19 pandemic. but once the pandemic hit the rate increased about 64% faster than normal. and the study showed that the dispensing rate increased 130% for females age 12 to 17 dispensing were first to the rate of antidepressants given out to patients by pharmacies,
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not the actual use of the medication. if your spring break destination is mexico. the u.s. state department wants you to be aware the u.s. embassy and consulates in mexico are warning americans to maintain a high level of situational awareness while visiting the country. the agency cites crime drugs and unregulated alcohol for this increased caution. those on their spring break getaway should always be aware of their surroundings, especially when visiting popular areas. the agency also recommends monitoring your bank accounts and staying in groups when you're out in clubs or bars. the power of a 6 figure salary is fading in some cities in the bay area. this is according to the personal finance company. go banking rates. the company says making $150,000 in cities like san francisco and san jose put 2 on the lower end of the middle class scale. they say the high housing costs, child care and transportation all have an
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impact on your class status. next here at noon allies back on boeing after a safety report reveals more discrepancies. >> why the faa is calling for a major overhaul. >> conditioned to expect continual power outages. plus, san francisco residents facing off with pg and e after constant power outages related to recent storms. >> and lawmakers at the state capitol are teaming up to fight fentanyl and retail theft california. the new legislation they hope we'll do
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>> california lawmakers are doubling down to fight organized retail theft and tackle the state's opioid crisis. kron four's capitol correspondent eytan wallace has the latest. democrats and republicans. we're going to build a safer california. that's the message. senate president pro tempore mike mcguire hammered home as he joined the democratic and republican leaders to announce more than a dozen bills on public safety specifically on retail theft. and california's fentanyl crisis. >> senate democrats and senate republicans are setting aside politics coming together coming to together to advance a data driven policies. solution package. we're calling a safer california plan on the issue of opioids and specifically fentanyl. one of the bill seeks to exploit the creation of more rehab facility is for those experiencing substance use disorders, another 6 to increase pencil testing strip statewide. doing the right
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thing is 100%. what we need to do in this case. and the right thing is to look at the problem of substance abuse is a whole and build support systems for those. >> who are suffering. the new emerging drug xylazine is also mentioned in the package of bills often called tranq or tranq dope. xylazine is a horse tranquilizer not approved for human use, but it has become more prevalent on the streets and has been known to cause major flash eating wounds, sedation and death place and seeks to increase penalties for trying traffickers. on the issue of retail theft. one of the bill's targets, the sale of stolen goods online by requiring third-party sellers to be certified. another bill will increase penalties for those involved in organized retail theft and illegal resale schemes. but exact details still need to be worked out. we must hold repeat, professional thieves accountable. >> well, we're still reviewing the specifics of the legislative package. we're optimistic about the proposals here today, but not included
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in the bill. a proposal to repeal prop. 47 passed by california voters in 2014. the law change certain nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including theft when the items stolen are valued at less than $950. supporters argue that would help reduce california's prison over population and lead to criminal justice reform. mass incarceration. >> simply isn't the answer. i do not believe that this state needs to tuch prop 47 to be able to help make our community safer. >> full stop. but opponents including republican on the number tom lackey say prop 47 emboldened criminals to take part in certain crimes like retail theft, with little to no punishment, property sells heavily contributed to the problem. >> and so in order to find a solution to have to first address the problem. and that's prop 47. >> and you may recall assembly speaker robert remus previously announced his own retail tough legislation targeting thieves and supporting diversion programs. mcguire says that bill will
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move forward and will complement the bills introduced reporting at the state capitol. a tom wallace kron. 4 news. >> a san francisco leaders questioning pg e about why there have been so many power outages unrelated to recent storms. supervisor myrna melgar says in january before the storms are outages in neighborhoods lasting beyond 48 hours, some up to 7 days pg e is saying many are due to improving the infrastructure and it presented this graph saying before the storm that happened this year, there were more than 150 outage is 80 of them planned. 77, unplanned out of those unplanned outages. 25 had to do with power pole lines. 12 were underground, but the pg and e representatives did not give specifics on the 21 unknown outages. the supervisor asked pg e how the recent rate hikes relate to infrastructure in parts of the city that have been affected by the outages. >> and a lot of what our rates
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have gone up on is to invest in infrastructure to improve art. our systems and much of that is also though it's not felt in san francisco. we're doing 10,000 miles of undergrounding throughout the territory to stop wildfires and maybe someday that will be in our communities because it is absolutely very to have outages that because we have wires, i'm in the air and around trees. >> many residents were not happy with pg and e's responses and felt they were still left with a lot of unanswered questions from the utility company. supervisor melgar says she will be following up with pg and e to get those answers. oakland community members coming together to address concerns over future development at the coliseum. they're asking the alameda county board of supervisors to get involved. now, kron 4 s charles clifford has the latest. >> well, here in oakland on tuesday, a group of community advocates called on alameda county to make sure that
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whatever eventually happens to the oakland coliseum. they want to know that the community will benefit tuesday morning. the oakland united coalition called on the alameda county board of supervisors to pressure a's owner john fisher to allow the oakland coliseum to be used for things other than a baseball. the team recently blocked an effort by the upstart oakland bees to play at the coliseum move that the oakland coalition says rob's a community of a financial benefit. the a's are currently in the process of buying out the county stake in the coliseum, a deal which makes them in the city of oakland, co-owners of the site. coalition believes that the county can still exert pressure on the team. but county has the agreement with pfister that is allowing him to be a decision-maker about what does and doesn't happen in our backyard, too. >> they're a dream and is allowing the a's ownership to block the flow of needed resources into the east oakland community. and although a's ownership has declared a desire to move the team to los vegas, there are no set date for when that might happen. the oakland
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united coalition says that if the team truly wants to leave oakland, they should give up their stake in the coliseum to john fisher. sell your state in the coliseum, make your profit and allow to flourish and thrive. if you can't do that, then it's time to play ball with the community and join us at the negotiating table. even though the a's have expressed an interest in leaving oakland, the team has had talks with the county and the city of oakland about extending their stay at the coliseum. although no deal has been reached in oakland, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> we are enjoying some sunday today. wide look here. looking out towards the bay there, san francisco in the bay bridge in kyle's here, letting us know how much longer the sun will last. and also all that snow that's coming to this year by the end of everybody's heard about big snow storm. so let's get into a beautiful day out in kahoe right now. you're taking a live look at diamond peaks of people enjoying the day may be getting their skis on and heading out. beautiful sunshine today. beautiful
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sunshine tomorrow. thursday is when the action all starts in the sierra. so let's get the timing. first of all, just to show you when you don't want to be driving to the sierra, this is thursday morning. you can see where the snow starts thursday morning and by thursday afternoon, it is fully involved and that will last through thursday, friday, saturday and into part of sunday. now you don't see this often folks, blizzard warning. this is no longer just a winter storm warning. it is now blizzard warning. a blizzard warning meaning heavy snow and wind are going to be headed their way. the timing for that is thursday morning at 10:00am through 10:00am on sunday that you do not want to be on the road. whiteout conditions, strong wind, potential for 0 visibility. so just to show you the snow totals there. pretty incredible. we're talking, you know, anywhere from 4 to 8 feet up at the peaks. it could be more than that in some spots with. that's what we're expecting notice as we take a look over here into you know, northern park, california, here you can see some of the pt at a little snow even down in mount diablo. we could see a little dusting of snow high
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impact storm here. low snow levels, very cold system. so the snow levels continue dropping. and by sunday we're talking about maybe down to 1000 feet to travel could be difficult to impossible during this time. so just want to say it again. i do not recommend traveling thursday morning through sunday morning towards this year. i'll be back in a bit. we'll talk more about our local forecast. back to you. all right. thank you. we do have some breaking news now. following out of san francisco after macy's announced will be closing its union square location. and we just spoke with san francisco mayor london breed. and this was her response. >> we do believe this could be still an opportunity for san francisco. i mean, this is an iconic location. this is in union square. we've had even this past holiday season between november 20th in the end of the year, we've seen a significant decline in crime. and so we know this has nothing to do with that decision. it's really a larger business decision that macy's is made and we're really excited for the opportunity to work with the union square
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alliance and other retailers and businesses that we talked to to explore what other possibilities >> exist. coming up during kron for news. the 2, we will have more reaction on the closure we're hearing from shoppers and city leaders. so stay with us as we continue our coverage. >> do some national news now. has 4 days remain until a partial government shutdown and lawmakers still have not reached a deal on in agreement. the leaders of the house and the senate will meet with president biden later on today where they're expected to discuss how to avoid the shutdown. reporter trevor shirley has the latest. today. top congressional leaders are meeting with the president at the white house hoping to work out some kind of a deal that avoids a government shutdown. >> car bullet from the about shut damaged economy significantly. tonight we're going to 5 facing the first stages of a government
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shutdown in just 3 days. congress's top leaders hope to hammer out a funding deal soon. there is no justification, for provoking a government shutdown. one hurdle remains a block of hard right. house republicans threatening to tank any effort to avoid a shutdown if the southern border isn't addressed. first, my positions of my colleagues on capitol hill is clear. >> you either secure the border or you get no money for the government caught between those republicans and the specter of a shuttered government. house speaker mike johnson. don't forget it was hard, right? republicans that ousted former speaker kevin mccarthy from the speakership last year after he brokered a deal with democrats to keep the government open. the task at hand will require that everyone rose in the direction. but what that direction will be remains unclear, especially of speaker johnson can't wrangle enough of his members on board with keeping the government open.
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we realize the speaker of the house is in a difficult position. >> but he must reject them at the hard right, which wants to shut down and will likely get a better sense later on today. one of funding vote might happen reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. >> the faa has released a scathing new report critiquing boeing safety culture and recommending an overhaul. u.s. regulators noticed a disconnect between. >> boeing's senior management and others over safety matters and they cite sufficient safeguards to prevent retaliation against employees who flagged safety issues. this is coming after the door. plug blew off that alaska airlines jet mid-flight. and a date has now been set for alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial in connection with the 2021 shooting on the set of rust jury selection will begin july 9th. the trial is set to begin july 10th baldwin was pointing a gun at cinematographer halyna hutchins during a rehearsal on the set outside
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of santa fe when that gun went off, killing her and wounding the director. joel souza baldwin has pleaded not guilty to the charges. >> having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card. >> still ahead here on kron 4, we'll continue our celebration of black history month and we sat down with a local librarian who's going viral on tiktok spreading a message of tiktok spreading a message of inclusion and mental health.
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put uc in check and keep it there, with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq. and learn how abbvie could help you save. you might not know your local library and by name, but there's one fairfield might have heard about or maybe even
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saw him on social media. michael treats has gone viral for his post about love. >> and how much he loves libraries and reading and as kron four's noelle bellow reports he is spreading a message of inclusion and positive mental health. >> having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card. >> every day, bright eyed and afro hair michael threet greets his more than 1 million followers on tiktok and instagram with a smile and positive attitude. you video the could be found out. i am need not an answer. popping on tiktok during the pandemic. he soon pivoted to talking about the thing he loves most books. so beautiful day to save books. >> they would use the trends and i would turn into bookish content that i realized, hey, this is a tool for us to reach. people. let's remind them of the library and remind them he has that your library card tattooed on your right as his follower numbers grew. so did the number of people visiting local libraries. so many people message me each day on social media saying,
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look, i've got a library card. i need to be proud what i from people from the consensus new york city, florida. people have been on people's a live report from africa from germany, from from the pan. >> born and raised in the bay area, michael got his first library card at age 5 at the fairfield civic center library. but growing up, he never really saw himself as a librarian. and 71 in see people of color behind the front desk. >> i didn't see any behind the front does. so to me, it wasn't for been like i was like, oh, it will never happen for you. it just never liked triggers a thought that i could one day become a librarian. now that same library he grew up is the one he's worked at for the last decade. a job he says has been an honor of a mile every books, movies music, musical insurance for teens. many of the we just lost a big reflection. >> michael simply believes no matter who you are or what you're going through, you can find comfort in your local
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library. library is at 3rd space. that space with our. >> no expectation that having to buy a book having to buy a membership. you can just come in just as you are. and while he's not trying to target any one group specifically do love the fact that i'm obama blackmail. >> brown, well, i'm i'm i'm black and mexican. i love that. i can be kind like a presence for kids of color to cover and that too so they can see a tattoo person. they can see a giant after oprah after where in-person his message doesn't stop there. he tackles literacy issues. dear dyslexic, you. >> your brain is brilliant. >> and mental health tank. michael suffers from depression and severe anxiety among other mental health issues. is it any surprise of her from those suffer from things that people coming to the library with? >> every single is ok to not be ok, 3, 6, 9, it's okay to not be fine because i know that you will get there. >> and while those topics for once taboo and his family,
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just i'm so happy to be able to present that. want to show people that whoever they are of their culture said don't talk about maybe a culture to be conversation that was michael's openness has earned him fans all over the world. michael. >> has such a great energy. he has kind of energy that i want to thank give to my community as educator, hope future. he's embracing all the love, thrown his way and hopes wherever you live. we'll show your library and a little love to. i want people remember that their local library, a little ember. and it's just it's cool because they hide in your local library and make their day in fairfield, noelle bellow maybe people at near 4 to help for news to bring >> michael has loved his work at the library. he's decided it's time to take a step away for his mental health. this last day in fairfield will be this friday march. 1st, he does, however, plan to continue advocating for
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literacy and library. joy to some new avenues he's found there. his social media presence and make sure you tune into our special about black history month. that airs this thursday night at 6.30. all right. looking outside right now to blue sky here in san francisco are having some beautiful weather here. and there's a heat wave happening in parts of the country right now. and cuyler is tracking that for us. it's like summer hit texas not just texas. so the average temperature in detroit, michigan, this day of the year would be 39. >> degrees. let me take you to detroit. it is 73 right now. it's also 73 in chicago. 72 in kansas city and yes, down in texas. 78, you can see where that jet stream has dipped down right here with that cool air is so by the time they get to in detroit, they will be back down into those 30's. we meanwhile, are looking at 50's 60's across california. not quite as dramatic here, but we've got some dramatic weather on the way. no doubt about it a couple of days. but
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today, beautiful sunshine. you can see we're in the 50's and 60's right across the pretty nice out highs today will be for the most part about where we should be this time of year. a little bit cooler around the bay itself, but inland those temperatures that we should be about. 63, 64 degrees are getting close to it and hitting in some spots tonight. we do have a frost advisory for the north bay. so watch out for those temperatures that will be dropping once again into the 30's. and after tonight, we're going to see that warm up. so not quite as pronounced we get to tomorrow. okay. so here we are. we've got the blue skies. as we zoom out. you can see just a few high clouds are sitting offshore. you have to really zoom out pretty far to see what's coming our way next, which is to say that this low pressure system right up in the gulf of alaska. that's the one that's going to bring us some rain and also going to bring some incredible snow to this year that we were just taking a look at so today. tomorrow, looking good. we take you into wednesday later in the evening. that's about 10, 30 at night. you see some of those clouds roll in little pops on the radar, showing some sprinkles on thursday morning. but by thursday afternoon, this is we're going to see the first line of heavier showers start
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to roll through and those showers continue for us on thursday, friday into saturday. even the beginning of sunday looking out for between one and 2 inches of rain across the bay area. so it will be quite a bit of rain. but i think the bigger impact is we're going to see that cool down in temperatures. as you can see, we really drop about 10 degrees between wednesday and thursday. cooling it down into saturday by sunday. later part of the day. that's when we'll start to clear out and get get some dry. sunny skies back back to you. thank you. nasa has released some new images showing the lunar landing. on the surface of the moon. this privately owned spacecraft landed near the south pole about a mile from its intended target. but it landed on its side. >> so now it's going to probably stop working by tomorrow because the solar panels are facing in the wrong direction. the lander tossed touchdown last thursday becoming the first u.s. spacecraft to land on the moon and more than 50 years. and as you know, this year is a leap year, meaning we've got an extra day this month. and with
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that some chain restaurants are offering some extra special promotions on that extra day. so to pull a is offering free guacamole. that's on thursday and bj's restaurant is offering there because if for $2 and $0.29. dunk. dunkin donuts offering a cinnamon sugar donut with a coffee for the same price. and lou seals barbecue will be buy one. get one free deal on ribs. wendy's giving out its new breakfast item. that's the cinnamon pull apart for free. next year at noon, a new discovery to make your skin crawl. >> stay tuned to see this new species of anaconda after the break.
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>> researchers have announced a new species of a green anaconda also known as the giant anaconda. and this discovery happened in the amazon in brazil, 15 scientists from 9 countries found this green anaconda and it lives in the northern regions of south america. it's very different from the other species that are found in the southern regions. now the animals originally thought to be just one species. but a dutch biologist can be seen in this video, swimming alongside a 26 foot. southern green anaconda. 26 feet. to bring a suit and tie. i know why. that's my takeaway from the 26 foot anaconda story. all right. a pair of very playful red kangaroos scraping up here having a little. brawl. this
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is at the nashville zoo. a zoo keeper captured. this video of the 2 really is engaging in a box and competition. it's very common behavior amongst that species. it builds strength. that's a former play. it helps them also settle some disputes. red kangaroos are the largest marsupial and the largest mammal in australia. that's according according to the zoo, they can hop at speeds up to 40 miles per hour and jump up to 30 feet in length and 10 feet in height. they must be siblings. that's number delo named wilson and entertain some visitors at the san antonio zoo as he played with the toy spurs basketball and then incorporated it into is roly-poly this viral. facebook video shows wilson grabbing and then rolling over with that ball after keeper places it in front of him. and all in a san antonio spurs themed enclosure. according to
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the san antonio zoo. this below is one of the only species that can roll itself into a perfect ball as a defense mechanism. a sleepy baby sloths at the cincinnati zoo dozed off while enjoying a snack. so here is baby juno and 8 months old. 2 toed sloths just fell sleep. crunch there during snack time at the zoo in cincinnati, ohio. and, you know, was born in june of this of last year. who doesn't love a good knack. the pack a snack and a nap. it's one thing. thanks for joining us here during kron for news at noon, i'm justine waldman. i'll see you again during kron for news at 2, 3, for now. we'll send things over to live in the bay. that's what's up next. >> definitely like snacks and naps. but coming up today on live in the bay spring cleaning is right around the corner, everybody. and we're visiting with our friends at best reviews for the top tested products to get you right. heading into the warm weather days. plus.
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>> welcome in everybody. you're now tune in to live in the bay. and coming up, we have a marvelous show for you. it's the music elected that emerges. frisco swagger. arkansas roots in traditions into inspiring messages. chat with our two-year green on the latest music and get a live performance of one of the songs. >> then as the organization that promotes early language development skills and help our youth through reading programs


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