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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  February 27, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

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progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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>> really disappointed that. >> another san francisco institution. is on its way out of town. the historic macy's flagship store union square is slated to close its part of the company's plan to close a 3rd of its stores nationwide. but that doesn't make the loss any less jarring for the bay area. and san francisco in
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particular, a city still struggling to recover from the pandemic. >> really sad about that. learn sad >> union square mean this is the heart of the city in. you know, it's one more blow to the locals and the way the world is starting to see is >> it doesn't help the image here. 150 underperforming macy's stores are expected to close over the next few years across the country with the company reporting a 4th quarter lost amid declining sales. so that's the situation in the city in the east bay. >> you know, news spread quickly about what happened in union square. yeah. macy store that are theresa spoke with in walnut creek. >> yes, they were sad, but they're relieved that their local store is not getting the axe. not yet anyway. >> actually, it is 6 stories of fabulous. it's reaction tuesday in walnut creek about
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macy's, big announcement. you still shopping miss it. yes, we her feel mostly shoppers like shuri hicks say that they enjoy venturing into the brick and mortar store, but they also expressed surprise and shock to hear about the closure of 150 macy's department stores and the plan say all of that behemoth macy's building in downtown san francisco, leaving its future murky. >> sad to see all mazes in san francisco's closing because it's follows by for service. nordstrom mazes others had harsher words to go to san francisco anymore. it's not clean enough anymore. >> and that feel safe. san francisco mayor london breed blamed the closure on several factors such as the rise in online shopping. however, many stepping into the store say it is more complicated than that. i just know that the macy's
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creek and smaller when the wind, san francisco warning looks like macy's of all time. you know where it's elegant. >> and it's a shame. i love the city and i grew up there and i just moved here 2 years it's a city still. but what i miss in the city is an existing anymore. is it somebody is i don't it's not clear what stores will be shuttered. a spokesperson with broadway plaza told kron 4 news. >> they have not received any notice of any changes to their me says in walnut creek, theresa kron, 4 news. >> in the south a new ranking list, san jose among the top 5 best places to live in the country. u.s. news and world report has the city at number 4 when it comes to quality of life listing san jose as quote, a diverse area with an innovative spirit. the ranking takes into account factors
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like crime and commute time as well as education and health care. the report also gave san jose high marks for its proximity to the ocean and the sierra as well as wine country. the 3 cities that beat san jose madison, wisconsin, boulder, colorado, couple of great college towns there. and number one, arbor, michigan. well, national champs, there go. >> time now for 4 zone forecast as we get a live look outside golden gate bridge. you know, they should also said not what nice weather incentives, nice weather, san jose. nice weather where lawrence went to school. the ucla bruins. yes. or your outfit. your your ucla yeah and commissioners madness. but they probably won't be there. i'm still carrying the spirit. >> regardless, you know where they'll where is that? the big 10? the big right? haha. it's about soon. alright, very, very soon. hey, guys, we're
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looking at some changes coming our way as the weather going to take a big turn as a high pressure, it's going bring us one more nice day. you got enjoy the day tomorrow. after that, everything really turns wintry again. and we're going to be in for a period of on and off rain and some very cold temperatures out there as well. right now it is dry outside, but not for long. we're going to see some changes coming our way in by tomorrow afternoon will begin to see a few more high clouds moving in. so far, though, remaining dry across the state. that's the way it is going to stay tonight. and the better part of tomorrow, too. high pressure going to start to weaken a little bit tomorrow as that front begins to drop down on the gulf of alaska getting a little bit cooler. we're still looking at some mild temperatures around the bay area. should be a nice afternoon. so get out there and enjoy it while you can about 68 degrees in san jose. 63 degrees as you make your way and oakland, 60 in downtown san francisco. but here we go. want to show you the forecast models as we head through the night tonight. skies stay mostly clear tomorrow. not a problem of the commute early on should be nice and dry. then as we head toward the afternoon, clouds
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begin to flow into our skies and then we get into thursday and well, here comes the storm system dropping in moving right to the bay area during the middle of the day by the afternoon heading to the south bay as well behind that, you've got a lot of cold air on the way and some pretty gusty winds to. in fact, let's roll the winds for as we roll to thursday. take you through the day and you notice as we head toward the afternoon, those winds really start to ramp up some 30 plus mile an hour gusts out along the coastline. and then behind those winds, all that cold, alaska air going start to pour in the bay area will have more on that. the rest, the forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> all right. over and we are officially one week out from election day with ballots already mailed to millions of registered voters all across the state. the california democratic and republican parties are doing all they can to get out the vote. our eytan wallace spoke with leaders from both parties and has their message for voters. at the for democratic party. it's all hands on deck. republicans are feeling great. one week
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from primary election leaders from california's democratic and republican parties say they're doing all they can to reach voters. >> it comes as 20 plus million ballots have already been printed and mailed to all the state's registered voters. we have a lot at stake in this reproductive freedom protections for you know, just a lot at stake. yvette martinez is the executive director of the california democratic party. she says heading into the primary and looking ahead to the general election, the party is organized across the state. we have an on the ground operation are organizing team is out there in the field. so lucky that this presidential election year we can actually campaign in person reach people in communities, go canvassing, knocking on doors. she makes clear the california democratic party has not made an official endorsement in the race for u.s. senate. but martinez says she's excited about all 3 leading democratic candidates. and as for the balance of power in the u.s. house of representatives, she
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notes a major focus is on keep toss up seats across the state. we can take back the house if california turn some of these red states blue. so we're very exciting and we're doing everything we can to turn out every boat change things in california. so could be a cult and state jessica millan patterson is the chair of the california republican party. she says volunteers and her party have been out in full force. that includes a partnership with the republican national committee to open with the party describes as community centers across the state, including the antelope valley, bakersfield and little saigon. these aren't the typical campaign headquarters where we launch precinct lots dumping. we do that, really they're engaging in the community, whether it's our headquarters in little saigon, where we have tai chi classes or our at engagement centers in the latino community. and it seems to have worked according to data from the secretary of state's office between october 2023. in january of this year. >> the california republican party gained more than 45,000
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registered voters while the california democratic party last about 30,000 registered voters, even so registered democrats outnumber registered republicans by about 2 to one in this blue state. >> still, patterson believes gop congressional candidates and key toss-up races can win. and while her party has not officially endorsed in the race for u.s. senate, she's optimistic about steve garvey is chances. are you confident a republican can win that seat? i feel really good about it and having a political outsider, it's really been engaged in many communities around our state over the years. this is that part, not just republicans, but for californians. >> and a reminder, once you filled out your ballot, you must then put it back in the official return envelope who then must sign the back of the return envelope and make sure it's postmarked no later the march 5th reporting in tom wallace kron 4 news. >> having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card. still ahead, we're continuing our celebration of black history month and the story.
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>> of one, a very exuberant local librarian who is positive message is going viral. >> the warriors on the road against jordan poole and the wizards. how's it going to go? is steph tired? can the dubs get a win? they must have. get a win? they must have. jason dumas is next. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle
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endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. >> not know your local library and by name, but there's one in fairfield you might have
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heard about or maybe you've seen them on social media, quite a character. great personality is kron. 4 continues honoring black history this month. our noelle bellow joins us now. >> in the studio with the story about a well known. >> librarian noel grant and vicki michael threet has gone viral for his post about his love of libraries and reading. he's also using his platform to spread a message of inclusion and mental health. >> having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card. >> every day, bright eyed and afro hair michael 3, that's great. says more than 1 million followers on tiktok and instagram with a smile and positive attitude. i you video could be found out. i need answer popping on tiktok during the pandemic. he soon pivoted to talking about the thing he loves most books. so beautiful day to save books. >> they would use the trends and i would turn into bookish content that's why we love to hate. this is a tool for us to reach. people. let's remind
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them of the library and remind them he has that your library card tattooed on your right as his follower numbers grew. so did the number of people visiting local libraries. so many people message me each day on social media saying, look, i've got a library card. i need to be proud what i from people from the consensus new york florida. tonight, people having people's a live report from africa from germany, from from the pan born and raised in the bay area. michael got his first library card at age 5 at the fairfield civic center library. >> but growing up, he never really saw himself as a librarian. and 71 in see people of color behind the front desk. >> i didn't see any behind the front does. so to me, it wasn't for been like i was like, oh, it will never happen for you. it just never liked triggers a thought that i could one day become a library. now that same library he grew up is the one he's worked at for the last decade. a job he says has been an i leverage books, movies music,
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musical insurance for teens. many of the we just lost a big reflection. >> michael simply believes no matter who you are or what you're going through, you can find comfort in your local library. library is at 3rd space. that space with our. >> no expectation that having to buy a book having to buy a membership. you can just come in just as you are. and while he's not trying to target any one group specifically do love the fact that i'm obama blackmail. >> a number on the ground. well, i'm i'm i'm black and mexican. i love that. i can be kind like a presence for kids of color to cover debt to so i can see a tattoo person. they can see a giant after oprah after where in-person his message doesn't stop there. he tackles literacy issues. dear dyslexic, you. >> your brain is brilliant. >> and mental michael suffers from depression and severe anxiety among other mental health issues. is it any surprise separate from those suffer from things that people coming to live free with?
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>> every single is ok to not be ok, 3, 6, 9. it's okay to not be fine because i know that you will get there. >> and while those topics for once taboo and his family and so happy be able to present want to show people that whoever they are of their culture don't talk about maybe a culture to be new was michael's openness has earned him fans all over the world. michael has such a great energy. he has kind of energy that i want to make give to my community as educator, hope the future. he's embracing all the love, thrown his way and hopes wherever you live. >> you'll show your library and a little love to. i want people remember that their local library a little ever. and it's just it's cool because they your local library and make their day. >> while michael has loved his work at the library there in
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fairfield, he has decided it's time to take a step away from his own mental health. his last day in fairfield will actually be this friday march. 1st, he does, however, plan to continue advocating for literacy and library. joy through new avenues that he has found it through his social media presence. this was just one of many stories we've done here at kron this month to honor those who are creating black history. make sure to tune into our black history month special airing this thursday at 06:30pm, guys. >> well, thanks for bringing that story to what great character. yeah, that was great. and noel will host our black history month special. so make sure. >> you catch by the way. wow. this. >> this we're going to take a hard right turn here. this is thankfully smell. a vision isn't around. it's because this is a live look at the corpse flower that bloomed today at the cal academy of sciences. yeah, stinks to heaven. help she got in there.
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yeah. so this may only be in bloom for a few inside the museum to rain for us. there. >> our first chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joins us now with more on what the weather is looking and smelling like out what she she snuck in the bar too quick sniffs and then she what should one of their want? i thought does not really smell like that and win it again. now she knows for sure. but folks, we've got some changes coming our way as it looks like high pressure. going to give us one more nice day and then we get some real wintry weather. probably the coldest weather of the season. but here we are march. but now we're talking about even some snow bay area peaks as we get in toward the weekend. get a good downdraft, maybe all the way down to about 1000 feet or so up there. right now. it is quiet across the board. you're looking at nice conditions, but things are going start to get going here is we've got a storm system dropping in right now. the gulf of alaska. you see that front that comes through when that comes through our frontal system is really just a boundary between warmer air out ahead of it. you got the colder air behind it. and here we go. that is going to be headed our way. and that comes in not
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tomorrow. we're going to be a dry day tomorrow, but that comes in as we get into thursday. and there you go. you start to see that front come through the rain developing more snow showers in the sierra nevada. it is really going to hammer the high country with a lot of snow bay area peaks likely to get some snow as we head in towards saturday and maybe an early on sunday morning that will try to dry things out there for you. so overall looks like a very active weather pattern setting up. we're going to rain all the way down to the lower levels and snow not too far away, either maybe drive up to some snow as you head toward the latter part of the weekend. so next 7 days we've got some more showers and thunderstorms a possibility as we head in towards friday. more rain on and off through next week as we see storms rolling on in. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> the warriors started a four-game road trip tonight. they were in washington taking on the wizards. they got back. chris paul as well. just trying to stack some wins before coming back to the crib in. look at this familiar face. jordan poll playing against his old teammates.
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>> we wish him well. made a statement early on 1st quarter tie game right in steph's grill. going off do. wizards. take the lead. now just moments later when there's a fire fight. these jordan poole, he had 12 points off the bench and it was it's got warriors got going 3rd quarter up by 2 moses. moody, great hustle. play the dream staff to show cause. indeed. 21 points for coming to later in. the 3rd does up 11, chris paul fake. all right. well, me open. i'm going bury a 9 points off the bench. he was up less 17 on the day. a minute later, 16 point warriors lead klay thompson. he knocks down the 3. he's been really, really good. coming off the bench later on warriors up 19 in transition in rhythm playing gomis another 3.25. points off the bench. a game high 4th quarter
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now golden state of 16 gp 2 blocks to jordan. poole jumper steph quit playing 18 points in the 2nd half for staff, 6 assists as well. warriors win this 1, 1, 23, one, 12 now would march just around the corner. the stanford women's hoops team is in a familiar spot for the 4th straight season. the cardinals have clinched at least a share of the pac. 12 regular season title and at number 4 in the country there police were a number one seed in the big dance. but first they've got to get through the pac 12 tournament and the final 2 games of the regular season. a road trip in oregon that includes a date with 11th ranked oregon state on thursday. that's the second place team. the cardinal win both of their games this weekend. they'll take sole possession of the pac 12 crown and they'll get the top seed in the conference tournament which starts next week in las vegas. let's hear from the
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goat. tara vanderveer. >> we're excited about we were excited to go to oregon and and it's also a little added kind of on a cause, sadness and that we know that this is our last trip on the pac. 12 trip in the last pac 12 tournament. so we we kind of have entre, you know, best year ever and >> are already winning the pac 12 having a share of the pac regular season with various found we go up on the wall and is really exciting. >> the nfl combine got underway this week as teams prep for april's nfl draft. the niners have 11 picks this year including 2 picks in the 3rd round. but today's topic wasn't about potential targets. it was about a wide receiver looking for a paid it. brandon aiyuk has stressed his desire for a new deal. the forty-niners picked up the fifth-year option on i use contract in april, which would pay him a little over 14 million next season. but
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he's clearly outplayed that deal in. this is usually around the time when players look to move off of their rookie deal. i had a breakout season. 75 catches 1300 42 yards and 7 touchdowns. has been some speculation over what the niners will do. they decided to trade deforest buckner 4 years ago who was in a similar situation as i knew. but after hearing from niners gm, john lynch today. it doesn't seem like he wants any parts of moving on from brandon knight. >> we have some challenges. we have a lot of good players, a lot of good players who we've rewarded brandon's one we think incredibly highly a a one of my just guys around our building the way he approaches the game. he's a competitor he's a plays with such a physicality also with the grace, the way some some of the positions his body can get into. and then he's got a flair for making plays when it mattered most in any served us
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very well as a as a franchise. you know, i think we've got a nice track record of extending the players that are important to us. and a brand is a guy we want to keep for a long time. >> all right-y. that's your look at sports. we'll be right back after a quick break. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us.
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i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief.
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ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. >> one of the best attractions, 70 every year. a spectacular sight this year. it's just crazy. it's called that they call the firefall only visible this time of year about 5 to 15 minutes before sunset. yeah. year's peak was
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about a week ago. so give the state there's always next year. >> and that wraps up kron. 4 news at 6. you missed anything this hour. there's always a
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: another woman alone on a trail attacked like slain nursing student to laken riley. look at her bruises. >> it kept coming out how much i wanted to live. how i didn


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