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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  February 27, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PST

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>> now at 10, a major blow to downtown san francisco. walgreens and macy's going out of the city. what's next for the empty spaces that the stores will leave behind the oakland police commission finally revealing the next batch of candidates being considered to replace the fired police chief.
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>> where they are and how regular folks can help weigh in on who gets the job and now attend the east bay becoming a hospital desert. what's being planned that could leave many residents without a nearby hospital. >> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. and thanks so much for joining us at 10. >> i'm vicki liviakis. i'm grant lotus tonight on the heels of macy's announcement that it's closing its location in san francisco's union square. walgreens says it is also closing up a downtown location people who live in the area have been trying to prevent this from happening. but those efforts did not succeed. our kron four's. sara stinson joins us now live in the studio after talking to neighbors. sarah. >> and many are worried about seniors who are now without access to a nearby pharmacy. doesn't dozens gathered outside the downtown walgreens location rallying for the company to change its mind. but unfortunately, the company
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has moved forward with the closure. in the final hours of operation, more than 2 dozen people who live in downtown san francisco gathered outside the walgreens. >> at 2, 7, 5, sacramento street hoping their voices will be heard. >> at first just total shock and surprise. you know, a pharmacy like a grocery store. >> they you know, they're oftentimes the center of the community. they're really important needs. diana taylor has organized efforts to plea with walgreens and the city to stop the closure. but unfortunately, they've had no look what we found out that it wasn't about. >> human needs or what the community needs. it was all about the numbers. a spokesperson for walgreens tells kron 4 the locations closure is due to a significant decrease in foot traffic since the pandemic. but that's not what we saw while walking in the area with alec bash who lives just blocks away.
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>> i think we've got put your foot traffic in this area and we have more and more every >> fashion taylor are among those worried about seniors not having access to a nearby pharmacy. the new year's walgreens will now be a half mile away on montgomery street. taylor says this closure will take away their independence in terms of the seniors. they feel. >> they're terrified. they feel like they don't have any choice. so does it mean going to assisted living good people on walkers? >> warren wheelchairs, houston, to cage walking along and the thought of having to walk into. >> larger downtown area to get prescription drugs is sort of hard to conceive. other longtime residents worry this will only hurt the progress the city is making in the downtown area. well, things closing that's taken away or amenities. >> and i worry that people start start moving out of the because what we have.
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>> a spokesperson for walgreens says all pharmacy files are being transferred to the location on montgomery street. the company also says they're offering free and reduced prescription delivery for the next 90 days. the group of neighbors. i talked with rally today. obviously the stories close. but they haven't given up hope. they're still trying to work with the city supervisor. aaron peskin walgreens. so >> we may not understand this, but for those folks, this is an essential service. it's a lifeline for them. >> yes, it's very true. and they need their pharmacy within walking distance and we say walking, i mean, a block away. so the the alternative for them is what? half a mile away, half mile away. but that's a huge fee. should if you're on a win in a wheelchair or you have your walker came so bus or take a taxi it will take for a orchestrate. yeah, just 6 now. and this is also kind of a center point of a neighborhood. you have grocery store. you have pharmacy for these folks. so it really does
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strike at the heart of things. well, hopefully. maybe some attention will be brought. that's what doing this story. thank you, sarah. another big story we're following downtown since the 1940's union square has been home to macy's. but now. >> those days are numbered. today, macy's executives announced they are closing 150 stores nationwide and the san francisco landmark is among them. for many, it's iconic macy's christmas tree did it for others. they love the puppies in the holiday windows. whatever. the case may be, there were plenty of traditions and a lot of people who love them. a lot of people got their first job that that macy's, the owner of macy's neighbor john's grill says shopping at macy's eating at his restaurant is a tradition. folks around the world have come to enjoy and to lose the crown. jewel is tough.
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>> it's going to be sad to see them go. it's progress. it's going to really tough for the downtown san francisco area where, but we will come back from this. >> another story we're following for you tonight to on the heels of the news of ne sees a plant closure. it's not hard to believe that low foot traffic and crime in union square lead macy's to decide to close its stores. but san francisco mayor london breed says this is not about retail theft. she join our kron four's justine waltman in our studios a little earlier today. >> well, to be crime in 2023 was down to the lowest. it's been in 10 years and in particular during the holiday season, it was down by over 50% larcenies which include retail theft and car break-in. so crime trends are going down. when i talked to the folks from macy's that was not mentioned in its factors to close because it was about its
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entire portfolio. it's about the profitability of the changes in retail and how people are shopping, how their online businesses is definitely doing very well. and they had to make some really hard decisions. and and the real estate that this macy's is setting in is extremely valuable. and so it's really about profits and marketability other things. but to be clear, this is an iconic location similar to the transamerica building. that's a billion dollar investment where it is not only the person who purchased the building, but they're transforming the entire area around that area. union square is already that iconic destination. so the ability to attract and retain other uses are possible. this is going to be a lot different than what we experience with. nordstrom were northam's close. this macy's is not closing any time soon and it presents us with some incredible opportunities. even the possibility of some component of macy's still
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being a part of downtown opportunities and certainly challenges that in the east bay, the macy's in walnut creek. >> we'll stay open. shockers at that. we talked to there were surprised to hear about the blow to san francisco. >> the creek and smaller when the wind, san francisco warning looks like macy's of all time. you know where it's a look at. and it's a shame. i love the city and i grew up there and i just here 2 years it's a city still. but what i miss in the city is an existing anymore. >> on the upside, the union square location is not expected to shut down and tell next year. >> gorgeous weather around the bay area today and the check out your wake-up weather forecast as we head toward tomorrow morning, a little chilly overnight tonight. lows going to be dropping off in the 30's and the 40's and that's how will start tomorrow morning. but it's going to be
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cleared to begin with temperatures warming up as we head through the middle of the morning, you'll see plenty of sunshine throughout. in fact, by 08:00am. if you're headed out the door for the commute should be sunny and bright, depending where you're at 40's around much of the bay area. and then by 10:00am lots of sunshine all the way from the coastal valleys. temperatures warming up back tomorrow. going to be a really nice day. big changes coming after that. we'll talk more about that in a few minutes. thanks its new tonight at 10, the oakland police commission revealed tonight is top candidates to be the new police chief. >> the city of oakland has now been without a chief for more than a year after mayor sheng thao made the controversial decision to fire lauren armstrong. that was back in february of last year. one candidate that has been submitted by the police commission, probably the most controversial is abdul pretty good here he was the police chief in san leandro. the only local person on this list. he was the police chief for about 2 years before he was placed on administrative leave last
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september. officials from the city of san leandro say that is due to policy violations. specifics, though, are not very clear. he resigned from the department last year. another name on the oakland police commission's list is floyd mitchell. he has 30 years of law enforcement experience and was hired to be the chief of police in temple, texas, most recently 3rd candidate, lisa davis. she is currently the investigations bureau commander with the cincinnati police department in ohio. she specializes in addressing crime in cities and building community relationships and then the final name is luis molina. he is the assistant deputy mayor for public safety for the city of new york. he is known for community engagement and improving conditions for residents. by the way, folks who live in oakland's can influence the decision. this thursday, the oakland police commission, we'll be holding an open forum where folks can
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hear from the candidates. what are their ideas and plans? this will be from 6.30, to 9 o'clock at night oakland city hall. >> francisco supervisors are apologizing to african-americans and their descendants for decades of what they call racist laws and policies by the city. all 11 members of the board sponsored the declaration. francisco is the first major u.s. city to issue such an apology so far there's been no movement on any of the committee's monetary proposals, including a lump sum cash payment to residents or a guaranteed income. still ahead, the danger micro-plastics to a push tonight. the push tonight to clean up our oceans and drinking water. >> from the many plastics less bringing new life to the coliseum. >> what community leaders want to see happen now that say they're heading out of town, the east bay becoming a
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hospital desert. what is being planned that could leave many resident
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i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. >> to john fisher sell your state in the coliseum, make your profit and allow to flourish and thrive. if you can't do that, then it's time to play ball with the community and join us at the negotiating table >> community leaders in oakland calling on alameda county supervisors to pressure a's owner john fisher to allow the oakland coliseum to be used for things besides a's baseball. the a's recently blocked an effort by the upstart oakland bees to play
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at the coliseum. a move that the group says robs the community of financial benefit. even though the a's have expressed an interest in leaving oakland, the team has had talks with the city and alameda county about extending their stay at the coliseum. but no deals so far has been reached. chilling information now out of the hearing that's hosted by u.s.. senators over plastics in water. >> classics everywhere. not just in these bodies of water like the ocean, but also in the water. we drink kron four's. catherine heenan has the story. microplastics is a problem. >> we know that ingesting plastic in any form is bad, but it is becoming increasingly clear these days that avoiding the problem is just about impossible. one macro plastic item can for millions of micro-plastics which break into billions of nano plastics. >> particles so small they can easily move across the gastrointestinal tract, be carried by the blood and up in
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our livers. kidneys springs, even crossing the placental boundary into embryos. formulations of plastics are estimated to use upwards of 13,000 chemicals. >> and microplastics are widely documented to harm aquatic and terrestrial wildlife. it's common knowledge that many of the chemicals can cause cancer. but these experts point out they've been linked to everything from alzheimer's to obesity, these chemicals within plastics are linked to fertility issues. >> as well as being associated with obesity rates, autism and other developmental issues. it was interesting to watch as it dawned on various senate panel members that they are in fact, surrounded by dangerous micro-plastics. my understanding is our paper cups like the one senator loomis history can feel at this moment are also lined with plastic. >> my daughters, a little obsessive about the containers that she uses in her house for my grandchildren. and i
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thought she was being a little obsessive compulsive. and now i know she's not. >> the hearing is intended to lead to better ideas on how to ease the problem. that won't be easy. the testimony today included the fact the u.s. has the highest prevalence of micro fibers in our drinking water than any other nation. and the u.s. is not set up to handle the problem. right now. the recycling infrastructure is awful things you can do to minimize health risks. aside from using fewer plastic products include. >> filter in your water, vacuuming regularly that talked about that. although microplastics are just about everywhere, including your clothing. one of the senate bills being considered meantime would pay for a national study on the presence of micro plastics. >> all right, those catherine heenan reporting for us tonight is we're heading up to the hhgh country. a live look here along interstate 80 at soda springs. smooth sailing.
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if you're driving up to the sierra tonight, if you're trying to do this. so i don't know. friday best of luck. right. good idea to play a little hooky, right? is recommendation, lawrence? yeah. get out. there are say, oh, sorry, i can't make it back to your stuck up in the sierra for a good or so to see if your boss like that in my business, we rent skis. we rent equipment, things like that. we've already had some people moving around the reservations for the weekend. so that's not going to happen. >> yeah. so people are changing around their plans and rightfully so because this storm headed our way is no joke. there. getting ready the chain up in the days ahead. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is with us now to talk about when this storm is expected to hit and how bad expected to be. a lot this is going to be a wicked the storm. it's going to be a series of these impulses coming in with lots of snow. >> some very gusty winds and blizzard conditions across the sierra nevada and very low
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snow levels to go along with that. so dangerous driving conditions. no getting around that right now. it's really kind of nice out there. we're drier, looking at 50 in 80 with the doppler radar. they're dry up. they're not even the clouds out there right now. i think tomorrow if you're headed up tomorrow, i think it's a good day to go. but after that, things really begin to deteriorate as we get into thursday as that storm system begins to move in. so we've got a major winter storm developing. blizzard conditions expected thursday through saturday. and that might even get extended until sunday morning snow. yeah, a ton of it. still level 2 to 4,000 feet. but i think that's going to drop on saturday may be down to 1000 feet or so. and so you get upwards of 5,000 feet in the sierra. we could be talking as much as 5, maybe as much as 10 feet of snow across some of the higher peaks. so that go along with all that snow and some very gusty winds. some of the wind gusts forecast to be between 80 and maybe 100 miles per hour. you're looking some whiteout conditions. you can expect that and possible road closures there. just not to be able to keep the roads open. if we have that kind of snow
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coming down. so all these areas shaded in orange, north other great lake tahoe area all the way down to miami talking blizzard a warning. so going up there. so forecast models showing you that snow begin to move in as we head through friday and saturday. you'll notice cold enough. we start to see some of that snow pop-up over so of our mountains, too. so this is going to be quite the storm up there. but you got to be careful. dangerous conditions head up. the sierra. thanks, lawrence. the mayor of berkeley says he's concerned about the city and the space hold becoming. >> something of a hospital desert kron four's amanda hari spoke with the mayor about his attempt to ensure his area has emergency medical care. >> ulta bates is berkeley's only full-service hospital. it also supports people albany and elsa rita. the mayor of berkeley says leaders need to take action now to prevent health care crisis in the future. >> we're absolutely i'm committed to trying to anything we can to keep all to bits berkeley mayor jesse
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arreguin announcing a new partnership to address the impacts of alta. bates summit medical center scheduled closure summit. health has announced the hospital will close by 2030. i'm deeply worried that when someone has a health emergency, it will take too long for them to get to. >> and emergency like this, shes and in those moments. seconds are also precious as well. brooke lee city council voted to set aside funding to study the ramifications, the closure and how they can secure health care access in the future. >> he says they're also working with leaders in richmond else. we do albany and alameda and contra costa county. it's this isn't a berkeley issued. it is a regional >> problem. they're also in communication with some help and are considering all options to keep the hospital open. and i think we've been very clear that the city of berkeley is willing to >> pass sponsor taxes were willing to look at her money. >> we're willing we're going to do anything in 2015 doctors medical center in san pablo
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closed causing a surge of patients at alta. bates. he's worried the same thing will happen in oakland. it's all to bait. shuts down summit. >> hospital downtown oakland. that's where where they intend to serve all the people that currently got all the that just is not going to work. one is gonna take a lot longer for people in for ambulances to get to get to a hospital to provide critical emergency care. it's also going overload. some the mayor says he wants to make sure the east bay is prepared for what may happen next as at the end of the day want to control our destiny. >> and so whether that's bringing another health care provider, whether that's forming a hospital district, we're going to look at all options. all options are on the table because we cannot leave our community hanging. we cannot let these baby com hospital. that's the mayor says. he's still hopeful they can continue to work with some health. >> to find a solution in
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berkeley amanda hari kron. 4 news coming up. city of san francisco defrauded to the tune of thousands of dollars to the city attorney says was using. >> city funds for cigar and motorcycle rentals. plus, the port of oakland is getting some new cranes. while the government says the current lines could be a danger and apples pursuit to have driverless cars are squashed. what this means for the people who are working on the project.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> our actions today are a
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warning to all bad actors who are seeking to take advantage of the public trust. we will find out about ustedes. we will cut off your funding and we will hold you accountable. >> san francisco city attorney david chiu has blocked a non profit from getting city funds after he says an investigation revealed that defrauded the city of more than $100,000. the nonprofit cole jnj community resource center existed on paper to provide services to youth in low-income families. but chew says its founders have been lying about the work they've been doing submitting false invoices and submitting reimbursements for alcohol cigars and motorcycle rentals. crane to the port of oakland are set to be replaced by new cranes made right here in the u.s. the current ones are made in china. >> and according to a government report just out and they have the ability to monitor us shipping and could even potentially disrupt the system any time from overseas.
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>> apple has reportedly shut down its decade-old quest to build and autonomous electric car. you may have seen some of these on the roads and sunnyvale testing. will bloomberg is now reporting that this move will mean more than 1000 job reassignments for apple employees, many of whom we'll now go to work on ai endeavors. at least 1400 employees have been working on the apple car project. >> next up in oakland, delhi, fined thousands of dollars for illegal dumping here from the owner who says that's not his trash. >> meet the local library is getting people to read not only in the bay area, but somehow across the country.
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>> now at 10, 30 in oakland, delhi is facing a $10,000 fine because of illegal dumping outside the shop. >> our kron four's philippe to call talk to the owner who says that's not his trash. >> we're not taking it anymore. it's done. >> jason, her burr's has owned stay gold. deleon san pablo avenue in west oakland for 7 years. and he says for most of that time on a monthly and sometimes weekly basis, he and his staff have filed 3, 1, 1, reports to the city about the mass amounts of trash being illegally dumped outside of the business. i think that people >> know that and feel that they can come down to this neighborhood and commit that will be investigated will go on and that's just the way it's been for years rather than working with her burr's
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to mitigate the problem. he says the city is holding him responsible for the trash and begin fining him for negligence. back in 2021. >> and at this point, the total amount due has reached $9,658. and $0.53. are we being fined for operating a you place. her birds has appealed the fine. the city replied by agreeing to reduce this year's texas litter fee by more than $800 because the business has an on-site litter removal program. >> and customers dining on site. but a letter from the deputy director of economic and workforce development says, quote, the appeal is not granted in fuel duty serving food and beverages in or on disposable plates containers and napkins that can blow away or be littered by customers after they leave the business area. mostly make sandwiches and barbecue. >> this stuff gets its wrapped in disposable biodegradable. a paper painters, you know, we
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compost. we recycle. we you know, we huge dumpster. we are the problem. >> with live her burr's is refusing to pay the fine and is exploring legal action against the city. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> the city of oakland has released a statement about this illegal dumping fees issue saying in part, businesses can appeal their fee to reduce or eliminate their fee based on their business being improperly classified or having a litter reduction program. in this case, stangel delhi filed an appeal for the 2023 charges in there. businesses fee was reduced by 90% leaving their feet. just $91 this year, adding that the deli likely did not appeal or pay prior years face. >> the new data tonight silicon valley group aiming to end homelessness. it shows a santa clara county is actually housing more homeless people
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ever. but at the same time, the unhoused population is actually growing destination home says nearly 4500 unhoused people were housed in 2023. but that the rate of homelessness in santa clara county and also jumped 24%. that's more than 800 households in the county representative from destination home says that the % cost of rent is a major factor. >> we know we have guy community. and people aren't making enough money. and the combination of those 2 coupled with the fact that we don't have affordable, truly affordable housing options of the scale that we really need means that so many people in our community are just one page missed paycheck, one financial emergency away from ending up on the streets. >> destination home says 96% of the unhoused people that get into affordable housing. they actually stay permanently house. they say the county needs to build more homes. of
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the 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look at beautiful shot of san francisco. all lit up. >> another bright, sunny day that we just had figure the same tomorrow, lawrence. but then the rain yeah, this is it. we've got one more nice day here in the bay area that it is back to some wintry weather. maybe some of the coldest temperatures of the season so far rolling in. you know, we could even see a little snow on our local mountains to win that. be a nice sight to see. so get ready for the changes. you know, you're probably just a packed about the nice wardrobe, but you may have to put it away again as we're getting it back. some cold temperatures out there right now. not bad. it's nice. it's clear around the bay area will be a little chilly in some spots inland overnight tonight. but overall, we're tomorrow, mostly sunny skies. a few high clouds moving in late in the day, kind of a mild afternoon again around the bay area. temperatures running up in the 60's in the cold storms begin to move in on thursday and then just on and off throughout the weekend next week. it just continues. and well, start to pack up
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some pretty good rain totals temperatures today. yeah. had that springfield right around the average all around the bay area today. 61 in san francisco on i-65 in santa rosa. 64 in concord. 64 in san jose. so really nice temperatures around the bay area today comfortable that's for sure. number start to cool off. 47 now in pacifica. your 43 in fairfax. 43 also it's a no on 45 as you make your way to say molina. but we are going to see a big change in the pattern coming our way tomorrow. yeah. one more day to get out there and enjoy as we've got some nice, warm weather expected by the afternoon tomorrow. back. some of those temperatures moving well in the 60's. but here you go. here's your big change. the storm is a quite different than the previous storms of come through early in the month that tap that subtropical moisture in the good old pineapple express. this one. yeah, that's got some arctic cold air that is rolling in coming all the way down from alaska be plunging in the bay area in the coming days. so tomorrow, this ridge is going start to flatten out a little bit good leave one nice day behind high clouds,
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going to be a move in as we head toward the afternoon. then we'll start talking about some rain on thursday and you see it right here as we take you through the night commute tomorrow looks sunny and bright should be a great start. your day by the afternoon and evening. you start to see the clouds rolling in. then as we get into thursday mail, maybe a couple scattered showers for the commute early on. but the main front coming through about the middle of the day into the afternoon and we get back in the department again. so here we go a long way forecast. that first front kind of opens up the door and then wave after wave of storms rolling through maybe some thunderstorms as we get to friday, too. and you can see all that snow just piling up in the high country, then begins to make its way a little bit closer. the bay area over the weekend. yeah, there's a chance we could see a couple snowflakes here, too. so that's not the only time we're going to see the rain. may see a larger storm as we head in toward about thursday of next week. enjoy your day in the sunshine tomorrow. temperatures going to be nice outside. you can see numbers running in the upper 60's in the santa clara valley, maybe about 68 mill valley too. next couple days. yeah. what a contrast. we go from some nice, sunny and bright spring-like weather to some cold temperatures. i mean highs only hovering in the low
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50's as we head into the weekend, too. so what a change will i know it really is. but it's that time of year. these kind of go crazy, right? you're kind of settle into spring pattern. eventually spring will win, winter will go away at some thank you, laura. you know, you may not know your local library and by name, but i betcha. >> you know this guy? yeah, because this guy is memorable and he's all over the internet. social media. maybe you've seen him. >> they're on the apps called for is noelle bellow joins us now live with how he is really embracing this role is famous librarian. well. grant and vicki michael threet has gone viral for his post about his love of libraries and reading. >> he's also spreading a message of inclusion and mental health. >> isn't hard when you've got a library card. >> every day, bright eyed and afro hair michael threet greets his more than 1 million
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followers on tiktok and instagram with a smile and positive attitude. you video the could be found out. i am need not an answer. popping on tiktok during the pandemic. he soon pivoted to talking about the thing he loves most books. so beautiful day to save books. >> they would use the trends and i would turn into bookish content that i realized, hey, this is a tool for us to reach. people left mind the mobile library and remind them he has that your library card tattooed on your right as his follower numbers grew. so did the number of people visiting local libraries. so many people message me each day on social media saying, look, i've got a light regard. i need to be proud what i from people from the area open new york city, florida, tonight, people having on people city live report from africa, from germany, from from the born and raised in the bay area. michael got his first library card at age 5 at the fairfield
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front does. so to me, it wasn't for been like i was like, oh, it will never happen for you. >> it is never like triggered thought that i could one day become a library. now that same library he grew up is the one he's worked at for the last decade. a job he says has been an i love books, movies, music, musical insurance for teens. many of the we just launched a big reflection. >> michael simply believes no matter who you are or what you're going through, you can find comfort in your local library. library is at 3rd space. that space with our. >> no expectation that having to buy a book having to buy a membership, you can just come in just as you are. and while he's not trying to target any one group specifically do love the fact that i'm obama blackmail. >> a number on the ground. well, i'm i'm i'm black and mexican. i love that. i can be kind like a presence for kids of color. covered that too so
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they can see a tattoo person. they can see a giant after oprah after where in-person his message doesn't stop there. he tackles literacy issues. dear dyslexic, you. >> your brain is brilliant. >> and mental health tank. michael suffers from depression and severe anxiety among other mental health issues. is it any surprise separate from those suffer from things that people coming to the library with? >> every single is ok to not be ok, 3, 6, 9. it's okay to not be fine because i know that you will get and while those topics for once taboo and his family, just i'm so happy to be able to present that. want to show people that whoever they are of their culture said don't talk about maybe a culture to be conversation about what's michael's openness has earned him fans all over the world. michael has such a great energy. he has kind of energy that i want to make give to my
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community as educator, hope the future. he's embracing all the love, thrown his way and hopes wherever you live. we'll show your library and a little love to. i want people remember that their local library, illegal immigration is just the school because they hide in your local library and make their day in fairfield, noelle people at near 4 to help for news. >> while michael has loved his work at the library has decided it's time to take a step away for his mental health. his last day in fairfield will be this friday march. 1st, he does, however, plan to continue advocating for literacy and library, joy through new avenues that he's found through his social media presence. he's got a lot of opportunities out there. kron 4 is, of course, honoring black history. make sure to tune into our special airing this thursday at 06:30pm. i'll be hosting. so be sure to tune in. grant vicki. >> love story. and making a library his hip. yeah.
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suddenly nothing wrong with that kind of like a modern-day mister rogers for sure. and a black history month special again airs tomorrow night. so. >> thursday night, day night. let's get it straight. that's what love. bella will be hosting it. all right. they're telling us that i need to wrap. jason is here to take it. take a up no librarians. but we've got chris paul and >> our nation's capital. well, taking on the wizards with stephen cruel. >> have those highlights coming up after the break. and then. >> we will also head to the far look at the go. we'll hear from her and the card. coming when peter dickson led my platoon into combat from her and the card. coming up after the break.
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in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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>> what a call in cleveland. thanks for rocking out with me here on sports night live. i'm jason dumas. the warriors started a four-game road trip tonight. they were in washington taking on the wizards. they got chris paul back trying to stack some wins before coming back to the crib and look at this from mill your face. jordan poole.


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