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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  February 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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at cretors, we handcraft every batch of our delicious popcorn. like our cretors cheese and caramel mix. great on their own, even better together. try cretors, handcrafted small-batch popcorn.
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>> news station. this is. 11. >> now at 11, 2 major blows to downtown san francisco has a walgreens and macy's pull out of the city. what's next for the empty spaces? the stores will leave behind. thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 11. i'm noelle bellow tonight. residents are grappling with to storefront losses. one, the iconic macy's store in union square. the
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other a walgreens on sacramento and front street kron 4 sarah stinson joining us now in the studio with the latest on the walgreens closure. after speaking with neighbors who say they're concerned about seniors in that area, sarah. >> well, many are worried about seniors who are now without access to a nearby pharmacy. dozens gathered outside the downtown walgreens today rallying for the company to change its mind. but unfortunately, the company has moved forward with the closure. >> in the final hours of operation, more than 2 dozen people who live in downtown san francisco gathered outside the walgreens at 2, 7, 5, sacramento street hoping their voices will be heard. you know, a pharmacy like a grocery store. >> they you know, they're oftentimes the center of the community. they're really important needs. diana taylor has organized efforts to plea with walgreens and the city to
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stop the closure. but unfortunately, they've had no look what we found out that it wasn't about. >> human needs or what the community needs. it was all about the numbers. a spokesperson for walgreens tells kron 4 the locations closure is due to a significant decrease in foot traffic since the pandemic. but that's not what we saw while walking in the area with alec bash who lives just blocks away. >> i think we've got put your foot traffic in this area and we have more and more every >> fashion taylor are among those worried about seniors not having access to a nearby pharmacy. the new year's walgreens will now be a half mile away on montgomery street. taylor says this closure will take away their independence. the seniors, they're terrified. they feel like they don't have any choice if people on walkers. warren wheelchairs, houston, to cage walking along and other longtime residents worry this will only hurt the progress the city is making in
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the downtown area. well, things closing that's taken away or amenities and i worry that people can start start moving out of the because what we have. >> a spokesperson for walgreens says all pharmacy files are being transferred to the location on montgomery street. the company also says they're offering free and reduced prescription delivery for the next 90 days. that group of neighbors i spoke with. they say they're not giving up hope. they still plan to see if walgreens will reconsider and maybe reopen that location. i'm sara stinson reporting back to you all. sarah, thank you. this comes as the iconic macy's location in san francisco has announced it's set to close today. >> macy's announced the closing 150 underperforming stores by 2026. 50 of them will close by the end of this year. the union square location in san francisco will be open the rest of 2024, but it's set to close in 2026. giving macy's enough time to find a buyer for the property.
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today we spoke with mayor london breed during kron for news at 3, she emphasized macy's decision was not because of crime in the city. >> when i talked to the folks from macy's that was not mentioned in its factors to close because it was about its entire portfolio. it's about the profitability and the changes in retail and how people are shopping, how their online businesses is definitely doing very well. and they had to make some really hard decisions. and and the real estate that this macy's is setting in is extremely valuable. >> mayor breed added the next step will be to find a use for the space profitable and attracts people to union square kron. 4 was also able to speak san francisco shoppers today about the closure. they were shocked and disappointed to find out this macy's is closing. >> i'm really sad about that. learn sad >> union square mean this is the heart of the city and you
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know, it's one more blow to the locals and the way the world is starting to see is has >> so you will be able to enjoy the macy's christmas tree this year. at least the puppies and cats in the holiday windows and any other macy's traditions in union square. >> just not for forever. unfortunately, it such an icon wild to think it's not going to be there really is been going down there for years. but tough going now. that's for sure. >> well, we've got some nice weather around the bay area, though today. lot of sunshine and temperatures warming up nicely. now we're cooling off outside. still clear skies around the bay area. some big changes really headed our way, though. doppler radar showing we're staying dry right now across the state, but it won't be long and winter is going to come raging back and bring with it. maybe some of the coldest temperatures of the season so far this storms going to be quite different instead of a subtropical tap. you get that pineapple
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express. this one coming out, the gulf of alaska to bring some very cold air that will really plummet our temperatures to really chilly temperatures as we head toward thursday. so tonight, skies stay nice and clear. the temperatures are going to be a little cold overnight lows dropping in the 30's and 40's around the bay area and then we get up tomorrow. we're going enjoy a nice day. high pressure is going to hold on for one day. but by late in the afternoon, you notice a few high clouds coming into our skies and it won't be long. we're going to talk about more rain. some cold temperatures and lots of snow. thank you, lawrence. new at 11 today, uc berkeley leadership spoke about having to evacuate a speaker. >> yesterday due to some safety concerns and letter sent to the campus community. the university said the speaker from israel was about to give a speech when 200 protesters surrounded zeller buck playhouse. according to the letter they broke doors open and went inside the building. the event had to be canceled. the speaker in the audience were evacuated last
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night. the school chancellor and other other leaders in a letter today said the attack on the building in the event was an attack on the fundamental values of the university. they said they cannot allow the use or threat of force to violate the first amendment. no matter how much we might disagree with their views. on thursday, the oakland police commission is holding an open forum for residents to get to know the current group of police chief candidates. those names were released tonight. candidate number one is abdul print. get he was chief in san leandro for about 2 years before he was placed on administrative leave. last september in a press release from the city of san leandro. they said his leave was due to policy violations. he resigned from the department last year. the second candidate for oakland police chief is floyd mitchell. has more than 30 years of law enforcement service. and was hired to be chief of police in temple, texas. he is currently the first vice president of the
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texas police chiefs association. the 3rd candidate is lisa davis. she's currently the investigations bureau commander with the cincinnati police department. according to the commission, she specializes in addressing crime in cities and building community relationships. finally, candidate luis molina. he is the assistant deputy mayor for public safety for the city of new york. molina has worked in law enforcement. the district attorney's office and corrections. he's known for community engagement and improving conditions for residents. as you mentioned, the oakland police commission will be meeting on the second and 4th thursday of each month. the next meeting is this thursday at 09:30pm. the public encouraged to attend and share their ideas and thoughts either in person or by emailing a commissioner directly. we here at kron 4. we are honoring black history month. you may not know your
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local library and by name, but there's one in fairfield you may have heard about. michael 3 has gone viral for his post about his love of libraries and reading. he's also using his platform to spread a message of inclusion and mental health. >> having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card. >> every day, bright eyed and afro hair michael threet greets his more than 1 million followers on tiktok and instagram with a smile and positive attitude. you video the could be found out. i need answer popping on tiktok during the pandemic. he soon pivoted to talking about the thing he loves most books. so beautiful day to save books. >> they would use the trends and i would turn into bookish content that's why we love to hate. this is a tool for us to reach. people left mind the mobile library and remind them he has that your library card tattooed on your right as his follower numbers grew. so did the number of people visiting local libraries. so many people message me each day on social media saying, look,
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i've got a library card. i need to be i from people from the consensus new york city, florida. tonight. people having on people city live report from africa from germany, from from the pan born and raised in the bay area. michael got his first library card at age 5 at the fairfield civic center library. >> but growing up, he never really saw himself as a librarian. and 71 in see people of color behind the front desk. >> i didn't see behind the front does. so to me it wasn't for bin that i was like, oh, it will never happen for you. it is never like triggered thought that i could one day become a library. now that same library he grew up is the one he's worked at for the last decade. a job he says has been an i leverage books, movies, music, musical insurance for many of the we just lost a big reflection. >> michael simply believes no matter who you are or what you're going through, you can find comfort in your local
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library. library is at 3rd space. that space with our. >> no expectation that having to buy a book having to buy a membership, you can just come in just as you are. and while he's not trying to target any one group specifically do love the fact that i'm obama blackmail. >> a number on the ground. well, i'm i'm i'm black and mexican. i love that. i can be kind like a presence for kids of color to cover debt to so i can see a tattoo person. they can see a giant after in-person his message doesn't stop there. he tackles literacy issues. dear dyslexic, you. >> your brain is brilliant. >> and mental michael suffers from depression and severe anxiety among other mental health issues. is it surprise that from those suffer from things that people coming to library with? >> every single is ok to not be ok, 3, 6, 9. it's okay to not be fine because i know that you will get and while those topics for once taboo and his family and so happy to
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be able to present platform and show people that whoever they are of their culture don't talk about maybe a culture to be conversation that was michael's openness has earned him fans all over the world. michael has such a great energy. he has kind of energy that i want to make give to my community as educator, hope the future. he's embracing all the love, thrown his way and hopes wherever you live. >> you'll show your library and a little love to. i want people remember that their local library in little ember. and it's just it's cool because they your local library and make their day. >> while michael has loved his work at the library there in fairfield, he's decided it's time to take a step away for his mental health. his last day, there will be friday march 1st. that's this friday. he does, however, plan to continue advocating for literacy and library. joy through some new avenues he's
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found through his social media presence. this was just one of many stories we've done here at kron this month to honor those who are creating black history. make sure to tune into our black history month special. it airs this thursday at 06:30pm. >> still to come here kron for news 11, the latest from the sierra has a huge snowstorm is on the way. how this one is potentially bad for business. plus, when we come back, the east bay becoming a hospital does what's being planned that could leave many residents without nearby health care.
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>> the mayor of berkeley says
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he's concerned about the city and the east bay as a whole becoming a hospital desert alta. bates summit medical center is scheduled to close by 2030, kron. four's amanda hari spoke with the mayor about his attempts to ensure berkeley and the surrounding area has emergency medical care. alta. bates is berkeley's only full-service hospital. >> it also supports people albany and elsa rita. the mayor of berkeley says leaders need to take action now prevent health care crisis in the future. berkeley mayor jesse arreguin announcing a new partnership to address the impacts of alta bates summit medical center scheduled closure. >> summit health has announced the hospital will close by 2030. i'm deeply worried that when someone has a health emergency, it will take too long for them to get to. >> and emergency like not city council voted to set aside funding to study the ramifications, the closure and how they can secure health care access in the future. he says they're also working with
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leaders in richmond else. we do albany and alameda and contra costa county. it's this isn't a berkeley issued. it is a regional >> problem. they're also in communication with some help and are considering all options to keep the hospital open. the city of berkeley is willing to. >> pass. bonds are taxes were willing to look at permitting. we're willing we're going to do anything in 2015 doctors medical center in san pablo closed. >> causing a surge of patients at alta. bates. he's worried the same thing will happen in oakland. it's all to bait. shuts down summit. >> hospital downtown oakland. that's where where they intend to serve all the people that currently got all the that just does not go work. it's also going overload. some the mayor says he wants to make sure the east bay is prepared for what may happen next as at the end of the day want to control our destiny. >> and so whether that's
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bringing another health care provider, whether that's forming a hospital district, we cannot let these baby com hospital. that's the mayor says. he's still hopeful they can continue to work with some health to find a solution. >> in berkeley amanda hari kron, 4 news. >> let's get you a check at i-80 at kingvale >> looks like traffic is at a standstill at this hour. probably what it's going to be looking like going forward as the storm is going make traveling a nightmare up that way. the timing of this storm isn't ideal for businesses either going into what would normally be a very busy weekend. >> in my business, we rent skis. we rent equipment, things like that. we've already had some people moving around the reservations for the weekend. so that's not going to happen. >> not totally sure why cars are stopped. there will have to check in on that. lawrence karnow says, though, folks trying head up today and i guess tomorrow are going to be ok after that.
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>> yeah, it's going to be touch and go with this storm system coming in. this is going to drop a tremendous amount of snow in the sierra nevada. this may be the most impressive series of storms for the season and it's going to be that cold light, fluffy powdery snow that i know skiers love and there's going to be a ton of it up there right now. you're looking good on 80 50, the exception. of course, you saw those cars backed up there on 80 right now. probably do some action or some work there. a 50 year opening clear there are no weather related issues right now. that's probably going to be that way for tomorrow. and then it all changes a major winter storm moving in blizzard conditions. so we're talking about some very strong gusty winds to go along with some heavy snow. and that's going to be thursday through saturday. so we expect the snow level dropped to 2004 1000 feet. i think even lower than that may be down to 1000 feet as we head in toward saturday night and sunday. they were talking about huge amounts of snow, maybe 8, maybe 10 feet of snow across some of the higher peaks. you can expect some whiteout conditions in the high
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country. so blizzard warnings up all the way through the lake tahoe are down the foothills all the way down the mammoth lakes area. so really going to compass much of the sierra nevada as we a cold storm. you see it popping up here as we head late friday into saturday morning. even some snow begin to show up near clear lake into the bay area. and yet we're going to see some impressive amounts of snow in the high high country and likely some snow around here too. temperatures are right now cooling off lot of 40's and 50's out there right now. getting a little chilly overall, though. looks like tomorrow. going to be a really nice day. we're going to see some high clouds drifting. and i think late today tomorrow morning commute. okay. but by the afternoon the clouds begin to roll in. then we get into thursday and then maybe a couple pop-up showers. you notice those winds coming up on the south as that front begins to move in and then more on the way after that, we were just kind of lined up one after the next after the next after the next boy. you get the idea we're in for a very wet period. now until it looks like a lot of part of next week. so tomorrow, enjoy your sunshine. it will be a nice day. temperatures moving maybe in the upper 60's in the santa clara valley by tomorrow
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afternoon. that couple days. what a change it's going to be. we go from almost 70 degrees. temperatures struggling to get to the 50's. so that's how cold it's going to get as we head toward friday and the weekend, too. so you're thinking you're your thing years ago, wardrobe, right? 15. what to where i'm it's my toes they get so until we get some stocks out i will sox will do great for you and maybe double up. there you go thanks, lauren. >> take a look at this. a photographer sharing the moments he stumbled upon glowing santa lighting up with streams of electric blue. >> along sailed bay in san diego, the mesmerizing glow as a result of that chemical reactions of bioluminescent organisms in the ocean. the photographer says glowing bioluminescence and is typical after an algae bloom. very cool. >> coming up next, in sports warriors start a four-game road trip tonight. they were in our nation's capital,
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future.
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it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> the warriors started a four-game road trip tonight. they were in washington taking on the wizards. >> they got chris paul back trying to just stack some wins before coming back to the crib in look at this familiar face, jordan poole. we wish him all the best. and he made a statement early on 1st quarter. we have a tie game. rookie in the proto action coma, rookies, not a rookie, but you get it student in the pro j take the lead. moments later, more from pool as well. a lefty layup and early pool had 12 points. 3rd quarter. we
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got vintage warriors performance. moses moody gets the steal to draymond to steph to kuminga beautiful basketball. jake, who had 21 points later in the 3rd of 11, chris paul said, hey, you all guard me, i'm going make you pay. he had a great game to 9 points off the bench was a plus 17 on the day. a minute later, 16 point warriors lead to clay gets in his bag. >> knocks down the 3 right there. just a couple possessions later. and he had 25 points off the bench. let's go to the 4th quarter golden state up by 16. gp blocks is boy jordan poole. gpt leads to the transition bucket by guess who stepped curry. 18.6 assists for steph. that that all 18 in the 2nd half warriors win it one. 23, one,
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12. let's go to the ice. the sharks hosting the former sharks timo meier received standing ovation from the san jose crowd. kamala forgot about him. first period. no score. alexander barton off with defeat and nico sturm. all smiles at the tank is one, nothing early. but by the devils woke up, jack hughes intercepts, the pass goes 5 hole. and guess what? the sharks? they get blown out 7 to 2. your final. so yeah, noel warriors win tonight. now they head to the world's most famous arena. do know that this. >> madison square garden and madison square garden always fun when steph curry plays, they're not remember also where he broke the all-time record. 3 pointers a couple years ago. he did he always seems to get revived by the bright lights and he's
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struggling. so i'm he's going to go to msg and have a huge night. >> well, i was hoping and i almost at staples center, but staples is special to i know. i we'll see you tomorrow night. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us.
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i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: another woman alone on a trail attacked like slain nursing student to laken riley. look at her bruises. >> it kept coming out how much i wanted to live. how i dn


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