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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  February 28, 2024 7:00am-7:41am PST

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at the embarcadero kind. a couple people out there on their jax this morning, even though it is a frigid start to what's about to be a mild day east bay hills view, not a cloud in the sky and never know. we have the system just around the corner. temperatures are well down in the 30's from fremont livermore on up to dublin, specially chilly in spots like fairfield out at 35 degrees. vacaville in petaluma. also sonoma at 36 currently berkeley oakland, you're hanging on to the low 40's, but just barely frost advisories. no huge surprise there. tallist, but clearly was
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back out here live again. tomorrow will be that forum is where we will find out more information and also find out the finalize list that 3 of
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the floor of who will be sent over to the mayor's office. so as we get more details, we'll keep you updated. that is the very latest michael thomas reporting live for kron. 4 send it back to live in the studio. all right, michael, thanks for that. people be able to weigh in. >> 703, is the time. san francisco residents are grappling with to storefront losses won the iconic macy's store in union square in. a lot of people are talking about this online. other was a walgreens that's on sacramento and front street. we did speak with neighbors who say obviously they're concerned, especially about seniors in the area for sara stinson explains. >> in the final hours of operation, more than 2 dozen people who live in downtown san francisco gathered outside the walgreens. 2, 7, 5, sacramento street hoping their voices will be heard. you know, a pharmacy like a grocery store. >> they you know, they're oftentimes the center of the community. they're really
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important needs. diana taylor has organized efforts to plea with walgreens and the city to stop the closure. but unfortunately, they've had no look what we found out that it wasn't about. >> human needs or what the community needs. it was all about the numbers. a spokesperson for walgreens tells kron 4 the locations closure is due to a significant decrease in foot traffic since the pandemic. but that's not what we saw while walking in the area with alec bash who lives just blocks away. >> i think we've got put your foot traffic in this area and we have more and more every >> fashion taylor are among those worried about seniors not having access to a nearby pharmacy. the new year's walgreens will now be a half mile away on montgomery street. taylor says this closure will take away their independence. the seniors, they're terrified. they feel like they don't have any choice if people on walkers. warren wheelchairs, houston, to cage walking along and
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other longtime residents worry this will only hurt the progress the city is making in the downtown area. well, things closing that's taken away or amenities and i worry that people can start start moving out of the because what we have. >> well, that was sara stinson reporting now, a spokesperson for walgreens says all pharmacy files are being transferred to that location on montgomery street. company also says they're offering free reduce prescription delivery for the next 9 days. the group of neighbors that we talked to, they say they haven't given up hope and they still plan to see walgreens might reconsider a decision to close. >> well, this comes as the iconic macy's location in san francisco is set to close. we talked about that a moment ago. macy's made the announcement recently that they're going to be closing 150 underperforming stores by 2026, 50 of them will actually close their doors by the end of this year alone. the union square location will be open for the rest of the year, but it will be shut down by 2026.
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giving macy's enough time. they say to find a buyer for the property. we did speak with mayor london breed during the kron. 4 news at 3 yesterday. and she emphasized macy's decision had nothing to do with concerns about crime in the city. >> when i talked to the folks from macy's that was not mentioned in its factors to close because it was about its entire portfolio. it's about the profitability and the changes in retail and how people are shopping, how their online businesses is definitely doing very well. and they had to make some really hard decisions. and and the real estate that this macy's is setting in is extremely valuable. >> well, mayor breed added that the next step will be to find a use for that space that is profitable and attracts people to union square kron. 4 was also able to speak to san francisco shoppers and they were shocked to hear the news. >> i'm really sad about that sad about. union square mean
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this is the heart of the city and >> you know, it's one more blow to the locals and the way the world is starting to see is has >> well, you'll still be able to enjoy the macy's christmas tree and the puppies and cats that are put out in the windows during the holidays and any other macy's traditions, their union square. but after this year, those will all probably come to an end. >> well, sam versus supervisors are now apologizing to african-americans and their descendants for decades of what they call races laws and policies by the city. all 11 members of the board sponsored a declaration samaras and joins boston as the 2 major u.s. cities to now issue an apology. so far there's been no movement on any of the committees, monetary proposals, including a lump sum cash payment to residents or a guaranteed income. what what police they arrested, a man they suspected might have
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been involved up to 8 burglaries. police received a call around 02:00am monday from a home right near bartlett, core and malaga way, arrived, they found the car and blood at the scene. police also found a man nearby cuts on his hand and property from recent car burglaries. so police say antonio zamora is responsible before burglaries and suspected baby for more. he was taken into the martinez detention facility. >> from the east bay to the south bay. now we have new data from the silicon valley group aiming to end homelessness. and it shows that santa clara county is housing more homeless people than ever before. but at the same time, the unhoused population is also growing. destination home says that nearly 4500 unhoused people were housed in 2023, however, the rate of homeless people in santa clara county also jumped 24%. that's more than 800 households in the county. a representative from
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destination home says the cost of rent is a major factor. we know we have guy rocketing rents in our community. >> and people aren't making enough money. and the combination of those 2 coupled with the fact that we don't have affordable, truly affordable housing options of the scale that we really need means that so many people in our community are just one page missed paycheck, one financial emergency away from ending up on the streets. destination home says 96% of the unhoused. >> people that get into affordable housing actually stay permanently housed. but they say the county does need to build more affordable housing. >> to john fisher sell your stake in the coliseum, make your profit and allow to flourish and thrive. if you can't do that, then it's time to play ball with the community and join us at the negotiating table. well, community leaders in oakland are calling on alameda county supervisors. pressure a's owner john fisher to allow the
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oakland coliseum to be used with things. besides a's baseball. >> he's recently blocked an effort by the upstart oakland bees to play
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>> all right. we're back 7.13, is the time to check in the weather. here is where get ready to open the storm tomorrow. what can we close to try to have stay closed for be happy about morning today. still closed in really close to. but tomorrow it can open wide. and that means that we do have heavy dose of rain mountain snow and just colder weather in general its way. this is happening bay this morning. excuse want to get out there and enjoy it. make sure teachers allergy medicine looking at the tide out right now. just a beautiful, calm morning. we are looking at a day today that is going to bring clear skies from the
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sierra the north coast to the bay. so really nothing to worry about for your wednesday. tomorrow, though. that's when this next system begins to work its way our direction really well formed low pressure in a deep dive in the jet stream is going to carry cold arctic air our direction. so as this low descends into the region, it's going to drag with it. big cool down, too. so it's not just rain. we're talking about a huge temperature change today. nothing but the sunshine tonight. as the sun goes down, you'll start to see some clouds. and then as we move into tomorrow, showers arriving during the morning. they'll be spotty and light initially, but picking up towards the afternoon tomorrow. as for rainfall totals for the bay area tomorrow, anywhere between a quarter in three-quarters ef tpan inch. that's just the start, though. we'll continue to add things up into saturday and sunday are other friday through saturday and that is going to result in over 2 inches of rainfall for many spots. and then even more after that from sunday onward into next week. as for the sierra, of course, that's what we're talking most about the feet up on feet of snowfall
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donner summit. that's the highest point on 80 between reno and the bay area. they're expecting anywhere between 5 and 10 feet of snow. clouds are going to be out there doing the best they can but do expect to be snowed in starting tomorrow up in the sierra all the way through saturday as heavy snow and blowing snow can be expected. the national weather service is officially issued. blizzard warnings for the sierra starting tomorrow through saturday. snow level falling as low as 1500 to 2000 feet. well, down into the foothills and of course, that feet upon feet of snowfall piling up in the upper elevations means plan to be snowed in. if you're heading up that direction, 60's for your highs in the bay area today. look at san jose getting close to 70 tomorrow. temperatures fall into the 50's and that's where we're going to stay after that point with saturday. barely even making the 50's rainiest of days and snowiest of days in the sierra being tomorrow through saturday. right? all right. on that was you're traveling into the city this morning. >> about 19 minutes, not seen any accidents on a bridge.
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thankfully, 22 min are on the san mateo bridge. richmond center fell bridge just under 14 and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 26 minutes. >> 7.16, the time. time to talk news for your money. apple cancels its plans to build an electric car. and hotel guests are apparently now paying more for less. we've got jane king live the nasdaq to explain. hi, jane. >> hi, james. good morning. so hotels are short-staffed. so that means that guests are getting less. well, the prices are going up daily house keeping room service of those amenities that were eliminated during the pandemic have yet to come back at some places at the same tells across us up held their daily room rates near all-time highs in part to offset the increase in wages to lure those workers back. according to the wall street journal. well, starbucks and june younes are in its union are restarting labor the u n represents workers in about 400 stores and the whole
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police term that you is that they will reach a collective bargaining agreement that will result in higher pay and benefits have the potential home buyers say they can't afford a down payment and closing costs on a property in the u.s. because they don't make enough money and living costs are too high. the bankrate survey also says many potential homebuyers fill that buying a home is permanently out of reach for them. well, apple will wind down its team on working on electric cars. according to bloomberg, the signal sent into apple secretive effort to build a car that would rival tesla. no reports of apple's ambition to in gaza. the walk is going to be 11:30am, right after a press conference. it's going to be followed by a rally at usd board meeting on second avenue in oakland at 4.30,
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that event will be led by the black student union. and uc berkeley leadership spoke about having to evacuate a speaker monday because of safety concerns in a letter sent to the campus community, the university said a speaker from israel was about to give a speech when you have 200 protesters surrounded zeller bought playhouse and then say the protesters broke the door. they went inside the had to be canceled altogether. and the speaker and the audience, they had to be evacuated. the school's chancellor and other leaders said that attack on the building. and that event was an attack on the fundamental values of the university. they said they cannot allow the use or the threat of force to violate the first amendment. the matter how much we might disagree with their views. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters and we are less than a now from the primary election day and leaders from california's democratic and republican
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parties say they're doing all they can to reach voters. california's democratic leaders say this year their strategy is to be on the ground, going door to door to help voters register and that they're excited about all 3 democratic candidates in the race for california's open senate seat as well as the potential to win house seats, too. >> it could take back the house if california turn some of these red states blue. so we're very exciting and we're doing everything we can to turn out every vote. >> as for the california republican party volunteers have been reaching out to voters community centers this year and data from the secretary of state's office shows the republican party is actually gained more than 45,000 voters this year. while the democratic party last 30,000 voters, republican leaders say with more new voters, they're optimistic about steve garvey chances to win the open senate seat. >> i feel really good about it. and having a political outsider that's really been fngaged in many communities around our state over the years. this is good not just
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republicans for californians. >> currently registered democrats outnumber registered republicans by a margin of about 2 to one. a reminder for election day. you have to turn in your ballot or have your vote by mail and fellow postmarked no later than march 5th, if you want it counted and speaking of the election, kron 4, as you know, your election headquarters. tune do join us on election night tuesday, march 5th. we'll have live election results coming in from around the bay area. our coverage begins at 08:00pm.
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>> 7.24 is the time. and in the east bay, san ramon, police are warning elderly residents about a scam telling them they want a big grand prize. the scammers pretend to be from publishers clearing house who have a history of giving out grand sweepstakes. a scree sweepstakes prizes. they then tell the victim, though, that they have to pay basically taxes on the prize in the form of a cashier's check. if they want the money, police say no legitimate business will ever ask for money over the phone and never provide bank account information or remote access to your personal computer to strangers. >> well, as san jose a vta
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light rail connected to bart has been about 20 years in the making and it is actually needs one more vote for construction to officially start this year. officials say the east ridge to bart regional connector is desperately needed. it would run trains on the east capitol expressway all the way iraq and connect to the milky as bart advocates say, this will connect the lower income largely latino population in east san jose jobs's schools. the project design start since early 2. thousands took a pause during recession in 2007, the vta board will vote on a construction contract next month. if approved construction is going to start sometime in april. coming up on morning news. wendy's plans to start charging customers using his surging price model. using his surging price model. >> we want experts believe the
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who says you can't go for bold without going broke... get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate."
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"known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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>> we are back coming up on 7.30 and got a live look here at the golden gate bridge behind us. yet clear conditions today. tomorrow's and we really start to see things start to little slow get back to winter morning, john. yeah, it's coming back in full force to so we are looking at a beautiful day today. no clouds out there. really. nice afternoon ahead of us tomorrow. going to be an entirely different story. staying that way for a few days, too. san jose this morning looking beautiful, clear skies for you. but a chilly start. san jose year.
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45 drive up the road to fremont livermore and dublin. you're down in the 30's right now. oakland also down at 41 degrees currently fairfield at 35 vacaville in sonoma, each of 36 degrees. so we're definitely cold frost advisories yet again this morning for the north bay. as for skies today, they are going to remain clear. so temperatures will rise pretty quickly. there's tomorrow storm system just to our north, which is going to impact us with several days of increasingly cold rainfall today mid to upper 60's that are very warmest. all the details on all of it as we go, right. all right, john, thank you for morning. drive about 24 minutes traveling into the city this morning on the bay bridge. >> mateo bridge about 24. they are. so things are starting to become a bit. richmond center fell bridge 13 minute drive and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls now almost 30 minutes. >> let's go to the east bay and oakland, delhi arges for th
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conspiracy to sell drugs and san francisco's tenderloin district. well, the u.s. drug enforcement administration sending a pretty clear message to anybody thinking of maybe committing similar crimes. >> these extraditions, she sent a clear message to those who peddle poison is san francisco. if you traffic deadly drugs that harm the safety and health of our community. if you flee from justice, if you think you can hide, you are wrong. dea will be relentless in our pursuit to hold you accountable. >> the extraditions, a part of san francisco's joint law enforcement initiative to address drug dealing. our actions today are a warning to all bad actors who are seeking to take advantage of the
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public trust. we will find out about steets. we will cut off your funding and we will hold you accountable. >> was san francisco city attorney david chiu. he blocked a non profit from getting city money after he says an investigation revealed it defrauded the city of more than $100,000. the non profit called j and j community resource center existed on paper to provide services to youth and low-income families. but chew says its founders were lying about the work they were doing submitting false invoices and also submitting for reimbursements for things like alcohol cigars and motorcycle rentals. on the peninsula. the county of san mateo is demanding that 18 provide documents and testify in person about their proposal to end landline service in that area, cutting off landline access could affect 9-1-1, and other key emergencies that rely on phones supervisor ray mueller says too many people in his district live in areas that have unreliable or no cell service at all. 18 t has
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agreed to send a representative to the board of supervisors. next meeting to answer questions. >> well, in the east bay at the mayor of berkeley say he is concerned about the city and the east bay as a whole might becoming a hospital doesn't bates summit medical center is scheduled to close by 2030 and kron four's amanda hari spoke with the mayor about his attempt to ensure that berkeley and the surrounding area. >> has emergency medical care. >> ulta bates is berkeley's only full-service hospital. it also supports people albany and elsa rita. the mayor of berkeley says leaders need to take action now prevent health care crisis in the future. berkeley mayor jesse arreguin announcing a new partnership to address the impacts of alta bates summit. medical center's scheduled closure. >> summit health has announced the hospital will close by 2030. i'm deeply worried that when someone has a health emergency, it will take too long for them to get to. >> and emergency like much city council voted to set
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aside funding to study the ramifications, the closure and how they can secure health care access in the future. he says they're also working with leaders in richmond else. we do albany and alameda and contra costa county. it's this isn't a berkeley issued. it is a regional. >> prop. they're also in communication with some help and are considering all options to keep the hospital open. the city of berkeley is willing to. >> pass. bonds are taxes were willing to look at permitting. we're willing we're going to do anything in 2015 doctors medical center in san pablo closed. >> causing a surge of patients at alta. bates. he's worried the same thing will happen in oakland. it's all to bait. shuts down summit. >> hospital downtown oakland. that's where where intend to serve all the people that currently got all the that just is not going to work. it's also going overload. some the mayor says he wants to make sure the east bay is prepared for what may happen
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next as at the end of the day want to control our destiny. >> and so whether that's bringing another health care provider, whether that's forming a hospital district, we cannot let these baby com hospital. that's the mayor says. he's still hopeful they can continue to work with some health. >> to find a solution in berkeley amanda hari kron. 4 news. >> all right. now to some good news for the bay area. fremont san jose and san francisco are apparently the happiest cities in the country. that's according to a new wallethub study comparing more than 180 of the largest cities in the u.s. the rankings were determined by looking at things like depression rates, income growth rates and average free time that people have each day. >> fremont came in number one overall. and number one for emotional and physical well-being. san jose ranked number 3 overall coming in second for emotional and physical well-being and san francisco, right? number 7 overall and 3rd for emotional
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and physical well-being. how about that? i love the video. the woman don't or he's over san jose is not just one of the happiest cities, but another survey is ranking it as one of the top places. >> to actually live when you look at the quality of life about that. so what makes it so desirable? let's find out properties will tran live in san jose this morning. they right? so it's a very safe
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city quality of education is sky high access to health care average times. so if you don't want to kim, you very far, be stuck in your car for days. san jose's, your place, according to us news, they did send out there real estate reporters. so this is their specialty. and they came back with san jose being just wonderful as far as quality of life. yes, it is expensive. yes, it is. >> full of people. it's the biggest city in the bay area. >> but you know what? sometimes? and you have a lot. you also have a lot of >> diversity. listen into one of the people from san jose. >> so that we have like san francisco's like over honor is down there. you know, santa cruz just right up 17 i just i really like the people, the community here. diversity is a big deal to you. definitely. diversity is such a big thing. and i feel like we're fortunate here. >> in the bay area has you history? everyone was always coming here.
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>> it sounds like he's practicing the one day become a or something like tha
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>> we are back taking a live look here at the sierra where a big winter storm is expected to blanket the lake tahoe area with feet of snow over the next few days being up, there is going to be kind of a nightmare. the timing of the storm obviously isn't ideal for businesses either. >> my business, we rent skis, we rent equipment, things like that. we've already had some people moving around the reservations for the weekend. so that's not going to happen. >> yeah, i mean, they'll be plenty of snow to enjoy, but just trying to get to there and back you can see the chp, this is just not going to be tenable the impact businesses obviously going to be pretty hard this weekend. but everybody's looking forward to maybe the weekend after has the better we can head up there and enjoy all that fresh powder. saves. just wait. yeah. has been getting us ready for past few days. elway, absolutely. if you want to get out of the sierra today is your day to drive back down because tomorrow. >> at least be stocked up and ready to go to potentially be snowed in for a few days. our most significant snow maker of the season just on the horizon
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half dome, yosemite national park buried in already a good dose of snowfall. we've been doing catch-up work already and now are about to really push it past that point. we're looking at tomorrow friday and saturday being your key snow days up in the sierra temperatures will continue to fall as this cold arctic air really settles in resulting in feet upon feet of snow and blowing snow at times as well. it is going to be as mean this is 5 to 10 feet of snowfall at the top of donner summit. that's a tease. highest point crossing the sierra. and that is going to be really tough for crews to get through plower that snow off. so expect a lot of delays and multiple closures not going to be doing a lot of moving around up there on into especially friday morning into saturday. also some snow here in the bay area. we're going to see mountaintops as low as 1500 feet. 3 to 6 inches of it on some of the higher mountains up in northern napa. sonoma lake and mendocino counties. so definitely our own wintry dose back here at home, too. the national weather service has issued a blizzard warning taking effect tomorrow through saturday and
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above 5,000 feet in elevation. expect anywhere between 5 to 10 feet of snow. widespread 12 feet. plus on some of our crest mountains of the sierra. so that is going to be a huge dose of snow going to take a while to dig out from it today, though, on the other hand, nothing going on out there. just sunshine. really do enjoy today. use that as a storm prep day. if need be. as for tomorrow, low pressure begins to dive in and only settles in more and more into friday and saturday digging with it. this cold cold air on in across the region. futurecast shows today's sun clear dry skies. very enjoyable weather tonight. increasing cloud cover. and by tomorrow morning we start to see spotty showers settling in up into tomorrow afternoon. e- tomorrow's rainfall between a quarter and 3 quarters of an inch. adding more on top of that the thursday and friday as well as saturday. upwards of 2 inches along some of the east bay, 3 to 4 inches in some of our coastal mountains. and then even more on top of
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that into next week. so the storm door opens and the storm door to stay open. temperatures today, san jose just shy of 70 really nice and warm fremont conquered livermore in antioch, egypt. 66 very pleasant weather today and enjoy it. that key the heart of the rain is thursday through saturday. and then after that, some spotty showers leading into next week. great. all eyes on. thank you for the roads this morning. there's our little busy. >> like of a bridge. 31 minute ride headed into the city this morning. san mateo bridge just under 25 minutes. a 80 to 101. here it summer feel bridge around 17 minutes and the golden gate bridge 37 to the tolls. 33 minute ride. >> well, more now on a story we first brought you yesterday, popular fast food chain. wendy's is getting ready to experiment with surge pricing next year. the company plans to raise prices during its busier hours. in a statement, wendy says it will install ai enabled menus that will change prices throughout
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the day. we spoke to some customers to get their reaction. >> i'm not really a big fan of really, really just to collect a lower price meals, but make it affordable for us working class guys. >> wendy's claims its new pricing model will allow them to provide more value offers to customers will see. >> all right. new this morning, sometimes social media isn't the best for you mentally or physically. noah in today's tech, smart rich demuro has a look at how you can find some balance. when it comes to social media. even adults have trouble with that endless scroll. >> but these apps can particularly affect teens. now one advocate is helping them find a balance. >> larissa make calls herself a survivor of the digital age. i really started to struggle is depression and anxiety and social media was my sword in my shield. i would not my emotions and ultimately brought me the darkest place
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my life. now she's an advocate for teens or nonprofit. half the story helps them develop a healthy relationship with social media. what's really most horrible about these platforms is the addictive algorithms and the things that keep kids pulled but since they go largely unregulated, may believes in empowering teens, families and schools with the tools they need to take control, teaching kids how what they do online impacts their emotions and also how what how they feel impacts what they do in the internet. social media. you is, of course, she helped develop for schools. it teaches teens emotional skills and how to handle the impact tech has had on our lives. she believes the school should work with students to come up with policies that better address the blurred lines. devices like smartphones create. >> and when it comes to parents, modeling is the way to go as parents. if we don't to go as parents. if we don't start modeling
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marshalls buyers are detail obsessed perfectionists. who take quality very seriously.
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and go to the ends of the earth to hustle the best of the best for you. yes! we get the deals, you get the good stuff. marshalls. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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>> well, new this morning, if you're hoping to wake up a million and this morning, we're sad to tell you. no one hit the jackpot for the mega millions. the new jackpot is now protected or projected to be 670 million big ones. the next drawing is on friday night. so go ahead. try your luck. may the odds be in your favor? that's right. >> well, the tsa is now expanding its facial recognition technology at airports across the country. the technology allows precheck travelers to drop off their bags and past security checkpoints without having to show any id or a boarding pass the security checkpoint feature is available for united and delta travelers at lax right now. the backdrop shortcut is expected to be
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available by march. all right. we're going to take a break coming up in the next hour of kron. 4 morning news. people living in oakland will soon hear from people. in the running for the city's top police chief job reintroduce in a live report and what will happen to the coliseum site after the a's leave. good question. tell you what community groups want. the alameda county board of supervisors to do. plus, people living in downtown san francisco are a bit worried now about their ability to access pharmacies after a walgreens closes. tell you why they say that closure is going make it seniors, especially.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> now on the 4 morning news open residents will soon be able to hear. >> from the candidates hoping to become the city's next police chi. yeah. and the oakland a's have been blocking other teams from playing at the coliseum and now residents are pressuring local leaders to stand up to the team and san jose ranks among the best place to live in the u.s. for quality of life are live this morning. there. good morning. i'm reyna harvey in for darya folsom and i'm james fletcher. before we get all those let's step outside. take a quick look at what the weather's like on this wednesday morning. looks beautiful. things are going to take a turn for the weather tomorrow. what is absolutely things out there changing and changing
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quick today is going to be a


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