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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  February 28, 2024 9:00am-9:41am PST

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in september for allegedly violating the department's policy. the next candidate is floyd mitchell. he's got about 30 years of experience in policing and was hired as the police chief over in lenox, texas, but recently resigned last year after being criticized for how his department dealt with 9-1-1, clause. he's now currently the first vice president of the texas police chiefs association. the next candidate is lisa davis. she is currently the assistant police chief in cincinnati and also the investigation bureaus commander. the final candidate is luis molina. he's currently the assistant deputy mayor for
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public safety for the city of new york and has worked in law enforcement for many years, along with the district attorney's office and also in corrections for again, many years. now, these 4 candidates will all be a part of the public forum tomorrow night in oakland at 6.30, at which point residents can comment and ask questions. to submit questions. they do need to be listed on the line. we've got links on our website at kron 4 dot com and traditionally following the forum, 3 of the 4 will be sent over to mayor jean tells office at which point the mayor can either pick a candidate out of the 3 or she can reject all of them as she has done in the past. now, currently, the city of oakland has been without a police chief for about a year now after the firing of former police chief leronne armstrong. and many did want to see him on this list today. however, he is not the last time a list came out. we did speak with community members and organizations on what they were looking for. the biggest thing was they really wanted somebody to come in and take charge and ultimately lower the rising crime rate here in the city of oakland. i do have
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a meeting set up with the naacp within the next hour or so. we'll hear from them coming in around 10 o'clock this morning in oakland michael thomas will send it back to to live in the studio. all right. looking for today interview with naacp think that michael 94 is a time. san francisco residents now grappling with 2 storefronts closing one, the iconic macy's in union square. and everybody's been talking about this. >> other is a walgreens has on sacramento on front street. we talked to neighbors who say they're really concerned, especially about the seniors that live there. >> for sarah stinson has that report. >> in the final hours of operation, more than 2 dozen people who live in downtown san francisco gathered outside the walgreens. 2, 7, 5, sacramento street hoping their voices will be heard. you know, a pharmacy like a grocery store. >> they you know, they're oftentimes the center of the community. they're really important needs. diana taylor
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has organized efforts to plea with walgreens and the city to stop the closure. but unfortunately, they've had no look what we found out that it wasn't about. >> human needs or what the community needs. it was all about the numbers. a spokesperson for walgreens tells kron 4 the locations closure is due to a significant decrease in foot traffic since the pandemic. but that's not what we saw while walking in the area with alec bash who lives just blocks away. >> i think we've got put your foot traffic in this area and we have more and more every >> fashion taylor are among those worried about seniors not having access to a nearby pharmacy. the new year's walgreens will now be a half mile away on montgomery street. taylor says this closure will take away their independence. the seniors, they're terrified. they feel like they don't have any choice if people on walkers. warren wheelchairs, houston, to cage walking along and other longtime residents worry
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this will only hurt the progress the city is making in the downtown area. well, things closing that's taken away or amenities and i worry that people can start start moving out of the because what we have. >> well, that was sara stinson reporting spokesperson for walgreens says all pharmacy files are being transferred to that location on the kahmaree street. company also says they're offering free and reduced prescription delivery for the next 90 days. the group of neighbors, we got a chance to talk to so they haven't given up hope yet. they still plan to see of walgreens will maybe reconsider their choice to move into close altogether. >> all right. well, that's walgreens. now let's talk about macy's and the fact that it's going to be closing its iconic location there in san francisco, macy's announced yesterday they were going to be shutting down about 150 underperforming stores across the country by 2026. 50 of those stores will shutter their doors by the end of this year union square. that location will be open for the
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rest of the year. but we understand it will close by 2026. macy's says that should give them enough time to find a buyer for that property. we spoke to mayor london breed during the kron. 4 news at 3. we invited her here into our studios and she emphasized that macy's decision to close their union square location was not because of any concerns about crime. >> when i talked to the folks from macy's that was not mentioned in its factors to close because it was about its entire portfolio. it's about the profitability of the changes in retail and how people are shopping, how their online businesses is definitely doing very well. and they had to make some really hard decisions. and and the real estate that this macy's is setting in is extremely valuable. >> well, mayor breed added that the next step will be to find a use for that space that it's profitable and that it continues to attract people to union square. we had a chance to speak with some shoppers out in the streets in front of
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macy's. some of them hearing about this news for the first time. and they were shocked. >> really sad about that sad about. union square mean this is the heart of the city in. >> you know, it's one more blow to the locals and the way the world is starting to see is >> and so you'll still be able to enjoy the macy's christmas tree lighting in the puppies in the cats that could put out the windows during the holidays. at least for this year. what happens after that? it's still up in the air. >> well, so was this. the supervisors are now apologizing to african-americans and their descendants. that what they call races. laws, policies by city. all 11 members of the board sponsored a declaration. san francisco now joins boston has 2 major u.s. cities to issue an apology. so far there's been no movement on any of the committee's monetary proposals that includes a lump sum cash payment to residents or a
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guaranteed income. well, that would police arrested a man they think might have been involved in up to 8 burglaries. police received a call around 02:00am monday morning from a home near bartlett, court and mangala way bought a car burglary. they say the burglar was gone when they arrived, they found that car and they found blood at the scene. police also found man nearby had cuts on his hand property for recent car burglaries. police say an tony is a more is responsible for 4 burglaries. they think even more he was taken to the martinez detention facility. >> in the south bay, new data from the silicon valley group aiming to end homelessness shows that santa clara county is housing more homeless people than ever before. but at the same time, the unhoused population is also growing. destination home says nearly 4500 unhoused people were housed in 2023. but the rate of homeless people in that county also jumped by 24%
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representative from destination home says the cost of rent is a big factors. why?
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>> all right. we're back 9.15, that i'm looking at the weather on this last really sunny, dry day of the week. the s on thank you. maybe go seager course 5 alone today option. i don't know. do something outdoors because tomorrow's another indoor movie theater gym date. i know they've got a lot we are looking at a great day today for sure. venturing outside, at least for the lunch break. i know we've got to work today.
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>> but get out there for a little bit and enjoy it. golden gate bridge looking absolutely clear. nice and beautiful out there along the coastline. skies clear and dry from the sierra to the bay. now the sea air is going to really be the biggest impacted area from this next system. it works its way in from the gulf of alaska. you can see this huge dip in the jet stream associated with this low pressure area that dies deep into the west coast allowing us that big cool down along with some heavy, heavy snowfall for the sierra. bay area are rainfall itself not to be forgotten. we've got our own showers headed our way starting tomorrow morning. some light rain moves into the bay area. heavier rain moves in during tomorrow afternoon. now all this is going to add up to likely several inches tomorrow alone. it will be a quarter to three-quarters of an inch after that will out of more into friday and saturday, multiple inches by this point oakland and hayward even more of that into next week. as far as snow in the sierra is concerned, it's going to be feet up on the feet of it.
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i-80 at donner summit looking at 5 to 10 feet of snow possible. this is going to likely grind any sort of travel to a halt up there with the potential of closures on i-80 and highway 50 snow level falling as low that we could see several inches in the mountains of the north bay as well. and even a dusting in the diablo is as well as mission peak. now we are going to be seeing a rare blizzard warning in effect starting tomorrow through saturday in the sierra nevada snow level on saturday morning as low as 1500 to 2000 feet. expect closures and just overall dangerous driving conditions. as i mentioned thursday, friday, saturday. these are 3 days to watch out for the need to get back from the sierra today. is your day to do so. and if you're going to stay up there, just make sure you have extra food with and some supplies in the case. you get snowed in. today's daytime highs are going to be comfortable. you never do. such a big system was on its way. san jose at 68 degrees. oakland at 63 today. tomorrow starts are trying to 50's and by saturday will barely even make the low 50's right i
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don't think that hitting the roads today. no rain to slow you down. and that's tomorrow. >> 50 min iran traveling into the city on the bay bridge, san mateo bridge around 20 minutes. a richmond center fell bridge just short of 14 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 30 minute ride. >> time now to talk winners and losers on wall street financial expert rob black. joining us on a day robber. i see the markets are. well, we're all in the negative. i guess everybody sort of just waiting right? >> yeah, there's a big inflation read tomorrow. the federal reserve likes to call the pce. so it's basically the prices we pay the wages we make and how much we're spending. it's not quite like cpi, consumer price inflation or ppi, the producer price inflation, more real world. that's tomorrow morning. we'll find that out. >> so i just want to giving bob marley by right now. it's don't worry. yeah, nothing. we're close to. 52 week highs
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in the nasdaq and the s and p 500 and the dow jones industrial average. this is normal behavior. we're waiting for the fed cut interest rates. it's probably not going to happen immediately. job market so great. that's not bad news. that's good news. but a lot of people want the easy money, so to speak in the lower rates of note, there's weakness mega-cap stocks day. they've had a great 15 months grind. we're still near all-time highs. couples like beyond meat they can in a short speech today that a really nice quarter internationally. that's what united states but internationally, that sets up a whopping 40% today. james. so again, i'm not telling like, don't be smart with your portfolio. but don't worry that from what we're seeing right now, this looks pretty normal to okay. good enough. >> what doesn't look normal to me is our second story now. there's been a little controversy over the last 10 minutes or so with this story we're talking about. wendy's. we brought it up last week and how they were. proposing that perhaps will start experimenting with what everybody was calling surge
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pricing 24 hours ago, sort of adjusting the price, depending on the busyness of the restaurants in the time of day with the lunch rush, nothing else. guess wendy's has come out to >> we're not doing surge pricing. nobody ever said. search pricing. >> 52% of americans don't like the idea of surge pricing with like they think it challenging. i get it. so wendy's is trying to not backtrack a little bit but clear things up today at 3 o'clock. i want to go have beer and some potato skins. i can get basically the early bird or the happy hour at a restaurant we're used to that weto cover. you've got to
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social media handles there and he's email to rob at rob black
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dot com. thanks, rob. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> well, in the east bay, san ramon, police of morning elderly residents about a scam telling you want a grand prize. scammers pretending to be from the publisher's clearing house with a sweepstakes prize to him. now, then tell the victim that in order to the money, you got to pay the taxes on the prize with a cashier's check. police say no legitimate business will ever ask you for money over the phone and that you should never provide bank account information to a stranger or give them remote access to your personal computer. all right. well,
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community leaders in oakland are calling on loud. i want and thrive. >> if you can't do that, then it's time to play ball with the community and join us at the negotiating table. welcome you to the leaders in oakland are calling on alameda county supervisors to pressure a's owner john fisher to allow the oakland coliseum to use for things besides is baseball. recently blocked an effort by the upstart oakland bees to play the coliseum. move that the group says robs a community of a financial benefit, even though these expressed interest in leaving oakland, the team is at talks with the city and alameda county about extending their stay at the coliseum. i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped.
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you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. next generation veteran fund and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and with all the varieties... organic...
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reduced sodium... and now the culinary collection... ... it's like the deliciousness never ends! make everything better with better than bouillon!
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>> all right. we are back 9.30, the time with a live look behind us here along the embarcadero, blue skies, sunshine. yeah. a lot of sunshine. i'm hoping that we can keep a little bit of it in a little keeping. players are will jar ended last for the next friday's this weekend? missing this. yeah, it's could be the lights were turned on. insight said fortunately cause it is going to be a definitely a stormy next few days, thursday through saturday. >> heavy mountain snowfall and eliminate their fee based on
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their business being improperly classified or having it litter reduction program. the statement goes on to say that in this case stay gold. ellie filed an appeal for the 2023 charges and their businesses fee was reduced by 90% leaving their feet. just $91 this year. >> well, the man was charged with murdering his girlfriend by strangling or on a beach made his first court appearance. samuel stone decline in tripoli yesterday. police believe he murdered his girlfriend at seabright state beach on friday after finding him right next to her body. court documents also state called line one want to confess to the murder. police say she died at the hospital after being strangled at the beach. we know she was a student uc santa cruz and that's tony used to be a student there as well. so denied bail and is expected to return to court in march for arraignment. the victim's name was not released and 3 honduran nationals. they were extradited to the u.s. accused of fentanyl trafficking. the
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u.s. attorney's office says the 3 men face separate federal felony charges for their involvement in conspiracies to sell drugs in san francisco's tenderloin district. well, the u.s. drug enforcement administration sending a pretty clear message to anybody thinking of committing similar crimes. >> these extraditions, she sent a clear message to those who peddle poison is san francisco. if you traffic deadly drugs that harm the safety and health of our community. if you flee from justice, if you think you can hide, you are wrong. dea will be relentless in our pursuit to hold you accountable. >> well, the extraditions, a part of san francisco's joint law enforcement initiative to address drug dealing. >> our actions today are a warning to all bad actors who are seeking to take advantage of the public trust. we will find out about steets. we will cut off your funding and we will hold you accountable.
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>> san francisco city attorney david chiu there blocking a non profit from getting city money after he says an investigation uncovered that that nonprofit the front of the city of more than $100,000. so that nonprofit called j and j community resource center existed on paper, at least to provide services for youth and low-income families. but chew says its founders were lying about all that. they did. in fact, they submitted they say false invoices, reimbursement for things like alcohol cigars, motorcycle renyals. also in the news on the peninsula, the county of san mateo demands at att now provide documents and testify in person about why they're thinking about ending landline service in that area, cutting off landline access could affect 9-1-1, and other key emergency services that rely on phones. supervisor ray mueller says too many people in his district live in areas that either have poor cell service or no cell service at all, tnt, for its part, has agreed to send a representative to the board of
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supervisors meeting in their next meeting. that is to answer any questions. the board members may have. >> in the east bay, the mayor of berkeley says he's really concerned about the city and the east bay as a whole becoming a hospital desert alta. bates summit medical center scheduled to close by 2030, kron four's amanda hari spoke with the mayor about his attempt to ensure berkeley in the surrounding area has a emergency medical care. >> ulta bates is berkeley's only full-service hospital. it also supports people albany and elsa rita. the mayor of berkeley says leaders need to take action now prevent health care crisis in the future. berkeley mayor jesse arreguin announcing a new partnership to address the impacts of alta bates summit. medical center's scheduled closure. >> summit health has announced the hospital will close by 2030. i'm deeply worried that when someone has a health emergency, it will take too long for them to get to.
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>> and emergency like much city council voted to set aside funding to study the ramifications, the closure and how they can secure health care access in the future. he says they're also working with leaders in richmond else. we do albany and alameda and contra costa county. it's this isn't a berkeley issued. it is a regional >> problem. they're also in communication with some help and are considering all options to keep the hospital open. the city of berkeley is willing to. >> pass. bonds are taxes were willing to look at permitting. we're willing we're going to do anything in 2015 doctors medical center in san pablo closed. >> causing a surge of patients at alta. bates. he's worried the same thing will happen in oakland. it's all to bait. shuts down summit. >> hospital downtown oakland. that's where where intend to serve all the people that currently got all the dates that just is not going to work. it's also going overload. some the mayor says he wants to make sure the east
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bay is prepared for what may happen next as at the end of the day want to control our own destiny. >> and so whether that's bringing another health care provider, whether that's forming a hospital district, we cannot let these baby com hospital. that's the mayor says. he's still hopeful they can continue to work with some health to find a solution. >> in berkeley amanda hari kron, 4 news. >> are let's turn to some good news now. fremont san jose and san francisco. they've all been listed as the happiest cities in the country, least according to a new wallet, help study that compared more than 180 of the country's largest cities, they factored in a number of things like depression rates and income growth rates and average free time that people have each day. fremont came in number one overall. and number one for emotional and physical well-being. san jose, right number 3 overall and came in second for emotional and physical well-being and san
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francisco that ranked 7th overall it came in 3rd for emotional and physical well-being. so living in the bay area put a smile on your face. you're really, really doesn't. san jose isn't just one of the happiest cities. >> another survey is ranked as one of the best top places to live in the u.s.. yeah. when you look at quality of life, pretty impressive. kron four's will tran live for us in san jose with more on this story. hey,now some of the factors that they looked into was crime rates relatively low up until about 2007 san jose was officially called the safest little city are safest. big city, i should say in the
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country. crime rates still very good compared to other populations of the same size. they also looked at quality of education, access to health care, not to mention, get this average
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>> we are back 9.44. is the tide live. look here at the sierra this morning where the roads are dry for now. but that's gohng to change pretty quick. they're looking at upwards of 8 feet. plus in some parts of this year this weekend as a whole lot of snow, that could be a huge boost to the snow pack in a lot of the ski resorts. >> was robbed has has a little more on that. >> the biggest snowstorm of the year is on its way to tahoe lead scientists at the central sierra snow lab. andrew schwartz is expecting a range of 7 to 9 feet. many, many people are going to be very. there's going to be a
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lot of shoveling out to do and quite a bit of snow from the previous couple of days. short expects travel to be nearly impossible by thursday morning snow on the roads, but also the mountains and the lead scientist says that will benefit the state's water resources. the storm is expected to take us somewhere between 110 and 100 and 25% of average for this time of year. and it will give us much, much closer to reaching average on the season. overall, towns in the region are already preparing. david palive. he is the mayor for the town of truckee. we just want everybody to be safe. you. the warnings to levy also owns the retail stores, tahoe mountain sports and tahoe mountain life. the timing of the first blizzard warning of the year is not ideal for business going into what would normally be a busy weekend in my business. we rent skis. we rent equipment, things like that. we've already had some people moving around the reservations for the weekend. so that's not going to happen. nearly impossible. travel conditions and a decline in business during the worst of the storm. but tahoe relies on snow in the winter and many are looking forward to seeing
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the benefits news of an incoming storm for us up here in the mountains is great. that's what we live for. that's why we live here in a blizzard warning is not just about snow. short says this also takes into account. >> things like high wind speeds and limited visibility. rob nesbitt kron, 4 news. >> all right. well, we're getting ready for the snow or brace yourselves. be if you're up there. i guess, john, to hunker down and wait till spring it's going to be a lot of pop tarts. whatever you have in the over the next maybe few days because we are going to be looking at some weather that will snow. a lot of people end up there. multiple feet of snowfall and those clouds are just going to be doing their best to keep up with it. half dome in yosemite national park looking glorious this morning. you can see all that new snow. i'm fully expecting by early next week. you probably will be able to see this view anymore. so happens when you get these major storms up there. you can see the next 3 days in the sierra thursday, friday and saturday will bring with it.
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temperatures falling and the heavy snow falling as well. now this is going to pile up in feet for the sierra donner summit. the highest point on i-80 receiving 5 to 9 feet of snowfall expected. that is going to be really hard for those clouds to keep up with. so expect likely closures on 80 as well as highway 50. if you're staying in the sierra prepared to be snowed in and if you want to get out of the sierra today is your chance to do so. we do have a blizzard warning taking effect tomorrow up in the sierra nevada through saturday. snow level on saturday morning in particular drops to 1500 feet in elevation or as low as 2000 feet wide spread. this means no down into the foothills and even some snow in some of our bay area mountain peaks. just expect those closures anticipate not to be doing much moving in the sierra starting tomorrow. bay area, quiet, nice clear today. tomorrow we get our own dose of weather in all of this has to do with this low pressure and this deep dive of the jet stream dragging in some cool arctic air on across the region. this is going to
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really keep us cooler and cooler as the days go by. this is why saturday morning actually has are low elevation. snow fall. today is nice and warm and sunny tonight. some clouds in tomorrow morning. showers start on the lighter side of things but really pick up as we move on into tomorrow afternoon. staying with us on into saturday. as for rainfall tomorrow, anywhere between a quarter to three-quarters of an inch will have more on top of that friday and saturday, multiple inches for the bay likely even more into next week, too. today's daytime highs really warm. you'd never know. huge storm is on its way. 68 degrees for san jose today. hayward, redwood city at 64 livermore, antioch in concord at 66 tomorrow starts or trend of 50's which isn't going anywhere. fact only getting cooler by saturday will barely make the low 50's for daytime highs. great. all right, john, thank you for look at your morning commute. >> they bridge right now just under 16 minutes heading into the city this morning, san mateo bridge around 70 minutes, dairy 80 to 101.
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there were 11 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 22 minutes. >> 9.49 is the time for your local election headquarters and we are now ss tn
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local election headquarters. we will bring you live election coverage tuesday march 5th. >> results coming in will break them down for you. keep a tally of them during our special show there, which begins at 08:00pm. so make sure you tune in. >> 9.52 is the time coming up in the next hour kron. 4 morning news. a major announcement from senate majority leader, i should say republican majority leader mitch mcconnell will have details on that coming u
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>> one of the biggest attractions at yosemite national park return to the park again. take a look at this video. this is visitor capture. the firefall phenomenon. so the fire light. lot of all happens when the sun hits horsetail fall at just the right angle. they get the water, piers, if it's on fire, the illusion occurs in mid to late february about 5 to 15 minutes right before sunset. so this year's peak was about a week ago. so, hey, if you missed guess what? there's always next year. you can go and check that out when you get a chance to do so. this fall is on fire. i love all right. coming up in the next hour. >> the kron 4 morning news. oakland residents will soon
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hear from the for people looking to be the city's. >> next police chief, we're going introduce you to them in a live report. and what will happen to the coliseum after the a's leave. we'll tell you what a community group wants. the alameda county board of supervisors to do. plus, people living in downtown san francisco are concerned about their ability to access pharmacies after a walgreens announces it's closing. tell you what might particularly seniors.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. >> from the bay local news station, you're watching you
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on morning team. >> good morning. 10:00am here on the kron. 4 morning news and happening this hour, we've got oakland residents. they're going be able to hear from the candidates hoping to become the city's next police chief will take a closer look at that. also, the oakland a's as we know, been blocking other teams from using the coliseum. and now residents are pressuring local leaders to stand up to the team. explore that. plus san jose ranking among the best places to live in the u.s. when it comes to quof


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