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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  February 28, 2024 6:30pm-6:51pm PST

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issue for his employees and customers. a break in a bank one year. the outside. >> windows car windows. >> that somebody patrons say more cops on the streets could help reduce and solve crimes. i just got window broken out and my truck yesterday. >> down the street and safe like you might want to replace. that's this is called sports walk with police since he says crime started to steadily rise 2 years last year, a resolution he authored passed in the council addressing public safety. he says the city is currently implementing the actions, including hiring and retaining more dispatchers to improve response times and adding tech cameras at busy make sure that we have walking beat officers as we've have time to time. let's make let's make that a permanent plan. >> and really how we supplement that with
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ambassadors. as for the list of potential candidates for the town's next top cop released by the oakland police commission. having a look at the westin hopes as the next chief does not have to be local. they support that. the police chief who we end up hiring who the mayor is accusing is somebody who work in a city that is similar to our size or at least has and kr
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has confirmed with the union square alliance that the christmas tree lighting ceremony in union square. we'll be taking place this no word yet on the plans for celebrations beyond 2024. well, the time now we get a live look right now at the truckee bypass lot of cars. >> up there, i guess it's did
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a good time play in the snow. but you want to the up there before things get really crazy, right? yeah, i think i think really dangerous conditions. and this year, i mean, if you get caught up in a blizzard out there, you get stuck on the side of the road. we've got so much snow coming down. >> they may not out for days. i mean, that could really dangerous up there. so that's what we're looking at right now. kind of quiet conditions. i mean, beautiful in the high country. look at the up toward half a half dome up right now. we've got some snow, of covering the mountain tops. there's a lot more to come. >> we could see upwards of 10 feet of snow across higher peaks may even more than that. right now, the tahoe area, the roadways are open and clear both 15, 80 looking good. couple high clouds begin to move in overhead. but a major winter storm is now approaching the sierra nevada dangerous blizzard conditions. that means you can see those visibility drop down less than a quarter of a mile. maybe even less than that at times with some strong gusty winds. maybe some of those winds gusting over the top of the crest there. 80 to 100 plus miles per hour. that snow level going to very, very low to starting out between 2004
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1000 feet. i think as we get into late saturday and sunday, that's down all the way to about 1000 people were talking, maybe a 2 to 5 feet of snow at lake level high parts of the mountain tops above 7,000. people are going to see maybe 10 plus inches or 10 plus feet of snow. i should say a white out conditions i think are likely in these kind of scenarios. and so blizzard warnings, see all orange all the way in the foothills, even the sierra, nevada, all the way of greater lake tahoe down the mammoth lakes area. very dangerous conditions there. that snow will be piling up even in the bay area. the models start to pick up on some snow moving in the north bay as we head in towards saturday as that cold air really begins to mix in, going to be a ton of snow in the sierra nevada over the next 5 to 7 days. police asking for your help in finding the person they say was started a fire inside a target over the weekend. >> forcing it to shut down temporarily. police say they believe the suspect lit the fire in the paper towel while
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take a good look at your screen there. police put out picture of who they are looking for right now. the store will stay closed until this weekend. the damage is estimated around 3 million dollars. anyone with information is being asked to call police. in the south bay. san jose officials are asking people to help them select the city's next police chief feedback can be submitted through a survey. >> and a number of virtual and in-person meetings taking place next month. the current chief anthony mata has served the department for 28 years. he is stepping down this month, going to take a new position across the street as the investigations bureau chief for the santa clara county district attorneys office. now to developing news in washington where republican senator mitch mcconnell, he's planning to step down from his party leadership role. mcconnell will leave the post in november is the longest-serving party leader in senate history. having been elected to lead the republican
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conference 9 times now, mcconnell was first elected to the senate in 1984. and has crafted a long and at times contentious legacy in office. here's what he had to say about his departure. >> believe more strongly than ever that america's global leadership is essential. preserving the shining city on a hill. but ronald reagan distraught. as long as breath on this earth, i will defend american exceptionalism to serve kentucky and the should move my life. leave my republican colleagues for the shutdown. the privilege. >> while mcconnell is stepping down as minority leader, he is not leaving the senate totally. he's indicated he plans to finish out his current term, which wraps up in january 2027. there is a lot of reaction to what some say will be mcconnell size
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hole in senate leadership. kron four's catherine heenan is live in the newsroom tonight with reaction from a couple of our political analysts, catherine. yeah, it is a big news grant but not considered surprising. >> mitch mcconnell did turn 82 last week. he has had some health problems equally significant, though, the traditional reagan style republican has found himself more and more out of step with the more isolationist and pro-trump wing of his own party. we asked a couple of our analysts to share their reactions to mcconnell's decision. >> pc 2, not the best and houses falling best for him, but republicans next year is going to be off to the races trump's the president. keep in mind that he's a lame duck president, probably only one year to really put through its agenda 2 in the house and the senate. so they need a very active young and ready said leader to help with that.
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process also, the republican party really has moved farther away from him. he was first elected in morning in america. that was 1984, in ronald ents
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are of middle eastern or north african ancestry. and a reminder kron 4 has you covered for the election? join us next tuesday. election day is march 5th. we will have live election results from around the bay area up and down the state and around the country. hope you are with us. when coverage begins at 8 o'clock that night. >> next in sports. but ahead of the hilltop as the usf dons prepare for their thursday matchup with gonzaga sports director jason dumas has reaction from the team coming up.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> we're in the last week of the regular season in college basketball. now is the time when teams are buckling down and prepping for a postseason run. and right in our backyard, the san francisco dons doing just that. they are on the outside looking in on most ncaa tournament field predictions. but they still have an opportunity for several probably wins that can get them in the big dance. one being tomorrow against gonzaga at chase entered the dons are led by jonathan mogbo and marcus williams and have them in 3rd place in the wcc
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standings with a win against the bulldogs will go a long way the 2 upperclassman know that they have to set the tone. >> you you know, make my guys are on the just. and with the florida coaches we you know, just can't one guy's doing now. you know, are on come together. i feel like, you know, more we come together, the good in the long run. >> erin wilson will have live coverage from chase center for that match up tomorrow. now, mesa, arizona, the giants in a faced off for the first time this spring, a starter paul blackburn. look good and his cactus league debut. 2 endings gave up a hit and had 3 strikeouts. now the a's offense got off to a quick start. that was spencer howard ryan, noda, who was 2 for 3 today connected for his first spring home run in the first that put them up one to nothing. then zack gelof showed off his power going the other way to right. grab the
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early lead and never let it go. oakland wind 7 to 4 a manager mark kotsay talked about the importance of having the veteran blackburn in the a's rotation this year. >> your poll should feel real good about where he's at from an experience standpoint and where he fits in this rotation what it can provide this club when healthy we've seen it was an all-star 2 years ago. you know, value he brings. i'm not only from just ability to manage a game and pitch. continue to ship 4 as well from the guys had last so all those different guy. >> yesterday we saw the dodger shohei ohtani today. it was, you know, motos turn to show off what he can do and yamamoto went 2 innings gave up only a hit. had 2 strikeouts, including one on
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all-star series, marcus in bay area. cat. he threw 16 in 19 pitches for strikes with a lot of swings and misses showing why he was one japan's premier pitchers and one of the top free agents on the market this year. so lot of baseball going on spring training right now. we have the warriors, the chilling in new york right now. they've laid in the mix tomorrow. i really he said he's going to go to central park and play some chess. if you remember a couple years ago, he did that interview with a local news station in new york. they didn't know that it he was talking about scaffolding use like a you know, i don't like walking under those. so. >> clay's a character is it's been fun covering him, it seems to really embrace the coming off the bench role yet for sure. i mean, you know, it's you just got to change with your surroundings and what's happening. and if you don't adapt usually it's not good. so you got to just learn to adapt in every facet of
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life, but definitely in a team sport where people are counting on you to play a role. the contract year trying pay one more time. probably i think he will. i think you'll end up being a warrior. i just. both sides want the same thing. usually when that happens, someone comes to some sort of agreement. let's hope so. yeah, for sure. don't want to see clay goin somewhere else and just that for a nostalgia purposes for thanks. today >> mateo county is demanding that atn tv provide documents and testify in person about a proposal to end landline service. they're cutting off landline access could affect 9-1-1. another key emergency emergency, you know, services that rely on phone supervisor ray mueller says too many
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>> madonna is back in chase tonight. as part of our celebration tour, she was originally set to perform in january but had to reschedule the second of her 2 shows starts tonight at 8.30. san francisco burmese restaurant. mandalay is one of 6 restaurants to receive the famed a james beard foundation's twenty-twenty for america's classic award. according to the foundation
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website, the prestigious award is given every year to locally owned restaurants that serve quality food timeless appeal and reflect the character of their communities. mandalay, which has been open ever since 1984, cents the corner of a california street and 6th avenue in the richmond district the restaurant joins more than 100 restaurants nationwide that received the award. love burmese from a san jose and san francisco are among the happiest cities in the country. that's according to a new wallet hub study comparing more than 180 of the biggest cities in the u.s.. the rankings were determined by looking at things like depression rates, income growth rates and average free time people have in a given day freeman ranked number one overall. and number one for emotional and physical well-being. >> san jose ranks number 3 overall came in second for emotional and physical well-being. and san francisco
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was number 7 overall and 3rd for emotional and physical well-being. take a look at the mirage. it's a corpse flower and it is blooming. this is a live shot. >> it's from our bloom cam at the california academy of sciences sharing the live process online. the flowers started opening up yesterday afternoon. these plants can reach up to 10 feet tall. they have the smell described as rotten fish, garlic and decaying meat. is like all combined on those 3 things to its take calls stink corks are blue for very long. so this may be your only chance to see mirage in her full glory. i don't know. i can't really tell. but it looks like the this the statement, pistols to about this, but is turning to wilt. looks like it's already starting to build up. looks kind of tired. well, they they don't last so get your fill. get out there and you can
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smell the stake while you can. >> that wraps front for news at 6. thanks for being with us. we'll see you back here tonight for kron. 4 news at 10 11. >> night. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton
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in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: swamp girl. the little girl rescued from a gator-infested swamp. >> let'setou


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