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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  February 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:45pm PST

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>> we want to live in a city that is walk and bike friendly. and i think we actually need that for our future. >> now, 10 people in the east bay are demanding change after drivers keep hitting people in the streets. the 5 year-old deadly shooting case in san jose is reopened again by investigators. the evidence they're revealing tonight. so
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much for spring-like weather with temperatures in the 60's and 70's. the polar express. >> now, hours away forecast coming up next. >> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> thank you for joining us tonight on kron. 4 news at 10. i'm grant lotus and i'm vicki liviakis. so let's go ahead and take a live look right now at downtown san francisco. things are quiet for the moment. it has been lovely outside the past several days. but all good things must come to an end. lawrence is with us now. >> well, it's the storm looks pretty yeah. it's going to be a large storm. it's going to be a long period storm to a boy in the sierra nevada. >> we're talking about tremendous amounts of snow, maybe even some snow in our peaks to out the door. now you've seen some changes begin. clouds are starting to move into the bay area and now the rain has not started yet, but it is not that far away. doppler radar showing you a couple raindrops, far northern california beginning to sneak
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into the state. the clouds already beginning to move in now, though, and it won't be long and that front's going to come diving to the bay area. and so those temperatures that felt very spring like the past few days, they're going to be long gone. we've got some very cold arctic air that is coming in right out the gulf of alaska that is going to dive straight in the bay area beginning tomorrow. and that is going to touch off the rain, the cold showers and even some gusty winds to go along with that timing out overnight tonight. maybe a couple of pop-up showers early tomorrow morning for you come you watch out for that. but the main cold front not coming through until about the middle of the day. you can see right there in the yellow, some of the orange that rolling through the bay area. this kind of opens up not to be a large storm, but you'll notice the big drop in temperatures. maybe 10, maybe 15 degrees cooler and getting colder as we head toward the weekend. more on that in a few minutes. >> all right, larry, it's an intersection in berkeley has become a problem spot after yet another person has been hit by a driver. police shut down the area of 7th street and hines avenue today after a
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person was hit while crossing the street. this latest incident comes just weeks after a father and his toddler were hit in the intersection while biking to school kron four's. dan thorn reports from berkeley. >> the smashed in windshield of this blue mini cooper is evidence of another accident at a berkeley intersection. police had to close off 7 street and hines avenue wednesday afternoon after another person was hit while crossing the street. really goes out to the pedestrian because i saw. >> just a little photo of the car and the shattered window shield. berkeley resident adam moss is all too familiar with the dangers of this intersection on the morning of february. 12th mohsen, his 3 year-old son recycling to a nearby school when they were hit by a driver. the child was not hurt, but moss suffered a bad kne% injury and it was a terrifying experience. we feel so incredibly grateful well that we were in work off because we're well aware that it could have moss says
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there's a lot of movement in this industrial area of southwest berkeley. aside from the nearby businesses and schools, the intersection is popular for cyclists dog walkers, runners and families. moss's wife is involved with traffic safety group walk bike berkeley. the organization says they're extremely upset about another person being injured by a driver. moss says infrastructure such as curb extensions or bollards need to be put in place. i hope cities can do more to put in more infrastructure to keep people safe because >> i want to live in a city that is walk and bike friendly. and i think we actually need that for our future. we're still working to gather more information about thursday's crash. >> police have not officially released what happened or the conditions of the person who was hit in berkeley. dan thorn kron, 4 news. >> i like armstrong back because he grew up in oakland. it doesn't matter long as you get the job done.
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>> open residents talking to kron 4 today about who should be that city's next top cop. yesterday the police commission revealed the top candidates for police chief of oakland. tomorrow. they're holding an open forum where people can hear from the candidates. it will be from 06:30pm, until 09:00pm at oakland city hall. coming up at 10, 30 oakland's mayor sheng thao says she will not participate in the form why she believes holding one of the first places problematic. san jose also need to police chief and city leaders. they're planning to hold a virtual and in-person meetings next month where >> residents can they think the new chief should be the current chief anthony mata is retiring next month after spending nearly 30 years with the department, he's accepted a new position as the investigations bureau chief for the santa clara county district attorneys office. so just go next door across the street, san jose police f
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arrested a man. meanwhile in connection to an attempted homicide from nearly 6 years ago. they say miguel, the guara perez shot 3 men outside the la victoria to korea back in august of 2018 kron four's amanda hari joins us live in the newsroom with details and some surveillance video of that shooting. amanda. >> more than 5 years after the shooting happened, san jose police say they reopened the case after developing new leads and that lead led them to identify the primary suspect. >> surveillance video outside the law. victoria talk korea on almaden expressway back in august of 2018 shows the moment a triple shooting went down. it was around 10, 15 at night and lots of people were still around to video shows just how gruesome this act was. i'm committing violent crime in a public area where multiple bystanders are located, including small
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children. and so you really see that in the surveillance video, san jose police, public information officer tanya hernandez says the 3 victims and 2 male suspects. >> we're inside of the restaurant when they got into an argument. >> and that argument turned violent when all 5 people stepped outside. that was when the primary suspect produced a handgun and shot each of the victims, at least once in november of 2023. police identified 26 year-old miguel vergara perez as the primary suspect and reopen the case arresting vergara present december. alright, homicide unit detectives >> really exhausted. all leads in these cases and do not rest until they bring justice to our victims and the victims. families. >> police are still looking for another suspect in the case. anyone with information is asked to contact san jose police reporting in the news
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room. amanda hari kron, 4 news. thank tomorrow the man charged in the mass shooting at 2 farms in half. moon bay is expected in court. chen li zhao was supposed to enter pleas to grand jury indictments last month, but that didn't happen after the defense. as for more time last year, dow pled not guilty to all charges. prosecutors say that they hope the trial will happen this year, but admit it could be delayed until 2025. >> we ask god's healing time. family and friends. all of us come together to pray today. >> community members in san mateo county came together in prayer today honoring a family that was killed earlier this month. a father mother and their 4 year-old twin boys were found dead in their home during a welfare check. investigators say they believe the father shot his wife multiple times before shooting himself in a bathroom.
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>> i think about a crime such as speaks, mental illness. can crime such as this was someone mentally even all appearances were >> prayers were shared outside the family home where officers found the bodies. the cause of death for the twins remains under investigation as they had no signs of obvious physical trauma. police say there was no history of violence at the home and they're working to try to find a motive. an advocacy group has filed a federal complaint against the berkeley unified school district for anti-semitic bullying. according to the complaint, school administrators have ignored parents reports allowing their schools to become hostile environments for jewish and israeli students. it accuses the board of education of not
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disciplining teachers and students who have engaged in harassment and instead they said they've moved bullied students to different classrooms, staff and students at west lake middle school in oakland. they walked out of class today accusing the school district of censorship. >> over the ongoing war in gaza, the group claims over the weekend the district attempted to stop in organizing a meeting of more than 20 union members too discuss the ongoing war. the union says the night before the event the district canceled the meeting due to staffing shortages. union members called the move politically motivated. >> we will not be silenced. we will not be intimidated. history is not rally and with palestine, we can also not be >> at uc berkeley, meantime, school leaders are speaking out against the protests that happened on campus monday night around 200 protesters, a rally to stop a speech. baez
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and attorney and former member of the israeli defense force. they say during the protest to jewish students were assaulted and protesters broke down doors to the theater where the speaker was set to talk to students. the audience and speaker were evacuated. the event was moved to a more secure location. state attorney general rob bonta is reacting to the incident at cal on social media. he wrote on acts on california college campuses. there is a right to assemble a right to free speech, right to safety in a right to peaceful discourse, free of violence and acts of hate. hate against one community is hate against us. all we must do better. san francisco's glide choir celebrated black history month tonight at city hall. the >> closing ceremony honored
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many of the cities black, trailblazers and kron four's honoring black history. make sure to tune into our special airing tomorrow night at 6.30. our own noelle bellow will be the host. don't miss that. >> still ahead, 3 million dollars in damage who police believe set this below target on fire. what a new report is revealing about why panera bread won't fall under california's new minimum wage law. the deal this report is accusing governor newsom of making plus. he was one in a billion and all of us loved and revered him. comedians mourning the loss of richard lewis. we're going to take a look at how lewis inspired comedy clubs here in t
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>> tributes are pouring in tonight for richard lewis. the comedian and actor died at his la home last night at the age of 76 sense of humor, legendary and brought laughter to people across the country for decades. but after the people here in the bay area, kron 4 sarah stinson joins us live at a comedy club in san jose. after speaking with people in the comedy community, sarah, he'll be missed. >> yeah, richard lewis was absolutely adored by the bay area comedy community. i spoke with the comedian who last saw lewis here at san jose improv. he says his unique comedic delivery was one of a kind. >> picture of richard lewis with fellow comedian bet midler still hangs in the green room at san jose improv
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the south bay venue. one of many comedy clubs across the country for the new york native performed over several decades before passing away at the age of 76 bay area. comedian say they'll forever missed the magic he created on stage. >> stay of his passing. i just got sad. it was one in a million and all of us loved and revered him. and yes, that's another big loss for us in comedy this year. curtis matthews owns the san francisco ca many college. he started his comedy career in los angeles around the time lewis was becoming famous in the 80's. the 2 ran into each other a few times. and matthew says many looked up to him as a comedian. >> so all of us were like, oh, my god, if i could just have like a quarter of kind of talent. >> i would be happy. matthew says he's grateful he was able to see lewis performance. san jose improv a couple years back. one of his last appearances he was cleaning up his life and getting stuff together. stopped drink and he looked great. lewis is known
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for exploring his neuroses in his stand-up comedy while dressed in all black, but well written jokes. but just the whole character that he didn't nobody else could do. which i mean, the whole hair think i've been to and yet my mom still calls me and i'm not happy about it. the whole just the subtleties. he would get laughs with. >> he was just one of those was able to give voice. >> 2. >> all of the things that our heads and energy is a stand-up comedian. she says she loved watching his appearances on late night tv shows over the years, especially the hbo show. curb your enthusiasm with larry david been great to kind of see that dynamic because you always between him and larry david, because they've been friends like forever after like pre and so it's just it's it's a nice way to go out.
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>> comedy central named lewis, one of the top 50 standup comedians of all time. and he'll certainly be missed at comedy clubs like this one. i'm sara stinson reporting live in san jose. back to all right. thank you, sara. yeah, really left its mark. >> and i think it was a well. it's it's too late. a the east bay is down applebee's. the antioch restaurant by highway 4 in hillcrest avenue. it served its last meal this sunday after being in business for more than 25 years. appleby says that the closure is part of broader business strategy and says employees will be given the opportunity to relocate to other restaurants in the region the next closest applebee's. in case you're interested is in peril. all right. take a live look at tahoe city talking about this big storm that is going to blanket the tahoe region, the high sierra with
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many feet of snow over the next few days. >> our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow has been tracking as we. bracing for what could be large. you're talking about a dangerous situation. yeah. i think that's a really dangerous storm. you can't go up there, flip-flops and t-shirts. this is a whole different whether that's going to happen. we're talking about extremely cold conditions. >> and snow. yeah. the likes that we haven't seen all year long in the high country. we're talking 5 feet, maybe at lake level at lake tahoe, maybe as much as 10, maybe even more than that across some of the higher peaks of the sierra nevada. and then you throw in the wind to go along with that. you get your blizzard conditions tonight. begin to see a couple high clouds moving in. so far the storm hasn't started, but it's going to kick in. so that's what we can expect. this to be a major, major winter storm. probably the biggest of the season so far dangerous blizzard conditions thursday through saturday. you can expect the snow level really dropping down to 2004 1000 feet or so. but i think even further than that, maybe down to 1000 feet as we head in
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toward saturday evening and into early on sunday. and then you've got to just excessive amounts of snow over 10 feet of snow across some of the higher peaks. whiteout conditions. you can always expect any delays up there. so up across the sierra nevada, you've got the orange out. their winter storm warnings all the way down the western slopes and so snow totals. they're really going to be adding up. in fact, we're going to see some of the make its way back in the bay area, too, across some of our picks. but then you start to see pinkish red here. that is 10 plus feet of snow likely to show up for the high country. guys, back to you. laurence. well, if they are less than a week away from the primary election. >> and as the candidates are running for a seat in the u.s. senate are out there campaigning. one, california pastor is under fire for preaching politics, telling church members to vote for the republican senate candidate steve garvey reporter kareen wynter has that story. >> a fiery political statement got to vote for steve garvey from the pulpit in front of a
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packed congregation. >> the pastor endorsing gop senate candidate steve garvey ahead of the march 5th election where garvey is a leading republican candidate. i just remember it's against the law for me to say that. >> and the pope that so. the public citizen. steve garvey is not only one of the greatest baseball players of all time. >> but we want steve garvey to represent us in the senate. it drew cheers from the congregation, but also controversy with critics blasting pastor jack hibbs for using the church as a platform to promote a political candidate. i had already voted for him before. >> pastor jack said that calvary chapel chino hills church member regina delgado was among hundreds in this mega church who heard the sermon that day. she defended pastor hips. it's no big deal. he doesn't. he's not telling us like, oh, you got to do this. you've got to. >> he's just he's just if, you know, pastor jack from his heart, which i've been at this church for over 30 years, started at the old church as
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humble as could good people that we had. so the church, she believes god want a candidate who is pro life before admitting he broke the law by making this political appeal in the pulpit. >> but then doubled down saying he has the right to make this endorsement as a citizen rather than from the church. the irs. >> should take strong action people like mister james who refuse to follow the law. attorney chris line from the organization, freedom from religion foundation. so the pastor broke the law by taking this type of political position in church and that calvary chapel. chino hills should lose its status as a tax exempt nonprofit. we sent a to that arrest about calvary chapel chino hills violating irs law with regard to elections >> it seems pretty clear mister hans wants to be involved in politics. you must be a political figure seems to be very important to him. he he does outside of the church line claims pastor heads
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across the political line in the past with republican candidate endorsements. she also reported to the irs. >> we made repeated attempts to contact the past year. we're told he's not commenting at this time. >> neither is the church nor their attorneys. that's the latest here chino hills. kareen wynter. >> coming up, what's next for the union square? cheesecake factory as well as the >> big christmas tree lighting ceremony after macy's announced it was leaving san francisco plus marijuana linked to heart issues. what a new medical study is saying about not only smoking weed but also edibles string couples vaping a big old suitcase stuffed with monster energy drinks white wasn't enough energy for a thief to get caught in the east bay. we'll
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> tonight police in valais are asking for your help in identifying the man who they say started this fire inside a target last saturday. officers believe the man on your screen coming up there. yeah. let the flames in the paper towel. i'll that fire forced evacuations and a store closure that's still in place until they say this saturday. the damage is estimated to cost around. as we mentioned earlier, 3 million dollars. >> police in berkeley say they caught a thief trying to get away with 2 suitcases filled with stolen merchandise. take a look. police say the suspect was carrying these 2 suitcases. one you see there full of monster energy trains, the other filled with tooth
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paste and detergent. they say this is near eye line and stewart streets, although police did not say what business the merchandise was stolen from, there is a walgreens nearby and some of the stolen items. >> where walgreens store brandt. >> a new report claims that panera bread is exempt from following california's new minimum wage law due to relationship with governor newsom starting april 1st, the new law will raise fast food workers, minimum wage to $20 per hour. but the new law does not recognize places that make their own bread for sale as fast food. why the line was drawn at bread remains unclear. but a bloomberg report found that the owner of over 20 panera locations has also been involved in donating to newsom's campaigns as much as $100,000 in 2021, the owner of the panera locations telling bloomberg that he had no role in crafting the bread exemption in the new fast food
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law. they need to stop it and they need to. >> sit down and talk. up next is the latest bump in the road. is oakland just can't seem to hire new police chief. why the mayor is now boycotting the next step in the process. >> by by land lines where in the bay area a tnt is planning to cut landline to why some day the move could actually be dangerous.
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you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down."
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and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> after more than a year, oakland still doesn't have a permanent police chief. and while the city may have a new list of candidates for that job. the acrimony between the
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mayor and the police commission this time. the big issue is whether to hold a candidate for the mayor now says she will not participate because the best candidates out there would agree to the fore. >> kron four's dan kerman reports. cincinnati police department lieutenant colonel lisa davis, new york assistant safety. louis molina. c u- >> former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen and retired lubbock, texas police chief floyd mitchell are all candidates for oakland police chief and now the oakland police commission has selected them to answer questions a community forum thursday. but mayor sheng thao says this public forum is making top candidates withdraw their names from consideration. and this letter to the police commission tell says oakland city charter does not require a public form to select the oakland police chief hosting a public forum is detrimental to attracting the best candidates. i will not participate in the forum for
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these reasons. the chief election help. >> that we had from. we do have a public. there was a public from civil rights attorney. john burris is closely watching the process. position on this, although there's some legitimacy to i just don't know that overrides the public interest to know where these people are before they selected. i think that's the overriding consideration. former san francisco police chief tony rivera says the current list lacks any internal candidates. he says oakland could benefit from someone who knows the department and the community problems are always going come up with your teeth. >> look at a problem in in a specific community and it's nice to to know a couple of leaders in that community that you can call up on a personal basis and saying i have a problem here. what do you think? and it really gives you some firsthand knowledge that. i think it's very advantageous. former oakland police chief anne kirkpatrick
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says she's also disappointed there's no internal candidate and she says whoever is chosen, they must be someone who can make peace among all the factions fractures between the commission. >> and the mayor's pressure between the mayor and the city council fracture between the community. >> and all the politics that place fractured. and yet you have a great police department that just really hungry for the right person who could be a peacemaker. i'd say between all of these different factions. >> how this all plays out remains to be seen. but civil rights attorney jim chanin says the mayor and the police commission need to stop the infighting. >> they have to get themselves together. whether we have a public hearing or not, it is not to be by not what people want, but but bucks best for the people of oakland. and that's clearly not happening. >> that candidate forum will take place thursday evening at
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6.30, at city hall and online. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> whether time now as we get a look at the 4 zone forecast, this live shot san francisco. yeah, yes. and fog in the skies. some will hey >> we send it over to large. he's been tracking the big storm set to hit tomorrow. yeah, boy, it's going to be day after day of wet weather here and cold and windy. so what a drastic change. >> after some temperatures running up in the 60's and the 70's last couple of days. now we're back to some real winter weather and it looks like we're going to see well in the next week, too. so i hope you have cold weather clothes are going to need them again. in fact, by tomorrow, these temperatures really going to take a nose dive out there right now. some partly cloudy skies. a few clouds begin to move in. now, more on the way increasing clouds throughout the night. tonight, the winds start to shift to a southerly direction, giving an idea that says i'm getting a little bit closer and then that rain, yeah, it's going to be rain and wind as we head throughout the day tomorrow. it's going
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to come in waves, especially as we head toward the middle of the day in the afternoon and that wet weather pattern going to continue with low level snow into the weekend. all right. so one last look at these temperatures. and boy, it is just been some gorgeous weather about 70 in san jose today. 69 live more 68 both conquered and santa rosa. 66 in san francisco in 65 degrees. in oakland. everybody's really been out there enjoying it. but tonight, the temperatures cooling off already. you've got some 40's and some 50's, in fact, all the way down to 43 now in fairfax and 49 and sonoma. 49 also in calistoga. but much colder air is on the way the clouds have started to move in week. ridge of high pressure. that's good. now the way to. so here we go of that cold, alaska air going to be diving into the bay area that arctic air just sitting overhead. i think right through the weekend and the winds going to be ramping up to, in fact, the winds tomorrow when we wake up already on the breezy side and then getting a little gusty, we could see some 30 in some 40 mile an hour gusts along the coastline as that front moves through. so kind of a blustery afternoon around the bay area, especially along the
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coast and the next few days. here we go. a long range forecast first front comes through for tomorrow. that is going open up the gates all that cold, unstable air. so i think on friday there's a chance we could see some thunderstorms around the bay area. you can see the snow begin to pile up and spread out across the sierra nevada. you start to see some pink showing up the computer models. that's some sleet, snow being picked up by the models over the mountain tops to him. boy just keeps going right to the weekend, too. and then late next week, another storm comes plowing into the bay area. so we've got a long way to go. we're going to see a lot of rain, the first part of the system, not a whole lot, maybe half an inch, maybe an inch or so as we head through friday afternoon. but then you start to add up the totals we get the weekend. start to talk 1, 2, plus inches of rain. but then as we roll things in the next week, there you go. we start to talk, maybe 3, maybe even more than that. maybe 4 to 5 inches over the mountain tops, maybe one, maybe 3 inch of snow across the highest peaks. so big changes in the works tomorrow. we're going to feel it. you're going to feel that wind out there. the cool bite as well with temperatures generally in the 50's some low 60's and your 10, 10 forecast.
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it stays on settled in wet as we go into march and continues well into next week and beyond. so doesn't look like this is going to cause major flooding around the bay area. but it is going to be a nuisance type of storm. it's going make things went out there on the roads. there will be heavy rains at times. you got to be careful driving around the bay area. all right. good advice. thanks, lawrence. we're continuing to track the fallout after macy's announced that it's going to close. >> its iconic union square location in san francisco. so what's going to happen with the cheesecake factory on the top floor of that building? kron 4 spoke with a manager at the restaurant and we were told the franchise has sent an e-mail to employees at the location explaining the company is working on a plan for the next steps that plan is set to be released next week. and kron 4 has confirmed with the union square alliance that the christmas tree lighting ceremony in union square. will take place this year. and no word yet on the plans for the celebration beyond 2024, though. the new
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study is revealing how smoking marijuana were ingesting it in any way. can. >> increase your health risks. the new findings come after examining the relationship between marijuana and the heart after they talk to nearly half a million users scrum for theresa stasi reports. >> very interesting study and a timely a study given the fact that more and more people using cannabis doctor joseph wu is a director of stanford university cardio vascular institute. >> addressing a new study on cannabis and cardio vascular health. the findings, frequent usage resulted in a 42% increase in strokes. 25% increase in heart attacks published in the journal of american heart backed by national institutes of health. the study drew its results from nearly a half-million cannabis users.
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>> so when the smoky get to those one is the particular matter causing damage, feel alone and that he is seeing causing damage to system. >> the study drill down on how toxins released into the body when cannabis is burned is similar to tobacco smoking. but the doctor says that the active ingredient of thc and cannabis causes even more of a heart risk. in addition, he says eating cannabis products also not heart healthy. >> when you take the edible, there's no particular meta involved. it's just goes to that. got upstate edible. kids see gets released and the tsa causes a basket damage. so the notion both completely say this also not medicinal use of cannabis is now legal and more than half of the country with recreational use allowed in 24 states. >> most part most people in the public think because it's legal, it is safe. but there are a lot of products the goal
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that safe. one example is tobacco smoking legal, but it can kill you with lung cancer and heart disease said the public should be aware that smoking marijuana is actually not in the form of smoking. on the format that, we just discuss with the use of cannabis on the rise and soaring heart disease rates, medical experts say that the study >> is an important public health issue to address. and i hope public especially degrees. also in the study, what helped the public be aware that marijuana is not safe at although the study focused on frequent users, those who use cannabis daily. >> even weekly usage lead to an increase in stroke and heart disease compared to those who do not use cannabis at all. and the newsroom, theresa kron, 4 news. >> tnt says it's sending a representative to the next board of supervisors meeting in san mateo, too. answer any
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questions. this after county officials demanded a tnt provide documents and to testify in person about the company's proposal to end landline service in the area. supervisor ray mueller says that too many people in his district live in areas with unreliable or no cell service. he says no landline access could mean that some people can dial 9-1-1, in emergencies. raging waters officially has a new owner of the san jose city council approved a new leasing contracts for the new management of the water park. >> allowing raging waters to operate this summer. the park of originally opened in 1985. but was closed indefinitely in september after its lease with the city ended. all right. that wraps up kron. 4 news at 10 o'clock. but be sure to stay here for kron. 4 news at 11. >> and we all sports night live coming up right after when peter dickson led my platoon into combat live coming up right after this.
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in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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the clippers tonight by himself in the 4th quarter. amazing rocks but brutal for the dubs understanding. thanks for rocco me here on sports night live. i'm jason dumas.
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we will show those bron highlights in a bit. but we start in the college ranks. we are in the last week of the regular season in college basketball. now is the time teams are buckling down in prepping for a postseason run and right in our backyard, the san francisco dons. they're doing just that. they are on the outside looking in on most ncaa tournament field predictions. but they still have an opportunity for several quality wins. one being tomorrow against gonzaga at chase center. the dons are led by jonathan mogbo and marcus williams. they have usf in 3rd place in the wcc standings and a win against the bulldogs will go a long way maybe getting them to the big dance crop. for sports reporter aaron wilson has the story from the hilltop. >> well, jason is no secret that the dunns have a game on their hands come tomorrow. thursday night. it's a son with a host. gonzaga. the bulldogs are a


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