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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  February 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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station. >> this is home for 11. >> now at 11, one of these 4 people could become oakland's
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first police chief in more than a year. and oakland residents who have a chance to meet with them tomorrow. good evening. thanks for being with us. tonight on kron 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus. the oakland police commission posted a new list of candidates for the cities. top cop position last night. the mayor gets to pick but there's no choice yet they are cincinnati police department lieutenant colonel lisa davis, new york city assistant deputy mayor for public safety. louis molina, former san leandro police chief abdul pretty in who was one of 3 candidates previously rejected by the oakland mayor and you also for tired, lubbock, texas police chief floyd mitchell. now, despite the list of finalists, the acrimony between mayor saying tallinn, the police commission rages on today. mayor thao said she would not be attending tomorrow's public forum for the candidates because she says it is not necessary and is detrimental to attracting the best
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candidates. civil rights attorney john burris is closely watching the process. >> position on this, although there's some legitimacy to i just don't know that overrides the public interest to know these people are before they selected. i think that's the overriding consideration. >> the candidate forum will take place tomorrow night at 6.30, at oakland city hall. it will also be streamed online. san jose police have arrested a man in connection to an attempted homicide for more than 5 years ago. they say miguel vergara perez shot 3, met outside the love, victoria talk or back in august of 2018 kron four's amanda hari joins us live in the newsroom with details. and some surveillance video of that shooting. good evening, amanda. >> more than 5 years since the shooting happened, san jose police say they reopened the case after developing new leads and that led them to identify the primary suspect.
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surveillance video outside of the law. victoria, talk korea on almaden expressway back in august of 2018 shows the moment a triple shooting went down. >> it was around 10, 15 at night and lots of people were still around. >> video shows just how gruesome this act was. i'm committing violent crime in a public area where multiple bystanders are located, including small children. and so you really see that in the surveillance video, san jose police public information officer tanya hernandez says the 3 victims and 2 male suspects. >> we're inside of the restaurant when they got into an argument and that argument turned violent when all 5 people stepped outside. that was when the primary suspect produced a handgun and shot each of the victims, at least once in november of 2023. police identified 26 year-old miguel vergara perez as the primary suspect and reopen the case arresting vergara present december. alright, homicide
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unit detectives >> really exhausted. all leads in these cases and do not rest until they bring justice to our victims and the victims. families. >> regard pres is in santa clara county jail tonight facing attempted homicide charges. police are still looking for another suspect in this case. anyone with information is asked to contact san jose police in the news room. amanda hari kron. 4 news. >> thank you, amanda. a berkeley intersection is a problem spot now after yet another person was hit by a driver there. today. police shut down the area of 7th street and hines avenue today after the person was hit while crossing the street. this latest incident comes just a week or so after a father and his toddler were hit in the same intersection while biking to school kron four's. dan thorn reports from berkeley. >> the smashed in windshield of this blue mini cooper is
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evidence of another accident at a berkeley intersection. police had to close off 7 street and hines avenue wednesday afternoon after another person was hit while crossing the street. really goes out to the pedestrian because i saw. >> just a little photo of the car and the shattered window shield berkeley resident adam moss is all too familiar with the dangers of this intersection on the morning of february. 12th mohsen, his 3 year-old son recycling to a nearby school when they were hit by a driver. the child was not hurt, but moss suffered a bad knee injury and it was a terrifying experience. we feel so incredibly grateful well that we were in work off because we're well aware that it could have moss says there's a lot of movement in this industrial area of southwest berkeley. aside from the nearby businesses and schools, the intersection is popular for cyclists dog walkers, runners and families. moss's wife is involved with traffic safety group walk bike
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berkeley. the organization says they're extremely upset about another person being injured by a driver. they're calling on the city to rapidly respond by making safety improvements at the intersection. moss says infrastructure such as curb extensions or bollards need to be put in place. i hope cities can do more to put in our infrastructure to keep people safe because >> i want to live in a city that is walk and bike friendly. and i think we actually need that for our future. we're still working to gather more information about wednesday's crash. police have not officially released what happened or the conditions of the person who was hit. >> in berkeley, dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> all right. taking a live look outside on this wednesday night at the transamerica pyramid. the clear skies are gone. the rain isn't here yet, but it is coming. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is with us. lawrence. it was nyce. well last. yeah. almost like a dream right to be just too good to be true. but now
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we're headed back to some wintry weather. we started to see the clouds creep in late in the day. and now that really start to thicken up outside by tomorrow morning. well, you could even see a couple of pop-up showers. so yeah, we'll see much cooler temperatures pouring into the bay area as we head in toward tomorrow and the coming days. this is going to be a storm system that's going to stick around for a while in your weekend, too. doppler radar picking up on some of the showers begin after far northern california toward crescent city and eureka. some high clouds just drifting overhead here. but boy, there's 1 lot of cold air that is just going to plummet and plunge right into the bay area. the gold polar express coming back late february early in the march here, unusually cold as we're heading into the end of the month. but here we go overnight tonight, clouds going to be rolling in and then by tomorrow morning, couple pop-up showers, a possibility. so be prepared for that for the commute tomorrow morning. but i think even more so as we head toward the middle of the day in the afternoon, that's when the real main cold front begins to move in to see about 1 o'clock in the north bay and starting to spread the south as we head
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toward the afternoon and it's going bring with of that cold air, gusty winds and the temperatures. yeah, 10 to 15 degrees cooler. if you believe that graham. later, police are asking for your help. they're trying to identify the person who they say started a fire in a target saturday afternoon. officers say the man on your screen here, let the flames in the paper towel aisle. the fire forced evacuations and a store closure that is in place until saturday. the damage is now estimated at around 3 million dollars. if you know that person or have info about the case, you're asked to contact allay pd. happening tomorrow. the man charged in connection to the half moon bay mass shooting. we'll be back in the san mateo county courtroom. julie shower was supposed to enter pleas to grand jury indictments last month. but that didn't happen after the defense asked for more time to review the charges last year. pleaded not
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guilty to all charges. sands remained in custody since prosecutors say they hope the trial will happen this year but admit it could be delayed until 2025. uc berkeley leadership is talking about an anti israel protested force and all hands on deck situation at the school monday night. there are about 200 protesters rallying uc berkeley to stop a speech by r-and-b are notified and israeli attorney and former member of the israeli defense force during the protest to jewish students were assaulted in a letter sent to the campus community. the office of the university chancellor said protesters broke down doors to the seller. buck playhouse, forcing the audience and speaker waiting inside to be evacuated. >> but nowhere in that statement today mention anything about jews being harassed or use the word anti-semitism once. and so i think there are a lot of jewish student center feeling alienated
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>> the letter called the attack on the building and event an attack on the fundamental values of the university. the event was moved to a more secure location. >> state attorney general rob bonta is reacting to the incident at cal. >> he wrote on twitter x on california college campuses. there is a right to assemble right to free speech, right to safety and a right to peaceful discourse. free of violence and acts of hate hit against one community is a hate saw. we must do better. the anti defamation league has filed a federal complaint against the berkeley unified school district for what they say is severe and persistent antisemitic bullying. the complaint says berkeley administrators have ignored. parents report said allowed the k through 12 schools there to become hostile environments for jewish and israeli students. it also accuses the board of education of not disciplining teachers and students who have engaged in harassment and instead of
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addressing the issue. the report says principal simply have moved the offended students to different classrooms. >> still to come on, kron, 4 news at 11 in oakland. councilmember takes a walk with police through the oakland streets here. the needs of local businesses and what they're demanding. plus, new report out about the major health risks that come with smoking, eating drinking marijuana. we break down the numbers there. and after the break, remembering richard lewis, south folks here in the bay, remembering the comedian and actor.
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. at cretors, we handcraft every batch of our delicious popcorn. like our cretors cheese and caramel mix. great on their own, even better together. try cretors, handcrafted small-batch popcorn.
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>> tributes are pouring in tonight for richard lewis, the comedian and actor died at his los angeles home last night at the age of 76. his sense of humor brought laughter to people across the country for decades and that happened here in the bay area. kron 4, sarah, since it was at a comedy club in san jose. talk to people in the comedy community. >> richard lewis was absolutely adored by the bay area comedy community. i spoke with the comedian who last saw him here in san jose improv. he said lewis unique delivery on stage was one of a kind a picture of richard lewis with fellow comedian bet midler still hangs in the green room at san jose improv the south bay venue. one of many comedy clubs across the country for the new york native performed over several decades before passing away at the age of 76 bay area. comedian say they'll forever missed the magic he created on stage. it was one
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in a million and all of us loved and revered him. and yes, that's another big loss for us in comedy this year. curtis matthews owns the san francisco ca many college. he started his comedy career in los angeles around the time lewis was becoming famous in the 80's. >> the 2 ran into each other a few times. and matthew says many looked up to him as a comedian. >> so all of us were like, oh, my god, if i could just have like a quarter of kind of talent. >> i would be happy. matthew says he's grateful he was able to see lewis performance. san jose improv a couple years back. one of his last appearances he was cleaning up his life and getting stuff together. stopped drink and he looked great. lewis is known for exploring his neuroses in his stand-up comedy while dressed in all black, but well written jokes. but just the whole character that he didn't nobody else could do. which i mean, the whole hair think i've been to and yet my mom still calls me and i'm not
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happy about it. the whole just the subtleties. he would get laughs with. nina g is a stand-up comedian. she says she loved watching his appearances on late night tv shows over the years, especially the hbo show. curb your enthusiasm with larry david been great see that dynamic because you always between him and larry david, because they've been friends like forever after like pre and so it's just it's it's a nice way to go out. comedy central named lewis, one of the top 50 standup comedians of all time. >> and he'll certainly be missed at comedy clubs like this i'm sara stinson reporting in san jose kron. 4 news. >> oakland councilmember dan kalb spent today walking the streets in speaking with merchants in north oakland, looking for solutions to combat rising crime last year resolution he authored passed in the city council addressing public safety. he says the city is currently implementing
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the actions, including hiring and retaining more 9-1-1, dispatchers to improve response times and adding high-tech cameras along busy streets. >> i think i've asked for insist upon is that we asked the fbi to come in to oakland and to help us investigate the most violent crimes. they've done that in the past and now they're going to do it again. >> today marked cubs 4th walk with police since he says crime started to steadily rise 2 years ago. let's take peek outside and saw that nice sunny skies there in oakland. earlier today. things are changing in the bay. same in the high country is we look live here. lawrence is with us to talk about what's going on. this is highway 89 in tahoe city. by the when you think a couple inches of snow there this weekend. oh, my gosh. tons of feed out there. that's for sure. >> it's going to be dangerous in the high country. and not only are we going to get a ton of snow. we're going to see some blizzard means public. some whiteout conditions from time to time. we're going to
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be measuring this in feet, maybe as much as 10 feet across some of the peaks would be surprised to see even more than that. it is quiet out there right now. 15 ad open. the clouds have started to move in a bit. a lot of snow on the way. blizzard warnings going up thursday through saturday, expecting some very, very heavy snow. even at lake level, they may be talking as much as 2 to 5 feet. that is a ton of snow that will paralyze the tahoe area for a while. just too much really get out the way of the roads as you're going to see so much that snow piling up. a lot of snow above 5,000 people. the snow level probably going to drop all the way down to about 1000 feet as we head in towards saturday. and of course, dangerous driving conditions. you can expect many delays, probably some closures on the 80 and even 50 up. there's they're just going too much snow coming down. it's going to heavy, really keep the snow plows to keep those roads nice and clear. the orange all the way down the foothills. now we're talking about blizzard warnings in that direction. going to be really careful as a dangerous storm to get stuck up there. they may not be able to get you out if you're not in power left in your car.
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well, that's going to be a major problem. temperatures will be dropping off in the teens in the 20's in the high country. so now see a lot of snow. there are going to see some snow even locally over our mountain top. so that's going to be something else see. some white capped mountains as we get in toward the latter part of the weekend, slow drive in the golden gate bridge heading northbound right now. they're doing some work out there today. yeah, what a day it was. we had 60's even some 70's out there today. but now we've got a series of storms coming in. these are very cold coming in now. that's going open up the gates tomorrow. then i think maybe some thunderstorms as we head in toward friday afternoon showers, stormy weather continuing across the state on saturday. tapering off a little bit on sunday. see maybe a look at the peaks actually see some of that snow. and then late next week, again, another round of storms moving in again. so tomorrow it's going to be much, much cooler, maybe 5, maybe a 15 degrees cooler in some spots. you're looking at 50's 60's next couple days bringing those temperatures bringing that wet weather looks like winter making a big return as we head in toward the beginning of march and maybe
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snow in some of our i think so. diablo definitely probably mount tam got a possibility. much of the north bay, maybe as much as 3, maybe even 6 inches of snow in northern parts of sonoma county and kids love that when you think will be the best time to maybe check it out. probably on sunday morning. if you can get up there and check it out, that will be the day to go. that's for sure. it's a novelty is fun. thanks. for your help. tonight, a new study is revealing how pot smoking and see you eating edibles, drinking whatever, however, you want to take it in is increasing risks of heart attacks and strokes. according to this new study published in the journal of american heart association daily marijuana use led to a 42% increase in strokes and a 25% increase in heart attacks. the study to its results for nearly half a million cannabis users. 75% of people consumed it by smoking. 25 1% by vaping drinking or eating.
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>> so when you smoke, you get to those one is the particular matter cause and damage the lawn and it thc causing damage to vastly a system. when you take the edible, there's no particular meta involved. it's just goes to that. got upstate edible. kids see gets released and the tsa causes a basket damage. so the notion both completely say this also not true. >> and medical experts stress just because pot is now legal doesn't mean it is necessarily safe. next in sports, we'll head to the hilltop is the usf dons prepare for their thursday matchup with zags. sports director jason dumas is next.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> we are in the last week of the regular season in college basketball. now is the time teams are buckling down and prepping for a postseason run. and right in the backyard, the san francisco dons are doing just that. they're on the outside looking in on most ncaa tournament projection fields. but they still have an opportunity for several quality wins one being tomorrow against gonzaga at chase center to they're led by jonathan mogbo and marcus williams in those to have them 3rd place in the wcc standings and a win against the bulldogs will go a long way. and the 2 upperclassman know they have to set the angle just you know, make sure my guys are on
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the >> just and within the florida coaches we you know, just can't one guy's doing down. you know, >> are on come together. have to you know more. we come together. the good in long run. >> the cal bears are on a roll to end the season on the road in colorado looking for their 4th straight win. but buffalo got rolling early first possession of the game. big man eddie lampkin with the steal nimble on his feet for 6.11, 265 pounder with 12 points for lampkin and the buffs had a 14 point lead at the half. but the bears showed some heart in the second. they forced a turnover. keonte kennedy said jaylon tyson for the hoop. it's a 10 point game. tyson at 25 a colorado answered every cow kj. simpson. he gets hammered on the shot somehow get to the fall. simpson had 27 points. finally bear down 9, minutes
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to go. colorado steal the inbounds. says jayvon ruffin buries the 3 colorado up and cal 88 to 78. mesa, arizona, the site of the giants and a's facing off for the first time this spring, a starter paul blackburn. he looked good in his cactus league debut. he pitch 2 innings and gave up one run and had 3 strikeouts. the a's offense got off to a quick start in the first off spencer, howard ryan, noda. he was 2 for 3 connected for his first home run of the spring. zack gelof showed off his power going the other way. the a's grab the early lead and never let it go. oakland winds 7 to 4. yesterday we saw the dodger debut of shohei ohtani today. it was yoshi yamamoto's turn the show up what he can do. yamamoto when 2 innings he only gave up a hit. he had 2
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strikeouts, including one on marcus semien 16 of his 19 pitches were called strikes with a lot of swings and misses showing why he was one of japan's premier prospects over the last several years. green the dodgers, just the rich get richer. bike, all of the guys they've signed this offseason have been brilliant in camp. yeah. well, but they haven't. you know, they have one ring over the past couple years is that covid season was a lot of people scoff at. >> and the yankees spend a ton of money and they don't always win. so you know why they play the game say of the men's college hoops you think anybody can make a run in the tournament? coming up? >> i like this. saint. mary's to. yeah. i think that what 24 6 on the year undefeated in wcc play. >> they've lost in second round last 2 years, but both years was to the eventual national champion. i think of the bracket seeding follow right place. they can make a run watch them usf trying to
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get in to trying to get in and a good record. but all the all that stuff below. all right. thank you for joining us tonight on kron. 4 news at 11. >> have a good night. be safe. brace for the rain tomorrow.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: swamp girl. the little girl rescued from a gator-infested swamp. >> let's get you out of the


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