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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  February 29, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. a major storm is expected to slam the bay area. high winds and inches of rain. we're tracking the conditions live. and now on the kron morning news. we're also talking about investigators.
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we opened a 5 year-old deadly shooting case in the south bay after developing new leads. after being without a police chief more than a year, the city of oakland might be one step closer to naming its next top cop. residents. want to hear from them for the first time and form happening tonight. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning far. >> well, good thursday morning thank you weigh in with his bright and early for the kron. 4 morning news. >> here on thursday, february 29th. i'm reyna harvey. all right. well, we want to start this morning with a check of weather john shrable. john, you've actually been preparedness for the storm and it is inching closer was sprinkling on my ride into work. >> yeah, a few sprinkles. misty areas out there so far. really just the first signs of this change of pace that is really going to grip us here in the bay area. but in extreme impact up in the sierra nevada where that snow is going to be falling.
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unprecedented plea heavy over the next several days. you look outside at downtown san francisco right now. a lot of cloud cover. we do have those misty spot says rayner mentioned not a ton to be reporting just yet for us, though. you can see that rain to our north now near the oregon border. and you see the cellular nature of those clouds sitting offshore. this is cold, unsettled weather to the west of us. a sign of likely convection thunderstorm building going on later on today here for the bay area. so our rainfall is actually going to pick up as we move into the afternoon. you can see here that we do have the light showers this morning. rainfall becoming much more widespread and heavy later on today. but really, it is the snow that will continue to fall up in the sierra nevada today. tomorrow into saturday and even early sunday that is going to make roadways impassable in the sierra. so do not be heading that direction. we are looking at snow beginning this morning. if you must travel, now is the time to do so. honestly wouldn't even recommended at this point that's just getting down from the sierra back up
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here into the bay area, heading up into the sierra it you are going to be encountering impossible to travel roads, 5 to 12 feet of snowfall. that's going to take days upon days for plows to get up there. so if you are in the sierra, get those supplies ready to go prepared to be snowed in for several days. you're not going to be leaving the house for a while. snow levels will continue to drop into saturday morning because of the stuff this cold, cold air moving in. we'll likely be seeing snow especially saturday morning on some of our bay area mountaintops. as for today, daytime highs in the 40's to 50's hayward berkeley conquered egypt. 52 santa rosa through nevado at 50 degrees. each. we are going to be looking at a rest of the day today. that just gets more and more heavy rainfall. and we're also going to be seeing some strong winds along with it. chance of thunderstorms in the bay area today. generally avoid afternoon hours. your morning, the best time to be out and about going to be talking all the details, especially focused in on the sierra all still to come. as
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for your roads have out there this morning is very smooth sailing conditions. if you missed the spots, this is the best time of the day to be out there and thank goodness for it because the morning commute can be that most trying time for especially when the weather is bad but not so much just yet. richmond center fell bridge has seen a few light areas of mist in sprinkles has much the same at the golden gate so far rain. all right, john, thanks for that. >> well, in the south bay, san jose police arrested a man in connection to an attempted homicide case for more than 5 years ago. they say, miguel, the garber has shot 3 men, one outside lavatory, a talker, ria. this is back in august of 2018 kron four's amanda hari has the latest on that. >> surveillance video outside of the law. victoria, talk korea on almaden expressway back in august of 2018 shows the moment a triple shooting went down. it was around 10, 15 at night and lots of people were still around. >> video shows just how
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gruesome this act committing violent crime in a public area where multiple bystanders are located, including small children. and so you really see that in the surveillance video, san jose police public information officer tanya hernandez says the 3 victims and 2 male suspects. >> we're inside of the restaurant when they got into an argument and that argument turned violent when all 5 people stepped outside. that was when the primary suspect produced a handgun and shot each of the victims, at least once in november of 2023. police identified 26 year-old miguel vergara perez as the primary suspect and reopen the case arresting vergara present december. alright, homicide unit detectives >> really exhausted. all leads in these cases and do not rest until they bring justice to our victims and the victims. families. >> well, guard perez is in the
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santa clara county jail facing attempted homicide charges. police are still looking for another suspect in this case. happening today, the man charged in connection to the half moon bay mass shooting. it's going to be back in a san mateo county courtroom. john lee zhao was supposed to enter pleas. the grand jury indictments last month, but it didn't happen after the defense asked for more time to review the charges last year's out pleaded not guilty to all charges and remain in custody ever since. prosecutors say they hope the trial will happen this year. but they admit it could be delayed until 2025. one of these 4 people. we'll show you the moment could become oakland's first police chief in more than a year and local residents. you're going get a chance to meet with them all tonight, oakland police commission posted a list all the candidates for the city's top cop position. they cincinnati police department lieutenant colonel lisa davis, new york. this is deputy mayor for public safety. louis
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molina, former san leandro police chief do approve jen. and was one of the 3 candidates previously rejected by the mayor and retired lot. pick texas police chief lord mitchell. now despite list of finalists, the acrimony between the mayor and the police commission rages on. mayor saying taos it, she will not be attending the public for for the candidates because he says it's not necessary and is detrimental to attracting the best candidate. civil rights attorney john burris. it's going to be closely watching the entire process. >> position on this, although there's some legitimacy to i just don't know that overrides the public interest to know where these people are before they selected. i think that's the overriding consideration. >> all the candidate forum will take place at 6.30, city hall and it's going to be streamed online. they they also need a new police chief because city leaders are planning to hold a virtual media and in-person meetings
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next month. residents can voice who should be the new chief current chief anthony mata is retiring next month after spending nearly 30 years with the department. he's accepted a new position as investigations bureau chief for the santa clara county district attorney's berkeley intersection is a problem spot after a driver hit another person. police had to shut down the area 7th street in heinz avenue yesterday after a person was hit crossing the street. this latest accident comes just weeks after a father and his toddler. they were hit in that intersection while biking to school kron four's. dan thorn has that story. >> the smashed in windshield of this blue mini cooper is evidence of another accident at a berkeley intersection. police had to close off 7 street and hines avenue wednesday afternoon after another person was hit while crossing the street. really goes out to the pedestrian because i saw. >> just a little a photo of
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the car and the shattered window shield berkeley resident adam moss is all too familiar with the dangers of this intersection on the morning of february. 12th mohsen, his 3 year-old son recycling to a nearby school when they were hit by a driver. the child was not hurt, but moss suffered a bad knee injury and it was a terrifying experience. but we feel so incredibly grateful. >> well, that we were in work off because we're well aware that it could have moss says there's a lot of movement in this industrial area of southwest berkeley. aside from the nearby businesses and schools, the intersection is popular for cyclists dog walkers, runners and families moss. his wife is involved with traffic safety group walk bike berkeley. the organization says they're extremely upset about another person being injured by a driver. they're calling on the city to rapidly respond by making safety improvements at the intersection. moss says infrastructure such as curb extensions or bollards need to be put in place. i hope cities
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can do more to put in more infrastructure to keep people safe because i want to live in a city that is walk and bike friendly. and i think we actually need that for our future. >> we're still working to gather more information about wednesday's crash. police have not officially released what happened or the conditions of the person who was hit in berkeley. dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> we asked cuts healing family. friends. all of us come together to pray today. >> well, community members in san mateo county came together in prayer yesterday honoring a family that was murdered earlier this month. father mother and year-old twin boys found dead home during a welfare investigators say they believe the father shot his wife multiple times before shooting himself bathroom. >> and leave, i think about a crime such as speaks to me
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mental illness. i can crime such as this was not someone mentally even all appearances where contrary, which is around prayers, were shared outside of found their bodies. bryant winds cause of death remains under investigation as they had no signs of physical trauma. >> police say there's no history of violence at that home and they're working to try find a motive. now. muni is boasting its highest ridership in 4 years. san francisco city officials say the ridership rose 25% over the last year. the transit system. they've also been busy making improvements, try to focus on cleanliness safety, reliability. that might not be enough. the city's director of transportation says many still facing the toughest financial situation in its history. some stations waters. it is only a 3rd of what it was before the pandemic.
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>> we're also still suffering from the fact that there's no city in the world that has been more impacted by covid era work from home policies that in san francisco. >> we have succeeded in retooling unity for today's current travel patterns and the results. >> have been far more successful than we had thought possible. >> well, the future immunity may become clear later this year as the mayor and the board of supervisors finalize 2024 2025 budget plans. still ahead on the kron morning news, oakland councilmember. >> takes a walk with police to open streets here. the needs local businesses, what they're now demanding. we'll be right back.
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for you to know today now know the identity of the woman who was strangled to death on a santa cruz beach. 21 year-old mansour of san ramon was found unresponsive and seabright state beach on friday. investigators suspect a boyfriend, sandals don't as killer. after macy's announcing close its iconic unions where locations in san francisco people are wondering what's going to happen with the cheesecake factory on the top floor of the building. that's an iconic restaurant manager of the restaurant says the franchise send an e-mail to employees at the location. one of the companies working on plans for next steps. the plan is set to be released next week. santa rosa city schools considering job cuts among its staff school district says a definite decision has been made yet. they have to consider the cuts to balance the budget. district says governor newsom
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proposed budget for the school year was not up. the timing of oakland unified school district. going to hear recommendations on making budget cuts make the district more efficient and save money districts as part of their annual budget development process. multi-year plan ii warts scheduled to vote on the recommendations in 2 weeks. >> all right. our top story this morning, the weather and the impending storm on its way. we're already starting to get some sprinkles this morning. so your commute might be a little rough for good morning, john. absolutely. yet we're looking at the very beginnings of this system right here. so those sprinkles about the lightest that we're going to see anything the next several days. >> you need to get some errands done this morning is not a bad time for it. rainfall light this morning. few light areas of rain mostly just missed. the spots can see some of those clouds from the east bay hills and really nothing to show on radar despite the fact that we do have some showers in the vicinity right now, the heavier stuff is still situated well, to the north of us have to go up in the
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mendocino county at that northern mendocino county. before you start reading into it, snow starting to fall across the cascades. not quite yet for the sierra. if you do need to head back from the sierra right now is your time to do so. your window is closing extremely rapidly. this system right here, you can see all that snow sitting out in the gulf of alaska. that low is going to trudge its way down here and along with it, some really cold air. this is going to be a good rain for the bay, but it is going to be in exceptional snowfall for the sierra. so that's where we're going to start. we're talking feet upon feet of snowfall in the sierra nevada. i know a lot of people that go up to the sierra almost every weekend during ski season. you don't have a problem with it. this is a weekend where you're going to have some problems with the chains are not going to cut it. roadways are going to be impossible to drive on. we are talking latest models from donner summit, 5 to 12 feet of snowfall piling up up there. this is not anywhere close to exaggeration. it is going to be completely impassable for
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likely multiple days on i-80 on highway 50. if you are in the sierra have multiple days of food storage ready to go. this go bags, emergency kits because you're not going to be doing a lot of moving around come saturday morning. we've got our own dose of snowfall in the mountains of the north bay, 3 to 6 inches of snow on some of our north bay mountains and sonoma napa as well as mendocino and lake counties. also a little bit of snowfall on mount diablo emission peak, too. this is going to be a major system. blizzard warnings taking effect. we do have winds gusting as high as 70, even 80 miles per hour up in the sierra that is going make for whiteout conditions. you're going to have drifts of snow as much as 12 to even 15 feet high. this is just going to completely close things down. things are going to be impassable up there for the bay area. things are going to be wet. definitely not as extreme as or sierra neighbors but ever own dose of heavy rain later today. here's today at 12:15pm, line of showers pushing through into the north
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bay. we do have a chance of thunderstorms later on today. here's 02:00pm. so watch for some dark clouds. a few rolls of thunder as we move into tomorrow, rainfall becomes more widespread. and generally we see even heavier pockets as we make our way eventually into the evening hours tonight and into tomorrow itself. so we do have a lot to talk about for the bay. we are going to be seeing anywhere between a quarter to three-quarters of an inch of rain. today, we're going to add more on top of that into tomorrow and saturday and we'll have several inches of rainfall likely for most areas. little bit of good news is first flooding potential goes. our river levels have dropped a lot the past couple of weeks because we've been generally drier. so it has room for a lot of water to flow into our streams. that is really good news. we shouldn't see too much flooding concern here locally out of the system. we do have high surf advisories at the coastline starting tomorrow through 04:00pm on saturday, a product of not just the rain but the strong winds that will pick up this afternoon for the bay area. as
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for temperatures cooler, we're down in the 50's. no more those 60's. i hope you enjoy them yesterday we're getting cooler and cooler from this point forward by saturday. we're barely even making the lower 50's for your daytime highs. we've got rain, wind and heavy mountain snowfall to through the weekend before finally getting a breather into the start of next week. as for your roads right now, i know we've been talking all this include the travel weather. but right now you're looking fine bay bridge, nothing going on out there. things are picking up a little bit on the san mateo bridge while looking at the richmond center fell with a few of those light sprinkles. we've been mentioning nothing super heavy just yet. right now. all eyes that happening today. there's going to be a rally against the recall in alameda county district attorney pamela price. >> bay area, faith leaders all the news conference at 10 this morning leaders are advocating for a price to be loud to finish out her term. organizers of the rally will serve as a testament to the support for price and her efforts in the community. i'm
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leadership. they're talking about and anti israeli protests that forced all hands on deck situation at the school monday night around 200 protesters rallied at u c berkeley. the staff, a speech by ran bar-yoshafat. that's an israeli attorney and former member of the israeli defense force during the protests to jewish students or salted the letters into the campus community. the office of the university chancellor said protesters broke down the doors to zellerbach deller broccoli house force the audience and speaker waiting inside to be evacuated. >> but nowhere in that statement today mention anything about jews being harassed or use the word anti-semitism wants. and so i think there are a lot of jewish student center feeling alienated >> what are called the attack on the building then an attack on the fundamental values of the university. it was moved to a more secure location. >> state attorney general rob bonta reacting to that
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incident at cal on social media. he wrote on x, california college campuses. there's a right to assemble right to free speech, right to safety in a right to peaceful discourse, free of violence and acts of hate hating. it's one community is hate saw we must do better. the anti-defamation league. they found a federal complaint against the berkeley unified school district. but what they say is severe persistent antisemitic bullying. the plant uses berkeley administrators of ignoring parents reports and allowed its k through 12 schools become hostile environment for jewish and israeli students. it also accuses the board of education of not disciplining teachers and students who have engaged in this type of harassment and instead of issuing addressing the issue, the report says principal simply moved the defendant students to a different classroom. >> coming up on the kron morning news, a new report is showing major health risks
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that come with what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence
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against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> sonoma county animal services are asking the community for help. they're trying to foster or adopt dogs. officials say the 118 kennels are bursting at the seams and 180 dogs, including 46 puppies. shelter directors is over crowded shelters due in part to the recent cool to case when the shelter took in a large number of animals, the shelter will provide food dog beds, veterinary care and anything else needed for foster homes. there's one fewer applebee's in bay, the antioch restaurant by highway
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4 hillcrest avenue serve their last know this week. i will be says the closure is part of a broader business strategy and says employees we're given the chance to work at other restaurants in the region. the next closes applebee's is in phnom. and in the south bay. rajan waters officially has a new oweer. the city council approved a new lease contract for the new management of the water part line. raging waters operate this summer. the park originally opened in 1985. but was closed indefinitely last summer after its lease with the city ended. coming up next on the problem morning news. major storm is about to hit the sierra. >> and it is supposed to drop heavy snow on the area, making it almost impossible for people to drive up in around there these. we schedule your
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>> well, welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. well, we've already started to track the storm like we'll just mention. we've got team coverage of that. john has been getting us ready morning, john. good morning. yes, we are looking ahead at what is going to be several days of rain for the bay and exceptionally snowy conditions in the sierra nevada. >> making roadways completely impassable for several days here in the bay area are impact is going to be quite as bad san jose kind of hard to
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see this morning. it's just but we are looking at dry skies for the south bay. we've seen light showers out there across the richmond. sandra fell bridge in the peninsula as well as the east bay in the north bay. right now, radar showing things pretty quiet. she can see to our north, though, not so quiet anymore. there's the first a line of showers that pushes through. we've got several more days of rain stashed up behind it, though. and you can see here in future cast light showers this morning. much more moderate this afternoon. but take a look at that blue and how it expands over the next several days as cold air sweeps in across the region, snow level will fall to increasing lilo levels, especially come saturday morning. that's what i'm expecting. some snow on some of our bay area mountaintops. so what is the impact of the snow will with anywhere between 5 to 12 feet of snow? not just at the crest of the sierra but on roads like i-80 over donner summit. this is going to make road travel impossible, likely starting especially tonight tomorrow
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into saturday, even after that snow plows going to have a problem getting up there getting roadways cleared out. so what you need to expect don't be heading up into the sierra. if you need to head back down right now is your time to do so before that snow really picks up. and if you're going to be up there, prepare for multiple days of being snowed in, it is not going to be any sort of close to travel conditions for quite a while. the most intense snowfall really will kick off tomorrow through saturday. but today we're going to start to see it picking up up there. as for current temperatures, it's 40's to 50's right now. oakland and hayward at 51 degrees petaluma santa rosa nevado much warmer than you were yesterday at this point, right at 50 degrees. currently. so we are actually fairly mild to start this morning. we've seen some light showers out there. windy, wet conditions this morning. areas of heavy rainfall pushing this afternoon heavy rain should be fairly brief today. heavier showers expected into tomorrow and saturday. that's also when we'll see our heaviest of snow. i've got a complete breakdown on all of it. still
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to come, roadway was this morning. things out there a little bit wet spots, but overall, not too bad just yet 10 minutes across the bay bridge and looking great there. san mateo bridge are also doing just fine. so far, we've seen some light showers on the richmond. sandra fell at 7 minutes to make your crossing and looking at the golden gate bridge about 20 minutes to get you from 37 in novato down through the toll plaza, right? all right, john, thank you for that. >> let's continue our team coverage of the rain, whether north bay's already being hit. we're going to be wet this morning during your commute. crawford's will trend live in the battle with the latest. you've got the hood on conditio
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>> they may be still take it easy, you know, slickness and
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gets caught up out quickness blizzard warning will be going into effect this morning. the several feet of snow is expected to fall in the tahoe area. meteorologist josh raible just talked about it. he says if you're not there already, do not go. michael thomas is live with more on what you need to know. michael, good morning. >> hi, good morning, everyone. that's right. with these blizzard-like conditions, officials are really saying in this year they could see up to 10 feet of snow and several feet around lake tahoe. and just to give you an idea of how it's already starting to take a live look, this is one of our cameras over at palisades tahoe. i believe it's on the east side and you can see that snow already coming down and really officials urging people to just stay home. starting this morning at 10 o'clock, the national weather service in reno issued a blizzard warning for a 300 mile stretch of the sierra from north lake tahoe. down to south of yosemite national park. and the area said to have widespread blowing snow, which will create blizzard-like and whiteout conditions causing
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travel to be extremely dangerous and close to impossible given you will be able to see what's ahead of you. experts say there may be between 2 to 4 feet of snow in towns all along tahoe's sure. with 5 to 10 at the highest elevations. he's also expected to be winds up there close to 100 miles an hour now pg e and pacific crews are on standby as they do. expect a lot of disruptions during this time. they want to remind people to be safe, use caution and never touch any of those downed wires. but take a listen to a kron four's meteorologist john shrable has to say when it comes to traveling and how severe these conditions really are. >> so if you have plans of getting to the sierra, it is time to cancel those to reconsider. if you are going to be in this year already fully plan on being snowed in for multiple days. have those go bags ready? multiple days worth of food. it is very important to be ready to not be able to move. once you get out right? >> know, did we lose i guess
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my mic is open. well, like michael was just talking about, be mindful, if you are going to be out there this morning and like john just said that if you are not up there already do go. okay. let's go ahead to the next story. a >> it's me everybody. we'll toss it back to rain. i believe. >> spent wednesday walking the streets and speaking with merchants in north oakland. well, good for solutions to combat rising crime last year resolution he authored passed in the city council addressing public safety. he says the city is currently implementing the actions, including hiring and retaining more 9-1-1, dispatchers to improve response times and at the high-tech cameras pretty busy streets there. >> one thing i've asked for insist upon is that we asked
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the fbi to come in to oakland and to help us investigate the most violent crimes. they've done that in the past and now they're going to do it again. >> wednesday marked com's 4th walk with the police since he says crime started to steadily rise over the past 2 years. well, police in berkeley say they caught thief trying to get away with 2 suitcases full of stolen merge. police say the suspect was carrying these 2 suitcases. one was full of monster energy drinks. the other was filled with tooth paste and detergent. they say it happened right near adeline and stewart streets. although police did not say what business the merchandise was stolen from, there is a walgreens near by some of the items stolen were walgreens store brand. your help? there is a new study and it reveals how smoking marijuana is linked to and increase in heart attacks and strokes. according to the study published in the journal of the american heart association daily, marijuana use. let's a 42% increase in strokes and a 25% increase in heart attacks. started results from nearly
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half a million cannabis users. 75% of participants consumed cannabis by smoking police 5% by vaping drinking or eating it. >> so when the smoky get to those one is the particular matter cause and damage the lawn and that he is seeing causing damage to vastly a system. when you take the edible, there's no particular meta involved. it's just goes to that. you've got upstate edible. kids see gets released and that he is he causes a basket damage. so the notion both completely safe is also not true. >> well, medical experts say that just because cannabis is legal does not mean it's safe. santa rosa city schools, they're considering job cuts among their staff. school district says definite decision hasn't been made yet. they have to consider the cuts to balance budget. the district says governor newsom proposed budget for the school gear was not enough. in a statement kron 4, the district
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superintendent says the board will need to consider reducing staff, including positions at both the district and school site levels. preliminary notices will be going out to staff within the next 2 weeks. we will make every attempt to make reductions as far away from the classroom as possible is what that, quote says the board will hold a meeting today to discuss which jobs may potentially be cut. and the oakland unified school district. want to hear recommendations on making budget cuts to make the district more efficient and save money. the district says this is part of their annual budget development process. and multi-year planning. they say staff is continue to provide the board with recommendations to address the district's financial realities. the board is scheduled to vote on the recommendations in 2 weeks. we are tracking the fallout after macy's announced it's going to close is iconic union square location in san francisco. what will happen with the cheesecake factory on the top floor of the building. a lot of people want to know well for talked to the manager at
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the restaurant and we're told the franchise sent an e-mail to employees at that location. explain companies working on a plan for next steps? the plan is going to be released next week. kron 4 confirmed with the union square alliance at the christmas tree lighting ceremony in union square. it's going to happen this year. no word yet on the plans for the celebration beyond 2024. so ahead of the proper morning news, a host has been using one of the longest running. >> children, literacy, public access programs, teach children how to be for 40 years. we'll hear how the show got its start and the impact it's had o
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>> we are 4 things for you to know today. san jose police arrested a man in connection to an attempted homicide case more than 5 years ago. miguel karas shot 3 men outside of the la victoria talk korea on almaden expressway back in august of 2018. we into the santa clara county jail for attempted homicide. the man charged in connection to the half moon bay mass shooting back in the san mateo county courtroom today. trump supposed to enter pleas. the grand jury indictments last month. that didn't happen after the defense asked for more time to review the charges. local residents are going be able to hear from the candidates hoping to become the city's police chief. tonight, the police commission is going to hold an open form given the candidates talk to giving the candidates a chance to talk to residents start to 6.30, san jose. they also leave a police chief and city
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leaders are planning to hold virtual and in-person next model residents voice to the new chief should be current chief anthony mata retiring next month after spending nearly 30 years with the department. all right. top story we've been talking about it with john has been talking about the weather, the storm. this is not a day to go to like awful. >> and it's really not a day to be driving fast in the bay morning. yeah, no, you definitely want to be taking your time with your travels here locally. and as far as your travels go up to the sierra, really take your time with them because you're probably not going to be doing them for several days is going to be impossible to be heading up into the sierra starting tonight over the next several days. >> and if you want to be heading back down right now is your time to do so. try to outrun the storm because roadways, you don't want to mess with them after this. we're going to be looking at the east bay hills right here with a little bit of shower activity. not a lot to report this morning. it's mostly just been misty drizzly conditions so far, rainfall is still situated to our north up in
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mendocino as well as humboldt del norte. a county is really just the north coast. low pressure area incurring a vast area of cold air that plunges are right on into the bay as we work our way through the next several days. today's rainfall, just the appetizer. we really get into the heart of this systemaover the next few days after this. snowfall is going to pile up more and more 5 to 12 feet of snow at the crest of the sierra nevada. and that's not just those highest elevations donner summit. that's it right there. fully expecting that 5 to 12 feet. it is going to take multiple days for plows to clear things out. my strong advice to you is please do not mess with that. you're going to be on your own up there because it is going to be a job for these plows to be clearing out roads. if you do have a cabin up in the sierra and you're going to be up there, make sure you have food ready to go for multiple days because roadways are going to be impossible to be driving on. we do have a blizzard warning in effect. throw 10:00am this morning all the way through 10:00am on sunday.
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winds gusting 60 to 80 miles per hour regularly 100 plus mile per hour peak wind gusts. this is going to result in whiteout conditions drifts of snow that will be pushing up against the sides of houses and rooftops. this is going to be one for the books right here. snow level also falling as low as 2000, even 1500 feet by saturday morning. that means we get snow on some of our bay area mountaintops to let's time a little bit of a doubt today. this morning, mostly light showers. rainfall increases this afternoon and do watch for these lines of showers that could come along with some isolated thunderstorm activity. showers continue through our overnight hours tonight and into tomorrow. we should pick things up on intensity a little bit. friday's rainfall packing a little bit more of a punch for us in the bay area. same as we move on into saturday, too. today's rainfall mostly around a quarter to a half an inch of rain tomorrow into saturday. we're going to see even more so several inches of rain on the way. little bit of good news for us here locally. our flooding risk is actually
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pretty minimal because water levels have dropped in some of our rivers and streams after the past couple of weeks of t does mean that water has a chance to flow into the streams without as much of a risk of flooding at the coastline. we do have high surf advisories taking effect today through saturday or tomorrow through saturday. we do have 15 to 20 foot breaking waves at the coast. part of the reason for that is those winds will should be picking up today as well. 30 40 miles per hour gusts in the bay area. today's daytime highs are going to be in the upper 50's to low 60's the last day where we're going to be even seeing a 60 on the map for quite a while. tomorrow starts or trend of low 50's that continues through saturday into sunday. it is going to be a cold weekend with showers and mountain snowfall really piling up in the sierra again, trying to stay local this weekend and do not be heading up to the sierra these next several days. looking at our roads right now, things out there are doing, ok, you just got your metering lights turned on fairly dry at the
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bay bridge so far. so no issues there dry as well. up to a san mateo bridge, richmond center fell not so much. you've been seeing some showers up that direction. so watch out for a wet roadway. much the same at the golden gate bridge with a few wet spots. as you make your crossing right >> on the last day of black history month, we want to introduce you to sallie baker, the dynamic host and creator of one of the longest running children, literacy, public access programs in the nation. we pull it. it's based out of berkeley, california, now through her passion for literacy. this baker has inspired thousands of young minds through poetry. take a look at her story. >> good evening, everybody. >> the year is 1984, and sally baker has just launched the first episode of our new show. we poets. you treat. the goal
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is to help promote literacy for underserved students. >> well, one day i was on the bus and i sat behind 2 young boys and they were trying to reduce paper and they had difficulty trying to reading it out loud. they simple words. you know. so i went back home and i said to my partner and into i said, you know, i sat behind 2 boys and they couldn't read a newspaper. why don't we do a show where we could help kids learn how read and write better? you know, and that's just would miss baker did despite the non-believers, the show. >> was a success. so i went to all the major tv stations in san francisco and oakland. >> and i asked them if i could do my show and they said, well, you know, miss baker, i don't think point re will sell. so the only thing that sells on tv now days is 6 in violence. and so i don't think nobody would want to watch something little kids reading their points. >> said to myself, i'm gonna
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show you different and show them hope is that we'll always thousands of interviews hundreds of interns strain and the sally baker is now celebrating 40 years of we >> ms talley. what does it mean to you to know that you impacted so many people's lives of making feel great that i can see that what i started will go on and keep on going on. you know that it will not die. >> but continue to grow and grow and grow grow and specially in the life this journalists. that's back in the early period, is raining says this may have anything >> i'm thankful cotton candy, candy. it. you know. >> in the program's 40 year run, we pull its in salah baker one more than 50
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prestigious awards. >> now, therefore, be it resolved that i just see out again, mayor, the city of berkeley do hereby declare february 14th 2024 to the repo its day in the city of berkeley. congratulations. thank you so very much. i am. i appreciate this honor. i never realized that i do a tv show for 40 years. but here we are. >> ms baker determined at a young age growing up in iowa to bring people together receiving her business degree. and iowa state university moved to california. but before she started, we pull she dedicated many years to working in higher education at the university of california berkeley. >> sally baker, you are institution that has been in our community and a wonderful resource who are just wonderful. you've given so much to the community. you've helped so many young promoting literacy, giving the motivation to speak in public. >> i'm just so impressed with with the way that. she has
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been able to bring the community of people together and tell their stories and for giving me this opportunity of getting more experience and it's really inspiring. i think she's one of the most passionate people who just like enjoy doing what she loves for a very long time. 40 years. incredible. we talk about legacy. what's one thing you want to be remembered for? >> i would like to be remembered for helping people no matter what background you come from, but social background go with what you want to do in life and help people don't be selfish. you give out what what you you know, free of charge. you know, you don't have to charge somebody to get out. what you have inside, you know, if it's for the good of other people. >> all right. now we pull it is a nonprofit educational service and they run on donations. so if you would like to donate, please visit bc in tv dot org. that's berkeley community media. we're also have a link to
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their website on our website at kron 4 dot com. we want to make sure that you tune into our special honoring black history in the bay area. it airs tonight 6.30, you know, want to miss it. let's hear video game company, electronic arts is laying off more than 650 employees. that's about 5% of the company's workforce. eas cut. they are the latest to be laid off that have rocked the video game industry since last year, including microsoft, riot games and unity. sony announced it was going to be laying off 900 people from its playstation division as well. coming up in the next hours across the morning news just days until the primary election. >> we have a new exclusive poll showing who is in the lead for the open u.s. senate seat in california will have
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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us.
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i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. >> well, we now know the identity of the woman strangled to death on a santa cruz beach. police say 21 year old meant sort of san ramon was found unresponsive. seabright state beach on friday. investigators suspect or boyfriends daniel stone as her killer. court documents also say still call 9-1-1 allegedly confessed to the murder. we know mansour was attending uc santa cruz and that stone was also a student. there between the summer of 2021 and fall of 2023 still remains in custody on no bail. well, there's a new report claims that panera bread is exempt from following california's new minimum wage law because of its relationship with governor newsom starting april first, a new law will raise fast food workers, minimum wage, $20 an
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hour. the new law doesn't recognize places that make their own bread for sell as fast food. while the line was drawn at bred remains unclear. the bloomberg report found that the owner of over 20 panera locations has also been involved in donating to newsom's campaign as much as $100,000 in 2021. owner of the narrow locations told bloomberg he had no role in crafting the bread exemption in the new fast food law. coming up in the next hour, the quote, the morning news. >> rain is back in the bay to tell you what our forecast is looking like what to expect over the next few days. plus, a man was arrested in connection to a triple shooting in the south bay. more than 5 years later. what more than 5 years later. what new leads po
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>> right now on the kron 4 morning news, a major storm set to slam the bay area with high winds, heavy rain and even snow on our local mountains. we're tracking the look. conditions live. after being without a police chief for more than a year. the city of oakland may be one step closer to naming a new one will talk about an important step happening tonight. and with less than a week until the primary election, a new exclusive poll shows who is in the lead for the open u.s. senate seat in california will have the breakdown. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. good morning. thank you for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news on this >> what will be a wet thursday? i'm james left and right. are in for darya folsom? yeah. we've been talking about the storm and john has en


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