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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  February 29, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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>> right now on the kron 4 morning news. a major storm has its sights set on northern california. we've got heavy rain expected for the next few days here in the bay area. meanwhile, the sierra is dealing with a blizzard warning this morning. we everything you need to know to get ready. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. 7 o'clock here on the kron. 4 morning news. thank you for joining us. i'm james fletcher and i'm reyna harvey in for darya folsom. the storm saw open wide open. yeah. and you're at who knows when they're going to close again. we've got john with a look at all of an yesterday was so gorgeous. that door was closed yesterday who left it but hey, we're about to see a very heavy dose of snow up in the sierra nevada and a good round of rain here in the bay area. the
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bit breezy out there so far. but as far as rain goes, most of us have just seen light showers, really heavy mist at this point. coastal areas in north bay. you are seeing wet conditions on the roads. so take it a little slower in these areas. you can clearly see the where the rainfall is. a already is up along the north coast and you see all that speckled cloud cover offshore. these are called cellular clouds right here. and oftentimes for when it's cold and unsettled, this is a sure sign of some thunderstorm development that's likely to work its way on into the bay area later today and on into tomorrow, too. you can actually see some of those thunderstorms developing later on today. and future cast those deeper areas of green and notice that blue becomes a lot more widespread leading into tomorrow and saturday. that's because cold air rushes in to the bay area and in particular, the sierra resulting in very heavy snowfall. blizzard warnings in effect the next several days. roadways going to be impossible for travel as we
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will see several feet of snowfall. i'm looking at donner summit with 9 to 12 feet possible. that is going to be a tough job for plows the next several days. so if you are up in the sierra, have plenty of food with you. you're not going to be doing a lot of moving. and if you have plans on heading to the sierra, it's really time to cancel them. now. do not be heading up there these next several days. temperatures are in the 40's to 50's right now in the bay, oakland and hayward. 53 dublin at 49 fremont. also at 49 degrees, novato and san francisco sitting at 52. so it is a mild start. they're some of those showers. misty conditions at sfo right now. temperatures in the upper 50's for most of us later today. i'm talking everything you need now for the several days of wet and snowy weather. still ahead right now, all eyes on for that. okay. let's look at your morning commute. remember, things are a little slick and went out there. take your time. >> 20's, even iran traveling into the city right now in the bay bridge, san mateo bridge just short of 17 minutes. ours has center joey, see it coming down. there are 14 right? and
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the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 26 minutes. >> well, we are continuing our team coverage now of the rain. i know in the north bay earlier we had a few drops start to fall. should find out how it's going now. yeah, let's check in with will trend has been keeping us updated up in santa rosa. will cain. last time we checked in hood was on now holds off. so is it coming down? are
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ready and just need you to come to the part. back to know, we know you only has been or shoes on and that i know came just let careful what you wish for william h s s. thanks prepare. all right. 704. >> is the time also happening tonight in the east bay, the public will get its chance to
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meet the candidates for oakland's police chief. but tonight's candidate comes with a little controversy. they are saying tell says she won't be easy or kerman has the latest. >> cincinnati police department lieutenant colonel lisa davis, new york assistant deputy mayor for public safety. louis molina, former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen and retired lubbock, texas police chief floyd mitchell are all candidates for oakland police chief and now the oakland police commission has selected them to answer questions a community forum thursday. but mayor sheng thao says this public forum is making top candidates withdraw their names from consideration. and this letter to the police commission tell says oakland city charter does not require a public form to select the oakland police chief hosting a public forum is detrimental to attracting the best candidates. i will not participate in the forum for these reasons. chief election help.
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>> that we had the right. i'm from we don't have a public. there was a public forum. civil rights attorney, john burris is closely watching the process. position on this, although there's some legitimacy to i just don't know that overrides the public interest to know where these people are before they selected. i think that's the overriding consideration. former san francisco police chief tony rivera says the current list lacks any internal candidates. he says oakland could benefit from someone who knows the department and the community problems are always going to come up with your teeth. >> look at a problem in in a specific community and it's nice to to know a couple of leaders in that community, but you can call up on a personal basis and saying, hey, i have a problem here. what do you think? and it really gives you some firsthand knowledge of that. i think it's very advantageous. former oakland police chief anne kirkpatrick says she's also disappointed there's no internal candidate and she says whoever is chosen, they must be someone
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who can make peace among all the factions fractures between the commission. >> and the mayor's office of pressure between the mayor and the city council fracture between the community. >> and all the politics that place fractured. and yet you have a great police department that just really hungry for the right person who could be a peacemaker. i think between all of these different factions. >> how this all plays out remains to be seen. but civil rights attorney jim chanin says the mayor and the police commission need to stop the infighting. >> they have to get themselves together. whether we have a public hearing or not, it is not to be by not what people want, but but bucks best for the people of oakland. and that's clearly not happening. >> that candidate forum will take place thursday evening at 6.30, at city hall and online. dan kerman kron. 4 news.
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>> well, san jose also need a police chief and city leaders are planning virtual and in-person meetings next month. residents can voice to the new to should be current chief anthony mata is retiring next month after spending nearly 30 years with the department. he's accepted a new position as the investigations bureau chief for the santa clara county district attorney's office. happening today, the man charged in connection to the half moon bay mass shootings. we'll be back in a san mateo county courtroom. charlies. was supposed to enter pleas to grand jury indictments last month, but it didn't happen after the defense asked for more time to review the charges. last year's out pleaded not guilty to all the charges and remain in custody ever since. prosecutors say they hope the trial will happen this year. but they admit it could be delayed until 2025. >> today is a key deadline for the company behind a proposed eco-friendly city up in solano county. today is the deadline for this long. the county counsel's office to give
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california forever the ballot title that the company is going to need to start collecting signatures for ballot initiative. the company's trying to get the proposal on the november ballot. california forever has had to revise its initiative twice and the delays have shortened the amount of time they have to collect 13,000 signatures. but a spokesperson for the company says they are confident their initiative will make it on the ballot. in the north bay police now are asking for your help identifying the person who they say started this fire and in a target saturday afternoon, you're probably seeing that video by now. well, officers say the man on your screen is the one who set paper towel rolls on. fire in one of the aisles. the fire forced evacuations and a store closure that's still in place or was until saturday. the damage now is estimated to cost around 3 million dollars. video game company. electronic arts is laying off more than 650 employees. that's about 5% of its workforce. eas cuts are
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the latest layoffs now to rock the video game industry since last year. other companies that have laid off employees include microsoft, riot games and unity. fact, just yesterday sony announced it was going to be laying off 900 people from playstation division. >> muti, they're now posting their highest ridership of 4 years. san francisco city officials say the ridership rose 25% over the last year. the transit system has been making busy improvements, focusing on cleanliness safety, reliability might not be enough city director of transportation says muni still facing toughest financial situation in its history at some stations. ridership is only a 3rd of what it was before we even saw during the pandemic. >> we're also still suffering from the fact that there's no city in the world that has been more impacted by covid era work from home policies. pthen san francisco. >> we have succeeded in retooling unity for today's
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current travel patterns and the results. >> have been far more successful than we had thought possible. >> well, the future of immunity may become clearer later on this year as the mayor and the board of supervisors finalizes that 2024. 25 budget plan. still ahead, a morning news. people living berkeley want changes made to a problematic intersection. >> after back-to-back accidents. and oakland councilmember takes a rock with police to open streets here. the needs of local businesses. what they're asking for. and after the break, with less than a week until the primary election, a new exclusive poll shows who is in the lead for the open u.s. senate seat in california. >> and you can see our next storm system really bearing down on northern california having yet to make its way to the bay area just yet, although we are seeing some areas of mist drizzle and some heavy mist at i'm talking the next several days of rain for the bay heavy
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>> and we're back 7.13, is the time with a live look behind us here at the golden gate bridge getting darker and more grand outline ominous continue crouching just a little bit. yeah, inching closer and closer by the minute i like it all. the comparisons and same for the sierra. this view is not going to look anywhere like this. just 24 hours from now. i'm very, very much so i'm looking forward to what this is going to look like in just a couple of days. you can see there's not a lot of people just casually enjoying the diamond peak tech this morning as at lake level at the lake tahoe, 4 to 8 feet of snowfall are expected here
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with just the next 36 hours. radar is showing you for us in the bay. we do have those spots of heavy drizzle. misty conditions so far, rainfall holding off for now. at least the heaviest stuff. it's up in northern california. look at that massive system anchored off the gulf of alaska. this is that cold front that is sweeping through today. behind it, cold air stashed up and all that moisture headed are right for us. this is going to be the most significant snow maker of the season so far could be for the whole year. we are looking out there at the sierra seeing several feet of snow donner summit anywhere between 5 to 12 feet of snowfall. now i don't care how lifted your traffic is. how many change do have this is not a situation that even the most experienced of us want venture into that 5 to 12 feet of snowfall. that's going make roadways impossible to be traveling on. so if you're out there, expect several days of being snowed in, have plenty of food with you. he wanted to
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head up. i hope that you can get those cancellations in asap. 3 to 6 inches of snow on some of our north bay mountains. the snow really falls to increasingly lower elevations this year is not just dealing with feet upon feet of snowfall, but also strong winds. that's a blizzard warning going into effect at 10 this morning through 10:00am on sunday. winds up there gusting as high as 80 miles per hour. peak wind gusts on some of the very crest mountains of the sierra. as much as 100 miles per hour. this is going to make for low visibility, drifting snow just further making travel conditions and possible. all this starts today but really picks up into friday and saturday. that's our heaviest of it. we are going to see many closures, including along i-80 and highway 50 for the bay. we can handle the rain that we're going to be seeing. it is going to be a good dose of it, though. heavy rain moving through this afternoon. pockets of heavy rain and even thunderstorms expected through the afternoon into evening hours tonight and into tomorrow as well. little bit of good news here. so we had a bit of a break that is allowed water levels to fall on some
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of our smaller streams in our rivers. any rainfall that we're going to see either going to get absorbed by the ground. we're going to flow into the streams. we should not see much flooding concern for the bay area out of this one. a quarter of an inch to a half an inch of rain today for the bay. we will several inches this weekend and even more into next week. any concerns of flooding would be on small streams right around the russian river. as for a high surf advisories that the coast, those go into effect tomorrow as part of the storm, we will have some high breaking waves, high swell. so keep it away from the coast. winds picking up later today as the cold front rushes through 30, 40 miles per hour. gusts in the day pair that with upper 50's to low 60's and showers. absolutely. get the rain jackets ready to go for the later today. temperatures further fall into the weekend by friday, saturday and sunday. we're barely making 50 degrees for your daytime highs. mountain snowfall friday night into saturday morning right here in the bay and relentless snowfall in the sierra over the next few days. great. all
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right, john, thank you for that, ok? so we're tracking your morning traffic. remember, things are a little slick out there. 33 minute ride into the city this morning. mateo bridge around 17, 80 to 101, things are a little busy picking up. certainly wet on the riches center fell bridge 14 minutes there and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the toast. 31 minutes. 7.17, the time for your money. this morning, the average working parent relies on 6 different people to support. >> raising their child and t-mobile says it stopped billions of spam calls. we've got jane king live, the nasdaq in new york to jane, i james, good morning us to t-mobile says customers have been protected for more than 19 billion scam calls last year. >> that is 628 spam calls every second t-mobile credits, its ongoing network advancements and government intervention. well, it takes 6 people to raise the average american child. a survey from like bridge academy. one poll found grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and siblings, all help take care of a child
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under 10. also, the average working parents stresses about child care 6 days each month and applebee's. one dollar margarita the dollar. rita is boosting sales and profits. not only that, but it's attracting new diners, young ones, some visiting applebee's for the first time ever. and walmart customers who purchase bagged fruit. another way to groceries during a specific time period could qualify to get up to $500. this is result. the class action lawsuit that claimed walmart charge customers more than it should have for those products resulting in a 45 million dollar settlement. so you would have had about the eligible items from walmart between 10/19/2018 and january, 19th 2024 and those claims must be filed by june live from the nasdaq market site. i'm jane king back to james. all right, jane, thank you very much. >> welcome is your local election headquarters and we're just 5 days away from the march 5th primary. we are. and this morning we have an exclusive new inside california politics and emerson college poll which
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shows the race for california's open u.s. senate seat is extremely close. very close. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace. >> live in sacramento to break that down for us. good morning. a time. >> all right. and james and everybody in the bay area. good morning. and yes, as you mentioned, very close race. and here we go. it's the sprint to the finish. and remember in this race for the u.s. senate, it's not just about who's in first, but that all important runner-up. >> democrat adam schiff, thank you, everybody. republican steve garvey. and democrat katie porter. you're looking at the 3 leading candidates in the race for california's open u.s. senate seat. that is according to this new inside california politics. emerson college poll showing ship in the lead with 28% and garvey in second with 20% in 3rd place. but within the margin of error in reach of second places. porter with 17% democrat barbara lee rounds out the top 4 at 8%. while all
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other candidates pulled at 2% or lower. i think the main takeaway here is that shift is likely to take that number one spot. >> but that second place that is up for grabs. matt taglia helped to organize and conduct the poll. he says it's important to remember this race is part of the state's top 2 primary system, meaning the top 2 vote getters will advance to compete in the november general election all the more. so i taglia note much of the attention is now on porter and garvey as they do it out for runner-up. we see a real tightening per second place. so i think that's that's the headline here. he also says something to watch closely is this 17% of voters say they are still undecided. when asked who they're leaning toward 19% of the undecided point to barb with shift and porter just behind it. but even if you factor that in the poll finds ship would still be in the lead with garvey importer behind him. as for lee, without that baseline of supports, it might just be too
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little too late in the race for the white house. the poll found a joe biden and donald trump will easily win their respective primaries in california. a state where voters say their top issues include the economy, housing, affordability and as for governor gavin newsom's ballot measure known as proposition won, the poll found it's likely to pass the proposal asks voters to approve a 6.3, 8 billion dollar bond to fund more than 11,000 behavioral health beds. and 27,000 treatment unit statewide for people experiencing substance use disorders. >> and mental illness for the poor results. 69% of voters say they will vote yes, seeing support close to 70%. >> suggest that there is still widespread concern among californians that we're not doing enough take on this issue. >> and the poll also found a governor gavin newsom's approval rating stands at 49% and his disapproval rating stands at 39%. now rain and james, that is significant.
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given a new recall effort launched just this week with the goal to eventually oust him from office. reporting live from the state capitol eytan wallace kron. 4 news. all right. we'll have to see how that works its way through to. thank you very tom. thanks for that breakdown there. we've got a reminder. >> kron four's going to be a local election headquarters. join us on election day tuesday, march 5th live election results from around the bay coverage starts at 8 o'clock are going to take a break at 7.22. but coming up on the kron 4 morning news investigators reopening a 5 year-old deadly shooting case in the south bay after developing some new leads. so of the latest on that. >> we're also tracking the rain, as you well know. we've got a big storm heading our way. john troubles been keeping us updated on the timing of it all along in timing of it all along in alaska. h
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(sung) febreze! i use febreze fabric refresher everyday. to make my home smell amazing. on my bed... my couch... my jacket or jeans. in between washes. even shoes. febreze doesn't cover up odors with scent, but fights them and freshens! over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher. who says you can't go for bold without going broke...
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get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. >> well, a person was taken to the hospital after being hit by a caltrain san jose. caltrain. officials say that incident happened at the blossom hill station just before 7 last night. they say for unknown reasons a person was on the track as a southbound train was approaching about. 38 people were on board the train. there are no reported injuries to any passengers or crew. there's one fewer applebee's in the east bay antioch restaurant by highway 4 and hillcrest avenue served its last meal this week. says the closure is part of a broader business strategy says employees were given the chance to work another restaurants in the region. the next closes applebee's is in pin all. >> we're going to take a break
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here. 7.26. coming up next on the kron. 4 morning news. a major storm is about to hit the sierra. that's supposed to drop a lot of snow basically making everything impassable. we haven't seen a storm like this yet this year. john, trouble in the weather center complete coverage coming up in just a minute. and here, look at futurecast for we're tracking the rain that this tracking the rain that this storm is going to bring th bay area as well. nonstop rain basically starting today until sunday potentially. we'll see how much is set to fall in how much is set to fall in just a minute.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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>> we are back at the half
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hour 7.30, as we're still waiting counting down for the big rain to start falling. yeah, we are. it's on its way that we're already starting to see some sprinkles here and there and so. the commute might a little rough this morning on? yeah, definitely slick. we got those wet conditions out there now. but the heaviest of rainfall at least holds off until later on today tomorrow. and then saturday going to be some of our heaviest of rain. and of course, the heavy, heavy snowfall in the sierra. getting a look at the embarcadero right now. we've had enough that is making roadways wet seagulls, not stopping anyone of you. and we are looking at a couple still walk into work this morning there on the embarcadero, brave in some of those light sprinkles we've seen so far heaviest of rainfall, as i mentioned, really arriving later on today. so this morning, relatively calm looking offshore. you can see the scope of this storm system right here. but point a few things out free, cold front right here behind this is that colder air and after this is when the real action really kicks into gear. all that cloud cover offshore has a cellular nature do it. this is a sign of instability and
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really cold air out there. the pairing of both of these is going to result in heavy snowfall in the sierra and a chance of thunderstorms here in the bay area will see our heavier rainfall. as i mentioned, arriving this afternoon, snowfall kicks into gear later today in the sierra and really comes down. heaviest starting tomorrow into saturday. can see all that blue expanding as snow level drops further and further lower elevations, about 5,000 feet in elevation. we're going to be talking anywhere between 5 to 12 feet of snowfall. this is going to here. travel impossible. so don't be heading to this year. these next several days, caltrans crews going to be getting out there the best they can to dig everyone out. but if you are in the sierra, bring several days of food with you, make sure you are stocked up snow really being heaviest tomorrow through saturday. and we do have blizzard warnings in effect due to some very strong winds along with it, gusting as high as 82, even 90 miles per hour. 50's for current temperatures. it's a mild start to the day here in the bay. just very misty and drizzly so far you
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can see that at sfo as well. areas of heavy rain this afternoon. temps staying in the upper 50's to low 60's at our warmest today rain. right, john, thank you for that. let's get a look at you here. if you're traveling this morning. remember, things are very slick in what 27 minutes heading into the city around 90 minutes. 82 want to one really let riches center fell bridge 14 minutes there. and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls around 37 minutes. well. >> okay, 7.31. let's get back to our team coverage. that blizzard warning that's going into effect this morning. >> bringing several feet more than several feet. we're talking 5, maybe even 12 feet of snow. yeah. after some of higher elevations up to tahoe, meteorologist john shrable saying if you're not up there already, do not go. michael thomas live with more on what you need to know. they're now we can stay safe morning. michael. >> good morning, everyone. that's right, james. anywhere from about 5 to 10 or maybe even 12 feet of snow in the sierra with lake tahoe, seeing
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at least a couple of those several feet right now. take a live look. this is on one of the highways. we've got up on your screens. you can see just exactly what it's looking like in that area when it comes to the snow coverage. and starting this morning at 10 o'clock, the national weather service is actually putting in place a blizzard warning for 300 mile stretch from the sierra from north of lake tahoe down to south of yosemite national park. now the area said to have a widespread blowing snow that will create essentially a blizzard-like and whiteout conditions, meaning it's going to be extremely dangerous. an almost impossible to drive because you won't be able to see even within a few feet in front of you. experts say there may be anywhere between 2 to 4 feet of snow in towns along tahoe's. sure. and as we mentioned 5 to 10 feet in the highest elevations of the sierra. there's also expected to be winds gusting anywhere from about like 9200 miles an hour significantly, you know, impactful for people in pg and e along with pacific crews are already on standby because they do expect disruptions
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during this entire point. and they want to remind people just be safe. use caution, we spoke with meteorologist ron trouble this morning who had this to say regarding his thoughts on if you're actually planning to head up there. so you have plans of getting to the sierra. >> it is time to cancel those to reconsider. if you are going to be in this year already fully plan on being snowed in for multiple days. have those go bags ready? multiple days worth of food. it is very important to be ready to not be able to move. once you get up there. >> now, again, this is lasting all throughout the weekend. so you probably should just take john's advice. nobody wants to be snow did at any point back out here live. you can see here the city of san francisco. it's already a bit chilly. it's drizzling or so. so just try to stay warm and of course, stay off those roads and stay out of harm's by this morning in san francisco. i will send it back to you to live in the studio right out of harm's way. we hope to stay. thank you, mike. 7.34 is the time.
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>> now to a story we first brought you yesterday here on the kron. 4 morning news, san jose police arresting a man in connection with the shooting outside of a talker. rio. >> multiple witnesses were just feet away. cropper's amanda hari has that story. surveillance video outside of the law. victoria, talk korea on almaden expressway back in august of 2018 shows the moment a triple shooting went down. >> it wai around 10, 15 at night and lots of people were still around. >> video shows just how gruesome this act committing violent crime in a public area where multiple bystanders are located, including small children. and so you really see that in the surveillance video, san jose police public information officer tanya hernandez says the 3 victims and 2 male suspects. we're inside of the restaurant when they got into an argument. >> and that argument turned violent when all 5 people stepped outside. that was when the primary suspect produced a
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handgun and shot each of the victims, at least once in november of 2023. police identified 26 year-old miguel vergara perez as the primary suspect and reopen the case arresting vergara present december. alright, homicide unit detectives >> really exhausted. all leads in these cases and do not rest until they bring justice to our victims and the victims. families. >> well, perez is in the santa clara county jail facing attempted homicide charges. police are still looking for another suspect in this case. well, in the east bay, oakland councilmember dan com spent wednesday walking the streets and talking with merchants in north oakland. this is because he's looking for solutions to combat rising crime. so last year resolution, the author past in the city council addressing public safety. he says the city is currently implementing the actions,
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including hiring and retaining more 9-1-1, dispatchers to try improve response times. add in high-tech cameras along busy streets as well. >> i think i've asked for insist upon is that we asked the fbi to come in to oakland and to help us investigate the most violent crimes. they've done that in the past and now they're going to do it again. >> wednesday marked cars, 4th walk with police since he says crime started to steadily go up 2 years ago. >> well, the anti-defamation league has filed a federal complaint against the berkeley unified school district for what they say is severe and persistent antisemitic bullying. the complaint accuses berkeley administrators of ignoring parents reports and allowed its k through 12 schools to become hostile environments for jewish and israeli students. it also accuses the board of education of not disciplining teachers and students who've engaged in that harassment and instead of addressing the issue, the report says principal simply moved the defendant students to different classrooms.
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meanwhile, uc berkeley officials are addressing an anti-israel protests that forced evacuation monday night. 100 protesters descended on zellerbach playhouse where rand bar use use of fat and israeli attorney and former member of the israeli defense force was set to speak. protesters broke through doors to the playhouse, forcing the audience and the speaker to evacuate. 2 jewish students say they were assaulted by some of the demonstrators. the chancellor's office sent a letter to the campus describing what happened. but victims of the demonstration wanted more. >> but knowing that statement today mention anything about jews being harassed or use the word anti-semitism wants. and so i think there are a lot of jewish student center feeling alienated >> of the letter called the attack on the building and the event and quote, attack on the fundamental values of the university. organizers ended up moving that event to a more secure location. state attorney general rob bonta reacted to the incident there on the camp, cal campus on
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social media. >> he wrote on x, quote, on california college campuses. there is a right to assemble right to,free speech, right to safety and a right to peaceful discourse. free of violence and acts of hate. hate against one community is hate against us. all we must do better. >> of berkeley intersection is a problem spot after a driver hit another police shut down the area of 7th street and hines avenue yesterday after a person was hit while crossing the street. this latest incident comes just weeks after a father and his toddler were hit at that very intersection while they were riding their bikes to school proms. dan thorn with that story. >> the smashed in windshield of this blue mini cooper is at a berkeley intersection. police had to close off - street and hines avenue wednesday afternoon after another person was hit while crossing the street. really goes out to the pedestrian because i saw. >> just a little photo of the
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car and the shattered window shield berkeley resident adam moss is all too familiar with the dangers of this intersection on the morning of february. 12th mohsen, his 3 year-old son recycling to a nearby school when they were hit by a driver. the child was not hurt, but moss suffered a bad knee injury and it was a terrifying experience. we feel so incredibly grateful well that we off because we're well aware that it could have moss says there's a lot of movement in this industrial area of southwest berkeley. aside from the nearby businesses and schools, the intersection is popular for cyclists dog walkers, runners and families moss. his wife is involved with traffic safety group walk bike berkeley. the organization says they're extremely upset about another person being injured by a driver. they're calling on the city to rapidly respond by making safety improvements at the intersection. moss says infrastructure such as curb extensions or bollards need to be put in place. i hope cities
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can do more to put in our infrastructure to keep people safe because >> i want to live in a city that is walk and bike friendly. and i think we actually need that for our future. we're still working to gather more information about wednesday's crash. police have not officially released what happened or the conditions of the person who was hit. >> in berkeley, dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> we ask god's healing family and friends. all of us come together to pray today. >> community members in san mateo county coming together in prayer yesterday honoring a family that was murdered earlier this month. a father mother and their 4 year-old twin boys were found dead in their home during a welfare check. investigators say they believe the father shot his wife multiple times before turning the gun on himself. >> i think about a crime such
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as speaks to mental illness. i can crime such as this was not someone mentally even all appearances were contrary, which is around >> prayers were shared outside of the family's home where officers found the bodies. the twins cause of death is still unclear. that's being investigated. there were no signs of physical trauma. police say there was no history of violence at that home either. so there looking for some motive. >> all right. let's switch gears here because we're still talking about a black history month stories this morning. we're going to introduce you to a host that has been using one of the longest running children, literacy, public access programs, teach children how to read for 40 years. we'll hear how the show got its start and the impact it's had over the years and taking a very close look at this next storm, which is going to result in very heavy snow in the sierra making travel up there. >> pretty impossible. the next
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several days going result in some pretty solid rain for the bay area all have everything you got to know as we make our you got to know as we make our
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who says you can't go for bold without going broke... get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. i'll be honest.
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by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet. >> all right. back here at 7.44. taking a live look here at sfo. i don't want to think what the delay situation is going to be like when the yes, and way that check in on your flights. also check in on your loved ones. the next few days are going to be rough, especially if you have them up in the sierra. yeah, i know we've all been checking in with their loved ones, friends that live up in the sierra. i've been reminding everyone
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just go ahead, stay stocked up on food. >> you know how it is when you get snowed in up there and i don't want anyone to get snowed in in their cars heading up there. so honestly, if you travel plans heading to the sierra tonight tomorrow, saturday, just it's not a good idea. beginning up their roadways going to be impossible to manage for the bay area. it's a lot more of a a reasonable situation. we do have rain that's already beginning to fall in a few spots and some heavier showers this afternoon into tomorrow and saturday. but we have very minimal risk of flooding the ground in stride out. so a lot of it's going to absorb pretty quickly. and our streams have also seen water levels dropping. this is a good set up to be seeing several days of rain for us. it's not as dire the situation for the sierra. don't do if you're trying to get up there, wait until next week because it's going to be a tough go for these plows the next few days, low pressure area anchored in the gulf of alaska. look at this massive area of cooler air that's just going to plunge dive deep and across the region really going make
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for some cold temperatures from the bay to the sierra. but we're going to focus on that snow first of all, because the snow numbers are just incredible anywhere between 5 to 12 feet of snow across upper elevations above 5,000 feet at lake level, lake tahoe, 4 to 8 feet at donner summit. as much as 9 feet of snowfall. that's i-80 right there. that's going to take a long time to clear out for plows. so don't expect any travel conditions the next few days expect closures on highway 50 as well as it and come saturday morning. we've got 3 to 6 inches of snowfall on top of mount saint helene at right here in the bay area. some snow as well atop mount diablo in mission peak. so we've got our own weather here at home. winter storm warnings. blizzard advisories up in the sierra nevada. blizzard warnings go into effect this morning at 10:00am last through 10:00am on sunday. just not the feet of snowfall, but winds gusting as high as 80 miles per hour. so for potential for power outages. and that could last for several days as well. we
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will be looking at snow level as low as 2,1500 feet. that's well down in the foothills and right here in the bay, too. whiteout conditions drifting snow, impassable roadways in the sierra focusing here at home. i've already mentioned this is a much more manageable forecast for us. but it is one that we're going to be wet this afternoon. thunderstorms in areas of heavy rainfall continuing into this evening tonight as well as tomorrow into saturday. roadways will be wet the next several days. watch for dark clouds, thunderstorms. this is something that is possible all the way through the weekend ahead of us. maybe not the best weekend for outdoor activities. good one to stay local a quarter of an inch to half an inch of rain today. adding up on top of that even more the next 2 days and we'll see several inches of rain for the bay area tomorrow. high surf advisories going back into effect at the coastline. we do have 15 to 20 foot breaking waves at the coast and along with that some strong winds, 30 to 40 miles per hour gusts at times today. today's daytime highs will be the most mild of the rest of
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this forecast. upper 50's to low 60's. that is a lot cooler than yesterday was. but we get only cooler from here forward friday, saturday and sunday. it's low 50's for you. barely even making 50 degrees. we have snow fall in our mountain peaks in the bay area and blizzard conditions in the sierra. great. all right. on the eve of and here you are going to be heading into the city this morning. >> we're looking at a 2 minute ride there may so that fremont street exit. remember, things are slick and wet out there. take your time time time. 23 minute ride on the san mateo bridge. checking things. then on the richmond, sandra fell bridge 14 minutes there and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls looking at a 45 minute ride. on the last day of black history month. want to introduce you to sallie baker, the dynamic coast and creator of one of the longest running children, literacy, public access programs in the nation. we poet it's based out of berkeley, california, through her passion for
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literacy. baker has inspired thousands of young minds to poetry. take a look at her story. >> good evening, everybody. >> the year is 1984, and sally baker has just launched the first episode of our new show. poets. you treat. the goal is to help promote literacy for underserved students. >> well, one day i was on the bus and i sat behind 2 young boys and they were trying to reduce paper and they had difficulty trying to reading it out loud. they simple words. you know. so i went back home and i said to my partner and into i said, you know, i sat behind 2 boys and they couldn't read a newspaper. why don't we do a show where we could help kids learn how to read and write better? you know, and that's just would miss baker did despite the non-believers, the
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show. >> was a success. so i went to all the major tv stations in san francisco and oakland. >> and i asked them if i could do my show and they said, well, you know, miss baker, i don't think point re will sell. so the only thing that sells on tv now days is 6 in violence. and so i don't think nobody would want to watch something little kids reading their points. >> said to i'm going to show you different and show them. she and went we hope is that alw'ys thousands of interviews hundreds of interns strain and the sally baker is now celebrating 40 years of we >> ms talley. what does it mean to you to know that you've impacted so many people's lives of making feel great that i can see that what i started will go on and keep on going on. you know that it will not die.
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>> but continue to grow and grow and grow grow and specially in the light this year in general. through back in the early period? it's my name is ryan says may have anything >> i'm thankful cotton candy, candy. >> it, you in the program's 40 year run, we pull its in salah baker, one more than 50 prestigious awards. >> now, therefore, be it resolved that i just see out again, mayor, the city of berkeley do hereby declare february 14th 2024 to the repo its day in the city of berkeley. congratulations. thank you so very much. i am. i appreciate this honor. i never realized that i do a tv show for 40 years. but here we are. >> ms baker determined at a young age growing up in iowa to bring people together receiving her business degree. and iowa state university moved to california. but before she started, we pull
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its she dedicated many years to working in higher education at the university of california berkeley. >> sally baker, you are institution that has been in our community and a wonderful resource who are just handful. sal, you've givec so much to the community. you've helped so many young promoting literacy, giving the motivation to speak in public. >> i'm just so impressed with with the way that. she has been able to bring the community of people together and tell their stories and for giving me this opportunity of getting more experience. and it's really inspiring. i think she's one of the most passionate people who just like enjoy doing what she loves for a very long time. 40 years. incredible. we talk about legacy. what's one thing you want to be remembered for? >> i would like to be remembered for helping people no matter what background you come from, but social background go with what you want to do in life and help
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people don't be selfish. you give out what what you you know. >> free of charge. you know, you don't have to charge somebody to get out. what you have inside, you know, if it's for the good of other people. >> now because we pull it is a nonprofit educational service. they run on donations. if you would like to donate, please visit bc in tv dot org. that's berkeley community made media berkeley, community media. also have a link to our website kron 4 dot com. so you can also donate there as well. and you know what? we want to make sure you tune into our special honoring black history. >> in the bay area airs tonight at 6.30. not going want to miss it. we'll have so many great stories about the bay area and how
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>> well, coming up in the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news. the rain is back in the bay area. we're going to tell you what our forecast is looking what we can expect the next few days, both here and up in the sierra. meanwhile, oakland residents will soon get to hear from the candidates running to be the town's next police chief. we'll tell you when you can we'll tell you when you can hear their comments. marshalls buyers are detail obsessed perfectionists.
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who take quality very seriously. and go to the ends of the earth to hustle the best of the best for you. yes! we get the deals, you get the good stuff. marshalls. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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now. the kron 4 morning news. a major storm has its sights set on northern california. heavy rain expected in the next few days right here in the bay area. meanwhile, up in the sierra, they're dealing with blizzard warning this morning. let everything you need to know to get ready. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news good morning. thank you for joining us at 08:00am. i'm james fletcher and i'm reyna harvey in for darya folsom this morning. we've been talking the big storm. it. >> somebody left the gates wide mother nature open the door for got to shut of behind or this is going to stay open for a while. it is is staying over for a while. yesterday's warm mild weather is do that we're going to be seen for a while. you can see behind me right here, the cloudy skies we officially have across the bay. >> and at the embarcadero, we've already seen some light showers so far. rainfall at this point has been pretty mode.


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