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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  February 29, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PST

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now. the kron 4 morning news. a major storm has its sights set on northern california. heavy rain expected in the next few days right here in the bay area. meanwhile, up in the sierra, they're dealing with blizzard warning this morning. let everything you need to know to get ready. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news good morning. thank you for joining us at 08:00am. i'm james fletcher and i'm reyna harvey in for darya folsom this morning. we've been talking the big storm. it. >> somebody left the gates wide mother nature open the door for got to shut of behind or this is going to stay open for a while. it is is staying over for a while. yesterday's warm mild weather is do that we're going to be seen for a while. you can see behind me right here, the cloudy skies we officially have across the bay. >> and at the embarcadero, we've already seen some light showers so far. rainfall at this point has been pretty
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moderate. just a few areas of heavy drizzle and mist we are seeing the heavier rainfall on its way later on today. and you can spy that across northern california. this is a big system in comes along with the rush of cooler air cold front right here in the speckle nature of that cloud cover behind it. cellular clouds. this is a sign of unsettled, very cold air. a chance of thunderstorms as this cooler air moves in as well as just huge cool down in temperatures to that will allow snow to fall to lower in lower elevations. the next several days. this is this afternoon for the bay. that's when we'll see our most likely chance of thunderstorms and heavy are areas of rainfall. snow up in the sierra only falls at lower and lower elevations into tomorrow night, especially in saturday morning could see some snow in some of our bay area mountaintops on those days. as for the sierra extremely dangerous travel conditions. honestly, impossible travel conditions. we're talking anywhere between 9 to 12 feet of snowfall above 5,000 feet in elevation. that's donner summit right there. just
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buried in snow. it's going to take several days for caltrans crews to get roadways plowed out. so if you are in the sierra anticipate being snowed in for several days and if you're planning on heading up their best advice is delay. that trip is not going to be a good situation getting up there for now, the most intense snow is on the way friday through saturday. as for temperatures in the bay right now, summer, most mild weather low to mid 50's for current temperatures later on today, we will be making our way into the low 60's for the last day of this forecast for only a few spots after this, that cold air just pushes in more and more and the weekend gets downright cold wet and for the mountains, snowy. i'll talk about it right now. all right. on the eve of moving here, remember, conditions are very slick out there on your roadways, highways and bridges, but a 20 minute ride into the city this morning. >> 7 temperature around 2040, 80 to 101, rich's summerfield bridge. you can see the water droplets on the lens and it's really been coming down that bridge. 45 minute ride golden gate bridge. 37 to tolls.
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>> well, we are continuing our team coverage of the rain in the north bay. as we know it's been sprinkling the roads, the parking lots a little damp this morning. it was damp on my commute into work. we know that kron four's will tran. >> he's been live up in the north bay will and even seen rain, not seeing rain. >> a look now.
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probably will need it. not so bad right now. back to all right. >> but i don't think it all right, ed 0, 4 is the time happening tonight. the public
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will get a chance now to meet the candidates for oakland's next police chief. but tonight's candidates comes with a little controversy. mayor sheng thao says she won't be there. no proper stance. kerman has more on why. cincinnati police department lieutenant colonel lisa davis, new york assistant deputy mayor for public safety. louis molina. >> former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen and retired lubbock, texas police chief floyd mitchell are all candidates for oakland police chief and now the oakland police commission has selected them to answer questions at a community forum thursday. but mayor sheng thao says this public forum is making top candidates withdraw their names from consideration. and this letter to the police commission tell says oakland city charter does not require a public form to select the oakland police chief hosting a public forum is detrimental to attracting the best candidates. i will not participate in the forum for these reasons. the chief election help.
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>> that we had from. we don't have a public. there was a public from civil rights attorney. john burris is closely watching the process. mares position on this, although there's some legitimacy to i just don't know that overrides the public interest to know where these people are before they selected. i think that's the overriding consideration. former san francisco police chief tony rivera says the current list lacks any internal candidates. he says oakland could benefit from someone who knows the department and the community problems are always going come up with your teeth. >> look at a problem in in a specific community and it's nice to to know a couple of leaders in that community, but you can call up on a personal basis and saying, hey, i have a problem here. what do you think? and it really gives you some firsthand knowledge that. i think it's very advantageous. former oakland police chief anne kirkpatrick says she's also disappointed there's no internal candidate and she says whoever is chosen, they must be someone
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who can make peace among all the factions fractures between the commission. >> and the mayor's pressure between the mayor and the city council, a fracture between the community. >> and all the politics that place fractured. and yet you have a great police department that just really hungry for the right person who could be a peacemaker. i think between all of these different factions. >> how this all plays out remains to be seen. but civil rights attorney jim chanin says the mayor and the police commission need to stop the infighting. >> they have to get themselves together. whether we have a public hearing or not, it is not to be by not what people want, but but bucks best for the people of oakland. and that's clearly not happening. >> that candidate forum will take place thursday evening at 6.30, at city hall and online. dan kerman kron. 4 news. well,
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san jose. also they need a new police chief and city leaders are virtual and in-person meetings next month. >> residents can voice their opinion on hulu. the new chief should be the current chief anthony mata is retiring next month after spending nearly 30 years with the department. he's accepted a new position as the investigations bureau chief for the santa clara county district attorney's office. also happening today, the man charged in connection to the half moon bay mass shootings. back in san mateo counties courtroom shanley shower was supposed to enter pleas to grand jury indictments last month. that didn't happen after the defense asked for more time to review the charges last year's out pled not guilty to all charges and remain in custody ever since. prosecutors say they hope the trial will happen this year. but they have made it could be delayed until 2025. >> well, today is a key deadline for the company behind the proposed eco-friendly city in solano county. today is the deadline
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for the slot. a county counselor's office to give california forever the ballot title that the company will need to start collecting signatures for ballot initiative. the company's trying to get the proposal on the november ballot. california forever has had to revise its initiative twice and the delays have shortened the amount of time it has now to collect 13,000 signatures. but a spokesperson for the company says they are confident their initiative will make it on the ballot. elsewhere in the north bay player case are asking for your help now identifying the person they believe started a fire in a target saturday afternoon. officers say the man you see here on your screen set paper towels on fire, which forced evacuations and a store closure that's still in place. store managers are hoping to reopen on saturday. the damage is now estimated about 3 million dollars. if you know who this arson suspect is or where he is, contact police. >> you need a boost in their highs. ridership in about 4 years. san francisco city officials say the ridership rose 25% over the last year.
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the transit system has also been making some improvements. the focus on cleanliness safety, reliability. that might not be enough city's director of transportation says muni is still facing the hardest financial situation in its history at some stations, ridership is only a 3rd of what it was before the pandemic. >> we're also still suffering from the fact that there's no city in the world that has been more impacted by covid era work from home policies. then san francisco. >> we have succeeded in retooling unity for today's current travel patterns and the results. >> have been far more successful than we had thought possible. >> well, the future muni might become clear later on this year as the mayor and the board of supervisors finalize their 2024. 25 budget plans still ahead of the kron, morning news. people living in barkley want changes made to a recent accidents. plus, a local council member takes a
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walk with police oakland streets to hear the needs of local businesses. what they're asking for. and after the break, with l-ss than a week until the primary election, new exclusive poll shows was in the lead for the open u.s. senate seat in california. >> and today is the start of a very active pattern ahead of us showers in northern california right now will drop into the bay area. and we're already seeing some areas of mist in heavy drizzle. sierra snow fall is going to particularly problemat
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>> well, larry cardholders might soon lose the opportunity to get free passes to hundreds of state parks.
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california state library park pass started 2 years ago as a way to provide more equitable access to the outdoors. but it's not included in governor gavin newsom's, new state budget proposal. so the passes provide free parking for day at participating parks. they were checked often live areas more than 2500 times his july of 2022. and used mostly by low income families. this is critical, john, because, you know, like to get up to the parks and yeah, it's essential resource will be interesting see what happens there. absolutely. capitalize on those free fee-free but am don't go up to, you know, 70 this weekend. that's for oh, my goodness. yeah. you'll be the only one there if you will be stuck. haha. and that doesn't sound like a park day that i won but yeah, we've got the heavy snow on the way for the sierra. this is your view at lake tahoe. a diamond peak right now really interested in seeing what this view is going to offer up the next 36 hours
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because right now it is dry, vy it is going to be h snowfall later today. >> piling up further tomorrow. and then even more on saturday and at lake level, we've got 4 to 8 feet of snow on the way. yes, this view is going to change is a lot here very soon. we've been seeing some light showers for the bay area so far. heavy rain to our north is about to plunge our direction. part of this massive low-pressure area diving deep and dragging with it. some real cold air in across the region. this is going to be cold rain into the weekend. some thunderstorms possible. and of course, that feed upon feet of snow in the sierra you head above lake level 5,000 feet above in its 5 to 12 feet of snowfall. this is going to make roadways impossible to travel. if you are in this year the next several days, make sure that you have plenty of supplies with you. and if you're planning on heading up their best advice is just don't do it. i know it could be a loss if you have reservations and stuff like that, you want to be safe. first and foremost, 3 to 6 inches of snow on some of our mountain tops here in the
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north bay, especially just really in those higher elevations, though, not just snow, but also blizzard conditions. a blizzard warning goes into effect today at 10:00am last 10:00am on sunday. we will be seeing winds up there as high as 80 miles per hour, which could also result in power outages for the course of several days. this is not a situation to take lightly. snow level falls as low as 1500 to 2000 feet on saturday morning. that's well down into the foothills. just don't expect to be getting up there anytime soon. it's going to take a while to be clearing off these roads, even with all the plows, you know that they're going to be on it. but it's still going to take some time for that fee to snow to clear from roads. futurecast shows here in the bay area. we've got our own dose moisture with heavy rain in pockets this afternoon. chance of thunderstorms later today into tonight and into tomorrow, too. now even with that heavy rainfall, we have very low risk of flooding. the ground is dry it out. so it's going to absorb a lot of this rain and we also see lower water levels on our streams and
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rivers. so a lot of that's going to be just fine. this is a bit of good news for us here locally. but just because of that and be ready to go, we do have a quarter to half an inch of rainfall today. multiple inches over the next several days and even more into next week. so things will be wet slick in not the best for traveling at the coastline. we go back under high surf advisories tomorrow, 15 to 20 foot. breaking waves at the coast and winds also picking up 30 to 40 miles per hour gusts in the bay. i mentioned, the sierras got 80 to 100 miles per hour. peak gusts, especially higher up upper 50's to low 60's for your daytime highs today and a look ahead shows low 50's into the weekend. we've got cold temperatures this weekend with chilly nights. mountain snowfall in our peaks here in the bay and heavy mountain snow in the sierra right now. i want thank you for that. getting a look at our morning commute. they bridge right now about 19 minutes there. remember, they just look out not seen any accidents on your bridges. 24 min arrive. mateo bridge richards ever fo bridge
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13 minute there. and golden gate bridge. 37, it solves. >> 40 minutes. >> time now is a 17 from for your local election headquarters. and we're just 5 days away now from the primary election day this morning, we have an exclusive new inside california politics. emerson college poll. it shows the race for californians open u.s. senate seat is very, very close. yeah. getting closer by the day, capitol correspondent eytan wallace breaks down the results. kratt adam schiff, thank you, everybody. republican steve garvey. and democrat katie porter. you're looking at the 3 leading candidates in the race for california's open u.s. senate seat. that is according to this new inside california politics. emerson college poll showing ship in the lead with 28% and garvey in second with 20% in 3rd place. but within the margin of error in reach of second places. porter with 17%. >> democrat barbara lee rounds out the top 4 at 8%. while all other candidates pulled a 2% or lower. i think the main
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takeaway here is that shift is likely to take that number one spot. but that second place that is up for grabs. matt taglia help to organize and conduct the poll. he says it's important to remember this race is part of the state's top 2 primary system, meaning the top 2 vote getters will advance to compete in the november general election all the more. so why taglia note, much of the attention is now on porter and garvey as they do it out for runner-up. we see a real tightening per second place. so i think that's that's the headline here. he also says something to watch closely is this 17% of voters say they are still undecided. when asked who they're leaning toward 19% of the undecided point to barb early with shift and porter just behind. but even if you factor that in the poll finds ship would still be in the lead with garvey importer behind him. as for lee, without that baseline of supports, it might just be too little too late in the race for the white house. the poll found a joe biden and donald trump will easily win their
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respective primaries in california. a state where voters say their top issues include the economy, housing, affordability and as for governor gavin newsom's ballot measure known as proposition won, the poll found it's likely to pass the proposal asks voters to approve a 6.3, 8 billion dollar bond to fund more than 11,000 behavioral health beds and 27,000 treatment unit statewide for people experiencing substance use disorders and mental illness. the poll results, 69% of voters say they will vote yes. seeing support close to 70% suggest that there is still widespread concern. >> among californians that we're not doing enough to take on this issue. >> well, that was eytan wallace reporting asked for governor newsom's approval rating. the poll shows it stands at 49% while his disapproval rating is at 39. that's significant. given a new recall effort launched this week with a goal to eventually oust him from office. >> a little reminder, kron 4
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is your election headquarters join us on election day tuesday, march 5th. we'll have live election results coming in during our special coverage which begins at 08:00pm. >> federal regulators are now considering limits on connected vehicles to prevent abusers from tracking victims. fcc says regulations are needed to help victims feel safe in their cars. most new cars come with telecommunication features, which could be used by domestic abusers to track somebody. congress passed a safe connections act last year. fcc will now discuss implementing the act for auto makers and as well. and we got a new report claims their bread is exempt from following california's new minimum wage law because of its relationship with governor newsom. so starting april, 1st, the new law will raise fast food workers, minimum wage to 20 bucks an hour. the new law doesn't recognize places that make their own brand for sells fast food. while the law was drawn up, brad remains unclear. the bloomberg report found that
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the owner of over 20 panera locations has also been involved in donating to newsom's campaign as much as $100,000 in 2021. owner of the panera locations told bloomberg yet no role in crafting that bread exemption. in the new fast, the law. >> it 21 is the time and coming up on the kron 4 morning news investigatorsaare reopening a 5 year-old deadly shooting case in the south bay after developing new leads. also ahead, the latest with the storm. that's coming our way. john trouble in the weather center will give us a complete breakdown of the rain that we're going to get here for days on end and the snow that's going to be impacting the sierra. here's a live look at the roads as you make your way out this morning. we'll be back with complete coverage in just a minute.
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through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. >> fox is heading to the negotiating table with its union workers. chain says it's going to begin talks with union workers about labor agreements. you get first organized starbucks workers back in 2021. they represent employees and more than 300 starbucks locations in the u.s.. the company also says it's going to start rolling out pay raises to workers in unionized locations. 2 sides say they are, quote, a constructive path ahead for collective bargaining at starbucks. dating site. bumble plans to lay off around 350 employees because of a restructuring plan. that's about a 3rd of the workforce. there. company says the layoffs will help drive
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stronger operating leverage and also align its model with future strategies. >> video game company, electronic arts is laying off more than 650 employees. that's about 5% of the company's workforce. eas cuts are the latest layoffs now to rock the video game industry since last year. we've seen microsoft riot games and unity. let workers go. in fact, just yesterday sony announced it was laying off 900 people from its playstation division. well, some consumers are getting access to a free tax filing service. the internal revenue service is now testing its direct file. its in 12 states right now only for qualified users. and you have to file just a simple tax return. the states include california, arizona, texas, new york and florida filers need to provide a social security number or individual taxpayer. i d for themselves or any dependents as well as proper identification. the service is only for w 2 employees. people
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receiving social security or those on unemployment. going to take a breakpright now at a 26. but coming up next, major storm barreling down on the bay area and especially the sierra. >> they're supposed to get feet upon feet of snow. chp, caltrans, even john trouble in the weather center talking about roads being impassable for the next few days. that's how much snow they're getting. we're also tracking the rain. it's set to bring the bay area as well. we've got all those details coming up in just a details coming up in just a minute. stay with us.
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live here behind us at sfo. as we're seeing day one of the storm begin to roll in hasn't even arrived fully just yet. and already sfo reporting 122 delayed flights. >> coming at that to the slick conditions on the roads from people driving this morning. you've got to a nasty mix, yeah, it is definitely slick out there unfortunate to hear about those delays already too. and if you are planning and getting up into the sierra more just delay, i think we're going to have to have a lot of cancellations this weekend because it is going to be impossible to heading into the sierra starting tonight into tomorrow and saturday viewing outside right now at the embarcadero things are doing. all right. it's been light showers so far. mostly heavy mist north of the bay areas where we're seeing really are heavier rainfall falling and snow is already falling north of i-80 mostly in the northern sierra into the southern cascades about to be picking up more and more for these areas this afternoon. expect heavy areas of rain and the bay chance of thunderstorms too. along with it. we will be
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seeing snow falling continuously over the next few days in very heavy snowfall falling at increasingly lower elevations. you see how that blue just gradually expands, especially into saturday morning when will be seeing some snow on about mountain tops right here in the bay area. snow begins this morning. stays with us through the weekend with extremely dangerous travel conditions. roadways will be closed with i-80 and highway 50 expecting about 5,000 feet around 5 to 12 feet of snowfall piling up. most intense snowfall will be friday into saturday tomorrow and saturday. temperatures right now are fairly mild. this is warmer than our daytime highs. the next few days will be. so we're going to get cooler and cooler as the system pushes in along with it. that really cool air mass temperatures today will reach the low 60's for a couple of spots. again, there's sfo experiencing some of those delays today likely to see even more of those into tomorrow and saturday rania. all right, john, thank you for role today. stay on top of
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ridge commute about 15 minutes there. and remember, our roadways and highways are pretty slick. >> 25 at 80 to 101 on the san mateo bridge, richard somerville bridge 12 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls we have about 40 minutes. >> all right. let's continue our storm coverage. we talk about the rain here around the bay. johns also been talking about the wet there that should say the snowy weather they're expecting up in this year the blizzard warning already in effect this morning, several feet of snow expected at some of their lower elevations. and john's been saying, don't go up there. if you're not already. there. >> that michael thomas who has more information on what you need to know up messy, raindrop with their mind. >> yes, good morning, everyone. it's raining. i moved into my kron 4 weather gear because it is cold out here. but over in the sierra and really near lake tahoe, they're going to see anywhere from a few feet of snow all the way up to 10 or 12 feet. and take a look. we've got a live cam. this is right off of 80. i believe it's the dawn or summer camp. you can see it's
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a bit shaky. lots of snow going in there. that fresh powder is a classically like to say and starting this morning at 10 o'clock, the national weather service in reno actually is issuing a blizzard warning. it's going to be for a 3 mile 300 mile excuse me stretch of this from north of lake tahoe all the way down to south of yosemite national park. the area said to have a widespread blowing snow and ultimately creating blizzard-like and whiteout conditions. so they say it's going to be extremely dangerous, an almost impossible for anyone to be driving. let alone even see a few feet ahead of you. experts say there may be anywhere from 2 to 4 feet of snow in the towns along host sure. and 5 to 10 in the area's highest elevations. they also includes some really high gusting winds around 100 miles an hour or so sounds intense. and it probably is going to be. and that's why pg e and pacific gas are actually on standby with crews because they do say that they expect a lot of interruptions during this. they want to remind people to be safe, use caution in, of
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course, never touch those downed power lines. we spoke with kron four's meteorologist trent raible this morning. he's been keeping you all in the loop. take a listen to what his advice is. if you plan on heading out there. so you have plans of getting to the sierra. >> it is time to cancel those to reconsider. if you are going to be in this year already fully plan on being snowed in for multiple days. have those go bags ready? multiple days worth of food. it is very important to be ready to not be able to move. once you get up there. >> now this morning is to put in place from today all the way until sunday. so as john said, you probably just want to cancel those plans back out here live. the wind is picking up just a tad bit here in san francisco, but it is drizzling so it's probably best to just stay home. and as i said, the last time best to stay out of harm's live this morning in san francisco, rain and james, we'll send it back to you to live in the studio. all right. all great information there to keep folks safe. thank you,
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michael. >> okay. 34 is the time now to a story we first brought you yesterday here on the kron. 4 morning news. san jose police have arrested a man in connection with the shooting outside of a talker so there are multiple witnesses. they were standing just feet away. >> amanda hari has that story for us. >> surveillance video outside of the law. victoria, talk korea on almaden expressway back in august of 2018 shows the moment a triple shooting went down. it was around 10, 15 at night and lots of people were still around. >> video shows just how gruesome this act committing violent crime in a public area where multiple bystanders are located, including small children. and so you really see that in the surveillance video, san jose police public information officer tanya hernandez says the 3 victims and 2 male suspects. >> we're inside of the restaurant when they got into an argument and that argument turned violent when all 5
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people stepped outside. that was when the primary suspect produced a handgun and shot each of the victims, at least once in november of 2023. police identified 26 year-old miguel vergara perez as the primary suspect and reopen the case arresting vergara present december. alright, homicide unit detectives >> really exhausted. all leads in these cases and do not rest until they bring justice to our victims and the victims. families. >> well, a guard perez is in the santa clara county jail facing attempted homicide charges. police are still looking for another suspect in this case. >> berkeley intersection is back open after yet. another person is hit by a driver. police closed off the area of heinz avenue and 7th street on wednesday afternoon investigation centering on this mini cooper with that smashed in windshield. a person crossing the street was struck by the driver of that car. this specific
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intersection has lately become a problem spot. fact, it was just weeks ago that a father and his 3 year-old child were biking to a nearby school when they were struck by a driver. the little boy is not hurt, but the dad did suffer a bad knee injury. and now another accident happening yesterday. residents say changes need to happen. >> i hope >> cities can do more to put in our infrastructure to keep people safe because i want to live in a city that is walk and bike friendly and i think we actually need that for our future. advocacy group walk bike berkeley is also weighing in on this latest crash. the organization tells kron 4 they are extremely upset about another person being injured by a driver. >> they're calling on the city of berkeley to act quickly to make safety improvements. >> we as scots healing family and friends. all of us come together to pray today. >> community members in san mateo county, they came
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together in prayer yesterday honoring a family that was murdered earlier this month. father mother and their 4 year-old twin boys found dead in a home during a welfare check. investigators say they believe the father shot his wife multiple times before shooting himself. >> i think about a crime such as speaks to mental illness. i can crime such as this was not someone mentally even all appearances were contrary, which is around, prayers were shared outside the family's home. >> officers found the bodies that winds cause of death still remains under investigation because they had no signs of physical trauma. police say there's no history of violence at the home and they are now working to find a motive. >> all right. well, more police and faster response times. that's what merchants in north oakland are telling councilmember dan kalb will
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help reduce crime along their retail corridors. course, lead to follow com. >> and he and other police officers as they walk the streets of the city. >> hitting the streets alongside oakland police officers, city council member dan kalb spent wednesday morning stopping by businesses in north oakland with whole bunch of seconds into this conversation with mama's royal cafe manager martine quite lot. it was clear safety is an issue for his employees and customers breaking bank one the outside. >> windows car windows. >> that somebody patrons say more cops on the streets could help reduce and solve crimes. i just got window broken out and my truck yesterday. >> down the street and safe like you might want to replace. that's this is called sports walk with police since he says crime started to steadily rise 2 years last year, a resolution he authored
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passed in the city council addressing public safety. he says the city is currently implementing the actions, including hiring and retaining more dispatchers to improve response times and adding high-tech cameras at busy make sure that we have walking beat officers as we've have time to time. let's make let's make that a permanent plan. >> and really how we supplement that with ambassadors. as for the list of potential candidates for the town's next top cop released by the oakland police commission. having a look at the westin hopes as the next chief does not have to be local. they support that. the police chief who we end up hiring who the mayor is accusing is somebody who work in a city that is similar to our size or at least has the same configuration and the same challenges that we like armstrong back because he grew up in oakland. it doesn't matter long as you get the job done and the job is making streets safer for everyone. >> in oakland, philippe djegal kron, 4 news. >> sonoma county animal
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services now are asking the community for help and fostering or adopting dogs. officials say 118 kennels are bursting at the seams right now about 180 dogs, including 46 puppies. the shelter's director says the overcrowded shelters due in part to a recent cruelty case where a shelter took in a large number of animals. the shelter will provide food dog beds, veterinary care and anything else needed for foster homes. >> still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a new report showing the major help for us that might come with smoking. marijuana will explain what they are. >> and players voted annual report cards of least. >> know where the forty-niners rank among the lead. >> already been a little bit wet so far this morning, but are heavier rainfall is still on its way later on today. sierra snow fall is only just now beginning to kick into gear in will stay with us for gear in will stay with us for day upon day feet piling u sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more
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than just work. like when it needs to be a big soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more
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to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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>> we are back in the 43. take a look at this. you can see a rainbow gracing the skies in san francisco as the rain started rolling in this morning. what a beautiful shot. this photo actually comes from our kron 4 morning producer angelica. this was in the city's bayview district in you're going to see a few more rainbows before storm system is done. that kind of means we're going to have a really good day. i always think of rainbows is a promise time. that's right. an optimistic is gorgeous. and we've got focus on those little bright spots these next few days because >> they'll be a little bit more few and far between but extra called for. when we get a look at that, we're looking
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at a lot of great out there above the rest of the bay right now and some shower activity just now starting to roll through. you can see that heavier rainfall is still to our north snowfall is just starting to kick into gear up in the sierra. now we are having a major system impacting us. it's going to have the biggest impact on the sierra nevada itself with a lot of snow feet upon feet of it and cold rain for the bay area. as that low pushes in this dip in the jet stream long, this cold front boundary. let's focus first on the snow because this is what could get us into trouble. no travel into this year. these next few days with 5 to 12 feet of snow piling up above 5,000 feet, roadways will be virtually impossible to reverse. if you are up there, just make sure you have plenty of food on hand. expect the potential of power outages too, because it's not just the feet of snow. it's also exceptionally windy conditions will have 82 even 90 mile per hour. wind gusts resulting in blizzard warnings so feet upon feet of snowfall. possible
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power outages, not a situation that you want to be taking lightly in the sierra nevada will be seeing snow level dropping to 1500 to 2000 feet. notably on saturday morning. that will actually play some snow and some of our bay area mountaintops. i'm expecting 3 to 6 inches of it on top of mount saint helene up in the north bay. now futurecast does show the spotty showers this morning. heavier rainfall arriving this afternoon and staying with us into the evening and tomorrow, these pockets of heavy rain will come along with the chance of thunderstorm development. lot of action going on out there in the pacific right now. very unsettled in. so that does bring with it. that chance of heavy downpours, hail cloud to ground lightning rainfall today anywhere between a quarter and a half an inch. we're going to add more on top of that tomorrow. multiple inches of rainfall shouldn't proved too problematic. that's because ground is dry back out. so it's going to absorb pretty quickly. also, stream levels are down. so they have some room to increase without reaching flood stage. high surf advisories at the coast starting tomorrow through
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saturday, 15 to 20 foot breaking waves. so not necessarily a good weekend for the coast. it is just going to be a good weekend to stay at home 30, 40 miles per hour. wind gusts kicking into gear later on today. temperatures today are actually the warmest of the next couple of days. but already cooler than yesterday was see. get the trend to getting cooler as we go friday, saturday and sunday barely make in the low 50's heaviest of rain in the bay area comes tonight tomorrow into saturday. same timing for our heaviest of snow right now. all right, john, thank you for moving here on the bay bridge, 15 minute ride traveling into the city this morning. san mateo bridge just short of 21. a 80 to 101, richmond center fell bridge to minutes there and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 36 minutes. >> for your health this morning, a new study is revealing how smoking marijuana is linked to an increase in heart attacks and strokes. according to the study published in the journal of the american heart association daily marijuana use led to a 42% increase in
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strokes and 25% increase in heart attacks. the study drew its results from nearly half a million cannabis users. 75 1% of participants consumed cannabis by smoking. 25% by vaping drinking or eating it. >> so when the smoky get to those one is the particular matter cause and damage the lawn and it thc causing damage to system. when you take the edible, there's no particular meta involved. it's just goes to that. you've got upstate edible. kids see gets released and the tsa causes a basket debits. so the notion both completely say this also not true. >> medical experts say that just because cannabis is legal doesn't necessarily mean it's safe. >> well, east bay tenets are going to be rallying in san francisco ahead of a hearing for a lawsuit against eviction moratoriums. oakland, alameda say they took a big blow. local governments enact that rent control during the pandemic. now they want
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financial compensation. they want the moratorium to be declared unconstitutional. a tenant advocacy groups acce. they say they're going to stand farm after a motion was found to remove them from the case after they intervene in the lawsuit. they are starts at 9 this morning outside of the federal courthouse in san francisco. so that's about 12 minutes. well, mesa, arizona. >> the giants and the a's facing off for the first time this spring. the a's offense getting off to a quick start in the first off spencer. howard, you can see there zach gal off showed off his power going the other way to the right. given the a's an early lead that they really never let go. oakland winning this one. 74 giants have yet to win a game this spring as manager mark cops say talked about the importance of having the veteran blackburn in the a's rotation this year. >> you know, paul should feel real good about where he's at from an experience standpoint where he fits in this rotation
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what it can provide this club when healthy we've seen it was an all-star 2 years ago. you know, value he brings. i'm not only from just ability to manage a game and pitch. continue to ship 4 as well from the guys that had last so all those different guy. >> well, the a's look to start their season on a positive note. despite all the negative relocation talks. well, the nfl players association's annual report cards have been released and the forty-niners actually ranked among the best franchises in the league. the survey lets players grade their teams in 11 categories, including how players families are treated and the food quality at the stadium about the training facilities. how good are the coaches? these are all the things the players rated and the forty-niners ranks 6th out of all. 32 teams. they received a's in multiple categories including team ownership. so the players feel pretty good about playing for the red and gold. players,
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though, gave the super bowl champions, the kansas city chiefs and when it comes to overall now. college basketball matchup is going to happen tonight. that's at the chase center. we have kron 4 sports director jason dumas with the details. >> we are in the last week of the regular season in college basketball. now is the time when teams are buckling down and prepping for postseason run. and right here in our backyard, the san francisco dons are doing just that. they're on the outside looking in on most ncaa projection tournament field. but they still have an opportunity for several quality winds. one being tonight against gonzaga at chase center. the dogs are led by jonathan mogbo marcus williams and those 2 have the dons in 3rd place in the wcc standings and a win would go a long way. >> to helping improve their chance to getting to ncaa
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tournament upperclassmen. they know they have to set the tone. >> you know, make my guys are on the just. and within the florida coaches we you know, just can't one guy's going down. you know, are on come together, have to let you know more. we come together. the good in long run. >> in other news, the warriors take on the knicks in madison square garden tonight. of course, we'll have all those highlights and live coverage from chase usf gonzaga. that's your look at sports. >> well, coming up on the kron, 4 morning news, we're tracking the rain during your morning commute. it's already starting to come down some of our roadways and highways. we're seeing it. take a look at this. this is a one college avenue. well, you can barely see the highway there. so what it is right after the break.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> all right. we are back 8.54. is the time at today's february 29th leap day about 5 million people around the world celebrate their birthday on this day. every 4 years. happy birthday at and there are some special deals for you, by the way, leap day babies can get a free doughnut krispy kreme. no purchase, necessary. wendy's is giving away one free cinnabon pull apart this morning. staples says it will give away 29,000 free passport photos today. so if you need a new passport photo, jump on that. and chipotle is giving rewards members a free side of guacamole. if you order online or use the app. and also you might want use the extra day this year to book a vacation
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because multiple airlines are offering special ticket discounts. jetblue is having a sale on flight and hotel packages, all prices. and with 29 in recognition of february, 29th priceline is offering $29 off any flight or hotel or car rental. and southwest airlines is offering up to 30% off of ticket fares. all right. get those right now. >> tiktok says they are removing more music from its platform a dispute with universal music group, 2 sides are clashing over royalty payments. tiktok started muting songs from artists signed to the label after a licensing deal between the 2 expire the end of january. now tik tok says it's removing content from universal music, publishing arm the plaza songwriters under the label as well. universal music group claims tiktok is in pain. it's artists enough money. social media platform estimates to 30% of popular songs could be affected all known. coming up the next hour, the crop of morning news. rain is back in
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the bay area and we'll tell you what's in the forecast with a look out for. >> what to expect over the next few days. and also residents are soon going to get to hear from the candidates in the running to be the town's next police chief will have all that and chief will have all that and more coming up.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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>> right now on the kron 4 morning news. a major storm has its sights on northern california. heavy rain expected in the next few days for the bay area and up in the sierra. blizzard warning this morning. we've got everything you need to know.
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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. thanks for joining us here at 09:00am on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm james fletcher and reyna harvey in for darya folsom today. we're talking about the storm and it's already making its way to the bay area is yeah, we're starting to see it on radar. we've got john tracking it all. good morning, jon. the definitely getting wet out there and starting to see some lighter to moderate showers for a few parts of the bay. just make sure to anticipate it with those rain jackets ready to go. not just today. >> but tomorrow, saturday, even into sunday, too. getting a look outside at the embarcadero and lots clouds overhead. also got a little helicopter passing right there by the banner. as you can see. definitely nice to be seeing lighter conditions this morning. rainfall picks up and rather vigorous later on today. we are also seeing some very heavy mountain snowfall in the works. you can actually see right here on radar. the cold front draped right across the region. that's going to


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