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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  February 29, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PST

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station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. thanks for joining us here at 09:00am on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm james fletcher and reyna harvey in for darya folsom today. we're talking about the storm and it's already making its way to the bay area is yeah, we're starting to see it on radar. we've got john tracking it all. good morning, jon. the definitely getting wet out there and starting to see some lighter to moderate showers for a few parts of the bay. just make sure to anticipate it with those rain jackets ready to go. not just today. >> but tomorrow, saturday, even into sunday, too. getting a look outside at the embarcadero and lots clouds overhead. also got a little helicopter passing right there by the banner. as you can see. definitely nice to be seeing lighter conditions this morning. rainfall picks up and rather vigorous later on today. we are also seeing some very heavy mountain snowfall in the works. you can actually see right here on radar. the cold front draped right across the region. that's going to come along with the heavy rush
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of rainfall later on this morning into early afternoon and behind it, stash of cooler air. this is all the speckled cloud cover right here. cellular clouds, a sign of unsettled weather chance of thunderstorms and usually a sign of much colder air to. and so that's something you can expect a cool down chance of thunderstorms into the afternoon for the sierra. it is feet upon feet of snowfall. futurecast shows that blue gradually expanding into tomorrow and especially saturday morning as snow level falls to 1500 to 2000 feet. that does mean some snow in upper elevations in the bay. but for the sierra 5 to 12 feet of snowfall in our higher elevations. that is going to completely put travel at a standstill up into the sierra nevada. do not be heading up. they're extremely dangerous conditions. snow is already kicking off and only intensifies into tonight tomorrow and saturday and it is going to take several days crews to get up there and clear all that out. so if you're already up there and planning on staying put, just make sure you plenty of food
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and supplies with you 50's for our current mostly 50's for daytime highs later mixed with a few low 60's. i'm breaking down everything from the sierra to right here in the bay. still ahead, rain. all right, john, we're seeing a lot of out there on the highways. but remember, things are wet 90 minutes into the city this morning. maybe you're taking the mateo bridge, 70 min right there. richmond, sandra fell bridge just 9 minutes in the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 35 ok, what we saw a few of those traffic cameras with some raindrops on them. we know that it's been raining off and on. >> in the north bay, that's where we saw first. yes. so we've been checking out throughout the morning. crop was will tran. that's so we
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that you're not going too fast for these conditions. back to >> all right. you can see everybody kind of coming to a little crawl. find himself taking it safely. drive safe. thanks. well, all right, happening tonight, we're also following the latest out of oakland where the public will get its first chance to meet the candidates that are vying to be oakland's next police chief. but tonight's candidate comes with a little controversy. mayor sheng thao says she won't be kron four's dan kerman takes a closer look.
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>> cincinnati police department lieutenant colonel lisa davis, new york assistant deputy mayor for public safety. louis molina, former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen and retired lubbock, texas police chief floyd mitchell are all candidates for oakland police chief and now the oakland police commission has selected them to answer questions at a community forum thursday. but mayor sheng thao says this public forum is making top candidates withdraw their names from consideration in this letter to the police commission. tell us as oakland city charter does not require a public form to select the oakland police chief hosting a public forum is detrimental to attracting the best candidates. i will not participate in the forum for these reasons. chief election help. >> that we had from. we don't have a public. there was a public forum. civil rights attorney, john burris is closely watching the process. mares position on this, although there's some legitimacy to i don't know that overrides the public
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interest to know who these people are before they selected. i think that's the overriding consideration. former san francisco police chief tony rivera says the current list lacks any internal candidates. he says oakland could benefit from someone who knows the department and the community problems are always going come up with your teeth. >> look at a problem in in a specific community and it's nice to to know a couple of leaders in that community, but you can call up on a personal basis and saying, hey, i have a problem here. what do you think? and it really gives you some firsthand knowledge of that. i think it's very advantageous. former oakland police chief anne kirkpatrick says she's also disappointed there's no internal candidate and she says whoever is chosen, they must be someone who can make peace among all the factions fractures between the commission. >> and the mayor's pressure between the mayor and the city council, a fracture between the community.
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>> and all the politics that place fractured. and yet you have a great police department that just really hungry for the right person who could be a peacemaker. i think between all of these different factions. >> how this all plays out remains to be seen. but civil rights attorney jim chanin says the mayor and the police commission need to stop the infighting. >> they have to get themselves together. whether we have a public hearing or not is not to be by not what people want, but but bucks best for the people of oakland. and that's clearly not happening. >> that candidate forum will take place thursday evening at 6.30, at city hall and online. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> well, san jose, they also need a new police chief city leaders are planning to hold virtual and in-person meetings. next. mobile residents can voice their opinion on who should be the new chief, the current chief anthony mata is retiring next
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month after spending nearly 30 years with the department. he's accepted a new position as the investigations bureau chief for the santa clara county district attorney's office. happening today, the man charged in connection to the half moon bay mass shooting. we back in the san mateo county courtroom. shelley zhao was supposed to enter pleas. the grand jury indictments last month. that didn't happen after the defense asked for more time to review the changes of the charges. last year's out pled not guilty to all charges and remain in custody ever since. prosecutors say they hope the trial happened this year, but they admit could be delayed until 2025. >> well, today is a key deadline for the company behind a proposed eco-friendly city in solano county. today's the deadline for the salon, the county counsel's office to give california forever the ballot title that the company will need in order to start collecting signatures for ballot initiative. the company's trying to get the proposal on the november
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ballot. as we know, california forever is had to revise its initiative twice and those delays have sort of shorten now the amount of time they have to collect the 13,000 signatures. they'll need. but a spokesperson for the company says they are confident that their initiative will make it onto the ballot. in the north police are asking for your help now in identifying the person they believe started a fire in a target saturday afternoon. officers say the man you see here on the screen set paper towels on fire, which then forced the evacuation of the store and its closure, which is still in place. store managers are hoping to reopen on saturday. the damage is now estimated about 3 million dollars. you know who that arson suspect is or where he is. contact police. >> person had to be taken to the hospital after they were hit by a caltrain and officials say that incident happened at the blossom hill station just before 7 last night. they say for unknown reasons the person was on the track as a southbound train
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was approaching about. 38 people were on board that train. there are no reported injuries to any passengers or crew. still ahead, a kroger morning news. investigators reopen a 5 year old deadly shooting case. >> the south bay after developing new leads. plus, oakland councilmember takes a walk with police, the open streets. we're going to hear the needs of local businesses and what they're demanding. and after the break, for less than a week until the primary election, the new exclusive poll shows who's in the lead for the open u.s. senate seat in california. >> and we're just at the start of several days of rainfall for the bay and the heavy snow up in the sierra nevada. we'll be breaking
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>> okay. we're back at 9.12, checking bay area weather here. as we look outside, we saw earlier raindrops on some traffic cameras getting great here over the bay and the storm gates. we've been talking about john. >> as many ways it too late close right they're wide open now. they're not closing for a few days. we're looking at a heavy dose of snow in the sierra nevada for us in the bay area. increasingly cloudy and increasingly wet, san jose. but one of our commerce spots as of this point, generally the further north you get in the bay, the more likely you are to have already seen some areas of heavy mist and some showers in there, too, up towards santa rosa. it's starting to come down more and more now in the very heavy stuff. well, that's still several hours to our north up there in the sierra. just now starting to see snow really kick into gear. big system. low pressure still centered up well to the north up in the gulf of alaska. dives in deep and drags with it. some really cold air
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several days of rain and several days of heavy, heavy mountain snow. all it's going to pile up above 5,000 feet to 5 to 12 feet of snowfall donner summit. that's the highest point along 80 right. they're expecting as much as 9 feet of snow. this is going to take several days for road crews to get out there, get everything cleaned up. so if you're already in the sierra plan on staying up there, possibly getting snowed in, also, potential lost power up there definitely have all the supplies and all the food with you. if you have plans on heading up there, plan on not doing it, roadways and possible for travel. 3 to 6 inches of snow on some of our bay area mountain peaks, including mount saint helene in the north bay snow level is going to fall to increasingly lower elevations. but it's not just the snow, but also the wind gusts as high as 80 to 90 miles per hour prompting blizzard warnings in effect here in just a few minutes. 10:00am this morning all the way through 10:00am on sunday. this is going make for white out conditions and very dangerous travel. the heaviest
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of snow is on the way tomorrow and saturday. and it is going to take several days to clear it all out. as i mentioned, snow level falls to very low elevations. well, down in the foothills. but once you head above 5,000 feet, we're looking at a lot of it around 4 to 8 feet at lake level at lake tahoe for the bay area are situation definitely not as hazardous. we do have a chance of thunderstorms this afternoon, though, and a rush of heavy rain along with strong winds into the afternoon. staying with us into tonight and tomorrow, little bit of good news on our end as we've had time to drive back out. so the ground is going to be able to absorb a lot of this fresh moisture and we stream levels are relatively low compared to where they had been. so there is some room for water levels to rise without reaching flood stage. so this is good news for us locally. quarter of an inch to half an inch of rainfall today will see additional rain over the next 2 days. by the time we reach the end of the weekend, several inches of it for us here at home. we do have a high surf advisory at the coast going into effect tomorrow through saturday, 15
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to 20 foot, breaking waves and winds will be a factor to 30 to 40 miles per hour. gusts today into tomorrow. today's daytime highs will be the most mild of the next several days. upper 50's to low 60's were only getting colder from here by friday, saturday and sunday. we're barely make in the low 50's low elevation snowfall means a mountaintop snow right here in the bay area. well, cold showers for the rest of us. and if you had plans on heading to the sierra, it is time to put those on hold, at least for the next several days right now. all right, john, thank you flr that. let's get a look at your morning drive heading into the city this morning. things are so 60 minutes. >> drive times are going down. thankfully san mateo bridge about 14 80 to 101, richmond center fell bridge just under 8 minutes. and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 34 minutes. >> time now to talk winners and losers on wall street financial expert rob black. joining us on this final day of february on leap day that meaningtlucky for the markets.
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rob, good morning. >> yeah, things that are kind of lucky today. it's been a lucky start to the year. earnings have been nice and a key inflation. pisa data also known as the p c e should that are incomes went up. our spending went down. inflation really didn't reignite. it's very, very manageable. any year-over-year level about about at 2.6%. the fed's still wanted to come down. but this is a good day pending home sales did slide more than expected down 4.9%. so there's some. weakening some softness in the economy for sure. interesting. all right. i got to bring this up because we talked about wendy's and the backlash with the whole. >> demand surge pricing which they say they're not doing. but i guess burger king's now getting into the fray. what's going on here? >> when these calls part discounts to say, i'm burger king, if you spend $3 or more on the app for the next couple
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of weeks, you'll get a free whopper and they're basically saying, look, we don't have the inflation issues that way he's or they do. but they're just trying to get some free publicity and mission success rate. i just talked about it. they're pushing their apple to notice a get used to order in on the app. therefore, you won't be using human. therefore, we won't have to do price surging or change the way we pay people who are or deliver our products when we don't have enough staff. okay. good enough. >> and we also did talk dune part 2 few days ago. i guess we're coming up on the weekend the opening weekend. we start to get any sort of indication on how much it's bringing in. >> looks like it to be the first blockbuster see this weekend of my kids want to go. i won't get the $26 creepy by go of pop art. you're not going trigger on know, the rotten tomatoes score, though, on doing to is unbelievable that. so it's it's they're saying it's the best sci-fi movie ever. as of now knock on wood. you never the book's
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many, many years ago. and i felt like it was very 1960, science there's a lot of funny devices planted in the nose and things like that. i'm i'm i'm in for success. all in success. >> good enough. all right, cool. all right. let's get to our first official story now that i've got questions out of the way. so let's talk about oprah, i guess is. that's right. she's she's leaving weight watchers. what happened? >> yeah. big basically need to be able pay a billion dollars which is now worth 200 million ultimately the gop, one drugs ozempic would do. exact bounded been such a success people are quitting left and right. weight watchers weight watchers signed up a subscription model that included those drugs. but it wasn't enough as we watch as lost 88 million dollars last quarter was up a 18040% more last year over these weight watch these drugs are amazing. and i'm not a doctor, but the curb. your your want for
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something you want for. pizza may be right. but also can curb you want for in your addict curb you want for point point out that can curb you want 4 now get those haven't been test. those haven't been approved for those use. but these are to be the biggest drugs of our lifetime was epic will go via zepbound person to give all shares a way to the national museum of african of american african and african-american on state and she's leaving. so i think that's a pretty big story. all things considered novo nordisk and are the companies. this is probably the biggest news story. financial, a story in the world ever lost rugs to the weight class for people like me. >> you think that every revolutionizing and a lot of different areas, i guess party are they already are the can now get when you can get them prescribed. unlike the hymns online where it can be done. discreetly. i think the uses are going to go up even higher off-label. wow. okay. all right. >> and then will round out the today segment with a look at
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event tourism against taylor swift has something to do with >> yeah, i'm going to london this summer. my wife wants to see the killers and i want to see a soccer game. that's an event. tate haze in singapore first shows this weekend right after bruno mars just finished and sheer unfinished. coldplay finished coldplay sold 200,000 tickets which was a world record. i think that in one day the lion city, singapore's typically known for business. but now turning into an event for tourism. they're going to add about 10% of gdp with all that worst time on music events this year, hotels are up 10% with taylor swift flights are up 20%. not a taylor swift fan, but i glad to see singapore because it might be easier score tickets there than it was hearing san francisco, 260 million to 70 million potential benefit for singapore by hosting taylor swift and united states. she pulled in 4.6 billion to the economy. 4.6
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billion into the u.s. economy in 2023 event. tourism is the thing i'm going to you too, at the spear in vegas. yeah, that's a that's an event. tourist thing. watch for james carried a bigger and bigger and bigger. it is. >> a mind-boggling for me like i i don't mind going to vegas for something or anywhere in the u.s., i guess to see a concert. but people fly to singapore. you going to europe to catch an event. people are willing to shell out some pretty big bucks to have that experience time. >> we may have taken those gop drugs to curb our experience. i desired but yeah, it's big money. and and the west also u 2 at the scare last year. and i think that whole package the trip about $6,000 for 2 people for one weekend was egregious. but it's a once in a lifetime event and it's a thing with tourists. and was it worth it? i have the money to waste. so
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there you get it identity. absolutely not. do so. absolutely. so don't max out your credit cards to have one of these experiences sam, feel like i read through my content too absolutely. say don't max out your credit cards if you can't pay your credit cards off every month, is don't run credit cards because you're not making a 20% raise this year. james, now, so don't pay the credit card that next 20% a month just groceries or year. your events. all right, thank you as always. this is thursday. so we'll see rob again on monday. >> you've got to handle their let him know chat with him. if you have any questions to that, you just don't want on air. but you have personally for him, maybe some advice, e-mail. rob at rob black dot com.
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>> well, starbucks their head in to the negotiating table with their union workers. coffee chain says it's going to start talks again with workers united about labor agreements. the union first organize starbucks workers in 2021. and represents employees and more than 300 starbucks locations in the u.s.. company also says it's going to start rolling out pay raises to workers in unionized locations. 2 sides say there is a quote, constructive path ahead for collective bargaining at starbucks. wayside. bumble plans to lay off around 350 employees because of a restructuring plan. that's about a 3rd of its workforce. company says layoffs are going to help drive stronger, operating leverage line its model with future strategies. >> well, some consumers are getting access to free tax filing services from the federal government. the internal revenue service is now testing out its new direct
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file system. they'll have it in 12 states right now for qualified users who are filing simple tax returns. so the states involved include right here in california, arizona, texas, new york and florida filers need to provide a social security number individual taxpayer id number. they'll have to do that for themselves in any dependents. they have. they also have to provide proper identification. the service is only for w 2 employees. people receiving social security or those on unemployment for now, but they'll expand if it works out. well, 9.26, on the clock coming up next on the kron 4 morning news. a major storm about to hit the sierra and the bay. >> but a lot of heavy snow up in the mountains and that's going make for some impossible conditions for travelers. we have the warnings you need to know about. coming up and here in the bay area course we're tracking the rain, which is already beginning to appear on radar. we're seeing it fall in the north bay. now it's only going to get every year from here. john triples. got your full forecast.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and with all the varieties... organic... reduced sodium... and now the culinary collection... ... it's like the deliciousness never ends! make everything better with better than bouillon!
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30's that i thank you for joining us here. i'm james fletcher and i'm reyna harvey. we've been talking about the storm gray skies delayed flights talk about the latest 122 delayed flights really now down to 40. >> it's going up. yeah, you call ahead. all right, john, it's the rain for sure. it hasn't even picked up to what we're going to be seeing is a very heaviest. >> later on today, as we're going to see that heavy rainfall moving through chance of thunderstorms along with it. for now, it's been relatively light showers, but it has been enough to cause delays and certainly get your roadways wet, too. where were
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sitting on the map right now at half moon bay. as you can see, we've got a lot of cloud cover overhead. generally been light showers as of this point. but if we zoom out across the bay area on up across the northern part of the state, that's where you're seeing that heavy rainfall pushing snow is starting to pick up as well in the northern sierra, mostly north of 80 right now but will dive in deeper as we make our way through the day today starts several days of heavy snow in the sierra. some really decent rainfall here at home, too. chance of thunderstorms this afternoon as well as into tomorrow. first this year is concerned multiple feet of snowfall stacking up about 5,000 feet in elevation. we're talking 5 to 12 feet of snow. this is going to completely halt travel up into the sierras. so if you have plans on heading up there this weekend, really sorry about it. it's just not looking like it's going to happen. very dangerous conditions with strong winds resulting in blizzard warnings. roadways are just going to be impassable where we're sitting right now. as far as temperatures go mid to upper 50's hayward fremont san jose sitting at 57 oakland at 56
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degrees right now. today is the first of several rainy days ahead of us. but it's certainly not the rainiest just yet. that's actually going to be tomorrow and saturday. got your full break down. everything you need to know. still to come, right? all right. on the eve of that, getting a look bridges this morning. remember, things are very slick and wet out there. >> so take your time as you're traveling 15 minutes into the city right now. our san mateo bridge just under 15 minutes, a 80 to 101. richmond, sandra fell bridge around 8 minutes there. and the golden gate bridge 7 to the tolls. 35 minutes. >> well, 9.31, let's get back to our storm coverage of this wintery weather. both the rain here in the snow up in this year. they've actually got a blizzard warning going into effect this morning. they're looking for several feet, at least to fall up near tahoe. like john has been saying, if you're not already up please do not go just wait it out, ok, over michael thomas is live with more on what you need to know. michael, last time we checked and that some rain droplets on the lens.
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>> yeah. good morning, everyone its role right now. i should say not today, but at this moment, it's a little bit more drier and that's right. you know, just like james was saying, lots of snow, a winter wonderland, but not one that you really want to be stuck in because it could be up to 10 feet of snow. take a live look. this is donner summit, a camera that we've got up there right next to 80. and you can just see how it's already starting to intensify through this morning. and at 10 o'clock within the next hour or so. the national weather service is actually issuing a blizzard warning for a 300 mile stretch of the sierra from north of lake tahoe all the way down to yosemite national park south of yosemite national park, rather. now the area said to have a widespread blowing snow and also creating blizzard-like conditions and also whiteout conditions, meaning it's going to be dangerous and almost impossible to drive through. it will be able to see anything in front of you. experts say that they're expecting around 2 to 4 feet of snow in towns along tahoe shore and 5 to 10 at the areas of the highest elevations with
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winds gusting in that area, about 100 miles an hour. as you can imagine, how dangerous it is going to be pg. and e and pacific gas say they do have crews on standby. if they do expect some disruptions. but they want to remind people to be safe and use caution and also never touch near those downed power lines. spoke with john trouble this morning. our meteorologist at kron 4 morning news. take a listen to what he had to say. if you do have any plans of traveling that way this weekend. so you have plans of getting to the sierra. >> it is time to cancel those to reconsider. if you are going to be in this year already fully plan on being snowed in for multiple days. have those go bags ready? multiple days worth of food. it is very important to be ready to not be able to move. once you get up there. >> now, again, this is going to last throughout the weekend. at least that blizzard warning. so again, just try to be safe back out here live here in san francisco. it is not just going as it was, but it's
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still a bit chilly. and as john said, stat of harm's way, do the best you can to cancel those plans. if possible. and just kind of waited out arena. james, we'll send it back to you don't have to warming plans canceled. thank you very much. >> all right. 9.34 is the time and happening today, the department of water resources will be conducting its 3rd snow survey of the season just before the expected blizzard role. so this year, talk about timing out at phillips station, the dwr will be measuring the water content of the sierra snowpack giving insights into the state's water supply for the coming year. staff will provide the latest measurements and how they compare to previous years, including last year's historic season. but can they're going to be taking this measurement before the 3 to 5 to 10 feet of snow is expected to start we're going to do another one after interview. you okay to a story. we first brought you yesterday on the kron. 4 morning san jose police have arrested a man in connection with the shooting outside of a talker real multiple witnesses. they were just
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standing feet away. kron four's amanda hari has that story. >> surveillance video outside of the law. victoria talk korea on almaden expressway back in august of 2018 shows the moment a triple shooting went down. it was around 10, 15 at night and lots of people were still around. >> video shows just how gruesome this act committing violent crime in a public area where multiple bystanders are located, including small children. and so you really see that in the surveillance video, san jose police public information officer tanya hernandez says the 3 victims and 2 male suspects. >> we're inside of the restaurant when they got into an argument and that argument turned violent when all 5 people stepped outside. that was when the primary suspect produced a handgun and shot each of the victims, at least once in november of 2023. police identified 26 year-old miguel vergara perez as the primary suspect and reopen the
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case arresting vergara present december. alright, homicide unit detectives >> really exhausted. all leads in these cases and do not rest until they bring justice to our victims and the victims. families. >> what the guard perez is in the santa clara county jail facing attempted homicide charges. police are still looking for another suspect in this case. let's head to the east bay because oakland councilmember dan kalb spent wednesday walking the street, talking emergence in north oakland. this is because he's looking for solutions to combat rising crime last year resolution. author passed in city council that address public safety. he says the city is currently implementing the actions, including hiring, retain more 9-1-1, dispatchers trying to improve response times, adding high-tech cameras along busy streets. >> one thing i've asked for insisted upon is that we asked the fbi to come in to oakland
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and to help us investigate the most violent crimes. they've done that in the past and now they're going to do it again. >> was that mark cops 4th walk with police since he says crime started steadily rise in about 2 years ago. >> well, the anti-defamation league has filed a federal complaint now against the berkeley unified school district for what they say is severe and persistent antisemitic bullying. the complaint accuses berkeley administrators of ignoring parents reports and allowing its k through 12 schools to become hostile environments for jewish and israeli students. it also accuses the board of education of not disciplining teachers and students who've engaged in harassment and instead of addressing the issue. the report says principal simply moved the students who are impacted to different classrooms. >> 4 is your local election headquarters and we're just 5 days away from the primary election day clock is ticking. and this morning we actually have new exclusive inside california politics and emerson college poll results which show the race for california's open u.s. senate
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seat is getting extremely close. capitol correspondent eytan wallace breaks it all down for us. democrat adam schiff. thank you, everybody. republican steve garvey. and democrat katie porter. you're looking at the 3 leading candidates in the race for california's open u.s. senate seat. >> that is according to this new inside california politics. emerson college poll showing ship in the lead with 28% and garvey in second with 20% in 3rd place. but within the margin of error in reach of second places. porter with 17% democrat barbara lee rounds out the top 4 at 8%. while all other candidates pulled the 2% or lower. i think the main takeaway here is that shift is likely to take that number one spot. >> but that second place that is up for grabs. matt taglia helped to organize and conduct the poll. he says it's important to remember this race is part of the state's top 2 primary system, meaning the top 2 vote getters will advance to compete in the november general election all
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the more. so i tag we know it's much of the attention is now on porter and garvey as they do it out for runner-up. we see a real tightening per second place. so i think that's that's the headline here. he also says something to watch closely is this 17% of voters say they are still undecided. when asked who they're leaning toward 19% of the undecided point to barb with shift and porter just behind. but even if you factor that in the poll finds ship would still be in the lead with garvey importer behind him. as for lee, without that baseline of supports, it might just be too little too late in the race for the white house. the poll found a joe biden and donald trump will easily win their respective primaries in california. a state where voters say their top issues include the economy, housing, affordability and as for governor gavin newsom's ballot measure known as proposition won, the poll found it's likely to pass the proposal asks voters to approve a 6.3, 8 billion dollar bond to fund more than 11,000 behavioral
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health beds. and 27,000 treatment unit statewide for people experiencing substance use disorders. >> and mental illness for the poor results. 69% of voters say they will vote yes. seeing support close to 70%. >> suggest that there is still widespread concern among californians that we're not doing enough to take on this issue. >> well, that was eytan wallace reporting. as for governor newsom's approval rating, the poll shows it stands at 49% while his disapproval rating is at 39. so that's significant. given a new recall effort launched this week with the goal to eventually oust him from office. >> and a reminder, don't forget since kron 4 is your election headquarters. join us on election night tuesday, march 5th for our live election results. special. it begins at 08:00pm right here on kron 4. >> still ahead, the global morning news host has been using one of the longest running children, literacy, public access programs,
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children how to read for 40 years. we're going hear how the show got its start and the impact it's had over the years. >> and rain is only now starting we are seeing are very heaviest rain and snow still up towards the oregon border. but it is going to be making its way down our direction. several days of wet weather ahead of us and several days of heavy snowfall for the sierra,
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>> okay. we're back at 9.45, with a check of the weather. here is we're looking live across the bay this morning. yeah, from the outside, it would look like things are really nice. but you know, things are starting to really turn great. yeah, a little
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wet, too. and boy, we're seeing some snow start to fall up in the sierra to john to start to come down on 80, especially i've been keeping a close eye on diamond peak rate here. this is at lake tahoe. >> not a lot going on just yet. but considering at lake level, we've got 4 to 8 feet of snowfall ahead of us. this view is going to be dramatically different as we continue to look at it. where were sitting on radar here locally? we do have a lighter showers pushing in across the bay area. heavier rain to our north and yes, snow mostly north of 80 at this point. but it is starting to come down more and more. massive area of low pressure and cold air along with it. that's thrusting into the bay area. starting today, cold front pushes through and behind it very much. so a cold next few days. this is going to be cold rain for the bay and feet upon fee upon fee of snowfall in the sierra nevada. i know a lot of us are accustomed to driving through snow to get up there. but this is going to make roadways impassable 5 to 12 feet of snowfall above 5,000 feet donner summit, looking at the potential of 9
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feet of snowfall is going to take several days for crews to get in their plow off these roadways. so do anticipate if you're in the cr already to be some snowfall across the bay area mountain peaks mount saint helene in the north bay, 3 to 6 inches of it. obviously that pales in comparison to the sierra. but it is notable as for this year, the next several days comes along with a blizzard warning going into effect here in 15 minutes all the way through 10:00am on sunday says because it's not just the heavy snow, its winds gusting as high as 80 to 90 miles per hour. this is going to result in likely. it is going to result in drifting snow, white out conditions on roadways. sierra weather conditions the next several days, 2000 to 4,000 feet. as far as snow level dropping to that point, we will have 5 to 10 feet of snowfall above
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5,000 feet in elevation. we're sitting on futurecast. we do have showers drifting into the bay area. today are heavier rainfall moving in this afternoon. a chance of thunderstorms along with it today into tomorrow, especially so watch for some heavy showers. good news is the ground is dry. so it's going to absorb a whole lot of this and any excess is going make its way into streams whose water levels have fallen. means there's room here. we're not going to be looking at a lot of flood risk. a quarter of an inch to a half an inch of rainfall. today. we will see several inches, though, over the next couple of days. so get ready for that at the coastline. we do have high surf advisories in effect, starting tomorrow through saturday. winds from the coast will be pushing it around 30 to 40 miles per hour. so a breezy one, too. temperatures today will land in the upper 50's to low 60's antioch in san jose at 60 degrees. each oakland, hayward and fremont each of 59. a look at tomorrow saturday through sunday. expect low 50's for your daytime highs. barely making we are going to be looking at a cold next several
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days. mountain snowfall in the bay area in particular, very heavy snow up in the sierra rain. highlight something of that. let's get a look at your morning commute. well, that right, traveling into the city this morning. >> no major delays, but things are a little wet. 15 minutes. mateo bridge over to summer flores just under 9 minutes. and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 37 minutes. well, on the last day of black history month, want to introduce you to sallie baker, the dynamic host and creator of one of the longest running children, literacy, public access programs in the nation. we pull it. it's based berkeley, california, now through her passion for literacy. as baker has inspired thousands of young mice to poetry. take a look at her story. >> good evening, everybody. >> the year is 1984, and sally baker has just launched the
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first episode of our new show. we poets. you treat. the goal is to help promote literacy for underserved students. >> well, one day i was on the bus and i sat behind 2 young boys and they were trying to reduce paper and they had difficulty trying to reading it out loud. they simple words. you know. so i went back home and i said to my partner and into i said, you know, i sat behind 2 boys and they couldn't read a newspaper. why don't we do a show where we could help kids learn how to read and write better? you know, and that's just would miss baker did despite the non-believers, the show. >> was a success. so i went to all the major tv stations in san francisco and oakland. >> and i asked them if i could do my show and they said, well, you know, miss baker, i don't think point tree will sell. so the only thing that sells on tv now days is 6 in violence. and so i don't think
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nobody would want to watch something little kids reading their points. >> said to myself, i'm gonna show you different and show them and hope is that we'll always thousands of interviews hundreds of interns strain and the sally baker is now celebrating 40 years of we >> ms talley. what does it mean to you to know that you impacted so many people's lives of making feel great that i can see that what i started will go on and keep on going on. you know that it will not die. >> but continue to grow and grow and grow grow and specially in the life this journalists. that's back in the early period. is raining says this may have anything >> i'm thankful cotton candy, candy.
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>> it, you in the program's 40 year run, we pull its in salah baker, one more than 50 prestigious awards. >> now, therefore, be it resolved that i just see out again, mayor, the city of berkeley do hereby declare february 14th 2024 to the repo its day in the city of berkeley. congratulations. thank you so very much. i i appreciate this honor. i never realized that i do a tv show for 40 years. but here we are. >> ms baker determined at a young age growing up in iowa to bring people together receiving her business degree. and iowa state university moved to california. but before she started, we pull she dedicated many years to working in higher education at the university of california berkeley. >> sally baker, you are institution that has been in our community and a wonderful resource who are just wonderful. you've given so much to the community.
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>> you've helped so many young promoting literacy, giving the motivation to speak in public. >> i'm just so impressed with with the way that. she has been able to bring the community of people together and tell their stories and for giving me this opportunity of getting more experience and it's really inspiring. i think she's one of the most passionate people who just like enjoy doing what she loves for a very long time. 40 years. incredible. we talk about legacy. what's one thing you want to be remembered for? >> i would like to be remembered for helping people no matter what background you come from, but social background go with what you want to do in life and help people don't be selfish, you give out what what you you know, free of charge. you know, you don't have to charge somebody to get out. what you have inside, you know, if it's for the good of other people. >> now we potus still running to this day and because we pull it is a nonprofit
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educational program. they run on donations. so if you like to donate, please visit bc in tv dot org. that's berkeley community media. we also have a link to their website over on ours at kron 4 dot com. make sure to tune into our honoring black history. black history month special in the bay area airs tonight at 6.30. this is something you won't want to miss is going to be a great one. >> our 9.52 is the time we're going to take a break. but coming up on the kron 4 morning news, we're tracking the rain as you can see here on future cast for there's a lot on the way. john triple has your full look at the forecast in just a bit. well,
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we're continuing to track the fallout after macy's announced that it would be closing its iconic union square location in san francisco. >> what's going to happen with the cheesecake factory, for instance, on the top floor of that building week, should take route 4, did speak with the manager of that restaurant. and we were told that they franchise has sent an e-mail to its employees, explaining that the companies working right now on a plan for next steps. that plan is set to be released next week. so we'll keep you updated. and kron 4 did confirm with the union square alliance that the christmas tree lighting ceremony there at union square will take place. >> this year, at least no word yet on plans for the celebration beyond this year. >> well, coming up in the next hour, the kron 4 morning news. guess what? the rain is back in the bay area. i'm meteorologist john sabol has been actively tracking it, telling us what to expect over the next few days. so hunker down. local residents will soon get to hear from the candidates in the running to
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be the town's next police chief. we'll have that and more coming up.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy.
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because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. >> right now on the kron 4 morning news. a major storm with its sights on northern california. heavy rain expected across the next few days here locally. meanwhile, up in the sierra, they're dealing with blizzard warnings this morning. we've got everything you need to know. >> from the local news station. you're watching you on morning team. >> good morning. thank you for
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joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news at 10:00am i'm james fletcher below. we've got a lot to talk about from the rain here to the blizzard conditions in the sierra. and that's not hyperbole, john, we're talking blizzard conditions yet. a blizzard warning officially from the national weather service going into effect right now and lasting through saturday. >> as we're going to be seeing several feet of snow piling up and really strong winds along with it for the bay area. we've got our own dose of heavy rain starting to see some light to moderate showers as we speak. we've been seeing heavy drizzle through the morning and it's just gradually going to pick up further in intensity. this is that cold front draped right across the northern tier. the state right now. it will russian later on this morning into early afternoon and along with it, a pickup in wind speed and rainfall, intensity and for the sierra, the snow is just getting started up there. here's a look at futurecast towards this afternoon. heavier rain drips into the bay. snow becomes more and more present for the bay and does not stop coming down up in the sierra as we make wa


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