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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  February 29, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm
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just evolve and we'll start off with a look at the conditions in the sierra right now because there is a lot of snow on the roadways that we're expecting and we could see a lot more of this and overturned big rig truck blocking all the lanes on eastbound 80. that's is from earlier this morning. the chp sharing this video of clearing that big rig and there is more of that kind of nasty weather. 2 cop. here is a look now at conditions in the bay area. this is our camera on top of mount tam. and you can see there it is raining. meteorologist kyla grogan is in the weather center now to kick us off here with the latest. what's happening here in the bay area? yeah. and you know, just said reiterate this year, we're going to talk about that a little later in the show as well. but the big takeaway is stay off the roads. we are definitely dealing with some very >> blizzard-like conditions that are going to get worse as roads the next couple of days. right now, you can see there's just some light rain around the bay area, but certainly that is making for some gray skies and some slick roads, they're dealing with all of those low cloud ceilings. so
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far the rain has fallen for the most part in the north bay and also the santa cruz mountains. you can see we've got over half an inch in canfield. ben lowman just over half an inch marin civic center about 4 tenths santa rosa just under 4 tents and half moon bay. a little bit under 2, 10, 60 san francisco so far as just reported 1, 1, 100th of an inch, a lot of the east bay in the south bay have as well. but you're going to get in on these totals as we head across the next 5 days. it looks like a 2, 1, to 2 inches. you can see our rain chances here just ramp up today through friday, saturday and even into a good portion of sunday. before we finally catch a break as we get into monday, all courtesy of this low pressure system that you can see very well formed system here. this is a very cold system and that's why it's going to have such an impact in the sierra. having said that, we're going to feel this to over the next couple of days. but notice you don't see a lot of the oranges or the yellows. you just see the light green as we go to the north bay here. so it's light showers, but it's very pervasive all across the bay area, certainly down the peninsula as we head over to the east bay, not everywhere. but having said that, if you
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haven't gotten any radiate, you likely as we head across the next few hours, wind has been picking up. and right now it is really getting going up an app about 28 miles per hour. oakland about 25 in fairfield. also in the 20's. this is also another hallmark of this system. it's going to be very breezy, very windy, which means if you're headed across some of the bridges, you might feel a little bit of that as you go across a between that the slick roads want to make sure you're being careful. i'll be back in just a bit. we'll talk also about what's going on in the sierra and all the snow to expect their back to you. thank you so much. in our storm coverage will continue right now with kron four's through to call. >> he joins us live from sandra fell where pg e is ready for all this weather that could potentially damage its equipment. >> philippe, thanks for joining us. >> we've got to justine in. we're feeling what cuyler was just describing just within the last few minutes. it started to rain. it's not coming down hard yet, but it's picking up. and as you can see behind me here in sandra fell, it is also getting it's this hazy. a cloud cover here in
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the north bay that is going to be around for several days at this point. we are outside of the pga nissan refill service center where they are preparing a equipment that may get damaged during the storm. and they're also doing the same thing at their facility in santa rosa. the utility has brought in several pieces of equipment that are often damaged during the weather like transformers poles, wires in cross arms. crews are also station that area's pg. any meteorologists predict will be hit the hardest so that if there is significant damage, crews can respond quickly and make repairs when it's safe. earlier this month pg and e says it had to restore power to 1.4 million customers in its service area and spokesperson megan mcfarland says these next rounds could lead to a repeat. >> of mass outages. so get ready. >> one thing you can do is get your flashlights ready. incase you do power, flashlights, extra batteries we recommend using flashlights over handled handle can be a higher fire. has
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>> right now, charge up your cell phone and charge up your backup you never know when you might need that. and it's great to go into a storm with a full charge. >> and if you a lot of food in your refrigerator, take a gallon. milk jug filled with water, freeze it and then move it over to your favorite. and that buys you a little more time. if you lose power due to the storm, have some sources of electrical power and the generator things go too long. >> but i've got some good backup batteries that can run my refrigerator for. >> garrett cheney was on his way to work when we spoke with him outside his home at the nevada rv park in nevado. he tells us he believes he's prepared for what's to come. he anticipates there may be flooding outages. but as you heard, he stocked up on power supplies. he says. his biggest concern, though, is a fire people possibly using those candles instead of flashlights is a hazard. the mobile home park is also surrounded by power lines and transformers.
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and if they blow, that could be dangerous. still pg and e says people should feel safe as long as they've taken all of the precautions. and this is not the first storm for all of us out there. so just keep in mind that pg and has crews on standby. 24 7 and respond to emergencies immediately. >> live in. sandra fell. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. ali, thank you so much. and staying in the north bay, sonoma county is offering residents the ability to use an emergency warming center opens up tomorrow. >> anyone needing to escape. the rain can head over to the haven parking lot on west sonoma street. the shelter will be open at 07:00pm friday and will remaip open until monday morning. a limited number of blankets and pillows are available. service animals are allowed inside as well. construction on a historic san francisco landmark damage from last year's rainstorms is now under way. the truck at aero club house originally built in
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18, 92 served as a modern event space for weddings. it's located stern grove. the landmark was severely damaged nearly a year ago when 85 foot eucalyptus tree fell on top of it. the cities rec and parks department is helping to fund the 2.5 million dollars in repairs. the clubhouse is expected to reopen to the public by the end of this year. and you can follow our coverage of the winter storm online by scanning this qr code that's on the screen. it will take you to our web page where you can find updates and then the flooding road closures are power outages in your area. it's all on kron. 4 dot com. the man charged in connection to the half moon bay mass shooting appeared in the san mateo county courtroom this morning. he was supposed to enter pleas to a grand jury indictment last month. but that did not happen because the defense asked for more time to review the charges. kron 4 s charles clifford has the latest. well, this is a case that has moved very
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slowly through the legal system. but today the suspect appeared before a judge. >> and entered his plea on thursday morning. 66 year-old chunli zhao appeared in a san mateo county courtroom. his attorneys entered a not guilty plea on his behalf >> all. >> joe has been charged with 7 counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder for allegedly shooting and killing 7 people and wounding one other at 2 mushroom farms in half moon bay early last year. he was arrested the same day earlier this year in an effort to speed up the case. the san mateo county district attorney sot received a grand jury indictment against following thursday's arraignment. his defense attorneys requested additional time to review that grand jury indictment. jell-o remains in custody without bail and is scheduled to return to court on april 19th couple other notes. there is a gag order in this case which prevents the prosecutors and the defense from speaking to the media. also, the original judge in this case has recused himself, citing a personal friendship with the prosecutor and also da wagstaff had
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previously said he was hoping this would go to trial this year but conceded that it might not start until 2025, but for now in redwood city, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> in the east bay bay area, faith leaders gathered to rally against the recall of alameda county district attorney pamela price today at this event in oakland, this group show their support for price, praising her for what they say is her approach to holding people accountable for the crimes that they commit. the district attorney was there and the group says that price should be allowed to finish out her term. >> and we believe that prices giving hope. and the thought i put in hope, it's just helping other people excel even if they got in trouble, then united would come with a price that she is someone who stands for peace stands for justice and want to right by our community. >> the organization behind the effort to recall price says they already have enough signatures. they need to put the recall on the ballot if
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those signatures are verified. a recall election would take place next june. tonight, the city of oakland will get to know the finalists being considered for the city's next police chief. there's a form that's set to take place at oakland city hall tonight the 4 finalists will be answering questions from the community. these questions have already been submitted as the police commission just released the names of all the candidates that they are considering and they include. cincinnati police department lieutenant colonel lisa davis, new york assistant deputy mayor for public safety. louis molina, former san leandro police chief abdul pretty man who was one of the 3 candidates was previously rejted by the mayor and retired lubbock texas police chief floyd mitchell. and even though these 4 candidates will be attending tonight's forum, virtually the person who is going to pick the next chief is not going to be present tonight. oakland mayor sheng thao says she believes that hosting a public form. it's
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quite detrimental to attracting the best candidates. and earlier today during kron 4 news at noon, i spoke with the mayor about her decision to not attend this event and she also gave her thoughts about these final 4 finalists. >> this is the police commission's process. i was invited last minute on friday to join them and i declined because again, these 4 candidates, they're not the finalists. actually, they're going through this forum where they publicly announced all of the names of the potentials and then i don't know out of the 4, i i don't get a say, but then i will have a say in it once they'd send me a list. still send me a list at least. and it's the requirement is to me, at least 3 means it could be all for it could be just 3 names. and then from that 3 list, i can then did michael interviews. i can didn't do my one on ones and pick from those are in the from that list. and so. >> and former oakland police
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chief anne kirkpatrick agrees with the mayor saying a formal prevent future candidates from applying for the position. but she says what stands out the most to her as that. there are no internal candidates. >> fractures between the commission and the mayor's pressure between the mayor and the city council, a fracture between the community and all the politics. that place fractured. and yet you have a great police department that just really hungry for the right person who could be a peacemaker. i think between all of these different factions. >> we also spoke with former san francisco police chief tony rivera who agrees an in-house candidate knows the community can be helpful, but he says there are other things to consider. >> problems arose can come up with your teeth. look at a problem in in a specific community and it's nice to to know a couple of leaders in
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that community, but you can call up on a personal basis and saying, hey, i have a problem here. what do you think? and it really gives you some firsthand knowledge. i think it's very advantageous. >> the city of oakland has been without a permanent police chief since last february after a long armstrong was fired from the position after being accused of mishandling this conduct charges against a police officer. tonight's public forum begins at 6.30. the public is encouraged to attend again. it's going to take place at city hall. it will also be streamed online. coverage for you later on this evening. into the south hours, the santa clara city council unanimously approved a new housing project along the great american amtrak station. they saw latest development is a 21 floor. nearly 200 condominium complex. here's a map of where it's going to be in some renderings of what the building could look like when it's all done. the architectural review process
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will last for about 2 years. this is part of the cities re-imagining of the tasman east neighborhood near levi stadium where the city hopes to add 4500 new homes over the next few years. and this soon-to-be largest protected rv parking site in san jose will actually cost the city about half as much as was it was expected. mayor matt mahan announcing the 15 million dollars in construction costs were cut half after some redesign work from the department of public works. the lot that's located near coyote creek originally had plans to host 4 buildings serving counseling, center's and restrooms. but this new design only includes to mayor mahan says the safe side is one example of the faster solution to help people experiencing homelessness. >> we have thousands of people in our city living in tents, limited vehicles as we had into difficult it. >> here's difficult fiscal circumstances this year. and next we're heading to push ourselves to find even lower
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barrier, lower cost alternatives to encampments. we get people out of our streets out of our create faster and more cost effectively. >> officials say the original 15 million dollar price tag came from some repay footwork and engineering to give rv's electricity and plumbing. this would become the city's second safe parking site. there's one in the santa theresa vta station parking lot that set to open up the summer after a couple of delays. and coming up here, some new features on uber that launched today in california. >> it includes access for teens and safety features for parents. but first, we're tracking that snow storm in tracking that snow storm in the sierra. what you ne
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[ tense music ]
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>> i we're taking a live look now at what's going on in south lake tahoe. there is some widespread snow going across its going to create some blizzard-like conditions and whiteout conditions travel. there could be dangerous to near impossible that sir, a live look there. no one was on the road. that a good thing because people in town are preparing for this huge storm as much as 10 feet of snow could fall in some parts of the sierra and some resorts have already decided they need to close for the weekend. drivers are being avoid too, are being warned to avoid mountain travel and kron four's terisa stasio has a look now at the conditions. >> wicked winds and heavy snowfall already whipping through the sierra as a mammoth storm is beginning to bear down. >> early thursday, this was the scene on eastbound. i-80 on the donner summit. a big rig toppled over forcing the chp to close all lanes. the
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roadway reopened around noon. but all of this prompting california officials to issue a stern warning to travelers. >> the important thing that we want to get out to people right now is to stay off the roadways unless is it an absolute emergency? many of the higher parts of many of our roadways are going to be closed because it is so difficult to travel. and so unless it is an absolute emergency, we want people to stay off the roads. that means if you're trying to get up to tahoe or get over the summit into nevada or anywhere else along the along california, that might have some of these really extreme travel conditions. cancel your plans. stay home. chris darden is with the state's office of emergency management. he says extra crews have been dispatched. >> throughout the state to help cities and counties cope with this ferocious predicted storm responding to emergencies. you know, snowplows to clear the roads as quickly as possible. >> callaway says working with our state partners, but we're also working with our local
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partners to make sure they have the resources that they need to take care of their local communities. and we're ready and expecting and prepared to support our local government partners when they requested for some of the bay area. the warnings are getting through as they postpone travel for locals are ready in the tahoe area. they are getting prepared at the gas station and and that's they way. you know, they're they're getting longer. people are prepping. yesterday was probably more of a prep. then today, i think just talking to my friends here, everyone is on lockdown. >> and just just getting ready for the big stuff to come. people it's like, okay. could be it could you know, 6 inches. that could be 10 feet will take either, you know, or i don't think that were that concerned yet. you know, asked me, ask me tomorrow, i might have a different opinion to recess stasio kron. 4 news. >> so as we continue to as we continue to track the storm, here is a live look at highway 50 at meyers. alright, couple
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cars i don't now, what do you think? highlight okay now i can. but the heavier snow is about to come in. and, you know, i think the point that that officers making is they have to be able to clear these roads when the heavy stuff does come down and it's coming believe may friday into saturday. it's coming. and, you know, it's already started. but that's where they're going to need to get those roads clear. and it's a lot easier to do it when people aren't on the roads and they're not having to, you know, rescue people are stuck on roads and that type of thing. so you're talk about 48 feet even more than that, potentially on some of the peak. so it's not where you want to be. we could also see a little bit of snow and mount saint helene up. we could see some mount diablo. you can see the little bit closer to the bay area. we don't see that very often. but this is a cold enough system that could happen. you can see all of this kind of rushing in as we zoom in here. you see the rain across the bay area, but you definitely see all of that moisture being funneled right towards this year. you know, sometimes storms are pointed directly at them and they miss out on the bigger totals. this is the opposite of that. this
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storm is pointed directly at the sierra. this is their storm really. and that's why they are under a blizzard warning. you can see all of the, you know, winter storm warnings as well that are up in parts you know, northern california, however, is that blizzard warning that has been the most concerned because a blizzard warning as we combined snow and wind, you get really dangerous situations that blowing snow and wind. that's what created. we're talk about wind up to 75 miles per hour. so you can have power outages. you can have limbs down all kinds of stuff. so let's just reiterate what he just said, which is avoid mountain travel through at least sunday morning. and then you got to check and see how things are going at that point. 0 visibility is likely time. so your best bet right now. stay safe and stay put. let's look at futurecast and show you as we roll through this. this is our thursday watch on friday. this big push. see that dark green right there. watch this big push of moisture that's going to roll in and bring us heavy rain potential for some thunderstorms. and then this year, some incredibly heavy snow that's going to roll right through saturday. and you can see by sunday things do start to lighten up a little bit, but still an active day on sunday. now for
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rain for us in the bay. we're talking between one and 2 inches of rain when it's all said and done. and if you look at your extended forecast, we're also cooling down quite a bit through the weekend. so just be ready for that. and as we get to monday, that will finally catch a little bit of a break. you can see a lot more rain on the other side of that. but i kind of refused to talk about that yet. one thing at a time. exactly. in dueling border visits, president joe biden and former president donald trump. they're both in texas today. the leaders are highlighting immigration issues and have very different ways and how to fix them. our washington, d.c., correspondent hannah brandt joins us now live with details on today's border trips. thanks for joining us. yeah, just seeing high. it was really a presidential clash down at the border today with president biden and former president trump showcasing their very sharp contrasts on immigration policy. >> in competing trips to southern border towns, president biden went to brownsville and 300 miles away. his republican rival,
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former president trump visited eagle, pass very dangerous border. we're going to take care of as both leaders agree. the u.s. is facing an immigration crisis with anf overwhelming surge of people trying to cross the border each day president biden is using his trip to push congress to act to highlight the need for congress to pass a bipartisan more security agreement that was negotiated out of the last month. senate negotiators came up with a bipartisan border bill, but republicans blocked the legislation after the former president came out against it. donald trump deliberately sabotaged the very same border reforms he spent years calling for trump's claims. president biden for the border issues and republicans argue the president already has the power. he means to crack down on immigration. he needs to take executive action right now. you need to take it. >> yesterday and the day before. >> needs to secure that border and protect our communities because lives are being lost and we cannot wait as president biden and former president trump fight to win the 2024 election. immigration is a central campaign issue.
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republicans meanwhile, are continuing to fight for strength and control. want to keep criminals out in our family safe. republicans have no right to say they're focused on solutions when they're the ones who are creating issue. >> trump steam accuses president biden of copying him by visiting the border today. but the white house insists that the president's planned trip was made far in advance. justine, back to you. hanna, thank you so much. >> still ahead here, the multi-million dollar agreement reached today between a bay area school district victims of abuse and a chain restaurant trying to avoid california's new minimum wage california's new minimum wage law. why the owner is now
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your money. this afternoon. uber is launching its teen rides feature in california today. this nuber feature allows teenagers to have their own accounts for. >> both taking rides and ordering food. the users must be be between the ages of 13 17 and have their own account with their parents permission and invite parents can set spending limits for both food and rides and they can see where their teens are at all times with live tracking. it works by having the drivers enter a special pin number before starting the ride and another safety feature records. audio of the entire ride through the passenger's phone. just in case there's an issue. a new report is suggesting one of governor gavin newsom's campaign donors benefited from an exemption in the state's new fast-food minimum wage law. there was a law that was signed by newsom to increase the minimum wage
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on april. first at most fast food chains in california. but an exemption was made just for chains that baked bread and sell it as a stand-alone item. so this includes panera bread. and this week a bloomberg article suggested this exemption was made donor and panera bread. fran cheese, a franchise owner who's also billionaire named greg flynn, who also went to the same high school as newsom expressed some concerns to the governor. how this would hurt his business, including the 24 panera. locations that he owns across the state. so republicans in the state legislature are now demanding an immediate ethics investigation. and in response, a newsom spokesperson up put out the statement saying the governor never met with flynn about this bill. and this story is absurd. our legal team has reviewed it and it appears panera is not exempt from the law. >> coming up here at 3, the
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multi-million dollar agreement that was reached in a settlement between the san francisco unified school district and former students. we have the latest on this lawsuit and we continue to celebrate black history month. but the story about the longest running children's literacy, public access program in the nation. it's here in berkeley. we're going to introduce you to the woman behind it. but for some more closures to the bay area, the busi what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant.
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a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> all right. here's a look at echo summit right now. tahoe, the good news, kyra, we do see snow. so that's happening. yes, we do. and we also don't see anyone on the road. so people are listening. yeah,
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that's good. and that's really you want to do in the sierra is stay off the roads because things are going to get worse before they get better. and that's just the unfortunate. >> news. you can see all of that. snow is just starting to push right into the sierras. so want to stay put. let's bring it back to the bay and talk about the rain that we are dealing with because we have some light rain out there. but i just saw a little bit of a cell roll right into . darker green and even the yellow right there. so that means they're getting a heavier downpour there. and we've already gotten a good chunk of rain, about half an inch of rain there in that area this morning. already. so here we are in the peninsula, very light showers. you can see the east bay a little bit light as well and even down to the south bay, some of that other heavy rain has been rolling across the santa cruz mountains. but right now pretty light. so that is just to say that it is going to be a little bit tricky. if you have to drive this afternoon. also, we've got wind kicking napa now up to 28 miles per hour easy. 25 in fairfield in oakland, 20 out of half moon bay. the wind is going to be another part of this storm and taking a future wind gusts. i want to show you tomorrow because we get into tomorrow
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afternoon. you see this wind gets very pervasive across the entire bay area and it really cranks as we get to friday night. that's also where we're going to see the heavier storm coming in. as far as the rain being heavier and it's also got the chance of a thunderstorm tomorrow night, too. so i think things are to get very, very tricky friday. i plan to hang out at home friday night and that might be a good, a good idea. wind advisory for us starting friday at noon goes through 10:00am. on saturday. in addition to that tomorrow, we're all going to be dealing with a high surf advisory. wanted to talk. also just real quickly about temperatures and rain. we look at santa rosa as an example. you can see we've been below average more than above average this month. and as far as rain is concerned, we've been above average. you can see the average is about 6.6, 7. you know, we're over 9 inches of rain. so we're going to get more on top of that. i'll be back a little bit. we'll track those showers and take a look at your seven-day forecast. back to you. thank you so much. the san francisco unified school district has agreed to pay 4 and a half million dollars to settle to abuse lawsuits.
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>> the district was accused of not properly supervising a former athletic director at george washington high school. he allegedly sexually abused 2 girls between 2012 2016. one of the victims informed the school after her graduation. but her attorney says the school district let the athletic director resign quietly. now the school district is agreeing to the settlement with the 2 women who were spared and having to retell their stories in a separate case. the person here is also there's another person suing the school district over another former teacher at lowell high school who is accused of sexually abusing a boy during the 2004, 2005 school year. the former teacher pleaded guilty to multiple charges of lewd acts with a minor. woman is now in the icu after being hit by a driver at a berkeley intersection. police closed off the area heinze avenue and 7th street when this happened yesterday afternoon. the
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investigation centering on a mini cooper that hit a woman in her 50's. she was crossing the street in the crosswalk when she was struck just weeks ago, a father and his 3 year-old child or biking to a nearby school when they were hit by a driver in the same intersection. the boy was not hurt. the dad, though, did hurt his knee. residents in the area are saying after all this, it's clear that safety changes are needed. >> i hope >> cities can do more to put in more infrastructure to keep people safe because i want to live in a city that is walk and bike friendly and i think we actually need that for our future. >> a group called walk. walk bike berkley also weighing in the organization calling on berkeley to act quickly to make safety improvements. as for the woman who was hit yesterday, there is an investigation into this crash under way. the man was arrested in downfall for allegedly trying to have with a minor. and police are saying that he died after a suicide attempt while being taken to
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jail. investigators say that the 50 year-old fairfield resident arrange to meet up with a 13 year-old boy who was actually a detective online. so the man was arrested last week and while he was being taken to the martinez detention facility, they say he tried to hang himself officers drove him to a hospital where he later died. there is another round of business closures happening all across the bay area. more businesses are making this announcement today, including a san francisco, jim. so we'll go over them now. the chevy's fresh mex house post on a palace street in emeryville reporting. it's going to close for good on april 16th. a reason for the shutdown was not clear at the san francisco business times is reporting all the staff there going to lose their jobs. chevy will continue to run restaurants and union city of vallejo and south san francisco. also the applebee's in antioch, right by highway 4 in hillcrest avenue served its last meal this week. appleby says the closure is part of a broader
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business strategy and employees were given the chance to work. it other restaurants in the region. the restaurant first opened up in this location in 1998. in san francisco. after more than 40 years of business, another local restaurant is shutting its doors. lee's delhi, which is a spot known for serving a variety of different foods and including a breakfast, chinese food. sam wants sandwiches and sushi. all those remaining locations in the city are going to be closing down the restroom once had 10 locations. but after covid challenges, it transitioned into a catering service. the san francisco business times confirmed the shutdown with the deli's owner. kron 4 did reach out to the owner but he declined to comment. also in san francisco, the crunch gym that's located in the south of market neighborhood announced it's closing. made this announcement this morning. this is the notice that on the web site now in an email to members, a spokesperson says like many downtown businesses, this club has never been able
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to recover from the economic impacts of the covid-19 pandemic, adding the membership to the location on new montgomery will be transferred to the yerba buena location on 3rd street the last day to get in a workout here is going to be march 31st. republicans in congress are blocking legislation that aims to protect access to in vitro fertilization. democrats are worrying a recent alabama supreme court ruling threatens the practice and they want to protect it at the federal level. washington correspondent jessi turnure reports. >> women in america wake up. house democrats say congress needs to pass a law that guarantees every american woman the right to fertility treatment. congresswoman terri clinics in her home state are turning away. women summit devoted their life savings. 2
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fertility treatment only to have their hopes and dreams ripped away by republican judges. california congresswoman katherine clark warns if republicans have their way, this will not end with alabama. this is the republican dream realized into a waking nightmare. the group is pushing legislation that would give federal protections to ivf services. >> house republicans say they support ivf. >> it needs to be readily available. it needs to be something that every american support. but speaker mike johnson would not say whether he supports democrats. bill and senate republicans are having a similar debate. i object mississippi senator cindy hyde-smith blocked a vote on the legislation, arguing it would also legalize practices like human cloning and gene editing designer babies had many, many other aspects to it. >> besides just protecting ivf, west virginia senator shelley moore capito also opposes the bill, but its sponsor, illinois democrat
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senator tammy duckworth says they're being shortsighted ivf is the reason i get to experience the chaos and the beauty. >> the stress and the joy that is motherhood. democrats plan to bring up the bill for another vote. in washington. i'm jessi tenure. and american airlines flight going from new york to madrid forced to make an emergency landing in boston. the crew noticed a cracked windshield in the cockpit. >> this happened overnight as the flight was about 250 miles into its trip over the atlantic ocean. the boeing 7.77 jetliner turned back and landed safely at logan international airport. the plane has been taken out of service for inspection. kron four's or local election headquarters. and we are just 5 days away now from the primary election. and today we have an exclusive new inside california politics and emerson college poll which is showing the race for california's open u.s. senate seat is very close. capitol
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correspondent eytan wallace breaks down the results. >> kratt adam schiff, thank you, everybody. republican steve garvey. and democrat katie porter. you're looking at the 3 leading candidates in the race for california's open u.s. senate seat. that is according to this new inside california politics. emerson college poll showing ship in the lead with 28% and garvey in second with 20% in 3rd place. but within the margin of error in reach of second places. porter with 17% democrat barbara lee rounds out the top 4 at 8%. while all other candidates pulled a 2% or lower. i think the main takeaway here is that shift is likely to take that number one spot. >> but that second place that is up for grabs. matt taglia helped to organize and conduct the poll. he says it's important to remember this race is part of the state's top 2 primary system, meaning the top 2 vote getters will advance to compete in the november general election all the more. so i tag know it's much of the attention is now
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on porter and garvey as they do it out for runner-up. we see a real tightening per second place. so i think that's that's the headline here. he also says something to watch closely is this 17% of voters say they are still undecided. when asked who they're leaning toward 19% of the undecided point to barb with shift and porter just behind. but even if you factor that in the poll finds ship would still be in the lead with garvey importer behind him. as for lee, without that baseline of supports, it might just be too little too late in the race for the white house. the poll found a joe biden and donald trump will easily win their respective primaries in california. a state where voters say their top issues include the economy, housing, affordability and as for governor gavin newsom's ballot measure known as proposition won, the poll found it's likely to pass the proposal asks voters to approve a 6.3, 8 billion dollar bond to fund more than 11,000 behavioral health beds and 27,000
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treatment unit statewide for people experiencing substance use disorders and mental illness for the poor results. 69% of voters say they will vote yes, seeing supported close to 70% suggest that there is still widespread concern. >> among californians that we're not doing enough to take on this issue >> that was a town was reporting for us. as for governor newsom's approval rating, the poll shows it stands at 49%. his disapproval rating is now at 39%. and this is significant given new recall effort just launched this week. that eventually is trying to get him out of office and don't forget, kron 4 is your local election headquarters. join us this election day tuesday, march 5th for a live election results from all around the bay area. we'll be talking about it all afternoon here for you. but our coverage of other results starts at 08:00pm. and coming up, we're counting down to our black history month special that this tonight. but a very special story.
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>> about the woman being recognized for her children,
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this last day of black history month. we want to introduce you to sallie baker. sally is the dynamic host and creator one of the longest-running children's literacy, public access programs in the nation. it's called we poets. >> its base at a berkeley as kron four's reyna. harvey shows us they're her passion for literacy. ms baker has inspired thousands of young minds through poetry. >> evening, everybody.
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>> the year is 1984, and sally baker has just launched the first episode of our new show. poets unite country. the goal is to help promote literacy for underserved students. >> well, one day i was on the bus and i sat behind 2 young boys and they were trying to reduce paper and they had difficulty trying to reading it out loud. they simple words. you know. so i went back home and i said to my partner and into i said, you know, i sat behind 2 boys and they couldn't read a newspaper. why don't we do a show where we could kids learn how to read and write better? you know, and that's just would miss baker despite the non-believers, the show. >> was a success. so i went to all the major tv stations in san francisco and oakland. >> and i asked them if i could do my show. and they said, well, you know, miss baker, i don't think point re will
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sell. so the only thing that sells on tv now days is 6 in violence. and so i don't think nobody would want to watch something little kids reading their points. >> said to i'm going show you different and show them. she. and hope is that always thousands of interviews hundreds of interns strain. >> and the sally baker is now celebrating 40 years of we poets. >> ms talley. what does it mean to you to know that you impacted so many people's lives make feel great that i can see that what i started will go on and keep on going on. you know that it will not die. >> but continue to grow and grow and grow grow and specially in the light this year in general. through back in the early period, is raining says they're me having
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>> confident we can it. you know. >> in the program's 40 year run, we pull it since. ally baker have won more than 50 prestigious awards. >> now, therefore, be it resolved that i just again, mayor, the city of berkeley do hereby declare february 14th 2024 to the repo its day in the city of berkeley. congratulations. >> thank you so very i appreciate this honor. i never realized that i do a tv show for 40 years. but here we are. baker determined at a young age growing up in iowa to bring people together. >> receiving her business degree, iowa state university moved to california, but before she started, we pull its she dedicated many years to working in higher education at the university of california berkeley. >> sally baker, you are institution that has been in our community and a wonderful
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resource who are just wonderful. sal, you've given so much to the community. you've helped so many young promoting literacy, giving the motivation to speak in public. >> i'm just so impressed with with the way that. she has been able to bring a community of people together and tell their stories for giving me this opportunity of getting more experience. >> and it's really inspiring. i think she's one of the most passionate people who just like enjoy doing what she loves for a ery long time. 40 years. incredible. we talk about legacy. what's one thing you want to be remembered for? i would like to be remembered for helping people no matter what background you come from, but social background go with what you want to do in life and help people don't be selfish, you give out what what you you know. >> free of charge. you you don't have to charge somebody to give out what you have inside, you know, if it's for the good of other people.
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>> that was reyna harvey reporting and because we poets is a nonprofit educational service, they run on donations. we have a link on how you can help on our website. kron 4 dot com and make sure you tune into our special honoring black history in the bay area. it airs tonight at 6.30. you will not want to miss its. and coming up, these babies are really going to turn to in. >> now, up to one in 4 years will turn one in 4 years for celebrating all those leap day celebrating all those leap day birthdays. next.
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transform your skin in one simple step. introducing paula's choice mandelic and lactic acid aha liquid exfoliant. resurface texture & tone without irritation. 100% saw smoother, softer, brighter skin. available at paula's choice and sephora.
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>> and a >> happy birthday to the babies. born on this special leap day. this was the scene in southern california when nurses at the miller children's and women's hospital long beach. welcome to all the babies that are technically not going to celebrate their birthday for another 4 years. and we've got to hear from the parents who are already planning those birthday festivities. >> worried thank you being indicted on goal in mind the way way. >> he could only a of them are little the lines. >> all right. the chances of being born on a leap day are one in 100,400 and 61, 1461. so congrats to all those new parents and here in the bay area. so some general has reported 5 babies born so far
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today and 3 babies were born so far in this leap day at sutter health at cp emcees van ness campus. so happy birthday to them. cutie little babies than they're alright, the department of water resources did its 3rd snow survey of the season already today at the phillips station, they measure the water content of the sierra snowpack. it gave some insight into the state's water supply for the coming year. the survey measured about 4 feet. and this is about 80% of the average of where we should be for this time of year and 70% of where we would like to be by april. 1st, today's results reflect continued improvement in the snowpack. since the very slow and dry start to the water year. on average, the sierra snowpack to supply about 30% of california's water needs. and they did that before the storm. yeah, morning. so we're going to add some more are going to add a whole lot to that. i want to take a live look right now. this is the entrance and exit to the richmond bridge. and you can see we've had a bit of a downpour here. >> just brought the rain down.
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so that means the roads are going to be really slick out there. be careful if you have to head out this afternoon live look at stormtracker 4 shows you are some of these showers are starting to roll in. there's a little bit of a heavier line right there. so that is right across where the richmond bridge it is. so we're starting to see some of that work its way in and that will kind of continues to work our way through the evening. of course, you see the snow in the sierra as well. that's just getting started. so that's going to really kick in tomorrow. all of it courtesy of our low pressure system sitting to the north and the west. so the showers that are rolling through right now, a few of them could be heavy. and you'll see that throughout the night tonight. but tomorrow, let's talk about this. 6 o'clock on friday. we could see a few thunderstorms tomorrow. these are the very heavy. this is between about 06:09pm. and you can even see as we head into at 11 o'clock. is it headed down to the south bay? so be ready for that tomorrow. this continues as we go through, as you can see here on saturday, even into sunday for part of the day, at least when it's all said and done. we're talking about one to 2 inches of rain for the bay area. so we've got a lot to go. we're just getting started. those roads are
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slick. so be careful if you're headed out. this is a look at your extended forecast. it's going to be rainy and chilly weekend. monday will be the break that we get before guests. a little more rain on the other side. kyler thank you and thank you for joining us here during crawford is at 3 o'clock this afternoon. i'm justine waldman. see tomorrow.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton
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in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. what was left was nothing of value. so you just basically put it in the dumpster. you assumed that they were done. because the next day was trash day. but trash day comes every week. why not ask them if they were done? narrator: hot bench. judge rachel juarez. judge michael corriero.


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