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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  February 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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>> new at 5 still trying after more than a year without a permanent police chief. oakland's police commission tonight is hosting potential candidates at a public forum. the meeting starts in just about an hour. kron four's dan thorn is there now giving us a preview. dan.
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>> yeah, we're coming to you from a very quiet city council chambers here at the city of oakland. we're just about an hour out from that oakland police candidate, public forum where people are going to be able to ask questions of the 4 candidates that have been presented by the police commission included in that list of candidates is at least one person who's from the san francisco bay area. and that's former police chief or san leandro abdul pridgen. and then the other names include former lubbock, texas police chief floyd cincinnati, ohio's assistant police chief lisa davis and louis molina, who is the assistant deputy mayor for public safety in new york city. as we've been clinton is without a police chief and has been for over a year now after oakland mayor sheng thao fired lauren it had been brought up that armstrong should be considered once again. but he didn't make the cut for this list of 4 and will not be attending tonight's forum. the mayor also saying that she is
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not going to be at tonight's for me either because she believes that this is not going to produce the best candidate and that she is still i'm seeking out someone that she is going to be ultimately in charge of once a police chief is selected here. but we are expecting a decent amount of people to show up and be asking those candidates questions, hear their concerns as well. they're all going to showing up right here via zoom on the screen. that's over my shoulder here. all 4 of them that getting underway at 06:30pm tonight wrap. something around 9.30. we're going to be here throughout the night and will have a full report for you coming up tonight at 10, 11 o'clock while grant back to you. all right. and a lot of that we have you there and we'll continue to look forward to. >> your reports throughout the night. >> thank you, all right. this is a live look outside. i'm going to guess from mount tam but i'm look happy to totally sure is blustery out there, though. it has started. you guys yesterday when it was
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really >> and the day before that, the day before that and then lawrence parades the weather gods and they've respondent and it's back to winter again, right? yes, 60's and 70's. can you believe that yesterday today? >> really. what a contrast. we're back to wintry weather. temperatures dropping a good 10, even 15 degrees. and look at that. it is wet out there right now. the rain really coming down lot in the san mateo bridge. heavy rain, difficult driving out there as well. some spinouts around the bay area today and the winds are going to kick up. i think even more so by tomorrow afternoon, we could be talking about some 40 50 mile an hour gusts along the coastline are some of the ridge lines in parts of the east bay in the north bay could see some more power outages as a storm system comes on shore. so right now we're seeing the main front begin a drop in. you can see right there in the middle as the mateo bridge. they're getting heavier amounts of rain. the yellow moving across there in the east bay as well. more of that on the way as we head through the evening hours. but that's going to continue to move southward toward san jose as
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we head throughout the evening, too, tomorrow. well, we're going to see some rain, some wind. and yeah, you saw a flash, a lightning out there wouldn't be surprised to see some lightning strikes. temperatures going to be cooler hovering in the 50's all around the bay area's that cold air really begins to settle in. now, we've been talking about very dangerous conditions in the sierra nevada. a blizzard warnings are up now continue until 10 o'clock in the morning on sunday. some of the mountain peaks just going to see tremendous amounts of avalanche watch now has been posted south of the tahoe area in the mammoth lakes area back country. boy, you're going to see those very strong winds piling up the snow and making some legit there that could easily come down in some of the back country. snow totals looking extremely impressive. this will be the biggest storm system of the season. maybe 10, maybe 12 feet the higher peaks. pretty impressive fanned the department of water resources heard lawrence's forecast and decided to move there. >> 3rd snow survey of the season up a day. so it will be
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tomorrow. but no, they got in today. probably couldn't do it tomorrow with the storm. the measure, the water content of the snowpack in the sierra giving insight into the state's water supply for the coming year. and they measured at depth of about 4 feet of snow up there. today's results reflect continued improvement in the snow pack since the slow and dry start of the water here on average this year, snowpack supplies about 30% of california's overall water needs. >> the san francisco unified school district is agreeing to pay 4.5 million dollars to settle to abuse lawsuits. the district was accused of not properly supervising. lawrence chan, the former athletic director at george washington high school chance sexually abused 2 female students repeatedly between 2012 2016, one of those victims informed the school after her graduation. but her attorney lauren kerr says the school district let chan resign
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quietly with sf ust agreeing to the settlement. the 2 women were spared and having to retell their stories in a separate case. kerr is also suing sf usd over another former teacher at lowell high school who sexually abused a male student during the 2004, 2005 school year. the former teacher pleaded guilty to multiple charges of lewd acts with a minor. >> construction on that rocket clubhouse that was damaged in last year's rainstorms is under way. now. you see what happened to it. the historic san francisco landmark was built in 18, 92 and served as a modern event space for weddings and other events in stern grove. but but a year ago in 85 foot, eucalyptus tree fell on it and basically ruined at the city's rec and parks department is helping to foot the bill. 2 and a half million dollar repair job. the clubhouse is expected to reopen to the public by the end of this year.
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>> take a look at this. a rescue and monterey county caught on camera and shared by chp, a driver on highway one wet over a big sur cliff sunday night swerving to avoid a deer. he fell with his car, some 400 feet before coming to rest on the side of the hill. 2 days later, chp airplane spotted the man and the car helicopter was dispatched. they were able to lift that man to safety. despite this dramatic fall and being stranded on the cliff for 2 days, the driver only suffered moderate injuries. he is expected to be okay. that's incredible. all right. well, it is a campaign clash you could call today with. >> president biden and former president trump. you know, these guys, they may dueling visits to the u.s. mexico border today. both leaders were in texas to highlight immigration issues and the migration crisis. president biden went to brownsville, teaas, taking a tour of the
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border, speaking to customs and border patrol agents about 300 miles away. his republican rival, president trump, the former president visited eagle, pass. both leaders agree the u.s. is facing an immigration crisis. biden is calling on congress to pass a bipartisan border bill that the senate agreed to that bill, though, was blocked by republicans in the house after mister trump came out against it. >> kron 4 is always tracking the big issues and we're now just 5 days away. >> from primary election day. and today we have an exclusive new inside california politics. emerson college poll which shows the race for california's open u.s. senate seat is getting closer. kron four's capitol correspondent eytan wallace breaks down the numbers. >> kratt adam schiff, thank you, everybody. republican steve garvey. and democrat katie porter. you're looking at the 3 leading candidates in the race for california's open u.s. senate seat. that is
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according to this new inside california politics. emerson college poll showing ship in the lead with 28% and garvey in second with 20% in 3rd place. but within the margin of error in reach of second places. porter with 17% democrat barbara lee rounds out the top 4 at 8%. while all other candidates pulled the 2% or lower. i think the main takeaway here is that shift is likely to take that number one spot. >> but that second place that is up for grabs. matt taglia helped to organize and conduct the poll. he says it's important to remember this race is part of the state's top 2 primary system, meaning the top 2 vote getters will advance to compete in the noiember general election all the more. so i taglia notes. much of the attention is now on porter and garvey as they do it out for runner-up. we see a real tightening per second place. so i think that's that's the headline here. he also says something to watch closely is this 17% of voters say they are still
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undecided. when asked who they're leaning toward 19% of the undecided point to barb early with shift and porter just behind it. but even if you factor that in the poll finds ship would still be in the lead with garvey importer behind him. as for lee, without that baseline of supports, it might just be too little too late in the race for the white house. the poll found a joe biden and donald trump will easily win their respective primaries in california. a state where voters say their top issues include the economy, housing, affordability and as for governor gavin newsom's ballot measure known as proposition won, the poll found it's likely to pass the proposal asks voters to approve a 6.3, 8 billion dollar bond to fund more than 11,000 behavioral health beds. and 27,000 treatment unit statewide for people experiencing substance use disorders. >> and mental illness for the poor results. 69% of voters say they will vote yes, seeing support close to 70%. >> suggest that there is still
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widespread concern among californians that we're not doing enough take on this issue. and that was our eytan wallace reporting. a quick reminder. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters and we hope you join us. election day is tuesday. march 5th next tuesday for live election results from around the bay area. up and down the state and across the country. coverage begins at 08:00pm that night. >> governor gavin newsom, meantime, is facing uncomfortable questions today after a new law appears to favor a large donor to his campaign. in question is california's new fast-food minimum wage law? but it has some notable exceptions, including the panera bread chain. last year, newsom signed a law to increase the minimum wage to $20 per hour at most fast food chains. but an exception was made specifically for chains that bake bread and sell it as a stand-alone item. that includes panera bread. this week a bloomberg article suggested the exemption was
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actually made because newsom don't or and panera bread franchisee and billionaire greg flynn who went to the same high school as newsom expressed concern over the bill hurting his business. flynn owns. 24 panera. bread franchises across the state. republicans in the legislature are now demanding an immediate ethics investigation. >> we've complete ethical problem going on here where a billionaire business owner has put into a special exemption into a bill and we don't even know how it got in there in in the first place and then has made over $150,000 in campaign contributions to the governor. this is unacceptable that friends of the party in power get exemptions and that's not right. >> and if this is a bad law for one company, it's probably a bad law for every >> the assembly member who authored the law says he was not directly involved in the negotiations and has no idea how the exemption made it into the law. during an interview
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today, he also said he was not aware of any relationship between newsom and flynn. >> i carried i don't and i become more aware of it here. >> i wasn't >> in response, a newsom spokesperson issued this statement. quote, the governor never met with flan about this bill. and this story is absurd. our legal team has reviewed and it appears panera is not exempt from the law. >> we continue to celebrate black history month with a story about one of the longest running child literacy, public access programs in the country. we'll introduce you to the woman behind.
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>> why weather is the big story of tonight tomorrow saturday, probably sunday. this is a live look at 6.80, in walnut creek where if you're in that year, probably not. >> loving life. it looks like it's moving. but also, you know, kind of folks, hopefully year being safe out there on the roads, lawrence, a lot of water being kicked up tonight. yeah, dangerous out there on the roadways. that's for sure. flying at some of the airports very difficult to. in fact. >> we're seeing some major delays now. one specific airport here in the bay area. you can guess which one sf old. they have seen that rain coming in. of course, they've been doing some construction out there on the tarmac as well. and now, guess what? how about that? over 3 and a half hour delays. yeah. that's a long delays out there. no delays being reported at
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oakland or san jose right now. but you throw in the rain and wind there that caused all kinds of trouble, too. all right. we've got some high surf moving in along the coastline. expect some 15 to 20 footers breaking along the coastline as we head toward tomorrow and saturday. and of course, we're going to see some very strong gusty winds along the coastline. the rain moving in right now. the band, the cold front has moved a little further south. you can see now making its way parts of the south bay right now picking up in san jose. some heavy rainfall right now in the storm system all got a long way to go with this storm. it's going to be hanging around till sunday as you can see, wave after wave of moisture rolling along the coastline and keep things wet on and off right until sunday. and probably another one behind that. all right. timing out the storm free overnight tonight. you can see more showers on and off. boy, this looks pretty ominous tomorrow morning. if this turns out to be true, this is likely a thunderstorm. the models are trying to pick up near petaluma early tomorrow morning. don't be surprised if you see some thunderstorms throughout the day, especially the afternoon tomorrow the commute is going to be on and off wet by the middle of the day. it's more rain moves in and then really start to pick
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up by the afternoon start to see a lot of yellow, some orange out there as well. so, yeah, it's going to be one of those days. the winds are also going to be wrapping up throughout the day tomorrow, too. and you can see by 7 o'clock in the evening 30, even almost 50 mile an hour gusts out along the coastline. it is going to be a rough one around the bay area tomorrow. no getting around that. so and that's going to continue into the weekend as well. temperatures much cooler. remember those 70's? we have they are long gone now 50's around the bay area in the next couple days. keep you on the cool side. maybe some snow in the mountains on saturday. more showers continuing into sunday. >> on this final day of black history month, we want to introduce you to sallie baker, the dynamic host and creator of one of the longest running children's literacy, public access programs in the nation. we poets based out of berkeley, california, our backyard and through her passion for literacy is baker is inspired thousands of young minds through poetry. >> kron four's reyna harvey gives us a look at her story. >> good evening, everybody.
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>> the year is 1984, and sally baker has just launched the first episode of our new show. poets unite country. the goal is to help promote literacy for underserved students. >> well, one day i was on the bus and i sat behind 2 young boys and they were trying to reduce paper and they had difficulty trying to reading it out loud. they simple words. you know. so i went back home and i said to my partner and into i said, you know, i sat behind 2 boys and they couldn't read a newspaper. why don't we do a show where we could kids learn how to read and write better? you know, and that's just would miss baker did despite the non-believers, the show. >> was a success. so i went to all the major tv stations in san francisco and oakland. >> and i asked them if i could do my show and they said,
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well, you know, miss baker, i don't think point re will sell. so the only thing that sells on tv now days is 6 in violence. and so i don't think nobody would want to watch something little kids reading their points. >> said to myself, i'm gonna show you different and show them she and hope is that we'll always thousands of interviews hundreds of interns strain and the sally baker is now celebrating 40 years of we >> ms talley. what does it mean to you to know that you impacted so many people's lives make feel great that i can see that. but i started will go on and keep on going on. you know that it will not die. >> but continue to grow and grow and grow grow and
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specially in the light general. through back in the early 2, thousands period. is raining says they're me having >> i'm cotton candy, candy. it. you know. >> in the program's 40 year run, we pull its and sally baker, one more than 50 prestigious awards. >> now, therefore, be it resolved that i just again, mayor, the city of berkeley do hereby declare february 14th 2024 to the repo its day in the city of berkeley. congratulations. thank you so very much. i am. i appreciate this honor. i never realized that i do a tv show for 40 years. but here we are. baker determined at a young age growing up in iowa to bring people together. >> receiving her business degree and iowa state university moved to california. but before she started, we pull its she dedicated many years to working in higher education at the university of california berkeley. >> sally baker, you are
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institution that has been in our community and a wonderful resource who are just handful. sal, you've given so much to the community. >> you've helped so many young promoting literacy, giving the motivation to speak in public. >> i'm just so impressed with with the way that. she has been able to bring the community of people together and tell their stories and for giving me this opportu ity of getting more experience. and it's really inspiring i think she's one of the most passionate people who just like enjoy doing what she loves for very long time. 40 years. incredible. we talk about legacy. what's one thing you want to be remembered for? >> i would like to be remembered for helping people no matter what background you come from, but social background go with what you want to do in life and help people don't be selfish, you give out what what you you know, free of charge. you know, you don't have to charge somebody to get out what you
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have inside, you know, if it's for the good of other people. >> absolutely. love that. love seeing little i had no see? yeah. wow. long time. now because poet's is a nonprofit educational service. do run on donations. if you would like to donate, please visit. >> bc em tv dot org. that's berkeley community media. >> i didn't reaeize i was supposed to be that. read your part. we also have a link to their website on ours. kron 4 dot com. >> be sure to tune in. and that's just one of many stories we've been working on all of months-long to honor black history. tonight, our special at 6.30, we'll be right back.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> the san jose international airport is celebrating. 75 years of travel and the 1950's the airport debuted its first flight. but aside from the pilots and 5 other people, the plane was filled with more than 2500 baby chickens in tribute to those feathered passengers. anybody traveling through sjc starting next week will be treated to and array of chicken festivities and decor as well as surprise encounters with. roaming chickens. throughout the terminals. there will be giveaways there will be well, lots of chickens. >> and a
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>> happy birthday is due to the babies. born on this special leap day, this celebratory scene out of southern california where nurses in long beach welcome babies who won't be technically able to celebrate their date of birth for another 4 here in the bay sf general hospital, they reported 5 babies so far borne today. 3 babies born so far on leap day at sutter. health's van ness actually going to be honoring. get the honor to speak with the parents of one baby girl. born at kaiser permanente, redwood city that's happening tonight at 8 on kron-on. apparently chances of being born on a leap day one in 1461. well, happy birthday to my cousin as well. he's a 32, but actually only 8 >> my cousin adam adam. happy birthday. adam. your birthday, don't miss the parents of the baby that will be talking to. that should be fun. we have to take a quick break. >> vicki will join me for kron. 4 news at 6 coming up kron. 4 news at 6 coming up next season.
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