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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  February 29, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PST

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friends thing is a nice sentiment. (james): oh yeah, i do love a nice sentiment. >> we need to get the best of the best. and this is not the way to do it. >> now at 10 board pushback from the mayor of oakland about who the police commission wants to be. the next chief of police as residents get their questions answered tonight by the candidates looking to become ipthe city's next top cop. woul say they're going to shut the highway down oh, yeah, they're working drivers come didn't want to come through and then
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they stuck up here. >> yeah, we're tracking the snowstorm up in the sierra talking with drivers hoping not to get stuck in the snow. >> another challenger to mayor london breed. why the new high-profile candidate says san francisco's mayor's race need someone else? >> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> good evening, everybody. thanks for being with us tonight on kron. 4 news at 10, i'm grant lotus and i'm vicki liviakis. tonight the oakland community got a chance to hear from 4 candidates for police chief. a public form took place at city hall more than a year after the previous chief leronne armstrong was let go. it's been a while and these 4 candidates answered questions submitted by city residents about why they should be the next person to lead the police department. kron four's. dan thorn reports from oakland.
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virtual appearance thursday night by the 4 candidates vying to be oakland's next. top cop. >> the oakland police commission's police chief search ad hoc committee held a public forum in the city council chambers asking the questions from the community. why does your background in policing make you the best fit for oakland? next police chief? this is my life work. >> and i think if i'm given the opportunity to lead this department, you see significant, tremendous impact new york city's assistant deputy mayor for public safety. louis molina, along with former lubbock, texas police chief floyd mitchell, cincinnati, ohio's assistant police chief lisa davis and former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen all had a chance to speak. >> pitching their goals for the first 100 days and plans to build community trust and transparency. oakland community. >> and the local police very attractive to me and my family. i we're increasing.
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>> how working to better truly makes things happen. >> the group does not include an internal candidate, but pridgen says he understands the bay-area. i think i'm the perfect. >> choice for oakland since i just lived down the road and my son is going to start. school in oakland in september. >> and i'm angered in this community. not at the meeting. was oakland mayor sheng thao who over a year ago fired then chief leronne armstrong thao says she is against these kinds of forums because it harms the chances of attracting the best candidates. and for those in the audience, there was no opportunity to ask questions, make comments or offer feedback during the forum. but the public is invited to provide feedback online through a post forum survey. the feedback window will close on monday. the police chief search ad hoc committee says they will be submitting their list of finalists to the mayor on friday. and then the mayor can choose to interview those candidates or reject them in
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oakland, dan thorn kron, 4 news oakland's mayor sheng thao is seeking to change the process of selecting a police chief altogether. >> i do not agree with it was voted on by the voters many years ago. but with any new systems put in place, you know, you have to have lessons learned. you have to be able to go back you know, make fixes. that actually doesn't actually work in practice. and this is one of those. and so i'm hopeful and look forward to amending the charter in regards to how we in the november ballot. >> according to the current city charter, the mayor can either pick the chief from a list of finalists given to her by the police commission or reject that list altogether and asked the commission for a different list of candidates which she has done already. >> slick freeways tonight and the rain was pouring this afternoon on drivers here in the north bay. this is highway 101. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is with us now to talk about the big storm
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that has rolled in and how long it's going to be wet out there, lawrence. yeah, what a change. you know, just yesterday we're talking about 60's and temperatures in the 70's and sunny skies today. >> winter made a big comeback outside is a brought with it. a lot of rain across the bay area. some gusty winds. now we'll see a lot more on the way overlooking the bay right now. we still got some scattered showers around the bay area. the main cold front has already moved on through. but look at all those cold, speckled white clouds in the middle of the pacific. that is going to be wave after wave of moisture. that is going to be pushing on shore and that some more unstable air. so i think there's a real good possibility. we could see some thunderstorms as we head in toward tomorrow. latest on the radar image you see the front making its way south of san jose. now behind that more scattered showers popping up around the bay area. but you're going to see some heavy downpours embedded in some of these showers as we head into the night tonight and tomorrow to that cold front kind of sliding on through behind you get that cold, unstable air likely especially late in the
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day tomorrow. the temperatures, of course, taken a major hit with that polar express really dropping in the bay area highs tomorrow, maybe about 54. that's in san francisco. one of the warmer spots. 59 but windy and showers in san jose. all right. thanks, lawrence. with the wet weather come some delays and cancellations at local airports at last check. sfo has dealt with 388 delays. and 59 cancellations today. >> oakland international had 68 delays that the san jose so 40 flights to late. >> just like to get ahead of this know. so i think if people are thinking that coming up they should take >> yeah. an oakland resident in lake tahoe tonight, warning drivers not to go up to the sierra. a blizzard warning is now in effect. and while that warning is slated to expire on sunday is going to take a time ski resorts in caltrans to dig coming up at 10 15, we're going to have a report from the sierra with the latest conditions on i-80.
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>> san francisco. they 3 is facing yet another challenger in her effort to get another term. sources say supervisor aaron peskin will officially enter the mayoral race next week. they say his decision is based on there not being any progressive candidates in the race. peskin currently serves as president of the san francisco board of supervisors is set to term out this year. other candidates so far include former interim mayor mark farrell supervisor, asa sof it and philanthropist daniel lurie. >> the race for california's open senate seat is still extremely close. is primary election day nears the latest and final poll from inside california politics and emerson college. it shows democrat adam schiff holding his lead with 28% of the vote. but the race for second that has tightened republican steve garvey has the edge of 20%. but democrat katie porter is
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within the margin of error trailing him by only 3%. bay area's barb early rounds out the top 4, 8%. the poll also shows that 17% of voters remain undecided in this pivotal race. and a reminder, kron 4 is your election headquarters. join us on election day. that is next. tuesday, march 5th for live election results from this race and other races all across the bay area coverage kicks off at 08:00pm. >> the man accused of killing 7 people in half. moon bay pleaded not guilty to murder charges. julie showers back in court today in san mateo county. he's been charged with 7 counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder for the massacre at 2 mushroom farms in half moon bay. those early last year he was arrested the same day and has remained in custody since prosecutors are hoping a trial will happen this year admitted it may have to wait until next year. chow's next court appearance
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is scheduled for april. bay area. faith leaders gathering in oakland to support alameda county da palm oil prices. the >> da faces a recall. their the group says they like prices approach of holding people accountable for the crimes they commit and say she should be allowed to finish out her term. >> and we believe that halifax is giving hope. and the thought i put a whole is just helping other people even if they got in trouble, then united would have a price that she is someone who stands for peace, stand for justice and want to right by our community. >> the organization behind the efforts to oust pamela that they already have enough signatures needed to put the recall on the ballot. if those signatures are verified, a recall election would take place next june. >> san francisco's released new numbers about people cited for using drugs last year. the report says of 718 people
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site. it only about half said they actually live in san francisco. 141 of those arrested are also receiving city funded cash assistance from the county to be eligible. individuals must be san francisco residents, though, last year police made more than 2000 arrests for drug sales or drug use in the tenderloin area alone. seizing more than 260 pounds of fentanyl. more than 350 arrests have been made so far this year. >> construction on the truck and arrow clubhouse damage from last year's rainstorms is now underway. the historic san francisco landmark was built back in 18, 90 to serving as an event space for weddings and stern grove. but nearly a year ago and 85 foot eucalyptus tree fell on top of it. the cities that rec and parks department helping to fund the 2.5 million dollar repairs. the clubhouse is expected to reopen to the public by the end of this year. still ahead, a man is
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rescued after being stranded for 2 nights in big sur. white took so much time to get to >> uber's new service just for teenagers. how it's different from your regular uber ride and hear from bay area parents. are ready to let your kids use this new feature? >> we take a live look up in the sierra right now. donner summit on i-80. we'll be
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card
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with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. >> welcome back. let's take a look up in the high country. castle peak is covered in snow. the roadway was clear
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this time last night. but the blizzard has arrived that it has reporter eric rucker. he's been up in nyack. >> all evening long. >> the best word to describe being in the sierra tonight. nasty and it is only going to get worse. the parking lot at the shell gas station in nyack. turned into a slushy mess thursday night sitting at around 5300 feet in elevation. it will see plenty of snow during the storms. but for most of the evening tonight, the story was all about the wind and rain. when we came here was sort of slid a little bit for some like this man from san jose sticking around to see the heavy snow is not on the agenda. you've had enough of yeah here. but the blues are coming so >> decide to get out so this is manageable. but when the actual real flakes start to fly one, nothing to do with
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that. i've been in blizzard storm before us. i know whether the plate for others, it's decision time now. we're it's going go what to chain controls in the sierra, forcing many to stop here and figure out the next plan of attack. what would your advice be to people who are trying to drive up here tonight? probably not to drive up probably wait until daylight or not get it all. if they don't have to for big rigs. this was the end of the line trucks mass together creating an impromptu truck bar and the winds are supposed to pick up hopefully doesn't get too crazy. traveling in the sierra the next few days is ill advised. not only is the snow going to come down in droves at lower elevations, but the rain that we see. >> tonight could possibly freeze and make for even more dangerous driving conditions in the sierra erick rucker kron. 4 news. >> well, we're going to see some misting weather guys snow up in the sierra nevada. are you ready? here we go. looks like coming down heavily
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already. and i think as we head through the night tonight by tomorrow, things are really going to be a whiteout conditions up there as that snow going to continue to spread further south and the snow levels are going to start to come way down across the high country. so yeah, they are already chaining up on 50 80. you can see right here. the snow coming in near kirkwood south lake tahoe. get a daughter. you can see that area. all that snow coming down. but we'll see that snow level maybe over the weekend. drop down to maybe about 1000 feet. so that is a long way to get up. there are some heavy snow coming in. so a major winter storm that's going to be largest winter storm of the season probably for the year this year as we're going to see those blizzard conditions. blizzard warnings up right through sunday as well. and so we're talking about tremendous amounts of snow at some even lower elevations. you can down the lake level in tahoe. you can see as much as 3 to 6 feet of snow right at lake level that will paralyze those lot of folks going to get stuck indoors for a while until they get the snow plows out there to clear out the roads the
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higher peaks. i think when we have this all up, i think we're talking maybe 10 plus feet, maybe 12 feet across some of the highest peaks in the sierra nevada. and of course, you start to see that. and of course, dangerous driving conditions likely a whiteout go along with this. we're going to see some gusts over the mountain peaks, maybe upwards of 100, maybe 115 miles an hour, 70 miles an hour and some lower elevations. so it is going to be dangerous driving conditions up there. no matter what you're going to see snow drifts, it's going to be a mess up there can say that anymore. just tried not to head that way and the next few days you've got all those areas under orange. those are currently of the blizzard conditions. that's all the way down to grass valley gets and down some lower elevations. and so there's going to be a large storm affecting much of the sierra mile. we're going to be worried about some avalanches. in fact, they've now extended the avalanche watch up into the great lake tahoe area all the way down in the mammoth lakes. and that's because all that snow being blown up. there's going to start to pile up and the snow drifts on some of the tops of these peak. so you get a skier come by. somebody can trigger an avalanche pretty easily. so
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specially in the back country watching that very closely. models are still picking up a ton of snow here between now in the middle of next week. yeah. look at all that even in the bay area. we'll get some snow to. we'll talk more about that. your local forecast coming up a few minutes. all right, lawrence, governor newsom facing uncomfortable questions after a new law appears to favor a large donor to his campaign. >> in question is california's new fast-food minimum wage law? but it has some notable exceptions, including the patella bread change last year. and newsom signed a law to increase the minimum wage to $20 per hour at most fast food chains. but an exception was made specifically for chains that baked bread and sell it. and that includes panera bread. this week, a bloomberg article suggested the exemption was made because newsom donor and panera bread. franchisee bay area native billionaire greg flynn who went to the same high school as newsom expressed concern to the governor that it would hurt its business, including the 24 panera read franchises
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that he owns across the state. while republicans in the legislature, they are demanding an immediate ethics investigation. >> we've complete ethical problem going on here where a billionaire business owner has put in a special exemption into a bill and we don't even know how it got in there in in the first place and then has made over $150,000 in campaign contributions to the governor. this is unacceptable that friends of the party in power get exemptions and that's not right. >> and if this is a bad law for one company, it's probably a bad law for every >> the assembly member who authored the law says he was not directly involved in the negotiations and has no idea. >> how the exemption made it into the law. during an interview today. he also says that he was not aware of any relationship between newsom and flint. >> i carried i don't. >> and i become more aware of
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it here. i wasn't >> in response to newsom's spokesper on issuing this statement to the governor never met with flynn about his bill and the stories absurd. our legal team has reviewed and it appears panera is not exempt from the law. uber has a new just teens. it allows 13 to 17 year-olds to take rights and order food. kron 4 sarah stinson caught up with some uber folks to learn about how this thing works, as well as some very say they plan to use it to help get their kids around. >> a new transportation option for teens in california. uber has launched a specialized teen account that allows young users to get a ride or order food north bay dad, steve grow becker says the new feature will make his life a lot easier >> yes, having 5 kids full time job a cushion, the price. i can't be everywhere all the time. >> so yeah, i think it's a
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great idea. his son grant a high school freshman is also excited. it's definitely nice to have to get place to place rainy days. are something that's not to walkable. as an uber spokesperson says the feature requires parental permission. parent just invites 13 to the family profile in their app. >> to open a specialized teen account, they download the app and from their teens can order their own rides and food parents can live track their child's trip set spending limits and contact the driver and team gets picked up to get a push that. he gets dropped off. look at another push notification. uber is promising to only allow the most experienced a high rate drivers for teen trips. teen accounts will also have a pin verification system which helps ensure that the team is getting in the right car. and the way that works is that he has a pin number that they have to get to the driver before that trip can start the san francisco based company began trying out the teen
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account idea in canada in 2022. before expanding it into the u.s. so far, there have been no reports of serious problems with the program. i think it's going to save a lot of tears. a lot of so, yeah, looking forward to most of the parents i spoke with here in marin county say they're excited for this new feature on uber. >> but that's not how people felt on twitter. we put a pullout asking parents to let their teens use the app and most of them said no. i'm sara stinson reporting in marin county kron. 4 news. >> coming up, foreclosures in the bay area. but it's not all doom and gloom. we'll tell you about the new many golf course that is opening in the south bay and sta one set to open in san francisco. plus, learning how to read through poetry, how one bay area woman was able to teach children all across the country. and did you know the first flight out of san jose's airport had more than 1000 passengers on board.
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we'll explain how they managed to get so many passengers on one play. >> this just in we're getting reports of an earthquake near discovery bay. we'll be
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>> we want update you on earthquake. we just heard the experienced in the near discovery bay that earthquake considered a minor earthquake. still a 3 and they just had one the other day as well. it was a very shallow quake. so places like brentwood, oakley and byron, you may have felt that, too, will keep watching that as we head through the evening. all right. thanks, lawrence. a santa cruz driver. this is unbelievable. was rescued after being stranded.
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>> on a cliff little beach near cliff for 2 nights. the chp says the driver told crews c swerve to miss some deer on the road. and if you've been in that area of highway one near big sur, you know, it could be dicey those curves swerved to miss the deer when off the road and went down several 100 feet down the cliff. the car was suspended just above the beach there. this happened sunday night. he you know, waving frantically and they went down lower guy, rescued him. they say he suffered only minor injuries somehow. >> of the san jose international airport is celebrating. 75 years of travel in the 1950's of the
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airport debuted its first flight with nearly no human passengers. aside from the pilots and 5 other people, the a plane was actually filled with over. 2500 baby. chickens. checks. yeah. starting next wednesday in celebration of their anniversary as jc airport goers can expect surprise encounters with giant inflatable chickens roaming around throughout the terminals. with giveaways. >> all right. next, why san francisco unified is set to pay more than 4 million dollars to 2 former students. but the former students say school leaders did wrong when they attended high school. >> plus, it's got to be a city that is clean and safe and 5 run. promises from a san francisco mayor hopeful kron 4 sits down with the air to levi strauss and white. he thinks he should be the city's next leader. >> and they said, well, you know, miss baker, i don't think 0.3 will sell city or
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thing that sells on tv. now days is 6 in violence. >> yeah. what she was told her idea wouldn't sell. but a bay area woman got a poetry tv show on the air and taught kids
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>> now at 10, 30 kron four's highlighting the top candidates in san francisco's mayoral race. one of those contenders is a philanthropist said air to levi strauss force. stephanie lynn sat down with candidate daniel lurie who says san francisco has a broken city hall.
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>> i'm asked the voters. do you really believe that someone who has helped create this system is the right person to change that culture to fix that broken system. >> could a political outsider become san francisco's next mayor? it's the position daniel lurie hopes resonates with voters in a crowded race. and and the perception. >> lawlessness is an acceptable part of life in san francisco. i have committed my life to issues of poverty. i believe that i understand what is at stake. >> a san francisco native and heir to the levi strauss fortune lurie founded the antipoverty nonprofit tipping point in 2005 raising hundreds of millions of dollars to fight homelessness in the bay area. we need to build more affordable housing. we have to get people job training and employment skills. he also served as chairman of the super bowl, 50 host committee working with local officials to bring millions in tourism and business dollars to the bay area. if you are elected
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mayor, what's the first issue you recruiting and retaining a police force? we were down 700 police officers >> it's going to take us some time. no question about that. but we've got to give them tools to do their job. then we're going to be cleaning our streets. you're coming off the overpasses. you come down 6 street, it's going be pristine. the first image of san francisco and our visitors and our travelers or tourists come here has got to be a city that is clean and safe and vibrant. >> as for the city's fight against chronic homelessness, we still haven't built enough shelter. pets. if you build enough shelter beds, which you could do in a matter of months. that you offer some a shelter bed. don't take it. that's their right. but is not there right then to stay on the street. lori proposing a different strategy to stopping the city's revolving door of drug dealers. any first-time offenders must wear an ankle monitor. we can track people and once they are in. one of
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the climbers like the tenderloin or in soma. they would be subject to a search condition acknowledging electronic monitoring does not fall under the mayor's purview. you have the power of the this is not something you the mayor just decrees and it happens and that's where my background comes that we need to send a message to everybody. but you don't come here to deal drugs to do drugs. you come here, you're going get the help that you need. but you cannot be on our streets. lurie promising a different approach to leading the city. one that starts, he says with accountability when something goes wrong in this city, it's going to be my fault. i'm it. take ownership. i'm tired of the finger-pointing. i think everybody else's as well in san francisco, stephanie lin kron, 4 news. >> and we will be following more of the candidates throughout the race. stay with kron. 4 on air and online to learn more about the people hoping to become san francisco's next. mayor. >> the san francisco unified
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school district is agreeing to pay nearly 5 million dollars to settle to abuse lawsuits. those lawsuits involved and former athletic director at george washington high school and a former teacher at lowell high school. the athletic director at george washington is accused of abusing 2 female students between 2012 2016. the former teacher at lowell pleaded guilty to sexually abusing a male student during the 2004, 2005 school year. genie is bracing for the severe weather here. >> the utility says this weekend's storms could lead to mass outages. the utility says it has crews stationed in the north bay and areas where the storm is expected to hit the hardest and lawrence is back with us now to time it out. yeah, guys, here we go. we've seen the cold front come in. now we're going to see these waves of energy just continue to roll on and off right into sunday. and then we've got another storm are working with next week, too. so >> there's a lot to go and they're going to be windy at
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some of the wind gusts, maybe 40 to 50 miles an hour. not a strong some of the previous storms. you have this winter, but nonetheless, you could see some power outages during that period winds. wind advisory is going up starting tomorrow as we're going to see some of those gusts maybe as high as 40 to 50 right along the coastal sections, but also in some of the interior valleys, going to get very gusty as we head toward tomorrow evening, especially and with the waves of those a bill that is you've got those strong winds out there to maybe some 15 to 20 foot breakers along the coastline. watch out for some dangerous surf out there. and some strong rip currents. meantime, we're looking at more showers moving in across the bay area. more widely scattered at this point. we're going to see more of that wave after wave of moisture moving onshore. in fact, we'll time it out for as we get you toward the commute tomorrow morning around 08:00am you've got some scattered showers out there. be very careful on the roads going to be slick out there. then i think as we head through the day, you can see couple breaks between the clouds that may give rise to the energy just enough to bring some thunderstorms popping up. i think in the
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afternoon see some of those cells out there that looks like a pretty intense self that works out like that. that could be a thunderstorm off the coastline along the peninsula in the north bay, too. and you can see that on and off. so the winds they're going to be whipping as well. by tomorrow. you got the southerly winds, some 20, maybe some 30 mile an hour winds then by tomorrow evening. there you go. some gusts of 41, the pacifica. 47 in half moon bay, very blustery out there along the coast lines. you've got to be extra careful tomorrow. could see some power outages again and more that on the way. in fact, cold storm moving in as we head in towards saturday. that will likely to some snowflakes across some of our mountain tops above 2000 feet or so. the showers continuing on and off for the next 10 days. highlights in another round of business closures strikes the bay area. chevy's in emeryville is reporting a permanent closure come in april. a reason for the shutdown is not >> clear. but the ean francisco business times reports all staff will lose their jobs. unfortunately. and after more than 40 years in business leads deleon downtown san francisco's closing. it was the last one in the city,
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the restaurant chain once had 10 spots across san francisco. but it is not all doom and gloom. urban putt has opened in downtown san jose. the mini-golf course restaurant head been open in san francisco's mission for 10 years before closing its doors last month, urban putt, said another mini golf venue called holy moly will open at the same san francisco location sometime this year. >> one of the longest-running children. the literacy tv shows in the nation called we poets. he's inspired thousands of young minds. kron four's reyna harvey sat down with the creator and host of the show who is based out of berkeley. >> good evening, everybody. >> the year is 1984, and sally baker has just launched the first episode of our new show. we poets unite country. the
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goal is to help promote literacy for underserved students. >> well, one day i was on the bus and i sat behind 2 young boys and they were trying to reduce paper and they had difficulty trying to reading it out loud. they simple words. you know. so i went back home and i said to my partner and into i said, you know, i sat behind 2 boys and they couldn't read a newspaper. why don't we do a show where we could kids learn how read and write better? you know, and that's just would miss baker did despite the non-believers, the show. >> was a success. so i went to all the major tv stations in san francisco and oakland. >> and i asked them if i could do my show and they said, well, you know, miss baker, i don't think point re will sell. so the only thing that sells on tv now days is 6 in violence. and so i don't think nobody would want to watch something little kids reading
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their points. >> said to myself, i'm going to show you different and show them and hope is that we'll always thousands of interviews hundreds of interns strain and the sally baker is now celebrating 40 years of we >> ms talley. what does it mean to you to know that you impacted so many people's lives of making feel great that i can see that what i started will go on and keep on going on. you know that it will not die. >> but continue to grow and grow and grow grow and specially in the life journalists. that's back in the early period. it's my name is ryan says this may have anything >> confident we can >> it, you in the program's 40 year run, we pull its in salah
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baker, one more than 50 prestigious awards. >> now, therefore, be it resolved that i just see out again, mayor, the city of berkeley do hereby declare february 14th 2024 to the repo its day in the city of berkeley. congratulations. thank you so very much. i am. i appreciate this honor. i never realized that i do a tv show for 40 years. but here we are. baker determined at a young age growing up in iowa to bring people together. >> receiving her business degree and iowa state university moved to california. but before she started, we pull she dedicated many years to working in higher education at the university of california berkeley. >> sally baker, you are institution that has been in our community and the wonderful resource who are just kind of how you've given so much to the community. >> you've helped so many young promoting literacy, giving the motivation to speak in public.
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>> i'm just so impressed with with the way that. she has been able to bring the community of people together and tell their stories and for giving me this opportunity of getting more experience and it's really inspiring. i think she's one of the most passionate people who just like enjoy doing what she loves for a very long time. 40 years. incredible. we talk about legacy. what's one thing you want to be remembered for? >> i would like to be remembered for helping people no matter what background you come from, but social background go with what you want to do in life and help people don't be selfish, you give out what what you you know, free of charge. you know, you don't have to charge somebody to get out. what you have inside, you know, if it's for the good of other people. >> that was our we poets graduate reyna harvey reporting for us. she sure was cute. you can watch more stories about barry. a black
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leaders on our black history month page on kron 4 dot com. great job right away. >> and our black history month special is like you on the website so you can catch it. there. that wraps up kron 4 news at 10, but be sure to 11. 0st, though. on. 4 news at - >> port side live. yeah, car for is a sports director. jason dumas says just put his jacket the field view
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>> 7 in a row on the road. now, 15 12 away from home. that's what road which is supposed to look like. >> the dubs have some fun tonight in the world's most famous arena, the mecca. thanks for rocking with me here on sports night live. i'm jason dumas. the warriors have been playing some good basketball as of late. but they haven't fared all that well against the top teams in the league. the knicks are a good team. so tonight was a great litmus test on the road. and guess what? the dubs they aced it. the warriors looking for their 7th straight win on the road. pick things up in the 1st quarter dubs up 9 brandon projects kieff and steph curry gave him too much space. he drains his 3rd straight 3 dubs started the game out on a 14. nothing run 2nd quarter warriors up 13. in my opinion was jonathan kuminga best game, both offensive lee and defensively. way too big for jalen


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