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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  February 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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>> news station. this is. 11. >> now at 11, the wet weather has arrived plans to stick around along with chilly temps tonight across the bay area. good evening. thank you for joining us here on kron for news at 11. i'm noelle bellow. today is day one of an unsettled weather pattern set to deliver rain over the next few days. and even a chance of some snow along some of our bay area mountaintops kron. 4 s chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is here. he's a little excited about that snow, laura? yeah. while boy yesterday we're t-shirts and flip-flops around the bay area. temperatures. >> in the 60's and 70's today we got slammed with a goal winter making returning out there right now. it is wet up toward the bay bridge right now. we've got some scattered showers popping up outside and all around. we've seen some of that rain moving through and the doppler radar showing you things getting very unsettled. the cold front has move south. now behind that, you've got
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all this cold, unstable air and that is going to kick off a wave after wave of moisture rolling onshore to keep things a wet on and off right through the weekend. see the rain now moving through san francisco stretching into parts of the east bay oakland and richmond and well, we'll see more of that on and off throughout the night tonight. in fact, probably through sunday as well. and then another storm affected we get into next week. but now we're getting really in the interesting part of the storm system that swow begin to pile up in the high country that cold air moving in. now we're talking about showers and the possibility of thunderstorms and yeah, that cold weather going to get colder over the next few days tomorrow. maybe about 53. and that is it the san francisco 59, maybe that's the warm spot in the bay area in san jose. >> all right, lawrence, here's a look at how things are fairing at our local airport. ffo had 411 15 delays. and 59 cancellations today, oakland international saw 67 delays and then at the international airport in san jose reported 42 delays due to our weather.
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you can follow our coverage of our winter storm online. scan the qr code there on your screen. it will take you straight to our web page there. there's going to be information on flooding, road closures or any power outages in your area. tonight, the oakland community got a chance to hear from the 4 candidates for police chief. a public forum took place at city hall more than a year after the previous chief leronne armstrong was fired. these 4 candidates spent the evening answering questions submitted by oakland residents about why they should leave the police department. kron four's dan thor reports. >> virtual appearance thursday night by the 4 candidates vying to be oakland's next. top cop, the oakland police commission's police chief search ad hoc committee held a public forum in the city council chambers asking the questions from the community. why does your background in policing make you the best fit for oakland? next police chief? this is my life work.
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>> and i think if i'm given the opportunity to lead this department, you see significant, tremendous impact new york city's assistant deputy mayor for public safety. louis molina, along with former lubbock, texas police chief floyd mitchell, cincinnati, ohio's assistant police chief lisa davis and former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen all had a chance to speak. >> pitching their goals for the first 100 days and plans to build community trust and transparency. oakland community. >> and the local police very attractive to me and my family. i we're increasing. >> how working to better truly makes things happen. >> the group does not include an internal candidate, but pridgen says he understands the bay-area. i think i'm the perfect. >> choice for oakland since i just lived down the road and my son is going to start. school in oakland in september. >> and i'm angered in this community. not at the meeting. was oakland mayor sheng thao
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who over a year ago fired then chief leronne armstrong thao says she is against these kinds of forums because it harms the chances of attracting the best candidates. and for those in the audience, there was no opportunity to ask questions, make comments or offer feedback during the forum. but the public is invited to provide feedback online through a post forum survey. the feedback window will close on monday. the police chief search ad hoc committee says they will be submitting their list of finalists to the mayor on friday. and then the mayor can choose to interview those candidates or reject them in oakland, dan thorn kron, 4 news. >> while oakland's mayor sheng thao did not attend tonight's forum. she told us earlier today she is seeking to change the process of how police chiefs are selected altogether. >> with it was voted on by the voters many years ago. but with any new systems put in place, you know, you have to have lessons learned. you have
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to be able to go back you know, make fixes. that actually doesn't actually work in practice. and this is one of those. and so i'm hopeful and look forward to amending the charter in regards to how we in the november ballot. >> according to the current city charter, the mayor can either pick the chief from a list of finalists given to her by the police commission or they can reject the list altogether and ask the commission for a different list of candidates. tao has already done. the latter wants already since armstrong's firing. >> kron 4 is your elections headquarters and san francisco mayor london breed. >> faces yet another challenger in her effort to seek another term. sources say supervisor aaron peskin will officially enter the mayoral race next week. sources tell kron for his decision is based in part on former san francisco supervisor mark farrell candidacy. and the fact that there is currently no progressive candidate in
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the race pass can currently serves as the president of the san francisco board of supervisors. he's been on the board of supervisors since 2015 and is set to turn out this year. a not guilty plea this morning from the man accused of killing 7 people in half moon bay last year. 66 year-old chunli zhao was back in court today in san mateo county. he's been charged with 7 counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder for allegedly shooting and killing 7 people and wounding one other at 2 mushroom farms in half moon bay early last year, he was arrested the same day and has remained in custody ever since. prosecutors are hoping a trial will happen this year. but they admitted they may have to wait another year. next court appearance is scheduled for april. bay area. faith leaders are standing behind alameda county district attorney pamela in an effort to recall her from office. the group says they support prices approach of holding people accountable for the crimes they commit and feel she
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should be allowed to finish out her term. >> and we believe that prices giving hope. and the dot the i 54 hole is just helping other people even if they got in trouble. then united would have a price that she is someone who stands for peace, stand for justice and want to right by our community. >> meantime, the organization behind the effort to oust price as they already have enough signatures needed to put the recall on the ballot. if those signatures are verified a recall election could take place in june. governor gavin newsom has responded after questions surfaced today regarding california's new fast-food minimum wage law. previously the panera bread. chain was believed to be exempt from the law. but newsom's office now claims that may no longer be true. last year newsom signed a law to increase the minimum wage up to $20 an hour at most fast food chains. but an exception was made specifically for chains that
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baked bread and sell it as a stand-alone item. that includes panera bread. this week a bloomberg article suggested exemption was made because newsom don't or and panera bread. franchisee and billionaire greg flynn who went to the same school as newsom expressed concern over the bill hurting his business. flynn owns. 24 panera. bread franchises across the state. republicans in the legislature are now demanding an immediate ethics investigation. >> we've complete ethical problem going on here a billionaire business owner has put in a special exemption into a bill. >> and we don't even know how it got in there in in the first place and then has made over $150,000 in campaign contributions to the governor. this is unacceptable that friends of the party in power get exemptions and that's not right. and if this is a bad law for one company, it's probably a bad law for every company. >> the assembly member who authored the law says he was not directly involved in the
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negotiations and has no idea how the exemption made it into the law in the first place. during an interview today, he also said he was not aware of any relationship between newsom and flynn. >> i carried i don't. >> and i become more where >> in response, a newsom spokesperson did issue this statement. quote, the governor never met with flynn about this bill. and the story is absurd. our legal team has reviewed and it appears panera is not exempt from the law. a home in mountain view is considered a total loss. following an early morning fire. the mountain view fire department says crews responded to this house on dell avenue shortly after 5 this morning. all residents there managed to get out in time. no one was hurt. damage done to the home is estimated at more than $800,000. cause of that fire is under
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investigation tonight. >> coming up on kron, 4 news at 11, it's a pretty unique data and to the world are celebrating leap year babies here. how many were born today across the bay area? plus, uber's new service just for teenagers arrives in california. how it differs from your average 2 per ride and how bay area parents feel about it. and a blizzard warning in the sierra. we are tracking those mountain conditions. when we come back.
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>> welcome back. uber has a new feature for teenagers in
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california. uber's teen accounts now let 13 to 17 year-olds take rides without their parents and order food kron four's sara stinson caught up with uber to learn how it works. and she asked parents how they plan to use it. >> a new transportation option for teens in california. uber has launched a specialized teen account that allows young users to get a ride or order food north bay dad, steve groh becker says the new feature will make his life a lot easier >> yes, having 5 kids full time job a cushion, the price. i can't everywhere all the time. so yeah, i think it's a great idea. his son grant a high school freshman is also excited. it's definitely nice to have to get place to place rainy days. are. >> something that's not to walkable. as an uber spokesperson says the feature requires parental permission. parent just invites 13 to the family profile in their app. >> to open a specialized teen account, they download the app and from their teens can order
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their own rides and food parents can live track their child's trip set spending limits and contact the driver and team that's productive. going pushing that. he gets dropped off. look at another push notification. uber is promising to only allow the most experienced a high rate drivers for teen trips. teen accounts will also have a pin verification system which helps ensure that the team is getting in the right car. and the way that works is that he hasn't pin number that they have to get to the driver before that trip can start the san francisco based company began trying out the teen account idea in canada in 2022. before expanding it into the u.s. so far, there have been no reports of serious problems with the program. i think it's going to save a lot of tears. a lot of so, yeah, looking forward to most of the parents i spoke with here in marin county say they're excited for this new feature on uber. >> but that's not how people felt on twitter. we put a pullout asking parents to let
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their teens use the app and most of them said no. i'm sara stinson reporting in marin county kron. 4 news. >> interesting. thank you, sara. a blizzard warning is in effect in parts of the sierra tonight with snow just dumping across the region. visibility, as you can see, here is the main issue for folks having to drive along 80 caltrans have been working nonstop to keep the highways relatively clear. but there is some slush build-up. one truck driver says he worries for other drivers once the slush freezes over. >> i would say they're going to shut the highway down. you think yeah, they're working drivers compared want to come through and then they stuck up here. but it starts packing, you know about a foot. it just turns into ice at night. so lakers its skating rink. yeah, it's terrible. >> dollar residents have been getting ready for the winter storm. they've been stocking up on supplies like food and gas. mountain travel is not
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advised. some resorts are even shutting because conditions could get dangerous with that. we want to get you a check of the 4 zone forecast as we take a live look at highway 89 in tahoe city. we mentioned that crews are trying to clean roads clean and clear of snow. but as you can see, it is dumping quite quickly up there. we've got lawrence karnow here with all the details, lawrence. 3 inches an hour coming down. we're going to add up some. >> amazing totals and feet in the next few days into next week as well as we're going to storm after storm really impact this year. and of course, the rain here in the bay area to out there tonight, not advisable to go the high really, of the most dangerous storm to travel in the season. this going to be the biggest one. the snow levels start to drop. now you can see 15, 18, their chain up on both. not a good idea to travel a night in these kind of storms, especially but major winter storm rolling in blizzard conditions through sunday. and
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that means not going to get the heavy snow, but we're going to get some very strong, gusty winds, maybe 100, maybe 115 mile an hour gusts over the mountain tops there and 70 down below. so that blowing snow going to reduce visibility is down to less than a quarter of a mile and spots really probably some whiteout conditions at times. so dangerous conditions up there continuing across the sierra, nevada and all the way down western slopes of the sierra way down the mammoth area, too. and they're watching out for the possibility. avalanches, in fact, that avalanche watch now been extended great lake tahoe area all the way down in the mammoth lakes as well outside right now in the bay area. you've got slow going heading northbound right now over the golden gate bridge. winds going to be a factor here locally specially tomorrow. they're going to really ramp up. we could be looking at 40 to 50 mile an hour gusts as we head toward tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening right now, scattered light showers popping up out there across the bay area. but things are going to be picking up as we head through the night tonight and tomorrow. back to see this on the forecast model your yeah, it could be a little bit wet. be careful out there. early on. i ramps up as we
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head throughout the afternoon. in fact, late in the day, we'll start to see these pop-up showers. probably some thunderstorms rolling through and really get going as we head in toward tomorrow night. so that being said, the they're going to be an issue, maybe some power outages going to be an issue along the coastline. look at the gust. 47 miles per hour on the ghost coastline in half moon bay by tomorrow afternoon. temperatures in the next couple days. of course. spring is gone again. we're going to be talking about much cooler weather. maybe some snow over our local mountain tops to above 2000 feet or so, especially in the north bay. so we're going to see what looks like you don't like that at all. that's like that. >> 6 days of cloud. well, yeah, the 10 day forecast we've got even more rain out there. really? yeah. got to be careful. be careful. going up this year that especially electric vehicles lose a lot of that charge when temperatures drop below freezing, you can learn lose as much as 30 plus percent of your power something i did not think how. all right. thanks, lauren. okay. >> the department of water resources did conduct its 3rd snow survey of the season
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measuring the water content of the sierra snowpack giving insight into the state's water supply for this coming year. the survey measure the depth of about 4 feet. today's results reflect continued improvement in the snowpack since the slow and dry start to the water year. on average, the sierra snowpack supplies about 30% of california's water needs after the storm will be really interesting to see how much we've got. yosemite national park will close at midnight tonight due to the winter storm. the park will remain closed, at least through sunday at noon, possibly later. visitors who are currently in the park are advised to leave as soon as possible. and no later than noon on friday, the national weather service is forecasting several feet of snow throughout the park with very high winds. the chances of being born on a leap day are one in 1461. there were several babies here in the bay area. beat those odds today joining nearly 5 million
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leaplings around the world. one of them, a baby girl born this morning at kaiser in redwood city, we spoke to the proud parents, rebecca and corey eastman earlier tonight. she is their second child looking all bundled up there. they haven't settled on a name just yet for her. they're thinking about which data they'll celebrate her birthday in the years to come as well. >> i know people our here and so they either celebrated on the 28th of the first then a celebrate both days to kind of make it special every year. >> this little guy came almost right at the start of leap day. he has a name. blake harper trujillo was born at the antioch medical center at 12:00:04am, he weighed in at 9 pounds. 6 ounces and measured. 21 inches long. congratulations to those parents general welcomed 5 babies today. sutter health's
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cpm see them s campus. so far has 3 and that lucile packard 12 babies we're born today a lot. employees say the babies are called leaplings leiper's or leap stirs. i have a cousin who celebrate his 8th birthday starting to technically today he turned 8. so happy birthday to adam. >> coming up, he's a sports sky. we've got sports coming up next. warriors were in new york city tonight taking on the next at madison square garden. next in sports, jason dumas, the series, let us know if they were able to keep their road winning streak alive.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us.
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i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> the warriors have been playing some good basketball as of late. but they haven't fared all that well against the top teams in the league. the knicks. they are good team. so tonight was a great litmus test on the road for the dozen. guess what they aced it. looking for their 7th straight win on the road. 1st quarter dubs up by 9 brandon, but jet ski right back to staff got out to a quick start. his 3rd 3 of the game warriors started the game on a 14. nothing run 2nd quarter warriors up 3 in my opinion. this was the best game of jonathan command, his career, offensively and defensively. when you put it all together, way too big for jalen brunson. any them know. it's right there. they pad that lead. more from coming. good dubs up 12. brunson, a great offensive player. but coming just punches that shot stared
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stared him down after and on the following inbound pass former warrior dante de vincenzo misses. look at brunson sky for that rebound over josh hart. he finds step curry hand down man down. >> guess what? what a sequence. their 4th quarter warriors lead cut to 7 kuminga just too big for dante weight room. 3 points, hard way coming ahead. 25 points later on 8 point warriors lead staffed. put this on ice. got to head that scream, buddy. he's only been in the league like 14 years. he's a pretty good shooter or years when one 10 99 will head up north to take on the raptors tomorrow. tough back-to-back. now let's head to the warriors home chase center usf hosting 23rd ranked gonzaga 1st half dons up by to maleek thomas buries the 3.23 points for him. usf
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extends the lead to 5 closing moments of the half usf of one gonzaga, antoine nice thin baseline. >> gives the zags their first lead of the night and they would not looked back 2nd half gonzaga now by 12. they double team graham ek ek scored through that. about 2 big 26.7 rebounds old 86 to 68. randy bennett and saint mary's on the road taking on pepperdine needed a win to secure the outright wcc title. no problem. fluke barrett, he gets the gets it ahead to augustus marshall onus for the layup, 17 11 for gales of big. now later on. they get the rebound in transition. means everyone down and score sand. yeah. nice night for saint
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mary's. they play gonzaga on saturday. that will be a huge game. tomorrow is officially march 1st, which means march madness is just around the corner for big day. march. 21st is when you get all those games going on, i can't wait. will see you tomorrow night.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: haunting knocking. the mysterious banging noise. >> deborah: wasn't coming from from the doomed


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