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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  March 1, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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4 morning news. the big storm is here expected to bring pretty high winds and >> inches of rain throughout the weekend. we'll talk about that. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the
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kron. 4 morning far. >> well, good friday morning. thank you for waking lives right early for the kron. 4 morning news reyna harvey. all right. today is march first and we're talking about the big storm that is here. want to make sure that you're safe. john show you've been actively talking about this for the weekend is arrive. coming salutely and yesterday we saw kicking into gear in today for the sierra kick it into high gear. we're looking at the forecast for the weekend. that is not going to be fun for your travels specially not to the mountains as for the bay. right now we are seeing lighter showers out there. getting a break from it for a lot of spots. golden gate bridge. you can see the sway to that camera. there. we are definitely breezy as well as windy spots of rain, mostly light this morning at this point. but we will see heavier pockets as we roll our way into the afternoon and the sierra is really where the focus of this energy is. we're really starting to see the snow piling up up there. but through the day today and into tonight, some of our most
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successive snowfall is going to be falling. we already do have some lightning strikes on the coast of mendocino county chance of thunderstorm really developing into the afternoon for the rest of us across the bay 07:30am, some dry spots, but also going to be some very heavy rainfall in the north bay around that time. i'm really watching the north bay closely this morning as you have our best chance of thunderstorms for morning hours. the rest of the bay area will have a better chance of thunderstorm development as we move into the afternoon today. now, as we move our way into the weekend, a lot of you're probably planning and getting to the roads. well, through sunday, it is going to be rough up there specially heading to the mountains with 0 visibilities. honestly, the best advice is just to stay safe and stay at home. snow level tonight will drop to 1500 feet and you're going to see 6 to 10 feet of accumulating snowfall on i-80 at donner summit, some of us towards the crest of the sierra could be seeing over 12 feet of snow. expect closures,
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whiteout conditions in roadways to be completely impassable in many spots. as for temperatures right now, it is a mild morning. we're in the 40's to low 50's currently napa sitting at 45 degrees. oakland, 52 alameda at a cool 51. as for the rest of the day today, we stay wet with rain, wind of the chance of a thunderstorm into the afternoon tonight. low elevation snow fall dropping on in some of our bay area mountains. i'm breaking it all down in your full forecast. as for your roads right now, it is out there, obviously. so do take it slower this morning. looking at the bay bridge, no active rainfall there, but it rained last night and that's resulting in those slick spots. san mateo bridge also a little bit slick with some showers coming down. both the richmond, sandra fell as well as the golden gate. also looking at some areas of rain and some slick spots out there, right? all right, john, thank you for pg e bracing for severe weather. the utility says the weekend's rain >> could lead to mass outages. the agency says it has crews
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stationed in the north bay areas where the storm is expected to hit the hardest. >> just like to get ahead of the snow. so i think if people are thinking that coming up they should kick in. >> and oakland resident visiting lake tahoe warning drivers not to go to the sierra. a blizzard warning now in effect. and while the warning is slated to expire sunday, going take time for ski resort in cal trans to dig out. the oakland community finally got a chance to hear from 4 candidates for police chief on thursday. a public forum took place at city hall more than a year after the previous chief, ron armstrong was fired. four's. dan thorn has that story. >> a virtual appearance thursday night by the 4 candidates vying to be oakland's next. top cop, the oakland police commission's police chief search ad hoc committee held a public forum in the city council chambers asking the questions from the community. why does your
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background in policing make you the best fit for oakland? next police chief? this is my life work. >> and i think if i'm given the opportunity to lead this department, you see significant, tremendous impact new york city's assistant deputy mayor for public safety. louis molina, along with former lubbock, texas police chief floyd mitchell. >> cincinnati, ohio's assistant police chief lisa davis and former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen all had a chance to speak pitching their goals for the first 100 days and plans to build community trust and transparency. oakland community. >> and the local police very attractive to me and my family, i increasing. >> how working to better truly makes things happen. >> the group does not include an internal candidate, but pridgen says he understands the bay-area. i think i'm the perfect. >> choice for oakland since i just lived down the road and my son is going to start. school in oakland in
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september. >> and i'm angered in this community. not at the meeting. was oakland mayor sheng thao who over a year ago fired then chief leronne armstrong thao says she is against these kinds of forums because it harms the chances of attracting the best candidates. and for those in the audience, there was no opportunity to ask questions, make comments or offer feedback during the forum. but the public is invited to provide feedback online through a post forum survey. the feedback window will close on monday. the police chief search ad hoc committee says they will be submitting their list of finalists to the mayor on friday. and then the mayor can choose to interview those candidates or reject them in oakland, dan thorn kron, 4 news. >> well, while oakland's mayor sheng thao did not attend last night's form, she told kron 4 she is seeking to change the process. how police chiefs are selected altogether. this is a process that i do not agree with. it was voted on by the
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voters many years ago. but with any new systems put in place. >> you know, you have to have lessons learned. you have to be able to go back you know, make fixes. that actually doesn't actually work in practice. and this is one of those. and so i'm hopeful and look forward to amending the charter in regards to how we in the november ballot. well, according to the current city charter, the mayor can either pick the a list of finalists. >> given to her by the police commission or she can reject the list altogether. that's the commission for a different list of candidate was already done. the latter wants already since armstrong was fired. that development news, a 4th suspect has now been charged with murder in the killing of police officer. 2 on lay lane was shot and killed in late december while responding to a burglary right near jack london square. so brian russell now joins marks. sanders marquese cooper in alan brown as being charged for la's murder. russell was originally charged with 3 counts of burglary and entered a not guilty plea. prosecutors
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believe it was sanders who pulled the trigger killing lane. alameda county supervisor pamela price says in part, quote, we will not stop until everyone who participated in his murder. celtic countable in, quote, the 4 defendants are scheduled for a preliminary hearing on monday. march 4. well, the man accused of killing 7 people, half moon bay last year. he's pled not guilty. 66 year-old chunli zhao was back in court thursday in san mateo county. he's been charged with 7 counts of first-degree murder. one count of attempted murder for allegedly shooting and killing 7 people and wounding one other. this is at 2 mushroom farms in half moon bay early last year, he was arrested the same day. remain in custody ever since. prosecutors are hoping trial will happen this year. they admitted they might have to wait another year. jones next court appearance is scheduled for april. well, san
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francisco, they've released new numbers about people cited for using drugs last year. the report says of 718 individual side. it will only about half said they lived in the city 141 of those arrested are also receiving city funding. cash assistance from the county to be eligible individuals have to be san francisco residents last year. police made more than 2000 arrests for drug sales or drug use in the tenderloin area. seizing over 260 pounds of fentanyl over 350 arrests have been made so far this year. well, uber has a new feature and it's just for teens and actually allows 13 a 17 year-old to take rights and order food kron four's sara stinson connell with uber folks to learn how it works, as well as some bay area parents who plan to use >> a new transportation option for teens in california. uber
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has launched a specialized team account that allows young users to get a ride or order food north a dad, steve grove becker says the new feature will make his life a lot easier >> yes, having 5 kids full time job a cushion, the price. i can't be everywhere all the time. so yeah, i think it's a great idea. his son grant a high school freshman is also excited. it's definitely nice to have to get place to place rainy days. are. >> something that's not to walkable. as uber spokesperson says the feature requires parental permission. parent just invites 13 to the family profile in their app. >> to open a specialized team, a cow. they download the app and from their teens can order their own rides and food parents can live track their child's trip set spending limits and contact the driver and team gets picked up to get a push that. he gets dropped off. look at another push notification. uber is promising to only allow the most experienced o high rate drivers for teen trips. tina
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council also have a pin verification system which helps ensure that the teen is getting in the right car. and the way that works is that he has a pin number that they have to get to the driver before that trip can start the san francisco based company began trying out the teen account idea in canada in 2022. before expanding it into the u.s. so far, there have been no reports of serious problems with the program. i think it's going to save a lot of tears a lot of so, yeah, looking forward to most of the parents i spoke with here in marin county say they're excited for this new feature on uber. >> but that's not how people felt on twitter. we put a pullout asking parents to let their teens use the app and most of them said no. i'm sara stinson reporting in marin county kron. 4 news. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news lawmakers on both sides of the aisle cracking down on child traffickers, california with new bill. and governor gavin newsom
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responding to accusations of exempting panera. some the new minimum wage law. and we're tracking the rain during the morning commute. the storm is here. john. trouble has a look at how long it's going to stick around what you need to know will be right back. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence
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against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. ordinary is the opposite of beautiful. beauty drops our jaws. dilates our eyes. and beauty is something we can create... right now... at floor & decor. ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪
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ritz. a taste of welcome. have 4 things we noted man's body was found on the side of 80 in the late last night white years of george street off-ramp. investigators say the man appeared to be in his mid 30's. a cause of death is not known. lawmakers at the state capitol want to increase penalties. child traffickers with the new bill. if passed,
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it will classify commercial with a minor as a felony. those convicted will face an increase in jail time. 5 of $25,000 be required to register as a offender. williams faced off against the new york knicks last night winning one 10 to 9, 9, continue their winning streak. next game is tonight against raptors at 4.30. on the department of water resources conducted another snow survey to measure the water content measuring the depth 4 feet. the that shows improvement in the snow pack compared earlier this year. on average, the sierra snowpack supplies about 30%. california's water horton thing that we want to get out to people right now is to stay off the roadways unless is it an absolute emergency. >> and for those of you or thinking of heading to the snow this weekend, don't stay home. that's the message california's office of emergency management is
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sending out a tahoe residents right now. the region bracing for what the national weather service, colin wolfe, the most ferocious storm in the last several years. residents are preparing by stocking up on supplies like food and gas, some resorts or even shutting down ahead of the storms because conditions could get dangerous. john, glad you've been actively telling the public this because we want everybody to get everything they need for really starts to hit this morning, joe. you can see the wind up there as part of the problem is, well, it's windy. >> it's cold. it's snowy and snow level is going continue to fall today. tonight dropping as low as 1500 feet. that means some of us right here in the bay in our upper elevations. if you're above 1500 feet, see that potential of snowfall piling up. that will be francisco coit tower. you'll stay just very rainy today and you can see those showers moving in across the bay area. as of right now, we do have mostly light to moderate showers as of right now. but we will be seeing
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thunderstorm potential into the afternoon already have seen some lightning strikes up on the coast of mendocino county. now snowfall in the coastal ranges. but most notable, of course, in the sierra nevada, whereas we were just talking about that potential of closures through the day today on highway 50 and i 80's snow just continues to fall and is only going to pick up in intensity as we roll into the afternoon. look at all of this energy sitting offshore. this has yet to even make its way in and we'll be doing so as we push through your friday today into your saturday, a cold cold air mass and unsettled, too. so thunderstorms along with that low elevation snow fall. thunderstorms this morning will be most likely in the north bay. going to be keeping a very close eye on this during the show just to make sure that if you are getting out and about you'll be ready for any sort of heavy downpours. cloud to ground lightning and strong winds that occur with that. most of the rest of the bay area will tap into our thunderstorm potential as we move into the early afternoon. not to say we
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won't have rainfall, but that chance of severe weather really increases as we make our way on into the afternoon and evening tonight and look at that snowfall starting to fall lower elevations as we do move into the evening tonight, you will hear rolls the thunder. heavy right, rain and strong winds too leading into tomorrow. pockets of heavy rain. thunderstorms do continue for your saturday. likely to see that activity continuing as well into early sunday before we officially start to see things calming down. now, as for the sierra nevada defeat upon feet of snowfall is going to be relentless. upwards of 10 feet plus of snowfall at our highest of elevations. get up to donner summit. the highest per on i-80 and you're talking anywhere between 5 to 9 feet of snowfall. it's a lot for plows to handle going to be a lot of work for them to clear out 3 to 6 inches of snowfall in some of our mountains up in the north bay. we do have a winter storm warning for north bay mountains, including in lake and mendocino counties
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and then on over up to the sierra, a blizzard warning. what exactly does this mean? what does mean that it's not just the feet of snowfall, but winds in excess of 75 miles per hour speeds. tree limbs down. potential power outages. as a result of all this future cast as well. just showing that continued round of heavy rain now today into tomorrow, we do see that 2 inches of rain possible in spots like oakland. it all depends on if you do see those heavy downpours rolling over head your sky rainfall totals could skyrocket in just a short period of time. coastal areas, it is a high surf advisory in effect now through tomorrow, 15 to 20 foot, breaking waves, winds gusting extremely high today near the coast as well as up in our mountains. already mentioned those 75 to 80 miles per hour. gusts up in the sierra. we'll keep it closer to 40 to 55 miles per hour gust in the bay. but we do have high wind advisories and warnings in effect. today's daytime highs are going to be relatively mild in the upper 50's. so not
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especially cold just yet. but tonight does get really cold in. that allows that low elevation snowfall in some of her bay area mountaintops tonight into tomorrow and saturday night into sunday morning, too. we will see some breaks into next week, but continued unsettled weather does mean chances of showers on into monday tuesday and wednesday. roadways right now just very with the bay area. we are looking at i-80 through the bay bridge just wet and looking fine below 10 minutes currently san mateo bridge, 13 minutes to make your crossing there. as for the richmond center fell as well as the golden gate. just seeing some spots of rainfall, as you could see a second ago, at least all right. weather must be messing with our camps already. so governor gavin newsom is facing uncomfortable questions. >> after a new law appears to favor a large donor to his campaign. the question california's new fast-food minimum wage law. it has some notable exceptions, including paneer brent chain. so last
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year newsom signed a law to increase the minimum wage to 20 bucks. most fast food chains, but an exception was made specifically for change that make and sell brent. that includes panera bread. so this week a bloomberg article suggest that exemption was made for newsom's donor panera bread franchise bay area native craik flynn who went to the same high school as newsom article says he expressed concern to the governor. that new law would hurt his business, including the 24 panera. bread franchises he owns across state. so republicans in the legislature are now demanding and media ethics investigation. >> we've got complete ethical problem going on here a billionaire business owner has put in a special exemption into a bill. >> and we don't even know how it got in there in in the first place and then has made over $150,000 in campaign contributions to the governor. this is unacceptable that
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friends of the party in power get exemptions and that's not right. and if this is a bad law for one company, it's probably a bad law for every any. >> will he simply member last of the bill says he was not directly involved in the negotiations and has no idea how the exemption made it into the law. he also says he was not aware of any relationship between newsom and flynn. >> i carried and i don't. >> and i've become more aware i wasn't >> in response to news, a spokesperson issued this statement, quote, the governor never met with flynn about this bill and the stories of served on legal team has reviewed it and it appears mayor is not exempt from the law. >> coming up on the kron morning news losom to be good for you. but we're not talking that he might thinking of. maybe you might be thinking of that. he would talk about why new research shows gas of
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could be a good thing for your relationships. and remind across election headquarters. so join us on election day tuesday, march 5th, we're live election results from around the bay area. coverage starts at 08:00pm. i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm feeling this moment. along with clearer skin skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses.
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serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement-and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. ordinary is the opposite of beautiful. beauty drops our jaws. dilates our eyes. and beauty is something we can create... right now...
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at floor & decor. ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome. sonoma is offering residents the ability to use an emergency warming center that opens tomorrow. >> anybody 6 cape, the rain over to the haven parking wesson was street. so there's going to be open at 07:00pm tonight and will remain open until monday morning. a
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limited number of blankets and pillows are going to be available. service animals are allowed inside as well. that's good to know about service animals. if you like to gossip their money, be a sign to degrees in behind it. new study from the university of maryland and stanford shows can actually help us feel more connected to one another. so researchers say talking about other people's experiences, help submit social connections within a group and it can also deter people from having behaving selfishly because no one wants to be the next subject of kayla. that's what the study well, the san jose international airport celebrating 75 years of travel in the 1950's airport debuted its first flight with nearly no human passengers. aside from the pilots and 5 other people, the plane was filled with over. 2500 baby chickens starting next wednesday in celebration of the anniversary sjc airport goers can expect
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surprise encounters with giant inflatable chickens. roman throughout the terminals with giveaways. okay. it's a little fun called back. coming up on the kron morning news. another challenger to mayor london free. we'll have a new high-profile candidate where san francisco's race decided to jump on in. and we're tracking the rain during the morning commute and it is going to really come down. now is the time. >> to get some extra water, maybe gas in your car, things that, you know, you might need before the storm really hits, especially if you're up north especially if you're up north
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ordinary is the opposite of beautiful. beauty drops our jaws. dilates our eyes. and beauty is something we can create... right now... at floor & decor. ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome.
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>> all right. welcome back to the kron. morning news. a top
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story. the impending storm. it's already here and want to get you ready. bay area. so jon travel, what are you seeing out there yet? rainy but not too extreme in the bay area right now. just a little breezy little wet out there for your friday morning commute. >> we are seeing some thunderstorms just north of the bay area, though. i've been watching a little bit of cloud to ground lightning making its way onshore of mendocino county up there you see that line of clouds that stretching off shore. this is some energy that's going to push into the bay as we make our way through the morning commute for the north bay, then into the early afternoon for the rest of us really ramp things up a little bit. we have unsettled weather and this is resulting in that chance of thunderstorms. as for the sierra nevada, the snow continues into is just going to continue over the next 48 hours. what this means is that today into tomorrow, relentless snowfall is just going to continue to pile up in feet. and that's where the very worst travel conditions and lies. as you can see over the next several hours, the
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north bases or best chance of heavy rainfall and thunderstorm development the rest of the bay area not to be left out. we'll see showers. but most of our heavy rainfall for the rest of the bay will arrive as we work our way into the afternoon and evening. now all eyes are on heading up to the sierra and honestly, the best thing to do is just to stay safe and stay put right here in the bay. we've got low visibility because of drifting snow. blowing snow. blizzard conditions up there and this is expected to continue through sunday. we do have travel conditions and this year that is likely to become impassable with closures up there and potential white out conditions. all you have to do is get to 5,000 feet or above. and we're talking multiple feet of snowfall and snow dropping to 1500 feet in elevation. so this is a situation that just don't want to be messing around with. as for temperatures, 40's to 50's for current numbers, oakland and alameda at 52 santa rosa down through nevado in the mid to upper 40's for your temps this morning later on today.
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we just keep with the rain and keep with the wind. the chance of thunderstorm development for most of the bay area as we move into the latter part of the day. as for your roads right now, things not too too bad. we are going to see your metering lights likely turned on eventually. but he has for on eventually. but he has for now. it's still friday light fremont street. 8 minutes. there are some showers on the san mateo bridge that you can see 14 minutes. as for the richmond center fell, roadways are wet and that's the same with the golden gate after showers last night. watch out for a few puddles spots where you could hydroplane as you are making your way out there, right? all right, john, thank you for that warning update there. >> team coverage john mention the north bay is going to be seeing heavy amount of rain for the next few days and as usual flooding could be a major concern. will tran is live in santa rosa with a look at the conditions outside of people that live up in the north bay already starting to try to get their houses ready. well.
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>> all right. well, the importance of people know about all of this. we get them ready. thank you for that. well, ok, let's >> the best word to describe being in this let's get a live look at the sierra this morning. 80's getting a lot worse for travelers headed to lake tahoe this weekend. brokers got this story. the best word to describe being in the sierra. >> nasty. and it is only going to get worse. the parking lot at the shell gas station in nyack. turned into a slushy mess thursday night sitting at around 5300 feet in elevation. it will see plenty of snow
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during the storms. but for most of the evening. the story was all about the wind and rain. when we came here was sort of slid a little bit for some like this man from san jose sticking around to see the heavy snow is not on the agenda. you've had enough of yeah here. but the blues are coming >> decide to get out so this is manageable. but when the actual real flakes start to fly, you want nothing to do with that? yeah, we have. been in desert storm, the force. i know what like for others. it's decision time now. we're it's going go what to chain controls in the sierra, forcing many to stop here and figure out the next plan of attack. what would your advice be to people who are trying to drive up here? >> probably wait until daylight or not get it all if they don't have to for big rigs. this was the end of the line trucks mass together creating an impromptu truck bar and the winds are supposed to pick up. hopefully doesn't get too crazy. traveling in
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the sierra the next few days is ill advised. not only is the snow going to come down in droves at lower elevations, but the rain that we see. >> could possibly freeze and make for even more dangerous driving conditions in the sierra erick rucker kron. 4 news. >> well, 4 is your local election headquarters. the list of candidates to be san francisco's next. mayor skin a little bigger sources. tell us that board of supervisors president aaron peskin well officially into the mayoral race sometime next week. robert michael thomas in the newsroom. we've got more details on that morning, michael. yeah, good morning. everyone will supervisor aaron peskin has not officially launched his mayoral campaign, but sources tell kron 4 we could officially see that announcement as early as next week. >> and this decision to run is based in part on former san francisco mayor mark farrell is decision to also run the db idea. excuse me behind that is that there's currently no progressive candidate in the race. now, supervisor peskin currently serves as the president of san francisco
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board of supervisors and he's been on the board on and off since early 2. thousands. currently he is set to turn out later this year. and if he does officially joined the race, well, he would be joining incumbent mayor london breed supervisor ahsha safai fi philanthropist, daniel lurie and former san francisco mayor and supervisor mark farrell. now, a poll that was done in february by the san francisco chronicle showed a majority of residents do not approve of the way. mayor london breed is currently running the city. now, this poll included more than 800 voters are likely voters excuse me with more than 70% disapproving of the mayor's performance. the poll also showed that voters are disappointed in the way that the mayor has been handling public safety, homelessness, drug overdoses and housing affordability. when the question of who residents are leaning towards for mayor. well, former interim mayor mark farrell got the highest percentage out of all the candidates. however, 38% of the residents either said none or undecided. and the last day
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to officially fire for excuse me, file for the mayoral race is going to be june 11th. so as we get more official word, we'll keep you updated live in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas. rain all send it back for the breakdown there. while the solano county sheriff is investigating after a man's body was found. >> along 80 in the lane. whoa. the man's identity has not been released, but officials say he was found near the georgia street off-ramp. investigators say the man appeared to be in his mid 30's, but we do not have any other details as of yet. and the east bay bay area, faith leaders gathered in oakland to support alameda county district attorney pamela price because she's facing a recall. group says they like prices approach of holding people accountable for the crimes they commit. that they say she should be allowed to finish out her term. >> and we believe that prices giving hope. and the thought i put in for hope is just helping other people excel. even if they got in trouble, then united would come with a price that she is someone who
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stands for peace, stand for justice and want to right by our community. >> well, organization behind effort to oust prices, they already have enough signatures needed to put the recall on the ballot. if those signatures are verified a recall election will take place next june. well, there is a new bipartisan bill at the state capitol and they want to increase penalties for traffickers. we'll target children and teens. now the office of the bill say current law with a few exceptions classify the you're soliciting a minor for as a misdemeanor. now, the bill, however, will classify commercial with a minor as a felony. this is going to lead to an increase in jail time a fine of up to $25,000 as well as a requirement that anybody convicted must register as a offender. >> california is a hot bed for human trafficking and passage of sb 14, 14 is sending a clear message that not one
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more child will suffer at the hands of those who seek to exploit and harm. if you're going to engage in this kind of kenya's crime need to know you're going to go to prison. >> the bill is expected to go before the senate public safety committee in the coming weeks. thursday. didn't know it was late day and the chances of being born on a are one. and 1004 to 61. low, several babies here in the bay area beat those odds yesterday joining nearly 5 million little things around the world is that we commonly things askew, one of them, a baby girl was born yesterday morning at kaiser in redwood city. all 4 got a chance to talk to the proud parents back in court. eastman this their second little baby while they haven't settled on a name yet. the thing about what day they're actually celebrate the little girl's birthday in the years to come. >> i know people our here and so they either celebrated on
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the 28th of the first then a celebrate both days to kind of make it special every year. >> i love that. okay. in this little hit, you came almost right at the start of day. this is baby blake car for trujillo. he was more at the antioch medical center at 12. 0, 04:00am, he weighed in at 9 pounds. 6 ounces and measured. 21 that cutie pie. meantime, as of general hospital, welcome 5 babies, sutter health, cp nc than s campus. so far they have 3 and at the lucille packard. 12 babies were born. now police say the babies are costly pings leapers or leak stirs okay. and after the break, let's switch gears and talk sports because steph curry and it will stay royer's take on the new york knicks. >> we'll find out how they fared in the big apple right back to low anyway.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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i use febreze fabric refresher everyday. to make my home smell amazing. on my bed... my couch... my jacket or jeans. in between washes. even shoes. febreze doesn't cover up odors with scent, but fights them and freshens! over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher. know today. >> 4 suspected in charge of the murder in the killing oakland police officer twan lay. so ron russell was originally charged with 3 counts of burglary, entered a not guilty plea for tough. it is scheduled for a preliminary hearing on monday march 4th. >> and the man accused of
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make everything better with better than bouillon! what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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this is your look outside at the berkeley hills camera right here and a lot of cloud cover moving overhead on what is about to be a continued wet day ahead of us showers showing up on radar all across the bay. mostly fairly light at this point. but look at that snow up in the sierra nevada. this is the issue as we make our way over the next couple of days here. this is likely to be some record breaking snowfall in spots highway 50 and i-80. virtually going to be impassable as we make our way through this forecast. so again, this is not a forecast to be heading up to the sierra this low pressure area coming along with a lot of unsettled weather. you see all the speckled nature of that cloud cover out there. this is a
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sure sign of some very unstable in cold air that is just going to plummet right on into the bay area as it does. so really cooling temperatures % down along with it. also resulting in this potential of thunderstorms that we are going to see over the next 48 hours here. futurecast shows you exactly what i'm talking about now as we make our way through the morning, most thunderstorm potential does stay up in the north bay, but into the afternoon and evening, we will see a better chance of thunderstorms for the rest of us. that's not to say the rest of the bay area will be dry through the day. just expect your heaviest of rainfall for the latter half of the day for most areas, 06:30pm, right here. heavy pockets of rain rolling through marine sonoma and napa counties by 45. we have heavy downpours for the rest of the bay area too. and look at that. a little bit of rain snow mix going to be happening right around the summit of mashed mission peak. the blows east of san jose and snow level falling to exceedingly low elevations in the sierra nevada. this is way down into
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the sierra foothills tonight into tomorrow morning. so we will have snow level accumulation on or upper peaks here in the bay area. you can actually see that occurring in inches of snow on some of these mountain peaks. really? the noteworthy snow, though, is what we have in the sierra nevada with 10 plus feet of snowfall expected in areas like even donner summit. as you make your way on over 80 at the highest of elevations, we're going to see roadways so impacted by snow fall. they will be virtually impassable. a winter storm warning is in effect for portions of lake and mendocino counties in the north bay because of the snow up there. but really it's all about the blizzard warning that we do have in the sierra nevada. and because of that, it is not advised to be heading into this year this weekend, multiple feet of snow. and then 75 to 90 miles per hour. wind gusts. there's like that results in a lot of trees being down that debris on roadways, along with power
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outages. just absolutely a no-go for any sort of travel. so this is not the weekend to brave it to feel like you need to get up there because you have a reservation or something. just don't even bother with it. today into tomorrow. we will continue to see rainfall for the bay stacking up in inches for us. well, obviously the sierra we'll be looking at feet of it. speaking of feet at the coastline, though, aswell as high as 15 to 20 feet does have high surf advisories and wind is a factor here in the bay as well. with 40 to 50 miles per hour. peak gusts. we do have high wind advisories at the coastline and inner upper elevations. a look ahead at your temperatures for the day today. we are going to be looking at daytime highs in the upper 50's that our warmest so relatively mild during the day, but getting cold during night. and that's where that melt snow will fall to those low elevations such as into the foothills here in the bay area. well, down in the sierra foothills, too continued showers into early sunday, likely to catch a little bit of a break in the late sunday and early monday, a few more showers into next
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week. as for your roads right now, things out there are smooth sailing. look at this view at the bay bridge. hardly have a backup at all. just southern metering lights turned on just a little bit of a slowdown. getting you through the toll plaza. there, 70 oh, bridge at 13 minutes to make your crossing. we are seeing some light showers on the san mateo bridge. well, the richmond, sandra fell as well as the golden gate. also having seen showers overnight. so do watch for some wet spots as you're driving along each span, reyna. >> another round of businesses, unfortunately closing in the bay area. so in emeryville reporting a permanent closure come april 16. the reason for that shutdown was unclear. the san francisco business times reports that all staff they're going to be losing their jobs. after more than 40 years in business. lee's deli in downtown san francisco has closed. it was the last one in the city. the restaurant chain was 10 locations across san francisco. but it's not all
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doom and gloom because urban putt is open in downtown san jose. the mini golf course restaurant had been open in san francisco's mission district for 10 years before closing doors last month, urban parts at another mini golf in yukon. holy moly will be open at the same san francisco location sometime this year. well, the senate their city council has unanimously approved new housing project along the great american amtrak station. blaze development is a 21. 4, nearly 200 condominium complex. wow. this is all part of the city's re-imagining of the has been east neighborhood right near levi stadium where the city hopes to at 4500 new homes over the next few years. well, the soon-to-be largest rv parking site in san jose actually cost city have as much as expected. this the original 50 million dollar plan included 4 buildings serving as counselors centers and restrooms. the new design
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only includes 2 lot located right near coyote creek, only the city's second save his parking site. the one in the santa teresa vta station parking lot set to open this summer following some delays. golden state warriors. they continue their road success in the big apple last night against the knicks. all for sports director jason dumas has the latest on that. >> the warriors have been playing some good basketball as of late. but they have a fair all that well against phe top teams in the league. the knicks, they are guard good team. so on thursday it was a great litmus tests for the warriors on the road. and guess what? the dubs they aced it. the warriors looking for their 7th straight road win. they got off to a great start. 1st quarter dubs up 9 brandon, but jetski find the trailing steph curry. josh hart doesn't step up. he makes him paid up. started the game on a 14. nothing run. >> 2nd quarter warriors up 13. in my opinion. this was the
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best game of jonathan coming his career. he did it all off n sibley and defensively. they're just way too big for the smaller jalen brunson and he lets him more from coming to dubs up 12 road defensive effort. >> francis, good but coming >> punches his shot. lets hear it too. now on the ensuing inbounds, his former teammate, davies and he misses the shot coming to a sky rebound finds staffed. all in one motion. that is poetry in motion. 4th quarter warriors lead cut to 7 kamain gut. this spins baseline right here office former teammate finishes through contact 3 point guard way. jay cool. 25 point later on 8 point warriors lead staff put this one to bed. 31 points for the assassin. warriors win
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won't win. 99. they'll take on the raptors today a back-to-back is going to be tough. that is your look at sports. >> right now on the kron, 4 morning news. the big storm is here expecting to bring high winds and inches of rain throughout the weekend. there's lots to talk about. good morning. thank you for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm james fletcher and a radar. harvey. we've been talking about the storm. >> it is here. and for the past few days everybody has been trying to do their best to get things ready. i know a lot of people, the north bay already trying to get gas and and water. and yeah, asked stock up, especially up in the sierra. make suru


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