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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  March 1, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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good morning. yeah, it denmark's is coming in like a lion. it is absolutely a we've been kept playing catch-up for january and february and march is pushing us past where we should be as far as snowfall goes just from this one system. and that's, of course, the big risk with all of it is the fact that this year is going to be virtually impassable as we make our way further through the weekend where we're sitting right now, looking outside from sutro tower. lot of unsettled weather here in the bay too. our rain falls a little bit more manageable here locally. we are seeing a chance of thunderstorms through the day today. really is the sierra, though, that is proving the most risk because it's not just the seavy snowfall up there. it's also going to be the strong winds. let's start with the bay area pockets of heavy rain for the north bay into the afternoon and the late morning while the rest of us in the bay area will see our heaviest of rainfall mostly into the evening tonight, we will be seeing a chance of thunderstorms there. so please keep a close eye on the radar and keep with us
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here. kron will keep you updated as we do see any sort of thunderstorm development traveling up into the sierra. honestly, just a no-go. stay put, stay safe. we are going to see 0 visibility in the mountains because it's not just the feet of snow but 80 to 90 miles per hour winds. that's what's prompting these blizzard warnings that will remain in effect through the weekend. once you head to the top of donner summit, most models are indicating we could have around 9 feet of snowfall piling up. it's going to take days for crews to get up there to shovel all that out. current temperatures are in the 40's to 50's double in fairfax, sitting at 49 oakland, alameda, san francisco. each 53 right now later on today. daytime highs rise into the upper 50's right now. i don't think that let's get you things are very slick and wet out there. if you are going to traveling into the city this morning. >> 13 minute ride down the bay bridge. 7, 2, words around 14 minutes there. richmond center fell bridge 10 minutes. so you notice something just a light, but it's slick. so be careful. 21 min it right. all right,
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701, is the time. let's get to our team. coverage of the brain. as john mentioned, the north bay probably going to see. >> the majority of it for the morning hours. and then it's just going to spread everywhere as usual. flooding could be a major concern. cuomo's will trend in santa rosa with a look. okay. last hour could dry like james and i
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that james, enjoy your he's had a better. i don't i don't check in with you again later. well, thank you very for that update out there. pg e bracing for severe weather. >> the utility says week is rain could lead to some mass outages. says in his crew station in the north bay areas
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where the storm is expected to hit the hardest up there. >> just like to get ahead of the snow. so i think if people are thinking that coming up they should kick in. >> oakland resident visiting lake tahoe warning drivers not to go to the sierra. a blizzard warning is now in effect. and while the warning is slated to expire on sunday, take some time for ski resorts in caltrans to try to dig out. all right. more storm coverage in a bit. but now let's get to other news this morning. the oakland community finally getting their chance to hear from 4 candidates that are vying to be the next police chief. a public forum was held at city hall more than a year after the previous chief along armstong was fired. >> four's dan thorn has that story for us. a virtual appearance thursday night by the 4 candidates vying to be oakland's next. top cop. >> the oakland police commission's police chief search ad hoc committee held a public forum in the city council chambers asking the questions from the community. why does your background in
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policing make you the best fit for oakland? next police chief? this is my life work. >> and i think if i'm given the opportunity to lead this department, you see significant, tremendous impact new york city's assistant deputy mayor for public safety. louis molina, along with former lubbock, texas police chief floyd mitchell. >> cincinnati, ohio's assistant police chief lisa davis and former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen all had a chance to speak pitching their goals for the first 100 days and plans to build community trust and transparency. oakland community. >> and the local police very attractive to me and my family. i we're increasing. >> how working to better truly makes things happen. >> the group does not include an internal candidate, but pridgen says he understands the bay-area. i think i'm the perfect. >> choice for oakland since i just lived down the road and my son is going to start. school in oakland in
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september. >> and i'm angered in this community. not at the meeting. was oakland mayor sheng thao who over a year ago fired then chief leronne armstrong thao says she is against these kinds of forums because it harms the chances of attracting the best candidates. and for those in the audience, there was no opportunity to ask questions, make comments or offer feedback during the forum. but the public is invited to provide feedback online through a post forum survey. the feedback window will close on monday. the police chief search ad hoc committee says they will be submitting their list of finalists to the mayor on friday. and then the mayor can choose to interview those candidates or reject them in oakland, dan thorn kron, 4 news. well, while oakland's mayor sheng thao was was not there at last night's forum, she did tell kron 4 that she is seeking to change the process of how police chief is selected altogether. >> this is a process that i do not agree with. it was voted
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on by the voters many years ago. but with any new systems put in place, you know, you have to have lessons learned. you have to be able to go back and that, you know, make fixes that actually doesn't actually work in practice. and this is one of those. and so i'm hopeful and look forward to amending the charter in regards to how we in the november ballot. >> well, according to the current city charter, it is the police commission that puts together a list of finalists for police chief that the mayor must choose from or the mayor can reject the list altogether and ask the commission to come up with a different list of candidates. mayor thao has already done that once so far. >> well, we've got developing news. a 4th suspect has now been charged with murder in the killing of oakland police officer twan lay lay was shot and killed late december while responding to a burglary near jack london square. so ron russell dow joines marks sanders marquese cooper. allen brown is being charged for la's murder. russell was
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originally charged with 3 counts of burglary and entered a not guilty plea. prosecutors believe it was sanders who pulled the trigger killing lay alum, a county supervisor, pamela prices in part, quote, we will not stop until everybody who participated in his murder. he's held accountable in, quote, the florida are scheduled for a preliminary hearing on monday. march 4. well, the man accused of killing 7 people in half moon bay last year has pleaded not guilty. 66 year-old chunli zhao was back in court thursday. san mateo county. he's been charged 7 counts of first-degree murder. one count of attempted murder for allegedly shooting and killing 7 people. other, this was at 2 mushroom farms in half moon bay early last year was arrested. the same day was removed in custody. he has remained in custody ever since. prosecutors are hoping trial will happen this year, but they admit they might have to wait another year. next court appearance is scheduled for april. >> well, governor gavin newsom now facing questions this
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morning after a new law contains a loophole that appears to favor someone who donated to his campaign. last year, the governor signed a law to increase the minimum wage to $20 per hour at most fast food chains. but it exception was made for change that bake bread and sell well, a bloomberg article this week suggest that exemption was made by newsom to benefit one of his donors. greg flynn, a bay area native who owns 24 panera. bread franchises across the state. republicans in the state legislature now demanding an immediate ethics investigation. >> we've got complete ethical problem going on here where a billionaire business owner has put into a special exemption into a bill and we don't even know how it got in there in in the first place and then has made over $150,000 in campaign contributions to the governor. this is unacceptable that friends of the party in power get exemptions and that's not right. >> and if this is a bad law for one company, it's probably a bad law for every
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>> well, the assembly member who originally authored the law says he was not directly involved in the negotiations. he's not even quite sure why the exemption was included. he also says he was not aware of any relationship between newsom and flynn. >> i carried i don't. >> and i've become more aware of it here. i wasn't >> well, a spokesperson for newsom responded to the bloomberg article by issuing this statement. quote, the governor never met with flynn about this bill. and this story is absurd. our legal team has reviewed and it appears panera is not exempt from the law. >> still ahead, the problem morning news lawmakers on both sides of the aisle cracking down on child traffickers in california with a new bill will talk more about that. and after the break, a more pleasant warning in the sierra live. look this morning. can't really see much of anything in
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those conditions. johnson talking about yeah. the snow's going to pile up more and more in the sierra and here in the bay area. we are seeing her own round of rainfall. a few heavy pockets like right around. sandra fell right now. >> most of us are on the calmer side this morning. but a chance of thunderstorms later on today. tin you to later on today. tin you to heavy snow in sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more
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going to see more than that. oh, sure. so we're following those conditions here locally up in the sierra. we got john here in the weather on you actually sent out a pretty interesting tweet from what was a palace aides and alpine ski resorts up there. yeah, they're closing in. the reason that they listed was not because of the heavy snow because they've close to 100 miles per hour. wind gusts. so there are no going on any lip. so when you're talking winds like that, that is literally half of the concern up their. of course, we're talking feet of snowfall, which alone would be resulting in closures on our roadways. >> but the blizzard conditions that we're seeing because of those super strong winds. here's the deck out diamond peak. and you can see there's not a lot of snowfall piled up on that. that is because the winds are really just pushing the snow off of that deck itself. so you're going to see a lot of really, really high drifts that is going to result in some big problems. right now we are seeing snow officially in the north coast mountains, talking upper elevations of lake and mendocino counties getting snow and of course, the heavy
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snow which is only going to increase in intensity through the rest of the day today evening. tonight, up in the sierra, we have pockets of heavy rainfall in the bay, mostly sitting right over san pablo bay. honestly, though, the heaviest of rainfall is yet to get here, that low pressure system and the cold air is actively filtering in right now. and along with that, some really unsettled air to that's that thunderstorm potential pockets of thunderstorms into the north bay. late this morning into the afternoon to evening for most of the rest of us. really the latter half of the day today brings its potential of our heaviest of rainfall along with some really strong winds and also some cloud to ground lightning evening tonight. pockets of heavy rain continue much the same into tomorrow. tomorrow just stays very, very active for the sierra. it is going to be feet of snow. but for the bay area, we've got several inches of rainfall on the way. a lot of us will be over 2 inches of rainfall by the time the weekend is said and done. of course, this year, the feet of snowfall much talked about
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over 10 feet of snow at the crest of the sierra. a lot of her latest models are showing donner summit. that's the top of 80 with 9 feet of snowfall possible. that is going to completely halt any travel on highway. 59, 80 likely for a couple of days. the northern parts of the bay area also getting some snow, 3 to 6 inches of it. pretty widespread for upper elevations of mendocino and lake counties in a winter storm warning due to that up in our north, a areas. the blizzard warning continues for the sierra because of what we mentioned. this very strong winds, winds in excess of 75 miles per hour. gusts close to 100 miles per hour up there. that just also results in the potential power outages, downed trees only making your travel even more difficult. bay area winds not as much of a factor. we have 40 to 50 miles per hour gusts today certainly isn't a for wind advisories through tomorrow at 10:00am at the coastline. we have high surf advisories due waves as high as 15 to 20
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feet. now for a daytime highs today. nothing too bad. it's upper 50's still tonight, though, cold air realsy settles in and temperatures will fall into the 30's for a lot of areas that will permit snowfall. falling is over is 1000 to 1500 feet in the bay area. that means our mountain tops good to be dusted with some snow sunday. continuing to see showers before catching a break sunday afternoon into monday rain. all right, john, thank you for that. let's get a look at your slick morning drive out there. bay bridge right now. >> 14 minutes. be careful. be cautious if you're traveling. so we're still pretty friday light. for the most part, things are wet. 15 minute ride. san mateo bridge. here it is bridge 11 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 24 minutes. for your money this morning. how long does it take for most americans to zone out during zoom meetings and moses years and that they know their little about tax filing. jane king is live the nasdaq with those stories and more. jay now good morning.
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>> good morning. i didn't know much about tax will there when i graduated college. so it will be too them. but the average gen z american estimates they only understand about 44% of the tax filing process more than half of gen x-ers say they're intimidated by all of it. this is conducted by onepoll for turbotax in the survey also found despite all that more than half anticipate getting a tax refund this american workers officially zone out about 27 minutes into a zoom meeting. and this research also found 71% with 10 virtual meetings takes just under 30 minutes for their i start to her concentration fades. and that's why about a 3rd have some kind of scream, fatigue, at least daily vsp vision care also found that 40% of respondents feel their eye health has deteriorated over the last year. some americans are turning to unusual cost-cutting measures as food prices remain high. so we're going back to basics like growing their own food. and the wall street journal says there are americans who are hunting deer in fish which say
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even freeze other sub and eating at restaurants all together and using extreme couponing its grocery. well, chick-fil-a customers should discard any polynesian sauce dipping cups acquired between february 14th and the 27th, the cups they contain a different sauce that includes wheat and soy allergens from the nasdaq market site. i'm jane king back to rachel. a millennial myself. struggle with that. >> it's okay. just hire a professional. thanks. >> all right. 7.18 is the time and boy, look at this right now. live look up in the sierra this morning. john's been talking about the blizzard-like conditions and you can certainly see it here. this is highway 50 at meyers. if you had plans or are still planning on heading up to tahoe this weekend, you might want to reconsider. erick rucker has a look at the latest conditions. >> the best word to describe being in the sierra. >> nasty. and it is only going to get worse. the parking lot
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at the shell gas station in nyack. turned into a slushy mess thursday night sitting at around 5300 feet in elevation. it will see plenty of snow during the storms. but for most of the evening. the story was all about the wind and rain. when we came here was sort of slid a little bit for some like this man from san jose sticking around to see the heavy snow is not on the agenda. you've had enough of yeah here. but the blues it coming. so >> decide to get out so this is manageable. but when the actual real flakes start to fly one, nothing to do with that? yep. yep. i've been in blizzard stormed the force. i know when the plate for others, it's decision time now. we're it's going to go what to chain controls in the sierra, forcing many to stop here and figure out the next plan of attack. what would your advice be to people who are trying to drive up here? >> probably wait until daylight ar not at all. if
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they don't have to for big rigs. this was the end of the line trucks mass together creating an impromptu truck bar and the winds are supposed to pick up. hopefully doesn't get too crazy. traveling in the sierra the next few days is ill advised. not only is the snow going to come down in droves at lower elevations, but the rain that we see. >> could possibly freeze and make for even more dangerous driving conditions in the sierra erick rucker kron. 4 news. >> 7.20, is the time. let's take you now to the north bay where this law, a county sheriff is now investigating after a man's body was found along interstate 80 in vallejo. the identity of this person hasn't been released just yet. officials say he was found near the georgia street off-ramp. investigators say the man appears to be in his mid 30's, but no other details have been released just yet. san francisco has released new numbers about people cited for using drugs last year. so the report says that of 718 individuals cited only about
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half actually lived in san francisco, 141 of those arrested. we're also receiving city-funded cash assistance from the county to be eligible. individuals must be san francisco residents. and last year police made more than 2000 arrests for drug sales or drug use in the tenderloin. they seized more than 260 pounds of fentanyl and over 350 arrests have been made so far this year. >> coming up on the kron morning news, the show of support for alameda county district attorney pamela price be best to get water. make sure you have gas all the things you need case depending where you are. you counter flutter. you're snowed in. jon troubles been tracking that. we'll be right back after the we'll be right back after the break.
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the tokyo clubhouse, which was damage from last year's rainstorms. now underway. >> the stark san francisco landmark was built in 18, 92 serving as an space for weddings and stern grow. nearly a year ago. an 85 foot eucalyptus tree fell on top of it. cities rec and parks department helping to fund the 2.5 million dollar repairs. clinton expected to reopen to the public by the end of this year. for your help, scientists are learning more about the long-term cognitive effects. we'll have a long covid and the findings are a pretty disturbing. scientists
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found that brain function is greatly impacted by the virus off all the way from memory. loss of concentration scales to even your brain shrinking. and in flint, inflammation in brain. it causes an average 3 point drop in your i q and it gets worse of the severity of infection. those that are hospitalized in intensive care suffered a 9 point iq decline. cognitive decline equivalent to about 20 years of aging. those findings are with the original virus and its variants as well. >> in san jose, the airport there celebrating 75 years of travel. it was in the 1950's at the airport debuted its first flight with near n human passengers. yet the pilot yet 5 of the people on board. but the plane for the most part was filled with more than 2500 baby chickens. so starting next wednesday in celebration of their anniversary, san jose airport goers can expect to see surprise encounters with giant inflatable chickens roaming through the terminals, handing
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out giveaways. 7.26. is the time and iconic children's author. doctor seuss was the master of rhyme. and in honor of what we've been, what would have been his 100 and 20th birthday doctor. seuss enterprises is pledging to give every baby born on march. second, a personalized copy of the cat in the hat expecting parents can visit seuss pledge dot com to claim their baby's first book. the company is hoping this encourage parents to read to their babies and inspire a love for books that will last a lifetime. >> all right. well, coming up on the kron, morning news, another challenger to mayor london breed. why the new high-profile candidate for san francisco's mayoral race decided he's going. they were going jump in. and we're tracking the rain during the morning commute as it comes down this morning. need to know what parts of the bay are seeing it. and when your area can see it. >> right after the break.
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>> and we are back 7.30, is the time we've got a live look outside behind us here at the golden gate bridge. gray skies overhead in the rain already falling in spots. yes, morning commute has been a wet one that john has been preparing us for. so i feel ready. good yeah, it's not too heavy out there for most of the bay right now. good news for commuters this friday morning. but it is definitely wet on roadways after last night's areas of heavy rain looking behind me at san francisco, a mix of low clouds and sunshine much the same in san jose this morning. some of those clouds are little dark and ominous
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looking. that is for sure. right now we are seeing showers working their way right across san pablo bay on over towards ville. allay on up into napa as well. sf getting some light sprinkles. nothing. major daly city also seeing a bit of it coming down. of course, a lot of their focus has been up in the sierra nevada and for good reason the snow will continue to fall increasingly heavy and increasingly lower elevations over the next 24 hours here. and we are about to see feet upon feet snow piling up up there. bay area sees a chance of thunderstorms mostly in the north bay during morning hours, but rolling into the rest of the bay area during the afternoon and evening tonight, this chance of thunderstorms continues into tomorrow for us locally. if you have plans on heading to the sierra, the best piece of advice is to stay safe. just stay put here in the bay area this weekend. i know it's tough, especially if reservations at the hotel just don't have any cancellations, but it is better safe than sorry, because if you are trying to head to the sierra,
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you're likely just not going to get their roadways going to be impassable and closed for much of the weekend with blizzard conditions. we've already seen gusts of wind reported near 100 miles per hour up there. that means low visibility, whiteout conditions, drifting snow. not to mention the 6 to 10 plus feet of snowfall piling up. once you head above 5,000 feet in elevation, it is just not going to be a good situation. lot of resorts up. they're actually going to likely have some power outages to from the strong winds. now, temperatures in the bay this morning have been chilly but relatively mild compared to where we're going to be tomorrow because we've got an icy cold morning for your saturday temperatures this afternoon rising into the upper 50's rain. all right, john, thank you for that. hitler take on your bridges this morning. avery's right now about 14 minutes. and remember, this is still our little went out. there's take your time. 50 min right on the san mateo bridge purchase araphoe bridge. just short of 10 minutes. and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the toll seals clouds wolf. 23 minute
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ride >> ok from 4 is your local election headquarters and the list of candidates to be san francisco's next mayor is looks like it's about to grow. sources tell us the board of supervisors president aaron peskin will officially into the mayoral race. >> sometime next kron four's michael thomas in the newsroom with that story. good morning, michael. hey, good morning, everyone will there's been no official word from supervisor. aaron peskin on launching his mayoral campaign. but sources do tell kron 4 we could see that announcement as early as next week. and this decision to run is partially based on the former san francisco mayor mark farrell is decision to also run. and the idea behind that. well, it's that there's currently no progressive candidate in the race. currently supervisor peskin services, the president of san francisco board of supervisors and he's been really on and off the board since early 2. thousands currently, he is set to turn out later this year. and if he does decide to officially join the race, will he be joining incumbent mayor london breed supervisor ahsha site. excuse me,
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philanthropist daniel lurie and former san francisco mayor super and supervisor mark farrell, a poll that was last month in february by the san francisco chronicle showed a majority of residents to not approve of the way of mayor london breed is running the city. and this poll included more than 800 likely voters with more than 70% saying they were disapproving of the mayor's performance. the poll also showed that voters are disappointed with how the mayor is been handling public safety, homelessness, drug overdoses and housing affordability. when the question of who residents are leaning towards for mayor. well, former interim mayor mark farrell got the highest percentage out of all the candidates. however, 38% of the residents did say either none or and decide the last day to officially join the mayoral race is june 11. so as we get more word from supervisor peskin will continue to keep you updated. live in the newsroom. i'm
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michael rain and james, i'll send it back to you. okay, michael, thank you very much. all right. let's head to the east bay because you got bay area, faith leaders gathering in oakland to support alameda county district attorney pamela price as she faces a recall, the group says they like prices approach of holding people accountable for the crimes they commit. >> they say she should be allowed to finish out her term. >> and we believe that have is giving hope. and the thought i put in for hope, it's just helping other people even if they got in trouble, then united would have a price that she is someone who stands for peace, stand for justice and want to right by our community. >> well, organization behind the effort to oust prices, they already have enough signatures needed to put the recall on the ballot. if those signatures are verified, a recall election will take place next june. >> bipartisan bill at the state capitol wants to increase penalties for traffickers who target children and teens. the authors of the bill say the
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current law with a few exceptions classifies the solicitation of a minor for as a misdemeanor. this bill, however, would reclassify commercial with a minor as a felony. and this would lead to an increase in jail time a fine of up to $25,000 and a requirement that anybody convicted has to register as a offender. >> california is a hot bed for human trafficking and passage of sb 14, 14 is sending a clear message that not one more child will suffer at the hands of those who seek to exploit and harm. if you're going to engage in this kind of kenya's crime need to know you're going to go to prison. >> where the bill is expected to go before the senate public safety committee in the coming weeks. the san francisco unified school district now is agreeing to pay nearly 5 million dollars to settle to abuse lawsuits. those lawsuits involved a former athletic director at george washington
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high school and a former teacher at lowell high school. the former athletic director, george washington, is accused of abusing 2 female students between 2012 2016. the former teacher at lowell pleaded guilty to sexually abusing a male student during the 2004 2005 school year. >> well, another round of businesses closures strike the bay-area chevy's in emeryville reporting a permanent closure come april 16th. the reason for the shutdown not clear. the san francisco business times reports all staff will be losing their job. after more than 40 years in business. we got lee's deli. it's in downtown san francisco and that's close was actually the last one we had in the city. restaurant chain wants have locations spread out across san francisco. it's not all doom and gloom, though, because urban putt, he's open to downtown san jose. madoff course restaurant had been open in san francisco's mission district court 2 years before closing its doors last month. urban plus set another
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mini golf venue called holy moly will open at the same services. go location sometime this year. >> well, uber has a new feature just for teens. it allows 13 to 17 year-olds to take rides even order food from. >> yeah. do all the great for sarah stinson battle with uber folks to learn how it all works as well as bay area parents because they're going to send their kids >> a new transportation option for teens in california. uber has launched a specialized team account that allows young users to get a ride or order food north a dad, steve grove becker says the new feature will make his life a lot easier >> yes, having 5 kids full time job a cushion, the price. i can't be everywhere all the time. >> so yeah, i think it's a great idea. his son grant a high school freshman is also excited. it's definitely nice to have to get place to place rainy days. are something that's not to walkable. as uber spokesperson says the feature requires parental
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permission. parent just invites 13 to the family profile in their app. >> to open a specialized team, a cow. they download the app and from their teens can order their own rides and food parents can live track their child's trip set spending limits and contact the driver and team gets picked up to get a push that. he gets dropped off. look at another push notification. uber is promising to only allow the most experienced a high rate drivers for teen trips. tina council also have a pin verification system which helps ensure that the teen is getting in the right car. and the way that works is that he has a pin number that they have to get to the driver before that trip can start the san francisco based company began trying out the teen account idea in canada in 2022. before expanding it into the u.s. so far, there have been no reports of serious problems with the program. i think it's going to save a lot of tears a lot of so, yeah, looking forward to most of the
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parents i spoke with here in marin county say they're excited for this new feature on uber. >> but that's not how people felt on twitter. we put a pullout asking parents to let their teens use the app and most of them said no. i'm sara stinson reporting in marin county kron. 4 thursday was leap day. >> the chances of being born on a leap day are one in 1461. that slot several babies here in the bay area. they beat those on yesterday. joining nearly 5 million lee things around the world say column one of them. this baby girls born yesterday morning at kaiser in redwood city fall for talked her proud parents are back and core eastman. this is their second baby. while they haven't settle on a name just yet. they're thinking about which date, though, actually celebrate the little girl's birthday in the years to come. >> i know people our here and so they either celebrated on the 28th of the first then a celebrate both days to kind of make it special every year.
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>> and this little guy came almost right at the start of day, baby blake, harper trujillo this morning. the ne at medical center at 12:00:04am, he weighed in at just 9 pounds. 6 ounces and measured. 21 inches on these healthy babies and so happy the time has a general hospital. welcome 5 babies. so health cpm see then ask campus so far they got 3 and then at lucile packard 12 pavey probe or police say the babies are costly pings, leiper's or leap stirs. take a break. >> it is 7.40, almost 7.41. and the snow survey is out. we'll tell you how much they say the snow-packed in the sierra looks like now in advance of the big storm. that's >> falling right now, john, i know they did that snow survey right before the big one of the season is heading in. and this one is going to push. i'm russ right past those seasonal averages likely to be well above average after and that's
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saying something multiple feet of snowfall in just a couple days in the sierra and we're not to be forgotten in the bay area. we've got our own round area. we've got our own round
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marshalls buyers hustle for the latest trends, from fashion... double denim is back. got it! to beauty, so you don't have to. that is a deal! we get the deals, you get the good stuff. marshalls. mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy.
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>> while the department of water resources conducted this 3rd snow survey of the season as in the water content of this year, snow packed give some insight into the state's water supply for the coming year. survey measured a depth of about 4 feet. thursday's results reflect continued improvement in the snow pack says the slow and dry start to the water year. on average, the sierra snowpack supplies
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about 30% of california's water needs. so we're going have more than enough to go by like after this. we have in store for sure, right? yeah. we've got john checking on the. >> latest up there in the sierra. good morning, john yapp. and it's only going to pile up more and more where we're sitting at diamond peak right now. the deck. >> doesn't look too impressive, but really the reason for that is the strong winds are pushing a lot of that snow off the deck and up in the drifting areas. so that is the second factor here. it's not just that feed upon fee to snowfall. we've had multiple upper elevation reporting stations saying nearly 100 miles per hour gusts out there that is going to completely make it impossible to be getting into the sierra likely these next. 24 to 48 hours at lake level, lake tahoe, seeing 4 to 8 feet of snowfall piling up. now we are seeing a lot of snow in the sierra but also some activity here in the bay area. most of our rainfall has been relatively light this morning. we do have a few heavier pockets like right around that niche are right now and up towards american canyon. a
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little bit of rain falling in downtown san francisco down towards the bayview district. low pressure will continue to dive in deep and along with it cold cold air. it's only going to get colder from here on out in tonight into tomorrow morning. so cold that low elevation snowfall can be expected in some of our north bay mountains. you'll see a little bit of blue popping up here shortly. pockets of heavy rainfall continue, especially this afternoon, the latter half of the day. look stormy year than the beginning of the day. it's actually fairly calm for a lot of us right now. but a chance of thunderstorms really picking up towards the afternoon and evening. and there's that snowfall in upper elevations of lake mendocino, sonoma and napa counties that will fall as low as 1000 feet this evening into tomorrow morning. so expect a little bit of wind up there when you get a clear view at those hillsides tomorrow is going to remain unsettled as well with chances of thunderstorms, heavy pockets of rain and downpours. well, through the day on saturday, leading all the way into sunday. now
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rainfall totals in the bay area going to amount to anywhere between an inch to 2 inches for most areas as we make our way through today. and tomorrow. as for this year, it's not inches. its feet of it. to 12 feet of snowfall widespread across his upper elevations donner summit on 80 echo pass on highway 50. both going to be in the midst of multiple feet of snow that is going to take crews several days to plow out the northern parts of the bay area. also looking at several inches of snowfall hillsides above sonoma and napa, mendocino and lake counties looking at 3 to 6 inches. some of those higher hillsides could see upwards of 9 inches of snowfall. so it's going to be a lot here at home because of that. we do have a winter storm warning for much of a lake in inland mendocino counties and then blizzard warnings in the sierra nevada. it's not just the feet of snow. as i mentioned, it is the excessively windy conditions. 75 miles per hour. plus, wind gusts on a regular basis will downed trees and result in power outages for many spots. our winds in the
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bay area are going to be quite as bad, but 40 to 50 miles per hour is breezy for sure. and it is enough for wind advisories today on through saturday. we also high surf advisories. just mention one more thing up in the coastal areas today, all the way through saturday with 15 to 20 foot waves temperature wise today is fairly mild. upper 50's tomorrow gets colder, though that cold air mass settles and more and more for saturday and sunday. low elevation snowfall in our bay area mountains and up into the sierra continued rainfall for the rest of us rain and high rise on the eve of in the year. if you're traveling into the city this morning. >> about 17 minutes heading into the city right now. san mateo bridge, 14 minute ride. 82 want to one richmond center fell bridge 8 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls. 23 minutes. >> let's head to the north bay now where sonoma is offering residents the ability to use some of their emergency warming centers, which are going to be opening right now. they're at least tonight and
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staying will open for you for the foreseeable future through the weekend. anyone who needs to escape the rain, the cold they can head over to the haven parking lot on west sonoma street. that shelter opens at 7 o'clock tonight and will stay open through monday morning. a limited number of blankets, by the way, and pillows are available. so if you're worried about that, maybe bring your own service animals will also be allowed inside. santa clara city council has unanimously approved a new housing project along the great american amtrak station. the latest development now is a 21 floor. nearly 200 condominium complex. it's all part of the city's re-imagining of the tasman east neighborhood right near levi stadium. that's where the city is hoping to add. 4500 new homes over the next few years. >> while the soon-to-be largest rv parking site in san jose is actually going to cost the city have as much as they expected. officials say the original 15 million plan included for building serving as counseling centers and restrooms. the new design only has 2 a lot located near
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coyote creek will be the city's second safe parking site with one in the santa teresa vta station parking lot set to open this summer following some delays. giant's biggest free agent is off to a great start. this spring. this is john young who? he hit his first homer of the spring against the diamondbacks on thursday. >> but that's all the offense the giants could muster logan webb gave up a couple of runs, but the d'backs won the game to the >> all right. 7.50, is the time in nascar has come to los vegas with sin city now hosting the first of 2 race weekends this season. while the teams and drivers get ready for the race. >> the little fans are also kid ready just in a different way. john langeler live at las vegas motor speedway with a preview of the pennzoil 400. good morning. good morning. >> good morning to you. from the front straightaway of las
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vegas motor speedway. you talked about the fans that are in the end now in the rv's and so forth. we can actually smell them cooking breakfast right now, is kind of making us a bit hungry on a it's going to be a very exciting week in here. 3 races, of course, trucks. the xfinity series and the cup series. the cars will be right here on track after lunch, which we are looking forward to because once again, nascar eyes come to las vegas is a 26 year. in fact, that nascar racing has come to a las vegas. the rv's in the camper started showing up on wednesday. the cars had to come from atlanta all the way over here from their last race just for right now. but the party's already started for the fans was are still showing up. even right now, the grandstands will be packed with the racing starts so hear from as far away as canada. being from canada. we don't get a good chance to to come to races. >> this is basically the closest one we can come to that's it's just we just have a lot of fun. there's just nothing but fun.
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>> speedway, officials say tickets are still available for the weekend. they started about $49 for the big race on sunday, but there's racing tomorrow and tonight as well. you know, we're not that far from san francisco. if you want to put your pedal down and drive or fly, whatever you got to do, that's all well and good as well. so truck cars are on track after lunchtime, but we needed get the cars on track. now, what do you reckon? so we've got 3 cars here. we're going to start race weekend right now. place your bets place. your bets were going to drop the green flag and see what happens. i don't know what that doing. horrible experience. i've got one winner there. but this this this bad boy needs that needs to go back to the garage i reckon it looks formula one car that was in the race. there >> job right. all right. well, you guys in san francisco, though. that's indy car. that's laguna seager right there. come on now. yeah. hey, john, let me ask you real
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quick. we had, you know, coverage of the super bowl not too long ago. everybody was bundled up those really cold. but i saw in that video you were showing what people were in shorts and t-shirts. >> well, i was earlier, as you may be able to see. now it's a bit breezy. there's a chance of a bit of tomorrow which might get in the way a little bit. it's actually beautiful right now. and sunday should be good to us. just that. tomorrow may be a bit dicey. but right now it's it's brisk, but it's really nice. i love this. >> john, appreciate it. thank you so much. all right. thank you for that. hey, we've been tracking the rain during your morning commute is already here. josh, i wasn't up a look at what's going on in terms of the storm will be right back. i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing!
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then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
7:55 am
what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> welcome back. it is 7.55 and the radar is active. let's break down everything that we're seeing across the state right now. first of all, the sierra nevada. that's where all eyes have been. we're really only kicking off the snowfall up there. a lot of resorts are already reporting around 2 feet of snowfall at most. but we have several more feet to go. there's going to be enhanced moisture is the jet continues just to steer all this energy right up into the sierra. that means several days of more feet of snowfall piling up up there. you have plans on heading to the sierra this weekend. it is absolutely a no-go on doing so for the bay area. things are actually comparatively quiet right now. we have seen some spots of heavier showers. briefly saw one of those in benicia moments ago. really right now, most of that activity is centered up to our north. we've seen multiple lightning strikes on the coast of mendocino county. also not to mention that snowfall in upper
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elevations of lake and mendocino county. a lot of that potential of thunderstorm activity drops further into the bay area as we work our way into the afternoon today. so it really is the 2nd half of the day that's going to bring most of our chance of any sort of severe weather, which would result in isolated thunderstorms popping up with heavy downpours. strong winds, maybe even some hail in crook. cloud to ground lightning. so this morning roadways are wet. you do need to know that as you're getting out there called the weekend to stay close to home because it's not a weekend that you want to be doing much travel, especially not up into the sierra is it possible to count on my internet
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8:00 am
>> right now on the kron 4 morning news. we are tracking a major storm now beginning to impact the bay and really hitting the sierra. we'll have full details coming up. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at good morning. 08:00am here on the kron. morning news. i'm james fletcher and i'm reyna harvey in for darya folshm. top story this morning is the big storm. it is year. yeah. we've got rain already starting to fall in parts of the bay. not everywhere just yet. but boy, the sierra there hitting it. and john, you've been talking about you called just like it is. and here it is morning yet to see your snowfall is really the biggest risk this weekend. what we're seeing out there is going to be multiple feet of snowfall and >> that's what we've been stressing so much is just really avoiding travel at all costs getting up there. it is already becoming a very dire situation with very strong winds being the biggest impact so far. but now we're going to


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