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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  March 1, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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ss, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is here. ask your doctor about managing your generalized myasthenia gravis with ultomiris. >> today on kron 4 news at noon, we're learning there could be another challenger for san francisco's mayor race. why this new high-profile candidates decided to jump in. plus, you can expect rounds of rain
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throughout the day today. we're live with the latest as we check that forecast. >> that's right. even eye on things. we had a little bit easier start today, but that doesn't mean we're out of the woods. lots of rain on the way. i'll have all of the details for you. stay with us, everybody. kron for news at noon starts right now. >> from the bay station, you're watching kron. and news. >> thank you for joining us this friday here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waltman. we're going to start now with our continued coverage of the rain with the north facing some of the heaviest downpours already today, kron 4 s charles clifford joins now live from nevado. so, charles, how does it look out where you are now? no, put up no umbrella. how you doing? >> well, that kind of been back and forth because we've had rain that sort of passing through little storms. little cloud burst off and on and just rain for about the last 10 minutes or so. it is just lit up again. neighbors here in marin county, the north bay are preparing for a wet weekend and many of them wet
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plans to go to tahoe are canceling those plans. >> on friday, the rain was off and on across marin county and the battle neighbors were going about their business and getting ready for what will probably be a wet weekend. don't really like being out in the weather. but, you know, we have places to go things to do so until kadi who work. security said he's not excited about the rain but knows it's for the best california. we do need the rain. so while more rain is on the way over the next couple of days, it's not expected to be a major storm here in the bay area. the real action is in the sierra where forecasters predicting blizzard-like conditions and multiple feet of snow. >> we were just up in we got out before the ring. catherine rigo was out running errands friday morning. she says they came back from tahoe just before the weather turned bad. >> they originally had plans to go back to the mountains this weekend but change their minds after seeing the forecast is going to my sister-in-law. we're going to leave this afternoon just didn't do. >> now she's going to spend the weekend at home so we can do all we can out.
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>> birthday party to go to for my kids. so some girl scout cookies just hunker down. >> all right. back live the race not rain too much right now here in nevada. but we are expecting more moisture this afternoon and throughout the weekend into early next week. but i'll have more on that in a moment. but for now in the north bay, charles clifford kron, 4 news that she charles, thank you so much. let's check in now. kyle us. we can find out exactly what's going on with a quick live look outside here at the embarcadero in san francisco. we are seeing rounds of rain coming through and pilots tracking them for us right now. thanks, kyla. yeah, hey there. and charles, keep that could hand the my friend because it is going to be headed your way again. >> we have some just light showers that are rolling through right now. you see them streaming in very similar to how we started yesterday. let's talk about those totals that we've gotten since yesterday up at the peaks that we had the highest totals to ben lowman over inch and a half same street mount diablo. >> canfield just under 3 quarters of an inch but east bay or orinda just under 3 quarters of an inch san
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francisco about a quarter and san jose coming out at about 2 tenths. we've got some wind starting to pick up. we are under a wind advisory right now. you can see that wind starting to gust up to, you know, 23 miles per hour sustained wind gusting higher than that right now in napa. so that wind advisory starts today and then goes through 10:00am on saturday this afternoon. and this evening is going to be the worst of it for us, both with the rain and the wind. so here you can see all of these little bits kind of streaming and certainly you can see that snow that charles was talking about there getting a lot of heavy snow right now in the sierra. but let's zoom in on some of these showers. and this is why i'm saying to charles, keep your head up a little bit there because of auto. you can see just getting a little bit of a sprinkle right now. little farther to the coming in, right down in marin county there in southern edge of it. we've got a little bit of a shower that's also rolling right across san francisco. the rest of this is kind of more scattered in variety right now. but as i mentioned, it is going to pick up as we get into the afternoon. that's we're going to see some of the heavier showers that will start to roll all of the course courtesy of our low
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pressure system when it come back in a bit. we'll talk about that. sierra snow and they're going to track that rain as well. back to you. thank you so much. and stay up to date with the storm online by scanning this qr code will take you to a page on kron 4 dot com. >> or you can keep up with the current road conditions. all the closures out there and the power outages. the solano county sheriff's department is investigating a body found along i-80 in vallejo. the identity of that person has not been released. but officials say he was found near the georgia street off-ramp. investigators say the man appeared to be in his mid 30's. no other details have been released. some developing news to talk about this afternoon as a 4th suspect has now been charged with the murder of killing oakland police officer 20 lay lay was shot and killed in late december while responding to a burglary near jack london square. so brian russell now joins marks. sanders marcus cooper and alan brown were charged with lace murder. russell was originally charged with 3 counts of burglary and entered a not guilty plea.
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prosecutors believe it was sanders who pulled the trigger killing the alameda county super pod district attorney pamela price says in part, quote, we will not stop until everyone who participated in his murder is held accountable. the 4 defendants are set to have a preliminary hearing on monday. coming up on march 4th. san francisco has really some new numbers about people being cited for using drugs. these numbers are from last year. the report says that the 718 people cited about half said that they live in the city 141 of those arrested receive cash assistance from the county. and last year, police made more than 2000 arrests for drug sales or use in the tenderloin and seized more than 260 pounds of fentanyl. so far this year, police have made more than 350 arrests. and in the east bay faith leaders are gathering in oakland to support alameda county district attorney pamela price. as she faces a recall, the group says they like prices approach of holding people accountable for
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crimes that they commit and are saying she should. she should be allowed to finish her term. >> and we believe that prices giving hope. and the thought i put in for hope, it's just helping other people excel even if they got in trouble, then united would come with a price that she is someone who stands for peace, stand for justice and want to right by our community. >> the organization behind the effort to recall price say they already have enough signatures to put this recall on the ballot. if those signatures are verified, a recall election would take place next june. hear from 4. we are your local election headquarters and the list for candidates to be san francisco's next mayor is possibly growing. sources are telling us here that board of supervisors president aaron peskin well officially entered the race for mayor sometime next week. kron four's michael thomas has the latest. >> there's been no official word from supervisor. aaron peskin on the launch of his
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official mayoral campaign. however, sources tell kron 4 we could see that official announcement as early as next week and the decision to run is partially based off of former san francisco mayor mark farrell is decision to also joined the race. and the idea behind that is that there's currently no progressive candidate in the running currently supervisor peskin serves as the president of the san francisco board of supervisors and he's been on the board on and off since the early 2, thousands, but currently is set to turn out later this year. if he does officially joined the race, will he be joining incumbent mayor london breed supervisor ahsha safai. philanthropist danielle lawrie and former san francisco mayor and supervisor mark farrell, a poll that was recently done in february by the san francisco chronicle showed that a majority of residents do not approve of the way. mayor london breed is currently running the city. the poll included more than 800 likely voters with more than 70% disapproving of the mayor's performance overall, the poll also showed that voters are disappointed in how the mayor has been handling
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public safety, homelessness, drug overdose and housing affordability. when the question of who residents are leaning towards for mayor. well, former interim mayor mark farrell got the highest percentage of all the candidates. however, 38% of residents either said none or are still undecided. the last day to officially join the mayoral race is june 11th. as we get more details will continue to keep you updated in the newsroom. michael thomas kron, 4 news. >> governor gavin newsom is facing more questions this afternoon after new law contains a loophole that appears to favor someone who donated to his campaign. last year, the governor signed a law to increase the minimum wage to $20 per hour at most fast food chains. but an exception was made for chains that baked bread and sell it. a bloomberg article this week is suggesting this exemption was made by newsom to benefit one of his donors named greg flynn, who is a bay area native anodes. 24 panera bread locations across the state.
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republicans in the state legislature demanding an immediate ethics investigation. >> we've got complete ethical problem going on here where a billionaire business owner has put in a special exemption into a bill and we don't even know how it got in there in in the first place and then has made over $150,000 in campaign contributions to the governor. this is unacceptable that friends of the party in power get exemptions and that's not right. >> and if this is a bad law for one company, it's probably a bad law for every any. >> the assembly member who authored the law says he was not directly involved in the negotiations and doesn't know why the exemption was included. he also says he was not aware of any relationship between newsom and flynn. >> i carried do and i've become more aware of it here. >> i wasn't
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>> a spokesperson for newsom responded and put out this statement. it says in part, quote, the governor never met with flynn about this bill. and this story is absurd. our legal team has reviewed what's going on here? it appears panera is not exempfrom the law. and a reminder here on kron 4, we are your local election headquarters. so make sure you join us on election day. that's next. tuesday for live election results from all around the bay area. our coverage will happen all throughout the day as people are going out and voting and our recap starts at 08:00pm. coming up here, some teams that could be good for you, but not that he that you're thinking why some new research is showing gas. might be a good thing for your relationships. >> plus, the humidity heard from the 4 potential oakland police chief candidates and we'll hear what oakland resid nts now are saying after listening in. officer uber has a new service that's just for teenagers. how it's different from just a regular uber ride. but are parents let it
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. feature that's just for teens. it allows for a 13 to 17 year-olds to take rides and order food. >> kron four's sara stinson caught up with uber folks to learn how this works as well as bay area parents who plan to use this to help their kids get around. >> a new transportation option for teens in california. uber has launched a specialized team account that allows young users to get a ride or order food north a dad, steve grow becker says the new feature will make his life a lot easier >> yes, having 5 kids full
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time job a cushion, the price. i can't be everywhere all the time. so yeah, i think it's a great idea. his son grant a high school freshman is also excited. it's definitely nice to have to get place to place rainy days. are. >> something that's not to walkable. as an uber spokesperson says the feature requires parental permission. parent just invites 13 to the family profile in their app. >> to open a specialized team. cow they download the app and from their teens can order their own rides and food parents can live track their child's trip set spending limits and contact the driver and team gets picked up to get a push that. he gets dropped off. look at another push notification. uber is promising to only allow the most experienced a high rate drivers for teen trips. tina council also have a pin verification system which helps ensure that the teen is getting in the right car. and the way that works is that he has a pin number that they have to get to the driver
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before that trip can start the san francisco based company began trying out the teen account idea in canada in 2022. before expanding it into the u.s. so far, there have been no reports of serious problems with the program. i think it's going to save a lot of tears a lot of so, yeah, looking forward to most of the parents i spoke with here in marin county say they're excited for this new feature on uber. >> but that's not how people felt on twitter. we put a pullout asking parents to let their teens use the app and most of them said no. i'm sara stinson reporting in marin county kron. 4 news. >> all right. let's talk about that forecast right now is look here. what's going on and the sierra. there's the pioneer trail. and yes, it's snowing. a couple people on the road looks pretty from afar and it's raining here. also in san francisco right now. we can hear it coming down but kyler how much snow they've gotten already. what's that storm looking like? yeah, they've already got between about 10 17 inches. and that's just what's been reported right in the last 24 hours. obviously more coming down. we're taking a live look at
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diamond peak. just a reminder that even if you were in tahoe, you wouldn't be skiing, folks. it's too snowy. we have to wait for all this to settle down before you can kind of enjoy all this new snow. but there it is. roaring right into the sierra. even see a little bit of lightning that is popping up as these storms are set to get very, very active was roll into our afternoon and our evening. so as you zoom in here, you can see these very dark blues, this very heavy snow coming down right along where daughter passes. and also you can see, you know, a long 50 80 just treacherous conditions, not where you want to be. is there under the blizzard warning right now that does go through sunday morning and again, we're expecting this to just be a lot of snow. a lot of wind, blizzard-like conditions. that's why they have this morning winds upwards of 75 miles per hours possible that could cause power outages. tree limbs to come down. you get the idea. it's not going to be very pleasant if the high impact storm so extremely dangerous travel. my advice is stay safe. stay put until it's all said and done. snow levels are dropping. this is very cold air coming in. by the time we get into saturday will
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see snow levels drop down to about 2000 people. tension lower on sunday whiteout conditions and near 0. visibility are likely. so we show you futurecast here. heavy snow right into tonight. you see those dark blues indicating its continue into the overnight hours. this is your saturday. so again, tomorrow is a no-go day for any travel. saturday evening here taking you into sunday. you notice it starts to get a little bit frankly, that sunday, right through the day, staying active. if it's me, i'm not even get attempted till monday. and at that point and a check and see how the roads are first. here are the totals were looking out for. they are impressive. we're going to see upwards of 40 potentially 8, even maybe even 10 feet in some spots. notice that cold air is also going to put some snow on our peaks here in the bay area. and you can see that cold air rushing in behind. when you look up to you, kyra. and you see right getting all of that cold air that's coming in. let's zoom in and take a look at our showers. we just had a shower roll right through san francisco. so as we go throughout the afternoon, this is going to be more and more intense, right? so this is 3
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o'clock. you see a line rolling through 7 o'clock. i think 7 to 10:00pm is when we're going potential for thunderstorms tonight. so just be ready for that totals for the day. we're looking at 2 now tomorrow morning about a half an inch to an inch of rain. we're going to add to that on the other side of it through our sunday. these are the totals are looking at for the weekend. so obviously not very pleasant out there right now. and you can see it. your extended forecast here showing it's also going to be cooling down not just today, but right through the weekend. we really don't start to bounce back until we get to monday. thank you. kyla. the open community finally got a chance to hear from the 4 candidates for police chief. there was a public forum held at city hall. >> more than a year after the previous chief leronne armstrong was fired. kron four's. dan thorn has the latest. >> a virtual appearance thursday night by the 4 candidates vying to be oakland's next. top cop, the oakland police commission's police chief search ad hoc committee held a public forum in the city council chambers
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asking the questions from the community. why does your background in policing make you the best fit for oakland? next police chief? this is my life work. >> and i think if i'm given the opportunity to lead this department, you see significant, tremendous impact new york city's assistant deputy mayor for public safety. louis molina, along with former lubbock, texas police chief floyd mitchell. >> cincinnati, ohio's assistant police chief lisa davis and former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen all had a chance to speak pitching their goals for the first 100 days and plans to build community trust and transparency. oakland community. >> and the local police very attractive to me and my family. i we're increasing. >> how working to better truly makes things happen. >> the group does not include an internal candidate, but pridgen says he understands the bay-area. i think i'm the perfect. >> choice for oakland since i just lived down the road and
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my son is going to start. school in oakland in september. >> and i'm angered in this community. not at the meeting. was oakland mayor sheng thao who over a year ago fired then chief leronne armstrong thao says she is against these kinds of forums because it harms the chances of attracting the best candidates. and for those in the audience, there was no opportunity to ask questions, make comments or offer feedback during the forum. but the public is invited to provide feedback online through a post forum survey. the feedback window will close on monday. the police chief search ad hoc committee says they will be submitting their list of finalists to the mayor on friday. and then the mayor can choose to interview those candidates or reject them in oakland, dan thorn kron, 4 news. i'm trevor shirley in washington. efforts to protect access to ivf by congress are already hitting roadblocks. have got the latest details on that coming up just ahead.
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>> plus, pacemakers powered by the sun. the latest in
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>> for your health this afternoon, solar panels power your homes yards, even our cars. and now some researchers are using similar technology to power a human heart pacemakers. keep the electrical function of the heart. in rhythm, a traditional devices uses a small battery with wires. but this new design created by researchers at the university of chicago is made from layers of silicon material known as p type. what looks like a sticker collects light and then converted into power.
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keeping the heart's rhythm in check. >> a very small incision has been made between the reefs. this device can be in their into that in station and we can't that device so city can be bias can get in touch with the heart because of the simplicity in this design is out for a flexible and lightweight. >> it's so lightweight that this new device is 100 times lighter than a piece of paper. researchers say that this pacemakers meant for temporary use, for example, following bypass surgery, that it simply dissolves over time. the researchers are hoping that this ultra thin pacemaker will also work to stimulate nerves in movement disorders, like parkinson's, are also treat chronic pain. if you like to there might be a scientific reason behind it. a new study from the university of maryland and stanford is showing that it can help us feel more connected to one another. researchers say talking about other people's
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experiences, help cement social connections within a group they added can also deter people from behaving selfishly because no one wants to be the next subject of gossip. scientists are learning more about the long-term cognitive effects of long-term covid. scientists found that brain function is greatly impacted by the virus from memory loss to loss of concentration skills, 2 brain shrinkage and inflammation. it also causes an average 3 point drop in iq. it gets worse with the severity of the infection. those hospitalized in intensive care suffered a nine-point iq decline and the cognitive decline equal to about 20 years of aging. those findings are with the original virus and its variants. so it's now been named 4th on the best place to live with some more improvements coming to the city of san jose. we're going to talk with the mayor one-on-one. one-on-one. >>
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>> san jose is celebrating today after making the best places to live list. and there are lots of other happenings in the city, including possibly the shortage of voting centers and a search for a new police chief. so here to talk to us more about all this is san jose mayor matt mahan. thank you for joining us here this afternoon on kron 4. i just thanks for having of course. so i kind of want to start with this possible shortage of voting center since primary election day is coming up on tuesday. they're saying some of the reports out there saying that there's a shortage of voting centers in the districts that are actually having races. the people are voting on this year
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that the districts where there are really contentious races, they have plenty of places where people can turn in their ballots and votes for the places where there are issues on the ballot, they can turn in their ballots. so i'm wondering what you think about this situation and what you're doing to fix >> yes, so i'm reaching out to the county registrar, along with other elected officials in san jose just to understand their coverage plan, what they're seeing out in the field, as you know, the election process is managed by the county, not the city and our county registrars responsible for providing the many ways that people can vote. i think the important message is that people have many options for voting. every ballot should have been sent to voters in the mail. they are pretty mark, you do not need to add a new postage. you can drop it off. you can tell from your home or or drop it off at mailbox or post office will so voting centers across the city encourage folks to go to scc vote dot org. but like other elected officials in san jose, i am pressing our county
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registrar to be very clear about their coverage planning to make sure that we are serving all neighborhoods in our city. all communities and that everyone has equal access to opportunities to vote. yes, i understand the county is in charge of it. but, you know, you have a certainly a voice in what should be going on in rose. >> so let's talk about your police chief. you are about to lose anthony mata. he's taking a job within the district attorney's office. how is the search for a police chief going in san jose? >> well, the city manager has kicked off the process. i want to thank chief mata for his 28 years of service here in san jose. unfortunately, he'll still be continuing to serve our community over in the district attorney's office but been a great chief these past 3 years has really pushed onto things that are near and dear to my heart community engagement, getting his officers out of the patrol car and and walking the beat in connecting with neighbors and small business owners and
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transparency, accountability. he's really bush to be very transparent with the community when we have had challenges and he has acted swiftly to hold everyone to our very high standards. in terms of the search, the city manager is kicked off the search. she is going through a process including community input and evaluation of narrowing that field in coming forward with the recommendation that ultimately instead be approved by the council. >> and do you get a say in this? are you do get i like? >> yeah, i had the council. so once the city manager comes back with her recommendation, i and the other council members will evaluate her choice. have the opportunity ask questions of that person and ultimately will take a bow. she needs a majority vote of those of us on the council to adopt her selection. sjmilarly, i'm leading the process for selecting our new independent police auditor. and so i will bring forward a recommendation in the the
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coming weeks. and we will similarly need approval from the council in order to put that person in the position permanently. and what is the timeline to get a permanent police chief in place? well, i certainly want to see a new police chief in place this year. we will almost certainly have an interim chief for a short period of time. yeah, it's a it's a nationwide search. we've got to go through the process of getting applicants interviewing them, make sure there's community engagement and go through a very thoughtful, rigorous process. we alright, we have a well run city hall here and i expect us to build a get to that decision point this year. sometime this year. all right. >> you just made this list. san jose did of one of the 4 best places to live in the country. and according to the survey. so why do you think you made the list? well, i think it's the same reason that we've had the fastest
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rebounding downtown in the state of california. san jose. >> is a diverse economically vibrant place with great weather. we have put a real premium on getting city hall focused on the basics. safe city, clean city, getting people house. we have accelerated the rate at which we're getting people out of encampments. while the state saw an increase in homelessness. we saw and over 10% decrease in homelessness. year-over-year. we've seen foot traffic and sales tax revenue rebound to pre-pandemic levels in downtown and other commercial districts. and i think the formula is pretty clear. create an environment that's safe. that's clean where people are housed, speed up permitting and the rest will come together. we've got tremendous capacity in our community and our private sector to fill in the rest. and so we are seeing a positive rebound here in san jose. >> so on tuesday, you're up for reelection. we should note that it's kind of gone a little under the radar. only
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have one opponent named tyrone wade. we haven't really seen you doing like that much campaigning or maybe possibly ads out there. just wondering why you've put i know you probably really want this job again, but why has there not been such like a big shouting? hey, i'm running for mayor kind of campaign. >> personally, i believe the best way to campaign is to focus on the issues facing the community and drive forward solutions. i'm working to rebuild our police department. push all levels of government to be accountable for ending the era of encampments. we've got to step up our efforts to build safe, managed encampments and get people indoors. we've got a quick clean, beautiful environment and and speed up permitting, be a place that can attract investment and jobs and housing. i have a lot of faith. if we keep pushing forward common sense solutions to our biggest challenges that the voters will see that. and and i hope they will give me the opportunity to continue to
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pursue this agenda of getting city hall back to basics. >> and as we run out of time here. i just wanted i know this is the story from last week. but you got a chance to go visit the giving pies bakery where tesla place this order ended up canceling there was a big outcry of support for this bakery afterwards. people just like showing up in droves ordering pies. they were like overwhelmed of people. just what was your take on this whole situation of like what tesla did and you know how your local businesses kind of handled that situation. >> yeah, with the community response was beautiful to say it was really nice to be able to be out there and see this line stretching into the parking lot and, you know, just the best of humanity, right? people wanting to come out and support a small business owner who had a difficult situation. i do want to just say for the record to be fair to all involved that elon musk's did then step up personally commit to paying the bills. so he did make it right. and he deserves credit for that. but i was just touched by the outpouring of
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community support and everybody coming together to support the small business owner was it was a great thing to see. that's what san jose is all about. you know, we've got a beautifully diverse community with a small is big city in america. in my opinion, it was great to see that. that inaction. just thank you for bringing that up about elon. he did respond to a story that we posted on his platform acts and that sky thing how he found out about it. all right. so whole world list. >> how to get to number one next year. >> we shouldn't. we came to hall focused on the basics. city that safer. that's cleaner that economically vibrant. we get people house. we create economic opportunity. we've got everything else. we we've got the the tech economy. we've got the weather. we've got the diversity, the food. we just have to get city hall back to basics. >> san jose mayor matt mahan, thank you for joining us this afternoon on kron 4. appreciate your time. and i'm sure we'll be talking to you soon. forward to it. thanks thank you. have a good weekend. let's see what that weekend forecast is going to be doing for us. here is a live look. so we'll see what's going on in san francisco.
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kind of gloomy. kyla is tracking the forecast for us now. it is going to be a wild weekend weather-wise. yeah, it is. we've got rain coming in now. we're going to see that throughout the weekend. want to do a quick look at the nation's weather. you can see we've got a storm system in the southeast that's bring some flooding concerns. very sad story that's been developing here. we've got fire hazards that are all the way from texas, right on up to south dakota. and then, of course, we've got our major winter storm on the west coast. temperatures in that spot in texas, unfortunately, set to get warmer this weekend and they're going to see some wind kick up. so not good news for them for us. temperatures are getting cooler as we have this major winter storm that's pressing in all of this cold air. that's right behind it, which means that we could see snow. it's some of our peaks around the bay area, even right. like spots like up mount diablo or maybe a bit mount saint helene at this is that low pressure system. you can see another front tracking through very similar to yesterday. things are going to be a little bit stronger and a little more juice step as we get throughout our afternoon and evening today. i think this will be kind of the most energetic part of the storms.
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you can already see some of that. we start to see those yellows and oranges popping up right there up in the north bay and parts of the east bay at this hour. and as we zoom out, you can see the line of showers and just roll through and a little bit of lightning as well. up just north of santa rosa and indication that these are about to really get rolling everyone. so if you haven't seen showers yet, do know that they're on the way. i wanted to point out another danger. we're looking at half moon bay right now. you can start to see a few white caps. if you look out there, a wave heights right now about 24 feet way offshore. this is a swell that's rolling in. and so then watching these wave heights start to go up. and right now at point rays looking at about 12 feet. so we are under a high surf advisory. it does go through 04:00pm on saturday. so those 15 to 20 foot high waves are going to be out there. and the most important thing here is this last line. never turn your back on the ocean. those west and northwest facing beaches are the most at risk. sneaker waves can come up and they can drag you into the ocean. they can also drag logs and, you know, lots of debris that can cause problems. so my advice would be to try to avoid the coast as we get into
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the next 24 hours are wind is also starting to pick up. we've got a wind advisory. i'll be back in a bit of a track that rain for you and get your right through your seven-day forecast of the other side of this. back to thank you so much. turning now to some national news, there is a push in congress to codify protections for in vitro fertilization after a decision by the alabama supreme court put the future legality of that procedure in question, washington correspondent trevor shirley is in dc with more. and it could be a challenge for congress to act already this week, one attempt to pass federal protections for ivf failed. >> it is thinkable that in the year 2024 will be fighting this fight and lawmakers supportive of idf right say they're ready to fight for federal protections over the procedure. ivf man, our family. >> it made my heart home. it made my life but for countless women enough and alabama. that desperately sought after dream
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of becoming a mom just became so much harder last month in alabama supreme court decision put the future of ivf in that state. in question ruling fertilized embryos carry the same rights as children. >> almost immediately a majority of lawmakers, republicans and democrats, race to show their support for ivf after swift public backlash. it needs to be readily available and needs to be something that every american supports and >> needs to be handled in an ethical manner. but this week, a single republican senator blocked efforts to codify federal ivf protections. this bill misses the mark. gop senators cindy hyde smith said the legislation could violate some people. sincerely held religious ideals, religious and pro-life organizations could be forced to facilitate procedures. >> that violate their core beliefs, including their health insurance plans yet with a legislative solution. still unclear. congressional supporters say they'll keep working. this should be
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obvious legislation. polling shows a majority of americans support access to ivf, making it less controversial politically. it's still appearing to present a challenge to congress reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. a smart home can still be simple with these easy and affordable devices that can help with your home's air quality signature scent and more in tech smart. >> plus, stephen curry and the
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nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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>> the golden state warriors continue their road success in
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the big apple last night against the knicks and kron. 4 sports director jason dumas has the highlights. >> the warriors have been playing some good basketball as of late. but they have a fair all that well against the top teams in the league. the knicks, they are guard good team. so on thursday it was a great litmus tests for the warriors on the road. and guess what? the dubs they aced it. the warriors looking for their 7th straight road win. they got off to a great start. 1st quarter dubs up 9 brandon, but jetski find the trailing steph curry. josh hart doesn't step up. he makes him paid up. started the game on a 14. nothing run. >> 2nd quarter warriors up 13. in my opinion. this was the best game of jonathan coming his career. he did it all offensive. lee and defensively. they're just way too big for the smaller jalen brunson and he lets him more from coming to dubs up 12 road defensive effort.
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>> francis, good but coming >> punches his shot. listen. hear it too. now on the ensuing inbounds, his former teammate dot davies. in he misses the shot coming skies. rebound finds staffed. all in one motion. that is poetry in motion. 4th quarter warriors lead cut to 7 coming this spins baseline right here office former teammate finishes through contact 3 point guard way. 25 points later on 8 point warriors lead staff put this one to bed. 31 points for the assassin. warriors win won't win. 99, they'll take on the raptors back to back is going to be tough. that is your look at sports. >> we're going to take another check of our forecast right now with a look here.
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>> a cough that just will not give up. i don't know what to do. it's like that. my friends are calling it the black long just like will not here's the san mateo bridge we've all had it. i got it. no worries. take water will be okay. take a live look outside everybody. mount tam boy, look at that wind and the rain that is there. but, >> you know, even the roads are just starting to get really slick. we have some of these little downpours are happening. you're taking a live look right now at the bay bridge. and you do see some of the, you know, wet on the roads. and as these downpours happened, this is going to be throughout the bay area today. they're also going to see this wind pick up and it's good to get a little wild tonight. already sitting at about 20 miles per hour right now, oakland, 23 in napa. sue probably feeling that if you head outside, we are under a wind advisory that is through 10:00am on saturday. we could see gusts up to 50 miles per hours. that's just part of this system that's tracking through. but of course, which you're probably noticing now is all the showers they're starting to roll through. we just had to go through the north bay and san francisco. we are so also are very engaged with the sierra right now that snow is falling very heavily. all of this being
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drawn in by our low pressure system that's still sitting right to the north and west of us. and it's going to be like this right through the weekend today. and tomorrow will be quite similar days. very cloudy skies out there right now as we take a live look at the golden gate bridge. you can see temperatures in the 50's. we're cooling it down a little bit today and into tomorrow. you're really going to do to saturday and sunday. those temperatures are going to get very chilly. let's talk about future cast here. here comes the next line of storms. you can see about 5 o'clock. i really think between 5 o'clock and 10 o'clock tonight, you do not want to be on the roads are going to see some of these that have potential become thunderstorms. 08:30pm, right there. this is midnight. you can see it sliding to the east bay and down into the south bay, staying very unsettled as we get1into saturday. so this is your saturday afternoon and you could be the one caught in the downpour, right? so that's the thing to remember. notice that cold air coming in also on saturday into sunday. that's when we could see a few of those snowflakes flying that are going to be at some of our peak say up in the north bay or maybe, you know, up parts of the east bay as well. so this is what we're
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looking at is going to be chilly. it's going to be rainy. it's not going to be a whole lot of fun, but we'll be done with it on monday. and then as we get into next week, we have a couple of chances of lighter showers tuesday and wednesday. back to you. thank you so much. smart products that can make you breathe a little bit easier. rich demuro takes a look at some of tke latest gadgets in today's tech smart. >> a smart home doesn't have to be a complicated home. here are 3 can help you breathe easier. starting with mila and air purifier with smart and a personality. i love how easy it is to set up and the variety of filters, whether you have a new baby or pets running around mila is set up, goes into auto magic mode. taking care of your air without a lot of a screen shows playful messages with updates on air quality or you can see complete details in most of the time. this is pretty quiet, but especially after you cook when these fans kickin it can get kind of clout. mila is $350 filter
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start at 59. and last 6 months, amazon's new echo hub puts you in control of your smart home. this is a tablet with an operating system dedicated to controlling smart home devices, something that used to cost a whole lot more back in the day. it can be mounted on a wall or placed on the counter with an accessory stand. it has support for various protocols, including zigbee sidewalk thread blue tooth and matter. it's going to work with a wide range of devices. alexa, turn on the office like? there is a voice control and the on-screen responsiveness is snappy. the home screen gives you fast access to your cameras, lights and alarm systems. plus, any routines you bill. it's $179. finally, if you want your home to small, great check out below 60. hilary duff helps guide the brand which makes a plug-in diffuser that uses
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100% natural sense. just pop in a capsule, choose low or high strength and take a deep breath. here's the cartridge. i've tried vanilla and grapefruit. baseball cleaning freshen. they last about 30 days. you can plug in vertical or horizontal. a starter kit runs $30 when you subscribe additional sense are $10. >> any of these gadgets go to my website. it is rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >> next at noon, what happens when a con door meets a snowman? we'll take a condor
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named inc had some fun as it inspected impact. a snowman made by the staff at the world bird sanctuary near st. louis. >> following a winter storm that dropped several inches of snow in the area. the world bird sanctuary posted this video of the conde or this week as the temperatures start to warm up. >> along with a photo of a bald eagle, they were sheltering from all that heavy snow under a gazebo and they wrote this with such warm temperatures. it's hard to believe that we had a bunch of snow about a week and half ago. so the condor, their looks look at that snow a little sus little pack in checking it out. participants at a yoga class in florida got quite the surprise about a dozen puppies joined them for some stretches and snuggles the dogs weave their way through the rows of yoga mat, stopping for an occasional scratch there. and they were not there just to spread
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cuteness. the animals are also available for adoption and looking for potential foster parents or forever homes. >> that's by, you know, getting the exposure percent to stanley getting the word out about bringing in potential fosters volunteers that can help helping to socialize the puppies so that they can move on to their forever home. >> downward dog. it's a whole new meaning right? and since this class started a year and a half ago, several participants have either adopted or fostered animals or have now volunteered with the shelter. marine researchers say they have discovered more than 100 new species and several previously unidentified seamounts during an expedition in the southeast pacific. just off the coast of chile. this happened in january and february. they used an underwater robot that is capable of reaching depths of just under 3 miles. researchers map the seafloor discovered 4 previously unknown. seamounts are
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underwater mountains. the scientists found that each scene mount hosted distinct ecosystems, many of which are vulnerable, including thriving deep-sea coral reefs and sponge gardens. a group of researchers encountered a frog with a mushroom attached to it. that's sprouting right out of it. this is from india. the frog was one of 40 rouse, intermediate golden back frogs that researchers encountered according a report that was just published in reptiles and amphibians and apply upon closer inspection, they noticed this mushroom. there it is sprouting right out from the site. the report said to the best of our knowledge, a mushroom sprouting from the flank of a live frog has never been documented before. very cool. all right. we're taking a look now at the new uniforms for the oakland ballers for this coming season. the bowlers posted these images on social media they did that
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this morning so they could give all the fans an idea of what they will be wearing on the diamond this year. so fans can preorder these jerseys at oakland ish dot com. we've got some. gold and green colors. interesting choice. kind of cool help pick out how pick out something new. a recent survey online has many men weighing in on their dating deal breakers. recently, a reddit thread posted the question. what is one compromise? you are not willing to make and the results kind of varied. some answers were pretty basic know, cheaters and whether or not they wanted kids was a factor. but then things got a little finicky with many men saying a spotty texting habits, intimacy issues and being an accepting of female friends. all issue. one man said he would not date a woman with a peanut allergy because he likes peanuts too much.
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that's it from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining just involved in. appreciate your time. i'll see you again during kron for news at 2, 3, we'll send things over to live in the bay. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant.
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a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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