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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  March 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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>> tonight at 5.30, we are taking another live look outside giving you look at the conditions out there. this is the richmond sandra fell bridge, as you can see, very, very slick roads this evening. >> chief meteorologist lawrence karnow with us now. lord, sir, for a time there tonight. this is the time where you need like the really fast wipers. yeah, no kidding. i mean, sometimes not fast enough. just coming down so hard. if you get a new one of these thunderstorms, boy, it can rain and rain really hard causing some problems out there on the roads. that's what we're seeing this evening along the coastline. we're seeing some bigger waves begin to move in. you can look closely, got a kite surfer out
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there enjoying that wind that is now picking up along the coastline will be an issue as we head through the evening hours. in fact, i'll show you more on that in just a moment. but yeah, we're looking for those waves to continue to build as the winds push that water up words. and here we go. maybe some 15 to 20 footers as we head throughout the day tomorrow, too. so be careful out there along the walks course. the storm system being generated out in the middle of the pacific and all that cold air coming in from the gulf of alaska. numerous thunderstorms rotating across state. we did have a tornado warning in the central valley for a brief time and that's what you can get with this cold, unstable air and these thunderstorms outside. you see some heavy rainfall in parts of the bay area. so the winds, yeah, they've been kicking around 2. we're seeing winds of 2030 plus miles an hour around the bay area. now they're going continue to ramp up as we head throughout the evening. in fact, we could see some 40 maybe some 55 mile an hour gusts along the coastline the ridge tops. but all those areas shaded brown under a high wind advisory as we head through the night tonight into
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the middle of the day tomorrow. all right, speaking winds here we go as we head through the night, those winds going to wrap up by 8 o'clock talking 40 plus mile an hour winds out along the coastline, maybe in the oakland hills area as well. and then as we head through the night after midnight, things will begin to calm down, but staying pretty blustery until then. and then throughout the day tomorrow, still be breezy on and off throughout the day. and if you get underneath one of those thunderstorms, you could be dealing with more wind. so head out the door tonight. kind of a wild night ahead. showers on and off the threat of some thunderstorms right on through the night. lawrence, thank you. responses to monday night's disruption of a public event by pro-palestinian protesters at uc berkeley. >> include calls for an investigation and heightened to campus security. the american jewish committee is calling for a criminal investigation now on uc berkeley following the protest against an israeli speaker monday night. kron four's gayle ong reports. >> on monday around 200 protesters broke through the doors of the zellerbach
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playhouse at uc berkeley where presentation was supposed to take place in the window was broken. people were called you. >> and then the speaker could not complete is his remarks. the campus police department says 4 reports were filed with allegations of assault and battery along with anti-semitic slurs. >> the speaker, israeli attorney and former member of the israeli defense force ran bar-yoshafat was evacuated on thursday. the american jewish committee which advocates for the well being of jewish people and the country of israel sent letters to alameda county district attorney pamela price and the department of justice, assistant attorney general for civil rights. kristen clarke calling for a criminal investigation on uc berkeley following monday night's protest art. >> position is that this is not ordinary college high jinx. this is a direct assault on the college as a place of free inquiry. and it therefore needs to be treated with greater seriousness. then
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excess of exuberance by college students the assistant vice chancellor of executive communications at uc berkeley says. >> there have been numerous similar events on campus since the hamas attack in israel on october 7. the start of the war in gaza. the question is why was this allowed to happen? >> and that that requires some explanation from university, which is not to say they're guilty of anything, but it requires an independent investigation. >> a statement from this week reads in part, quote, there have been dozens of protest demonstrations. panel, discussions, seminars, workshops related to the war in gaza until monday. not a single one had ever been disrupted. we understand we're in new territory now. we are already talking about what we need to do to change. so this never happens again. a spokesperson for the university says it has opened a formal craminal investigation. and has initiated its student code of conduct process. none of the alleged assailants have been identified. kron 4 also reached out to be a price and doj assistant attorney clark
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for comment on the latest call for action. we have not yet heard back gayle ong kron, 4 news. >> now to the latest out of the middle east. there are contesting narratives from israel and the palestinian health ministry about what exactly happened near gaza city that left at least 112 people dead and caused hundreds of injuries. palestinian officials say israeli forces opened fire on a crowd of people as they were waiting for food. the idf says gazans surrounded the aid trucks and as a result, dozens were killed because of pushing trampling and getting run over by the trucks. witnesses say many people were hurt because they were rammed by the age trucks that were moving fast, trying to escape israeli fire. in the report. obviously >> they're certainly alarming were very sad at the loss of innocent lives here. i mean, these are human beings that
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trying to feed themselves. too many civilians have been killed and israel's military operations that we continue to reiterate that civilian lives must be protected. >> right now, u.s. egyptian and qatari mediators are working to get a truce before march 10th when the muslim holy month of ramadan begins so far, israel and hamas are not in agreement on the terms. president biden says 8 incident adds urgency to the truce talks but will likely complicate negotiations. >> i was on the south pole. probably not hope. >> for your local election headquarters and today the time has turned a new uc berkeley poll on the race for the california u.s. senate seat now shows republican steve garvey in a statistical tie with democrat congressman adam schiff. and it garvey has 27% of the vote shift. 25%.
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that's within the margin of error. plus, or -2 percent. democratic congresswoman katie porter's in 3rd, 19%. democratic congresswoman barbara lee from oakland is next with 8% when it comes to the general election, though this poll asked people about that and in the general schiff would be garvey. 53% to 38%. remember the top 2 advance to the november election? so that's really what matters here. the poll included people who have already voted or who are considered likely to vote in tuesday's primary. and kron four's highlighting the top candidates in san francisco's mayoral race. one of those contenders is a philanthropist and air to levi strauss. kahn force stephanie lin sat down with candidate daniel lurie who says san francisco has a broken city hall. >> i'm asked the voters. do you really believe that someone who has helped create this system is the right person to change that culture, to fix that broken system.
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>> could a political outsider become san francisco's next mayor? it's the position daniel lurie hopes resonates with voters in a crowded race. and and the perception. >> that lawlessness is an acceptable part of life in san francisco. i have committed my life to issues of poverty. i believe that i understand what is at stake. >> a san francisco native and heir to the levi strauss fortune lurie founded the antipoverty nonprofit tipping point in 2005 raising hundreds of millions of dollars to fight homelessness in the bay area. we need to build more affordable housing. we have to get people job training and employment skills. he also served as chairman of the super bowl, 50 host committee working with local officials to bring millions in tourism and business dollars to the bay area. if you are elected mayor, what's the first issue you recruiting and retaining a police force? we were down 700 police officers. >> it's going to take us some
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time. no question about that. but we've got to give them tools to do their job. then we're going to be cleaning our streets. you're coming up off the overpasses. you come down 6 street. it's going to be pristine. the first image of san francisco and our visitors and our travelers are tourists come here has got to be a city that is clean and safe and 5 run. >> as for the city's fight against chronic homelessness. we still built enough shelter. pets. if you build enough shelter beds, which you could do in a matter of months. you offer some a shelter bed? stay on. take it. that's their right. but is not there right them to stay on the street. lori proposing a different strategy to stopping the city's revolving door of drug dealers. any first-time offenders must wear an ankle monitor. we can track people and once they are in. one of the climbers like the tenderloin or in soma. they would be subject to a search condition acknowledging electronic monitoring does not fall under the mayor's
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purview. you have the power of the this is not something you the mayor just decrees and it happens. and that's where my background comes we need to send a message to everybody, but you don't come here to deal drugs to do drugs. you come here during get the help that you need, but you cannot be on our streets. lurie promising a different approach to leading the city. one that starts, he says with accountability when something goes wrong in the city, it's going to be my fault. i'm it. take ownership. i'm tired of the finger-pointing. i think everybody else's as well in san francisco, stephanie lin kron, 4 news. >> supervisor aaron peskin has not officially launched his mayoral campaign, but sources tell kron 4 we could see that announcement as early as next week. supervisor peskin currently serves as the president of the san francisco board of supervisors and has been on the board on and off since the early 2. thousands. he is currently set to term out later this year. the last day to officially join the
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mayoral race is june. 11th, as we receive official word from supervisor peskin. we will keep you updated. >> east san jose leaders say their neighborhood is facing a shortage of voting locations ahead of tuesday's primary election. santa clara county supervisor cindy chavez, represents that area, says the main concern is that san jose has the highest number of people who are transit dependent. she added that constituents who contacted her office had specific areas in mind to add drop boxes and that she connected them directly with the santa clara county registrar of voters, county election workers say it's too late. now to add more voting centers for the primary. but they will take the feedback into account for november. earlier today we spoke to mayor matt mahan about the voting coverage planned for the election this tuesday. i think the important. >> message is that people have many options for voting by
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saying our county registrar to be very clear about their coverage planning to make sure that we are serving all neighborhoods in our city, all communities and that everyone has equal access to opportunities to vote. >> 100 voting centers will be open throughout santa clara county vote center. hours are 09:00am to 05:00pm this weekend. and on election day, all locations will be open from 7 in the morning until 8 o'clock at night. and a reminder, kron 4 is your election headquarters. join us on election day this tuesday for live results around the bay area up and down the state and across the country. we sure hope you join us. coverage begins at 08:00pm. >> republicans in the state legislature are demanding an ethics investigation amid a report suggesting one of governor gavin newsom's campaign donors inappropriately benefited from an exemption in the state's new fast-food minimum wage law. last year, newsom signed a law to increase the minimum wage up to $20 per hour at
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most fast food chains in california by april. 1st. but an exception was made specifically for quote, chains that baked bread and sell it as a stand-alone item. it was understood the exemption included panera bread fast forward to last week, a bloomberg article suggested the exemption was made because newsom don't or and panera bread. franchisee billionaire greg flynn who went to the same high school as new some expressed concern the minimum wage would hurt his business, including the 24 panera. bread franchises he owns across the state. republicans in the legislature sent attorney general rob bonta this letter now demanding an ethics investigation this afternoon bonta's office confirmed they received the letter but could not comment further at this time in response to all of newsom spokesperson did issue a statement which reads the governor never met with flynn about the bill and the story is absurd. our legal team has reviewed and it appears panera is not exempt from the law. as
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for flynn, he wrote in part, quote, at no time did i ask for an exemption or special considerations? in fact, the idea never even occurred to me. and i was surprised when the exemption appeared in the final legislation. >> still to come to know the county animal services. they say they're in dire need of help. how you can lead a head and snow that the shelters are maximum capacity. >> story tonight, we're continuing to track the rain. lawrence, has your final look up forecast when we return.
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>> breaking news in san francisco. look at this. for people have been injured after a tree fell on a car. this is at laguna and part of me golden gate avenues in the city's fillmore. roads are part of in the area. we do have a crew on the way to the scene. yeah, we've heard those winds. the rain has been roaring lourdes is here with another check of the forecast. not really surprising. unfortunately, large know we could see more trees coming down. in fact, i'm probably more than likely that we will as those winds are going to ramp up throughout the evening hours here until about midnight, i think pretty blustery around the bay area. so that rain has been coming down today and it's been coming down heavily in some spots. you get underneath one of these thunderstorms and a drop-goal lottery blaze. sfo. yeah. how about that? 166 minutes. >> as a longtime out there, oakland, you're looking good. san jose open and clear. lot of rain coming down 2 in spots over in inc, almost an inch and a 3rd and timber over to inch and the battle napa
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getting closer to an inch of rain over half an inch of rain in san francisco. just about a 3rd of an inch of rain in oakland and just under a quarter of an inch in san jose. but still a lot coming down. in fact, you can see the lightning strikes out there right now around the state. heavy snowfall continues in the sierra nevada, the bay area. yeah, we're seeing a lot of rain. in fact, another strong band storms now moving into san francisco. you can see those heavy bands now moving into the sunset. so if you live in those areas that check out those rain rates and that so that could be a thunderstorm right there. we're looking some rain rates over 2 inches per hour. so, you know, it is dumping there along the coastline into the sunset. she made her way into a downtown san francisco. yeah. get some rain rates of over an inch and a half per hour. that is a lot of rain that will cause some ponding out there on the roads. heavy rainfall now making its way in toward parts of the mountain view areas. well, you got to be careful out there. the commute is rough out there this evening. no getting around that. that rain coming down now los altos. also to palo alto in sunnyvale and the
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east bay is picking up some spotty rain showers to in some of that is also very, very heavy. that band of rain continue to make its way across parts of concord and martinez in the berkeley areas. well, in the north bay, more scattered showers but not as heavy. all right. we've got a long way to go with the storm system, of course, on the front come through yesterday that open the door, another front going to drop in bringing some much colder air. so tonight we start to talk about the possibility of some snow. in fact, i think it's likelihood, especially in the north bay valleys. you see here on the models to as the colors are going to begin to change overnight tonight. boy, this is a strong system coming through. that's a front that i was talking about as we head toward 8, 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock. a drive down a little further south in redwood city in concord. then as we head throughout the night, boy, just a rough night out there all around. then overnight. tonight we get into early tomorrow morning. the cold air begins to move in. there you see the peak. see that over the mountain tops that some of that snow begin to pop up around the bay area. so that's what we're looking at. we'll see some snow capped mountains around the bay area, especially waking up on sunday morning. also some very chilly temperatures. these are the highs for tomorrow 40's and
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some 50's. that is about it. maybe not record close cold but close showers on and off for at least the next 5 days and probably into next weekend as well as the next 5 days, 5 days on and off. this type of wind and this amount. >> no, today is kind of the next system is not going to be as cold, but tomorrow is going to be frigid and into sunday morning. this is all part of the same system. another storm arrives as we head into late monday and tuesday and then another one next weekend, too. so, yeah, they all have their little special, you know, powers law another storm after friday because friday looks lovely. yeah. get that little springfield again and then snapped right back. and when it does not back. yeah. on sunday looks like another pretty decent storm coming our way. we're not joking. no, i mean, boy, as said, march was going to march man, al, right. thanks >> sonoma county animal services are asking the community for help and fostering or adopting dogs. officials say all the kennels are bursting at the seams with
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180 dogs, including 46 puppies. today we spoke to the shelter director about how the community can help these animals. >> we're asking the community to to come out help us to move these animals to new homes and give them a break from the would really help us out to the lower our population and be able to say even work with more animals. as we move through the day. >> the shelter director says the overcrowded shelter is due in part to a recent cruelty case where they took in more than 30 animals. if you decide to help foster one of these dogs, the shelter will provide food dog beds of veterinary care and anything else you may need. >> ballers, here's what ball is jersey. we're taking our first look at the new uniforms for the oakland ballers this upcoming season. the team posted these images on its social pages this morning trying to fans a taste of what they'll be wearing on the
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diamond. would you can wear in the stands cheering them on are just walking around town being a baller. fans can preorder jerseys at oakland dish dot com. >> well, it looks like shot and steph curry are growing their little home team. the a cookbook author and golden state warriors superstar. are expecting their 4th child. she shared the news in a cover story for sweet july magazine. that's the publication she founded. she posed in several different photos showing off the new baby bump that who are already parents to daughters riley and ryan and son cannon. so congratulations to the currys indeed. actress awkwafina known for her roles in crazy rich asians and marvels shang chi stars in the upcoming kung fu panda for as a quick witted. fox named jen kron four's stephanie lynn caught up with the actress during recent stop in san francisco. >> it's a franchise that i really loved i grew up watching comes up and i love the world that it lives in.
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jack black is so funny in it. and so to be a part of it is was was just really surreal and tell us a bit about the character that you play as well as you find any related to the character at just nice. nice second or 3rd. pick pocket. >> so summit, i don't know. pickpocket, but yeah, i do relate to her in her her own feelings of outside ernest her own, you know, kind of like inner debate, unlike what is the right way to love and and who who she is. can tell us a bit about that outside state you've personally experienced your life and you brought that into the character. >> i think all modern day woman kind of do feel degrees of that. we have rely on a on a devices and we then have to choose, you know, like are working for what? what makes us loved giving advice when it comes to developing resilience in our allies. yes, i mean, one thing that's helped
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throughout my entire career was thing that my my grandma said, which basically life is a series ups and downs, one can really exist. kind like the gravitational force you >> got to the style without ever hitting the ground after. i think that that's that is you can understand that about life, that it's not always, you know, the best rate and then and then at your lowest. it's not you want stay there for long either. >> pretty cool. that was stephanie lin reporting come fu panda 4 kicks off in theaters starting march. 8th. >> coming up next on kron, news at 5 new babies born all across the bay area yesterday. why little ones are so special
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>> tonight, we're continuing to celebrate those brand new leap year there's a couple of them that we have pictures of one born in antioch, the other and redwood city. today we spoke to parents of a this newly playing. >> yeah, feels very, very just to have, you know, healthy baby, all. the more special that because such a fun birthday. >> a lot of them didn't have names just yet when we s poke them but all healthy and happy. these babies won't technically celebrate another birthday for 4 more years. the chances of being born a leapling are one in 1461. all of the babies born in the bay area yesterday beat those odds. so congratulations to those parents and families
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happy and healthy medical birthday.gall right. that wraps up kron 4 news at 5. a lot more ahead kron. 4 news at 6. the king of the office is coming around the corner. >> be right back. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. we begin now with breaking news and that breaking news now in san francisco. 4 people are injured. >> after a tree falls on a car, fire fighters are on the scene right now. there to laguna and golden gate avenues in the city's


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