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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  March 1, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we begin now with breaking news and that breaking news now in san francisco. 4 people are injured. >> after a tree falls on a car, fire fighters are on the scene right now. there to laguna and golden gate avenues in the city's fillmore
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district. roads are closed in this area. we do have a crew that's on the way to the scene. thanks so much for joining us, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis and i'm grant lotus. you just hope those people are not going to be hurt too badly. but it could be dangerous out there. it's wet. it's windy around the bay area. the snow is just going nuts in the sierra and the worst of it they say is yet to come. here's a live look outside. >> right now and you can see ominous skies above. >> our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joins us now with a look at this storm. it's a. >> meanwhile, yeah, it's with it out there in spots. we're seeing some of that cold, very unstable air beginning to come in now on. so we're getting these thunderstorms start to pop up. so you get underneath one of those. you can see some strong downdraft, some very gusty winds and of course, some heavy rain to go along with that, too. here's a live look look for the east bay back out over the bay. you see the dark clouds up above has been raining on everybody. but everybody will eventually get some rain. you can see the
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showers begin to push in especially the afternoon things getting a little more active. you get that sunshine little meeting between those clouds that gives rise to some of those thunderstorms that be have seen. some lightning strikes right here in the bay area. here's where we sit right now. we just had a strike in the north bay. you can see that lightning both there near santa rosa, the heavier storms continuing to rotate in now. and some of those bands moving through bringing some gusty winds to go along with that. fact, we're looking at some gusts near the coastline of 20 and 30 plus miles per hour. those winds we'll continue to ramp upufor the next couple of hours. in fact, i think we may see some guests some gusts, get closer to 50. maybe 55 miles an hour. if you get underneath one of those thunderstorms. but the areas shaded in brown there, they all under a high wind advisory that is continuing until 10 o'clock in the morning on saturday. that's when those winds will finally begin to subside. but between now and then, yeah, it's going to be whipping out there. here we are just after 8 o'clock in the evening, the forecast look at all the areas shaded in purple. those areas with the
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wind gust of 40 plus miles an hour. that's a lot of the bay area. so we certainly expect to see more trees coming down as we head throughout the night tonight after midnight tonight, even though will be blustery. things will start to calm down a little bit. winds still whipping someone along the coastline. but i think opthings calm down as we head toward the middle of the day tomorrow, all that being said, we are far from done with this storm system. one front coming through again tonight, bringing with it some very cold air, in fact, get ready. we're likely to see some snow on our mountains. look up to the mountains on sunday morning. may see a lot of white stuff remain. the top of the bay area. well, wolf, there's some snow in the bay. there's a lot in the sierra and yeah, the blizzard is really ramping up in the high country as we speak. it started yesterday. travel on freeways, almost impossible at this point. in fact, they just shut down 80 right now, only cars with four-wheel drive and snow tires and chains are allowed to cross highway 50 into south lake tahoe. you just don't want to be there right now. no, no kron four's.
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rob nesbitt spoke with the chp and caltrans about the roads. he joins us now live in studio with more. >> how they're being impacted by the blizzard brought the king grant anyone trying to go up to lake tahoe, had a similar experience is yesterday's drivers. heavy snow and whiteout conditions have caused chain controls on most of the highways. >> for the most part, though, the public is taking expert advice and staying home. interstate 80 look more like a parking lot friday with heavy snow and high winds bringing traffic to a standstill. chp officer in the truckee area. chris patton says if you are stuck in traffic, chances are vehicle ahead of you needed help getting out of the snow that's really ramping up today. we've had a closures on the been holding traffic a few times for several incidents that have happened on the freeway. >> multiple spinouts chain controls in full effect as heavy winds caused whiteout conditions. no injuries reported to chp in large part because of caltrans having all hands on deck to clear the roads. jeremy lender with caltrans says there's a noticeable difference of
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drivers staying off the roads on day 2 of the storm and many who brave the elements were not so lucky. and we did several loops around the kingsville area. >> and notice quite a few either trucks along the snowbank getting stopped needing assistance to get that traction back up to get up and over the summit. state road crews staying busy as well as local public works. according to truckee mayor david pahlavi were running at at full-capacity 100% and so far so good. roads are clear people are able to get around if they need ski resorts, including palisades and alpine closed for the day because of blizzard conditions. mayor polity also owns the retail stores. talk out in sports and talk about in life, not many customers to help, though, during what's been the biggest blizzard of the year. they're definitely hunkering down. it's it's pretty quiet here in the star right now. we haven't seen too many customers today were, in fact, probably get a close up a little early today. >> chp does not want anyone on the roads during the blizzard but had some advice for those
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who do have to be out. officer pat says to stick to the major highways. even there's a backup of traffic because your gps will oftentimes try to reroute you guys too. >> a different secondary roads. often a good idea, though, because they're not cleared as well as the major highways. good advice. this is a serious situation. it is. you can see free behind me. you know, that's that's everywhere. you see flashing lights, emergency crews and says it's intense. you just hope these people have a ton of warm gear and food and water. yeah, because if if you're in that situation, you really just have no idea how long? yeah, a lot of electric vehicles nowadays. so if your battery dies in your heat's not on, you're going to want up like for sure. just be prepared. basically. that's number one advice from all that. don't do thanks for best all right, rob. well, this massive storm is certainly. it's going to be great once all is said and done and the resorts can have people enjoy all the fresh powder. but in the meantime, >> you know, these workers are
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really struggling to try to keep lifts open. a lot of resorts had to close down. we talk to amy or hand though north stars vp and gm and she says they've been able to keep at least some lifts o tsnow has close other lifts, though, she says in these vital circumstances, you really have to be careful. >> great to see a lot of snow. it definitely a lot of storm recovery. we're going to be in storm recovery mode for the next couple of days. and, you know, while we we love to see power and we love get our mountain open, there's going to be some delays. i think really important that our guests and our visitors just are really well prepared. i'm paying attention to the road conditions being prepared to take more time to arrive and then also at here at the
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resort, it's going to take a little bit to get everything open as recover sent from such strong snowfall over the next few days. >> she encourages everyone to pay close attention to caltrans alerts for road access issues. and she says that the resort they're constantly updating their web site to make sure everyone is up-to-date as possible with accurate info. but she stresses everyone in the know stresses this storm is wildly unpredictable, at least so far. >> other news tonight, governor newsom releasing a new plan to improve oakland streets. the caltrans 10 point action plan. it outlines a strategy to support the city and improving street safety and beautification. the planned highlight efforts to install safety cameras intensified maintenance address, encampment issues, host, local hiring events, conduct cleanups, increased litter reduction and focus on beautification projects. today's announcement builds on the state's 14.3 billion dollar project that we'll
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build. 41 for project home. key in downtown oakland and newsom's deployment of 120 chp officers to the city tasked with helping a law enforcement crackdown on crime. there. >> supervisor aaron peskin has not officially launched his mayoral campaign, but sources tell kron 4 we could see the official announcement as early as next week. supervisor peskin currently serves as the president of san francisco's board of supervisors and has been on the board on and off since the early 2. thousands, but he's currently set to term out later this year. if he does officially joined the race, he would be joining incumbent mayor london breed. fellow supervisor ahsha safa, philanthropist, daniel lurie and former san francisco interim mayor and supervisor mark farrell the last day to officially join the mayoral race is june 11th. as we get more official word from peskin will be sure to keep you updated.
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>> he said jose leaders say their neighborhood is facing a shortage of voting locations for tuesday's primary election. santa clara county oupervisor cindy chavez, who represents that area, says the main concern now is that east san jose has the highest level of people who are transit dependent. she adds that a constituent who contacted her office said specific areas in mind to ed ballot drop boxes and that she connected them directly with the santa clara county registrar of voters. county election workers say that it's too late to add more voting centers for the primary but will account to take that into account. all that in november. earlier today we spoke with mayor matt mahan on the voting coverage plan for the upcoming election on tuesday. >> message is that people have many options for voting by seeing our county registrar to be very clear about their coverage planning to make sure
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that we are serving all neighborhoods in our city. all communities and that everyone has equal access to opportunities to vote. tomorrow. more than 100 voting centers are going to be open throughout the county vote center. hours at 09:00am to 05:00pm this weekend. and on election day. >> all locations will be open from 07:00am to 08:00pm. and a reminder. kron 4 is your election headquarters. joining us on election day tuesday, march 5th for live electiod results from around the bay coverage kicks off at 08:00pm. >> up, you can expect to see waymo. >> way more. that is driverless cars around the bay area. the new expansion just announced and heightened security at uc berkeley tonight as calls for an investigation get louder following a protest on monday. >> yeah, we're tracking the next round of rain right after next round of rain right after the break.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate
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over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. what do i see in peter dixon? with democrat katie porter. i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> don't really like being out in the weather but, you know, we have places to go things to do. so that birthday party to go to for my kids. so some girl scout cookies just hunker down. >> hey, life's busy all around the bay. people spent the afternoon doing what they have to do it, sir, you know, bit overcast, rainy at times. it's a little sun, but times been downpours. we're really ramping up with this storm. a different story, though. once you talk about the sierra, it has been snowing and it's getting more and more intense there. we're taking this live look right now at highway 50. that's near south.
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>> lake tahoe, this storm is is really ferocious. yeah, especially in the high country. this is going to be one of that. epic proportions is they've seen some gusts get this today over 150 miles an hour the mountaintops there around lake tahoe. so give you an idea of just the strength of this storm system pushing in the bay area now headed up the mountains and this is mount tam. >> and it's going pretty ferocious up there. the winds you see that he's whipping around there right now, blowing the trees around. it's just been like that around the bay area today. and so we have seen some trees coming down. the winds likely to really pick up as we head into the next couple of hours. rainfall depending where you're at, you got dumped on in some parts of bay area, almost an inch and a 3rd in tehran. the battle over an inch of rain nap almost an inch over half an inch in san francisco, oakland, just about a quarter of an inch in just under that in san jose. temperatures out the door. much cooler outside. only 51 right now live more. remember just a couple days ago, they're in the upper 60's. some low 70's. so things have really changed is back to
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winter. we go this storm system. very interesting. i see these cold speckle clouds coming in and that is going to produce a very unstable air here in the bay area. and that's what we're seeing right now. in fact, this last hour, we just had another lightning strike pop-up, this one coming in the east bay. but you see the storms moving on shore. some of those likely some thunderstorms. in fact, one of those near the oakland area you see that spot right there. that is a thunderstorm tower. looks like that may have collapsed a little bit, but he's now pushing eastward. you can see the martinez, some of those areas. some could be affected by some of very heavy rainfall as that storm continues to move in that direction. still as we head through the night tonight, we can expect more stormy weather on the way that rain is going to be on and off throughout the night tonight. and i think after midnight. yeah, that's kind of that magic time. the temperatures begin to drop. you've got that kind. a couple of breaks in some of the clouds and all of a sudden get that cold air behind this front. get a little snow developing around the bay area around 2000 feet or so ensure purpose, especially just kind of fun to see at the i think tomorrow morning if we get a little break in may see some of that in the north bay and
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then a better chance to see it maybe on sunday morning, all the way to the south bay to all right. so up. yeah, because want to play in the snow. no joke. yeah. you think blow? i think bulls got a really good challenge. chance mount hamilton, saint helene, upwards you on the north bay, get some of those mountains are up above 2000 feet. i think maybe as much as one, maybe 3 inches of snow if we're lucky definitely oven likely get a couple batches as you get the coastline along the coastline. you know, sometimes the temperatures just aren't quite warm enough because you're right near the ocean waters. but i wouldn't be surprised if they saw dusting up on mount tam, too. so don't feel bad if you can't make it up to the sierra. just stick around here. safer around the bay area all right. >> well, several candidates for oakland police chief, they spent last night fielding questions from residents about why they want the job. the oakland police commission set up the public form before
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sending a list finalist to mayor sheng thao today. our our first noelle bellow joins us now live in studio to explain where things stand with the latest round of candidates. noelle, thank you. that's the big question last night. the questions asked of the 4 candidates were pre screened by the oakland police commission's police chief search committee. >> those 4 are the same names on the shortlist set to the mayor today. ty are new york city'ssstant deputy mayor for public safety. loui molina, along with former lubbock, texas police chief floyd mitchell, cincinnati, ohio's assistant police chief lisa davis and former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen l have the chance to speak last night iting their goals for the first 100 days and plans to build community trust and transparency. >> i lead by example, i'm a person of unimpeachable integrity. strong principles and i always do the right honest. and i'm just and then
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this day in the importance of not always having the police first, a type of response, 2 issues related to public health. well of the drivers that may be driving someone to be justice involved and how we can divert those populations to better resources and that come away from the criminal justice system. >> i believe from a constitutional standpoint and a cultural standpoint, it's just making sure that you said clear lines in the same of what will be tolerated but won't be tolerated. and you have a problem processes and policies or procedures in place to follow up with that. >> there are 2 passes. they'll tap. whrt are expectations that process and procedures are per staff directly? and if they're there handle on a daily basis. >> notably absent from last night's meeting was mayor sheng thao. she does have final say in the hiring of a chief. the oakland mayor says she skipped last night's
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meeting because she believes the process candidates are being put through doesn't work. thao also says the police commission is keeping her from seeing all of the candidates who have applied. they're only providing her with shorter list of selected candidates. the police search committee says there finalists was submitted to the mayor today. kron 4 has those are the same for candidates who appeared last night. we just confirmed that mayor thao can now choose to interview those finalists or reject them, which would require the police commission to provide yet another list. she already did that a couple of months back. so we'll have to wait and see what her move as this time. i'll send it back to you guys. all right, noelle, thanks for that. waymo has received the ok to expand its operation. >> outside the city limits of san francisco, the california public utilities commission has approved waymo's planned expansion as far south as sunnyvale and to parts of los angeles. the driverless taxi
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service had already received approval from the dmv. various jurisdictions, including san mateo county, had opposed the expansion and felt these decisions should be left up to local government and not to state agencies. a bill introduced by san jose state senator dave cortez. he would put those decisions back at hands of local lawmakers. but it's unlikely that the bill would be voted on before the fall. this is not mean that waymo cars will be showing up at san francisco international airport any time soon. that requires a special permit and approval from as fl. >> elon musk is suing the company behind chatgpt and its ceo for breach of contract. musk filed the complaint yesterday. it says sam altman in openai diverge from the original nonprofit mission of benefiting humanity by partnering with microsoft for 13 billion dollars. musk also claims openai is keeping its newest code for ai products. a
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secret musk wants a jury trial and he wants openai to pay back profits it received from the business musk co-founded openai in 2015 he left and has since formed his own ai company. >> republicans in the state legislature are demanding an ethics investigation amid a report suggesting one of governor newsom's campaign donors inappropriately benefited from an exemption in the state's new fast food minimum wage last year, newsom signed a law to increase the minimum wage to $20 per hour at most fast food chains in california come april first. but exception was made specifically for change the bake bread and sell it as a stand-alone item. it was understood that exemption included panera bread fast forward to last week. a bloomberg article suggested the exemption was made because donor and panera bread. franchisee a billionaire greg flynn going to the same high school as new some expressed
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concern the new minimum wage would hurt flynn's business, including the 24 panera bread franchises he owns across the state. well, republicans in the legislature sent attorney general rob bonta this letter demanding an ethics investigation. and this afternoon bonta's office confirmed to us that they received the letter but could not comment further at this time in response to all of newsom spokesperson issued this statement. the governor met never met with flynn about this bill. and this story is absurd. our legal team has reviewed and it appears panera is not exempt from the law. as for flynn, he wrote in part at no time. did i ask for an exemption or special considerations? in fact, the idea never even occurred to me. and i was surprised when the exemption appeared in the final legislation. >> the cdc is changing its recommendations about when someone who is positive for covid should stay isolated. tonight kron four's dan kerman spoke to experts about what it
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all means for the last several years. testing positive for covid-19 men staying out of the officer school. now, that's not necessarily required the centers for disease control says those who test positive for covid-19 no longer have to isolate for 5 days. they say if you test positive, but your symptoms are mild in improving and you're fever-free for 24 hours. you can return to work or school, but some things are changing and what's not changing is that. regardless of when you're positive, you need to continue to wear masks. >> unless you can demonstrate you have a negative test that 10 day period is up. >> ucsf, infectious disease specialist doctor peter chin-hong says the cdc's new guidance puts the rest of the country in line with changes. california made at the beginning of the year. but the cdc's new covid isolation protocols also mean there's a greater risk. people could become exposed if you're not a
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risk for. >> getting covid in every a complication from it. the responsibility used that you have to be a little more cautious. the corruption were before, because you you know, people around you careful. >> uc berkeley, infectious disease specialist doctor john swartzberg says those 65 and older or immunocompromised should consider masking in crowded indoor settings and should definitely make sure they're up to date on the vaccine. >> side and that only 40% of those who are older than 65 have gotten the formulation of the covid, the vaccine. and i think we need to do better. >> also this week, the cdc announced those 65 and older should get a second dose of the updated covid vaccine 4 to 6 months after the first one. experts say this makes sense support a high-risk group. >> take advantage of the fact that we got this vaccine for you. been at least us,
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perfectly 6 that of 4 words since your last updated vaccine, give you protection. >> dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> so to be a part of it is was was just really surreal and cold. >> tonight in a one-on-one sit-down with our stephanie lin actress awkwafina reflects on her role and cold food panda 4, how she connected with their new character.
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>> actress awkwafina known for her roles in crazy rich asians and marvel's shang. chi stars in the upcoming kung fu panda
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for as a quick witted. fox named. >> quiet town for stephanie lin caught up with the actress during a recent stop in san francisco. >> it's a franchise that i really loved i grew up watching comes up and i love the world that it lives in. jack black is so funny in it. and so to be a part of it is was was just really surreal and tell us a bit about the character that you play as well as you find any related to the character at just nice. nice second or 3rd. pick pocket. >> so summit, i don't know. i like it in the but yeah, i do relate to her in her own feelings of outside ernest her own, you know, kind of like inner debate, unlike what is the right way to love and and who who she is. can tell us a bit about that outside state you've personally experienced in your life and you brought that into the character.
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>> i think all modern day woman kind of do feel degrees of that. we have rely on a on a on devices and we then have to choose, you know, like working for what what makes us loved giving advice when it comes to developing resilience in our allies. yes, i mean, one thing that's helped throughout my entire career was thing that my my grandma said, which basically life is a series ups and downs, one can really exist. kind like the gravitational force you >> got to the style without ever hitting the ground after. i think that that's that is if if you can understand that about life, that it's not always, you know, the best rate and then and then at your lowest. it's not you want stay there for long either. >> well, we've got a lot of activity around the bay area and a ton of snow, danger


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