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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  March 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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>> news station, this is. 11. >> now at 11, the bay area is getting drenched. tonight is a powerful storm system moves across our region and it is not even close to being over yet. good evening. thanks for being with us tonight on kron. 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus tonight's rain is just the start of a wet weekend that could bring, you know, snow even to the bay area. some of the highest peaks. yeah, it's a cold system. and for more on what is in store, let's go straight to chief meteorologist lawrence karnow. lawrence, it's pretty intense here. but this year is just yeah, boy, it really been coming down the high country. now we may get a little snow
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here, but >> we've been getting wet now starting to get on the wild side here in the bay area. thunderstorms erupting along the peninsula just had a strike in the south bay. so if you thought you heard the rumble of thunder, you likely did been roughed out there on the roads. numerous spinouts there, too. all of this coming down, this polar express, this cold, unstable air wrapping itself in and moving on shore. numerous thunderstorms popping up around the state and we even had reports of a tornado on the central valley. lightning strikes moving in along the peninsula. the continuing to come down in spots and you really have these pockets, some heavy amounts of rainfall. you see a lightning strike near morgan hill there. some heavy rain and more cells moving in along the peninsula to some of those cells rotating on through. and now the heavy rain coming down. the possibility of some quick rises on streams and creeks there specially out on the roads. dangerous out there. some ponding on the roadways in towards san jose. so flood advisories are up until about 1 o'clock tonight. be careful if you're headed outside. i learned so the wet
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weather is certainly affecting folks across the region tonight. but not stopping everybody. kron four's amanda hari reports from the east bay. now without folks there handle the stormy friday. >> the rain has been coming down here throughout the night. despite that the parking lot here at the veranda is filled with cars. people quickly running from their car to the movie theater and to the restaurants, just trying to stay dry. rain hitting the east bay hard friday night. >> in danville, a tree fell across the eastbound lanes of sycamore valley road between brookside and morning home. >> temporarily shutting down the street north of danville in concord. people were trying to escape the rain and traffic at the veranda shopping center as she came there fell and i came from brentwood. and when i was coming, i had to go like 30 on the freeway because it was just crazy. and then the way you can stand your lanes. everybody's like swerving all over jennifer plumber and brittany brewer were eating dinner at yard house after
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dave car shopping. >> in the rain, we want to make sure it handles well. >> it breaks well and everything checks driving more cautious because of the rain. get on a groom. stephanie sand says her weekend plans changed because of the dreary forecast. we when indoor climbing, they close taco and want to go snowboarding, but he decided not to because they closed today because there's too much snow out there. yeah. so he was where they were worried about safety and avalanches. what not so. >> that's pretty crazy. she says she'll spend the rest of the wet weekend checking in on her yard and garden to make sure the weather isn't causing damage. the last storm that we had a bit ago, really not a lot of trees over destroyed a lot of staff. >> we have a lot of terrible when you're already. so it's kind of been a rough when that happens. you know, i got to go double check everything. >> i would have had a greenhouse just blowing on me. the rain is expected to
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continue throughout the night. >> local officials want people to be careful when they're out on the roadways in concord. amanda hari kron, 4 news. >> all right. today's rain and wind really wreaked havoc across parts of the bay. 4 people were injured when those big old tree fell onto a car. they were in in san francisco. that was just before 6 tonight came down at laguna and golden gate avenues in the city's fillmore. firefighters say all 4 people injured were taken to the hospital. but fortunately, none of the injuries is life-threatening. and your saratoga, a mudslide tonight on highway 9. another one for that area. the mud came down between sanborn road and redwood gulch. that stretch of highway 90 is closed again tonight. caltrans says it will remain so until they can get all that debris cleared from the road and power outages have started around the bay area. more than 23,000 pge customers were without power
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in certain parts of the north bay. you see on the peninsula here. this is near the burlingame millbrae area that orange indicates between 505,000 customers are without power. so a trouble spot there you go to pleasant hill, walnut creek, you have a couple hot spots there with many 1000 customers in the dark tonight and then up in the north bay. here's a problem area in sebastopol where you have a cluster of folks who are without power and still a long way to go storm. so hopefully pg unique and get folks back online. but they figure to have their hands for this weekend. wet and windy weather. certainly not ideal for thieves for girl scouts but hey, appreciate the hustle, right? we've got to we've got to give them the a thumbs up for that. and then julianne were out in campbell tonight trying to sell the cookies. they got a little creative, though, to protect themselves and their goods. >> and the cause if it starts
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raining the girl scout cookies what they get french. we want to the we put them in the bag so they wouldn't get wet. and then we also have them in the boxes over here lacking. >> but so they have a plan. nobody wants soggy thin mensa, especially from rain water. despite the extra efforts, though, they said sales weren't great. rainy night. not a lot of people out the girls. so they only sold about 30 boxes today. but hey. 30 boxes, they would have sold if they just stayed at home. you can stay up to date with the storm online at home wherever you are. by scanning the qr code there that will take you to kron 4 dot com where you can stay up to speed on road closures. we have live radar, current conditions the 7 day. everything you need there on kron 4 dot com. waymo's
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driverless robo taxis could soon be traveling up and down the peninsula. state regulators approved the expansion today despite some pushback from local leaders. the concern has been over safety and a lack of input from local governments. kron four's. dan thorn joins us now in studio with more on this >> grant, the approval to expand was a bit of a surprise move by the california public utilities commission. considering a week ago they said they were going to need some more time to think about it. the cpu sees delay was expected to last at least 4 months, but after giving the head the thumbs up today, waymo was now going operate in san mateo county and in parts of santa clara county. and the move is actually jolting some local leaders. waymo gets its wish to expand operations outside of san francisco. >> the california public utilities commission joining the dmv friday in allowing the driverless robotaxi service to move on to the peninsula. we've seen the circus of what's happened in san francisco. what i'm afraid of
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>> is that they're going to bring the circus. to san mateo county. >> san mateo county supervisor david kind has been protesting the expansion. he says waymo has not communicated enough with the communities. they will be operating in. he's also worried about the safety of the driverless tech. and i'm not against the technology. i just don't think not only is ready. >> for primetime, san jose state senator dave cortez. he has introduced a bill allowing cities and counties to have more control over autonomous vehicles. he says there should be a hybrid approach between the state and local governments. motor vehicles in california always been cool, regulated, but local governments to sue sets up or speed limit. so its use sub-sea pros to schools. >> that's who decides whether or not we have one-way streets two-way streets. senator court as he echoed kind of his concerns about safety. >> he says waymo might be celebrating now, but this expansion could be a disaster. >> sadly. >> it's just a matter of time
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before we see more tragedy, lives are at stake, especially with these vehicles. >> on the social media site acts, waymo said they're grateful for the cpc's approval and for the support of their riders. the expansion also includes the launching of waymo in los angeles county. it's important to note that despite the expansion into san mateo county, waymo cars are not going to be showing up at sfo just yet. and that's because there's going to need to be and approval of a special permit. and then the approval from the airport grant. all right. wait for that. thank you, dan. >> and ongoing partnership with the governor's office. that is how in her social media post oakland mayor sheng thao is describing governor newsom's latest plan to address the issues affecting that city. the latest effort is a 10 point action plan from caltrans. it outlines a strategy to support the city by improving street safety and beautification. the planned highlight efforts to install security cameras intensified
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maintenance, address, encampment issues, host, local hiring events, conduct cleanups increase litter reduction and focus on beautification projects. councilmember dan kalb says these are not a brand new ideas. some of been ongoing for years, but he says if the state can come in and bolster some of these efforts, he's all for. >> the help we can get from the state that you know, the open is not an island and we've always as many as most cities have. you always have interaction within some reliance on federal and state assistance to do different things. that's nothing unusual. and we just a little more assistance than we normally would otherwise here. the state is stepping up to kind of step up, the things they've already been doing and to add new things into that. and that's that's a good plan. >> as we've previously reported, the state has already started investing resources to improve life in oakland. that includes newsom's recent deployment of
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120 chp officers to the city. the officers have been tasked with helping law enforcement crackdown on crime. and according to the governor's office, a recent surge resulted in the arrest of 71 people. the recovery 145 stolen vehicles and the seizure of 4 crime linked guns. as far as this caltrans effort goes, supervisor called says he's hoping it means that projects that they have for fast tracked and don't kind of drag on. >> up next, a protest gone wrong at uc berkeley. why community members are calling for a criminal investigation. >> plus, the cdc announces new protocols for covid when they're suggesting people can leave the home when they're still not 100%. plus, when we conditions in the sierra tonight as drivers, many of are stuck on i-80.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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80 is closed in both directions through this year because of near whiteout conditions. this is a live look. >> interstate i-80 near donner lake caltrans shut the freeway down around 6 o'clock tonight. and you have these conditions, you have truck drivers just stranded on the side of the road because, you know, there's nowhere to they're trying to get people off at overpasses and what not turning around to go back down the mountain. but it is tough. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is with us now.
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lawrence. yeah, i've worked in this market for 13 years. i can't remember any forecast of 10 to 12 feet. yeah, doesn't it doesn't happen very often. this is one of those extreme conditions. and so if you are headed up there and you've got stuck in that, well, you may be trapped there for a while. there's a long way to go with this storm system. it is really going to be coming down some cases, maybe 2 inches, maybe to 4 inches per hour. >> that starts to add up. and you can imagine if your car's parked alongside the road not going to take too long, but for the morning and boy, that is going to be piling up on top your car. so here we go. you got 80 got 50. you can see all the snow that has been coming down and really just hammering the sierra nevada reports of gusts over 150 miles per hour across some of the higher ski resorts there. and well, that's what you can expect to see in this kind of storm. that's what makes it so dangerous. you've got not only the heavy snow, but you've got those strong, gusty winds. so you're going to see whiteout conditions in the high country. blizzard warnings to remain up until sunday and
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expecting that to be pretty rough throughout that period has very heavy snow going to fall across the sierra nevada and avalanche warning now has been posted for the back country and the greater lake tahoe area there. you're going to see that snow piling up across some of the mountain peaks with that wind and very dangerous conditions possible avalanches could be triggered rain wind around the bay area for tonight. mountain snow going to be moving in here after midnight tonight. cold showers tomorrow. the possibility of more isolated thunderstorms and then sunday probably start to see things wind down a bit. but still a chance of a few scattered showers. and of course, with all that wind out over the open waters, we're seeing some big time waves along the coastline. a high surf advisory in effect for tomorrow. maybe some 20 footers moving in along the coastline. the winds likely to diminish a little bit overnight tonight. but underneath some of these thunderstorms will you can just to get about anything out there. you see the scattered showers popping up right now. some of those cells moving on through. you see that train of moisture just off the coastline here. more on the way right here through mount
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view. so flood advisories in effect across the south bay. that's how it's going to come going to come in waves throughout the night tonight and tomorrow to it's going to be on and off. i think you may get a brief break in the morning hours, but look at the temperatures out there this why we're talking about the possibility of snow highs in the 40's and the 50's and that is it for march day very unusually cold. so mount snow real likely that overnight tonight starting out the north bay and spreading southward. so look up toward mountains, especially on sunday. i think you're going to see some snow capped peaks around the bay area last weekend. yeah. oh, my gosh. says the fire was yeah. like good. and now we're bright back in the thick of winter. again. looks like it's going to stick around for a while to sure does act. thanks a san francisco's mayor says there are fewer tense out there. according to a new report by the city tents occupied by the unhoused fell by 37% in the last quarter. >> and the number of cars being lived in dropped by 42%. the mayor says encampment teams helped place 1500 people
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into shelters last year and got 3,000 people off the streets altogether. last week, a lawsuit against the san francisco, the city over homeless sweeps was put on hold. the american jewish committee is calling for a criminal investigation into uc berkeley following a pro-palestine protest. the committee sent a letter to district attorney pamela price. and kristen clarke, they're arguing that monday's protest is not a normal protests after 200 demonstrators broke through the doors of zella buck playhouse. today we spoke with the chief legal officer of the committee who says he has lots of questions for uc berkeley. is why was this allowed to happen? >> and that that requires some explanation from university, which is not to say they're guilty of anything, but it requires an independent investigation. >> in a statement uc berkeley's vice chancellor says there have been dozens of
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protests, panels and seminars and until monday, not a single one had ever been disrupted. we're already talking about what we need to do to change. so this never happens again. the cdc guidance for people who test for covid is changing. the agency says they no longer these folks know to isolate for 5 days. if they only have mild symptoms and do not have a fever. the new guidance puts the rest of the country in line with changes. california already made at the start of the year. but doctors say the new covid isolation protocols means there's also a greater risk. people take when they go out in public. >> risk for getting covid in every of complication from it. the responsibility used that you have to be a little more cautious. the correction were before because you can't count people around you. careful. >> we still are supposed to wear a mask. if you test positive, then specialists say
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it's good to stay up to date on your vaccines. we're getting our first look at the new uni's for the oakland ballers this upcoming season. the bowlers posted these pictures on social media this morning to give their fans an idea of what they'll be wearing on the diamond this year. and hey, what you can buy and where in the stands. when you cheer on the ballers soared, the bees you can by these things that oakland dish dot com. always the dubs were in toronto, second game of a back-to-back and >> they had problems with the plane trying to get from new york to canada saying led to like 6 in the morning. they've enough juice tonight. aaron has highlight
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> and the warriors running on few tonight in toronto on the second of a back-to-back. but keys, he always has time for span and obviously time for one more of his own because his wife announced today in a new edition of her magazine that they are expecting child number 4 dejoy riley, ryan and canon and they'll be welcoming a new sibling. i think it might be a boy. >> but just my eyes. that's just my opinion. no word on that story is tired early on with the turnovers and missed shots? the raptors they took advantage. are fear drives the lane with no resistance. >> he throws it down. he led the raptors. 23 points there. the warriors they woke up eventually. jonathan kuminga goes baseline for the tomahawk jam. look at it again. we get
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to show you replay of that when they woke everyone up in the arena. now, moses morning he had a mind game is will you put up 17 tonight? he misses the shot. he started to but he stays with and he gets it to go. he started to panic. then the quarter as well. very not one. but well, one here, 1, 7, on the night, which will talk more about in the second because he did have another one that we have here to show you the klay thompson. he up the man as in the corner with a hand in his face. it didn't matter for him because he dropped one of his own. tonight, he had 14 points for the warriors. now coming this becoming obese. no secret with the bounce pass to j k he rises up and throws it down for now the jam. we get to show you another replay because coming that is a bona fide highlight right now. >> and finally, we'll show you one of those threes from stepped right now. city is 7 on the night. 25 point for steph curry. you know, jk was right behind with 24 on the night. the warriors, they win
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one 20 to 105, it was their 8th straight road win. and they now have won 13 of their last 16 games so far. meanwhile, the giants they sign chapman will they've agreed at least to a three-year deal for 54 million dollars happen tonight, according to several sources. chapman turn 31 in april will definitely be an upgrade to the infield for the giants. >> he won his 4th gold glove last season at 3rd base while playingtfor the blue jays with 10 men over the last 3 seasons. added 226 batting average with crime 137 strikeouts. 446 games. and the deal also includes opt outs after the first and year of the agreement will be a homecoming of sorts that avenue because if you remember this some time with the days when he started his career played 5 seasons for him. >> in the town, meanwhile, brenden rice, where will he land will be here will be somewhere else. the son of jerry rice. i'm talking about he's in india for the combine. the usc wide receiver who share the name with his thank father jerry rice. he had a
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breakout season after transferring to that rosen. see it. 45 receptions. 791 yards. 12 touchdowns you know, bring spoke to media day was about his meeting with former team. take a listen to any of the state. >> a super dynamic. you have a whole lot of friends over there and just to be a part of the offense to know that i'm going with guys that are pro bowlers and some may be future hall of famers as well as brock purdy, you know, is from chandler, arizona, my health, my hometown, and just competing with him back in the day, going with lessons with geo and just kind housing moment. but first. >> so you're talking about young rice. yankees kicking it down the sink career in front of them. definitely. i think he had a really great season and, you know, usc this past season, i didn't hear much buzz about him before this season but been covering college baskin college basketball, the covid to a college football. he did a pretty good year and he could be he could be helpful for for whoever he lands with. but of course, i'm sure he's dead. he's hoping that he lands with
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the rating. go for sure. well, that could be fun to be fun. thank you, aaron. thank you for watching tonight. have a good weekend. be safe with the storm. we'll see you next week.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: bad dog. the 8-year-old girl dragged away in a vicious attack. and the neighbor who came to her rescue --


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