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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  March 3, 2024 7:00am-10:01am PST

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jack: thanks for joining me on today's adventure. from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hoping you'll come along next time as we go into the wild. >> now on the kron 4 morning news. more frustration from oakland business owners after a string of burglaries in a popular shopping area. and a powerful winter storm buries parts of the sierra and snow
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as the bay area gets ready for more rain. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thanks so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday march 3rd, let's get you started with a look at the weather with dave spahr. good morning, dave. welcome morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. yeah, more rain will be coming. looks like we're taking a little bit of a break for right now. they're still the spotty showers are forecast today and you can't rule him out for tomorrow, but it really doesn't get fired up again tuesday and wednesday. but before we get there today, and right now, we do have a little cell right over san francisco right now. we have the pitter patter of rain and now touching parts of the east bay shoreline. here. this is going to be the story all day today. this whac-a-mole will pop up here and there of these little showers, not lasting very long. might even see again, a couple more rays of sun, but that should be about it. we won't have quite the
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dynamics we did from yesterday's forecast as far as what the sky conditions look like this. a san jose state for ya and kind of just shredded stratus. right above us. not a lot going on right now, but still some scattered showers still in your future, too. winds are kind of variable a little bit going on. looks like they're favoring the south. just a touch here. single digits on the board will be a little pop this afternoon, though. still, we have this frost advisory. this is not just today, but particularly tomorrow morning. and i know it's kind of odd with rain so close at hand like this. that moisture kind of access breaks on the temperatures that can falls much of that moisture around. but it's with us until 09:00am for some of those valleys up north. and you get a couple clear patches that made way and the rain kind of stuff for you, too. temperatures for you in the 30's and 40's over much of the district in this compares to 24 hours ago, a little cooler and that will be the story, particularly tomorrow morning as we should get some better clearing overnight tonight to see where those temperatures fall. here's a look at the breakdown today. basically cloudy with again. those spotty showers on and off. not a lot
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quantitative. we're not looking at the tickets will but more interesting. we get to tuesday and wednesday. warming things up for you to finish off the week. more details in your forecast in a bit. stephanie. all >> our top story now. a powemful storm continues to pummel parts of the sierra. a long stretch of i-80 and several ski resorts remain closed because of gusty winds and snow. this is a live look now at i-80 near donner lake where you can see that snow and that frost is largely obscure the camera lens there in just car to it on the roadways. probably best not to travel at this hour. if you can. kron four's amanda hari caught up with chp in truckee on the latest roadway warnings. >> highways completely shut down and cars broken down have become familiar sights in truckee, california highway patrol officer chris patten, the station near 89 south i-80. he says 80 won't be open anytime soon. this looking towards the summit if you can see it. so it's a it's a white out right now.
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>> we're trying caltrans is trying the best they can to get the saying thing up. >> it's probably not going to be today. more and more than likely tomorrow. it's it's still pretty treacherous up in the top. people are actually i think they're staying home and and just in time, the fire probably he says chp and other emergency responders are doing what they can to help people in need. >> all the vehicles have four-wheel drive and good tires to hopefully allow chp officers to stay on the road. it's my job to make sure people are safe. so i have to drive up there and it i've there twice today and it's. >> you can snow plow driver kyle franklin says the snow is wet and heavy. >> he's broken parts of his plow trying to remove i've been in truckee. 44 years. >> and operator, labor hood right here for about 6 years. and this is a pretty good storm. it's not record breaking by any means, it's a
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good storm. business owner in truckee resident adele attics, as she came out to check on her business. but because of the weather. >> they were forced to close its because it saturday definitely busiest day. >> so don't miss out on that. revenue not the ideal but again, better to be safe than sorry. >> back here in the bay area, a city warming center is available for people in sonoma. looking good to get out of the rain and cold this wet weekend. the shelter is at the haven parking lot on west sonoma street, a limited number of blankets and pillows are available. service animals are allowed inside of the facility as well. for more information on the latest weather conditions. scan the qr code on your screen. it will take you right to our coverage on our website. kron 4 dot com. in the east bay. a shooting investigation continues in oakland on saturday. officers responded to telegraph avenue the oakland grab and go market. our cameras capturing a window
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that appear to have been shot out. as you can see there, police say no one was injured in this incident. a motive is under investigation. the search is on for suspects after a string of burglaries in oakland's temescal alley. investigators say a number of people broke into stores. they're and stole merchandise friday morning. the burglars ran off before officers could get to the scene. we heard from some business owners who are affected by this. >> i got a call and the early morning on friday from our property manager. and soon as i saw his name on my phone in the early knew that something was not good for 2 guys. they came earlier in the night and jumps the fence and scope sally out and then they came back later on with the truck and they came and broke the windows and just filled their bags up and then took it out to the truck and drove off. so anyone with information is asked to contact oakland police. >> in the north how officers arrested a man accused of setting a fire in a target store. we're told the suspect
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caused more than 4 million dollars damages. thi video from last saturday shows the fire burning in the paper towel aisle. the incident forced the store to close for repairs suspect has not been named for les hope. police say that they're simply thankful for the community's help in finding him. and the rain did not stop hundreds of people from protesting in san francisco saturday. this group calling for a cease-fire between hamas and israel. the citizen app video. what you're seeing here shows protesters marching through the financial district. it's a part of what's being called a global day of action for palestine. the group claimed that they were demonstrating peacefully when san francisco police used pepper spray on the outside of the israeli consulate. but police say that the protesters became violent and started causing property damage, adding that a few officers even suffered non-life-threatening injuries. 4 is your local election headquarters and we're just 2 days away from super tuesday
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with millions of americans head to the polls for this year's presidential primary elections. our washington, d.c., correspondent hannah brandt has a preview. >> super tuesday puts more than a 3rd of the delegates up for grabs. it's not enough for any candidate to lock up their party's nomination, but it could get them pretty close from california to texas to virginia, 15 states head to the polls on super tuesday. do we want more of the same? >> or do we want to go in a new direction? former south carolina governor nikki haley is fighting to stay in the republican race. she has yet to win a single primary contest against former president donald trump. all he's doing is talking about himself and that's the problem. it's not about it's about the american people. but super tuesday could delivered the death blow to are struggling campaign. we're going to fight for super tuesday. trump spent his friday at a court hearing in florida. where his motorcade was greeted by supporters as numerous legal issues continue to drag him away from campaigning. but he still
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poised to win big on super tuesday and he's focused on competing against president biden. i call him crooked joe because he's cricket is a terrible president. president our country has ever had in dueling trips to the border. this week. president biden from president trump campaigned on immigration issues but instead of attacking his republican opponent, president biden used his visit to push for unity to fix the southern border question member who's >> we work for american people, not the democratic party, republican party out on the campaign trail. the first lady is getting more political. we re elect joe biden kamala harris. >> in washington, i'm hannah brandt. >> all right. well, happening right now, runners in the east bay are lacing up their shoes for the livermore valley, half marathon cover. justice is live at the starting line with more. good morning to you, tiffany, another marathon for you and the bay area houses looking for you. >> indeed 70, it is great out here. the energy is great out
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here. weather cooperating right now for us here in livermore. and just take a look behind as runners are just warming up. they're loosening of their bodies to start this race. the first race, a half marathon is going to start very shortly at 7.30, this morning today, livermore valley, half marathon is going to start shortly. several the roads here in downtown livermore have been blocked off for city. officials want residents to be aware. the livermore police and chp are managing this course will be working. the crossings at major intersections. they say the heaviest delays are going to be from 7.40, this morning to 8.25. but a lot of the road closures that are in place will go until 10, 30 this morning. so they they're going to last until 10, 30 this morning. this is the 10th year. this race has been going on known for its scores. the half marathon starts very early at 7.30, this morning followed by the 5 k in youth. 5 k organizers say runners will get a full sensory moment passing through vineyards
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olive garden grove's even more. the city is reminding residents at the farmers market that is usually in this help today that's been pushed 2 blocks away as this marathon is set to start and will be going for a several more hours back to stephanie. >> all right, stephanie, thanks so much for our live coverage this morning at the marathon. coming up here on the kron, 4 morning news. another food recall to tell you about this one impacting some popular products sold at trader joe's. plus rising from the ashes. we catch up with the owner of oakland's horn bbq months after a thanksgiving fire tore down his business. after the break. another mission to the moon. the training now under way to send a crew to the celestial body for the first time in 50 years. >> and weather looks like a waking up to a few little spotty showers and that will be the story looks like into this afternoon. a chilly one of that as we get a flavor of winter weather that continues
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going. bring it down for you coming up in a bit called for coming up in a bit called for morning news continues. (sung) febreze! i use febreze fabric refresher everyday. to make my home smell amazing. on my bed... my couch... my jacket or jeans. in between washes. even shoes. febreze doesn't cover up odors with scent, but fights them and freshens! over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat with my skin and joints,er. i'm feeling this moment.
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along with clearer skin skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement-and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> more rain means more trouble on the road. chp sharing these images of a crash off highway 17 in santa cruz. you can see of an upside down in the bush is no injuries reported. incredibly officials reminding people this morning to slow down on the slick roadways. take a look at these new images from palisades tahoe plow crews
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there on line cruz. they're posting these images online. you can see how strong the winds were outside of that vehicle. there. >> palisades does plan on reopening today at 10, 30 in the morning. they say they've seen over 2 feet of snow in the past. 24 hours. >> take a look at this video sugar bowl resort sharing this footage from donner summit. what a sight saying on social media that they have some digging to absolutely in the ice yeah. friday's the friday the resort saw 2 feet of brand new snow. >> sugar bowl also plans to reopen today. adding people should plan on some delays because the resort is conducting some avalanche mitigation and clearing the roadways of snow to make sure everything safe. let's take a live look now from our mount tam camera. things looking a calmer closer to home in the bay area. no snow, at least from this vantage point. but they she would know.
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>> almost like a summertime pictured assault review. yeah, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. getting back up there in terms of the snow situation they have. they have a winter storm warning that's going to be around as a formality until 10 this morning. and then that blizzard warning that's going to be on all day for tomorrow. looks like as well because will be winds added to all of this is really good stuff and causing us problems right now. but this kind of locks everything up there when we had all these other storms, quantitatively was more in a cause, a lot more melting and just rode away. this stays parked up there. so let's not have any heat spikes in the next few weeks here. just flooded to the rivers again, look at the tahoe forecast. by the way, we actually have variable clouds at work here the next couple of days that are buddy recover a bit wednesday. there's another dose coming your way. 39 for a high there. but at least you get a break here for a few days, monday and tuesday of considerable clouds like we have at san jose state, although it's a little bit of sun is try to peer through a little bit. there. that's what you're going to see. a mixed bag of everything. little rain added to this. there's the
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cloud cover and occasionally the sun comes out. there's the radar picture. you can see lots of holes in there. but again, the spotty showers will continue throughout the day today. we're going to see actually a lot less of this tomorrow. and then the other shoe to drop here is tuesday. wednesday zone. here's what it looks like. the this is the advisory area in terms of where they think there might be some thunderstorm activity. most of this north of the bay area, not impossible to hear a rumble, but looks a lot less active. from our standpoint here we have some incidents that happened yesterday again, daytime heating, you have a cold atmosphere right above you. that contrast is what drives a lot of weather here. now back to future cast for what does itilook like today? spotty showers at times have a line of some rain to deal with. moves on out and half hour or so. cloudy. sun pokes out a bit that routine tonight might actually see some skies open up a little bit. and that's the issue for frost to return to folks in the north bay. looks like have that frost advisory again for another day. a lot of that's contingent on clearing out
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skies. we do have a lot of surface moisture. they have the breaks to those temperatures following a little bit. now getting into monday. this is what it looks like. kind of lot of cloud cover here might have a stray shower here or there into tuesday. that's when the better shot of rain as we do have a pop of winds, though, this afternoon to make note of so be a little bit on the chilly side. good onshore wind would notice it doesn't last too long in the winds are somewhat uneventful getting into monday and even into tuesday, just a bit of a breeze hanging on here. spooky looks like here at sfo, variable clouds and rain is how will phrase it on law for it. chilly with mid to 50's working here early in the the situation is showers. rain on tuesday. little warmer near 60 end of the week. we turn the rain off and we enjoy a little flavor of sprinkle, stephanie. we're in the middle article spring anyway. okay. i know. doesn't feel like it. so. >> just a couple more days of this or watching for those shoe to fall tuesday wednesday. all right. certainly am looking forward to spring. thanks so much. data about okay. >> still burned out shell. oakland's beloved horn bbq was
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vandalized by graffiti and torched by fire just before thanksgiving. but chef matt horn didn't let it get him down. kron four's vicki liviakis brings us his story. >> when i last saw you had just undergone a really traumatic this >> it was really difficult for us because we have never experienced like that. we do it. is that university before something like really how to we move past that. we first light at the end of the tunnel. i've always preached that the nose up to positive. we see face of adversity. but that was a challenge the it was took a while for us realize that, you know, with everything that we built. has been on fire, you know, so the
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kind of look at from that perspective we take devastating determined that something positive. do that, so we're looking to rebuild but exactly to that location around the yard effort rebuild well, back to serve what i this for a lot more time. you know that leaders welcome a to continue the show. make great too >> i guess is they say. when i give him 11, yeah. the neighborhood in oakland, vicki liviakis kron. 4 news. >> san francisco mta announced the results of its text before tow program. the city agency launched this 2 years ago. a tax residents just before tow trucks get sent to while away cars. mta officials say more than 60,000 vehicles are signed up under this program. and since then, 130 checks have been sent and 70 people were able to move their cars.
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you can sign up for this alert program today. more information on our website. kron 4 dot com. that's when alert for trader joe's shoppers, federal food safety officials issued a recall for steamed chicken soup dumplings inspectors say that people reported finding plastic in the food and that may be from a permanent marker pen. so it's plastic from upend, possibly. officials say now no injuries have been reported from this yet. but if you do have one of these products best to throw it out. >> off the coast of san diego, nasa astronauts are training for the next historic space flight. >> news nation's xavier walton reports. >> off the coast of california or astronauts prepared to make a splash in space exploration. this is all part of nasa's artemis campaign. we rise together. >> back to the and the next phase. a crewed mission lasting 10 days traveling roughly 685,000 miles around the moon just a few hours ago
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were floating around in the front porch in the middle of pacific ocean at night with a helicopter hovering over us. >> all pretty inspiring. pumped up about the space program. but would you see it when you see all the sailors on the ship working together? i mean, you just like. >> gives you faith in humanity. we can do extraordinary things. nasa and the department of defense making waves in the pacific testing procedures and tools that will ultimately be used to retrieve the astronauts after their long journey. so here it is. the orion spacecraft, at least a test module. heat shields have actually been to space in those windows. >> that's what these astronauts are we looking out when they're going by the moon? we explore because that's what we do as humans. christina cook a mission specialist. part of too, is a trailblazer setting the record for longest single spaceflight by a woman at 328 days in space. the space flight will be the very first for nash's kristina cooke with nasa's artemis campaign should be the first woman to step foot on the moon. and victor glover, who has a storied career of self will be the first person
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of color on the lunar surface. it doesn't matter if you're a first there's no second thursday force. and so that's really what i think about is making sure that we do the best of our job. >> so that the american people and our international partners continue to have faith in their public space agencies so that we can keep going in morning for >> and that was xavier walton reporting for us this morning. the crew is hoping to make their journey next year and when they do, they will be the first astronauts to make that flight and more than 50 years. still ahead on the kron 4 morning is was was just really surreal and >> well, in kung fu panda 4.
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actress awkwafina known for her roles in crazy rich asians and shang-chi. >> stars in the upcoming kung fu panda for as a quick witted. fox name jen. i caught up with the actress during a recent stop in san francisco. >> it's a franchise that i really loved i grew up watching comes up and i love the world that it lives in. jack black is so funny in it. and so to be a part of it is was was just really surreal and tell us a bit about the character that you play as well as you find any related to the character at just nice. nice second or 3rd. pick pocket. >> so summit, i don't know. i like it in the but yeah, i do relate to her in her for her own feelings of outside ernest her own, you know, kind of like inner debate, unlike what is the right way to live and
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who who she is. tell us a bit about that outside state you've personally experienced in your life and you brought that into the character. i think all modern day woman kind of do feel degrees of that. we have rely on a on a on devices and we then have to choose, you know, like are working for what? what makes us loved giving advice when it comes to developing resilience in our allies. yes, i mean, one thing that's >> helped throughout my entire career was thing that my my grandma said, which basically life is a series ups and downs, one can really exist. kind like the gravitational force. you >> got to the style without ever hitting the ground after. i think that that's that is if if you can understand that about life, that it's not always, you know, the best rate and then and then at your lowest. it's not you want stay there for long either. >> the to speak with her. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. could a
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political outsider become san francisco's next mayor? i sat down with nonprofit executive daniel lurie, why he thinks daniel lurie, why he thinks he's the most qualified person
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ordinary is the opposite of beautiful. beauty drops our jaws. dilates our eyes. and beauty is something we can create... right now... at floor & decor. (smelling) ew. gotta get rid of this. ♪tell me why♪ because it stinks. ♪have you tried downy rinse and refresh♪
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it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. >> now on the kron 4 morning news, the election is just 2 days away. we take a look and which candidates are leading in the polls in advance of super tuesday. and severe winter weather shuts down stretches of i-80 a live look outside their we check in with dave and how long those heavy winds and snow will last. good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thanks so much for joining us. and we're going to write today for
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the latest on our their days. hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. well, everybody looks like a couple spotty showers still in your future for today, but we probably won't have the dynamics like we did from yesterday. >> it may be futile rays of sun while you're at it too. today, as far as that snow continuing up in the sierra looks like they got this winter storm warning for another few hours till 10 o'clock. and then that blizzard warning. >> that lingers all day today until monday. that's because those winds still remain. there's a look at radar. you can see nice little patch of rain making its way into the east bay. looks like there south of oakland getting maybe down to fremont. we're not quite that far south yet, but this is all kind of drifting towards the east and there are breaks, obviously in the rain. there's sfo. we have a one hour delay cooking right now. so keep that in mind for all the travel later today to to see how that effects. what's upstream. there's the frost advisory. that's not only today until 09:00am, but also until tomorrow at 09:00am. that's more critical with those sky's opening up a little bit tonight we get the
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effects frost, too. so watch out for that. as far as the temperatures right now, we're 38 santa rosa with the battle coming in. 39 lot of 40's and the board. there are chilly. 38. 4 of the were trailing a few degrees from yesterday's numbers. and today, now you'll see a little bit of sun may be here and there, but mostly cloudy skies. a few showers popping in and out cool for those highs in the 50's. now later on, we'll take a look at longer range forecast for this bigger dose of rain expected to hit u.s. midweek and then a minor warming face to the end of the week. stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> our top story this morning, the sierra braces for another day of severe winter weather live look outside at i-80 this morning at truckee. you can see it's looking pretty darned cold out there. the heavy wind and snow, a force in parts of that roadway to shut down. our kimberly cruz has the latest. >> sitting at around 4,000 feet pines. is finally seeing some snow. and do a whole lot
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of it depends upon the year some years. it's a lot more intense. some years. it's a little bit easier. but this is to be expected if you live up here for locals who live in the small mountain town. the site of fresh powder snow isn't anything you take it from this couple who has lived here for about 8 years. enjoy double flake. there's some parts of it that hard, not cool. like getting stuck in the snow and whatnot or losing power. but overall, as long as we have power like we're good to go, we can handle it. we've been doing this for years for others. it took some driving. to enjoy the experience. my kid this and he sort started was no. he was saying love that's good snow the snow check their in a push to showing that it's a snow here. so we just thought may get just good time. and we find know you just in we love that. we come up here on the weekends just to have a cabin. >> on the weekends to enjoy
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peace and quiet of this area. and with the snows, it's it's a bonus for us. snow plows in action. trying to keep roads in parking lots as clear as possible for cars traveling through the town. but with blizzard-like conditions, those in the area know it's best to be prepared. got the four-wheel-drive we've got would ready? we've got lewd. >> somebody national park remains closed this weekend because of the severe weather. the national weather service is forecasting several feet of snow in the area and very high winds. >> and kron 4 is your local election headquarters. a new poll shows it's a tight race for the california senate seat. >> rachel menitoff reports with the latest numbers >> in a turn of events, democratic representative adam schiff and his republican opponent, steve garvey. now in a statistical tie in california's senate primary. this according to the latest polling friday out of the institute of governmental
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studies at uc berkeley, which shows garvey with 27% support and shift at 25 representative katie porter came in 3rd at 19%, followed by representative barber lead with just 8%. another poll this week, though, shows shift on top. so at this point, it's anyone's game. his car for someone that surrounded by. >> the suns to wiens, gustavo tennis is planning to vote for the former dodger baseball star and political newcomer. this coming super tuesday. do like that. he's not a career that's one of the things that i love of ida. well, adam schiff has been the longtime front runner. this recent polling indicates a large increase in support for garvey over the last few weeks. this became evident when they consolidated the support of republican voters. 67 1% of whom back garvey. my initial reaction is that the poll is not going to be the same as the outcome on tuesday night. loyola marymount university
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law professor jessica levinson says take this poll with a grain of salt. >> but this is a reflection that steve garvey has support from likely voters. steve garvey is really just running against himself in terms of getting the republican and are moderate vote. adam schiff is running against katie porter and barbara and that's a much more competitive race. in an interview with news nation's chris cuomo. garvey says this shows his message is resonating and let's break down this snarky. >> career politicians who are running for power, but i'm running for the people. marianne cherry voted for barber leave and says she's concerned by garvey's elevated standing in the polls. >> and don't think he really has the best interests of californians in mind this. adam schiff supporter says she was shocked by recent stats but still feels confident in her candidate of choice. very surprising. >> that's steve garvey is ahead. >> and in fact, i'm not sure i believe that he's ahead. so i urge everyone to get out and
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vote. >> adam, check them out. kron 4 is your local election headquarters and more than 150 supporters welcomed adam schiff that the firefighter candidate testing center in sacramento saturday evening. he spoke to the crowd and took part in a meet and greet afterwards. that's all part of what the shift campaign is calling the california for all tour featuring stops today in southern california, the central valley and northern california. >> i want to make sure that everyone in california knows that i'm going to be a senator for every part of california. i want to make sure that the folks in the central valley know i'm going to fight for clean water and clean that i'm going to fight in the north for broadband access and available accessible, affordable insurance for their homes. want to make sure the big cities of folks know the fight to bring back life in the big cities to address the unaffordability of housing in the epidemic of homelessness. so we're going to teach every part of the state and urging voters to turn out. and so far
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the reaction has been wonderful. >> schiff's tour continues in san diego, san francisco and salinas and wraps up in los angeles on sunday or on monday. weather. >> and there you see shifts opponent, democrat katie porter, voting in orange county on saturday. >> she cast her ballot and brought her 18 year-old son to vote in his very first election. she shared her message to voters. >> they want to see washington change that they need to send people to washington to do things differently. so the only democratic elected official running in this race who has never taken corporate pac money. that makes me i do is not for sale. nobody's vote in our nation's capital should be for sale. >> and that's something that i think appeals to democrats, republicans and independents. >> porter is expected in san francisco today for a meeting greet. meantime, republican steve garvey is campaign confirms he has no publicly scheduled events this weekend.
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democrat barbara lee's campaign is organizing. get out the vote efforts. now to the race for san francisco mayor, one of the top talent jurors in the race is daniel lurie, a nonprofit executive and political outsider with deep insider connections. i sat down with larry for a wide ranging interview and how he plans to fix the problems plaguing san francisco. >> i'm asked the voters. do you really believe that someone who has helped create this system is the right person to change that culture, to fix broken system. >> could a political outsider become san francisco's next mayor? it's the position daniel lurie hopes resonates with voters in a crowded race. and and the perception. >> lawlessness is an acceptable part of life in san francisco. i have committed my life to issues of poverty. i believe that i understand what is at stake. >> a san francisco native and heir to the levi strauss
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fortune lurie founded the antipoverty nonprofit tipping point in 2005 raising hundreds of millions of dollars to fight homelessness in the bay area. we need to build more affordable housing. we have to get people job training and employment skills. he also served as chairman of the super bowl, 50 host committee working with local officials to bring millions in tourism and business dollars to the bay area. if you are elected mayor, what's the first issue you recruiting and retaining a police force? we were down 700 police officers. it's going to take us some time. no question about that. but we've got to give them tools to do their job. then we're going to be cleaning our streets. you're coming up off the overpasses. you come down 6 street. it's going be pristine. the first image of san francisco and our visitors and our travelers are tourists come here has got to be a city that is clean and safe and vibrant. as for the city's fight against chronic homelessness, we still built enough shelter. pets. if you
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build enough shelter beds, which you could do in a matter of months. that and you offer some a shelter bed if they don't take it. that's their right. but is not there right then to stay on the street. lori proposing a different strategy to stopping the city's revolving door of drug dealers. any first-time offenders must wear an ankle monitor. we can track people and once they are one of the climbers like the tenderloin or in soma. they would be subject to a search condition acknowledging electronic monitoring does not fall under the mayor's purview. you have the power of the this is not something you the mayor just decrees and it happens and that's where my background comes that we need to send a message to everybody. but you don't come here to deal drugs to do drugs. you come here, you're going get the help that you need. but you cannot be on our streets. lurie promising a different approach to leading the city. one that starts, he says with accountability when something goes wrong and the
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city, it's going to be my fault. i'm it. take ownership. i'm tired of the finger-pointing. i think everybody else's as well in san francisco, stephanie lin kron, 4 news. >> and you can read much more from my interview with daniel lurie right now on kron 4 dot com. and a reminder that kron 4 is your local election headquarters. please join us on election day for live results from around the bay area. our coverage starts at 08:00pm. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. how cal fire is gearing up for the next is gearing up for the next wildfire season.
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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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>> despite the wet weather fire season is just around the corner. and cal fire is gearing up. dennis shanahan takes a closer look at how the agency is getting ready. >> 750 acres still structures threatened. you have power lines down. like i'm not gonna hurt on all aircraft. the life safety. when a major wildfire breaks out in california in incident commander is putting charge going go directly to disentangle from a mobile command post at the back of a pickup there constantly receiving information spring year to drive. you want get chair making quick decisions. you know, the burning traffic go ahead and giving orders that see it. >> we resource order. this is how they train for it, right? down here. 48 students from san diego to assist you and all counties to cal fire cal fire battalion chief jeff loveless is leading this role playing training exercise in a sacramento parking lot. the students are all cal fire captains in battalion chief's ready to take on more responsibility. so this is to
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get them ready and prepared for these larger the it when the fire season does come with evaluators watching and taking notes, the trainees have to perform a kind of high stakes juggling act. the exercise is designed to bombard them with multiple overlapping interruptions over 2 way radios air the by and in person i read it's stressful for the role player in this but in real life, it's stressful for the incident. commander cal fire captain nathan meant and information officer scott mcclain are playing the role of local media with an assist from yours truly behind the camera. looking for an incident update. the trainees have to practice prioritizing telling the media to wait see 20 seconds. 30 seconds, 10 minutes and all step over here and give you guys an actual sound bite. absolutely. thanks. thanks the exercise. also requires them to eventually find the time to make a brief media statement. all right, ready. yeah, 250 acres, 800 acres 1000 acres.
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this is a rapidly expanding incident. be safe and get out quickly. then they have to practice breaking away to get back to their post. i need to get back to managing this far doing that. i appreciate gave it back to you guys a little later. thank you very much. other role players include a power company representative. the app are lines down a highly opinionated local fire chief coming to my town right now. think these guys in the last thing your mind that need to look at exactly midnight and the students practice being in unified command with the sheriff's department. in this case, placer county is participating. these are all situations incident commanders are likely to encounter at the scene of a large fire. what is your priorities, how to set it up? and that's what the student is ultimately judged on and trained well, the threat of wildfire is diminished in the winter. this training is one example of how cal fire's efforts to stay sharp and ready for fire season. never stop to successfully pass. this class a lot of effort is needed to maintain that high standard
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that cal fire with its employees and its company officers. an chief officers. >> i really fascinating to get that behind the scenes. look at how our firefighters get ready. all right. well, taking a live look now at walnut creek this morning, looking pretty gray out there. just a few cars out on the roadways at 7.47. this sunday and it looking like a good morning for a jacket. dave. >> yeah, in that will be the case is still be chilly. even though we see some of the bay area cameras, we're seeing some with the sun coming a little bit. so their sun and clouds and other places like you're talking along the creek, no surprise with a nice little dose of rain. showers will sell covering a good chunk of the east bay as we speak now as all this pops up moving west to east and that will be the story pretty much all day today. temperature check for your 30, a chilly degrees up there to santa rosa. lot of 40's cover the board here. 39 to the late show. and even though you may see couple raise a son not going to move the mercury much 50 for the sour for half moon bay with what you got going on there of the ocean is actually keeping temperatures supported
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up. they don't they can't cool off as easily because the energy is coming from the ocean. all right. a look for the breakdown for this rain, spotty stgff. yeah, again, all day today might be a little line of rain try to develop. and if we do perhaps get a couple rumbles of thunder going on. that's about all we're going to get here because we don't have quite the dynamics we did from yesterday. that's good news there. getting all the way out to monday. we start tonight actually clear out a little bit that may cost a little bit of frost again, probably colder on ballots across the region. then we saw tonight but really relatively inactive. the next couple of days until we get to late on tuesday and into wednesday. that's when interesting. little pop of winds want to point out. this is this afternoon here into the evening. kind of goes away after that. and although bit breezy pretty much inactive again, not too much going on that we get to 2 tuesday wednesday with that system. so let's get to the part of the week. it takes its sweet time getting we've got this low right in our backyard. sometimes i can drive some winds. so watch out that snapped apart. goes away. good to finish off the weekend.
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yeah, i know that just showed up in the models there on saturday. they'll put that on the necessarily to go to barclays with that. so we'll see. we get a little closer if that actually comes to fruition. but there's possibility we may see some rain into next weekend. it doesn't look like total, though. high temperatures today we got the 50's on the board mid-fifties at that. although hang tight, little bit of a warm-up happening here by thursday into friday. get some temperatures into the 60's school. watch those lows that with the 30's. so chung tonight, quite chilly because the skies opening up in all. and even though we have all this moisture and hand, we'll probably see temperatures fall well in the 30's, but probably keep us above freezing. at least was much, much drier. we didn't have this rain different stories. all right. just going to keep bundling with those layers. still feel like winter. we've got winter on the left-hand side there. we've got spring, right? yes, sunshine there. thanks so much, dave. >> all right. well, now the latest in smart home products which demero takes a look at some of the gadgets promising to help us breathe easier. in today's tech smart.
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>> a smart home doesn't have to be a complicated home. here are 3 can help you breathe easier. starting with mila and air purifier with smart and a personality. i love how easy it is to set up and the variety of filters, whether you have a new baby or pets running around mila is set up, goes into auto magic mode. taking care of your air without a lot of a screen shows playful messages with updates on air quality or you can see complete details in most of the time. this is pretty quiet, but especially after you cook when these fans kickin it can get kind of clout. mila is $350 filter start at 59. and last 6 months, amazon's new echo hub puts you in control of your smart home. this is a tablet with an operating system dedicated to controlling smart home devices, something that used to cost a whole lot more back in the day. it can be
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mounted on a wall or placed on the counter with an accessory stand. it has support for various protocols, including zigbee sidewalk thread blue tooth and matter. it's going to work with a wide range of devices. alexa, turn on the office like? there is a voice control and the on-screen responsiveness is snappy. the home screen gives you fast access to your cameras, lights and alarm systems. plus, any routines you bill. it's $179. finally, if you want your home to small, great check out below 60. hilary duff helps guide the brand which makes a plug-in diffuser that uses 100% natural sense. just pop in a capsule, choose low or high strength and take a deep breath. here's the center cartridge. i've tried vanilla and great crew. baseball clean fresh and they last about 30 you can plug in vertical or horizontal starter kit runs $30 when you subscribe
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additional sense are $10. >> it will any of these gadgets. go to my website. it is rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >> well, it may be the offseason for the nfl, but the san francisco forty-niners are not taking a day off. kron four's. erin wilson has the latest on their off season moves. >> well, saturday, we had a full slate of relevant college games is, you know, march made his creeps up on us. we are in march now. aren't we? but we have to talk about the forty-niners news after a lengthy search all over the nfl, the forty-niners they found a new defensive coordinator in house nick sorensen. the team's defensive pass game specialist has been promoted to defensive cordinator. now sorenson who has been with the team says 2022. also served as the team's nickel defensive back coach. now he's been 8 seasons with pete carroll in seattle where the seahawks ran a similar defensive scheme as
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the forty-niners do. that's not the only change either. the forty-niners also highter hired former charges head coach brandon staley as the new assistant head coach and he replaces anthony lynn. >> who left for washington before a coaches coaching the charges was a defensive cordinator, you know, with the rams now the hiring. and the forty-niners, you know, experience voices with the coaching this coming season. it's all we have for sports. it's all we have for sports. that suspect. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain! "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle
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endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. if it's gorgeous you want... look for the grit. because it's the pros who are out there... pulling together dozens of projects a year. and they know where “remarkable” is always in stock... at floor & decor.
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>> well, narrowly avoiding catastrophe. this sweet kitty named lily was saved from being crushed. and in north
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carolina, junkyard, she was hiding inside a car that was set to be demolished silly kitty. a worker happened to stop the process to remove the car's battery. and that's when the cat jumped out from under the hood and straight into the workers arms. she knew something was off a local rescue center says lucky lily was returns to her owner and she's very lucky indeed, a timing worked out well. well, still ahead on the next hour, the kron 4 morning news and open restaurant owner refuses to give up even after his businesses vandalized. >> plus, a string of robberies hits a popular shopping area in oakland. reaction from business owners there. and winter storms continue to slam parts of the sierra dave sphar standing by with an update on our weather conditions. kron. 4 morning news continues with th i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live.
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your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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the kron. 4 morning news. more frustration from oakland business owners after a string of burglaries in a popular shopping area. and a powerful winter storm buries parts of the sierra and snow. this is the bay area gets ready for more rain. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. it's sunday march 3rd, let's get you started with a look at the weather with dave sphar. good morning to you, dave. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, we're dealing with kind of some spotty showers on tap for today. that kind of come and go come and go and actually. >> probably more sparse than we saw from yesterday. might
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get a little line of rain, though, although it will be brief, maybe half hour spurt in the getting goes away and some sun and clouds trying to play the mixture here. but the clouds are when the battle chile as well. so all the familiar tones that we had from yesterday, except the deal today will be probably not as much activity in terms of volatility. that will be kind of a bit of a plus. here's a live shot coming in from san jose state. kind of mostly cloudy skies will ominous in spots. it looks like they're a bit. winds are relatively inactive. we expect a little bit of a spurt this afternoon a bit. and for that frost advisory, that's really technically this morning until 09:00am. but also again, tomorrow. and it's probably going to be more widespread tomorrow because we have better clearing tonight. there won't be the interference of rain going on here and we'll take a breather from this. all looks like until we fire back up again on tuesday, wednesday. temperature check for you've got still 39 up there to santa rosa. most readings in the 40's. 52 this hour for half moon bay. and it will. but cooler today, it was
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this time from yesterday on balance. here's your breakdown. basically mostly cloudy all day. the line of rain for mid-afternoon. a bit to note again, temperatures pretty much into the 50's somewhat dry tomorrow into tuesday. before things start to change again with another system to watch out for the forecast a bit, stephanie. all >> our top story, a powerful storm continues to pummel parts of the sierra. a long stretch of i-80 and several ski resorts remain closed because of gusty winds and snow. this is a live look right now at i-80 near donner lake. you can see a snow plow. what looks to be a snow plow out there, working to keep the roadways clear. kron four's amanda hari caught up with chp in truckee on the latest roadway warnings. >> highways completely shut down and cars broken down have become familiar sights in truckee, california highway patrol officer chris patten, the station near 89 south i-80. he says 80 won't be open anytime soon. this looking towards the summit if you can
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see it. so it's a it's a white out right now. >> we're trying caltrans is trying the best they can to get the saying thing up. >> it's probably not going to be today. more and more than likely tomorrow. it's it's still pretty treacherous up in the top. people are actually i think they're staying home and and just in time, the fire probably he says chp and other emergency responders are doing what they can to help people in need. >> all the vehicles have four-wheel drive and good tires to hopefully allow chp officers. >> to stay on the road. it's my job to make sure people are safe. so i have to drive up there and it i've there twice today and it's you can snow plow driver kyle franklin says the snow is wet and heavy. >> he's broken parts of his plow trying to remove i've been in truckee. 44 years. >> and operator, labor hood right here for about 6 years. and this is a pretty good storm. it's not record breaking by any means, it's a
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good storm. business owner in truckee resident adele attics, as she came out to check on her business. but because of the weather. >> they were forced to close its because it saturday definitely busiest day. >> so don't miss out on that revenue lead. not the ideal, but again, better to be safe than sorry. >> look at that puppy trying to make its way through there. and it's not just the sierra seeing snow this weekend. this is a live look now from the top of mount diablo. closer to home here you can see a light dusting of powder across the mountain peaks. so things looking quite chilly outdoors and parts bay area. take a look at this. people in pleasanton are being asked to avoid this part of town. that's foothill road south of castle would drive because of a downed tree. there. chp posting these images reminding everybody to please travel safely if you must, in this tough weather. and for more information on the latest weather conditions scan the qr
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code on your screen. it will take you straight to our coverage on our website. kron 4 dot com. in the east bay. a shooting investigation continues in oakland on saturday. officers responded to telegraph avenue the oakland grab and go market. our camera capturing a window that appear to have been shot out during this incident. police say no one was injured. a motive is under investigation. the search is on for suspects after a string of burglaries in oakland's temescal alley. investigators say a number of people broke into stores they're and stole merchandise friday morning. the burglars ran off before officers could get to the scene. we heard from some business owners affected. >> i got a call and the early morning on friday from our property manager. and soon as i saw his name on my phone in the early hours, i knew that something was not good or 2 guys. they came earlier in the night and jumps the fence and scope sally out and then they came back later on with the truck and they came and broke the windows and just filled
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their bags up and then took it out to the truck and drove off. so. >> anyone with information is asked to get in touch with oakland pd. in the north bay. now, vallejo police arrested a man accused of setting a fire in a target store. we're told the suspect caused more than 4 million dollars in damages. this video from last saturday shows the fire burning in the paper towel aisle. the incident forced the store to close for repairs. the suspect has not been named police say that they're thankful for the community's help in finding him. the rain did not stop hundreds of people from protesting in san francisco on saturday. the group calling for a cease-fire between hamas and israel. citizen app. video shows protesters marching through the financial district. this march is part of what's being called a global day of action for palestine. the group claims they were demonstrating peacefully was francisco police used pepper spray on them outside of the israeli consulate. police say the protesters became violent and started causing property damage
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>> is your local election headquarters? and we're just 2 days away from super tuesday. >> with millions of americans will head to the polls for this year's presidential primary elections. our washington, d.c., correspondent hannah brandt brings us this preview. >> super tuesday puts more than a 3rd of the delegates up for grabs. it's not enough for any candidate to lock up their party's nomination, but it could get them pretty close from california to texas to virginia, 15 states head to the polls on super tuesday. do we want more of the same? >> or do we want to go in a new direction? former south carolina governor nikki haley is fighting to stay in the republican race. she has yet to win a single primary contest against former president donald trump. all he's doing is talking about himself and that's the problem. it's not about it's about the american people. but super tuesday could delivered the death blow to are struggling campaign. we're going to fight for super tuesday. trump spent his friday at a court hearing in florida. where his motorcade
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was greeted by supporters numerous legal issues continue to drag him away from campaigning. but he still poised to win big on super tuesday and he's focused on competing against president biden. i call him crooked joe because he's cricket is a terrible president. president our country has ever had in dueling trips to the border. this week, president biden and former president trump campaigned on immigration issues but instead of attacking his republican opponent, president biden used his visit to push for unity to fix the southern border question member who's >> we work for american people, not the democratic party to republican party out on the campaign trail. the first lady is getting more political. we re elect joe biden in washington. i'm hannah brandt. >> happening right now, runners in the east bay are lacing up their shoes for the livermore valley. half marathon proffers. tiffany justice is live at the starting line with more. good morning to you. tiffany. >> good morning. 70 s we've
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got a marathon going on here in livermore. the little more pride has been strong this morning. he emceed have been hyping the runners up. what time. what's happening is the 5 k is going to start soon. they have marathon started at 7.30, this morning in those runners are on the course as we speak. so. >> today is the livermore valley, half marathon. several of the roads here in downtown livermore have been blocked off for this. >> city officials want residents wear my police and chp are managing to score. some will be working. right things at intersections late may be heaviest delays are going to be from 7 30 this morning year. this race has been going on known years phone, as we mentioned, starting at 30 morning, followed by the 5 k and you organizers say runners will get a full sensory moment passing through vineyards olive groves. and more.
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earlier i spoke with a runner. he tells me that this 7th time participating in race. >> you start downtown. yeah. and downtown. after party is wonderful all the wineries coming out is a couple of brew pubs but then it take you out. go to a couple of parks fiat like i said, some of the vineyards and it's just >> okay. so at this point you can see some of the runners for the 5 k lining up right behind us. yes, and kids participating as well. city officials want residents to know that the farmers market that's usually in this area and this spot has been pushed down 2 blocks as this race is started and it will go for a few more hours back studio sounds like a great time said been a look here all that music in the background to really brings the energy
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level. a lot thanks a for coming up on the kron. 4 morning news. another food recall to tell you about this one impacting some popular products sold at trader joe's. >> plus, rising from the ashes. we catch up with the owner of oakland's for barbecue months after a thanksgiving fire tore down his business. and after the break, another mission to the moon. the training now under way to send a crew to the celestial body for the first time in 50 years. >> and radar still a couple splotches on there as we play whac-a-mole with the rain going on here is kind like a martian here with a rash case coming up in a bit. we'll check in with the forecast. looks like for your sunday and into early next week. the kron into early next week. the kron 4 morning news continues. "overflowing with ideas and energy."
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that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. when peter dickson led my platoon into combat i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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morning. welcome back. and we're looking at a picture of some sun trying to appear on through. a lot of this cloud cover is the east bay shoreline. >> blue bay kind of looks like almost blue sky. well in spots here it is on radar. the rains continue in spotty locations. notice the colors, ation even in the local bay area at times a bit. so might be a little spurt of some snow going on there in some of the higher elevations temporarily. as far as the thunderstorm activity, it looks like the lion share that's going remain to the north. that's green kind of tan color is to the south, not as active yesterday. he whole state practically was covered of the way down to southern california. futurecast for here's what we got spotty showers, maybe a little line of rain thrown in there for good measure comes and goes comes and goes again, some sunshine to appear on through their little bit. let's clear things out tonight. this is what's going to cause that frost advisory again. that will last until your monday
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morning. and then unbalanced tomorrow. not much happens. variable clouds a little bit more sun than today might see a little stray shower up north. maybe and a good chunk of tuesday. that is until the final shoe falls. and that will come with little another spurt of winds. now, this is today. now this afternoon will spur some winds going on here. the kind of go away and not much happens. little bit of a breeze is leftover sure. we'll probably get another one of those 2 by tuesday into wednesday with the slow out to sea here longer range forecast for today. it's variable clouds. that's kind of the plus side is more mostly cloudy, rain on and off chile. mid-fifties working for those temperatures. don't expect much. we'll see much early in the week. showers rain on tuesday. looks like this is going to drift into wednesday here with this low little warming near 60, then let's kick it up. a gear here drying out, mostly sunny, late the week warming to mid 60's as we finish off the week. so therefore, it looks like springs trying to get a little flavor to us. 55 san francisco today. 55 oakland, san jose
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coming in at 58 is the rain kind of comes and goes through this program. there is a look at your high temperatures. middle 50's on the board for today. i can see the 60's for a few days. just the patients, even though we're logical spring. all that it's still a long before the equinox. okay. i really just can't wait for the school to be over, okay. we get a little flavor that come the end of the week. so be patient, ok? all right. thanks for that. incoming sunshine, dave. appreciate it. >> all right. well, more rain means more trouble on the roads and chp sharing these images of a crash off highway 17 in santa cruz. you can see that man upside down in the bushes. there. no injuries reported. officials reminding people this morning to slow down on the slick roadways. take a look at these new pictures from palisades tahoe crews. they're posting these online. these images, palisades plans on reopening today at 10, 30 in the morning. >> they say they've seen over 2 feet of snow in just the past. 24 hours makes very conditions out there. take a
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look at this video. wow. what a surprise as they opened the door there. sugar bowl resort, sharing this footage from donner summit saying on social media, but they have some digging to do. and that sounds about right friday night. the resort saw 2 feet of brand new snow sugar bowl. also plans to reopen today, adding that people should expect some delays as the resort conducts avalanche mitigation efforts in clears the roadways of snow. still burned out show oakland's beloved for barbecue was vandalized by graffiti and torched by fire just before thanksgiving with chef matt horn didn't let it get him down. trump was vicki liviakis brings us his story. >> when i last saw you had just undergone a really traumatic this >> it was really difficult for us because we have never experienced like that. we do with no is that university
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before something like really how to past that we first light at the end of the tunnel. i've always preached that the nose up to positive. we see face of adversity. but that was a challenge to the it was took a while for us realize that, you know, with everything that built. has been on fire, you know, so the kind of look at from that perspective we take devastating determined that something positive. do that, so we're looking to rebuild but exactly to that location around the yard effort rebuild back to serve what i this for a lot more time. you know that leaders welcome the to continue to show make great too >> i guess is they say. when not given llevan. yeah. the
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neighborhood in oakland, vicki liviakis kron. 4 news. >> well, the san francisco mta announced the results of its text before tow program. the city announced it 2 years ago at tax residents just before tow trucks can get sent to tell a way to to it said to tow away any cars want. a officials say that more than 16,000 cars are signed up under this program. and since then, 130 tax have been sent and 70 people have been able to move their cars. you can sign up for this program yourself right now. more information on our website. kron 4 dot com. we're now for trader joe's shoppers, federal safety food officials. they issued a recall for steamed chicken soup dumplings inspectors say that people reported finding plastic in this product and it could stem from a permanent marker. pen officials think no injuries reported. get. off the coast of san diego. nasa astronauts are training for the next
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historic space flight news nation's xavier walton reports. >> off the coast of california for astronauts prepared to make a splash in space exploration. this is all part of nasa's artemis campaign. we rise together. >> back to the and the next phase. a crewed mission lasting 10 days traveling roughly 685,000 miles around the moon just a few hours ago were floating around in the front porch in the middle of with a helicopter hovering r- over us. >> all pretty inspiring. pumped up with space program. but would you see it when you see all the sailors on the ship working together? i mean, you just like. >> gives you faith in humanity. we can do some extraordinary things. nasa and the department of defense making waves in the pacific testing procedures and tools that will ultimately be used to retrieve the astronauts after their long journey. so here it is. the orion spacecraft, at least a test module. heat shields have actually been to space in those windows.
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>> that's what these astronauts are we looking out when they're going by the moon? we explore because that's what we do as humans. christina cook a mission specialist. part of too, is a trailblazer setting the record for longest single spaceflight by a woman at 328 days in space. the space flight will be the very first for nash's kristina cooke with nasa's artemis campaign should be the first woman to step foot on the moon. and victor glover, who has a storied career of self will be the first person of color on the lunar surface. it doesn't matter if you're a first there's no second thursday force. and so that's really what i think about is making sure that we do the best of our job. >> so that the american people and our international partners continue to have faith in their public space agencies so that we can keep going and it's going for >> that was xavier walton reporting for us. the crew is hoping to make their journey next year and when they do, they will be the first astronauts to make the flight in more than 50 years. >> so to be a part of that is was was just really surreal.
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>> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news actress upper faena reflects on her role in koch who can to 4 how she connected with her new character. up next.
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learn how abbvie could help you save. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. >> welcome back. actress awkwafina known for her roles in crazy rich asians and shang-chi stars in the upcoming cold fu panda for as a quick witted. fox named jen. i caught up with the actress during her recent stop in san francisco.
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>> it's a franchise that i really loved. grew up watching comes up and i love the world that it lives in. jack black is so funny in it. and so to be a part of it is was was just really surreal and tell us a bit about the character that you play as well as you find any related to the character at just nice. nice second or 3rd. take pocket. >> so summit, i don't know. i like it in the but yeah, i do relate to her in her for her own feelings of outside ernest her own, you know, kind of like inner debate, unlike what is the right way to live and and who who she is. tell us a bit about that. outsiders mistake you've personally experienced your life and you brought that into the character. i think all modern day woman kind of do feel degrees of that. we have rely on a on our own devices and we then have to choose, you know, like working for what? makes us loved giving advice when it
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comes to developing resilience in our allies. and yes, i mean, one thing that's >> helped throughout my entire career was thing that my my grandma said, which basically life is a series ups and downs, one can really exist. kind like the gravitational force. you get. >> got to the style diver hitting the ground after. i think that that's that is if if you can understand that about life, that it's not always, you know, the best rate and then and then at your lowest. it's not you want stay there for long either. >> we have some helpful guidance there. well, still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. could a political outsider become san francisco's next mayor? i sat down with nonprofit executive daniel lurie on why he thinks he's the most qualified person he's the most qualified person to leave the city.
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(sung) febreze! i use febreze fabric refresher everyday. to make my home smell amazing. on my bed... my couch... my jacket or jeans. in between washes. even shoes. febreze doesn't cover up odors with scent, but fights them and freshens! over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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kron 4 morning news. the election is just 2 days away. >> we take a look at which candidates are leading in the polls. and severe winter weather shuts down stretches of i-80. we check in with dave on how long the heavy snow and winds will last. good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thank you so much for joining us today. but cable car rolling there behind me there. it's kind of fun. >> let's start this half hour with a look at the forecast. dave spahr is in the weather center keeping an eye all of that for they you know, those ones in the market. there are these tweets come trolleys back home. you know those old-style the cold. see, okay. good morning, 70. good
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morning, everybody. >> overcast skies the deal we've got going on right now. it looks like and many parts, but it's going to be a little bit of a mixed bag of some sun trying to peer through along with what you see on radar here. >> some rain showers. we have a little collection. looks like in the san mateo county off the coast in the east bay as well. and when it goes over those east bay hills there, that also squeeze a little bit more from the skies and some of the higher elevations. you can't rule out maybe a little bit of a spurt of snow sfo still looking at delays this morning. last we looked at about an hour delay that may cause a bit of a domino effect later during the day today, as we may have other kind of congestion issues to make note of there. you can see the sky conditions behind. it looks like mostly cloudy skies. but again, the sun trying to peer through a bit. now overnight, we had a couple clear patches that allowed for some frost potential to develop. going to the same thing again tomorrow morning. looks much clear, though, tonight, then are tonight than we had last night. so that will allow those temperatures to fall for a little frost production. 39 still up there to santa rosa. they have not caught up a lot
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of 40's around the breath of the bay, 50 for half moon bay. and that shows you little cooler up north and down south. and we were this time from yesterday. so could be a mostly cloudy, passing shower here or there a line of some rain briefly. you know, we talk about 15 minutes, a half hour or so. the moves on out chilly temperatures into the 50's can take a look at that in the monger range forecast because a heavier dose of rain coming our way. when we get to midweek, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> our top story this morning, the sierra braces for another day of severe winter weather live. look now at our truckee camera. this is at i-80 this morning. a look at that. the heavy wind and rain or rather snow out there forcing parts of the road to shutdown. kimberly cruz has the latest. >> sitting at around 4,000 feet pines. is finally seeing some snow. and do a whole lot of it depends upon the year some years. it's a lot more intense. some years. it's a little bit easier. but this is
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to be expected if you live up here for locals who live in the small mountain town. the site of fresh powder snow isn't anything you take it from? this couple was lived here for about 8 years. enjoy double flake. there's some parts of it that hard, not cool. like getting stuck in the snow and whatnot or losing power. but overall, as long as we have power like we're good to go, we can handle it. we've been doing this for years for others. it took some driving. to enjoy the experience. my kid this and he sort started was no. he was saying love that's good snow the snow check the bad and the push to showing that it's a snow here. so we just thought may get just good time. and we find this know you just in we love that. we come up here on the weekends just to have a cabin. >> on the weekends to enjoy peace and quiet of this area. and when it snows, it's it's a bonus for us. snow plows in action. trying to keep roads
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in parking lots as clear as possible for cars traveling through the town. but with blizzard-like conditions, those in the area know it's best to be prepared. got the four-wheel-drive we've got would ready? we've got lewd. >> good to be prepared. williams, 17 national park remains closed this weekend because of the severe weather. wow. check that out. >> the national weather service is forecasting several feet of snow in the area and very high winds. so it's best to stay away. the race for san francisco mayor, one of the top challengers in the competition right now is daniel lurie, a nonprofit executive and political outsider with deep insider connections. i sat down with larry for a wide ranging interview on how he plans to fix the problems plaguing san francisco. >> i'm asked the voters. do you really believe that someone who has helped create this system is the right
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person to change that culture, to fix that broken system. >> could a political outsider become san francisco's next mayor? it's the position daniel lurie hopes resonates with voters in a crowded race. and and the perception. >> lawlessness is an acceptable part of life in san francisco. i have committed my life to issues of poverty. i believe that i understand what is at stake. >> a san francisco native and heir to the levi strauss fortune lurie founded the antipoverty nonprofit tipping point in 2005 raising hundreds of millions of dollars to fight homelessness in the bay area. we need to build more affordable housing. we have to get people job training and employment skills. he also served as chairman of the super bowl, 50 host committee working with local officials to bring millions in tourism and business dollars to the bay area. if you are elected mayor, what's the first issue you recruiting and retaining a police force? we were down 700
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police officers >> it's going to take us some time. no question about that. but we've got to give them tools to do their job. then we're going to be cleaning our streets. you're coming up off the overpasses. you come down 6 street. it's going be pristine. the first image of san francisco and our visitors and our travelers are tourists come here has got to be a city that is clean and safe and vibrant. >> as for the city's fight against chronic homelessness, we built enough shelter, pets. if you build enough shelter beds, which you could do in a matter of months. that and you offer some a shelter bed if they don't take it. that's their right. but is not there right then to stay on the street. lori proposing a different strategy to stopping the city's revolving door of drug dealers. any first-time offenders must wear an ankle monitor. we can track people and once they are in. one of the climbers like the tenderloin or in soma. they would be subject to a search
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condition acknowledging electronic monitoring does not fall under the mayor's purview. you have the power of the this is not something you the mayor just decrees and it happens and that's where my background comes that we need to send a message to everybody. but you don't come here to deal drugs to do drugs. you come here, you're going to get the help that you need, but you cannot be on our streets. lurie promising a different approach to leading the city. one that starts, he says with accountability when something goes wrong in this city, it's going to be my fault. i'm it. take ownership. i'm tired of the finger-pointing. i think everybody else's as well in san francisco, stephanie lin kron, 4 news. well, despite the wet weather fire season is just around the corner. and cal fire is gearing up. >> dennis shanahan takes a closer look at how the agency is getting ready. >> 750 acres still structures threatened. you have power lines down like i'm not gonna hurt on all aircraft. the life safety. when a major wildfire
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breaks out in california in incident commander is putting charge going go directly to disentangle from a mobile command post at the back of a pickup there constantly receiving information spring year drive. you want get a chair making quick decisions. you know, the burning traffic go ahead and giving orders that see it. >> resort order. this is how they train for it, right? down here. 48 students from san diego to assist and all counties to cal fire cal fire battalion chief jeff loveless is leading this role playing training exercise in a sacramento parking lot. the students are all cal fire captains in battalion chief's ready to take on more responsibility. so this is to get them ready and prepared for these larger the it when the fire season does come with evaluators watching and taking notes, the trainees have to perform a kind of high stakes juggling act. the exercise is designed to bombard them with multiple overlapping
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interruptions over 2 way radios air the by and in person i read it's stressful for the role player in this but in real life, it's stressful for the incident. commander cal fire captain nathan meant and information officer scott mcclain are playing the role of local media with an assist from yours truly behind the camera. looking for an incident update. the trainees have to practice prioritizing telling the media to wait see 20 seconds. 30 seconds, minutes and all step over here and give you guys an actual sound bite. absolutely. thanks. thanks. or the exercise also requires them to eventually find the time to make a brief media statement. all right. ready 250 acres, 800 acres 1000 acres. this is a rapidly expanding incident. be safe and get out quickly. then they have to practice breaking away to get back to their post. i need to get back to managing this far doing that. i appreciate doug. i'm going back to you guys a little later. thank you very much. other role players include a power company representative. the app are lines down a
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highly opinionated local fire chief coming to my town right now. i think these guys in the last thing your mind that need to look at exactly midnight and the students practice being in unified command with the sheriff's department. in this case, placer county is participating. i these are all situations incident commanders are likely to encounter at the scene of a large fire. what is your priorities, how to set it up? and that's what the student is ultimately judged on and trained well, the threat of wildfire is diminished in the winter. this training is one example of how cal fire's efforts to stay sharp and ready for fire season. never stop to successfully pass this class. a lot of effort is needed to maintain that high standard that cal fire with its employees and its company officers and chief officers. >> and maybe the offseason for the nfl. but the san francisco forty-niners are not taking a day off kron four's. erin wilson has the latest on their off season moves. >> well, saturday, we had a full slate of rehevant college
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games is, you know, march made his creeps up on us. we are in march now. aren't we? but we have to talk about the forty-niners news after a lengthy search all over the nfl, the forty-niners they found a new defensive coordinator in house nick sorensen. the team's defensive pass game specialist has been promoted to defensive cordinator. now sorenson who has been with the team says 2022. also served as the team's nickel defensive back coach. now he spent 8 seasons with pete carroll in seattle where the seahawks ran a similar defensive scheme as the forty-niners do. that's not the only change either. the forty-niners also highter hired former charges head coach brandon staley as the new assistant head coach and he replaces anthony lynn. >> who left for washington before a coaches coaching the charges staley was a defensive cordinator, you know, with the rams now the hiring. and so the forty-niners, you know, experience voices with the coaching this coming season. it's all we have for sports. that suspect it. she is dressed up for spring a little bit here. we do have that in the extended forecast.
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>> for today, though, it's some love it or miss showers working its magic in the sun, even poking out just a little bit. there. but still watching for another dose of rain for another dose of rain midweek forecast next thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive,
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>> alright, gorgeous view of san francisco this morning, though, looking just a tad. great a 43 this sunday. let's check in now with day. for more on our weather a date. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and even on radar, we have a couple splotches hanging together. so plan on a hit or miss shower, working its magic throughout the day. >> today that will continue
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sfo. meanwhile, they're still looking about that hour delay. and so therefore, that may cause still some congestion later on during the day today. temperature check for your 39 santa rosa. most readings in the 40's haven't had much movement yet. slipped a little bit. half moon bay at 48 now they're a somewhat tempered because of the close proximity to the ocean in future cast. for again, the spotty showers will continue maybe little line of rain to make note of in the late afternoon. but it comes and goes and again, a couple to raise a son possible getting into tonight, though, looks a little drier than last nights. so frost advisory with us all that surface moisture still hanging around a little bit. we go all the way out will tuesday, the way for some action to happen and tomorrow looks much calmer than today. by contrast, it just doesn't have much moisture which to play with. we're stuck in the same air mass or not completely cleared out yet. this is a tuesday morning and what we're waiting for is a system to drop south in our backyard. back to the winds a little pop. it looks like this afternoon to make note of for
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a few hours then goes away. nothing to cause the wind advisory there. but we'll we'll call kind of a stiff wind for a time. then going back to breezy. here's the longer range forecast on mentioning and this is sort of the deal with the middle of the week. we're watching this is wednesday morning. so those late tuesday night now and this low kind of right out to sea. we know what these things can do sometimes when they're close, close proximity to us sometimes deliver us some weather. if it gets a little too close to that, the dynamics comeback against that means more thunder showers and hail. kind of business. so this needs to be bear. some watching. we get a little closer that's goes to the south and were clear from that point looks pretty good the next few days next weekend. yes, it looks like a passing system on saturday afternoon, but this really far out. so we don't know if that will come together. and we're getting later in the season for these things. and we're getting closer. the equinox. so sometimes they don't all come together that way. mid-fifties it looks like on the board for the most part and check out your extended forecast. look at that in the right hand side of your screen. there. look at the sunshine that has popped up here. 60's as you get a
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little flavor of spring. watch out little rain to get there before. stephanie. >> all right. thank you. >> a kron 4 is your local election headquarters and we're just 2 days away now from super tuesday when millions of californians will cast their ballot in this year's primary elections. joining us live now with more on what we can expect is kron 4 political analyst michael yaki. good morning to you. definite good to see you. so lets get started with the big race here in california. the open u.s. senate seat. some recent polls have shown a pretty they know race is getting pretty close in on some of the top contenders. so what do you personally expect to see from this race? >> what's interesting, the last poll shows that garvey basically registered at 0 3 months ago is now just a statistical tie with adam schiff, the first-place red, 27 25% with that. order right 19 california, as you know,
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only the top 2 finishers go on to the november election. so there's going to be a lot of action. a lot of tv, a lot of people on the streets knocking on doors, getting phone calls and text. i'm getting like a text every 5 minutes practically from all these cabinet to get people to get people to vote. just to be really interesting to watch on election night and and when i'm in the studio on tuesday with everyone, i'm going to be looking to see what kind of vote if this could be any kind of red mirage with steve garvey i expected actually finished close first probably on election night. but that may change as the from la county. i gradually come in during during the evening. so we'll see how it goes. and was a surprising to you at all to see a really kind of take the lead at this point. the race. >> i'm not not really. i mean, for example, first of all, whether taking the lead at this point in the race has almost no bearing a november general election shift knows
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that. that's why i'm ship spent millions of dollars epessentially running. it varie campaign making him as the person cast and worried about. i think democrats should be concerned about which is code word. every republican that we've been watching hey, this is something you should actually vote for. and that's what happened. you've seen a lot of consolidation a republican voters, people who 8 has skipped it because it's going to be prevention. trump coronation of jews super to say. but now they're getting back and thinking, know, my goodness, you know, we've to have someone in the united states senate that republicans have no anyone to the united states senate since. well, 1988. it's been a long time. and so speaking of that trump coronation, you were just mentioning earlier. >> there is, of course, the presidential primary that we're all following so you know, president biden, former president trump, they've both won the early contests pretty
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easily here. president trump, a former president trump having a pretty good outcome from the recent primaries. is there anything that you are watching in particular with these presidential races? >> well, i i mean, certainly not really. i mean, this 30% of the democratic delegates. 36 1% of the republican delegates are being selected for in 15 states. and i was coming in with their democratic caucuses as well. so i mean, this is this is the big kahuna in terms of delegate count. there's really very little suspense. there's no one really running. i'm against joe biden. and nikki haley is trying to road against donald trump. but to repeal to the to the base republican core makes up the primary electorate is is almost almost no. i mean, if she manages managed to break 40% some of the some of the southern states, which i would be surprised. i think that would be interesting. she
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breaks for new california, the kind of kind of interesting, but not really but again, it's going to be more about what happens the day after. does she stay in the race to she still decide. i that she is gambling, that something could happen to trump. i mean, a criminal conviction that could keep her in the race and at least, you know. recent news in the past couple weeks regarding supreme court saying to take up. the immunity issue judge and forward a kitchen tickets for the town road that's making making those even longer for nikki haley in terms of some intervening event may come in a lot of courage sweep in the say, hey, i'm the last person standing was it? >> yeah, absolutely. staying will be keeping very close eyes on and all of that to, of course. and michael, there are concerns about low voter turnout in this election. it's not looking great here. i are
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8. i was looking at the numbers. it seemed that mostly it was the senior citizens who are casting their vote. 50 1% of them versus the younger demographic which was play incredibly low to ballot turn in numbers for for the younger demographic there. so i mean, how do you see this affecting the results of super tuesday and is there a concern going forward? >> for example, katie porter and and barbara lee a right now. it i think, for the younger demographic, barbara lee has been very adamant, for example, that should be a cease-fire in the other candidates have been a little bit. on that on that on that issue in terms of whether you know galvanize would really for gen x-ers really isn't very important mission. but it hasn't really had really hasn't really landed in california. jurors getting them out to the polls last week. they were all concerned whether they're me, you know, i was 1000 people will be voting for joe biden. the
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primary. there isn't. there's a good number, but it wasn't the kind of worried that they that they were concerned about. so, you know, those are the kinds of things that affect turnout. and that is an issue that should and and has not yet. i think you people to get out to the polls in california. i think that state of the economy, i think there aren't any interesting. big ballot measures that are on there that might get them to the polls. so i think that's that's a mistake disadvantage for representative porter and representative lee. their senate race. it helps steve garvey out immensely and adam schiff is still, you know, spending lots of money to make sure that he at least from missions. i second the garbage that first because in november pretty confident. and then he went right now. there's really no big polarizing galvanizing.
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that's getting younger people head to the polls, especially with the fact media has pretty much stand. and i are going to be partly to blame for you know, that there's very little stopping joe biden and donald trump getting the nomination. so maybe people are tired. many people are waiting. problem for both of those candidates is can we get those people are going to be now out to the polls in november? i think that's what people are more focused instead how many people are going to be voting in march of this year. >> and we certainly hope that more people feel galvanized to get out the vote and to get their reflected in the polls on super tuesday and in november as well. we we need one of those voices to show up. got my texts from checks from the county saying that they receive my vote. so good on michael. thanks so much. to our proper political analyst michael yaki again for joining us tis morning. thank you. all right. and make sure that
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you tune in for our special coverage on super tuesday. march 5th. >> it starts here at kron 04:08pm, make sure that you 04:08pm, make sure that you tune in and cast your vote as a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises
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"her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> if you're looking to avoid student debt, experts say to find a school that offers grants. a press interview report says 23 college is a new universities are adopting a no loan policy. instead, they are offering students 100% share of cost through grants some of those schools and adopting the plan include ivy leagues like princeton, harvard and brown students will still have to pay for certain costs like books.
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packages may also include work study requirements for those who qualify. narrowly avoiding catastrophe. this sweet kitty named lily was saved from being crushed in a north carolina just junk yard, rather. she was hiding inside a car that was set to be demolished. a worker happen to stop the process to remove the car's battery. and that's when this cat jumped out from under the hood right into the workers, arms. a local rescue center says lucky lily returned to her owner and she is lucky indeed. happy ending to that story. and still ahead of the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news and oakland restaurant owner refuses to give up even after his businesses vandalized. >> plus, a string of robberies hits a popular shopping area in oakland. the reaction from business owners there. and winter storms continue to slam the sierra dave sphar standing by with an update on our weather conditions as the kron. 4 morning news continues.
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morning news. more frustration from oakland business owners after a string of burglaries in a popular shopping area. and a powerful winter storm buries parts of the sierra and snow. this as the bay area gets ready for more rain. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday march 3rd, let's get you started with a look at the weather with dave spahr. good morning well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. quite a bit of cloud cover again today
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to in passing showers here and there there will be very spotty throughout the day. maybe little brief line of rain, 15, 30 minutes. it's out of here again and be fighting with some sunshine that will see here and there now you can kind of make out some colors, ation some of those cells for those higher elevations still possible for a little snow spurts with everything. but the good news is when we get a line of cold air right above us like that, we don't want a lot of instability to drive the atmosphere there. so it looks like today we will have that. so we won't have as much instability as we did from yesterday. can't rule out a rumble of thunder thunder here and there. but we should have a widespread issues like we did from yesterday, east bay shoreline. you can see kind of overcast for the most part. there's a couple breaks happening in the skies above us. there. a little bit of the way, some breezy conditions. we expect an afternoon spurt, though, to make note, we do have the frost advisory that expire today, but it's a reinstated for tonight. it's more likely we'll get widespread frost tonight because of much better clearing tonight and those temperatures will be able to go into more free fall. right now we stand at 48 at half moon bay, most readings into
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the 40's. we graduated to 44 in santa rosa. meanwhile, srn francisco and oakland or rather hayward checking in at about 50 at this got 52 going on at 1 o'clock with showers returning, as you can see and throughout the afternoon, it looks like with temperatures not doing much look at that forecast both near and far coming up in a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> our top story, a powerful storm continues to pummel parts of the sierra. a long stretch of i-80 and several ski resorts remain closed because of gusty winds and snow. this is a live look now at i-80 near donner lake where it's looking pretty darned cold out there. you can see that ice frost kind of obscuring the camera lens there. kron four's amanda hari caught up with chp in truckee on the latest roadway warnings. >> highways completely shut down and cars broken down have become familiar sights in truckee, california highway patrol officer chris patten, the station near 89 south i-80. he says 80 won't be open
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anytime soon. this looking towards the summit if you can see it. so it's a it's a white out right now. >> we're trying caltrans is trying the best they can to get the saying thing up. >> it's probably not going to be today. more and more than likely tomorrow. it's it's still pretty treacherous up in the top. people are actually i think they're staying home and and just in time, the fire probably he says chp and other emergency responders are doing what they can to help people in need. >> all the vehicles have four-wheel drive and good tires to hopefully allow chp officers to stay on the road. it's my job to make sure people are safe. so i have to drive up there and it i've there twice today and it's. >> you can snow plow driver kyle franklin says the snow is wet and heavy. >> he's broken parts of his plow trying to remove i've been in truckee. 44 years. >> and operator, labor hood right here for about 6 years. and this is a pretty good
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storm. it's not record breaking by any means, it's a good storm. business owner in truckee resident adele attics, as she came out to check on her business. but because of the weather. >> they were forced to close its because saturday's definitely our busiest day. >> so don't miss out on that. revenue not the ideal, but again, better to be safe than sorry. >> look at that little glad it was wearing a vest. and it's not just the sierra seeing snow this weekend. this is a live look now from the top of mount diablo. little closer to home. you can see a light dusting of powder across the mountain peaks on the right hand side of your screen. there looking very cold out in parts of the bay area today. and take a look at this. people in pleasanton are being asked to avoid this area. that's foothill road south of castle would drive because of this downed tree. chp posting these pictures reminding everybody the police travel safely. if you must, in this togh weather. for more information on the latest
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weather conditions scanned the qr code on your screen. take you straight to our coverage on our website. kron 4 dot com. in the east bay. a shooting investigation continues in oakland on saturday. officers responded to telegraph avenue near the oakland grabbing go market. our camera captured a window that appear to have been shot out. police say no one was injured. a motive is under investigation. the search is on for suspects after a string of burglaries in oakland's temescal alley. investigators say a number of people who broke into stores, they're they stole merchandise friday morning. the burglars ran off before officers could get to the scene. we heard from some business owners affected. i got a call and the early morning on friday from our property manager. and soon as i saw his name on my phone in the early hours, i knew that something was not good or 2 guys. they came earlier in the night and jumps the fence and scope sally out and then they came back later on with the truck and they came and broke
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the windows and just filled their bags up and then took it out to the truck and drove off. so. >> anyone with information is asked to contact oakland police. in the north able help. police arrested a man accused of setting a fire in a target store. we're told the suspect caused more than 4 million dollars in damages. this video from last saturday shows the fire burning in the paper powwow aisle. the incident forced the store to close for repairs. the suspect has not been named police say that they're thankful for the community's help in finding him. the rain did not stop hundreds of people from protesting in san francisco saturday. this group calling for a cease-fire between hamas and israel. he's citizen app. video showing protesters marching through the financial district. it's called it's part of what's being called a global day of action for palestine. the group claims that they were demonstrating peacefully was san francisco police used pepper spray on them outside of the israeli consulate. police say the protesters became violent and started causing property
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damage. kron 4 is your local election headquarters and we're just 2 days away from super tuesday when millions of americans head to the polls for this year's presidential primary elections, our washington, d.c., correspondent hannah brandt has a preview. >> super tuesday puts more than a 3rd of the delegates up for grabs. it's not enough for any candidate to lock up their party's nomination, but it could get them pretty close from california to texas to virginia, 15 states head to the polls on super tuesday. do we want more of the same? >> or do we want to go in a new direction? former south carolina governor nikki haley is fighting to stay in the republican race. she has yet to win a single primary contest against former president donald trump. all he's doing is talking about himself and that's the problem. it's not about it's about the american people. but super tuesday could delivered the death blow to are struggling campaign. we're going to fight for super tuesday. trump spent his friday at a court hearing in florida. where his motorcade
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was greeted by supporters numerous legal issues continue to drag him away from campaigning. but he still poised to win big on super tuesday and he's focused on competing against president biden. i call him crooked joe because he's cricket is a terrible president. president our country has ever had in dueling trips to the border. this week. president biden from president trump campaigned on immigration issues but instead of attacking his republican opponent, president biden used his visit to push for unity to fix the southern border question member who's >> we work for american people, not the democratic party, republican party out on the campaign trail. the first lady is getting more political. we re elect joe biden kamala harris. in washington. i'm hannah brandt. >> happening right now, runners in the east bay are lacing up their shoes for the livermore valley. half marathon covers. tiffany just is live for us at the starting line with more on the excitement out there. and tiffany, it's looking a little chilly, too.
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>> weather has not decided to do today. the runners having to deal with some rain on the course that you they are ready finish up. so the writers behind me, these are all the 5 k half marathon runners are finishing crossing the finish line. the runners for the 5 probably crossed the finish line around 9.30 this morning. so they were speeding super this morning today and the livermore valley, marathon started very early this roads here in downtown livermore had been blocked all over this city. officials want residents to be aware of at livermore we are managing this morsel will be working. proceedings. major intersections they did. the heaviest delays are going to 7 8.25. this morning. so the heavier delays should be wrapping up at this time as but a lot of the road closures will go until 10, 30 this
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morning. so about our 10 year this race has been going on known for its course. we're not certain 7.30, this it was followed by a 5 k you organizers say they will get a little sensory the runners passing through vineyards, olive groves and even more earlier we spoke with a runner. he tells us that this is 67 here participating in marathon. >> you start downtown you and downtown. after party is wonderful all the wineries coming out is a couple of that brew pubs in and but then it take you out. go through a couple of parks fiat likes like i said, some of the vineyards and it's just beautiful. >> yeah, looks like we're getting some sun the finish up this race for reading on finishers and it, you know,
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the rain didn't family and friends from staying out here supporting their loved ones who are racing today. city officials want residents to know that the farmers market is usually in spot. this area has been pushed down but it's it's still back to all right, tiffany, thank you so much for your coverage this morning. all right. coming up, rising from the ashes. we catch up with the owner of oakland's horn bbq months after a thanksgiving fire tore down his business. >> it is run isn't livermore. they're going to use kinetic energy for thermal. don't you worry about for today on storm tracker, 4 cup. a little splotches of showers coming in. boyne it in the sun trying to figure out a little bit. but yes, it will be chilly the next couple of days going. take a look at that forecast a bit. the kron 4 morning news continues.
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>> welcome back. taking a live look now from our mount tam camera, gorgeous view of the bay area this morning, cnn not too, what out there at this hour. but things could change a bit. let's check in now with day for more a day. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody out quite a bit of cloud cover. we see also in the east bay shoreline as well. there you can see off towards the distance but breaks and them their clouds and will get. >> little spotty shower come and go throughout the day today. and although the sunshine coming up does allow for a little bit of energy in the atmosphere, looks like we don't have a lot of instability for today, but the cold air aloft is still there. so if you hear the rumble of thunder, it's a possibility, but we shouldn't have the hail
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and the unsettled weather like we did from yesterday a little bit, by the way, one of things to underscore this of your recall yesterday we had this up here. this is from the severe severe prediction center. they keep changing all the time, but they basically look at the whole country insane because of some thunder showers here and draw some circles. you may recall yesterday is covered a good chunk of central valley going now. it's all shifted to the north north of us. again, not impossible to see any, but you can see most of the action remains north. so for us again, the spotty showers throughout the day today. then overnight, we clear out that's going allow temperatures to tumble. that's why the frost advisories around until tomorrow morning as well. monday's relatively not much going on. a lot of cloud cover, though, remains and we wait for tuesday. midweek and wednesday for the last shoe to fall. by the way, back to today. now there is a little pop here with some onshore winds ever. so briefly before they kind recede a little bit into the afternoon and we go to the evening hours as well. all right. so here's kind of a breakdown of what we're talking about here for today.
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it's variable clouds, rain on and off chilly with mid-fifties at work here early into the week. we've got to get through this now. it looks like tuesday. wednesday is the best shot of getting that rain. high of about 60. the we finish off the week drying out. hello and yes, we start to warm up mid 60's. it looks like and that extended forecast will flavor of spring coming our way, although it's before the equinox. 55 san francisco and also in oakland. 58. meanwhile, for san jose and quite a bit of cloud cover remains chilly with some scattered showers. now, let's take the temperature map like there's much to see mid 50's pretty much everywhere here and will build on that later in your seven-day forecast. stefanie. >> all right, dave, thank you. it's women's history month. and this morning we're meeting a fashion designer who is celebrating the bay area with her unique sense of style. rezone theresa kimbro joins us live now to talk about her street where line of a morning to you to resume morning. how are you doing? great. how are doing? very well. thank you. thank you so much for coming
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all the way out early in the morning. love the name of this line hela base little so tell us a bit about what inspired you to start this. >> guy. it's kind of weird story. basically, it started this online magazine is called of a magazine. i realize it is 6 wasn't the greatest idea. but i was selling t-shirts to finance that it's not realize i like selling t-shirts, but i like the magazine and him i was born. all right. great. and you brought some models to show off peril today. so what we have one of them walk on and a walk us through what we're looking at this is devon. this is sketch city. is a representation of different areas in the bay area. thank you. the guy over here, we've got the mission. we've got. >> you fox theater, they see one san francisco. the other side represents oakland's save that little bit of both sides. yeah. anybody out and do you work with a graphic designer to put this? basically i gave
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a graphic designer the elements and then he drew it up for me. >> oh, yeah, usually i do the designs, but i'm not that good of an end. it looks very comfortable to. how are you feeling right it's a it's it's like the perfect sort of like loungewear sort of. yes, you can also wear it out for as you walk around the block to. yeah, right grey hoodies are really in the trending to get also dressed up like a nice jacket. i've even like j. lo with great it. so definitely a different lot of different ways you can wear and this specific graphic is available ebay. clothing dot com. okay. got it. okay. and does it come in different colors as well? yeah. this one comes in gray. it also comes in sand and there's also one that saw 5 there's also in its 4, 1, 5, because some people are very specific about who they represent. so, yeah, that's great. i like the pan says, well, what's on the on the >> i that's cute. i like that. very nice. okay. show we bring
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on our next year. do we go? >> and here is many. this is by had a staple hoodie, the definition of basically people from other areas always like what is helen mean? i decide to put on a shirt. so you just read. all right. yeah. they kind jab in los angeles there. >> i mean, yeah, because there are a lot of designers out no way as well. did you have any friends who do design out la and to the ever given kind of get into a little? you know, i know very bay area based out i have a lot of friends in la because i went to school out there. ok, it's all in. good fun. yeah. and so this was you said one of the first designs you came out. yes, okay. very good. and it's and it comes in variety of colors as well. this one comes in a gray without black friday and also in the black with a white writing kagan. and also i have little onesie.
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>> all for the is yes. want to match. yeah, we've got to get the kids started early with. yes. celebrate in the bay area. exact that's a door abul. it comes in t-shirts. yeah, this is second. there you oh, right. you a t-shirts. alright, iraq that? proud to show our pride exact area. yes. and you know, tell us a little bit while we have many so it is a city unisex thing or unisex both of these units that i do have a specifically women's clothing, also specifically a children's ok, wonderful. all right. so >> since we going to have our other model come back up, so we have soared. viewers have another chance to take a look at this design right here and have for a kind of model that for us a little bit. why as you about our next question here, which is, you tell us a bit about just to, you know, the fashion industry can be such a challenging space. you know what kind of inspires you to keeps you motivated to get up in the morning and just keep on going. honestly, i
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just love what i yeah. if you love what you do like i remember when i first started this, i would literally go to best thing about holiday clothing. i would wake up thing about of a clothing. i would jump up in the middle of the night. so a good idea. not run my computer, but as long as you love what you're doing. >> you know, then you can go wrong. i can print for 14 hours a day i'm tell us to just again, your love for the bay area and stuff. >> you know what? what do you draw your inspiration from when you're on the street and you're thinking, oh, you know what? i want to design next deal. honestly, i look at like the sites that i like like i live in west oakland, i hang on downtown oakland a lot. you know, over by the fox theater. so like you'll see on fox theater at grand lake theater on a lot of just different. love the bridge. i mean, the beautiful bridge. >> so i just love the bay i went to school in la which new york for a lot just to try it out. i always had to come you know, i love wonderful. and
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that's how many come up next. model appears. so everybody can get a sense of both the designs next to each other, right? have you guys posed together? al que? yeah. area. >> and sir, you know, let us know as we kind of wrap things up first of all, where people can get more information about the perils. yes, so basically go to of a clothing dot com. i'm also going to be available on the open airport starting in june. also i have viewers a special discount right now. if they put in promo code kron 20, they'll get 20% off. >> all right, jan 20 for our that's how clothing dot com. last question here for you, you know, any message for viewers is women's history month. yeah, i like is women like sometimes we face, you know, some obstacles, especially the clothing industry people might might not take us seriously. >> as long as you take yourself seriously, that's all that matters. you know, you treat your passion as your passion. not as just a hobby. people take you seriously. you know, do your research and
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you'll be fine. all right. full. >> theresa kimbro, the founder of the street where line hella bay, thank you so much. thank you for having this morning. all right. we'll be right all right. we'll be right back. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain! my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body
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produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. ordinary is the opposite of beautiful. beauty drops our jaws. dilates our eyes. and beauty is something we can create... right now... at floor & decor.
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>> still a burned out shell oakland's beloved horn bbq was vandalized by graffiti and torched by fire just before thanksgiving. but chef matt horn didn't let it get him down. kron four's vicki liviakis brings us his story. >> when i last saw you had just undergone a really traumatic this
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>> it was really difficult for us because we never experienced like that. we do with no is that university before? something right. really how to get we'll go up. asked that. do. light at the end of the tunnel. i've always preach that that, you know, is that positive? we live in the face of adversity, but that was a challenge to the it was took a while for the car. really? was that, you know, with everything that we built. has been on fire, you know, so the kind of look at it from that perspective we take just devastating determined that something positive. do that. so we're looking to rebuild. but exactly we are definitely rebuild, were barred from well, back to serve i this for
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a lot more time. you know that our leaders welcome a cover for a ticket to the show. make great too >> i guess is they when i give him 11, yeah. the neighborhood in oakland, vicki liviakis kron 4 that is a story of resilience. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. could a political outsider become san francisco's next mayor? i sit down with nonprofit executive daniel lurie on why he thinks he's the most qualified to lead the city. now on the kron
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4 morning news. the election is just 2 days away. >> we take a look at which candidates are leading in the polls. and severe weather. severe winter weather shuts down stretches of i-80. we check in with dave on how long that heavy snow and winds will last for. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. let's get you started this half hour with a look at our forecast. dave spahr tracking it all for us in the weather their day. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and just kind of a variety of weather we've got going on very throughout the day and depending on where you are on balance, a lot of cloud cover. >> in spots of rain coming and going throughout this forecast here. we've been see the radar imagery we've got going on, looks like in the southern into the bay, have rain showers going on the san mateo bridge having rain on remodel. the richmond sandra fell bridge. sunshine coming out. so varies right now. and
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again, mixed bag of sun and clouds with more clouds in this picture. by the way, sfo still cooking our one-hour delay may post some other issues upstream for tomorrow morning. we're back to that frost advisory in the north bay because of clear skies and some drying conditions partially so that allow temperatures to fall a bit in the 30's. 44 santa rosa at this hour. 51 san francisco, 50 for hayward and also for half moon bay. 52 already palo alto. lot of cloud cover today. showers on and off throughout the day. and it looks like a lot less tomorrow, but basically mostly cloudy for good chunk of the bay waiting for the shoe to fall. however, by mid week, we'll have more on that story coming up and a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. our top story this morning, the sierra braces for another day of severe winter weather. this is a live look now at i-80 this morning. the heavy snow and wind there for some parts of the road to shutdown. >> kimberly cruz has the latest. >> sitting at around 4,000 feet pines. is finally seeing
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some snow. and do a whole lot of it depends upon the year some years. it's a lot more intense. some years. it's a little bit easier. but this is to be expected if you live up here for locals who live in the small mountain town. the site of fresh powder snow isn't anything yov take it from this couple who has lived here for about 8 years. enjoy double flake. there's some parts of it that not cool. like getting stuck in the snow and whatnot or losing power. but overall, as long as we have power like we're good to go, we can handle it. we've been doing this for years for others. it took some driving. to enjoy the experience. my kid this and he sort started was no. he was saying love that's good the snow check their in a push to showing that it's a snow here. so we just thought may get just good time. and we find this know
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you just in we love that. we come up here on the weekends just to have a cabin. >> so coming up on the weekends to enjoy peace and quiet of this area. and when it snows, it's it's a bonus for us. snow plows in action. trying to keep roads in parking lots as clear as possible for cars traveling through the town. but with blizzard-like conditions, those in the area know it's best to be prepared. got the four-wheel-drive we've got would ready? we've got lewd. >> yeah, being prepared. sounds like a very good idea. given the severe conditions and yosemite national park remains closed this weekend because of that bad weather. the national weather service is forecasting several feet of snow in the area and very high winds. >> from 4 is your local election headquarters and a new poll shows it's a tight race for the california senate seat. >> rachel menitoff reports with the latest numbers.
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>> in a turn of events, democratic representative adam schiff a,d his republican opponent, steve garvey. now in a statistical tie in california's senate primary. this according to the latest polling friday out of the institute of governmental studies at uc berkeley, which shows garvey with 27% support and shift at 25 representative katie porter came in 3rd at 19%, followed by representative barber lead with just 8%. another poll this week, though, shows shift on top. so at this point, it's anyone's game. his car for someone that surrounded by. >> the suns to wiens, gustavo tennis is planning to vote for the former dodger baseball star and political newcomer. this coming super tuesday. do like that. he's not a career that's one of the things that i love of ida. well, adam schiff has been the longtime front runner. this recent polling indicates a large increase in support for garvey over the last few weeks. this became evident when they
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consolidated the support of republican voters. 67 1% of whom back garvey. my initial reaction is that the poll is not going to be the same as the outcome on tuesday night. loyola marymount university law professor jessica levinson says take this poll with a grain of salt. >> but this is a reflection that steve garvey has support from likely voters. steve garvey is really just running against himself in terms of getting the republican and are moderate vote. adam schiff is running against katie porter and barbara and that's a much more competitive race. in an interview with news nation's chris cuomo. garvey says this shows his message is resonating and let's break down this snarky. >> career politicians who are running for power, but i'm running for the people. marianne cherry voted for barber leave and says she's concerned by garvey's elevated standing in the polls. >> and don't think he really has the best interests of californians in mind. this.
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adam schiff supporter says she was shocked by recent stats but still feels confident in her candidate of choice. very surprising. >> that's steve garvey is ahead. >> and in fact, i'm not sure i believe that he's ahead. so i urge everyone to get out and vote. more than 150 supporters welcomed adam schiff at the firefighter candidate testing center in sacramento saturday evening. >> he spoke to the crowd and took part in a meet and greet afterwards. this all part of what the shift campaign is calling the california for all tour featuring stops today in southern california, the central valley and northern california. >> i want to make sure that everyone helped knows that i'm going to be a senator for every part of california. i want to make sure that the folks in the central valley know i'm going to fight for clean water and clean that i'm going to fight in the north for broadband access and available accessible, affordable insurance for their homes. want to make sure the big cities of folks know that i'm gonna fight to bring back
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life in the big cities to the unaffordability of housing in the epidemic of homelessness. so we're going to every part of the state and urging voters to turn out. and so far the reaction has been wonderful. >> ships tour does continue. and san diego, san francisco in salinas wrapping up in los angeles on monday. >> and there you see shifts opponent, democrat katie porter of voting in orange county saturday. >> she cast her ballot and brought her 18 year-old son to vote in his very first election. i think we can all imagine who he voted for. she shared her message to the voters. >> they want to see washington change that they need to send people to washington to do things differently. so the only democratic elected official running in this race who has never taken corporate pac money. that makes me different. my vote is not for sale. nobody's vote in our nation's capital should be for sale. >> and that's something that i think appeals to democrats, republicans and independents.
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>> porter is expected in san francisco today for a meet and greet. meantime, republican steve garvey is campaign confirms he has no publicly scheduled events this weekend. democrat barbara lee's campaign is organizing, get out the vote efforts. in the meantime. and now to the race for san francisco mayor, one of the top challengers is daniel lurie, a nonprofit executives and political outsider with deep insider connections. i sat down with lori for a wide ranging interview on how he plans to fix the problems plaguing san francisco. >> i'm asked the voters. do you really believe that someone who has helped create this system is the right person to change that culture, to fix that broken system. >> could a political outsider become san francisco's next mayor? it's the position daniel lurie hopes resonates with voters in a crowded race. and and the perception. >> lawlessness is an acceptable part of life in san francisco. i have committed my
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life too issues of poverty. i believe that i understand what is at stake. >> a san francisco native and heir to the levi strauss fortune lurie founded the antipoverty nonprofit tipping point in 2005 raising hundreds of millions of dollars to fight homelessness in the bay area. we need to build more affordable housing. we have to get people job training and employment skills. he also served as chairman of the super bowl, 50 host committee working with local officials to bring millions in tourism and business dollars to the bay area. if you are elected mayor, what's the first issue you recruiting and retaining a police force? we were down 700 police officers. >> it's going to take us some time. no question about that. but we've got to give them tools to do their job. then we're going to be cleaning our streets. you're coming up off the overpasses. you come down 6 street. it's going to be pristine. the first image of san francisco and our visitors and our travelers are tourists come here has got to be a city
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that is clean and safe and 5 run. >> as for the city's fight against chronic homelessness. we still don't enough shelter. pets if you build enough shelter beds, which you could do in a matter of months. you offer some a shelter bed? stay on. take it. that's their right. but is not there right them to stay on the street. lori proposing a different strategy to stopping the city's revolving door of drug dealers. any first-time offenders must wear an ankle monitor. we can track people and once they are in. one of the climbers like the tenderloin or in soma. they would be subject to a search condition acknowledging electronic monitoring does not fall under the mayor's purview. you have the power of the this is not something you the mayor just decrees and it happens and that's where my background comes we need to send a message to everybody, but you don't come here to deal drugs to do drugs. you come here during get the help that you need, but you cannot
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be on our streets. lurie promising a different approach to leading the city. one that starts, he says with accountability when something goes wrong in this city, it's going to be my fault. i'm it. take ownership. i'm tired of the finger-pointing. i think everybody else's as well in san francisco, stephanie lin kron, 4 news. >> and you can read much more from my interview with daniel lurie right now on kron 4 dot com. and a reminder that kron 4 is your local election headquarters. join us on ection day for live results from around the bay area. our coverage starts at 08:00pm. >> well, we haven't completely turned off the rain. the little swatch is to continue to appear on radar as you can see on the live picture here, however, looks like it will be in little dry patch tomorrow and maybe even early into tuesday. no little system has to play through. and we're done for a little while. take a look at your long range a look at your long range forecast with kron. 4 morning
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ordinary is the opposite of beautiful. beauty drops our jaws. dilates our eyes. and beauty is something we can create... right now... at floor & decor. when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant.
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a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. >> taking a live look now this morning from walnut creek, where traffic is moving along quite nicely at this hour are quite a number of cars on the road. actually for 9.43. this morning on a sunday. let's check in now with day for more on our weather today. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. in our golden gate prep pictures also showing little clear patches. well, typical of how the whole days going to be. >> here's a look at live radar. what's a shaken? we do have a nice, interesting line
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trying to develop here off towards the east bay. it's going to closer inspection near as it starts to go over the east bay hills a little bit its like that. what rank scenario? it tends to get ring a little bit and you get some heavier rain showers there, but extending basically from oakland, well inland in the tri valley a bit, although it looks like the livermore runners getting a little bit of a break, at least from the rain showers right now to see some sun coming out. and tiffany's last report s there's about an hour delay cooking on this and that may cause later on delays or congestion elsewhere, just as a note, however, when hours better than to that we had from yesterday. still some hope there. 44 going on for santa rosa. we have 15 51, san francisco, but a lot of 40's off to the east bay there. 51 meanwhile, for san jose, futurecast for again popping up of those showers. a little line of rain. michael passover, a bit here. well, a college trying to clear already before sunset after sunset. it will do so. so this is the reason why we have frost advisory skies will open up temporarily here and that will cause some temperatures
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to fall. not a lot of action happens on monday. not matter of fact. actions see in the south bay, things open up getting all the way till tuesday waiting and waiting and waiting for what? well, the system to drop south of show you that in a bit right now. well, the pop of some winds this afternoon, everybody gets participatory action with this for a few hours before kind of goes away a little bit. by the way, we'll probably see another one of those with the next system to get here. and we've got to kind of watch where that low is going to be because that will drive those winds. we've had a couple run-ins with these things here. here it is. boom around there. is a good, strong southerly wind and all shore. but it's coming in from the higher latitudes. so it tends to be a little colder with that snaps off. goes away. and for the remainder of the week, it's a little flavor of early spring, almost spring showers or something. you know, i know here it comes again for the weekend. what to see if that comes together. a nice line, the drop south here, but there is that possibility and post it for some rain showers into the following early week are highs today. not much middle 50's is
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best. we're going to muster here with all of that. by the way, those highs will improve in the seven-day forecast. but they'll that here for you again, kind of storm. a little bit wet, unsettled early part of the week by thursday into friday. we're starting to get some nice numbers here. we get up to about 66 or so on your front friday. there. but again, watching for some saturdays into watching for some showers on saturday. right now, we're going to get kinetic with stephen >> dave knows what's up now. >> today on for your health falling is the number one cause of traumatic death and injury at any age more than vote. motor vehicle crashes and to help us improve our balance and quality of life is our health expert karen owoc. she joins us live this morning. it's great to see you. same here. yeah, it's been a little. it was clear when i drove. and so that was thank goodness. okay. your were getting really hands-on today. i'm taking the shoes on. yes, as you requested. so what? what? walk us through
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what what the exercise that we have to be aware. still balance training. a lot of people think that balance i can stand on my my foot 4.60, seconds and that sin. but there's a look that many layers to training and there are 7 different types, ok? so joint mobility. >> static balance, dynamic balance, sensory function and and also gate enhance snow cave. there's they're quite muscle straight month muscle endurance. all these different things need to be addressed in a very effective balance training program. all right. yes, so well, to start, i'm going to have you work on. this static balance exercise addict it's not. it's more than just standing on one because usually when you fall, you are in a stationary position. but generally you're uses either using your arms, your legs, and then you lose your balance. okay. so i'm going to have you stand. stand with your feet together and you're going to actually point
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your foot to 10 8 o'clock. and you're going to point your foot at the 12 and then the 3 o'clock. and then the 6 o'clock. and then 7 and then 8 o'clock ahi like i'm in my at my bar. yeah, that's good. okay. and then back to fix. >> back to 3 and just go through the clock. so you're moving your feet. >> all the way round. and to add cognitive training. okay. you call out like 12 o'clock. 12 o'clock. >> every 6. and then we just. >> 9 can you go to? i don't know. i got and i'm going to be really good your so someone that's just starting out may be just doing the point pointing and holding onto a chair. >> so there's so many different levels of balance training in my in my program. i have test them for so they know i know what level they are in all those different
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categories. 10. so okay. so that's it. that's good. and so like that. so the idea with this is when you're you get your developing balance because euro standing on one working the other and then you're moving the other foot and then also ok, so some for some arms. get my ball roll it is okay. give you this very light ball. so you're going to move. >> you can move your arms ok down, you don't have to really far. okay. so so down and up and i'll show version that a little bit more advanced and that would be on the boost. the ball. so continue with that. and then i would go a little bit deeper and okay. and then and up. and know what, both sides, you're really showing us. on that balances, the bossi. bob boese said answer both sides up.
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that i that's intimidating, but on the floor. so that's one way to trained your static bill. and okay. so then there's also books. there's also a dynamic balance and that's a little different. so but dynamic bounces be able to regain your balance after movement. okay. and this is really good for people that are especially in sports because they need cut, you know, recover from from something or if you're falling down, you need to be good bill to come back up. got a for for this exercise and we don't always work are lateral movement. so i'm going to have you just do some side to side step. a beginner, a level one would be holding shifting their weight from side to side. okay. from foot to foot, foot to foot. yes. and then start raising your foot a little bit higher. okay. i don't really feel like i'm dressed honestly, but okay. and then you can open up the
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arms too. that will start off your center of gravity. okay. and then advanced level would be more like that like this with the lake and then shifting. and then coming back to balance. okay. all the way. and coming back. okay. so all the way out. so imagine if you're going to fall, then you have to recover. about it. so that's generally go a little off center a little bit and then try to bring yourself. but yes, you want to challenge yourself in the training in an exercise training, ok? so that was very good. okay. oh, i'm so glad i so the next thing is working on joint mobility. real important to have good joint manuel bility, shoulders, your hips. your needs you, your ankles. so i have you go ahead and take a seat, a the way we move. you
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don't need this. that's okay. okay. so we want a rotation to come from arthur acics pint the upper back not below the lumbar spine. that's those who stay strong and stable. and so what of have you do is just place both feet on the floor. okay. okay. you can reach up behind you is that you're going to grab your your seat belt. okay. just like this. okay. just reach out. put your other hand straight and then you get to put the other hand through its. if you're threading a needle. okay. so reach up. ok, and the red, ok for you all the way up. now an advanced level would be doing it in right reaching and then threading the needle. wow, reaching so there's there's an exercise for every okay. so that works on. they 6 pine in
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rotation was sometimes you're going to be standing one place. someone calls your name you have to turn real. turn. and that's when people fall. okay. very good. thank you so much for these tips. very, very helpful. and i'm very impressed by your physical strength. >> all thanks for walker. jim, thank you so much for joining thank you so much for joining very welcome. is a
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. is it possible to count on my internet with democrat katie porter. like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card
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although the folks in livermore getting a bit of a break, at least they did earlier. some of this is going over the east bay hills and that kind of sparks at to come alive. sfo. i talked about earlier delay here about an hour. so you may have some issues later today. so for today, just some spotty showers going on again, mixed bag of a mostly clouds, but some sun might see things open up a little bit tonight briefly that will allow that frost advisory inactive by tomorrow by the standards that we've already seen as a nice little puff of wind there. you can see they're watching for today, all port and 7 day forecast comes in like this. when does the sun come back? stephen, you're waiting for looking your chops thursday into friday. thursday and friday. and that's before the equinox to. so how about >> okay. he and way we winter like a stormy actually we've had because this season has been treated to so much that subtropical moisture to. you know, i just i didn't want to
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catch ebay with. all right. thanks so much, everybody for joining us for news. we'll see you back here bright and early 7 to 10:00am the next weekend. until then, stay dry. stay until then, stay dry. stay warm. everybody taken care of. ordinary is the opposite of beautiful. beauty drops our jaws. dilates our eyes. and beauty is something we can create... right now... at floor & decor. (sung) febreze! i use febreze fabric refresher everyday. to make my home smell amazing. on my bed... my couch... my jacket or jeans. in between washes. even shoes. febreze doesn't cover up odors with scent, but fights them and freshens! over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher.
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> anncr: the following is a paid program from joel osteen ministries.


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