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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  March 6, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> now on the kron 4 morning news democratic representative adam schiff and leading republican candidate steve garvey will face each other in november's general election after tapping california's united states senate primary.
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former san jose mayor leading in the race to fill the former u.s. representative anna eshoo seat in district 16 as the santa clara county supervisor trails pretty closely behind. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news good morning. thank you for waking up with his bright and early for the kron. 4 morning news. it is wednesday march 6. >> the day after election day. i'm reyna harvey. we're going to go over those results of you this morning. but i start into work this morning, john. it was really, really slick and started really coming down on the toll plaza this morning. yeah, specially down for the south bay. that's where we're seeing some of our heaviest of rainfall right now. >> definitely an active day ahead of us. and we're even picking it up a notch as compared to yesterday. this is where sitting on the east bay hills. just a little bit of cloud cover up above. but as mentioned, we are seeing showers out there right now. the center of this system is sitting right there off the
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central coast. in fact, some offshore lightning right now. it's going to wind its way down the coastline today, but plenty of energy continues to work its way on up towards the bay area. and some of that right here in the bay right now, looking at half moon bay. we do have some pockets of heavier rainfall working its way right on to the southern end of the peninsula. there you can see highway one is getting a coming down. really good as well as 92 between san mateo and half moon bay itself. so do watch for these spots. some of our heaviest rainfalls also centered up right in the santa clara valley, san jose alum rock up to milpitas fremont and sunol seeing some heavier showers and down. 85 towards cupertino as well. saratoga and monta vista also looking at some heavier pockets. so definitely an active day ahead of us. again, the center of this system is centered up right here to our south. that is going to result in some even heavier shower activity for neighbors along the central coast and eventually into southern california. we're just at the northern tier of it right here. as for
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temperatures today, it is going to be the upper 40's to low to mid 50's. definitely a cool start but not our coldest mornings by any means. no frost advisories and no one even down into the 30's right now as we move into the afternoon, do expect daytime highs to reach into the low 60's showers for the most part for the 1st half of the day should be drying out by the evening tonight. as for your roads, things are slick out there with some of our bridges actually seeing some active rainfall on them, especially further south, like the dumbarton bridge right now, bay bridge looking at 8 minutes to get you across the there's the san mateo bridge with some showers on it. 13 minutes to make your crossing just to slow it down. you know how it is on these rainy days. richmond center fell at 7 minutes to make your crossing and the golden gate a little bit drier, comparatively, sitting at 20 minutes right now from novato to the tolls right? >> it's been my privilege to work with her when she was the head of the intelligence committee. and when i was
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working on the senate side when she was on the senate side is working on the house side. also. want to acknowledge again, okay. a very uncomfortable moment for told palestinian protesters interrupt his victory speech last after he advanced to the november election in a race to succeed. the late senator dianne feinstein. >> republicans garvey they're going to face each other november's general election. the associated press projects they both succeeded. any clip seen representative katie porter and representative barbara lee capitol correspondent eytan wallace has the latest. >> well, what these results you have to imagine republican steve garvey is one happy camper, but perhaps even happier democrat adam schiff. this is exactly what he wanted. here they are. garvey was pulling neck and neck with shift leading up to election day or vine. democratic congressmember katie porter had been pulling 3rd in this
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race and oakland democratic our summer. barbara lee have been pulling in 4th. all 4 of them addressed supporters on election night. >> it looks like we're going to the general 80's and gentlemen. if you had my back every step of the way. >> we feel good about where we are right now. i say tonight's the first game of a doubleheader, the second game is going to be daunting. it will be almost like a super bowl of the next said our 4th quarter or 8 innings. but i think it should be exciting for all of i mean, it's actual competition. this has been quite a phenomenal, multi-racial, multi-generational, progressive. >> movement that we have put together throughout. and i just want to thank everyone. we know that tonight. we will come up short. >> let me also say this. opponents through everything every trick. millions of dollars. every trick in the playbook to knock us off our feet. but i'm still standing
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in the high heels. >> obviously not the result. katie porter and hoped for. but this is shift wanted things to go. he spent millions of dollars on advertisements, touting garbage, conservative views, trying to bring him into the spotlight in hopes of facing garvey in the runoff. that's because in california registered democrats outnumber registered republicans by about 2 to one. that's why adam schiff is confident he can beat garvey in the november general election. but garvey says he will put up a fight reporting in sacramento. i'm a tom wallace. now back to you. >> temperatures in voters passed proposition f that's a proposition of requires those who receive city public assistance benefits to now participate in treatment for drug dependencies. so those who receive benefits will be screen and evaluated if they need the drug dependency programs. well, san francisco mayor london breed released a statement saying this is an important new tool to get people into treatment and to d offer support to those who
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with substance use disorders in crisis, holding them accountable when they refuse help. the measure passed with 63% voting. yes. and a measure that would increase the powers of local police and their surveillance powers past property. and it allows more officers on the streets. also allows the police department to hold community meetings before the police commission can change policing policies. measure passed with 59% voting. yes. california, a silicon valley congresswoman anna has shoe is retiring. former san jose mayor sam liccardo leading the race senate seat in district 16 right now he's in the lead with 22% of the vote. kron 4 sarah stinson has that story. >> ballots are still being counted yet. dozens and dozens of supporters of former san jose mayor sam liccardo came out to this cantina in campbell to congratulate him saying the numbers look good
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so far. look saying he's staying cautiously optimistic. >> that the matter will be in and i will be working very hard between now and i said not on $2500 in this short i got a lot more goes not from san jose city hall to washington, >> supporters of sam liccardo cheered him on as election results started to come in showing him as the front runner for the 16th congressional seat. many saying they feel confident in the former san jose mayor being on the november ballot and eventually becoming their next congressman. i'm quite confident he's a pretty much ahead in the polls, i think is going hear the right bring us bring on november. i know him because he's the guy you can call on the phone and say. >> i've got a problem. i've got an issue. what can you do for and he knows what he can do for you. 11 candidates are vying for the seat that was held by congresswoman anna
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eshoo for more than 3 decades representing silicon valley and san mateo county. this is a full circle moment to look as he has previously worked shoot. i was an her very first campaign in 1992. la says if elected to congress, he would fight for reproductive rights and gun violence as well as homelessness. what i keep hearing from residents of door on the phone they want to federal government take action on homelessness. it's not just a crisis year. it's a crisis 44 cities in this country where we have more than 1000 unhoused residents look vows to work with republicans on the other side of the aisle. his agenda resonating with young voters like to what you can as a member of hopefully a democratic majority in congress. the cargo says he only had 13 weeks to gather all these volunteers and knock on doors. he said he personally knocked 2500 doors
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and he's hoping that he's able to spend the next couple of months. >> to get more votes so that he can win his seat in congress. i'm sara stinson reporting in campbell kron. 4 news. >> clara county supervisor joe submitting it is looking to nab the second spot in the november runoff or su seat. it's not far behind the car to with 18% of the vote. palmer's amanda hari has the details. >> there's still a lot of ballots yet to be counted. but joe summit, ian says he feels confident right now that he is going to remain in the top 2 city and he's running for california. 16th congressional district and says the whole campaign was just 3 months and he's excited to have more time between now and november. he says some of his campaign's focus is our affordable health care. a woman's right to choose and climate change. he says he's represented 14 of the 15 cities and towns in this district and he feels that gives him an advantage over his opponent. i'm really looking forward to chance to
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have more of a person to person campaign, whether that's going door to door, whether it's in small group conversations in somebody's living this 3 months, great. we've all just been through and we all have the same calendar. really did not lend itself to that. so a lot of emphasis expensive communication, tv media, a direct you know, all that has its place, but nothing takes the place of really being in touch with the folks that you aspire represent city and he's running to fill the silicon valley seat that's been held by representative anna eshoo for more than 3 decades. >> this election will go to a runoff between the top 2 candidates. right now it looks like he'll be facing former san jose mayor sam liccardo. >> we likely won't have all the results for a few days, but some indian says he feels confident that things are going to go his way in palo alto. amanda hari kron, 4 news. >> still ahead of the kron, morning news congresswoman barbara lee. those are support behind a candidate who is trying to succeed her. we'll
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hear why latifa simmons or simon says she's a good candidate for the job. plus, president joe biden, former president donald trump are gearing up for a rematch in november. trump is headed to the 3rd republican nomination and a rematch against the and a rematch against the pres mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning! and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new. it's amazing!
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are 4 things to know today. contra costa district attorney's office charged in a husband in connection to the double homicide of his wife and her mother. the state has been reported. the women missing last september months later, investigators say evidence gathered from a search warrant leads him to
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believe the husband had direct involvement in their disappearance and murders of his wife and mother-in-law. 4 deputy shot in sonoma county still recovering from their injuries after they got into a car chase with demand for shootout. started. this all happened just outside of saint rose on monday. investigators say one deputy was shot in the leg. 2 head injuries in their hands. one deputy is listed in critical condition from a head injury. francisco city leaders say overall crime numbers are down in san francisco for the second month 2024. mayor london breed's office reports when comparing february 2024, to the same month last year, they're seeing a lot less violent crime, break-ins, retail, thefts, robberies and car burglaries. all of us down. a police, new renderings of airbows ballpark in las vegas. bob hartley built on the site of the tropicana hotel capacity would be 33,000 people. the team says it's going to have an outdoor seal
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with views of the las vegas skyline. the ba'ath party set to open for the 2028 season. all right. well, let's bring you back here at home. let's talk about the weather. if you are going to be heading out today, you need to know things are very wet morning, john. yes, indeed. it is very wet, especially for the south bay where we have been seeing our heaviest of showers so far. >> this is what we got the golden gate bridge, a few showers out there as well. mostly just missed the further north. you can see that heavier rainfall north of the bay area center of the system to the south of us and for the bay itself. what we do have some heavier pockets, especially right around half moon bay highway 92 right now. and then down towards san jose as well. looking at some heavier pockets of rain fall out there. you can see if i zoom in on san jose that we do have those heavy areas of rain, especially centered up just north of downtown to milpitas. then right around sunnyvale. as we make our way up the peninsula. we're continually running into rainfall on to 80 and some
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heavier rainfall right there as you're getting off on over to highway 92 to make your way to happen. bay. so very active morning. indeed. it's all part of this low pressure area that is skirted its way just right past us right down the coastline. we picked up some moisture from it yesterday. and today we're doing the same likely to see some heavy showers on the central coast as well as southern california right here in the bay. our heaviest potential rainfall is going to be up in the santa cruz mountains, as you can see cast those heavier pockets continue for the south bay, especially right around morgan hill, the santa cruz mountains inland east bay, all the way up into the early afternoon. a few showers up north as well as for rainfall totals spots like ben lowman end up in the santa cruz mountains could see about another 3rd of an inch of rainfall. san jose. you're currently seeing a lot of it could see another 10th of an inch if not more for you spots in the inland east bay, even fairfield could be picking up some decent rainfall totals, too. mostly during the day today before we dry things back out into the evening
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tonight, today's daytime highs, despite all those clouds and those showers will still reach the 60's for most of us brisbane down through burlingame as well as further south on the peninsula and eventually sent to the south bay all reaching into the low to mid sixties today. san jose, a wet one for you. but getting up to 63 saman hayward and fremont as well as oakland down through castro valley, north bay. temperatures barely make in the low 60's in spots like napa fairfield, you'll be at 63. well, santa rosa through nevado each at 61. looking ahead at the next 7 days. we warm things up a little bit into the start of the weekend friday, especially mid 60's lots of sunshine really enjoyable. the weekend does get a little bit cloudy showers increasing as we work towards monday and tuesday of next week. as for the roads right now, of course, is wet out there. i've been talking all about those showers, some wet spots on the bay bridge. currently and actively raining further south on the san mateo bridge highway. 92, as you cross san mateo and get over
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into the hills towards happen. bay, seeing some really heavy rainfall. richmond center fell at 7 minutes currently and a little bit of sprinkle activity out at the golden gate. great how i, john, thank you for that. while the concord city council gave their final seal of approval on a new rent control ordinance. >> last night the council voted 4 to one ordinance increases just cause eviction protection for tenants. it also establishes a rent stabilization program. this means that rent increases are now capped at 3% per year. just cause protection does not apply when a tenant is at fault like not paying their rent. we spoke with tenants and landlords at the meeting that they had last. >> i mean, the and children are suffering with the rent control of the rent, rent increases every year. and it's it's a really bright. and so what's going to happen is that we're going to be in living on the street. so this isn't really just about. >> you know, rental rights. it's about property owner rights. and that's what
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strikes at my core. >> well, according to the ordinance, it will go into effect 30 days after it's passed. also in the east bay. yet pittsburgh educators planning a rally for better services for their students. pittsburgh educators association rpa says are asking the school district to improve safety in schools. we're also asking for a cost of living adjustment for staff. and i want to give teachers dedicated time to complete report cards and progress reports. the p e a says that they are in mediation with the district. now and they're going to head -% to fact-finding if a deal is not reached. rally starts at 4 45 today at the district's office. one of the marin county board of supervisors races could be heading to a runoff. 4 candidates are running to represent district 2. that includes larkspur as and solo. a candidate needs more than 50% of the vote to win the seat. most recent results show santa councilmember brian covert in
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the league with 40 of the vote, then you've got former kit filled school district board member heather mcphail surat in with 26% of the vote so far runoff election would happen on november. 5th. but with that major news in the race for president, former south carolina governor nikki haley is expected to suspend her presidential campaign today. this comes as former president donald trump. president joe biden scored multiple victories in republican democratic primaries on super tuesday. setting them up for a rematch in november. boston correspond reshad hudson joining us with the latest morning was shot. >> hey, we're in a good morning to you with nikki haley leaving the race. this now leaves former president trump is the sole contender for president on the republican side. >> they call it super tuesday for a reason. >> this is big. >> former president donald trump moves closer to becoming the republican presidential
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nominee with projected wins in a number of states holding primaries on super tuesday. trump now turns its focus toward a rematch with president biden were going to close our borders within a drill, baby drill. we're going to get inflation down. >> and nikki haley scoring a victory in vermont after a disappointing performance in other super tuesday races. it is time for a new generational leader. president biden is also the projected winner in contests on the democratic side as he prepares to take on trump again. last guys on floor when. >> i want to use a more voters followed. michigan's lead were more than 100,000 people voted uncommitted as a protest over the president's handling of the war in gaza. think the biden campaign really wants to nip this uncommitted voter in the. >> and tomorrow night, the american people have a chance to hear from president biden when he delivers his state of the union address.
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>> reyna i was shot. thank you for that breakdown. coming up next on the kron morning news. some races are still undecided this morning in santa clara county. >> we'll tell you where things stand when counting ballots in a live report. and here's a look at racism measures that were voted on in san mateo county will have more coming county will have more coming up. we get that.
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while the california highway patrol issuing an ebony alert for missing woman in east palo alto. >> 22 year-old malia thomas was last seen on february 16. he's 5 feet tall, 5 inches, 5 feet, 5 inches tall. she was last seen wearing blue leggings, blue nike shorts, bagehot jacket and a burgundy purrs. you see her call 9-1-1. and the kid has been arrested in connection to a january homicide. west oakland police say matched i was on e was shot on linden street. this is on the night of january 6. i was on took himself to the hospital where he later died of his injuries. police are not releasing the name of the suspect who is a minor. and you only have a few more days left order free at-home covid tests through the federal government. the program is now being suspended starting this friday because of a drop in respiratory illnesses. then on the website says it all test kits orders placed on or before march. 8th are going to
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deliver the free test program return last year ahead of the respiratory viral season. officials say the service might be brought back again in the future as needed. up next in the proper morning news proposition regarding police department policies and procedures passes in san francisco. well, explain all it entails and the changes it's going to implement. >> and east bay man accused of murdering his wife and mother-in-law after he reported missing. what investigators know so far investigators know so far about case will be right back. bipolar 1, i got help to push back. i got help to push back. we got help to push back—with lybalvi. once-daily prescription lybalvi is proven to treat manic or mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults to help you push back. elderly patients with dementia have increased risk of death or stroke. do not take lybalvi if you are taking opioids or are in opioid withdrawal. the samidorphan in lybalvi can cause
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smell fresh for up to 72 hours. secret works! it's a crime to smell that good.
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>> i will welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news drive straight into weather because it was a really slick drive for me and to work john horning. yeah, it's going to be that way for a lot of people this morning right now looking at some wet conditions on roads. here's the embarcadero right here. had some overnight showers. your little calm right now, but we've got a lot more rain headed our direction. so here's your center of low pressure. that storm system right there little bit offshore. lightning down there just offshore of southern california. we continue to see showers just pushing on into the north coast and for us in the bay area. we're certainly not dry. yesterday we had regular showers for a lot of spots today, especially this morning. we have even more shower activity zooming in on a few spots in the south bay, notably are right here just north of san jose, west of milpitas, very heavy pocket of rainfall having moved its way north from downtown about to make its way northward a little bit further on up towards union city. fremont here in just moments. also out towards the coastline around
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half moon bay elder, we are seeing some heavier showers too, really impacting your wine to round up 92. so take it slow right there. we are definitely in for a wet morning. so give yourself that extra time this morning. temperatures right now are in the upper 40's to low 50's fairly calm start petaluma sonoma in the upper 40's. santa rosa nevado at 50 degrees. alameda and oakland at 53. very mild conditions. so it's wet, it's mild. it's going to be low 60's later on today, lingering showers into the afternoon drying back out for most spots into the evening tonight. now, of course, talking what conditions that means. roadways and our bridges are also quite wet this morning, looking at the bay bridge. we do have no back up just yet. but there are some showers falling there. expect showers to pick up here in just moments. even further. it is very wet on the san mateo bridge. even weather yet on the dumbarton bridge. further south. as for the richmond, sandra fell, you just saw some showers moments ago, which left the road a little bit slick and the golden gate
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bridge, nothing holding you up just a little bit. stay out there, right? all right, john, thank you for that. our top story this morning, a big election night in california. >> so here are some of the big headlines are super tuesday. democratic congressman adam schiff and republican steve garvey face off in november after finishing in the top 2 in the u.s. senate primary. former san jose mayor sam liccardo leading the race to replace retiring congresswoman anna eshoo and the only statewide position. proposition one as a tight race with the yes votes leading by less than half a percentage point. president joe biden, former president donald trump easily win the california primary. yeah. 1000 in santa clara county, they showed up at the polling centers across the county. so many their ballots. now, polling centers are working really hard to process each and every ballot covers will tran live at santa clara counties registrar of voters office. how's it going so far dowe
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re here yesterday and let me show you video. of course, yesterday was election day, but they were already processing the ballots, especially the mail in ballots and the ballots that were dropped off by precincts and people who literally voted outside of their office. simply at this point, it is too early to tell for some races and other races. we do have a front runner. so right now, couple of races. we're keeping a close eye on in santa clara county, including the race on who will replace u.s. representative and a shoe. she is stepping down. many people want that position. there needs to be to people who ultimately have a runoff in november for that one position right now. as far as the 2 positions the front runner seems to be former mayor sam liccardo. he's off to an early lead. so if he holds his lead, he will wait
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until november, of course, for the winner. if you're talking use a basketball terminology a tournament, he will wait in november to see who will win th
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about the counting of the votes. all right. well, thank you for that breakdown. there. >> let's talk about a measure. change. the alameda county's recalls its past as measure b passing means that california state law now governs the recall of county elected officials. this is not make the rules clearer and more transparent. those are in support of the measure say it will help long, expensive legal battles. the measure passed with 64% voting. yes. also an alameda county got the race for district 5 board of supervisors. sea is heading for a runoff while board of supervisors. president nate miley is leading to keep his seat. oakland city councilmember nikki fortunato bas reveal councilmember job honors. they're vying to represent district 5 on the board. that includes albany, berkeley in portions of north and west oakland. so far
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bass's 28% of the vote 19 because neither can reach over 50% of the vote. they face off in the november. general election. meantime, incumbent supervisor for district 6, nate miley leading with over 62% of the vote to keep his seat mali's president. the board of supervisors first elected to the board back in 2000. now, let's check in on the race for barr released congressional seat. lee essentially resigned from that seat. she's held since 1998. to try to become a senator. we visited her campaign headquarters in oakland. he was joined by lateefah simon, who is trying to succeed lee. we basically declared simon the winner kron dan thorn has that story. >> there was a big primary night for team with simon who's looking to take over the rational district from her mentor, bob, really, unfortunately, did not have such a great night. simon gave a fiery speech on tuesday and
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run of supporters saying that she is not scared of any republicans and that her campaign has been a grassroots movement about black liberation and taking the country back from he says in washington be a champion for housing rights reproductive rights for women, a number of supporters showing up to 5, 1, o including district attorney pamela price, a warmer oakland mayor libby shaft and assembly member mia bonta. simon says that women like lead have paved the way for her and other black women are thinking of voice in this works so hard for the few months until we get to november really for the rest of my time. because only
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time it is currently a member of the bart board and has touted are of racial and social justice advocate. she's been endorsed by california senator alex padilla and laphonza butler as well as governor gavin simon was to go on and win the general election in november. he would be the first muslim woman to represent california in the house of representatives. >> you know, run >> while in san mateo county, former congresswoman jackie spear is now the lead. the race for the district. one in the board of supervisors spira 67% of the vote while her opponent millbrae city council member and schneider has 32% of the vote. as of last night district. one includes millbrae san bruno, south san francisco. spears serve 6 years on the san mateo county board of supervisors before being elected to congress in 2008. now let's head to the
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north bay. candidates vying for the seat of district supervisor's in napa county. take a look at the race for district. 2 supervisor last check. current napa city councilmember lives alesio is in the lead with 2,639 votes, challenger doris gentry, a former napa county ca napa councilmember has 816 votes. 100% of the precinct has been reported. so the district covers west part of napa out the new year. western can arrows area supervisor ryan gregory withdrew from reelection citing family reasons. let's head over to the race for district 4 supervisor at last check. and free is in the near lead with 1581 votes. she's ahead of napa city councilmember people who has 1420 votes, 100% of that person has been reported. current supervisor for now for a dull per did not seek
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re-election, citing he had to step back from politics. then you have district for that encompasses downtown north of napa like as well as monticello park. well, there's east bay man facing murder charges in the disappearance of 2 women in san pablo. they were reported missing back in september. kron four's tiffany justice has that story. >> the district attorney's office did file formal charges, 2 counts of murder with a special enhancement against our suspect, a mister football monday, the contra costa district attorney's office charging 40 year-old vo with a double homicide of his 40 year-old wife and her 74 year-old mother quoc tran. this disturbing crime coming to light last september when police were first alerted by vo that his wife and mother-in-law were missing. >> mister vogt told officers they left in their family vehicle after a family argument, you know, for their
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mister bo occurred. >> you know, detectives detectives noticed he noted discrepancy and in what he was telling investigators and then, you compared against actions. >> vo said the 2 women were last seen driving a 2017 honda fit to southern california after a family argument on december 5th. this is what detective saw vo driving his wife's reportedly missing car in oakland. >> he was actually seen entering the and driving off on it, moving the car and parking in a different location. subsequently, you know, an arrest warrant was issued for mister bo detectives served a search last known location. the victim's residence. police say through evidence gathered from the search warrant, they had direct involvement in the disappearance and murders of his wife and mother-in-law. >> detectives are still searching for the locations of
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the victims remains. he hasn't been forthcoming with to to help investigators call upon the we working very hard to follow up on on leads in order to, you know, determined, you know, to to find out more answers and really bring our victims and their families. well, tiffany justice reporting. >> san pablo police tell us that the 2 children are with the family. they're encouraging anybody that might have any possible information. please reach out in their investigation. still ahead, the cromwell morning news. the competition aimed at reforming the mental health system in california could go either way because the vote is split. fifty-fifty explain why people are on the fence about. we'll be right back. well, here are
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4 things you need to know today. kaiser permanente is reducing caused by slashing thousands of jobs in the east bay. the layoffs will impact 49 employees pleasanton and one in oakland. the alameda police department recovered approximately $75,000 worth of stolen property. comes after a successful investigation in a targeted retail theft operation. led to the recovery of a truckload of stolen merchandise stolen cars more than $10,000 in cash. pittsburgh educators are planning a rally for better services for their students. we're also asking for a cost of living adjustment for staff and they want to give teachers dedicate time to complete report card and progress reports. rally starts at 4 45 today at the district offices. and the congress city council gave its final of approval on a new rent control ordinance
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ordinance increases just cause eviction protections for tenants. it also establishes a rent stabilization program. he's brit increases now capped at 3% per year. all right. let's get into a top story this morning to talk in the weather was a rainy start for me. traveled from the east bay into the city. john, long as the rain stick around. yeah, it's going to stick around for a lot of the day today, especially for the south bay. your view right here of san jose. >> look at the little dark, but this is the area that we have been seeing our mos- consistent and a heavy rainfall at times center of the storm system to our south. still looking at regular showers to the north of the bay. but a lot going on, especially on the peninsula right now, half moon bay over to highway to 80 on the peninsula right there along. 92 is very wet. and then also looking at some really wet pockets around san jose on of 6.80, and up the east bay shoreline on up through milpitas fremont's and union city this morning. definitely
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a very, very active morning on the radar. let's go over to 92 right now. this is one of our areas that we are seeing some of our heaviest of rainfall as you're driving between happen bay and san mateo. do watch for some really heavy stuff there on the peninsula. all in all, it is just going continue to be pretty wet today as that low pressure system sitting right there in the middle of the screen gradually continues to move to the south and with it really stirs up a lot of unsettled weather. so today with it really stirs up a lot of unsettled weather. so today will continue to see these pockets of rain, especially this morning and especially for the south bay in the santa cruz mountains. although rainfall will be seen elsewhere, we are looking at the potential of another quarter of an inch of rain for a lot of spots that moment up in the santa cruz mountains over a quarter of an inch possible and even a couple spots that could see an isolated heavy showers pop up this afternoon like fairfield could even see it anymore than that. temperatures today are going to be very similar to yesterday. so we're doing a lot of repeating from
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yesterday. we are seeing our rainfall potential definitely increasing today, though. yesterday was mostly spotty. light showers today. you can actually see a little bit heavier stuff in there, too. san jose and santa clara at 63 while fremont hayward. oakland, also right at 63 degrees, concord and walnut creek, you'll share that same number as will delay over to antioch. so little bit cooler. definitely one for the rain jacket as you're getting out there. nice try skies on the way, though, thursday into friday. lots of sunshine, high temperatures climbing the weekend should stay dry. you may see a sprinkle or 2 saturday, but los ix teas and cloudy skies. as for next week, rainfall chances increase towards monday night into tuesday. roadways this morning are after seeing those showers. we do have the metering lights back on at the bay bridge. 13 minutes for your crossing. not so bad so far. but that backup is forming san mateo bridge actively raining for you highway 92 once you get into san mateo is looking especially wet with some heavier showers out that
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direction. richmond center fell and the golden gate bridge also having seen overnight rainfall. so watch for a few wet spots there. rain high winds on the for that womble is a local election headquarters. california voters have the opportunity to vote on the behavioral health services program. >> and bond measure also known as prop one. if passed, the measure would partially reform how the government funds mental health services in the state. opponents of the measure say that the bill is going to be too large cost taxpayers for too little results. and that reduces oversight of funds. currently 49% of the votes have been reported in lotus, currently split fifty-fifty on whether or not it's kind of passed out close. we spoke with you that martinez, she's executive director of the california democratic party. it firmly endorse the proposition. >> we're all in for prop one. >> it's the right thing to do to get people off the streets to get them the treatment and the mouth mental health support. they need to live their lives with dignity so
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yes, on prop one we've endorsed it. we're excited about it. and we looked we need to see some change. >> ok, if approved, it is a 6.0. 38 billion dollar bond. it's going to fund more than 11,000 bureau health it. 27,000 behavioral health treatments. lots for those on the streets experiences of their mental illness and substance use disorders about 1 billion dollars from that van will go towards treatment for u.s. service veterans. well before deputy shot sonoma county, they're still recovering from their injuries today, according to investigators monday, deputy responded to reports a man holding a rifle just outside of santa rosa gun to a car chase with the suspect. before shootout started, investigators say one deputy was shot in the leg. 2 had head injuries. one deputy is in critical condition from a head injury. the gunman crashed on stony point road and dine shooting and the crash are under investigation by the santa rosa police
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department. sonoma county sheriffs county officers says the body camera footage warned by the deputies will be released. they did not tell us when, though. well, the a's have released new renderings of their proposed ballpark in vegas. and it looks a lot different from previous renderings. can take a look. the ballpark will be built on the side of the tropicana hotel, which is set to close on april second to prepare for demolition. capacity will be 33,000 people. the team says it's going to have an outdoor feel with views of the las vegas skyline. bob hearts jumbotron would be largest in major league baseball. well, bob ward is set to open for the 2028 season. now let's head over to sports because the boys are getting ready for tonight's matchup against the bucks. and the giants are in action in spring training. kron. 4 sports director jason dumas says all those highlights. >> for the first time since the war years left for their four-game road trip, andrew
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wiggins was back in the practice facility working out with his teammates, wigs, ms that entire four-game trip while being away from the team due to personal reasons. this is the second straight season. personal reasons have forced him to take a leave of absence. the warriors have been in full support of andrew during his time away weeks did tell the media today that his issues off the court are not behind him, but he felt that it was inappropriate time to rejoin his teammates. steve kerr didn't make any commitments, but he expects andrew to be ready to go. one, the warriors face the bucks. you can't really simulate an nba game. >> so we'll see how he holds up. but, you know, physically, he's phase perfectly fine to go ahead and play just, you know, being around the team. you know, so, so love you know, support, you know. >> it's a it's a family here.
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you know, and you know, when i was away mister guys and obviously basketball and, you know, happy to be back. >> the brewers in the giants. they were in scottsdale for a little cactus league play. logan webb. he had an up and down day he gave up 5 runs on 7 hits in 3 and a 3rd innings but struck out 6 brewers. the giants offense. they were all fired. wade meckler. but 3 for 4 with 4 rbi. that's his 2 run single in the 3rd. wilmer flores. he's been breaking this spring. he was 2 for 2 with 2 rbi eyes. that was a 2 run double to center in the 4th to put the giants up 7 to 5. 19 hits. no home runs. still, they beat the brewers 13 to 8. all that's your look at sports. back to you guys. all right here. look at the races in the measures. voters cast a ballot for. >> in contra costa county. we'll be right back after the break. don't go anywhere.
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>> following days of blizzard conditions, battery in the sierra california snowpack is now above average as the monies snowpack is 104% of normal mountains are close to reaching their average for the entire winter, even if no more snow drops. the snowpack is at 94% of average for april. 1st, the official end of the season, how the state's reservoirs are also in pretty good shape for the rest of the year. all of the major reservoirs are now story.
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well, above average and no part of the state is currently under drought. conditions airs. that's great. however, hot line. wild flour hotline is returning in anticipation of a spring super bowl starting march 8th, theodore payne foundation hotline law for weekly updates on southern and central california. wildfire sightings there. if you haven't seen him, i recommend you see him. that was super is not confirm signs point to a promising season. thanks to the above average rainfall sonar works together now for loons are already starting to appear in some areas that could take a month for some popular spot to be on full display coming up in the next hour kron. morning news representative adam schiff and steve are we are going head-to-head in november. >> see who will take over late senator dianne feinstein's senator dianne feinstein's seat.
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stories in the bay area. first votes. >> are still being counted in the primary election, but we've got some major takeaways. coverage of the key races coming up. also, we're starting off with a rainy morning in a very wet commute, josh, every level. that will here in just a moment. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morning. and thanks for tuning in to the 4 morning news guard and a marina in for james this morning. >> we have a lot election results are and we also want to take a look at the weather how that's going a little bit of rain back. hi, john. yes, we've got a rainy


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