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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  March 6, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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morning news. 2 stories that we're following around the bay. >> the votes still being counted in the primary election. and we have some major takeaways for you. full coverage of the key races and also starting off with a rainy, wet commute. we're going to have more on the weather in your neighborhood. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. good morning. and thanks for tuning in to the kron 4 morning news. you can see the weather story behind this year. some clouds and rain and people are out of line around the >> my morning commute was a very slick and and are want to
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take it slow? you might get a break, but not until tonight, jon. what he say yet tonight drying back out is for the daytime hours today. >> south bay, especially going to stay pretty consistently unsettled. today is going to be a step up from yesterday. we saw a few showers yesterday, but today we'll see some heavier pockets in there, especially been the case in san jose. so far looking outside at the east bay hills. a lot of cloud cover out there rolling across the region. all that cloud cover associated with this storm system right here. you can see the center of circulation spinning just offshore of central california. we are going to see some really heavy rainfall up and down the central coast talking big sur on up into the santa cruz mountains, santa cruz mountains going to see around a half an inch of rainfall today. and as of right now, we do have some heavier pockets centered right around here. their san jose, there's half moon bay. so this is up in those upper elevations just about 2.80, right here where you are seeing some pockets of heavy rainfall, not just our mountains, though, but also down into the santa clara valley right around. sunny,
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though, aviso on over to milpitas. we are seeing some heavier pockets there as you're traveling around to 37 as well as 85 and watch for some maybe even standing water on roads. a few puddles out there from the consistent rainfall we've seen in these areas. the city looking at some active rain. and you're also seeing that up around the richmond. sandra fell on over to timber on as well as down into the marin headlands. so just an active morning, all in all back out across the region. you can see the coverage of it, our inland areas in our north bay, neighbors are certainly dryer compared to the rest of us. temperatures right now are in the 40's to 50's oakland and berkeley sitting at 52 dublin livermore in the upper 40's right now with san francisco. a cool 53 degrees currently later on today. we are going to continue to see areas of rainfall. that's not going to stop us from getting to the 60's. we do dry out late afternoon and then we're smooth sailing and dry for the rest of the week, right? all right, john, thank you for that. let's get your role later. lights on at the bay
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bridge. 19 right but it's so wet. so just take your time. 20 minutes on the san mateo bridge, richmond center fell bridge about 60 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 28 minutes. time now. 702. let's get to the big story, which is. >> election night in california. and is morning, here's some of the big headlines coming out of super tuesday. democratic congressman adam schiff and republican steve garvey. they're going to face off in november after finishing in the toto the u.s. state imry. former san jose mayor sam liccardo is leading the race to replace retiring congresswoman anna eshoo and the other big story. the only statewide proposition prop one, it's in a tight race right now with the yes votes leading. but just by a half a percentage point. so we're keeping our eye on those numbers. and then nationwide president joe biden and former president donald trump easily win the california primary. >> it's been my privilege to
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work with her when she was the head of the intelligence committee. and when i was working on the senate side when she was on the senate side is working on the house side. also. want to acknowledge again. >> okay. so very uncomfortable moment for adam schiff pro-palestinian. protesters interrupting his victory speech last night after he advanced to the november election in a race to succeed late senator dianne feinstein, the air ship and republican steve garvey are now going to faceofin november's general election the ap is projecting they're both succeeding. eclipsing representative katie porter and representative barbara capital course by john wallace with the latest on that. >> well, what these results you have to imagine republican steve garvey is one happy camper, but perhaps even happier democrat adam schiff. this is exactly what he wanted. here they are. garvey was pulling neck and neck with
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shift leading up to election day or vine. democratic congressmember katie porter had been pulling 3rd in this race and oakland democratic our summer. barbara lee have been pulling in 4th. all 4 of them addressed supporters on election night. >> it looks like we're going to the general 80's and gentlemen. if you had my back every step of the way. >> we feel good about where we are right now. i say tonight's the first game of a doubleheader, the second game is going to be daunting. it will be almost like a super bowl of the next said our 4th quarter or 8 innings. but i think it should be exciting for all of i mean, it's actual competition. this has been quite a phenomenal, multi-racial, multi-generational, progressive. >> movement that we have put together throughout. and i just want to thank everyone. we know that tonight. we will come up short. >> let me also say this. opponents through everything every trick. millions of
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dollars. every trick in the playbook to knock us off our feet. but i'm still standing in the high heels. >> obviously not the result. katie porter and hoped for. but this is shift one of things to go. he spent millions of dollars on advertisements, touting garbage, conservative views, trying to bring him into the spotlight in hopes of facing garvey in the runoff. that's because in california registered democrats outnumber registered republicans by about 2 to one. that's why adam schiff is confident he can beat garvey in the november general election. but garvey says he will put up a fight reporting in sacramento. i'm a tom wallace. now back to you. >> it's 705. now let's look at san francisco where voters have passed proposition e so that measure revamps police policies could make it easier to fight crime in the city kron four's. michael thomas is live now san francisco city hall with the details. good morning, michael. all right. good morning, everyone. the
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passing of proposition e essentially will allow san francisco police. >> to have a little bit more resources and allow them to ultimately get some better technology. and this move also means excuse me, we may see some police chases in the city. take a look. we've got video up on your screen so i can explain it all to you. now. prop ee will widen the scope of san francisco police being able to chase suspects by car prior to this passing, the police commission imposed a 10 year-old policy that would only allow officers to chase criminals if they felt that the suspect had committed a violent felony or the person with a threat to public safety. now, this new change allows officers to chase criminals by car. if the person has committed or is likely to commit a felony or violent misdemeanor. now this, why didn't that scope and ultimately allows the chasing of criminals when it comes to robbing are breaking into retail stores, which has been a major issue here in the city. it also authorizes police to use more drones and its top public surveillance cameras with the latest
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technologies. without further approval. and lastly, it does allow the police department to hold community meetings before the police commission can make major changes to the department's policies overall, take a look. we've got a graphic up on your screen about the voting on this. you can see more than 50% voted. yes. and mayor london breed actually did put statement up essentially being happy about this. take a look because she's been pushing for this 2 for quite some time saying essentially she is grateful that the proposition did passing that. it will allow us to build on the progress we're delivering on public safety and san francisco by supporting the work of our park police officers. expanding our use of technology and getting officers out from behind their desks and onto our streets. we will continue in our mission to make san francisco a safer city. and back out here live again, this policy also does require police to, as she said, get out of the office because there's a time limit on how much time they can spend on administration work.
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>> so we will see more officers out on the street as we get more details as to how the police department plans to move forward with these changes. we'll keep you updated. that's the very latest michael thomas reporting live in san francisco. back to to live in the street and just update on the rain heavier or lighter this hour. what do you say, michael? >> it's it's been pretty steady. it's quite heavy, i will say. it's been like this since about 5.30, or so. okay. all right. check back with you later. great joint coverage. >> here's what san francisco voters also passed. prop f that requires those who receive city public assistance benefits to participate in drug treatment. dependency programs. san francisco mayor london breed released a statement saying this is an important tool to get people into treatment to create more accountability around city programs. that initiative is part of breeds plan to offer support to those who have substance use disorders. also by holding them accountable when they refuse help. measure passed with 63% of the vote.
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it's 709. and kaiser permanente is reducing its costs by slashing. >> dozens of jobs in the east bay. the layoffs will impact 50 information technology positions. 49 of those employees are in pleasanton is just one oakland. so mostly employees in no union represented employees are going to be impacted by the move. >> and kron 4 has learned that kaiser says, quote, it is important to note that none of these changes will affect the quality of kaiser permanente's patient care and service, which is always our primary focus and quote. the alameda police department has recovered about $75,000 worth of stolen property after a. >> a successful investigation that targeted retail theft back in on a february 9th. a grand theft was reported at the old navy in alameda, south shore shopping center and that lead to an arrest and the discovery of a significant
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amount of stolen merchandise. they have identified a pattern of similar case. is that launched the investigation and they identified that there was kind of a rain going on basically 8 truckloads of stolen merchandise were found multiple stolen cars and more than $10,000 in cash. also in the east bay, you got pittsburgh. educators are now planning a rally for better services for their students. so the pittsburgh education association or pa says they're asking the school district to improve safety in schools. they're also asking for cost of living adjustment for staff. want to give teachers dedicated time to complete report cards. progress reports pa says they mediation with the district. looking ahead to fact-finding if a deal is not reached. rallies started for 45 today. that's at the district's offices. all right. still ahead of the kron, 4 morning news proposition aimed at forming mental health systems in california.
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>> could go either way because, look, the vote split. fifty-fifty. we'll explain why some people are in support of some are not. president joe biden, former president donald trump gearing up for rematch in november. trump is headed to the 3rd republican nomination, a rematch against the president ensues and it's been active morning. showers out there across the bay area. some really heavy rainfall right now up in the santa cruz mountains just above the south bay. >> also ahead, your pocket right here, sitting just north of san jose and santa right around the delta just to the south into the bay. definitely an active one. take it slow an active one. take it slow ou
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marshalls buyers are detail obsessed perfectionists. who take quality very seriously. and go to the ends of the earth to hustle the best of the best for you. yes! we get the deals, you get the good stuff. marshalls.
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>> 7.14 right now and we're checking out the weather for you for you. head out the door, expect maybe some delays, as you know, when it rains or you sneeze has a phone for sure. definitely driving out there. things have been a little slow this morning, john sneeze this morning. john guys know how that to look for some delays at sfo this morning. we are looking out there at san jose which has had more than a sneeze is been calming down for the south bay very consistently. >> really watch your travels this morning on routes like 85 highway 17 over the santa cruz mountains. both of these routes are still seeing active rainfall heavy at times and really, really wet this morning. so your risk of spinouts is pretty high for the south bay. honestly, we are looking at that low pressure area spinning off just offshore. the central coast from the santa cruz mountains down to big sur. we've got some heavy rainfall on the way. this is not a big snow maker for the sierra,
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though. so this year is still nice and calm. if you're heading up there today, where were sitting on radar, heavier pockets of rain fall up in the santa cruz mountains right now. that's downright downpours up there in those redwoods just above the peninsula. we're also seeing some heavier pockets around san jose, including this one right here, just west of milpitas. for those of you driving along to 37, you are driving along some roads that are very, very wet at this moment. showers have generally been moving northwesterly. so this is going to really impact your commute up 80 as the cell just continues right up the east bay right now, san francisco looking west from ocean beach you're looking at some really heavy rain. wouldn't be surprised if you see a little lightning strike on the horizon out there over the ocean. we're definitely seeing wet conditions up the peninsula. that includes sfo, which we mentioned has quite the sneeze this morning. so do check and see about those delays. this is all part of this low pressure system. just skirting right west of the state. it's hanging out offshore. the central coast right now resulting in those
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showers that we are actively seeing. and we'll continue to see over the next several hours here. you see the northerly advance of these storms mostly rolling up and down the coastline are in london. north bay, neighbors have been comparatively dry south bay and in particular, the santa cruz mountains has the best chance of showers into the afternoon. we do see a chance of afternoon thunderstorms building here for 30 pm for some of our inland neighbors. by the time we reached the evening tonight, look how things quiet down into tomorrow and friday. not a. it is just sunshine for you. butchered break from the rain and honestly a break from the clouds to as for rainfall totals today, we could see anywhere from just a trace of rainfall to a half an inch of it just depends on if you find yourself under one of those heavier areas of rain, most consistently heavy up in the santa cruz mountains where i'm expecting around a half an inch, if not more for those upper elevations, of course, upper elevations have been seeing snow. we're talking the sierra here. this is your latest snowfall measurement and look at how great we're
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doing that last system pushing past the point in the northern sierra and central sierra. this is great news bowl january, february and into march have been really good for us. it's been solid catch-up work we've done here recently. temperatures in the upper 50's to low 60's for your daytime highs today. despite all the clouds and those persistent showers for the south bay, temperatures are still going to roll upwards into those low 60's. so a pleasant feeling afternoon. just keep that rain jacket with you. you want to be ready for those showers as they do arrive yesterday, we saw a lot of those showers, just spotty showers today. it's going to be a little heavier where you see them. so don't you be surprised by it? one bit. as for tomorrow, we clear things out. as i promised you and friday, staying nice and clear to gorgeous days, you may see a sprinkle or 2 on saturday. honestly, though, saturday looks pretty good as this sunday. really our next best chances of rain right towards the later part of monday. right right on the eve of that get today on is wet wednesday.
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22 minute ride traveling into the city right now and the meter lights are on 7, 2, bridge about 25 riches center bridge just under 19 minutes. and the golden gate bridge, santa water on the lens. 36 min or i-37 to the tolls. for your money this morning. there's new cap on credit card. late fees. the target launching a brand new membership program. jane king is live the nasdaq with all those stories and a lot more morning j. >> iran and good morning. kind of like amazon prime or walmart. plus this new program from target is called target circle 3.60. so members get free two-day shipping. you can also get same day delivery for orders over $35. new members can sign up for target circle 3.60, for $49 for the first year before jumps to 99 a year. well, new government regulations are slashing the late fees charged by many credit card companies. the penalty for late payments will go down to $8 per incident from the industry. average of 32 now the move is expected to
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say customers an estimated 10 billion dollars a year delta type baggage fees ahead of the summer travel season. joining united and american. the increase has $5 to the previous $30 fee for domestic flights and iphone sales dropped 24% in the first 6 weeks of this year. that much of that was due to slowing sales in china. china remains a very important market for apple is the largest market for apple products behind the u.s. live from the nasdaq market i'm back here all right. thank you for that update. j. >> time now is 7.19. we want to get to breaking news because former south carolina governor nikki haley is out. she has suspended her presidential campaign. so this comes as former president donald trump and president joe biden scored multiple victories and republican and democratic primaries on super tuesday. setting them up for a rematch in november. our dc correspondent reshad hudson has the latest. with nikki haley exiting the race. this now leaves former president
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trump as the sole contender for president. >> on the republican side. >> they call it super tuesday for a reason. >> this is big. >> former president donald trump moves closer to becoming the republican presidential nominee with projected wins in a number of states holding primaries on super tuesday. trump now turns its focus toward a rematch with president biden were going to close our borders within a drill, baby drill. we're going to get the inflation down. and nikki haley scoring a victory in vermont after a disappointing performance in other super tuesday races. it is time for a new generational leader. president biden is also the projected winner in contests on the democratic side as he prepares to take on trump again. last guys on floor i would to more voters followed. michigan's lead were more than 100,000 people voted
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uncommitted as a protest over the president's handling of the war in gaza. think the biden campaign really wants to nip this uncommitted voter in the. >> and tomorrow night, the american people have a chance to hear from president biden when he delivers his state of the union address. >> reporting in washington reshad hudson, back to all right. coming up on the kron morning news, the biden administration rolling out new policies. >> resuce costs for consumers will have more details on that. and we're tracking the rain. so make sure you grab a jacket, make sure grab an umbrella as you're heading out on tables and tracking that. we'll be right back. don't go we'll be right back. don't go anywhere. you can't leave without cuddles.
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but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet.
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city council gave its final seal of approval for new rent control ordinance last night. >> they voted 4 to one 4, an ordinance that increases just cause eviction protections for tenants and establishes a rent stabilization program. that means that rent increases are now capped at 3% a year. the just cause protection does not apply when a tenant is at fault. for example, if you don't pay your rent, you be evicted. kron four's spoke with tenants and landlords. > family and children are suffering with the rent control of the rent, rent increases every year. and it's a it's a really bright. and so what's going to happen is that we're going to be in living on the street. so this isn't really just about, you know, rental rights. it's about property owner rights. and that's what strikes at my core.
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>> the ordinance takes effect 30 days after passage. >> well, the only have a few more days left to order free at-home covid test kits through the federal government program is being suspended starting this friday because of a drop in respiratory illnesses. then on the website says all test kit orders placed on or before march. 8th will be delivered. bridges program return last year ahead of the respiratory viral season. officials say the service might be brought back again in the future as needed. for your money. provided administration now rolling out new policies to reduce costs for consumers. the fcc is looking over a proposal that one actually blocked landlords from charging tenants invoke for cable and internet. there's a lot more consumers to control their choice of cable or internet services to prevent ranges between landlords and service providers. according to president biden's national economic adviser, lowering the cost will be a major theme in tomorrow's state of the union
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address. time now is 7.26. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the east bay man accused of the disappearance and murder of his wife and his mother-in-law. >> we're going to have the latest on this case. and we have the latest on the rain for you. this is storm tracker. 4 all fired up showing a widespread green which means rain. but then the yellow and the red cells that you see that's much heavier down south bay. bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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>> 7.29, you're going want to leave a little extra time because there's nothing worse or less safe than rushing in. the rain is coming down hard this morning from i could be
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john. lot of other people as well. yeah, it's definitely wet out there for some of us. really wet like the south bay. really watch your travels on 85 highway 17 to the santa cruz mountains. >> 1, 0, 1, 2, 80 on the peninsula. also very wet at this moment. looking outside in the east bay hills, a mix of low and upper level clouds right now. and we are seeing the center of this system now spinning off to our south. you can actually see that rotation are right here. the central coast going to have our biggest hit of rainfall today. and that includes the santa cruz mountains right at the southern end of the bay area. we're actively seeing some of our heaviest of rainfall right now. zooming in on a few spots. we're really seeing it coming down and that includes up in the santa cruz mountains right here just above woodside. when you're are on the peninsula. if you're driving up skyline, drive right here is just heavy rainfall for you. also coming down, pretty heavy in san jose itself. as you head out towards santa clara and right up along to 37 as you're driving between milpitas and sunnyvale. also some heavier
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pockets of rain fall right there. going to take us up the peninsula. and you can see just how consistent that rainfall is on to 80 as well as 101 right past san mateo, hillsborough, on up into san francisco. we're on the western side of the city. we have some of our very heaviest of rain right now out towards the marin headlands some pockets of heavy rain there. sandra fell coming down. pretty good for us. same up into richmond. some light showers up there generally further inland and up north has been our com us so far today. but you have or best chance of any sort of conviction later on into the afternoon. so keep your eyes out as well. temperatures in the 40's to 50's for current numbers. berkeley and oakland at fifty-two degrees. each alameda and redwood city each at 53 right now. definitely cool enough for those rain jackets and whether it after this rain jackets. needless to say, lingering showers into the afternoon and then drying back out into the evening tonight from tonight on into the rest of the forecast for the weekend is and finally, some dry weather to count on.
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all right, john, thank you for morning commute. right now they're slick and wet. one, 90 min, right? the meter lights on on the bay bridge. >> mateo bridge about 30 minutes. things are a little slow. go there. richmond center fell bridge 15 in iran and the golden gate bridge. 37, the tolls about 40 minutes 7.31. right now and and we want coverage breaking news, which is major police activity going on in hayward right now. so the police activity is shut down the street they're was will tran live here with the latest will what are you
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started about a quarter mile from this location we understand. i talked to some people here that they believe it started with a burglary. and then there was a pursuit where the chp officer actually lost cause. excuse me, the hayward police officer lost control of the car, hit a fire hydrant, went over all bushes and ultimately into
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of cabot and went back to you. all right. well, thank you for that right down there. >> 7.34 right now your local election headquarters. we want to talk about the results as they continue to come in from super tuesday. here's some of the big headlines from the voting democratic congressman adam schiff and republican
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steve garvey are in for a face off in november now because they finish and the top 2 in the u.s. senate primary. former san jose mayor sam liccardo leading the race to replace retiring congresswoman anna eshoo and the only statewide proposition. it's prop one. it's a tight race with yes votes leading by less than half a percentage point now. and it is the battle of president joe biden and former president donald trump. they easily when the california primary, as we told you, nikki haley is out. >> 2 for the outpouring of support we've received from all across our great country. but the time has now come to suspend my campaign. >> that's nikki haley's announcement that came in just within the hour on the kron. 4 morning news. we are monitoring what is next for her. she has ended her campaign for the republican presidential nomination. that is what we know. and we also know that there were big
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victories former president trump and last night's primaries. and during her announcement she did not endorse trump. trump is now the only major candidate left running for the republican nomination. another bases up for grabs in california. >> silicon valley congresswoman anna issue is retiring. former san jose mayor sam liccardo leading the race seat in district 16 right now. he is in the lead as you can see there with 22% of the vote. kron 4 sarah stinson has more. >> ballots are still being counted yet. dozens and dozens of supporters of former san jose mayor sam liccardo came out to this cantina in campbell to congratulate him saying the numbers look good so far. look saying he's staying cautiously optimistic. >> that the matter will be in and i will be working very hard between now and i said not on $2500 in this short i
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got a lot more goes from san jose city hall to washington, >> supporters of sam liccardo cheered him on as election results started to come in showing him as the front runner for the 16th congressional seat. many saying they feel confident in the former san jose mayor being on the november ballot and eventually becoming their next congressman. i'm quite confident he's a pretty much ahead in the polls, i think is going the right thing to bring us bring on november. i know him because he's the guy you can call on the phone and say. >> i've got a problem. i've got an issue. what can you do for and he knows what he can do for you. 11 candidates are vying for the seat that was held by congresswoman anna eshoo for more than 3 decades representing silicon valley and san mateo county. this is a full circle moment for as he has previously worked shoot. i was an her very first campaign
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in 1992. la says if elected to congress, he would fight for reproductive rights and gun violence as well as homelessness. what i keep hearing from residents of door on the phone they want to federal government take action on home ice it's not just a crisis year. it's a crisis of the 44 cities in this country where we have more than 1000 unhoused residents look vows to work with republicans on the other side of the aisle. his agenda resonating with young voters like to what you can as a member of hopefully a democratic majority in congress. the cargo says he only had 13 weeks to gather all these volunteers and knock on doors. he said he personally knocked on 2500 doors and he's hoping >> that he's able to spend the next couple of months to get more votes so that he can win his seat in congress. i'm sara stinson reporting in campbell kron. 4 news. >> county supervisor joe submitting it is looking to
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nab the second spot in the november runoff for us. you see it's not too far behind the card. with 18% of the votes covers amanda hari has that story. >> there's still a lot of ballots yet to be counted. but joe summit, ian says he feels confident right now that he is going to remain in the top 2 city and he's running for california 16th congressional district city and says the whole campaign was just 3 months and he's excited to have more time between now and november. he says some of his campaign's focus is our affordable health care. a woman's right to choose and climate change. he says he's represented 14 of the 15 cities and towns in this district and he feels that gives him an advantage over his opponent. i'm really looking forward to chance to have more of a person to person campaign, whether that's going door to door, whether it's in small group conversations in somebody's living this 3 months, great. we've all just been through and we all had the same calendar, really did not lend itself to that. so a lot of emphasis expensive
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communication, tv media, a direct you know, all that has its place, but nothing takes the place of really being in touch with the folks that you aspire represent city and he's running to fill the silicon valley seat that's been held by representative anna eshoo for more than 3 decades. >> this election will go to a runoff between the top 2 candidates. right now it looks like he'll be facing former san jose mayor sam liccardo. >> we likely won't have all the results for a few days, but some indian says he feels confident that things are going to go his way in palo alto. amanda hari kron, 4 news. >> well, 4 is your local election headquarters. california voters have the opportunity to vote on the baby. will health services program so bomb measure also known as prop one. if passed, the measure would partially reform how the government fund mental health services in the state. opponents of the measure say it's the bill's going to be too large. it's going to cost taxpayers 2 little results and it reduces
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oversight funds currently 49% of the vote has been reported in currently split whether or not it's going to pass. we talked to me that martinez, she is executive director of the california democratic party from the endorsed the proposition. >> we're all in for prop one. >> it's the right thing to do to get people off the streets to get them the treatment and the mouth mental health support. they need to live their lives with dignity so yes, on prop one we've endorsed it. we're excited about it. and we looked we need to see some change. >> if approved a 6.0. 38 billion dollar bond fund more than 11,000. real health benefits. some 27,000 behavioral health treatments. lots for those on the streets experiencing severe mental illness, substance use disorder about 1 billion dollars and that bomb will go towards treatment for our u.s. service veterans. we have some disturbing new details coming to light now about a case that
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started as a missing persons and turned into a murder investigation. >> in san pablo, this is the man that police have in custody is charge with the murder of his wife. her mother, the mother-in-law, and the wife disappeared. and he's the one who reported then missing. but he said they took off in a car and hadn't seen him. well, a breakdown of this now shows that police and up investigating and they found that missing car and he was driving it in oakland and that's when they first identified the husband as a person of interest. >> he was actually seen entering the and driving off on it, moving the car and parking in a different location. subsequently, you know, an arrest warrant was issued for mister bo detectives served a search
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last known location. the victim's residence. >> police believe that he had direct involvement in the disappearance and murders of his wife. and mother-in-law. detectives are still looking for their remains. san pablo police say that there are 2 children that they are with family members. now as the investigation continues. >> and looking outside, we do have heavy pockets of rain fall still in the south bay. watch. 85 101 particularly wet right now. also some heavy rain moving through western rain moving through western that i've been to th sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more
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>> 7.45 right now. and if most it looks much cooler in our fake window will the rain and the clouds and everything edt? bring your umbrella today. i did a not. so i'm just going make a run for >> there's a lot of us are going to doing that. just getting out of the car as quick as possible. he got the umbrella. now's a good time to get it out with the as you're leaving the house, especially if you're in the south bay. lot of cloud cover, inconsistent shower activity out there at times. heavy rainfall for the south bay this morning. all part of this low pressure area centered up to our south. that is continuing to roll further southward. but bringing with it some bands of moisture right up here into the bay. some of our heaviest of rainfall as south bay peninsula on up into the marin headlands. now going to start with the south bay for us as we are looking at some pretty heavy rainfall stacked up just west of san jose and santa clara on over to sunnyvale.
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this right here is making for real wet drive on both to 1 as well as portions of 85. so keep it a little bit slower as you're making your drive down there. also, pockets of rain there. also, pockets of rain continue up into th cruz mountains. so watch your travels on those windy mountain roads around portola valley. woodside on over to half moon bay pockets of heavy rain up there. now we did see some heavier rain rolling over the western neighborhoods of san francisco that's on over towards the marine had winds right now. so if you're driving up and down highway one at the coastline, watch for some heavier pockets. there. sandra fell also in the midst of some heavier rain for you. so it's busy, definitely calmer further inland in further to the north. but these areas that have been missing out on your rainfall so far, actually ever best chance of thunderstorm activity later on today. so we're just going to continue to see more views like this likely for much of your afternoon. low pressure area diving further and further southward. it's really going to result in most heavy rainfall potential on the central coast. that includes the santa cruz mountains, which are going to be seeing
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our heaviest of rainfall right here in the bay as roll into the afternoon, you see exactly what i talked about there. our best chance of an afternoon thunderstorm or actually for the inland east bay and the north bay. so you're not going to miss out on the rainfall. huge still got yours heading our direction after that evening. hours tonight coming down. really nice. and we started dry trend of weather tonight tomorrow into friday with nice, sunny skies, rainfall for the rest of the day. another quarter of an inch for some spots is san jose. you've already senior heavy rainfall. that's why your rainfall totals look a little bit lower in comparison to the rest of the day. of course, we had so much snow this past weekend and just as expected, it pushed us over the edge into surplus territory, northern sierra and central sierra now officially the average for this time of year. love to see it. we're going hold on to that, too, because we don't have any major warmups ahead of us. so that snow packs going to stay put temperatures in the upper 50's to low 60's today. very pleasant feeling afternoon.
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get the rain jacket ready to go. that's the biggest thing you got to worry about. san jose at 63. same for you in fremont hayward in oakland, pleasanton and livermore, you'll barely make 60 degrees. some of our cooler spots actually. 63 continues in fairfield and fully whoa tomorrow. temperatures a little bit warmer on average in friday, in particular, our warmest and sunniest day in the forecast. a gorgeous one saturday, a little cloudy and cooler chance of a sprinkle. most models are indicating less and less chance of anything this weekend. best chances of rainfall returning late monday rain. all right, john, thank you for moving here tracking your morning commute right now. 20 minute ride into the city. things are slick out this morning. >> send it over about 30. we've about 30 for the past 30 minutes. 18 minutes on the richmond. sandra fell bridge and things just slow because of the water. the rain. 47 minutes go gate bridge. means 101 of the north bay. so taking a little extra time. >> time now is 7.49. now we want to get back to the
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elections checking in with the race for barbara lee's congressional sealy, essentially resigned from that c that she sells since 98 to try to become the senator. she visited her campaign headquarters in oakland, joined by let he fa simon who is running to succeed. lilly basically declared simon the winner kron four's. dan thorn has details. >> there was a big primary night for team with simon who's looking to take over the rational district from her mentor, bob, really one fortunately did not have such a great night. simon gave a fiery speech on tuesday and run of supporters saying that she is not scared of any republicans and that her campaign has been a grassroots movement about black liberation and taking the country back from he says in washington be a champion for housing rights reproductive rights for women, a number of supporters showing up to 5, 1, o including district attorney pamela price, a warmer oakland mayor libby shaft and assembly
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member mia bonta. simon says that women like lead have paved the way for her and other black women are thinking of voice in this works so hard for the few months until we get to november really for the rest of my time. because only time it is currently a member of the bart board and has touted are of racial and social justice advocate. she's been endorsed by california senator alex padilla and laphonza butler as well as governor gavin simon was to go on and win the general election in november. he would
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be the first woman to represent california in the house of representatives. >> you know, dan boren and run >> az released new renderings of proposed ballpark in las vegas. it looks a lot different from previous renderings. take a look. the ballpark will be built on the site of the tropicana hotel, which is set to close on april 2nd to prepare for demolition passing would be about 33,000 people. and the team says it's going to have an outdoor field views of the las vegas skyline. ballparks jumbotron to be the largest in major league baseball. my heart is set to open for the 2028 season. i could be your lucky night. jackpot is now an estimated 485 million dollars. it's more than 232 million in cash. a person is a lot of county had a winning ticket worth almost $500,000. tonight's drawing is at 8. so good laugh. time now 7.52. and california's wild flowers are going nuts. and there's even a hotline for them.
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>> in anticipation of the super bloom starting march 8th, which is friday. the theodore payne foundation is hotline. we'll offer weekly updates on what's going on with the wildfires in central. a california. also southern california, the super bloom it it could be a promising season for that. thanks to the above. the average rainfall and the replenish seed bank that we have seen. we're already seeing some blooms in certain areas. it can take, though, about a month for the popular super bloom sites to be on full display all right. we're tracking the rain as you make your way out the door this morning. make sure you grab a jacket. cold in a umbrella. all the things you need to try to a of rain, if you can. travel been tracking that will have an updated look we get have an updated look we get back. ( ♪♪ )
7:54 am
7:55 am
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7:56 am
oakland zoo is going to be closed for maintenance. they'll reopen for thursday and friday. the gondola and the california trail, though, those are going to be closed again for maintenance. oh, my gosh. so many cute animals to see. >> when it rains have trouble there, too. at the oakland zoo. now after days of blizzard conditions as far as this year ago is now california snow platt apac is sitting pretty above average. this is fantastic news. as we told you're on the kron. 4 morning news yesterday. on monday, they took a look and they say the snowpack now is 104% of normal. the mountains are close to reaching their average for the entire winter right now to even if worse
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know where to drop later. this know back right now is 94% average for april first, which is the end of the season. we're not there yet. the state's reservoirs are also in great shape. they're looking good for the rest of the year. all major reservoirs above the average by a long shot. no part of the state is currently in a drought condition. and hello to the next hour. the kron morning news representative adam schiff and steve garvey are going head-to-head in november. >> see who will take over the late senator dianne feinstein's seat. we'll hear how they're feeling this morning. plus, there a voters approved a measure. change some policies and procedures for the police department explain that in a live report. and the rain is back in the bay area will keep you up to date on the weather conditions. we'll be right conditions. we'll be right back.
7:58 am
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8:00 am
>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> morning. it's a wet one. i'm darya and i'm reyna. thanks for waking up with us on this wet wednesday. yeah. might take a little longer to get where you need to go to. john has the details. good morning, jon. probably a little snow are out there this morning and it's still wet ones. so you should be going a little slower. we're looking at some heavy rainfall continuing for parts of the south bay right now, couple the drops right there on the golden gate bridge cam, too. so we've definitely seen an active morning. roadways are wet across the board looking outside east bay hills. we had seen some showers. you dried out in the east bay hills at this moment, anyways. all this en


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