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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  March 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PST

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>> or is your local election headquarters? it's been less than 24 hours since the polls closed. but in the closely watched race for california's open u.s. senate seat. attention is already turning to the november general election. we are in for a matchup between democrat adam schiff and republican steve garvey. >> our capitol correspondent eytan was talked with analysts from both sides of the aisle about what to expect as we enter the next phase of election 2024. >> welcome to the california comeback. >> republican steve garvey looks like we're going to the general ladies and gentlemen
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and democrat adam schiff. you're looking at the projected top 2 vote getters from super tuesday's primary election race for california's open u.s. senate seat. >> these 2 now advance to the november runoff after beating out more than 2 dozen other candidates including democratic congressmembers katie porter and barbara lee. one of the major factors, conservative republican steve garvey. >> voted for trump twice over the last few months. ship spent millions of dollars on advertisements, targeting garvey, all part of opponents have described as an effort to propel the republican former major league baseball player into the top 2 intern guaranteeing a garvey shift matchup in the general election. it literally bit off. yeah. democratic political analyst bill wong says the strategy is likely to work in california, noting the democrat shift has a huge advantage facing off against the republican garvey in a state where registered democrats outnumber registered republicans >> 2 to one republican voters only represent about 24% of the electorate. so when you
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have 2 to one advantage for voter standpoint, it's very difficult for garvey to kind of overcome that. that bridge. it's a point with which republican political analyst matt klink agrees with steve garvey really needs to do is one needs to raise some money. >> which he didn't do in the primary to he needs to take some positions on some it it's no longer going to be good enough for steve garvey to say that the status quo has messed up washington, d.c., and it's and the government is not working well for the people. he's going to need to get more specific. he expects shift to raise the topic of donald trump throughout the campaign and to continue asking garvey whether he plans to vote for trump. that's a dance that stephen barbee is going to have to do. and ultimately he's going to have to answer the question and no matter how he answers it's going to hurt him with some block in addition to the senate race, all eyes are still on prop one. still too close to call backed by governor gavin newsom. the proposed 6.3 8 billion dollar bond measure 6 to fund more than 11,000
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behavioral health beds and some 27,000 treatment slots. for those on the streets experiencing severe mental illness and substance use disorders. >> and the prop one campaign released a statement expressing optimism. the measure will ultimately pass reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace. >> kron 4 news. >> about a dozen people gathered outside the state capitol this afternoon urging support for assembly bill. 24 15, it calls for a 35 million dollar investment to expand the state's cash assistance program for immigrants. also known as happy to include undocumented seniors living in california assembly member won says the legislation would benefit at least 17,000 people who have worked in the country for decades yet are not eligible for social security payments due to their immigration status. >> no one should be left behind. a b 24 15. this is
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step in the right direction to spend axis to cap the program again, an already existing program for the state's most vulnerable seniors and disabled undocumented population. they came year and have contributed in every single way. >> and yet it comes to something as basic as food. they are excluded. what does that say about california? >> no word on formal opposition. but last year, governor gavin newsom vetoed a nearly identical bill citing concerns over cost. >> now to a follow-up on a report we told you about last week suggesting that a panera bread franchise owner who also is one of governor gavin newsom's, campaign donors inappropriately benefited from an exemption in the state's new fast food minimum wage law. we've just learned that the owner and owner says he'll raise the minimum wage for his employees after all,
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california's new $20 minimum wage for most fast food chains is set to affect take effect next month. but an exception was made just for chains that bake bread and sell it as a stand-alone item. many said that includes panera bread. a bloomberg article suggested the exemption was made because donor and panera bread frenchies billionare greg flynn expressed concern the new minimum wage would hurt the 2 dozen panera bread stores he owns across california. outraged republicans quickly demanded an ethics investigation. newsom in flint have denied ever discussing the minimum wage law together. newsom noting his legal team believes panera bread is actually not exempt. flynn says exempt or not. he promises to increase in minimum wage to $20 at his california panera. bread restaurants. in a statement, flynn wrote, quote, at flynn group, we're in the people business and leave our people are our most valuable assets. our goal is to attract and retain the best team members
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to deliver the restaurant. experience our guest know and love no word on whether this will apply to all other panera. bread locations in the state. >> taking a live look now at the san mateo bridge. there were some blinking lights the left-hand side of your screen due to a bus having broken down a little bit earlier this evening. it was blocking that far right lane out of foster city. seems those lights have a damage now, at least it seems they might be a minor to move things along now might have just cleared. we do see one flashing faint flashing yellow light. that's in the area. where was you can see all the headlights. >> backing up to the high rise. so traffic still slow getting out of san mateo heading toward hayward crawford chief meteorologist lawrence karnow here with a look at the weather. yeah. face kind of quieting down weather-wise after very active afternoon with some thunderstorms popping up. >> outside but now looks like a just will want to see a quieter pattern beginning to develop. and of course, i know a lot of folks wanting to get up the slopes, just one and enjoy all that fresh powder
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that we've seen really from that to pass storm system 10 12 feet of snow. here's a live look and incline right now. some of that snow all the way down the lake level 2 and of course, plenty in the high country. scattered snow showers beginning to diminish now in the high country as well. and so they're going to catch a much-needed break. still, some thunderstorms popping up in the foothills, though. so if you're traveling up that way, always a good idea. just pack those chains just in case we're not done with a wintry weather yet, although here's the forecast right now, you're looking good as we head towards thursday and friday, especially. i think the late in the day, maybe by saturday night you could be talking about some more snow showers. then another chance of some snow as we head in towards sunday. but boy, what a tremendous way we've come since the beginning of the year. in on january, first were sitting about 30% of normal for snowfall across the sierra nevada. now we're at 112% of normal in the northern sierra 103% normal in the central, a 93% of normal in the southern sierra nevada. and there's still more to
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come. in fact, some of the snowfall going to get a little bit of a break, maybe a late the day on thursday. couple scattered snow showers south of lake tahoe and then dry weather expected on friday. now this week's storm system comes in on saturday. another one moves in on sunday. more impressive one may be moving in late monday into tuesday of next week. so more snow all the way for the high country. they've already had a pretty decent snow season all around. guys, back to you. yes, they have. lawrence, thank you. in the south bay, san jose police have arrested 2 men connected to 2 separate homicides >> the most recent happening just last week. officers say they found a man shot inside of a car on moore park avenue near castle would drive the victim died. police arrested denzel brown in connection to the shooting and are still looking for the man pictured here who they also believe is connected in a separate case, police have arrested juan perez for shooting 3 people at a suspected vigil on story road back on february. 18th, 2
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shoplifting investigation. and alameda leads police to an extensive fencing operation. the bus resulting in the recovery of more than $85,000 in stolen merchandise and cash kron four's philippe djegal reports. >> $75,000 in stolen merchandise. more than $10,000 in cash and several stolen cars recovered. plus one arrest and i expect more arrests to before coming out me. the police investigators are still documenting the inventory recouped in a nearly month-long retail theft operation. chief shot joshi says this case started in early february. that's when the shoplifting incident was reported at old navy and the island's south shore shopping center. >> work various leads and were able to identify a location in oakland where we operation a
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fencing operation was occurring during the course of the investigation. chief joe, she says the stolen stuff was traced to a residence in oakland. >> there investigators tied stolen items from multiple retailers in several cities to an elaborate fencing. operation, the clothes and other items were still tagged and on hangers ready for resale. i think it's important too. >> have a multi pronged approach to this very significant issue. that's a going on throughout the region. the state and the country. and that approach includes holding thieves accountable by making arrests and recovery merchandise. but also going after the sellers running the fencing operations. >> chief joe, she says this case he's yet to be presented to the alameda county district attorney's office and then dissipates additional arrests. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. oakland police say they arrested a teenager connected to the shooting that killed a
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store clerk back in january. officers say? >> my gut i was on a was working his shift orlando's market on linden street when a group robbed the store and attacked him. i was on a drove to a hospital after he was shot. but didn't survive. he leaves behind 4 children. the suspect's name has not been released because that person is a minor. police are looking for this man accused of exposing himself to people outside shopping centers in antioch and brentwood. most recent case was reported just last month, according brentwood police, they say the suspect typically wears a mask and has a cross like tattoo on his right arm and a script on the back of his left arm. details of the cases were not specified, but police want to remind the community to stay aware of your surroundings and report any known information they may have on this particular man. >> pittsburgh educators held a rally today asking for better services for their students. the pittsburgh educators association or >> p e a
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>> says they're asking the school district to improve safety in their schools are also asking for cost of living adjustment for staff and to give teachers dedicated time to complete report cards and progress reports the p e a says they're in mediation with the district. they will move to a fact-finding if a deal is not reached. happening right now, san francisco city leaders are gathering at the city's richmond recreation center to discuss the mayor's up a zoning plan. it would bring high-rise buildings to the city's richmond district city supervisor. aaron peskin and connie chan will join the san francisco planning commissioner at the meeting tonight discussing how high rise buildings would impact the richmond district. that meeting began at 6.30 this evening. concord city council has given final seal of approval on a new rent control
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just cause protection does not apply when a tenant is at like not paying the rent. kron 4 talk to the tenants and landlords at the last meeting. >> family and children are suffering with the rent the rent, rent increases every year. and it's it's a really bright. and so what's going to happen is that we're going to be in living on the street. so this isn't really just about. >> you know, rental rights. it's about property owner rights. and that's what strikes at my core. >> according to the ordinance, it will go into effect in 30 days. >> a california national park ranger have been wondering where all the sea lions went and they saw this something you definitely don't see every day we've got those details coming up.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> the warriors are back at chase center for the start of a three-game homestand in the gang is all back together again. it feels like it's been so long. let's send it out to chase center where we're joined by kron 4 sports reporter aaron wilson. it feels like there are no excuses. andrew williams is back and the team is finally healthy. again. >> well, you said something there, jason, when you said it feels like it's been so long. it has been quite a while since they've been in this capacity of health. when say
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that it's been since late november. so that was before 2020 for the last time we saw a healthy warriors thing. but like you mentioned, andrew wiggins is back tonight. but so is giannis on the dekalb on the side of the books, which, as you know, gave the warrior 33 points the last time out back in january and is very match up. now in that matchup, steph curry didn't play in. steph curry is set to play tonight just as well as everyone else. now, when you speak about the fact is he's ready to play the rotation definitely will not be what we've seen. steve kerr mention now, obviously some people will be left out of the rotation, says they have those guys back there going back with most starting 5 they have with gray coming off the bench. brandon with jesse thing coming. good. draymond green and steph and of course wiggins all coming out where to start now. that being said. right now, the books 16 0 run, they have not dropped a game since the all-star break. they don't mean to make tonight the first and that's wise curry and the warriors have to make a point to do so. especially
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as get back after that last game boston against the celtics when they dropped in lost by 52 points. a record where step only had 4 points. believe draymond hit 6 in clay hit sixes. well, they combined for like 16 points are to get it wasn't a great night out for the warriors matter facts, the percentages erase everything you saw on that one. so i wonder if they actually erase the tapes once they get back. >> from field and looked at it. but this what steve kerr had to say about tonight's matchup in the joy, back here in a just do the math and >> there's going to some people who are left out of the rotation is no, no getting around it. and so we're just trying do what we think is right based on how we've been playing who's been playing who's been playing well, that sort of thing and just try to to everything we can to win the game. >> you know, throughout the season's been portrayed that are. number of people that can play has been like a weakness of ours. but i think it's a strength for us. i'm just kind
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of going any direction. steve can whatever the game calls where you can put out there. and i think that's something that we have that maybe seems don't. and so to have 11, 12 guys play in my seen kind of funny. but there's always a method to everything steepest. >> you know, listen to brandon there. i do believe that it that is a true statement that it is a strength of their that they have so many people they can play in the rotation, especially when you take note of the fact that steve kerr did mention that we can to step away from the team once again to deal with what he's dealing with, being that, whatever that that is not there was all that this point. they are. we'll on board with wiggins taking some time away from the team, which is why then being able to rotate so many guys in and out. of course, they had to do the same thing with dream. i was going and that helped them see how much of a sha k was not only to the starting line-up but to the stat line altogether. so it is a street
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that they have that many guys in rotation that they are that deep this season. but of course, as they kind try to push out of playing consent to where they find themselves steel. they want to make sure they can string along as many wins as they can right now, no matter how. and who's out there to get it jason. >> thank you for that report. aaron. we will have full highlights of that game tonight on sports night live. but now we pass it on over to the weather center. lawrence. my going to make my tee time on friday nights out for to highlight a fly. it is going to be a gorgeous day out there. finally going to catch a break. it all the stormy weather, the next couple of days. of course, rain out there around the bay area today. but things are going to change as high pressure going to take over that ridge going to be just strong enough to lift the jetstream up for at least a couple of days. >> and allowed to dry out for just a few. so out there tonight, things still a couple scattered pop up. shower temperatures generally in the 50's out there right now. i think as we head through the night, little cold spots are probably some some overnight lows dropping off into the
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30's. but the storm system bringing really kind of statewide rain again, northern california picking up the rain and then headed all the way into southern california, bringing that more storms, things really active this afternoon across parts of the south and the east bay. but even there you can see some of those cumulonimbus towers begin to crumble. as they fade away, well, still a flood watch or a flood advisory in effect in parts of the east bay. as we've seen a lot of from one of those thunderstorms rolling on through that area. so be careful. lot of piling up there on the roadways. high pressure, though, going to take over as that ridge builds in. it is going to send a that jet stream to the north. that's going bring some nice weather away on thursday and on friday. you're looking good this weekend. couple little weak systems going kind of flow through on saturday and on sunday and then it looks as we get in toward the next week, another one going to roll probably bring a better chance of rain on tuesday. but all these a fairly weak systems that are rolling on by. and that's the good news. starting to look a little more like a spring to be as high pressure start to take over. in fact, by the following week by the following friday or so,
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we could be talking about some temperatures up in the 70's, maybe some 80's around the bay area. boy, that be nice. wouldn't it? temperatures tomorrow? probably mid 60's and some of the warmer spots the next couple we dry things out. more sunshine on the way. chance showers on saturday and sunday. none of these look like very large storm zone. so that's some good news good. i'm ready to thaw out. that's what most people are telling me now. and was enough. the rain has been great, but come on. let's get on with some sunshine out and dry out. yeah, thanks all right. we'll be right back. stay with us.
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>> in the east bay, a police officer was injured in a crash following a pursuit kron. 4 charles clifford has details from hayward. >> well, just before noon on wednesday, police wrapped up their investigation here along winton. they had been here since early in the morning after an officer was injured during a pursuit of multiple suspects. according to hayward police around 5.30, wednesday morning, an officer responded here to the 2500 block of west wind avenue on reports of a burglary according to police. when the officer arrived on scene, he saw multiple suspects fleeing the area. the officer pursued but lost control of his car and crashed into a ditch a few blocks away along cabot boulevard. he suffered minor injuries. a fire hydrant was also damaged in the crash. the suspects got away. >> following the pursuit, hayward police obtained a warrant and searched the building along wit and where this all began. they also interviewed neighbors in the area and collected evidence so far, investigators have not identified any suspects or released a vehicle description. they've also not said if anything was stolen during the alleged burglary in
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hayward. charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> the new bill on capitol hill seeks to have tiktok cut ties with its chinese owners. a bipartisan legislation would force bytedance the owner of tiktok to divest itself from the company here in the u.s. or risk management from app stores. chinese owner bytedance would have 6 months to either sell the company or be removed from platforms have been previous attempts to ban tiktok in the u.s.. but this new law appears to be the most significant threat so far. islands in southern california. it's one of the nation's least visited national parks in part because it's kind of hard to get to. that's also part of its appeal located off the coast of oxnard and ventura county. even the boat ride there. >> can be pretty spectacular. a ranger recently spotted an orca pod. look at that just off san miguel island. this is an area known for its sea lion and elephant seal population. but not on this they were all scared away. it seems the animals making themselves
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scarce with 6 or 7 of those apex predators lingering around time to find all right. we'll see you tonight at 10.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: trapped. the passengers stuck inside the plane's bathroom. >> look how tiny it is. >> announcer


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