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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  March 7, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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the kron 4 morning news. neighbors are shocked to find out a woman and her son were found dead in their apartment in santa rosa. brentwood police are looking for this man. exposed himself at local side shopping centers in broad daylight. and we are meeting the man who brought a historic bakery in the east bay. he bought it for a dollar. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us. i'm and i'm right in james this morning. >> not a slick in what is yesterday know so far. so good. let's see what we're in for a high john. yeah, this is nice change. yesterday was
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very wet, especially for the south bay resulted in and out of issues for neighbors down south while here today, all across the bay area. we're getting those clear views and definitely dry skies. what we've got right now, the golden gate bridge is a little bit of fog trying to form. that's something you can expect out towards the delta in the south bay, too. lot of that moisture that's in the soils. excuse because we really try to form some fog right now as we make our way through the day today, any sort of a remnant moisture that is in southern california is working its way out bay area's high and dry. some cool sinking air this morning. really going to keep us dry, even though that fog is trying to form. we do have a bit of an update for saturday morning. a line of showers pushes through and this one is going to be very brief but will make your saturday morning. a little wet. so want to keep you updated on that. that's your next chance of rain. because use got a little frog in my throat. temperatures in the 40's to 50's and i'm just going to let you see the numbers for the rest of this and smile at you.
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there were 4 and john just smile like vanna white points. 0 point to sunny skies. >> then in the afternoon it's going to get even warmer, which looks terrific. and john's calling it a chilly evening. but, you know, i mean around the bay, 51, that's not too bad. he'll be back with more when he clears his throat. all right. let's switch gears and talk traffic. 14 minutes at the bay bridge meter lights are on mateo bridge around 12 minutes. a 80 to 101, the richest ever fell bridge 7 minutes. and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls in 19 minutes. now. let's move on to the news in the south bay, san jose. police have made arrests in 2 deadly shootings that happened last month and they're now searching for a 3rd suspect. so the first shooting happened on february 18th in a parking lot. it s a shopping center on story road. say that people were attending a visual when somebody shot a man and a woman at that vigil. the man identified as 26 year-old joe duran. he died at the scene and police arrested juan perez
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for that shooting. he was booked into the santa clara county jall right. well, the second shooting happened overnight. were 29th in a parking lot on moore park avenue. police say 34 year-o jose rodriguez was shot found in a car. they say they arrested around on homicide charges. still looking for another man in connection to that incident. and they're still also looking for a motive behind the 2 shootings. all right. in the east bay, oakland, police arrested a minor in connection to a shooting kill the store clerk earlier this year. officers say may's dallas on e he's working a shift at orlando's market on linden street january 6. what a group robbed the store and shot him. officers say alessandro himself to the hospital where he died leaves behind 4 children. a 10 year-old boy was hospitalized. he has serious injuries after being hit by a car yesterday morning. the child was riding his bike. it was about 08:00am. in the area of devoted drive and chatham
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street across the street from dublin, high school. the driver did remain at the scene is in kauai and is cooperating and police say it doesn't appear that drugs or alcohol or impairment was a factor happening tonight, gilroy students and families are going to rally for more safety in their schools, their organizing this event because they want more transparency after finding out that a man trespassed onto the area of luigi apres elementary school campus last week. and parents say that 2 days after that the school was placed on lockdown due to a gas leak and a neighboring home parents. while the school district provided them with a plan about improving safety on campus and to immediately notify parents when first responders are called to the school for any reason. that rally is tonight at 6 at the district offices. turning now to big story we're following. neighbors are reacting to a pretty tragic discovery. a santa rosa apartment police found a woman and her 10 year-old son dead kron 4 sarah stinson has more.
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>> there are still so many unanswered questions about this case. detectives spent more than 12 hours inside this santa rosa apartment trying to get the answers. i spoke with the mother and son's next door neighbor who says this does not feel real. she says the 2 daily she can't believe they're gone. neighbors like her are rattled by this. people who live in the spring lake apartments in santa rosa woke up to crime tape surrounding their neighbor's apartment wednesday morning. i was shocked because it's just it's such a. >> he's community. there's never any. >> never any crime here. news quickly spread about police investigating the death of a mom and her 10 year-old son whose bodies were found inside their apartment on summerfield road. santa rosa. police say they got a call just before 8 from someone concerned about the 2. no details were given about the color detectives spent the day going in and out of the home collecting evidence, trying to figure out what happened.
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>> investigators also collected evidence from a parked car since the child's death is involved. the domestic violence, assault team responded to the scene as well. police say there's no known threat to the public, but people who live in this complex didn't find comfort in that. it's so vague. it doesn't really mean anything. does >> i wouldn't don't think that what their next door neighbor says the mother and the child always seemed happy and she never heard anything out of the ordinary coming from their apartment. police did not release the names of the mother or her son, but they did say they hope to learn more about the cause of death. following autopsies later this week. i'm sara stinson reporting in santa rosa. back to you. it happened today. janitors across california and the bay area are going to be rallying in support of a new bill. >> the legislation aims to better working conditions and also to combat assaults in janitorial industry. we're going to rally at 11 30 this morning. and 1, 1, 1, oyster point boulevard in south san
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francisco, its 606. and tonight the san jose police department holds a community forum. they're going to pick their next police chief. so this meeting >> is a part of that process. the current chief anthony mata decided to retire this community for will allow the public to weigh in on what they want to see in the next chief. it's at the and unveil community center. and that will be from 06:00pm to 08:00pm. everybody is welcome to attend. >> kron headquarters. the results of 2 propositions in san francisco related to policing drug use. have some say this is the end of a liberal city. others, though, say that goes a little too far. kron four's dan kerman talk with political analysts about it. >> puppies passage means an expansion of power for san francisco police. the passage of prop f means those seeking public assistance may be screened and forced into drug treatment to assess those funds. some of called this the end of the progressive
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movement in san francisco. >> i think the idea that racism is out, it's a little bit of an overreaction. you think progressivism someone sympathizes with working men and women who wants to help those who are unfortunate, who wants to ensure that we have equality. the terms of school has been and always will be a progressive city. political analysts see this as more of a rejection of some progressive policies related to public safety and quality of life. >> i think there's been an emergency in the city over half a decade and they've gotten worse in the last couple years behind the pandemic of, you know, the issue of law and order, civil civil behavior, those things have to be addressed. san francisco mayor london breed was behind both measures. >> and the question now is, will this help her reelection bid considering polls show the majority of san franciscans disapprove of the job she's doing these victories in these
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positions that he supported. absolutely a positive campaign. >> it's a campaign that needs positive positive it will certainly help her. >> if she can take the kids and if she can take actions and that makes a discernible impact on the quality of life of the people of san francisco. then yes, she can benefit from them. but from now, all she has is another thing that she has to do in order to convince people to get off at 71% disapproval rating. political analysts, though, are divided as to whether these election results. >> could end up propelling progressive supervisor. aaron peskin to enter the mayor's race. our make him rethink that idea. >> he has a chance to appeal to a broad a swath of the knows how to talk about these issues in a way that does not put him at odds with where a lot of voters are. >> when you look at the results, for example, the different county central committee where the so-called moderates lee 21 to 24 of the scenes. yeah, the question is
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whether or not he even gets enough votes to make it into the second or 3rd tier in ranked choice voting and if that's not the case, you know, i think it's going to be really hard for him to you want to mount a campaign at this point? no official word from the peskin campus to whether he's going to enter that november. mayor's race. >> dan kerman kron, 4 news. bay area's oldest kosher bakery. >> finally saw for the bargain price for the dollar. back in october, we told you there was a chance to buy grand bakery in oakland at the time. sam tobias, who had all the bakery since 2017 said he wanted to sell its business to somebody who have the right heart and saw out of more than 250 applicants to buys pick to oakland, native their silver. the 2 they close a deal back on february 19th all for a buck. >> recipes the route that customers that buy up all of that was purchased for about.
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>> in the early 19, 100's soler's grandparents, greate grandparents actually owned jews bakery chain cops overs. it grew to at least 36 chains across baltimore. the business closed doors around 1980. >> its 6.10, and still ahead on the ground for morning news, a warning from health officials because a bay area county has seen a sudden spike and overdose deaths from fentanyl. and a judge rules in favor of a former san mateo safeway worker the people in
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over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher. you to know today. walnut creek city council meeting on tuesday night was disrupted by antisemitic hate speech. >> during the public comment, just 2 weeks ago, a man wearing a t-shirt with a swastika on it. didn't nazis salute at a city council meeting? public health officials in marin county are seeing increase in fentanyl related deaths. well, that's for say most cases those people to fentanyl mixed with other drugs, raising the concern. the drug users may not know fentanyl is in what they're using. shoplifting investigation with alameda police to an extensive fencing operation. they say that fell more than $85,000 stolen merchandise. cash at a home. so they teamed up with chp to search a home in oakland. well, they found a truckload of stolen items. several stolen cars. and lawyers
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dominated the milwaukee about such a stunner last night after losing by a season-high 52 points on sunday that was made up for by winnie by season-high. 35 final score one. 25 to 19. >> 6.14, is a time right now. and today a community in the and today a community in the north bay might consider being discount. just a grocery store. grocery outlet is going to opening this morning in marine city. you i loved l a rinne city. okay. so the air is one i would go to with sandra fell. now. we've got one a few excess down will. that's awesome. why
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they're here so early duryea and rena because starting at 7 o'clock, they will give out gifts. it's an envelope can be $5 to $500. and daria, you and i nobody loves free more than so they'll try to help out the customers as well. this is very important because whether it's marin city or your city, grocery prices are going up and up. in when they were asked in a poll, what was the biggest concern? i thought it was gas, but i was wrong. the number one complaint as far as americans when it comes to prices, groceries. back to >> agreed nice. anyway. you can save a little money, we can talk about eggs are going up. is going think you will. >> asked a lady. the story yesterday was like a much different is this more expensive? it is rapid bucks makes a difference. all right. 6.17 right now. we want to look at the weather today is a big difference from yesterday
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because it's not wet out there letting either going my voice is back. and so is the side. we're well will be. it is a little cloudy this morning. look at this view at san jose right now with his very cloudy over had for you. but you know, the big difference for you from yesterday, we're not looking at that heavy rainfall that you had yesterday resulted in a lot of issues. neighborhoods actually got a little flooded as heavy rain came down. all that energy is shifted out to the desert east of los angeles while here in the bay area. we are left with some cool sinking air. keeping us dry. there's a little fog trying to form not being super successful in doing so high pressure ridge building in from the west. and as that happens, we've got a couple of dry days ahead of us. i don't want to miss out on that guy standing behind me right there. that is our next round of rain. it's short lived but models are flip flop to write back into projecting rainfall come saturday morning. tell you exactly when it's coming through. so today we're looking clear tomorrow, more sunshine, warmest weather. the forecast saturday morning
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around 06:00am to 07:00am. we'll get this line of showers and it's going to come along with the punch making its way through cold front right here. and with that comes some heavy downpours chance of an isolated thunderstorm. again, this is saturday morning early morning for the north. a little later in the morning for the rest of us cold front moves through and once it does, we should be left with some dry and sunny conditions for the rest of the day. after that, at least mostly sunny skies, we will be seeing a resurgence of moisture sunday night monday to tuesday. just isn't dissipated. saturday snowfall for the sierra is only just going to be a few inches. it late sunday into monday and tuesday going to be much more significant. sierra snow fall with several inches. if not a couple feet of snow up there today in the bay, though we are dry back out and a good one to be getting back outside those upper 50's to low 60's are certainly something that we saw already. but today we're going to be pairing them with sunshine. so it's just going to feel all the more nice. as for san jose, santa clara, 62 degrees for your highs. low 60's
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across the east bay and oakland to san leandro at 62 north bay. you've got our warmest temps today. napa. you're up to 65 degrees. that niche and fairfield not far behind you at 64 degrees. let's get you a look ahead tomorrow, temperatures rise into those mid 60's for more and more of us lots of sun. now saturday morning we get that opportunity for rainfall and even a thunderstorm rushing through by saturday afternoon. we should clear back out saturday night adjust those clocks forward an hour as daylight savings time ends. we will be seeing sunday into monday. we're seeing a resurgence of rain that lingers into tuesday before another dry trend kicking off on wednesday right now. i'm john, thank you for that. let's get, you know, 14 minute ride into the city in the meter. lights are on at the bay bridge. >> san mateo bridge just under 14 minutes. there. the richmond, sandra fell bridge about 11 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 19 minutes, 6.20, right now. and tonight, president biden delivers his state of the union address and this will go to a divided congress.
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and it's just a month before the next presidential election and washing correspondent hudson joining us live with the latest morning were shot. hey, good morning to you. tonight during president biden's state of the union address will build a case for his re-election in november where he's expected to face a heated challenge from former president trump. >> the united states to night under the lights of the house chamber. president biden will deliver his annual state of the union address. he will share why he is hopeful about. this country's future. the white house says the president will talk about his vision for the economy and will also focus on mental health and reproductive rights, protecting women's reproductive health in the face of relentless attacks. the president will be greeted by the new leader of the house speaker mike johnson, who has been a major critic of the biden administration or economic strength is in decline. >> everyday goods are more
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expensive. people can barely afford the cost of living. now, ohio democratic senator sherrod brown says he wants the president to talk about lowering costs for families we've done. i think a good job on keeping the price of insulin at $35. i want to >> limit the out-of-pocket costs for seniors. were moving in that way. and after the president speaks tonight, alabama senator katie britt will give the official republican response. >> and former president trump says he plans to watch tonight and he also plans to do a play-by-play of the speech. reyna darya. all right. thanks a lot. all right. in a reminder that we're going to be airing the president biden's state the union address. >> live tonight at 6 directly right afterwards. our own catherine heenan going to host a analysts panel. so they'll be discussing the state of the union. a lot to get to. this morning's new data shows an uptick in travelers oakland airport. airport is attributed airport. airport is attributed
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>> well, the university of california says they're seeing a boost in student enrollment after years of decline because of the pandemic university system says application numbers went up by 1.5%. college officials say the growth can be attributed to more transfer students. california residents and students from historically underrepresented groups in higher education. sat college admissions exam. can you believe this? it's now completely digital. prospective college students will still have to go in person to take the test. but
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so using a number 2 pencil, use a computer first fully digital version of the sat. it's happening this saturday. can believe that? times, ainge and in san francisco plans are moving forward to turn the alexandra theater in the richmond district into affordable housing supervisor, connie chan and the developers for the project signed an initial agreement to start the process. the developers create a design that they say will preserve the historic features of the theater while still building. 76 housing units. the oakland international airport is seeing a big uptick in the number of international travelers. they saw an increase of 42% in january compared to same time last year almost 30,000 international passengers arrived at the oakland airport in january of this year. the airport christie increase to passengers getting some better deals from airlines. and i
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credit just how smooth oakland as i love the oakland airport. i've given up on the kron. morning news now the demonstrators gathered at the state capitol as part of a bill. >> that of it said it would provide to help undocumented seniors. talk about that. >> hey, good morning, everyone. i'm michael thomas. coming up, brentwood police need your help in finding a man who's been exposing hi
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>> 6.29 right now we're checking out the weather looking for. wow. gorgeous day. finally clear if only we had this he lived in a
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penthouse. but for now, we'll just work to have the va. yeah, pretty nice, john. i mean, technically we could have to find top us it hurt our a little bit hard to get to that house, but it's worth it. i guess what you get there that don't do that. i don't advise it. >> we're looking outside at that same view from tower looking down at francisco. little bit of low cloud cover right there. it's definitely not a crystal clear morning just yet. but you know what it is? it's so much drier than it was yesterday. yesterday we started off the day with heavy rainfall for southern for the south bay that's moved into southern california. now that's left us with some cool sinking air across the bay. something that is making for a chilly morning. but a calm one. now we do stay dry the next several days as you see in future cast. i do want to note or next opportunity of rainfall arrives around 06:00am to 07:00am saturday morning for the north bay and drives through the rest of the morning for the rest of the bay. this is a cold front that doesn't waste its time after that as expected will have another round of rain arriving sunday night into monday and tuesday. in the meantime,
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though, we are nice and dry today and tomorrow in particular, going to be sunny and comfortable days after we get through these 40's and 50's that we've got this morning, we can look forward to some 60's later on today and we're going to pair it with nice sunshine rania. all right, john, thank you for that. let's get a look at morning drive 14 minute ride into the city this morning. meteor lights are on mateo bridge just short of 14 to 101, the richest ever ridge about 12 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 19 minutes. >> it is 6.30, and we want to talk about a search that's underway now for a serial flasher. and you're at that right. police say he's flashing people in public. we get kron four's. michael thomas in the newsroom with that story. good morning, everyone. will police say they've actually identified this brentwood flasher that's been exposing himself specifically at retail stores. >> but they haven't caught him quite yet. and while he wears a mask when he's allegedly doing this, police have gotten a good look at his face from surveillance cameras. take a look. this is the man that
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police are looking for. they've gathered about 3 photos or so of him. they say he's been accused of exposing himself to people outside shopping centers in both antioch and brentwood. the most recent case was reported last month, according to brentwood police. the suspect typically wears a mask and has a cross like tattoo on his right arm with some sort of a scripture written on the back of his left arm. if you are in that area, police want to warn you to be aware and to stay alert at all times a specially if you do have that younger children, if you do have any information on the whereabouts of this man or if you've been a victim of this, please contact brent with police as soon as possible. now we do have these photos on our website at kron 4 dot com. if you want to get a better look as we get more updates from if they do end up catching him, we'll keep you updated. that's the very latest reporting live in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas will send it back to you. all right, michael, thank you for that 6.32. is the time and more hate speech at a walnut creek city council meeting council committee members.
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>> had to listen to another round of anti-semitic comments during public comment in the portion of that night as kron four's amanda hari reports, people work and live in the area are now fighting back. >> unfortunately, this is the second time in 2 weeks that someone is use public comment to make anti semitic remarks. wilke says the 2 people have something in common. neither of them live here in walnut creek. he does not represent our values >> and he is not welcome here. another disturbing incident at the walnut creek city council meeting. this man took to the podium tuesday night to spread hateful comments directed at the jewish community. >> and jewish councilmember kevin wilk whites are blamed for nearly all of society's problems because a disproportionate power. >> well, jews control the media information, federal reserve in money. so they are the ones with disproportionate power. there's a proper the ju will cry out in pain as he strikes you as he walked away. councilmember wilke tried to get more information from him.
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i think that's where mister munson was from. you can hear them and respond off mic saying he's an american citizen. >> wilke says he believes people like this are doing this to normalize hate speech. but wilks says he won't tolerate it. we do respond. we will always respond strongly and certainly i'm going to respond if it said in my presence and the community responded as well, about a half dozen speakers took to the podium to push back against take the comments of previous speaker. do not stand for the values of this community for the students who i work with or for anybody who is in any kind of invested leadership in walnut creek. this comes just 2 weeks after another man who identified himself as scotty. >> spewed hateful comments and used a racial slur while wearing a shirt with the words white power on it. he also criticized city leaders for ending virtual public comments. wilke says there's not much they can do to prevent these comments, but he'll always fight back
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against hate in walnut creek. amanda hari kron. 4 news 6.34. is the time and a major health warning coming to you. if you're in the north bay, 5 people. >> have died in marin county in the past few weeks because of overdoses of fentanyl. the public health officer there says his team is very concerned because in most of these cases, the people took fentanyl with multiple drugs. >> people may not recognize that fentanyl is included in some sense they're taking if they're taking illegal substances, it could well be contaminated with fentanyl. >> the and the dea, they say that the synthetic opioid is about 100 times stronger than morphine and 50 times more powerful than heroin. 2 milligrams of fentanyl equates to a potentially deadly dose. a shoplifting investigation led alameda police to an extensive fencing operation.
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police say they found more than $85,000 in stolen merchandise. a cast some of the items still have tags on them. they will hangers just ready for resale alameda's police chief says as officers teamed up with the california highway patrol's organized retail crime task force the track down a truck loads stolen items. several stolen vehicles after serving a search warrant at a home in oakland last week. the chief says investigators zeroed in on a home after items from a shoplifting case at old navy and alameda at last month they were tracked to the residence in question. police arrested one person so far they expect to make many more rest time now 6.35. on the peninsula. a legal victory for a former safeway employee who sued because she said that she was fired for trying to stop a shoplifter. a judge ruled in her favor. kron four's. dan thorn has more. >> former safeway employee antoinette baez says she lost her job at this store in san mateo after trying to do the
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right thing. surveillance video from february 2023. shows baez and another worker confronting a suspected shoplifter. the person's arms filled with $500 worth of groceries. baez says they did not pay for the confrontation cost baez and the other employee, their jobs and they would rather do that. >> people just steal from the store. >> have an employee. and anyway interfere with the theft. so it's basically an and open house for thieves by his attorney neil eisenberg says safeway has been cracking down on workers instead of thieves. >> safeway fired by as in may 2023 and over the next several months, baez was unable to collect unemployment benefits because safeway said she was terminated for misconduct. she's a single mother. she has had no income and no benefits for the last year. and she hasn't been. and that be?
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because her only job experience as being a cashier. it safely. baez took her fight to the employment development department. and finally, this month, a judge ruled she was let go for performing her duties. the ruling means she will now get unemployment benefits from the time she was terminated. eisenberg says after 22 years of working at safeway, baez deserves better. he was an exemplary and coy and they simply pictured at the curb. eisenberg says that he is planning on filing a lawsuit against safeway seeking punitive damages of up to a million dollars for his client. >> he says it's not just about the money, but about the message that safeway employees should be treated better. we have reached out to safeway seeking comment on this. and as of this report, they have not responded in san mateo, dan thorn kron. 4 news.
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>> its 06:38am, a december kidnapping of a man and liver bore livermore has been resolved. now livermore police say in december a man hired 2 people to help work on his classic chevy truck. and after the meeting, the 2 people kidnapped, carjacked and robbed him of his belongings upon further investigation, livermore police have found and arrested. now those 2 suspects, alameda county's da office charged them with multiple counts, including kidnapping and carjacking. about a dozen people gathered outside the state capitol yesterday afternoon. the thought of support for assembly bill. 24 15 calls for a 35 million dollar investment to expand states cash assistance program for immigrants. also known as kathy to include undocumented seniors living in california. so remember won. says
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legislation will benefit at least 17,000 people who work in the country for decades. yeah, they're not eligible for social security payments because of their immigration status. >> no one should be left behind. a b 24 15. this is step in the right direction to spend axis to cap the program again, an already existing program for this state's most vulnerable seniors and disabled undocumented population. they came year and have contributed in every single way. >> and yet when it comes to something as basic as food. they are excluded. what does that say about california? >> no word on formal opposition. the last year. governor gavin newsom vetoed a nearly identical bill citing concerns over cost. mayor london breed. welcome to irish politicians to city hall for some special events. ireland's counsel general and the mayor
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of cork joined mayor breed to raise the irish flag. there it is. they also did some irish dancing yesterday. couric has been san francisco sister city for 40 years. >> he's the dancing socal. i've been a how much fun is that? yeah, they are dying of dianne feinstein. actually and that's how this all started. mayor breed announced to the crowd that march is officially irish heritage month. >> and that honors the roughly 67,000 people of irish descent who live in san francisco. the mayor says the importance of this year's theme for saint patrick's day is this. >> unite as seth is a part of the theme this year. so as we celebrate, it's about bringing communities together. it's about remembering are challenging times, but also recognizing that san francisco and our iris community represents resilience. >> and don't forget, there's the saint patrick's day parade. it's one of the biggest in the country. the san francisco parade is set
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for march 16th. all right. coming up next to the kron, 4 morning news. >> popular acne products contain 100 times federally recommended amount, something that causes cancer brand you need to watch out for. we'll have more on that coming up. have more on that coming up. going
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marshalls buyers are detail obsessed perfectionists.
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point. investigators are waiting for autopsies. san jose police have arrested a man for a deadly shooting that happened last month in a parking lot. in story road there, police say that people are attending a vigil when someone opened fire. juan perez has been arrested. oakland police arrested a minor in connection with a shooting that killed a store clerk earlier in the year. officers say the person was working in a shift at the orlando market when a group robbed the store and shot him. the san mateo county sheriff's office is investigating a phishing scheme in not a they want you to know what happened to an elderly woman. she responded to a fraudulent e-mailing that was saying that all this is a money exchange company she must be and she took out cash that up with a who said he was connected to that company company's fake. you took off with the money.
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>> 6.45. right now and look at this way up see that what's coming out of it? it's a funnel cloud. it looks like a wittle spokes. the cloud this was at in the afternoon. if you look up over vacaville, that's what you could see in a viewer shared this with us. >> this was over peabody road. the solano county's office of emergency management checked it out. they just want to make sure it didn't touch down. trust me to touch down. you know one into all this. you're not a storm chaser that you're going to run >> it's always fun that happens because it doesn't touch down. it's fun. when you're like, okay, i don't think that's going do yesterday. we had some of that thunderstorm development up in solano county and yet resulted in a funnel cloud. >> we saw one just about a month ago up in sonoma county just about a week ago out to madera county. so we've some
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wild weather as far as this late winter season is concerned. we are going to be looking at a day today. that takes a step back from all of that. we just got a little bit of cloud cover this morning. it as well as across the rest of the bay little peek of sunshine there at the left side of your screen, we are seeing that energy from yesterday. we're really moving out of the region out into the eastern deserts of southern california, leaving us with just cool sinking air across the bay area. definitely a chilly morning. couple spots that fog's trying to form not too widespread, though. high pressure ridge building in on the left side of your screen out in the pacific. that's going to keep us dry for a couple days. but north of that high pressure ridge right there at the top of the screen is our next weather maker. now, yesterday i was talking about how model runs were signaling that are dry trend was going to continue into the weekend. latest model runs kind of one, 80 to all of that. and we will have a brief round of rainfall looking likely on saturday mornings. that's the update i got for today. and tomorrow still dry, nothing but that sunshine. but here we go into saturday. showers moving through before the sun comes up in the
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mendocino county towards 06:00am to 07:00am 08:00am for the north bay and then into the late morning for the rest of us rolling through pretty quickly and diminishing by the time they even reach the southo bay. rest of the day after that actually looks to be pretty dry. so the forecast still holds that it's going to be a dry most of the weekend. just watch out for your saturday morning there. and then sunday night monday into tuesday as expected, we'll see a resurgence of moisture. that's saturday snowfall in the sierra. just a couple of inches possible. much more significant snow into the start of next week. nothing like what we saw this past weekend, but it will be a few more inches if not a couple more feet in those higher elevations as we move into sunday night monday and tuesday. just want a heads up on that. as for your temperatures today, we will be in the upper 50's to low 60's. very pleasant afternoon forecast. we've seen these numbers. we've been seeing them. but today we're going to pair it with a lot of afternoon sunshine going make for a very comfortable feel. san jose at 62 for your high
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today. fremont at 61 low 60's for the tri valley, berkeley richmond, oakland beach at 62 for your highs. well, looking at napa at 65. you're a warm spot this afternoon. santa rosa at 63. let's look ahead. temperatures tomorrow. climbing a little bit further. it is our warmest day of the forecast morning showers on saturday. but quickly clearing after that your saturday afternoon actually looks great. don't forget to adjust your clocks saturday night as you go to bed spring forward an hour sunday night into monday and tuesday, a return of some rain, right? all right, john, thank you for that. hit the road this morning. tracking your morning commute. 15 minutes for your ride into the city and the meter lights are on the air. mateo bridge just short of 60 minutes there it was number fo bridge about 12 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls 20 minute ride. >> for your health. a petition is filed with the fda citing a high levels of cancer causing chemicals and a number of acne products. valisure an independent lab found high levels of benzene in all kinds
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of products. benzene. they found in clinic clear cell targets up and up. and walmart's equate beauty to name a few benzene is a carcinogen that also can damage bone marrow and can damage the central nervous system. researchers say that some products had more than 800 times. the federal recommended limit. they have asked the agency to recall these products start a formal investigation and update industry guidelines. companies have responded to the lab finding so far saying that their products are safe. the fda, however, has not yet responded to the petition. turning now to area basketball, the warriors, they were looking to bounce back from a pretty tough loss against the celtics over the weekend. >> it's on the box last night chase center, for sports. director jason dumas says all those highlights. >> the warriors were coming off one of the worst losses in franchise history. the celtics embarrass them on sunday by 52 points on national television.
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but the warriors have vets who have a lot of pride. so, you know, they were going to respond. they did so. and then some on wednesday night against eastern conference power, milwaukee now course milwaukee is led by giannis antetokounmpo damian lillard. but staff he was ready to go 1st quarter. andrew wiggins. welcome back. you make the defensive play brandon. but yeah, he goes the other way and throws at >> to jonathan kuminga up for later in the quarter step uses the screen step back on damian lillard. give them all 3 of those. but, you know, dame and the racket too. he gets step back with stopped him. nice work of his own game tied. reggie miller for 4th place on the all-time 3 pointers list on wednesday. congrats to the oakland native. there's trace jackson-davis. he jumped over giannis to get that bucket later. jonathan kuminga one of the war years season-high 13 blocks on leads to a steph curry. 3. gov. go up 19. but
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the bucks had a late 3rd quarter running giannis to brook lopez. all part of a 19 5 it's a six-point game, pjd he came in and took over here. he blocked the honest not once but twice they go the other way. and guess what? steph curry here are ward's the world. what a finish go off 11. we've got to end the highlight with pjd. he cleans up ms with dunk. 15.6 rebounds, 4 blocks for brandon, great defense on giannis. now after losing by 52 points on sunday. 5th followed it up. >> by winning by a season-high. 35 points one, 2090, your fight one. 25 90 your final. let's hear from steve kerr about trace jackson-davis after the game. we got to get trace more minutes to get him ready for the playoffs. >> he needs reps. he needs more time use. you can see
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what he you know, what he did tonight. he has an ability to finish an to block shots gives us a different look. obviously the playoffs. it's a different we've got a lot of vets on the team. and so we're going to lie. >> mean, bp order allowing them a lot, which is coming in here getting this game experience against great be able to go out and perform. just play as hard as you can. that's the biggest thing for me. is going continue to play hard. >> what a game warriors don't have much time to revel in that wind because they're taking on the bulls tonight at chase center will have live coverage from there. of course, that's a look at sports. >> it's 6.52. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a new study connects soda consumption with some things that you might not want. so we're going to take a closer look.
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women's day this friday. patel has released new barbie role models honoring 8 women. >> company says are, quote, shaping the future with their inspiring story. so we have honored actress helen mirren. we have viola davis. we've got tonight, wayne and then kylie minogue, all of these beautiful women are going to be created into barbies. so it will be cool to see. and maybe you can collect. remember cross for or honoring remarkable women of the bay area all month long. >> so you can read more about our finalists. just go ahead. scan that qr code your screen and every week we'll have a new story or if you miss any of them. go kron 4 dot com and you can catch in there. >> time now, 6.56. and coming up in the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news. another person walks into the walnut creek city council and spews
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hate. >> we're gonna tell you where he's from and what people who live there have to think about this. a bakery in the east bay is sold for one dollar will see why the original owner with the second thing. plus a mom and her son are found dead in their apartment in santa rosa. we're going to take a look at what clues we have look at what clues we have about what happened.
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7:00 am
>> now on the kron, 4 morning news. neighbors are shocked to find out a woman and her son were found dead in their apartment in santa rosa. read police are looking for. this man accused of flashing exposing himself at a local shopping centers in broad daylight. and we're going to meet a man who bought a historic bakery in the east bay for one dollar. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> morning and thanks for waking up with us on a dry thursday. i'm darya and i'm reyna in for james this something like, yeah, it's a good chance to get some stuff done. i john, it sure is a better chance to be getting out there today without worrying so much about the radar yesterday we saw the heavy rain developing in the delta and the inland east bay. well, during the morning it was san jose that was just seeing noto


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