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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  March 8, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PST

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details. plus, parents are taking matters into their own hands to ensure their students at uc berkeley are safe. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us on a sunny friday. i'm darya and in for james. our top stories talking about the airport will get to that a second. >> the weather is the other stories. nice today. yeah, things are going to change, though. and not just the time the weather to john's got all absolutely the time changing tomorrow night into sunday morning, the weather changing pretty constantly day by day. today we are settling in for a sunny and mild day, though, the best day of the forecast. a venture out looking outside from san francisco but love in the this morning looking down into the bay with all that sunshine were enjoying. we're seeing that all across the state. so if you want to get up to the sierra today is a great day to get up there. maybe have back a little early on sunday, though, timing out anything we may see this weekend. a few morning sprinkles for the north bay
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tomorrow morning. rest of the day is just a little cooler and cloudier. then sunday afternoon into sunday night gets here with some more rain pushing in and for the sierra. a good dose of snow on the way to close out the weekend. so your heads up right there. temperatures in the 40's to 50's right now. oakland fifty-two degrees, san francisco and alameda each at 54 with some 40's up in the north bay. currently later today, we're going to be back into the 60's for your highs, rain. all right, john, thank you look at your morning commute. things are pretty light. 13 minutes on the bay bridge cemetery ridge. no major issues. 30 minute right there. here it is over for rich about 12 and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls 20 minutes. let's talk transportation. yeah. let's go back to the airport where we're trying to figure out exactly what went wrong because a tire went flying off of a plane that had just taken off from sfo and they called us on camera. now investigators are trying to figure out why how it even happened. >> are trends that has unfolds? been talking to some concerned people.
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they're landing here. let me show you the video. this all went down around noon yesterday. this is quite rare. even more rare when it's caught on camera. but that's exactly what happened yesterday when they were tucking in the back struts. well, one of the tires comes off. it actually lands in the employee lot damaging a couple of cars. fortunately, somebody saw it, of course, and traffic control or some flight personnel. they told the pilots continue flying, but you have to make an emergency landing at los angeles international. and that's exactly what they did as soon as they got there. the plane pretty much came to a stop.
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and then they told the plane to the gate the 249 people on board and that includes the crew and the passengers. they were put on another aircraft, took off successfully all the way too. osaka, japan. so is actually 2 scenes. the plane in los angeles and the other scene where it all started the tire presumably being looked at today or over the next couple of days. federal investigators want to know and it is a boeing if this is an engineering problem or if the crew from united airlines aircraft is 22 years old and he's under their ownership. if the crew did not do the proper maintenance to that tire and all the tires to make sure it doesn't fall off, but they have prepared for this because according to engineers, they have 6 tires on each streit. 2 struts in the back. should a tire be damage or even fall off in this case, there are enough tires in the back to absorb the landing where
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everybody should be safe. all right. thanks a lot. we'll all right. let's turn to another big story. 2 people are now dead. >> after a murder lead to a chase and then a suicide. yeah. and this all shut down the highway to when this happened. we've got the very latest now from amanda hari. >> everyone i spoke to says this neighborhood is extremely quiet and the experience almost no crime. they say the situation is very sad, but they're grateful the threat is over a little bit strange and shocking. that's how people live in this neighborhood described what happened thursday. saginaw circle near santa rita road and west lost see boulevard covered crime scene tape amid a murder suicide investigation this morning at around 11 o'clock >> i some bangs, apparently there was a gunshot at that time. i didn't recognize it as
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a question. this woman who didn't want to appear on camera. >> says she was home in pleasanton. police responded and found the victim dead with multiple gunshot wounds. that and they came in. she says she's lived in this complex since 1997, but she has never seen a police presence like this one. the shooting was then almost immediately followed by a police chase. there are requesting assistance of their officers were actively in pursuit of a known a murder suspect on 5.80. that pursuit ended in san leandro near the benedict drive exit. the driver died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. the suspect vehicle while in pursue. >> crash and at that point there was a high risk staff as well as the standoff for approximately 30 minutes. it was determined that the suspect had to come to his own injuries. i saw on the news earlier. >> the 5.80, was shut down. and i said, that's crazy. that's a major freeway shut down for hours. then i came
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home to see po ice around her neighborhood and found out that it was related. tim parks as he chose to live here in pleasanton because it's a safe community. he never expected anything like this. >> he says he's not sure who the suspect or the victim. it's i don't know who lived there. >> maybe i saw them, but i don't know if if i know who does or not, it just a disturbed guy. didn't know how to control his emotions. i guess it's only thing goes through my mind. pleasanton police is handling the murder investigation. again, there is no threat to the public at this time. >> in pleasanton amanda hari kron. 4 news, its 906, and parents of uc berkeley students, some are so upset about security that their take it campus safety into their own hands. so they hire private security guards to help rovers. >> michael thomas in the newsroom with that story and more michael morning. yeah, good morning, everyone. these aggressive approach, king an essentially this program for private security near uc
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berkeley is put together all buy them themselves. >> it's called safe bears. and it's going to last for the next 2 weeks and takes place during the overnight hours, making sure that students don't fall victim to any of the city's crime issues. take a look. this is a map up on your screens. you can see just exactly where the private security is said to be placed again between the hours of 6, 30 at night, till 3 in the morning and these hours, an area were specifically chosen based off of crime reports that were done in the last 6 months. you can see it's a square shape and it's about 5 blocks long from bancroft way all the way down to dwight way. and then also along piedmont avenue. in total, there's going to be 6 security ambassadors. they'll be in bright colors and be assigned different areas in that area. to make rounds. and then there's going to be one person on a bike making rounds. they're being paid and organized by parents that say enough is enough when it comes to the area's crime. the goal is essentially to put pressure on the administration of the university to get a similar
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program put in place in these safety ambassadors. all have california guard cards and have undergone background checks but will not be carrying any type of weapons. so no pepper spray batons, handcuffs or any other type of defense equipment as their purpose is going to be a physical deter and as they roam the area and also escort students from one place to another by request, the pilot program will. and in 2 weeks from now on march 23rd which to saturday and parents goal is to raise $300,000 for the safe care fund. currently they've raised about 40,000. so i did reach out to them this morning to ask if they've gotten any update or what the university has told them. i also reached out to university but have not heard back as of yet. live this morning in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas will send it back to you to live in the studio. right, michael, thanks for breakdown there. it's 9 only right now. and police in daly city are looking for a man who tried to rob a grocery store employee who was just arriving to work. it was. >> tuesday morning around
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02:00am and the workers was going into the lucky's on mission street when a man with a gun approached and demanded his wallet, he started banging on the doors to try to get into the store. the man ended up shooting him in the foot and taking off in a silver toyota avalon and the north bay, a sonoma man was arrested for an armed robbery of a convenience store. joseph with big is accused of going into the glen ellyn convenience store arnold drive around 11 o'clock tuesday night and demanding money. and then when the clerk refused showing the clerk a gun and then taking some cash route from the register and driving off the south bay. people living in east san jose are soon to be able to take flight route to the not be as bart station. fda board unanimously approved the extension project destruction could start as soon as this summer. san jose mayor matt mahan reacting on social media saying this expansion of public transportation is one of our most densely populated in traffic. just a neighborhood is long overdue. still ahead
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on the robber morning news socks or face a lawsuit after family says a coach sexually abused their child while their parents say play safe before went unheard. and mayoral candidates and services. criticizing mayor london breed's vision for the city. >> senator leadership is not taken san francisco in the right direction. wastewater spilled into the russian river. again, what officials think caused it to happen. and the forecast as a few changes for us this weekend. but the time is also changing. you'll need to be adjusting those clocks. >> as sunday morning at 02:00am we will be springing ahead. that means what's our of saturday night into sunday morning. sunset an hour later on sunday.
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>> on the north bay, the last quoting home has been removed from richardson bay in the marin county. all vessels unfolding halls are ordered to be removed from the babe october 2026. all in a state mandate to protect the ill glass ecosystem. it will last supports herring's at run is it's a crucial resource for the marine life and for the board birds that migrate last people living on the boats were given housing vouchers to relocate on land. a small number of vessels can stay anchored until the deadline. if they are steamed sea worthy after october. 26, both vessels can only stay anchored for 72 hours or 3 days. time now is 9.13, and the north's. a sonoma county officials say more 270,000 gallons of wastewater. >> spilled into the russian river. they say it happened last week and it came from the county sanitation treatment plant. however, they don't think it was harmful to the wildlife. 9.13. is the time
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right now. they also think it might had something to do with too much rain. yeah, that doesn't sound too appealing. going there. it's i you don't drink the water. i don't drink the russian river know that. that's it says probably like 5. >> but we are looking outside as what we've got here. the transamerica building sitting under lots of sunshine this morning. >> we are looking at a gorgeous day ahead of us today. the most inviting day of the weekend to get outside. not that the rest of the weekend's bad just today is really nice. this right here is part of this next system sitting to our north that displaces this high-pressure ridge that is currently sitting in place and results in a few light north bay sprinkles tomorrow. it really doesn't amount to much. this is your saturday rainfall forecast. as you can see, most of us are remaining dry, maybe a drop of water to santa rosa. you'll be seeing some light showers. timing of all. this
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is during your morning hours tomorrow. so after today, sunny and warm, mild afternoon tomorrow morning, really between 8, 09:00am, to 10:00am showers pushing to the north bay dissipating really before they make much of an impact on the rest of the bay and by the afternoon, we're seeing some nice sunshine as we move into sunday. we start the 1st half of the day dry. but by sunday afternoon into evening rainfall picks back up in this system is going to be packing a bit more of a punch. so sunday night into monday, watch for some wet conditions on roads. also watch for some sierra snow fall around that time. you're good. most of the weekend with just a few flurries on saturday morning. but then we work into sunday night monday and tuesday, monday night into tuesday is going to bring the heaviest snow up to the sierra. and we will be looking at a few feet of snowfall piling up. so if you have plans on heading to the sierra next week, that's what you're going to be running into. as for today, though, temperatures super nice look at the 60's and that seth and at the coastline with mid to upper 60's elsewhere in the bay spots like san carlos
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through mountain view at 66 our warmest areas today, campbell and san jose, each at 68 degrees for your highs. mid 60's for the east bay, oakland, berkeley, richmond, each at 64 degrees. not far behind from our hottest temps in vallejo and benicia at 67 degrees. tomorrow's temperatures drop into the upper 50's. we'll have a few clouds. of course, those morning showers, especially for the north bay, adjusting those clocks before you go to bed saturday night, anticipating a bit of a shorter evening. but the longer afternoon as sunday sun won't set until after 07:00pm. our biggest chances of rainfall will really be sunday night into monday morning. and then again, monday night into tuesday, rain. all right. john that hit the roads today on a friday. things are pretty light. >> a bridge just under 40 minutes summit over about 13 minutes. there richards ever fell bridge a 13 out to 13 across the board. 21 minute ride from the golden gate bridge from 4 is your local election headquarters in california's prop one. we're
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counting. it still holds a narrow lead by about 28,000 votes. this prop is backed by governor newsom and would raise 6.4 billion dollars to bob's to go for homeless and mental health services and housing. proponents say the problem help get homeless people off the streets. but opponents say it will divert money from local homeless programs and simply cost too much. well, a national news president joe biden addressed the nation is annual state of the union speech and he talked about a lot of things. the economy, the crisis around the world. migrant situation at the southern border, our dc correspondent trevor shirley has latest. officially. this is a speech by the president to update congress on the state of the country. >> but if you watch last night, you notice it was also a sales pitch of sorts from the president to the american public arguing that he's fit to run again and deserving of a second term. >> mister speaker, the president of the united states, president joe biden wasted no time facing head-on some of his biggest electoral
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liabilities. i know it may look like a around while at times the president using humor to cut through concerns about his age. my lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy, a democracy. the president also accused republicans of putting at ask all of you without regard to party to join together and defend democracy. the president also challenging critics of his economic policy where he scores poorly among the majority of voters. i hear the comments on the brink. not economies that are the envy of the world. gop critics say the president glossed over what most americans are feeling. they're feeling energy prices and food in the and and that was not talked about the most contentious moments of the night happening as the president discussed immigration, accusing republicans of killing a recent bipartisan border deal. but unfortunately, politics has derailed this bill so far. republicans pushing back in
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their official post speech rebuttal president biden's border policies. >> are a disgrace. this crisis is despicable. and the truth is it is almost entirely preventable. the president also called for protecting reproductive and voting rights and implored congress to pass more ukraine aid. i say this to congress. >> we have to stand up >> carson, national security bill. >> the question now will last night's speech reset the campaign conversation as the president hopes the president also announced plans for the u.s. military to build a temporary port on the gaza coast to get humanitarian assistance into that area more easily. although we also promised that no u.s. troops would be on the ground in gaza territory reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. >> and we're also following local politics. we've got 3 people that want to be the next mayor of san francisco.
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they're all speaking out about the mayor and her address that she made last night. so we have supervisor mark farrell, city supervisor ahsha stuff. i and philanthropist daniel lurie. they say the mayor's better time painting a pretty picture of the city. but changes are too little too late. >> so the glaring miss for me was there wasn't a conversation about how we're going to make san francisco more livable and affordable for all san francisco families. it wasn't a conversation about working families. frontline workers and how they're struggling in. the mayor mentioned teachers, nurses, firefighters, but she didn't say there's thousands of vacancies within those department. the electorate has changed. they want. leadership inside of city hall. they want someone to come in and turn our city back around. >> lori says that the mayor didn't give any new ideas or approaches and that he's the only person who's running from outside what he calls a failed system. he says he's tired of
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the negativity, too. >> i'm tired of the excuses and the finger pointing instead of accountable leadership and getting meaningful results. this is not a crisis of resources with a 14.6 billion dollar budget. this is a crisis of leadership. we all know this and and so i am incredibly optimistic. the best days of our city are ahead of us. but it's going to require leadership from outside of that building. >> as for mayor breed in her address, she thanked the city's voters for approving property, which he says will give police a lot more freedom and tools to catch criminals. the mayor also outlined plans to revitalize downtown san francisco. she wants to attract new businesses and also wants to add housing. >> its 9.21. coming up on the 4 morning news. a jewish bakery in the east bay is vandalized with anti-semitic graffiti. plus sfo made a move
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to help the environment. >> we're going to tell you why a study says that's actually
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>> bicyclists was seriously hurt when they were struck by a car or a motorcycle and san jose. this is in the area of hamilton. the latter avenues near campbell and the motorcycle and the bicyclist collided. it was around. 7 o'clock. the bicyclist was taken to the hospital. >> there was a fire department. they passed new fire co legislation for lithium-ion batteries and e-bikes and scooters. this is all in response to an increase reported fires because of batteries charging capabilities. department says
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they are advising people adhered to those safety recommendations. their outline in the national fire protection guide, the famed from using generic charging ports that could result in residential fires. speaking of residential fires, the policy changes a result comes as the fire department amount of you. they had to deal with the fire related to a lithium ion battery. fire officials say they responded to an apartment building. 2200 block california street people inside reported a fire and explosion firefighters and found that bike and its battery damaged by the fire. they say it appears the fire was started by a malfunction in the charging of the battery pack. all residents self evacuated and they were safe before fire crews arrived. it's 9.25 and you probably have noticed that sfo doesn't sl plastic water bottles anymore. when you're. >> at the airport, you get him in these metal aluminum containers. they did this as a full became the first major u.s. airport to ban the sale of plastic water balance back in 2019 now there's a study, though, and it finds that
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actually the study says little bottles are worse for the environment than the plastic ones. they say that the replacement of plastic for aluminum costs more than 1000 metric tons of carbon dioxide, which is the same, is driving almost 3 million miles in a car. 9.25. right now. coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. >> there is a movement to instead of clearing out instead of clearing out homeless encamp
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(sung) febreze! i use febreze fabric refresher everyday. to make my home smell amazing. on my bed... my couch... my jacket or jeans. in between washes. even shoes. febreze doesn't cover up odors with scent, but fights them and freshens! over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher. we're checking out the weather for you on a friday. going into a mixed weekend. yeah, you know, today is going to the day. just take advantage of today. then you'll feel guilty about staying it. and if you go to sleep early, that's probably a good idea,
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too, because we're going to lose an or 2 birds with one stone pay for time to testing those time schedules. our internal clocks cause. >> yes, sunday morning. getting up. a lot of us going to be like way. not we're looking outside this morning at forecast. that makes you say yes, let's do this because it is a beautiful one out there. >> we're looking at gorgeous skies above san francisco in this view right here. and it's the same from northern california down south from the sierra to the bay. easy travelo weekend here locally. now we are going to be seeing a few interruptions to this otherwise clear forecast, including some north bay sprinkles tomorrow morning. you see here in future cast and then sunday afternoon showers will return and snowfall for the sierra nevada. so do be mindful of that. don't be pushing that drive back from the sierra into sunday evening. try to do it a little earlier in the day. temperatures right now are still hanging out in the 50's. a few of us like fremont livermore santa rosa are still in the upper 40's. not for long, though, as the afternoon ahead holds a lot of 60's for us in some spots actually
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getting close to 70 great job. thank you for that. ok, let's get a look morning drive like conditions across the board. looking good at the bay bridge. not seen any accidents on the mateo bridge. richards. every vote also an 11 minute ride and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. >> about 21 minutes 9.29. right now. some serious allegations agains the san jose junior sharks coach. >> he's accused of assault. now the lawsuit claims the coach was actually grown his players before he took advantage of that. this lawsuit also brings light to troubling allegations against the management for the san jose junior sharks. travelers, theresa has more. >> absolutely tragic situation. you know, young boy being taken advantage of by coach. >> mark boskovich is an attorney representing the family and child at the center of a civil lawsuit against this man. kevin whitmer and the san jose sharks. when there was a coach for the junior sharks, youth hockey organization last november,
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santa clara prosecutors charged with murder with 30 felony counts of abuse and 20 counts of possession of child. >> there was a another plant, a parent that raise concerns about how he was using his position as coach to really, you know, control the athletes in an unhealthy way. boskovich says on multiple occasions, parents reached out to complain to the sharks organization. >> about observing whitmer demonstrating disturbing behavior with young players. >> so there were a lot of red flags, some of which were raised to the organizations. some of them were kind of the open that you should expect that organization would have to tack to it if it were properly supervise and its coaches athletes. also boskovich says that the suit alleges the organization failed to follow. >> national youth guidelines by allowing whitner to be alone with minors in the sharks. locker room. >> the unique issue to hockey
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and there were coaches over the years that have done similar kinda things in locker rooms. and so that's why usa hockey, but this in place and forced it on its clubs and this is the situation of were club just decided to ignore about a new better. >> boskovich says fundamentally the suit's goals is to send a clear message. and this is exactly why we need these kind of rules and we need to enforce them otherwise or get other member clubs are going to have the same situation. they're handsome. >> we want to prevent that as best we can in the future. >> as for what mayor, he remains in custody, he is entered a not guilty plea in his criminal case. we reached out to the sharks organization for comment but have not received a response yet theresa kron, 4 news. >> on the peninsula, man was arrested for threatening to go on a killing spree at you to campus in san bruno. maxwell's 4 a little to the 4th was
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denied bail at a hearing on wednesday. he is accused of threatening to shoot and kill multiple people on the eu to campus through social media. he pleaded not guilty. 2 felony charges connected with that is preliminary hearing is set for march 13th, although police are now investigating the shooting on interstate 9.80, right near 11th street, not early thursday morning. police say felt something hit. his caution got out to see what happened. that's when another car drove alongside fire. no one was hurt. and police say that investigation is ongoing. thompson, 9.33, and the owner of a popular east bay bagel shop. cesar businesses was targeted with anti-semitic graffiti palmer's. dan thorn has her story. >> the sidewalk usually filled with a line of customers waiting for a popular boy. chick bagel was vandalized this week with this graffiti 0, 6, owner emily winston says it's an attack against her jewish-owned business. it's pretty pretty upsetting.
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>> to get that is my first time getting such a thing winston says the graffiti popped up in 2 spots outside of her college avenue shop wednesday afternoon. >> she later, but paint remover to scrub it out. i'm mad. i'm >> you know, out here. building a great thing that people love and it's really easy for some of the coming off the sidelines and deface it. doesn't take too much effort to throw down a little spray. paint takes a lot more effort to scrub it off. >> boychuk bagels is not the first jewish-owned bay area business to be targeted since the israel-hamas war began last october. smitten ice cream in san francisco's mission district was forced to temporarily close in november. vandals smashed in the windows and spraypainted free palestine. winston says she nor her business is openly taking a stance on the war in gaza. but they have received threats on social media. winston says she still views the bay area as a shining example of acceptance and just
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wants to focus on what she does best. there's a lot of jewish business owners who are finding themselves put into the cross when it is not. >> something that we're involved with. i'm 6,000 miles away, making i'm not running middle east politics in berkeley, dan thorn. >> kron 4 news. all right. we'll tease roque into an lgbtq youth club in oakland. the front door was damaged at the town whose club location of the oakland lgbtq community center. leaders of the senate tell it happened early yesterday morning. it's unclear what specifically that these took. the senator tells us they will replace the damaged or another retail store is leaving san francisco. it's the north face this time supervisor and mayoral candidate faa told kron 4. >> that the north face on post street is closing. the north face was founded in san francisco in 1964. that post
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relocation is their only store in san francisco. it's going to close on march 31st. north days tells us they will continue to operate. there are other various stores in santa clara berkeley, walnut creek and palo alto. >> we were able to hold him accountable a public official abuses the public's trust and gains position of authority and uses it to steal taxpayer funds, personal and that rhodes trust trust in the government. >> alameda county da pamela price announcing a plea deal with the former fremont city manager mark dan ige. he pleaded guilty to fraud for misusing his city credit card for personal expenses. nationals fired in 2021. now he's got to serve 3 months behind bars and pay the city more than $300,000. republ cans in the state legislature are now demanding governor gavin newsom provide more information about an exemption in the state's new minimum wage law because there
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were some suggestions that newsom included a loophole. >> to benefit one of his donors who owns 2 dozen panera. bread locations. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace has details. >> if there's nothing there, proven republican senate minority leader brian jones says that's his message to governor gavin newsom over a very specific exemption made in the state's new fast food minimum wage law. the law will require most fast food chains in california to increase the minimum wage to $20 per hour by april. 1st, but a car but was made for businesses that bake and sell bread as a standalone item. many have said that includes panera a bloomberg article last week suggested that car about was put in place to benefit. newsom. don't or and panera bread. franchisee billionare greg flynn after he expressed concern the new minimum wage would hurt the 2 dozen panera bread franchises he owns across the for his part. newsom says the latest story as much to do about nothing. in a statement last week his office wrote the governor never met with flynn in this
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story is absurd. our legal team has reviewed and it appears panera is not exempt from the law. this resolution, democratic senator dave cortese was the senate labor cheer when the bill was negotiated last year and now he's the ethics chair from what he knows. there's important context and history behind the bread minimum wage exemption. one of the unions organizes reason other kinds of facilities was concerned area of their jurisdiction was going to be encroached upon by the bill. >> what was that i don't think that needs to be investigate. i think they were transparent about that. they were just stay out of our business. still, republicans say they want answers last week they demanded attorney general rob bonta launch ethics investigation and now they've sent the governor this public records requests demanding access to all documents and communications that led up to the car about where this exemption comfort. nobody seems to know everybody's and i don't know were came from. it came from someone if
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there's nothing to see here that shows that there's nothing to see here. we think. >> but there's a lot to see here and we want to get to the bottom of it for the voters and the taxpayers of california. >> and we reached out to the governor's office for specific reaction to the republican led public records request. but all they could say they received it and they're processing has for flynn. he says carve out or no carve out. he plans to increase the minimum wage to $20 an hour at his california panera. bread locations reporting at the state capitol. a tom wallace kron. 4 news. >> 38 and volunteers in oakland are getting their hands dirty to keep their city clean. take a look at this group. they're called community ready corps. and for the past 3 weeks, they've been out on the streets conducting illegal dumping, clean up blitzes. it's part of a long time program called the good neighbor program in just 6 months. this group has collected more than 10 tons of trash. >> we have a full size garbage truck. and we feel that thing up 6 times that. and so we're
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are we are making somewhat of a but we know the problems begin. >> the group even stopped by stangel delhi this week and they cleaned up miles of trash was piled in front of the business. and that deli was facing a $10,000 fine because it refused to pay the excess litter fee. but since it's been cleaned up now, they are got a letter just yesterday that reduces the fees to about $600. all right. a scary injury for the boys were talking latest steph curry news. >> and after the embarks on a new journey to train a new lawyer as he becomes a new spiritual leader. working on a new journey this weekend with our time change, we are going to be losing an hour of sleep unfortunately sunday morning. but hey, that also means that you get an extra hour of daylight. >> sunday sunset will be an hour later at 07:16pm. be talking
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at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and now there's the culinary collection!
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>> let's talk basketball. the warriors taking on the bulls at the chase center. and a lot of people were just biting their nails. they were watching it for us to think james and hamas has the highlights. >> the warriors have a great opportunity in front of them. they've already gotten past the tough part of their schedule. there are more winnable games on their schedule. moving forward that any of the teams they are jockeying for position with. and on thursday night was one of those games against the chicago bulls staff looking to lead the way on this late season push with a healthy team. kind of ironic. you'll know why soon. 3rd quarter pulls up for t j d.
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>> he's playing really well right now. he gets tally. you. but the bulls. they were on fire and a 3rd that was coby white, putting them up 11. but the warriors storm back in the 4th trayce jackson-davis leads the break to moses moody. all see that very often. they take the lead. but this is when the worst possible thing that could have happened happened steps with that ankle driving to the rim. he would leave the game and not return. we still don't know the status of that ankle. all right. under a minute to go warriors down to klay thompson gives them the lead. but the next possession demar derozan has been doing this for a decade. 3 points the hard way they take a 2 point lead last shot for the warriors. they get the look. they want. but brandon play jetski smokes the layup. that is tough now after the game, the warriors were asked about their three-point shooting. they did not shoot it. well, here's what klay thompson had to say. it.
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>> i mean, it's frustrating when you miss any shot. you know, we expect them ongoing that that's life when you can do when the shot isn't far from the primaries, move the ball a little more and penetrate the lane and try and get to the free-throw line or a couple easy looks at the rim and that usually >> opens up plenty of shoot opportunity. some 3. >> all right. that's your look at sports. all right. looking good there in the weather. looks great today thursday. looking at that hat is a big sign. a big commercial. he likes to fish apparently night. 44 is the time right now. if you could, we get to get out a little bit of rain doesn't scary. and one umbrella at least no, definitely not. today, the umbrella just blocks up the sunshine today. we are looking at beautiful, clear skies for your friday. really help you get a chance to enjoy it. >> as dorian reno relating to, we don't necessarily stay 100% dry this weekend. but compared to this past weekend, what to step up. we are seeing the jet
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stream sending some moisture to the north up into the pacific northwest right now that will eventually dipping in our direction. for now, high pressure ins ridge does win out but will be displaced by that next system. as soon as tomorrow morning, ok? so here's your morning hours tomorrow, a few showers up and around santa rosa, maybe a drop of water to for most of the rest of us. but that shower activity really fizzles out. by the time it reaches the golden gate in the car. keenness futurecast shows just that overcast conditions tonight after such a sunny day today and then showers moving to the north bay between 7, 8, 9, to 10:00am tomorrow. but look at how they just disappear as they roll through the rest of the bay area. nothing more than a few midday sprinkles for the rest of us. saturday is going to be just cooler and cloudier for most of the bay sunday starts nice and dry. but it's sunday afternoon into evening that will see an even more significant system pushing through and this one will result in overnight showers from sunday night into early monday morning. a 3rd system after that pushes through
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monday night into tuesday morning. so really into early next week. that's when we're going to see more activity saturday. you may see a few flurries up in the sierra. no more than an inch, though. then sunday night on into tuesday, the heavier snow arrives and it will be multiple feet in those higher elevations. as for us here in the bay area today, nice, gorgeous skies, beautiful data. hopefully venture out as much as you can will be in the mid to upper 60's for most areas. burlingame in foster city, each at 64 south bay temperatures, campbell and san jose at 68 degrees. each in the east bay expect some mid 60's hayward and san leandro. 65 conquered. much the same for you while vallejo and benicia among warmest up to 67 degrees each getting your lookahead. tomorrow's temperatures will be in the upper 50's north bay morning showers tomorrow. but that's about it, of course, and just in those clocks saturday night before you go to bed, you get that extra hour sunshine. but hour earlier wake-up call sunday night into monday morning. another chance of
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showers and one more after that monday night into tuesday. all right, john, thank look at your morning. drive a bridge right now. 21 minutes. so things are looking light out there. mateo bridge, 13 minutes there, which was a refill ridge just short of 12 minutes. and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 21 minutes. and 4th installment is out in theaters right now. follows pose journey to train a new warrior. >> we'll take a look at the expects is for the oscars who's going to be nominated. dean richards has a lot of that in today's weekend movie review. >> the dragon warrior wind about being a spiritual leader. what is it? you're hoping? of people. >> 16 years ago we first met the lovable kung fu panda. now, all these years later, the 4th installment of the dragon masters adventures hits big screens with the pleasant result. first, the rate of a list voice talent in this movie is impressive with jack black once again in the title
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role fino by his side fighting evil and searching for a new spiritual leader of the valley of peace. joining them in various roles are oscar winners, viola davis, dustin hoffman, won. >> emmy winner bryan cranston, seth rogan, ronnie cheney, and many welcome troup for is pleasant enough entertaining enough. it definitely doesn't break any new ground exhibit any of the same chardon or energy of its 3 predecessors. the movie has a few laughs and is nicely drawn, but it relies on way too many battle scenes to push along the storyline. usually when a movie franchise hits its 4th installment, it's pretty much run out of gas, running on fumes. this one is not quite at that point but dangerously close its funding, but fairly forgettable. >> and a dean's list c? i don't forget that hollywood's biggest night of the year is this sunday. the 96th academy
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awards starts an hour earlier than usual with jimmy kimmel as its host for the major categories. expect a repeat of the winners that we saw almost all of this year's awards show so far. but supporting performances will robert downey junior for oppenheimer and divine joy randolph from the holdovers for best director. it will be christopher nolan. a sure bet to win for oppenheimer. and i expect killian murphy to also win best acting honors for his lead role in oppenheimer oppenheimer itself will continue its steamrolling ways to a best picture honor this year. really the only wildcard in any category is that a best actress? narrowed down to even newcomer in white stone from killers of the flower moon emma stone from poor thinks it could go either way. i think academy will honor stones, eclectic creative performance this year. and word for the prize will recap it all monday morning. what you can always
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get my movie reviews and home video picks sent right to your phone's every week. >> just by texting the word, dean to 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, and i will be a great weekend in chicago. and richards. >> kron 4 is honoring remarkable women of the bay area all month long. and we hope you've been seeing some of our incredible stories and you can go to this website here. if you scan this little taking a kron 4 dot com where we've got all of the very latest. >> on all of the people that highlighting its 9.50. and we'll be right back.
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>> 9.53 and around the bay has seen a lot of those rivian's and apparently we're going to see a lot more of them. yeah, they've been looking rich demuro takes a look at that in today's tech smart. >> in an online world filled with leaks, the all electric car maker rivian still managed to pull off a surprise. not only did they show off the smaller suv. everyone expected. they also showed off 2 smaller crossovers as well. >> a trifecta of announcements from electric car maker rivian at a critical time. they're sort of in evening rally death, if you well, where their production costs and their demand are meeting each other, they can make those things mean at this point. 0st up, a smaller suv called the are too. it has 5 seats and is expected to go over 300 miles on a charge. both rose fold
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completely flat. there are 11 cameras and 5 radar sensors for driver assistance starting price. $45,000. they wanted to build off of what was great about our one but offer at something much more affordable price point so we can get more people into the break. one key change to our 2 will come equipped with tesla's charging port. >> called any cs, which will allow it to tap into the supercharger network obviously got a very amazing charging that network and being able to utilize that is going to help not only ready but all the other brands that have signed up to do that next. a surprise with audible gasps from the audience. a review in our 3 midsize crossover. >> the company light on details, but it will likely be their most affordable car yet. they also showed off a performance version called the are 3 acts. i think for the folks that want cool electric car, their options. i think this is going to one of the
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many, many one theme rivian's are built to instill a sense of adventure. every decision interior i'm really delivery. start in twenty-twenty 6 for the suv such a critical juncture. >> we do have electrify the i to be in the middle of we can help drive that. >> you can place $100 reservation for the are 2 right now. deliveries are expected in the 1st half of 2026. with the r 3 and they are 3 acts to follow some time after that. if you want to learn more about the new rivian suvs, can go to my website rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro and you tech smart. >> all right. the next hour, the crop of morning news. investigators trying to figure while wheel fell off a plane while taking off from sfo talk more about that. plus, a group of parents are taking matters into their own hands to ensure
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students at uc berkeley are safe. why they felt that they have to do this because they have to pitch in and they have to take matters into their own hands. and a woman who was shot and killed their home and the suspected shooter led police on a chase shut down a freeway for hours in the east bay. we'll explain how it all happened. we'll be right back. don't go anywhere.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. this plane takes off from sfo and it loses a tire. we're live at the airport. we're talking about what went wrong. neighbors in pleasanton
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are shocked because a man killed a woman, then led police on a chase and ended up killing himself. we'll have details. and there's a group of parents that are so worried about their kids safety at uc berkeley. they are hiring private security guards. >> from the game early news station, you're watching on morning team. >> good morning and thanks for hanging in there on a friday morning. we've got the whole rest of the day to go. it's going to be gorgeous out and enjoy it before a little more rain rolls in high job. yeah. the rain, though, on its way, mostly towards the tail end of the weekend. but a couple of north bay sprinkles tomorrow morning. >> today, absolutely beautiful looking there's half moon bay looking great under that sunshine, calm waves today. beautiful day at the coast. up in the sierra from northern california, down south as well. so not a lot coming through today. that's going to interrupt things. i will give you a look at the rest of the weekend, though, including tomorrow morning, some north bay sprinkles rest of us. we'll be dry, but likely just a


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