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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  March 8, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> news out of open tonight. we're learning that 12 people have been hurt in an ac transit bus crash. thanks for joining us for kron. 4 news at 6. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the oakland fire department first reported the incident only 15 minutes they say that the bus was hit by another car in the area, 54th and international boulevard. >> to 13 people hurt. adu have critical injuries. more than 15 firefighters are on the scene right now. they're rendering medical aid. we'll,
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of course, stay on this breaking news and keep you updated as soon as we can get new information. also developing news tonight, we're learning that another united airlines flight had to divert to lax after taking off from bound for mexico city. it as about 1 o'clock this afternoon and landed at lax at 4.30 this afternoon after the crew reported an issue with the hydraulic system that united says the plane was an airbus 3.20, with 105 passengers and 5 crew members on board. the airline also says that the plane has 3 hydraulic systems and that there was an issue with just one of them. again, we will be updating this story on air and online as we learn more information. now, this is comes, of course, a day after a united flight, a boeing triple 7 leaving sfo for japan, lost a tire. >> we'll see it fall right? it was captured on camera.
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authorities say one of the 6 tires on the left side of the plane. the main landing gear fall off. just seconds after takeoff. that plane also yesterday had to divert to lax. that tire landed in the airport employee parking lot crushing that car there damaging at least another car wiping out offense. nobody was hurt. the victim whose car was hit has been identified as lauren into vong as she was working at the airport at the time. she says when she got a call from security. >> i rush over there. i think, you know, my cart over going to and then i saw my car. basically ripped into shreds. and then i started crying because didn't expect that at all. and that's when the cops came in explain what had out that they don't any one of those. my only way getting to work my only form of transportation. >> united airlines says it's working with customers who were on that flight and owners of damage vehicles to make sure everyone needs are
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addressed into. vaughn says she's heard from the airline and that she hopes it they can get her a new car. meantime, federal authorities say they plan to launch several investigations into that incident. this one adding to the list of united airlines scares. officials say united plane went off the runway this morning at an airport in houston. officials say the flight had just landed. it started started to veer off the runway and into the grass. passengers and crew members on board were not hurt and they were evacuated from the plane. the incident is also in under investigation. >> and meantime, alaska airlines dealing with yet another door issue. these pictures come from our sister station in portland, oregon. it shows a flight that arrived from mexico with a cargo door to slightly opened. no word on how long the door was ajar. alaska airlines says that the crew had no cockpit warning saying that the door was unsealed. officials believe it to partially open when the plane landed maintenance teams inspected the aircraft to
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replace to spring in the door, tested it and then put the plane back into service. >> other news tonight, a san francisco shop owners ongoing battle with shoplifters is going viral. security gates, cameras, even store layout changes haven't been enough to deter thieves. so the owners trying a new tactic posting video of the incident online kron four's gayle ong here in the studio with the details. scale. >> yeah. can that shop owner wants to spread awareness but these videos just highlighting the challenges small businesses face and keeping their store secure. and the real cost of these types of crimes. >> unfortunately, we've had more shoplifting lately. chandler, 10 posting surveillance video on social media after 2 shoplifting incidents took place at her san francisco store postscript. the crimes happening in the same week last month. the video shows people wandering then stuffing items in their jackets, pockets and walking out of the storm. sometime saw a few items missing him caught on camera. but every once a while
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we're able to catch it, but honestly can be happening and were not aware of it, too. we have a lot of items in the store tank opened her shop 4 years ago at the start of the pandemic and dealt with other incidents. how door smashed a couple no one got in. but we had to install security gate during the height of the pandemic. san francisco saw a rise in retail theft and burglaries, according to city leaders. overall, crime numbers are down in the city for the month of february. this year. mayor london breed's office reports that when comparing february 2024, to the same month last year, the city saw a 37% reduction in larceny, which includes car break-ins and retail theft. they're reporting a 20% reduction in robberies and a 14% reduction in burglaries. postscript is located on california street off fillmore near high fashion stores and restaurants that have also been targets of retail theft, crying data from the san francisco police department shows the northern station which covers this neighborhood, saw a drop and
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larceny theft and burglaries. 10 filed police reports so police can keep track of the crime data as the pd tells kron 4 to department received a report of shoplifting at 10 shop on february 23rd just before 01:00pm where an unknown female was in the store and stole merchandise and got away. well, the crime maybe down the cost for a small business when it happens, still weighs heavy. we don't really have this in our budget. so, you know, we also support a lot of small business vendors. so it impacts them as well. so the effect is much bigger. >> and says after posting her experience, she has received an outpouring of support from her customers. at last check with the sfpd. no arrests have been made at this time. but anyone with information is asked to contact police in the studio. gayle ong kron. 4 thank you. gayle of fire crews are on the scene of a grass fire that an antioch. it has burned. >> some 18 acres so far. you can see the smoke from this pg and e camera. it is burning
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along west 4th street in antioch. as we said, fire crews say that there are no structures threatened at this time. and you can see that smoke. it's going pretty much straight up, lawrence. so that indicates a light wind up any yeah, not much wind out there. all. that's for sure winds. not a real big factor with the fire currently burning. >> right now, but kind of burning in an unusual area. there must be a nice source of some grass there for it to burn is burning in a marsh area and also right near the water. and you would think with all the rain that we had would be able to burn much, but it has begun to spread. so some of that smoke will continue to wander little south. we're getting when those light winds about 5 to 6 miles per hour and the coming of the north-northeast. so the smoke is going to start to drag for the south and this direction. if you live in these areas, you may want to close your windows just to be safe. otherwise, i think most that just could be some light smoke and i don't expect this to spread much further from where we're at right now. they're just as not that much of the way of wind to get that going and hoping firefighters will be able to take care of
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that. in the meantime, things begin to change in the atmosphere. of course, we've had a gorgeous day today and looks like a fairly nice night ahead. tomorrow, things begin to change as high pressure kind of scoots out of the way. and that's going to put up the door to guess what, a chance of some more rain. the state, though, looking good. as we see dry conditions around the stadium in los angeles yesterday has more thunderstorms and even some flash flooding in the areas of beverly hills, if you can believe that. but things quieting down now, but off the coastline, you can see that next storm system that's just developing out there. not a real strong storm and it's kind of riding on the back of that ridge of high pressure. so by the time it gets here, there's not going to be a whole lot of energy with a but yeah, prepare. we might see a couple more raindrops, especially north of the golden gate bridge. not tonight, though, to keep these clear for the first part of the evening. then couple high clouds begin to move in a little bit later on in the evening hours. temperatures will be dropping off not quite as cold. still overnight lows in the 40's and the 50's tomorrow. high pressure slides east where that front kind of just lags works its way into the bay area. slight chance of a couple scattered showers, mostly north of the golden gate bridge. take a look at
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this. a water main break again washes out stern grove in san francisco. this happened this morning on walnut street around pine lake park. >> water service was not interrupted. the people who live in that area according to public works damage to the park into the hillside are still being investigated. >> well, if rising pg and e bills are frustrating you, there is no relief ahead. unfortunately, in fact, the california public utilities commission has approved yet another increase kron four's. dan kerman reports now on how much it is and when it will be showing up on your bill. the california public utilities commission has granted pacific gas and electric, another rate increase. >> this one for 12 months to recoup a portion of the money that was spent for wildfire safety work. that means the bill you receive in late april early may. we'll go up an average of $3.65 a month for
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electricity. and just over a dollar a month for gas. people who are thaen years retired fixed income. this able. >> these are the folks to get hurt the most. by these rate increases. these bill increases martone with the utility reform network says this latest increase. he's on top of a 13% rate hike that went into effect in january. bills go up. an average of $34.50 a month. we actually need to bring the bills down. okay. not just people nothing but bring them down. make pg me another utility. she is the least cost strategy to provide electricity. and then. that there's a limit, a cat. no more increase. then cost living adjustment provided by social security, annual basis. tony is hoping customers will
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pressure state lawmakers to cap eugenie increases. >> since 2019, san francisco has been exploring another option having the san francisco public utilities commission purchrsed the grid and take over the distribution of electricity in the city and county of san francisco. >> made a formal offer to pg and e to purchase their grid for 2.5 billion dollars. they have told it's not for sale. and that the price is too low so far pg and e has and entertain the buyout. but san francisco is pushing forward. we think we can provide the service at a more reliable cost-effective rate. we are structurally advantaged as as a local government and providing that service under the local government model. in the meantime, another rate hike request is still pending before the california public utilities commission. this one would see another 7.2% hike in electric bills. dan kerman kron. 4 news.
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>> coming up, 2 north bay man accused of killing a police officer while on vacation in italy when they were teens. now back on trial in rome. we have the latest on the case. >> now, the primary election day has come and gone. we have a better idea of how voter turnout there. and here's a hint. it was not good capitol correspondent eytan while also have a closer look at the updated numbers. >> and how last week's winter storm made a huge impact on storm made a huge impact on our state's water resources.
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>> a government shutdown
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avoided after the senate passed a 460 billion dollars spending package today ahead of tonight's midnight deadline. this after plenty of controversy and debate across party lines. republicans had been calling for drastic spending cuts. well, democrats accused the gop of delaying a decision. today's successful vote gets lawmakers halfway home in wrapping up their appropriations work for the 2024 budget year. for your local election headquarters, president biden hit the campaign trail in pennsylvania today after delivering a fiery state of the union address. our washington correspondent hannah brandt has more. >> year gone by democrats, president biden used his state of the union speech to make a reelection pitch always be president for all americans with congress in front of him and a campaign fight ahead of president biden went on the laying out his case against donald trump. many of you in
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this chamber, my predecessor promising to pass a national ban reproductive freedom. my predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about january 6, resending revenge and retribution. >> that's not house minority leader hakeem jeffries says democrats are energized by the political appeal smokin joe biden. >> was on fire. but republicans slammed the speech and accused the president of getting too political. that was frustrating. this is supposed to be a state of the and again, this was a campaign rally. congressman darin lahood says the president should be focused on uniting lawmakers. but senator katie britt also got political in the republican response. the free world deserves better that i did the ring and diminished leader of the 2024 campaign heats up. congressman j cocking class says democrats are showing voters a contrast. the contrast in america invigorated by possibilities and devoted to freedom and america stock in the maghreb in cycle. congresswoman ashley hinson argues voters don't
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want another 4 years of president biden. and i think this country is going to move in a different president biden and donald trump take their campaigns to georgia this weekend in washington. i'm hannah brandt. good weekend for skiers and snowboarders heading to the sierra after last weekend's blizzard that brought 8 plus feet of snow to the area. kron four's rob nesbitt here in the studio with more on how that snow is needed to help the state's water resources rot. ken miracle march is what snow enthusiasts were hoping for in places like lake tahoe. and they got it. it being a huge amount of snow for the month and the snow pack is benefiting. >> the weekend blizzard that blew through the sierra last weekend made for difficult travel conditions and ski resorts were closed for several days. >> once the area was shoveled out, places like palisades tahoe were able to take advantage of the fresh powder this past weekend from thursday evening. >> they're monday. we got 8 feet of snow. it was insane. pr coordinator at palisades
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maddy condon says because of all the new snow, the ski resort will extend their season to may 27th memorial day. weekend skiing is a good sign for the state's snowpack. it's always great space to lake. it's great for watershed. it's great for the california drought that we've seen the past. you know, a few years. so the more so the merrier, as always, that scares hearts. the california department of water resources keeps a close eye on the state's snowpack. according to the manager of the department's hydrology section david the statewide snowpack is just above 100%. but then we had this really good snowstorm really push does. >> where we want to be at this time of the year early march hesitates to be too optimistic because he's still paying close attention to the date. april first, that's about when the state reaches peak snowpack each year department of water resources wants to see more snow in the forecast before then saying 100% snowpack does not result in 100% runoff. if you have a little bit extra, maybe 110,
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215%, then you give yourself a buffer to to maximize the runoff into our reservoir is which is important every year. we're nowhere near the high percentages of last winter's snowpack. but still it a good place and says it's also important the temperatures don't rise too fast this spring to avoid flooding in the sierra. as we know last winter. that was a huge concern. and we got lucky last winter work did not happen. they want that again, too much of a good things, thank you, robin. >> and update now on that. a vegetation fire that is burning in antioch. conde fire says that the fire burned and 19 acres total right now. it stands at about 70% containment. the fire started at about 3.30, this afternoon along west 4th street in antioch. there were some 50 firefighters on the scene, but they say there are no structures being threatened, least at the moment. all right. let's check in with lawrence for more. yeah, the guy's the winds kind of calm in that area in and around the fire. so not going to push the fire along. that's the good
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news. >> in the high country, the great news is all the snow that we've had the last year. i mean, just tremendous amounts of snow. we're talking about 200 plus percentage of average at this time of year. still, that snow begin to melt a right there in incline village near the lake. but a nice evening outside waves of calm down. the winds are calm down on the lake here looking good. how about 115% of normal? now in the northern sierra 100% normal in the central and 92% in the southern sierra looks like we're going to see a few more storms rolling in at a few more inches in the high country. no major storms on the rise is still if you're traveling in that direction and you want to enjoy all that snow tomorrow. partly cloudy, slight chance of some snow flurries. i think as we head toward tomorrow night and then sunday, yes, some snow showers in the forecast continuing into monday morning. so packed that change. if you're headed the high country. all right. let's to kron. 4 ski report heavily. you've got 93 inches for a base now she groomed up their 114 lifts now opening in those trails. 97 trails out
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there. so lot of places really almost wide open now from where we've been. so here you go home and you're looking good. 74 inches on the ground packed powder out there. they've got 5 lifts open and 66 trails. how about if you want to head over to kirkwood a ton of snow on the ground? there are 113 inches of snow. there's more on the way as we head throughout the weekend. and that's not a bad place to go either. how about sierra tahoe? you head up the high country, just be prepared. lot of snow up. there are a ton of snow. in fact, going to find some of those snow. just be careful where your ski in the high country of watch out for the possibility of some avalanche conditions, although there's nothing to be reported that way right now. but you got to be careful, especially going back country anywhere. we've had so much snow in the last couple of weeks here. so you got to be careful. you got to be careful even when you're not in the back country. but, you know, a lot of hills, europe, they're rolling down the there not too long ago. needed to point that could have you thanks. one piece. >> coming up, several businesses in san francisco's downtown are shutting down soon. that will tell you soon. that will tell you exactly where. ( ♪♪ )
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'> that we have another round of business closures happening in san francisco. 2 of them affect popular shopping and tourist destination union square. unfortunately, north base closing its store on post street march 17th, the outdoor retailer was actually founded in san francisco. back in 1964, the post street location is the company's only store in san francisco. north tells kron 4 that they will continue to operate their other stores, though, in santa clara berkeley, walnut creek in palo alto. and just a few blocks
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down global retailer, zara is shutting down the business. lease expires in january 2025. and a spokesperson says it. they're not going to be renewing. that store is also located on post street. the location at emporium center, the former westfield san francisco center, though, is staying open and the castro after more than 2 decades of business, their seafood restaurant catches shutting down the final dinner service is tomorrow. the restaurant hosted guests in a historic building on market street. the location was officially deemed a landmark in 2004 for being the original home of the names project. that's a memorial to honor the lives lost to aids. still ahead tonight on kron, 4 news at 6, a man was arrested after police say threatened to kill several people that. >> youtube headquarters. we have the latest on that. plus, parents of college students taking some extra security measures to protect their children. tell you about the bay area campuses that are
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affected and a program helping to give incarcerated people jump start in
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>> more on that breaking news we're following out of oakland. we're now being told that 14 people have been hurt in this crash involving an ac transit bus and a car. the city's fire department sharing these pictures from the scene showing some extensive damage to both the bus and the car that collided into it. crash happened shortly before 5 tonight in the area. 54th and international. we'll keep you posted on this story. this of the scene was posted on the
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citizen app that we tell you that opened fire says 3 vehicles, including that bus were involved in the crash. >> more than a dozen emergency responders there on the scene, rendering medical aid as ken mentioned, we'll certainly stay on top of this breaking and get to any new information as we get it. meanwhile, a today a new trial beginning for 2 former marine county classmates previously convicted of killing an italian police officer in rome back in 2019, finnegan lee elder and gabriel. not only your thumb went to school together, tom up as high in mill valley before their italian vacation turned into an international incident. the to arrange to meet a small-time drug dealer who turn out to be a police informant. undercover officers confronted the american tourists which led to a fight. prosecutors allege that elder who was 19 at the time stabbed one of the officers 11 times. natalie, then 18 allegedly helped him hide the knife in their hotel room. they were
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found guilty and sentenced to life in prison in the pair had their sentences reduced after an appeal and last year, at least highest court threw out the convictions based on the defense's arguments that the 2 americans didn't realize are dealing with the time police at the time of the attack. these hearings will continue next month with a resolution expected by this summer. on the peninsula. a man has been arrested for allegedly threatening to go on a killing spree at you tubes. san bruno campus. maxwell, zip at littleton. the 4th was denied bail at an earlier hearing this week. the san mateo county district attorney's office says littleton threatened to shoot and kill several people at the campus on his social media accounts. he pleaded not guilty to a felony charge of making those criminal threat. his preliminary hearing is set for march 13th. former president trump posted death. the 91 million dollar bond needed to pay the judgment in the e jean carroll case. the trump got


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